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Choose roles and the norm we will be practicing 9:13 - 9:18 (5 minutes)

Facilitator -
Recorder -
Materials manager -
Dialogue monitor -
Timekeeper -
Keeper of the Norms -

Norm to practice today: Putting ideas on the table

Each team member works out the problem 9:18-9:23 (5 minutes)

Discuss the problem. Discuss the different strategies that can be used to find the correct
answer 9:23-9:28 (5 minutes)

Brainstorm the different skills that students need to know and be able to do in order to solve the
problem or complete the assignment.
Synthesize and prioritize. Some skills can be combined, for example, adding, subtracting,
multiplying, etc. fall under computation.
Decide on the 4-5 most important skills and put those on the chart. 9:28-9:38 (10 minutes)

Predict how the students will do on the skills listed. You may want to use a fraction, for
example, 5/6 children will be successful. 9:38-9:43 (5 minutes)

Go through each piece of student work one at a time and go visual 9:43-9:53 (10 minutes)
a. Write questions or concerns under the notes/misconceptions column.
b. Once you have filled in the chart, you have gone visual with the data.

Now make observations. Remember to just state the facts. Avoid words that indicate an
inference like students understand or struggle with. 9:53-9:58 (5 minutes)

Infer - make sure to connect your inferences to instruction, curriculum, critical supports, teacher
prep and equity 9:58-10:03 (5 minutes)

Brainstorm reteaching strategies or enrichment strategies (Action plan) 10:03-10:13 (10

minutes) ​(This goes 2 minutes past the bell into passing time…)

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