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Series 2020-1, ADT 1990

Cohen & Steers Covered Call & Income

Strategies Closed-End Portfolio
Ticketing Information
Investment Objective & Principal Investment Strategy
CUSIP (Cash/Reinvest) 00780F144 / 151
Fee-Based CUSIP (Cash/Reinvest) 00780F169 / 177
The Cohen & Steers Covered Call & Income Strategies Closed-End Portfolio is a unit
Ticker Symbol CVTWVX
investment trust (UIT). The trust seeks to provide high current income with capital
Essential Information appreciation as a secondary objective. The trust seeks to achieve its objectives by investing
Unit price at inception (per unit) $10.0000 in a portfolio primarily consisting of common stock of closed-end funds that invest with a
Initial redemption price (per unit) $9.7750 focus on covered call option strategies or other income-oriented investment strategies.
Initial date of deposit 2/7/2020 Cohen & Steers Capital Management, Inc. is the portfolio consultant.
Portfolio ending date 2/7/2022
Distribution frequency Monthly, if any Factors such as historical returns, income
Number of Holdings 10 potential, potential future growth, portfolio
Historical 12-Month Distribution diversification and advisor experience
Rate of Trust Holdings* 6.51% were considered when selecting closed-
*The distribution rate paid by the trust may be higher or end funds. A multi-factor approach based
lower than the amount shown above due to factors on the following factors was used to
including, but not limited to, changes in the price of trust select the final securities for the portfolio.
units, changes (including reductions) in distributions
paid by issuers, changes in actual trust expenses and
sales of securities in the portfolio. There is no guarantee
that the issuers of the securities included in the trust will Funds are favored that are trading at a
pay any distributions in the future. The Historical 12- valuation discount to their peers, sector, or
Month Distribution Rate of Trust Holdings is calculated historical average. Current weighted aver-
by taking the weighted average of the regular income age discount to net asset value (NAV) is
distributions paid by the securities included in the trust’s –3.98%*.
portfolio over the 12 months preceding the trust’s date
of deposit reduced to account for the effects of trust fees *Current weighted average discount to NAV for the portfo-
and expenses. The percentage shown is based on a lio is the sum of the premium and/or discount to NAV (as
$10 unit price. This historical rate is for illustrative reported by Bloomberg) for each closed-end fund in the
portfolio multiplied by the weighting for each closed-end
purposes only and is not indicative of amounts that will
fund in the portfolio as of 2/6/2020 and may vary thereaf-
actually be distributed by the trust. ter.

Sales Charges (Based on $10 unit price)+ Dividends

Funds are favored that have a history of
Standard Accounts As a % of $10 Amount per
unit price 100 units consistent and/or competitive relative distribu-
Initial sales fee 0.00% $0.00 tions and that appear to possess the ability to
Deferred sales fee 2.25% $22.50 keep the current dividend level intact.
Creation & Development fee 0.50% $5.00
Maximum sales fee 2.75% $27.50 Performance
As a % of $10 Amount per
Funds are favored that have a history of performance on either market price or net asset val-
Fee-Based Accounts unit price 100 units ue that mark them relatively attractive when compared to their peers and/or relative benchmark.
Maximum sales fee 0.50% $5.00

+The initial sales fee is the difference between the Covered Call Closed– End Funds
total sales fee (maximum of 2.75% of the unit • Covered call closed-end funds are typically equity based and can offer a measure of
offering price) and the sum of the remaining downside protection and lower volatility through a strategy of selling call options on all or a
deferred sales fee and the total creation and
development fee. The deferred sales fee is fixed at
portion of the fund’s underlying equity portfolio.
$0.225 per unit and is paid in three monthly • In down markets, the premiums received from selling call options act as a cushion, helping
installments beginning May 20, 2020. The creation to offset the decline in value of the fund’s equity portfolio.
and development fee is fixed at $0.05 per unit and is • In up markets, capital appreciation of the equity portfolio is limited, assuming the call
paid at the end of the initial offering period options are exercised, because a portion of the portfolio’s appreciation potential has been
(anticipated to be approximately three months). sold in exchange for current cash flow from the received option premiums.
When the public offering price per unit is less than
or equal to $10, you will not pay an initial sales fee.
• In effect, covered call closed-end funds provide the opportunity to participate in equity
When the public offering price per unit price is market returns with potentially less volatility and risk by exchanging some upside potential
greater than $10 per unit, you will pay an initial for more stable returns.
sales fee. The initial and deferred sales fees may
not apply to fee-based accounts. See the
prospectus for more details about fee-based Page 1 of 2
account eligibility requirements.
Advisors Asset Management, Inc. (AAM) is a SEC registered investment advisor and member FINRA/SIPC.
Cohen & Steers Covered Call & Income Strategies Closed-End Portfolio Series 2020-1, ADT 1990

Portfolio Holdings (as of date of deposit) Professional Selection by Cohen

Symbol Issue Name
Market Value
Per Share*
& Steers Using its Proprietary
NIE AllianzGI Equity & Convertible Income Fund $23.96
NFJ AllianzGI NFJ Dividend Interest & Premium Strategy Fund 13.35 The Portfolio Consultant, Cohen & Steers, is one of
the only investment firms that actively manages
BDJ BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust 9.59 individual closed-end funds and portfolios of closed-
BOE BlackRock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust 11.04 end funds. Cohen & Steers has been managing
EXD Eaton Vance Tax-Managed Buy-Write Strategy Fund 10.48 individual closed-end funds since 1993 and has
been investing in portfolios of closed-end funds
ETV Eaton Vance Tax-Managed Buy-Write Opportunities Fund 15.18
since 2006. Its process for selecting securities for
EXG Eaton Vance Tax-Managed Global Diversified Equity this trust is based on quantitative and qualitative
Income Fund 9.02
metrics aimed at providing diversification across
JCE Nuveen Core Equity Alpha Fund 15.06 investment managers, providing relative value while
DIAX Nuveen Dow 30sm Dynamic Overwrite Fund 17.97 focusing on generating a high level of current
BXMX Nuveen S&P 500 Buy-Write Income Fund 13.67 income and potential for capital appreciation.

*As of 2/6/2020 and may vary thereafter.

Unit Investment Trusts (UITs) are sold only by prospectus. You should consider the trust’s investment objectives, risks, charges
and expenses carefully before investing. Contact your financial professional or visit Advisors Asset Management online
at to request a prospectus, which contains this and other information about the trust. Read it carefully before
you invest.

Risks and Considerations: Unit values will fluctuate with the portfolio of underlying securities and may be worth more or less than the original purchase price at
the time of redemption. There is no guarantee that the objective will be achieved. Additionally, the trust may terminate earlier than the specified termination date as
stated in the prospectus. The strategy is considered a long-term one therefore, investors should consider their ability to pursue investing in successive trusts.
Consult a tax advisor regarding the tax consequences involved with rolling one trust into another. An investment in this unmanaged unit investment trust should be
made with an understanding of the risks associated therewith that includes, but is not limited to:
Closed-End Funds Investment: Risks include higher interest rates, economic recession, deterioration of the bond and equity market, possible downgrades, early
call provisions, changes to the tax status of the bonds and defaults of interest and/or principal. Shares of closed-end funds are also subject to various risks,
including management's ability to meet the fund's investment objective, and to manage the fund's portfolio when securities are redeemed or sold, during periods of
market turmoil and as investor perceptions regarding the funds or their underlying investments change. In addition, closed-end funds frequently trade at a discount
to their net asset value in the secondary market.
Covered Call Option Strategy Risk: The closed-end funds held in the trust generally invest using covered call option strategies and/or similar income-oriented
investment strategies. Risks associated with these strategies, include the ability of the underlying fund managers to predict pertinent market movements, an
increase in rates, a change in the actual or perceived volatility of the stock market and/or the common stocks subject to the option, a change in the dividend rate of
the stuck subject to the option, the remaining time to expiration, the adverse effects on the value of the options if the market becomes smaller or less liquid, or if the
issuers or industries represented are the subject of legislative initiatives or litigation, and the limitations and various risks of options writing. The call writing portion
of the investment strategy of a closed-end fund may not be successful in that a fund may not realize the full appreciation of stocks on which the fund has written
call options. Additionally, the use of options may require a fund in the portfolio to sell securities at inopportune times or for prices other than current market values
or, may cause the fund to hold a security that it might otherwise sell.
Long-Term Strategy: The UIT matures in 2 years and, as such, investors should consider their ability to reinvest any proceeds in a subsequent UIT, if available,
with a like or differing strategy, at the applicable sales charge.
Securities are available through your financial professional. Not FDIC Insured. Not Bank Guaranteed. May Lose Value.
For informational purposes only and not a recommendation to purchase or sell any security.
©2020 Advisors Asset Management
Advisors Asset Management, Inc. (AAM) is a SEC registered investment advisor and member FINRA/SIPC.
18925 Base Camp Road | Monument, CO 80132 | | CRN: 2018-0503-6646 R Link 5331

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Intelligent Investments. Independent Ideas.

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