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BAJAd FINANCE LIMITED CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICY () PHLosoPHY The Corporate Social responsibilty (CSR) activites of Baja] Group are guided by the vision end philosophy ofits Founding Father, late Shi Jemnalal Bajaj, wo embodied the concept of Trusteeship in business and ‘common good, and ll the foundation for ethical, valus-based and transparent functioning, BBojej Group, thus, took the unprecedented step of using business to serve socioly over a century ago. Shri Janinelal Beja} strongly believed thet “common good wes more Imporient than individual gain’. His philosophy has stood the fest of time as thas been successfully taken forward by the succeeding generations ice firstly by his sons, Shri Kemalnayan Bajaj and Shei Ramkrishna Boje) and now speathaaded by his {grandson Shel Rahul Baja, This philanthropic approach hes teken the Group o higher levels of success and respect. ‘Though the Group stands tall in the corporate world, with high ranking in esms of market cepitelizaion, {umover, profi, range of products and services and various other parameters, Bajaj Group belivas thal Ine true and full measure of growth, success and prograss lias beyond balence sheets or conventional economic indices. Its best reflected inthe dfforence that Business and industry make to the lives of paaple. Through its social investments, Sajal group addresses the needs of communities residing inthe vicinity a its faces, taking sustaineble initiatives inthe areas of health, education, environment conservation, infrastructure and communly development and response to natural calamities. For society, however, Bala Is more than a corporate idenily. Itis a catalyst for social empowerment. itis {ha reason behind the smile that lights up a milion faces. Its Goodall resonates inthe two simple words that livein the collective consciousnass of Indians ~ Hamara Beja) (I) PREAMBLE The Policy oullnes the company's responsibilty as a corporate citizen and lays down the guidelines and ‘mechanism for undertaking actviles for wefara & sustainable davelopment ofthe community at large. “The core elements of CSR is the continuing commitment by business to ethical pringples, protection of human rights, care forthe environment watle improving the quail of life of al the stakeholders including the Jocal community and society a large. {it fs Company’s conscious strategy to design and implement Social Investments / CSR pragrams, by enriching valua chains that encompass the disadvantaged sections of sacity, especially those residing in rural Inia, through economic empowerment based on grass-toot capacity building This Polcy shall apply to all CSR iniatives and actives taken up atthe various work centres and locations ofthe company, forthe benefit of ciferent segments cf the society, spectically the deprived, under prvieged and differently abled persons (itl) SCOPE/ LIST OF CSR ACTIVITIES. ‘The company would camry out Its CSR activiias with the abjaciive of overall National and Community Development. at the same time, the company would give preference to the focal ateas around the locations ‘whore it operates in india and in Wardha (Mcharashtra) ené Sikar (Rajasthan) citricte, where lt alreedy has Philanthropic activities, 8 these two places are the Janmabhoomi and Kamabhoomi of our founder ‘Jamanaiaf Bajaj, for spending the amount earmarked for CSR aves. ‘The company wit undertake GSR activities fo do overall god to the community, with special emphasis on actives for the benoit of the poor and needy sections of the society. In particuar, the company val undertake CSR aciivties as specified in Schedule Vito the Companies Act 2043, but wll not be limited tothe folowing:~ ()—_eracicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting preventive heath core and sanitaion and making available safe dinking water; (i) promoting ocucation, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skis ‘especially emong children, women, elderly, and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects; (iH) promoting gonder equality, empowering vwemen, salting up homes and hoslels for women and ‘orphans; sting up old age homes, day care centres and such other facies for sanior ctizans and ‘measures for reducing inequalilies faced by socially and economically backward groups: {iv} ensuring environmental susiainabilly, acofogical balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agroforestry, conservation of natural resources and meintalning quafily of soll, sir and water, () protection of national heritage, art enc culture including restoration of buildings end sites of historical Importance and works.of art: selting up public libraries; promotion and development of ireditional ats ‘and handicrafts (Wi) measures for the benefit of armed forces veterans, war widows end thelr dependents; Uvaining to promote rural sports, nationally recognized sports, pareolympic sports end Olympic sports; Ccontibution fo the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund or any other fund set up by the Central Government for socio-economic development and relief and welfare of fie Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes, minorities and women; (2) contributions or funds provided to technology incubators located within academic insitlions which are approved by the Central Government (%) rural development projects Without prejudice to the above, folowing activities, by way of ilustration, may also be carried out by the company, iit daems fi Curative health care, surgery, eye donation camps, skin donation camps, blood donation activites, therapy camps, dental camps, scupressure camps, cataract camps, etc 2. To pailicipate in building a’ healthy community’ through continuing intiaives in several areas of healthcare, with a focus on mother & child care and HIV/AIDS awareness, 3, Literecy / Awareness programmes and activities in vatious social & vel being areas. 4, Rosearch activities, economic, industrial, social esearch, research professorships, research chair, ot, 5. Furtherance & promotion of recognized ideclogies lke the Gandhian end Sarvedeye ideologies, Swami Vivekenanda Missions, national integralion, communel harmony et, 6. Furtherance and promotion of pracice of altemativa Indian tadifonal mecical pracice such as homeopathy, ayurvedic, sidcha, naturopathy and yoga therapies, for the benefit of community at large 7. Hostels and boarding rooms, reading rooms, convalescence / asylum rooms for poor and the needy. 8. Restoration & beautification ofe city, town, village, museum, gardens, parks, public recreation cenires etc. 9. Disaster management activities anc Rella to victims of natural calamities. 10. Actives relating to irigation, wells, dams et. for improving ivellhood of farmers and egrets. ‘11. Promotion of nationally recognized sports (not only teining), 12, Infrastucture activites, essentially for helping the poor and the needy (0) WHAT Is NoT CSR CSR acfivitios wll not, however, include the folowing:= ‘+ Activities undertaken in purguance of Company's normal course of business; ‘+ Acfviles viich benefit only the employees of the company and ther families; * Conirbution citeclly or indirectly to any politcal parties. + Activities undertaken cutside the country (V)_ MODALITIES OF EXECUTION OF PROJECTS / PROGRAMMES a) 5) ° CSR Committee: ‘The Company has constituted a CSR Commitlee of tie Board consisting of Mr. Rahul Bajal, Chairman, tr. Sanjiv Baja, Managing Director and lr. Nanao Pamnanl, Independent director, CSR Vehicle: 1) CSR activities wil be undertaken direct or through a registered trust or a registered society cor @ company esiahlished by the company or lis holding or subsidlary or associate company under Section & of the Act |i) Heny donatiorvsontribution isto be given to eny other entity for CSR activity, proference will be given to such entities Trust having track record in undertaking similar programs or projects. |) Further, in such 2 case, the company wil specify the project or pragrammeto be undertaken trough these entities, the modalities of uiliztian of funds on such projactsor programs and the monitoring and reporting mechanism, iv) The company may elso collaborate with other companies for undertaking projects or programs in such @ manner that the CSR committees of respective companies are in a position to report separately on such projects or programs in accordance with the prescribed CSR Rules, V) Company may build CSR capacities of its oun personnel as well as those of the implementing agencies through insltuions with established teck records, subject to the bresctibed CSR Rules, CSR Call: 1) Tha conduct of CSR activities shall be implemented by CSR Cell to be set up by management oF the Compery. |i) The CSR Cell wil be responsible for activites undertaken under CSR Policy and shall report al periodic intervals to the CSR. Committee. |i) mmplemeniation will be done as per the requirement ofthe project or programme which is. envisaged. Endeavour wil be made to implement it over @ year or s0, However, as per the specific requirements of the acy, the schedule may be over a longer duration. iv) The CSR Gell may also work with any NGO's or insituion to design and implement imovetive prjects independently ar through partnership between instituonsitust. v) The time periodiduration over which a particular programme vill be spread, wil depend ‘on its nature, extent of coverage and the intended impect of tho programms, vv) Tha process for implementation of CSR progcams will involve the identification of programs, area of CSR actives, project based approach, ime petiod, cost of the project alc. vil) All proposals under CSR activity would be referred to the CSR Cell. Alter evaluation, SR Cell may put forward the propesals of CSR along with their comments to CSR Committe. vil) The CSR Committee would recommend the proposal of CSR and the ainaunt oF ‘expenditure to be incurred on the same to the Boacs for is approval (V) MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT a OD) mw vy wy GENERAL, Release of funds for CSR Project/Programrne: Tho arnounts sancitoned for a CSR projact “oF ptogramme, will be released in stages or installments as par pragtess, as may be determined by the CSR Committse. CSR Commitee may design the procedure! guidelines ‘ppicabla frm jime to time and release of funds to any project in ¢ year shall be as per ihe ‘guidelines finalized by the CSR Committe, Review by BoardiCSR committes: On a quarterly basis, the Board of Directors and CSR Commities wil roviow the implementation of CSR, Utilisation Certificate: Funds releesedito be released tothe implementing agency would be based on satisfactory uilizaton cartiicate duly certitad by an authorized oficar J CEO of tne sdonge entity and satisfactory performance report suemilied by the said person, as may be decided by the CSR Committe, External Agoncy assessment: The impact assessmentieveluation of major projects may be catsled out by an extemal agency to ciically assess the fulfilment of project objectives, ‘Audit: The amount spent on CSR by the company vil be subject to aust Reporting in the Annual Report of the Company: CSR Policy and iniialves of the Company will be reporied in the Annual Report of the Company in the manier prescribed under the CSR Rules. All the CSR & Susiainaally projects would be documented and hosted (on the cormpany websie also, ‘The CSR Policy refered to above is fo be read in conjunction wilh Companies Act, 2019 and! Companies {CSR Policy) Rules, 2014, ‘Any ot all provisions of the CSR Fuey would bo subject to revision / amendment in accoréance with the {guidelines on the subject ss may be issued from the Goverament from ime to time or as dlcided by the Board of Directors af the Compeny. ‘The above Polley Guidelines are subject to review at suitelxe Intervals and subject fo revision accordingly,

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