Session 13

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UNIT: 5: Security

1. Fundamentals of Network Security, Challenges of Security in Wireless Sensor

2. Security Attacks in Sensor Networks, Zig Bee Security
3. Protocols and Mechanisms for Security, IEEE 802.15.4 Security


 Discussion on previous day topic – 14.4.2020:home work –Time: 10.15- 10.25 am

 Attendance : Time 10.26- 10.30 am

TOPIC 1: Fundamentals of Network Security, Challenges of Security in Wireless Sensor

Networks , 6-flipped Videos: Time 10.31- 11.00am

MCQ: Fundamentals of Network Security, Challenges of Security in Wireless Sensor

: Min 15 questions: Time 11.01- 11.15 am

ACTIVITY: Fundamentals of Network Security, Challenges of Security in Wireless Sensor

- Time 11.16-11.25 am

Five Steps to Becoming an Information Security Expert

Follow-Up Activity

After reading the article entitled, “Five Steps to Becoming an Information

Security Expert”, answer the following questions.

Try to think about the security steps that you have just learned.

Write your answer for the following

1. What does “Information Security” mean?

2. Why is it important for students to learn about information security?

3. In your own words, explain why it is important to protect your password:

4. In the space below, write an example of a good password:

5. Why should you avoid using your name, address, or birthday as your


6. What should you do if you think someone else knows your password?

7. What is the difference between “Intentional Manmade Threats” to your

computer and “Unintentional Manmade Threats”?

8. In your opinion, why do you think some people would intentionally harm

another person’s computer or files? List a few reasons below.

9. Why is it not a good idea to store your back-up copy of a file on the same

disk or computer as the original file?

10. Why is it important to keep your disks away from magnets?

11. If a Web site asks you to type in personal information....what should you


12. Why should you not open files or email from people that you do not


13. What does a search engine do?

14. How do kid-friendly search engines help you find things on the WWW

more quickly?

15. Why is it important to check on the purpose, age, and background of a

Web site?

TOPIC 2: Security Attacks in Sensor Networks, Zig Bee Security 4 Flipped videos - Time
11.26 -11.40 am
MCQ- Security Attacks in Sensor Networks, Zig Bee Security: Min 15 questions: Time 11.40
– 11.55 am

Activity: Security Attacks in Sensor Networks, Zig Bee Security

While “typical” computers are in homes, offices, labs, etc., wireless sensor nodes
areoften placed in places that are publicly open and accessible. What kind of
attackscould an adversary initiate by accessing a single sensor node in a large-scale

Time 11.56 – 12.10 pm

TOPIC 3: Protocols and Mechanisms for Security, IEEE 802.15.4 Security 2-Flipped videos-
Time 12.11-12.20 pm

MCQ - Single Protocols and Mechanisms for Security, IEEE 802.15.4 Security Min 15
questions: Time 12.21 – 12.40 pm

Activity: Protocols and Mechanisms for Security, IEEE 802.15.4 Security Time 12.41 – 1.00

Wireless networking technologies like Zigbee, 6LoWPAN,Wireless HART, MiWi, ISA

100.11a can be used in higher OSI layers over 802.15.4 (PHY Layer, Data Link Layer).
Students should fins an analogy example given below
[Analogy is wearing clothes
Blue Pant is for 802.15.4
Shirts: Pink Color-ZigBee, Green Color-6LoWPAN, Yellow Color- Wireless HART,
Orange- MiWi , Red- ISA 100.11a ]

If a student wears Blue Pant with Green Shirt then it indicates 6LoWPAN network over
If a student wears Blue Pant with Yellow Shirt then it indicates Wireless HART network
If a student wears Blue Pant with Pink Shirt then it indicates Zigbee network over 802.15.4.

(Assume you are wearing any of the above combination of dress- which indicates you have
selected a particular network)
So every student should select any one of the above given wireless network with
IEEE802.15.4 as the Physical and Data link layer and should describe the functionality,
compatibility issues and applications.
Class summary: Time: 1.00-1.10 pm

Text book: WaltenegusDargie, Christian Poellabauer, “Fundamentals of Wireless Sensor

Networks: Theory and Practice”, Wiley 2010. page no :250-263

Home work: Assignment: Time:-1.10-1.15pm


1, Assume a Low rate Personal area Network satisfying IEEE 802.15.4 Standard has to be
setup in the Home environment. Justify which version of IEEE 802.15.4 (IEEE802.15.4,
IEEE 802.15.4 a, IEEE 802.15.4 b, IEEE 802.15.4 c………. IEEE 802.15.4 g) to be used for
theHome network by giving the comparison table specifications of all the versions.

[Note: * Upper Layer services can be either Zigbee or 6LoPAN * Country for India]


1.Explain some of the characteristics of a WSN that make routing security difficult to

STUDENTS 11 -15:

1.What is a man-in-the-middle attack? Can you imagine a concrete WSN scenario where

such an attack could be catastrophic?

2.What are the security models provided by IEEE 802.15.4? What is the purpose of the

trust center in ZigBee?

STUDENTS 16 -20:


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