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Plasser & Theurer SDG-7_3_2_engl

Operating Instruction

Vers. 1.21

Functional Range
Measuring Run
Versine/ Longitudinal Level
Issued in November 1999
Plasser & Theurer SDG-7_3_2_engl 3


1 Short Overview Of The Functional Range........................................................................ 5
1.1 Measuring Run .......................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Electronic Versine Compensation.............................................................................. 5
1.3 Electronic Longitudinal Level Compensation............................................................. 5
2 Carrying Out A Measuring Run ........................................................................................ 6
2.1 Preparation Of The Machine ..................................................................................... 6
2.2 Starting The Measuring Run...................................................................................... 7
2.3 Carrying Out The Measuring Run.............................................................................. 8
2.3.1 Graphic Display During A Measuring Run.................................................................. 8
2.3.2 Setting Of Markers, Constraints, Reference Points and Synchronization Points ..... 10
3 Representation Of A Measuring Run ............................................................................. 11
3.1 Table of Constraints ................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Graphic Window After A Measuring Run ................................................................. 12
3.2.1 Editing Markers, Reference Points, Constraints etc................................................. 13 Element Window For Marker And Synchronization Point ........................... 13 Element Window For Reference Points And Constraints ........................... 14
3.2.2 Comparison Of Two Measuring Runs ...................................................................... 15
4 Possible Working Methods After A Measuring Run ....................................................... 16
4.1 Working Method For Alignment Geometry .............................................................. 16
4.2 Working Methods For Longitudinal Level Geometry................................................ 16
5 Versine / Longitudinal Level Compensation, Nominal Superelevation ........................... 17
5.1 Nominal Superelevation .......................................................................................... 18
5.1.1 Determination of Nominal Superelevation Values.................................................... 18
5.1.2 Editing Nominal Superelevation ............................................................................... 19
5.1.3 Informationen On Nominal Superelevation .............................................................. 20
5.2 Versine Compensation, Definition of Constant Areas and Constraints ................... 21
5.2.1 Versine Compensation............................................................................................. 21
5.2.2 Constant Areas ........................................................................................................ 24
5.2.3 Reference Points, Constraints ................................................................................. 27
5.3 Versine Compensation, Definition Of Constant Areas And Constraints .................. 28
5.3.1 Longitudinal Level Compensation ............................................................................ 28
5.3.2 Constant Areas ........................................................................................................ 32
5.3.3 Reference Points, Constraints ................................................................................. 34
Plasser & Theurer SDG-7_3_2_engl 5

1 Short Overview Of The Functional Range

Where track geometry is unknown the WinALC programme, together with the respective machine
equipment, offers the facility to make a measuring run.
The tamping machine which will work on track carries out the necessary recording of actual
geometry. It is also possible to use track geometry data from measuring runs of other machines.
After data recording, or at a later moment, directly in graphic representation a nominal
superelevation curve may be created.
The electronic versine compensation calculates versine and displacement values for track
alignment, the electronic longitudinal level compensation gives level correction values and
lifting values for longitudinal track level.
During work mode the calculated values are automatically transmitted to the levelling and lifting
unit and the pendulum unit.

1.1 Measuring Run

During a measuring run all data necessary for versine and longitudinal level compensation as well
as track superelevation are measured.
For data recording serves the measuring system of the machine.
It represents versine, longitudinal level and superelevation on the screen and at the end of the
measuring run these data are stored in a file.
During measuring run markers of different events can be set.

1.2 Electronic Versine Compensation

This means the determination by calculation of versine curve course on grounds of a versine
image recorded by the machine.
By selecting track categories and entering maximum admissible displacement values, as well as
under consideration of existing constraints there will be determined alignment correction values
acceptable for working on the recorded track section.
The versine values calculated in this way and the resulting displacement values will lead to an
essential improvement of versine curve course during work. The obtainable precision depends,
however, on the position and the extent of alignment defects existing before.

1.3 Electronic Longitudinal Level Compensation

This means the definition of lifting values by calculation on grounds of a longitudinal level
geometry recorded by the machine.
By selecting track categories and entering maximum admissible lifting values, as well as under
consideration of existing constraints and changes in gradient there will be determined level
correction values acceptable for working on the recorded track section.
The longitudinal level values calculated in this way and the resulting lifting values will lead to an
essential improvement of longitudinal level curve course during work. The obtainable precision
depends, however, on the position and the extent of longitudinal level defects existing before.
6 SDG-7_3_2_engl Plasser & Theurer
2 Carrying Out A Measuring Run
The 3-point-alignment measuring system of the machine serves as a basis for versine
It records the deviation of the lining value transducer from its zero position. Thus, with reference to
the selected reference rail, a horizontal versine image is built up.
The levelling system of the machine serves as a basis for longitudinal level measurement,
the right or left hand side rail being selected as reference rail for measuring purposes.
It records the deviation of the central transducer from its zero position. Thus, with
reference to the selected reference rail, a vertical versine image for longitudinal level is
built up.
One of the pedulum instruments (usually the front pendulum) is used for recording the existing
superelevation values.
The recorded actual superelevation either will be edited as nominal superelevation or serves as a
basis to determine the needed nominal superelevation.
Versine recording is done together with longitudinal level and superelevation recording, therefore,
only one measuring run will be necessary.
On track sections that must not be changed constraints can be determined. During calculation
they will be considered accordingly.
If the position of changes in gradient or superelevation ramps is known there can be set the
respective markers for them.

2.1 Preparation Of The Machine

Before starting a measuring run the lining and levelling system has to be ready for service. In
order to avoid measurement errors at the beginning of a measuring run caused by lining rolls or
feelers that do not sit close, it is recommended to make a short test run.
Before starting a measuring run the position of the machine has to be marked on track, so that
maintenance works will begin and end at the same point (backward measuring run).
Switch the lining system to the 3-point method.
Determine the reference rail for longitudinal level recording with the help of the reference rail
selector switch.
The reference rail for versine recording is selected after having pressed the alignment measuring
system against the rail.
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2.2 Starting The Measuring Run

To open the start window press Alt+D and afterwards N as well as M or click the symbol on the
symbol bar.

Select the individual fields with the

tabulator or with shift+tabulator
and choose the respective function
with the help of the directional keys
Selection, of course, can be done
also with the help of the mouse.

Starting position:
The starting position usually will be selected as
0 m. If necessary, any starting position may be entered, the values have to be entered in
Working direction:
If as starting point there had been entered the kilometric position of the initial point of the
measuring run, under the item "working direction" there can be determined, whether in the sense
of the kilometric marking works will be carried out in ascending (up) or descending (down) way.
Measuring direction:
A measuring run ca be carried out in forward or backward direction, referring to the working
In case of a backwart measuring run the end position of the measuring run at the same time will
be the starting point for working.
Bogie support on
If the bogie support is switched on the respective field has to be activated (ticked off)by pressing
the space bar.
Operational Mode:
Normal operation: will be selected automatically on an ALC computer.
This mode has to be used when carrying out a measuring run with the machine. Distance will
be covered by the distance measuring wheel.
Keyboard simulation: will be selected automatically on non-ALC computers (office).
This mode serves to simulate distance with the help of the directional keys ◄►. In case there
is no analogue or digital board or no dongle, only this mode will be available.
Distance measuring wheel simulation
If you have selected this item distance will be simulated at constant speed.

After having selected the above mentioned items press the enter key to get into the WinALC –
[Messx*] window.
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2.3 Carrying Out The Measuring Run
After having prepared the machine and selected the options in the window start measuring run
the measuring run can be started.
During a measuring run versine, actual superelevation and longitudinal level will be recorded
depending on distance. Versine recording refers to the position of the front tightening trolley,
longitudinal level recording - to the position of the front transducer. The position of superelevation
recording corresponds with the position of the pendulum chosen for superelevation recording.
Change reference points:
During the measuring run, as soon as the reference point of the machine (usually the front
tightening trolley) has reached the beginning of a superelevation change, press the reference
rail selector switch to change the reference rail for longitudinal level.
In the same place, or wherever the longitudinal level reference rail had been changed, it is
necessary to change the reference rail for versine recording, as well (press the lining system
against the other rail).
If during working you do not select the same reference rail for longitudinal level as during the
measuring run, this will be indicated correspondingly in working mode.
Note: if during a measuring run the reference rails for level and alignment are not changed at
the same time, you must set a control point ("F2") when changing the reference rail for
alignment, to be able to recognize the change-over point during working.
Setting of constraints, reference points etc.:
If markers, reference points, constraints or sychronization points have to be set, these must be
activated, when the machine reference point reaches the respective places on track.
Terminating the measuring run: to terminate the measuring run after the machine has come to
standstill click the respective symbol or keep the Ctrl key pressed and press E.

2.3.1 Graphic Display During A Measuring Run

Besides the tool bars the screen also shows a graphic representation of the values recorded
during the actual measuring run.
You will recognize the measuring run mode by the words measuring run in the status bar on the
right hand side bottom of the screen.
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As a default indication the programme only shows the graphic window. It is, however, also possible
to represent only the constraint table or both windows one beneath the other.

title bar: shows the file name given by the WinALC programme.
status bar: the indication measuring run on the right hand end of the status bar shows, that you
are in the measuring run mode.
positioning line: the blue horizontal line shows the reference point of the machine in the graphic
representation. Usually, this is the front tightening trolley.
positioning column:
the positioning bar on the left hand screen edge shows the actual position in red, the upper,
central and lower position in black.
synchronization column:
this column shows the synchronization points, markers and constraints.
reference rail:
the reference rail selected for alignment or level is shown as a blue rail in track symbols above
the respective columns.
alignment:(red line)
In the column alignment the versine values are recorded.
A graphic representation on the left of the zero line, seen in working direction, is a right hand
The measured values will be shown, depending on the selection in the programme settings
(see settings), as actual versine or radius above the column. The value shown on top of the
column refers to the place marked by the positioning line.
superelevation: (brown line)
In the column superelevation there will be shown the actual superelevation value recorded by
the selected pendulum.
A graphic representation on the left of the zero line, seen in working direction, is a
superelevated left rail.
The superelevation value indicated on top of the column refers to the place marked by the
positioning line.
level:(violet line)
In the column level there are recorded the longitudinal level values measured by the levelling
system above the selected reference rail.
A graphic representation on the left of the zero line means a vale.
The lifting value indicated on top of the column refers to the place marked by the positioning
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2.3.2 Setting Of Markers, Constraints, Reference Points and Synchronization
During a measuring run, but also in the subsequent mode representation of measuring run the
below mentioned markers of alignment, longitudinal level and superelevation can be set with the
help of the corresponding functional keys or symbols in the symbol bar.
Press the corresponding key or click the symbol, when the reference point of the machine has
reached the place of the event. Usually, the front tightening trolley will be used as reference point.
If the reference point of the machine is not identical with the location of the relevant transducer,
the symbol in the synchronization column will be edited with the corresponding distance
After every actuation there appears a corresponding symbol in the synchronization column.
Note: If the field show input dialogue for markers during measuring run is active in the
programme settings, setting of a marker during a measuring run will open a window where you
can enter your remarks.
F2 alignment marker, control point (red dot)
Is used as a marker for characteristic geometry features to evaluate calculation results after
a versine or longitudinal level compensation.
Does not influence calculation procedures.
F3 superelevation marker, (brown square)
Marks the beginning and end of superelevation ramps.
If these initial and termination points of ramps are known, during the measuring run the key
has to be pressed in any of these points. These points make it easier to determine lateron
the nominal superelevation values necessary for working on superelevated tracks and for the
longitudinal level compensation.
F4 longitudinal level marker (pink triangle)
marks changes in gradient.
These markers are set directly in the place of change in gradient.
They exercise influence on calculation of longitudinal level compensation in the area of
transition curves.
F6 Reference point (brown dot)
Has to be used, if this point on track is not to be dislocated or is to be dislocated by an
absolute value to be determined. It is, however, also possible to dislocate it by values up to a
tolerance to be determined (e.g. signalling installations that were not removed).
After the measuring run the dislocation and tolerance values can be entered into the window
"reference point" or into the reference point/constraint table.
F7 constraint (brown line)
Has to be used in the beginning and the end of an area that is not to be dislocated or is to
be dislocated in the beginning and the end by an absolute value to be determined. It is,
however, also possible to dislocate it by a value up to a tolerance to be determined.
After the measuring run the dislocation and tolerance values can be entered into the window
"constraint" or into the reference point/constraint table.
F8 synchronization points (green triangle)
Has to be used, if during working in this place of the track a distance adjustment has to be
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3 Representation Of A Measuring Run

After having terminated a measuring run or after having opened a stored measuring run the two
windows shown below will be displayed.
Default representation shows the graphic window and the constraint table beneath each other. It
is, however, also possible to display only the constraint table or only the graphic window.
F11 with the help of this key you can
represent only one window or shift
between the two windows
F12 actuate this key to represent both
windows beneath each other
If one of the windows has been closed by
mistake, F11 or F12 opens it again.
Close all windows: this command
(menu bar: window) automatically closes
all opened windows. If any entries in one
of the windows are not correct, a
message will appear for the
corresponding window. Only after
correction of the wrong entry the window
may be closed. If new entries have not
yet been stored, a question will appear. Depending on whether your answer will be Yes or No the
file will be closed with or without storing the data.

3.1 Table of Constraints

To edit or enter new constraints or reference points you also can use the table of

Every line represents a constraint or a reference point.

The two arrows on the left and right hand edges point to the current line.
To move during input between the fields from the left to the right use the tabulator key, to
move from the right to the left, use shift+tabulator.
Help on input into these fields you find in the chapter 2.3.2. Setting of Markers ....
Before closing the window store the modifications made, otherwise these data will be lost.
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3.2 Graphic Window After A Measuring Run
The graphic window is identical in the measuring run mode and in the represent measuring run
All functions concerning the measuring run mode are described there. All functions that are
additionally available in the represent measuring run mode are described below.

This windows serves to get an overview of the measuring run loaded and, if necessary, to alter
markers and constraints.
Information on measured values and markers:
If you position the mouse pointer in any place of the graphic on one of the three recorded data
lines or on one of the symbols in the synchronization column, after about 1 second a field will be
opened for about 5 seconds.
The respective selected field contains information on the position and the measured value.
A symbol of constraint/reference point additionally contains information on absolute and tolerance
Editing markers, reference points etc.:
By doubleclicking the corresponding symbol of the synchronization column you may edit
constraints, reference points etc.
refer chapter 3.2.1. Editing markers...
Comparison of two measuring run files:
In graphic representation you can easily compare two measuring runs, (e.g. measurement before
and after tamping).
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3.2.1 Editing Markers, Reference Points, Constraints etc.

If there are symbols in the synchronization column, you can shift over to the next symbol
or to the symbol before by entering the corresponding commands.
alignment marker to the preceding Strg + F2 to the next Shift + F2
superelevation marker to the preceding Strg + F3 to the next Shift + F3
longitudinal level marker to the preceding Strg + F4 to the next Shift + F4
constraint/reference p. to the preceding Strg + F6 to the next Shift + F6
synchronization point to the preceding Strg + F7 to the next Shift + F7
The corresponding symbol selected will blink. Pressing the enter key opens a window to work with
this symbol.
Operation is possible with the help of the mouse, as mentioned below, or via the context menu.
Alter: doubleclick the respective symbol in the synchronization
column and make the alteration in the window that will be opened
Delete: activate the respective symbol in the synchronization
column by clicking it, it will blink, afterwards delete it with the delete
add remarks: doubleclick the respective symbol in the
synchronization column, enter your remarks into the marker window
that will be opened afterwards.
enter new: see Setting of markers, ....chapter 2.3.2
All operations mentioned above may also be selected via the
context menu of the synchronization column or in the menu bar
under the item measuring run or with the help of the respective
control keys. Element Window For Marker And Synchronization Point

Alignment and longitudinal level marker window

position: by changing the digit in this field you change
the position of the marker selected.
remark: into this field you may enter a remark about the
marker selected.
14 SDG-7_3_2_engl Plasser & Theurer
Superelevation marker window
position: by changing the digit in this field you change
the position of the marker selected.
remark: (superelevation) if you enter a digit instead of
a remark, it will be accepted when superelevation will be

Synchronization point window

position: changing the digit in this fields changes the
position of the synchronization point selected. Element Window For Reference Points And Constraints

During electronic compensation usually no versine and longitudinal level compensation will be
carried out in the area of reference points and constraints (if tolerance = 0), and no displacement
and lifting values will be created during calculation.
If you enter a value into the tolerance fields, compensation in the area of a constraint will be
carried out until the displacement or lifting value has reached the tolerance.

Reference point window

position: the numerical value is
the location of the reference
abs. value, displacement
direction: in order to reach the
entered absolute value the
compensation calculation within
15 m effects an adaptation of
displacement values in the
selected direction.
The default value is 0, which
means no displacement.
tolerance l.h.s./r.h.s.: the subsequent compensation calculation admits a displacement up to the
tolerance value entered. The default value is 0, which means no displacement.
longitudinal level: if this field is active, the tolerance will also apply to longitudinal level. There
has to be entered a corresponding tolerance value.
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Constraint window
start pos., end pos.: defines the
beginning and the end of the
absolute start/end value: in order to
reach the entered absolute start and
end values the compensation
calculation within XX m effects an
adaptation of displacement values in
the selected direction.
The default value is 0, which means no
tolerance l.h.s./r.h.s.: the subsequent
compensation calculation admits a
displacement up to the tolerance value
entered. The default value is 0, which
means no displacement.
longitudinal level: if this field is active, the tolerance will also apply to longitudinal level. There
has to be entered a corresponding tolerance value.

3.2.2 Comparison Of Two Measuring Runs

The graphic representation allows to represent - additionally to the first measuring run - a second
measuring run in another colour. Thus, it will be easy to compare two measuring runs (e.g.
measurement before and after tamping).
The command load additional file opens the file needed for comparison purposes.
By selecting the items represent second measuring run or represent actual values difference
of the menu view you decide, whether the values of the second measuring run or the differences
between first and second measuring run will be displayed graphically.
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4 Possible Working Methods After A Measuring Run
Below there follows a description of various working methods. In order to avoid doubts
about the sense and purpose of the calculations and to obtain an optimal compensation
result it is, however, recommended to use the options versine compensation with
calculated displacement values and longitudinal level compensation with calculated lifting
values only.

4.1 Working Method For Alignment Geometry

Versine compensation with calculated displacement values
In the window prepare work there has to be activated the item use calculated displacement
values (default).
During working there will be given the calculated versine values and the displacement values
resulting from them.
Versine compensation without calculated displacement values
In the window prepare work there has to be deactivated the item use calculated
displacement values.
During working there will be given the calculated versine values only.
Versine compensation with displacement file open
In the window prepare work there has to be activated the option diplacement/level
During work there will be given the calculated versine values and the displacement
values contained in the displacement files.

4.2 Working Methods For Longitudinal Level Geometry

For the reference rail of the levelling unit there will be given the values mentioned below.
For the opposite rail (superelevated rail) there will be given the value of the reference rail
and the superelevation value entered, or the value measured by the pendulum.
Longitudinal level compensation with calculated lifting values
In the window prepare work there has to be activated the option use calculated level
correction values (default).
During working there will be given the calculated longitudinal level values and the lifting values
resulting from them.
As nominal superelevation there will be given the determined superelevation value or the
superelevation value measured during measuring run.
Longitudinal level compensation without calculated lifting values
In the window prepare work there has to be deactivated the option use calculated level
correction values.
During working there will be given the calculated longitudinal level values.
As nominal superelevation there will be given the determined superelevation value or the
superelevation value measured during measuring run.
Longitudinal level compensation with level correction file open
During working there will be given the calculated longitudinal level values and the lifting values
contained in the level correction file.
As nominal superelevation there will be given the determined superelevation values or the
superelevation values measured during measuring run.
In the window prepare work there has to be activated the option displacement/level
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5 Versine / Longitudinal Level Compensation, Nominal Superelevation

After having carried out the measuring run or after having activated a measuring run recorded
before you are in the represent measuring run mode.
To determine nominal superelevation values or to carry out compensations you will have to
change to the represent calculation mode. This mode is loaded by entering the command
compensation > start.

If no compensation was carried out and no nominal superelevation curve was created before, this
window looks identical with the window of the "represent measuring run" mode.
Note: Calculation for versine and longitudinal level compensation have to have been carried out
once to be able to use them in work mode.
In this window the following operations are carried out:
 determine compensation range
The command compensation >elements >compensation range determines a partial
range of the whole geometry for working. In the beginning and the end of this range a
compensation will be made.
 create nominal superelevation. Refer to chapter 5.1
 versine compensation and creation of constant ranges. Refer to chapter 5.2
 longitudinal level compensation and creation of constant ranges. Refer to chapter
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5.1 Nominal Superelevation
To improve the superelevation image it is recommended to use defined superelevation values
instead of the measured ones.
For definition of nominal superelevations you have to be in the represent calculation mode.

5.1.1 Determination of Nominal Superelevation Values

By determining superelevation elements you determine the nominal superelevation curve course.
To determine these data serves the superelevation record of the measuring run which is indicated
in the superelevation column as a brown line.
Superelevation elements should be set wherever the graphic shows that superelevation changes
would be appropriate.
If during a measuring run there were set superelevation markers these positions are to be used.

To define a superelevation the positioning line has to

be in the wanted position.
The command nominal superelevation of the
compensation - elements menu opens a window.
Enter or select the respective data, as described
below, and press the OK key to confirm.
How to move the positioning line is described in the
chapter General Information on Windows.

position: place for which the superelevation value is

superelevation: there will be shown the
superelevation value recorded during the measuring
run. If for a superelevation marker in the field remark
there had been entered a digit, this digit will be
shown. Accept the value shown or change it.
superelevation direction: select the direction of
superelevation with the help of the space bar or the
form of superelevation ramp: the default indication will be a linear ramp form. To obtain a better
adaptation to the superelevation ramp recorded you can choose another ramp form.
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Move the positioning line to the next input place and

define the nominal superelevation value for this
The superelevation entered will be represented as a
green line.
In the way described above all subsequent
superelevations can be entered until the end of the
measuring run is reached.
If during the measuring run there had been set
superelevation markers, the respective next one can
be selected in the menu by clicking measuring run >
to the next > superelevation marker.
If there exists an area with constant superelevation, it
will be sufficient to press F10 and Enter in the next
input location (the input window will be opened and
closed). Thus, the superelevation value of the first
input place will be accepted.

5.1.2 Editing Nominal Superelevation

To insert, alter or delete superelevation elements the positioning line has to be in the
respective position. If there are existing elements these will blink.
Insert or alter an element: to insert a new or to change an existing element the
corresponding window will be opened via the menu described below.
insert new element: compensation > elements >nominal

alter existing element: edit >alter

Delete an element: the command edit > delete will delete the element selected.
After having corrected the data and closed the window the alteration will be shown on the
select an element: you select an element by clicking it
To select the next element you use the command edit >next element, to select the previous
element you use the command edit >preceding element.
selected element: a blinking element on the display shows the superelevation element that
has been selected.
open existing element window: by pressing the enter key you open the window of the
element selected.
selecting and opening an element window: by doubleclicking you select the respective
element and open the nominal superelevation window.
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5.1.3 Informationen On Nominal Superelevation

difference indication: if you place the mouse

pointer on the superelevation line a window will be
opened in which there will be shown the position
and the difference between measured and defined
indication of ramp length and superelevation:
besides, the graphic representation shows the
determined superelevation value and the ramp
initial and end position of an element: if you
place the mouse pointer on a superelevation value
or an the ramp length value, a window will be
opened, which shows the initial and end position
of the respective element.
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5.2 Versine Compensation, Definition of Constant Areas and

The essential criteria for versine compensation calculation are the indication of track category and
the definition of a maximum displacement value.
On grounds of these data entered by the operator a versine compensation will be calculated for
the current measuring run file. Existing constraints and reference points will be considered.
Before you calculate the versine compensation you may determine constant areas (straight track,
linear or constant areas).
The display will show the versine image recorded during the measuring run and the calculated
versine course as well as the displacement values resulting from it.

5.2.1 Versine Compensation

The command compensation >versine compensation... of the represent calculation mode
opens the window "versine compensation".

The display shows the options for track categories and displacement values.
Track categories determine the degree of smoothing for versine compensation calculation.
The higher the track category the higher will be the difference between recorded and
calculated versine value.
Maximum displacement determine the maximum admissible displacement value for calculation.
By selecting or entering the respective data you define the basis for versine compensation
With the command read in last compensation the result of the last calculation will be displayed in
the graphic window.
By pressing the "enter key" you start calculation.
On the left hand side of the status bar the calculation process is shown in percents. When the
calculation is finished the result will be represented graphically.
22 SDG-7_3_2_engl Plasser & Theurer

In the graphic representation under alignment on the versine image of the measuring run (red)
there is superimposed the calculated versine (green).
On top of the graphic chart there are displayed, dependent on your selection, the recorded
(red) radius or the versine value (green) for the place determined by the positioning line.
The difference (Diff) between recorded and calculated versine value will be shown for about 5
seconds, if you move the mouse pointer to the respective position and leave it there.
In the graphic chart under displacement there are displayed the displacement values
resulting from versine compensation and the maximim lines (red dashed line).
If you move the mouse pointer above the displacement values curve and leave it there, after
about 1 second these will be shown for about 5 seconds in a window.
These values will also be shown on top of the graphic chart for the respective points selected
by the positioning line.
In principle, versine should be compensated only to such an extent, that the compensation line
course (representation of the calculated versine values) still conforms to the basic form of
measured actual versine, because thus the geometric position and localization of the recorded
track section will be maintained.
Too high a compensation level leads to undesirable deviations, especially in points where
geometry changes, and thus versine image will no longer correspond with the basic form of
track geometry.
Plasser & Theurer SDG-7_3_2_engl 23

The aim should be to get the best possible versine course corresponding with the existing
geometry with the minimum possible displacement.
If the result does not come up to expectations, versine compensation has to be started again. A
new track category has to be selected or a higher displacement value has to be admitted and
afterwards you can start a new calculation with the command compensation > start new
If you want to change only the maximum displacement value, doubleclick the maximum line which
will open a window where you can change the value.
Also in this case a new calculation has to be made.
If all the measures described above do not lead to the desired results, there still exists the option
to insert constant areas. Refer to chapter 5.2.2.
If the desired versine compensation has been obtained, the calculation has to be closed with the
command compensation > terminate calculation.
24 SDG-7_3_2_engl Plasser & Theurer
5.2.2 Constant Areas
If the result is not satisfactory, even if several track categories and displacement values have been
applied, there can be inserted constant areas. The versine curve course for such elements may
be entered constant or linear, depending on the situation. In a new compensation calculation this
will lead to a new versine curve course, unless there arise inadmissible geometry or versine
changes from these new assumptions.
Such areas may be set or modified in all calculation stages.

Place the positioning line in the beginning of the area and select the command
compensation > elements > constant alignment area (F5); in this way you set a marker line.
Now you move the positioning line up or down to the end of the desired constant area with the
help of the directional keys (arrows). Then shut the area with the same command.
A window will be opened where you can select the start and end positions and the versine
curve course.
Plasser & Theurer SDG-7_3_2_engl 25

linear course is used for transition curves, but also for curves with changing curvature.
straight track is used for straight sections only.
R-constant area is used for curves with roughly the same curvature. You may enter a
radius into the input field the value of which corresponds with the average
curvature of the curve.
If no radius is entered there will be automatically calculated a radius
corresponding the average curvature.
To confirm the versine course press the OK key.

Important: constant areas have to be set in such a way that a symmetric versine compensation
referring to the average versine of the marked area can be carried out.
Avoid sectioning which would lead to one-side versine modifications.
26 SDG-7_3_2_engl Plasser & Theurer
The picture on the left shows a
constant area with a wrong marking.

In one versine image there can be

determined several areas.
Constant areas (elements) will be
displayed as green-edged fields. After
having set one or several constant
areas you calculate geometry anew by
entering the command
compensation > start new
If the course of the new versine
calculation does not meet the
requirements, you may change the
areas and start calculation again.
When the desired versine curve course
is reached, calculation can be
terminated by entering the command
compensation > terminate
Before leaving the represent
calculation mode the modified file has
to be stored. Otherwise, the alterations
will be lost.
Plasser & Theurer SDG-7_3_2_engl 27

Modification of Constant Areas

To modify a constant area it must be active, i.e., the element must blink. By clicking the respective
element you activate it. When you press the enter key this will open the element window where
you can carry out modifications.
You also may move the positioning line within the element field close to the line of the area to be
deleted and press F5, the area line will be deleted and by moving the positioning line you can
change the area. If you press again F5 or the enter key you can carry out further alterations in the
open window.
Deleting Constant Areas
Activate the corresponding constant areas as described above and press the del key. After
confirmation the constant area will be deleted.

5.2.3 Reference Points, Constraints

The electronic versine compensation usually does not carry out versine compensation in the area
of reference points and constraints (tolerance = 0), as a consequence, the displacement will be
If a value is entered into the tolerance field, versine will be compensated in the area of a constraint
until the displacement value reaches the tolerance.
Reference points and constraints may be changed at any time, and there ay be added
new ones.
For detailed information refer to chapter
After any modification a new calculation has to be carried out.
If the desired versine curve course was obtained, calculation can be terminated by entering the
compensation > terminate calculation.
Before leaving the represent calculation mode the modified file has to be stored. Otherwise the
modifications will be lost.
28 SDG-7_3_2_engl Plasser & Theurer
5.3 Versine Compensation, Definition Of Constant Areas And
The essential criteria for longitudinal level compensation calculation are the indication of track
category and the definition of a maximum and minimum lifting value.
On grounds of these data entered by the operator a longitudinal level compensation will be
calculated for the current measuring run file. Existing constraints and reference points or changes
in gradient will be considered.
Before you calculate the longitudinal level compensation you may determine constant areas
(straight track, linear or constant areas).
The display will show the longitudinal level image recorded during the measuring run and the
calculated longitudinal level course as well as the lifting values resulting from it.

5.3.1 Longitudinal Level Compensation

The command compensation >longitudinal level compensation... of the represent calculation
mode opens the window "longitudinal level compensation".

The display shows the options for track categories and displacement values.
Track categories determine the degree of level correction. The higher the track category the
higher will be the difference between recorded and calculated compensation line.
Maximum and minimum lifting values determine the admissible limits for calculation.
By selecting or entering the respective data you define the basis for longitudinal level
compensation calculation.
With the command read in last compensation the result of the last calculation will be displayed in
the graphic window.
By pressing the "enter key" you start calculation.
On the left hand side of the status bar the calculation process is shown in percents. When the
calculation is finished the result will be represented graphically.
Plasser & Theurer SDG-7_3_2_engl 29

In the graphic representation under level on the longitudinal level image of the reference rail (red)
there is superimposed the calculated longitudinal level (green).
On top of the graphic chart there are displayed the recorded (violet) and the calculated
longitudinal level value (green).
The difference between recorded and calculated longitudinal level value will be shown for
about 5 seconds, if you move the mouse pointer to the respective position and leave it there.
In the graphic chart under lifting values there are displayed the lifting values resulting from
longitudinal level compensation (yellow) and the maximum lines (red dashed line).
Besides, there will be shown the difference between measured and nominal superelevation.
A curve on the left hand side of the zero line (white dashed line) means, that the
superelevated rail is lower. A curve on the right hand side of the zero line means, that the
superelevated rail is higher.
If you move the mouse pointer on the lifting values curve and leave it there, after about 1
second these will be shown for about 5 seconds in a window.
These values will also be shown on top of the graphic chart for the respective points selected
by the positioning line.
In principle, longitudinal level should be compensated only to such an extent, that the
compensation line course (representation of the calculated longitudinal level) still conforms to the
basic form of measured actual longitudinal level, because thus the geometric position and
localization of the recorded track section will be maintained.
30 SDG-7_3_2_engl Plasser & Theurer
Too high a compensation level leads to undesirable deviations, especially in points where
geometry changes, and thus longitudinal level image will no longer correspond with the basic form
of track geometry.
Important: lifting values must exceed positive superelevation defects. Therefore, in graphic
representation lifting values (yellow) must always be on the right hand side of the represented
superelevation difference line (brown).
Plasser & Theurer SDG-7_3_2_engl 31

The aim should be to get the best possible longitudinal level course corresponding with the
existing geometry with the minimum possible lifting.
If the result does not come up to expectations, longitudinal level compensation has to be started
again. A new track category has to be selected or maximum and minimum lifting values have to
changed and afterwards you can start a new calculation with the command compensation > start
new calculation.
If you want to change only the lifting value, doubleclick the minimum or maximum line which will
open a window where you can change the value.
Also in this case a new calculation has to be made.
If all the measures described above do not lead to the desired results, there still exists the option
to insert constant areas. Refer to chapter 5.3.2.
If the desired longitudinal level compensation has been obtained, the calculation has to be closed
with the command compensation > terminate calculation.
32 SDG-7_3_2_engl Plasser & Theurer
5.3.2 Constant Areas
If the result is not satisfactory, even if several track categories and lifting values have been
applied, there can be inserted constant areas elements where the longitudinal level curve course
shall be constant or linear. In a new compensation calculation this will lead to a linear or constant
longitudinal level curve course, unless there arise inadmissible geometry or longitudinal level
changes from these new assumptions.
Such areas may be set or modified in all calculation stages.

Place the positioning line in the beginning of the area and select the command
compensation > elements > constant longitudinal level area (Shift+F5); in this way you set a
marker line. Now you move the positioning line up or down to the end of the desired constant area
with the help of the directional keys (arrows). Then shut the area with the same command.
A window will be opened where you can select the start and end positions and the
longitudinal level curve course.
Plasser & Theurer SDG-7_3_2_engl 33

linear course is used for transition

curves, but also for curves with
changing curvature.
straight track is used for
straight sections only.
R-constant area is used for
curves with roughly the same
curvature. You may enter a radius into
the input field the value of which
corresponds with the average
curvature of the curve.
If no radius is entered there will be
automatically calculated a radius
corresponding the average curvature.
To confirm the longitudinal level
course press the OK key.

Important: constant areas have to be

set in such a way that a symmetric
longitudinal level compensation
referring to the average level of the
marked area can be carried out.
Avoid sectioning which would lead to
one-side level modifications.
34 SDG-7_3_2_engl Plasser & Theurer
In one longitudinal level image there can be determined several areas.
Constant areas will be
displayed as green-edged
After having set one or several
constant areas you calculate
geometry anew by entering the
compensation > start new
If the course of the new
longitudinal level calculation
does not meet the
requirements, you may change
the areas and start calculation
When the desired longitudinal
level curve course is reached,
calculation can be terminated
by entering the command
compensation > terminate
calculation and stored by
pressing enter.

Modification of Constant Areas

To modify a constant area it must be active, i.e., the element must blink. By clicking the respective
element you activate it. When you press the enter key this will open the element window where
you can carry out modifications.
You also may move the positioning line within the element field close to the line of the area to be
deleted and press F5, the area line will be deleted and by moving the positioning line you can
change the area. If you press again F5 or the enter key you can carry out further alterations in the
open window.
Deleting Constant Areas
Activate the corresponding constant areas as described above and press the del key. After
confirmation the constant area will be deleted.

5.3.3 Reference Points, Constraints

The electronic longitudinal level compensation usually does not carry out level compensation in the
area of reference points and constraints (tolerance = 0), as a consequence, the lifting values will
be zero.
If a value is entered into the tolerance field, level will be compensated in the area of a constraint
until the lifting value reaches the tolerance.
Reference points and constraints may be changed at any time, and there ay be added
new ones.
For detailed information refer to chapter
After any modification a new calculation has to be carried out.
Plasser & Theurer SDG-7_3_2_engl 35

If the desired versine curve course was obtained, calculation can be terminated by entering the
compensation > terminate calculation.
Before leaving the represent calculation mode the modified file has to be stored. Otherwise the
modifications will be lost.

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