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Molecular phylogenetics of tribe Eudemeae (Brassicaceae) and implications

for its morphology and distribution

Article  in  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution · January 2015

DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2014.09.030


9 803

4 authors, including:

Diego L. Salariato F. O. Zuloaga

National Scientific and Technical Research Council Instituto de Botánica Darwinion


Asunción Cano Echeverría

National University of San Marcos


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Phylogeny of Panicum View project

Global Caryophyllales Synthesis View project

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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59

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Molecular phylogenetics of tribe Eudemeae (Brassicaceae)

and implications for its morphology and distribution
Diego L. Salariato a,⇑, Fernando O. Zuloaga a, Asunción Cano b,c, Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz d
Instituto de Botánica Darwinion (CONICET – ANCEFN), Labardén 200, Casilla de Correo 22, B1642HYD San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Av. Arenales 1256, Lima 11, Peru
Instituto de Investigación de Ciencias Biológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas (UNMSM), Av. Venezuela s/n, Lima 1, Peru
Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Tribe Eudemeae comprises a morphologically heterogeneous group of genera distributed along the Andes
Received 29 April 2014 of South America from Colombia southward into southern Chile and Argentina. The tribe currently
Revised 21 August 2014 includes seven genera: Aschersoniodoxa, Brayopsis, Dactylocardamum, Delpinophytum, Eudema, Onuris,
Accepted 19 September 2014
and Xerodraba, and exhibits a wide morphological diversification in growth habit, inflorescences, and
Available online 17 October 2014
fruits. However, little is known about the phylogenetic relationships and evolution of the tribe. We pres-
ent here a molecular phylogeny of representative sampling of all genera, utilizing sequence data from the
nuclear ribosomal ITS region and chloroplast regions trnL-F, trnH-psbA, and rps16. Additionally, climatic
niches of the tribe and its main lineages, along with the evolution of diagnostic morphological characters,
Eudemeae were studied. All analyses confirmed the monophyly of Eudemeae, with the exception of Delpinophytum
Morphology that was included with genera of the lineage I of Brassicaceae. Eudemeae is divided into two main lin-
South America eages differentiated by their geographical distribution and climatic niche: the primarily north-central
Phylogeny Andean lineage included Aschersoniodoxa, Brayopsis, Dactylocardamum, and Eudema, and the Patagonian
and southern Andean lineage included Onuris and Xerodraba. Finally, ancestral-state reconstructions in
the tribe generally reveal multiple and independent gains or losses of diagnostic morphological charac-
ters, such as growth form, inflorescence reduction, and fruit type. Relevant taxonomic implications stem-
ming from the results are also discussed.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al., 2009, 2011; German et al., 2009, 2011; Goodson et al.,
2011; Hall et al., 2011; Jordon-Thaden et al., 2010; Karl and
The Brassicaceae (Cruciferae), a family of approximately 320 Koch, 2013; Khosravi et al., 2007, 2008, 2009a,b; Koch, 2012;
genera and 3660 species (Al-Shehbaz, 2012a), is most abundant Koch et al., 2007, 2008, 2010; Rešetnik et al., 2013; Salariato
in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, especially et al., 2013a; Urban and Bailey, 2013; Warwick and Hall, 2009;
the Irano-Turanian region, Mediterranean area, and western North Warwick et al., 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011; Yue et al., 2009;
America (Appel and Al-Shehbaz, 2003). The family is distributed Zhao et al., 2010), Al-Shehbaz (2012a) recognized 49 tribes in the
worldwide (except Antarctica) and is well represented in the Brassicaceae. Of these, the Cremolobeae R.Br., Schizopetaleae
Southern Hemisphere, with 374 native species in South America R.Br. ex Barnéoud, and Eudemeae Al-Shehbaz et al. are endemic
(Al-Shehbaz, unpubl.). Based on the extensive molecular phyloge- to South America. Other tribes (e.g., Cardamineae Dumort., Desc-
nies published over the past eight years (e.g., Al-Shehbaz and urainieae Al-Shehbaz et al., Lepidieae DC., Thelypodieae Prantl)
Warwick, 2007; Alexander et al., 2010, 2013; Bailey et al., 2006, are well represented in South America and include a high number
2007; Beilstein et al., 2006, 2008; Couvreur et al., 2010; Franzke of endemic taxa, though they are well diversified elsewhere (Al-
Shehbaz, 2008, 2012b). The Cremolobeae, Eudemeae, and Schizo-
petaleae are distributed along the Andes range and were shown
Abbreviations: BI, Bayesian inference; BS, bootstrap support; JK, jackknife to be monophyletic within linage II of the family (Salariato et al.,
support; ML, maximum likelihood; MP, maximum parsimony; NCA, north-central
Andes; SA, southern Andes.
2013b; Warwick et al., 2010). For a comprehensive phylogenetic
⇑ Corresponding author. Fax: +54 (11) 4747 4748. tree including all tribes and lineages see the ‘‘BrassiBase’’ http://
E-mail address: (D.L. Salariato). (Kiefer et al., 2014; Koch et al.,
1055-7903/Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
44 D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59

Fig. 1. Distribution map of tribe Eudemeae and its genera. (A) Tribe Eudemeae; (B) Aschersoniodoxa; (C) Brayopsis; (D) Dactylocardamum; (E) Delpinophytum; (F) Eudema; (G)
Onuris; (H) Xerodraba. Dots represent herbarium records for the different genera. Elevation is depicted in gray scale from sea level (white) to over 4000 m above sea level

2012). The Eudemeae includes seven genera: Aschersoniodoxa Gilg whereas Schizopetaleae comprises Mathewsia Hook. & Arn. (6
& Muschl. (4 spp.), Brayopsis Gilg & Muschl. (7 spp.), Dactylocarda- spp.), and Schizopetalon Sims (10 spp.). Although comprehensive
mum Al-Shehbaz (1 sp.), Delpinophytum Speg. (1 sp.), Eudema Bon- molecular phylogenies of the last two tribes have recently been
pl. (4 spp.), Onuris Phil. (6 spp.), and Xerodraba Skottsb. (7 spp.). By published (Salariato et al., 2013b; Toro-Nuñez et al., 2013), little
contrast, Cremolobeae includes Cremolobus DC. (7 spp.), Menonvil- is known about the phylogenetic relationships and evolution of
lea DC. (24 spp.), and Aimara Salariato & Al-Shehbaz (1 sp.), Eudemeae.
D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59 45

Fig. 2. Habit of Eudemeae species. (A–E) Rosette habit. (A) Aschersoniodoxa cachensis ; (B) Aschersoniodoxa peruviana; (C) Brayopsis monimocalyx; (D) Eudema nubigena; (E)
Onuris spegazziniana. (F–N) Cushion habit. (F–H) Dactylocardamum imbricatifolium; (I–K) Delpinophytum patagonicum; (L–N) Xerodraba pectinata. Photographs by: A, Trinidad
H.; B, Navarro E.; C, Zanotti C.; D, Ulloa C.; F–G, Cano A.; I–N, Zuloaga. F.

Tribe Eudemeae was established on the basis of ITS phylogeny in the family. These include the formation of dense cushions with
that showed it as a well-supported clade including Brayopsis imbricate leaves that characterize all species of Dactylocardamum,
colombiana Al-Shehbaz, Eudema nubigena Bonpl., and Xerodraba Delpinophytum, and Xerodraba (Al-Shehbaz, 1989a, 2012b)
pectinata Skottsb. (Warwick et al., 2010). Based mainly on mor- (Fig. 2). The tribe exhibits the basic inflorescence structure in fam-
phology, Al-Shehbaz (2012a,b) and Al-Shehbaz et al. (2012) ily of an indeterminate raceme (Benlloch et al., 2007; Bradley et al.,
included in this tribe the remaining four genera listed above. 1997; Ratcliffe et al., 1999; Yoon and Baum, 2004), but it is highly
The Eudemeae is a very interesting tribe in several ways. It is variable in the presence vs. absence of bracts (e.g., Onuris vs. Asch-
distributed along the Andes from Colombia in the north southward ersoniodoxa; Fig. 3), or the production of single vs. several terminal
into Patagonian Chile and Argentina (Fig. 1). Its species grow rosette flowers (e.g., Dactylocardamum and Xerdraba vs. Brayopsis).
mainly at high altitudes (to 5300 m) and high southern latitudes Fruits in Eudemeae also exhibit substantial diversity in size and
(to 55°S), and many of its species are poorly represented in the shape (silicles or siliques), compression (latiseptate, terete, or
major herbaria of the world. The tribe exhibits a wide variation angustiseptate), and opening (indehiscent or acropetally or basip-
in vegetative and reproductive characters that are otherwise rare etally dehiscent). As a result of its tremendous morphological var-
46 D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Taxon sampling

Thirty-nine accessions representing ca. 75% of taxa of all genera

of the tribe Eudemeae [Aschersoniodoxa (3 spp. out of 4 total), Bray-
opsis (5/7), Dactylocardamum (1/1), Delpinophytum (1/1), Eudema (3
spp. and 2 subsp./4), Onuris (6/6), and Xerodraba (3/7)] were sam-
pled from all major geographical areas and covering all morpholog-
ical variation. The taxonomic circumscription of Eudemeae and its
genera follows Al-Shehbaz (2012a,b). Phylogenetic studies were
initially conducted to determine the monophyly of Eudemeae
within the Brassicaceae, and later to establish the phylogenetic
relationships within the tribe. For analyses at the family level,
143 (ITS) and 122 (trnL-F) sequences were used as outgroup repre-
senting 45 and 34 tribes, respectively. Based on these family-wide
analyses, only sequences of Smelowskia C.A. Mey., Lepidium L.,
Schizopetalon, and Menonvillea were included as outgroups at the
tribal-level analyses using ITS, trnL-F, trnH-psbA, and rps16
sequences. All DNA sequences of the outgroups were downloaded
from GenBank ( (Gen-
Bank accession numbers are provided in the Appendix A of the sup-
plementary material).

2.2. Extraction, amplification and DNA sequencing

Total DNA was isolated from leaves (collected in the field and
dried in silica gel) using a modified (CTAB) protocol by Doyle and
Doyle (1987), or from herbarium material using a DNeasy Plant
Mini kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). Sequence data from the
nuclear ribosomal ITS region and chloroplast regions trnL-F,
trnH-psbA, and rps16 were obtained because they were shown
to have phylogenetic utility for studies at lower taxonomic levels
(Shaw et al., 2005; Small et al., 1998) and useful in evaluating
relationships among Brassicaceae, particularly at the generic level
(e.g., Alexander et al., 2010; Bailey et al., 2006; Carlsen et al.,
2010; German et al., 2011; Goodson et al., 2011; Koch and
Mummenhoff, 2001; Moazzeni et al., 2010; O’Kane and Al-
Shehbaz, 2003; Salariato et al., 2013b; Toro-Nuñez et al., 2013;
Fig. 3. Diagrams of inflorescences present in Eudemeae. (A), Ebracteate inflores- Warwick et al., 2002, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011). The
cence flowering; (B) Bracteate inflorescence flowering; (C) Ebracteate rosette
nuclear ribosomal ITS region (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) was amplified by
flowering; (D) Bracteate rosette flowering; (E) solitary pseudoterminal flower.
PCR in one or two fragments using the ITS2, ITS3, ITS4 and ITS5
primers of Baldwin (1992); the chloroplast trnL-F region (trnL
intron/trnL-F spacer) was amplified in one or two fragments using
iation, the Eudemeae do not have robust morphological synapo- primers C, D, and E of Taberlet et al. (1991) and Fdw (Salariato
morphies. The few characters shared by species of this tribe et al., 2013b). Sequences for trnH-psbA spacer and rps16 intron
include the pulvinate habit without cauline leaves, presence of were amplified in one fragment using primers trnH(GUG)/psbA
caudices, and incumbent cotyledons. However, these characters (Hamilton, 1999) and rps16F/rps16R (Shaw et al., 2005), respec-
are also present in many other South American Brassicaceae of tively. PCR reactions were performed in 25 lL final volumes with
other tribes (Appel and Al-Shehbaz, 2003; Al-Shehbaz, 2012b). 50–100 ng of template DNA, 0.2 lM of each primer, 25 lM dNTP,
Although all genera of Eudemeae were studied taxonomically 5 mM MgCl2, 1  buffer and 1.5 units of Taq polymerase provided
(Al-Shehbaz, 1989a,b, 1990a,b, 2008, 2012b; Al-Shehbaz and by Invitrogen Life Technologies. PCR amplifications were set at
Cano, 2011; Al-Shehbaz et al., 2012; Boelcke, 1984; Boelcke and the following conditions for most species: (ITS) a first period of
Romanczuk, 1984), the morphological characters used to support denaturation at 94 °C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of denatur-
them (e.g., habit, fruit type) are subject to considerable conver- ation at 94 °C for 30 s, annealing at 50 °C for 60 s, and extension
gence in the rest of the family (Appel and Al-Shehbaz, 2003; at 72 °C for 90 s, with a final extension at 72 °C for 7 min; (trnL-F)
Bowman, 2006; Franzke et al., 2011; Hall et al., 2011) and can a first period of denaturation at 94 °C for 3 min, followed by 35
therefore be taxonomically unreliable (Al-Shehbaz et al., 2006). cycles of denaturation at 94 °C for 30 s, annealing at 48 °C for
Aims of the present study on the Eudemeae are to: (1) assess 60 s, and extension at 72 °C for 90 s, with a final extension at
the monophyly of the tribe, (2) establish the phylogenetic relation- 72 °C for 10 min; (trnH-psbA) and (rps16) a first period of dena-
ships among its genera, and (3) infer geographical distribution and turation at 94 °C for 3 min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation
morphological variation observed on these phylogenies. To achieve at 94 °C for 30 s, annealing at 55 °C for 60 s, and extension at
that, we generated comprehensive molecular phylogenies of the 72 °C for 90 s, with a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min. In addi-
tribe using nuclear (ITS) and plastid (trnL-F, trnH-psbA, and rps16) tion, a variety of PCR additives and enhancing agents (e.g., bovine
sequences, and a representative sampling of all genera. serum albumin, dimethyl sulfoxide, formamide) were used to
D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59 47

Table 1
Sequences generated in this study: Species, specimen voucher, and Genbank accession numbers. For sequences download from the Genbank see Appendix A.

Species Voucher Country ITS trnL-F trnH-psbA rps16

Aschersoniodoxa cachensis (Speg.) Al-Shehbaz Smith 14394 (LPB) Bolivia: La Paz KM376250 KM376288 KM376360 KM376325
Aschersoniodoxa cachensis (Speg.) Al-Shehbaz Menhofer 1460 (LPB) Bolivia: La Paz KM376251 KM376289 KM376361 KM376326
Aschersoniodoxa mandoniana (Wedd.) Gilg & Muschl. Beck 14033 (LPB) Bolivia: La Paz KM376252 KM376290 KM376362 KM376327
Aschersoniodoxa peruviana Al-Shehbaz, Navarro & A. Navarro 771 (USM) Peru: Lima KM376253 KM376291 KM376363 KM376328
Brayopsis alpaminae Gilg & Muschl. Smith 10288 (MO) Peru: Áncash KM376242 – – –
Brayopsis calycina (Desv.) Gilg & Muschl. Cano 20104 (MO) Peru: Junín KM376246 KM376284 – –
Brayopsis calycina (Desv.) Gilg & Muschl. Fuentes 12433 (LPB) Bolivia: La Paz KM376247 KM376285 KM376357 KM376322
Brayopsis calycina (Desv.) Gilg & Muschl. Zuloaga 14302 (SI) Argentina: Salta KM376248 KM376286 KM376358 KM376323
Brayopsis calycina (Desv.) Gilg & Muschl. Zuloaga 14327 (SI) Argentina: Jujuy KM376249 KM376287 KM376359 KM376324
Brayopsis colombiana Al-Shehbaz Sklenar 2450 (MO) Ecuador KM376244 – – –
Brayopsis diapensioides (Wedd.) Gilg & Muschl. Fuentes 14089 (MO) Bolivia: La Paz KM376243 KM376282 KM376356 KM376320
Brayopsis gamosepala Al-Shehbaz Krach 7640 (MO) Bolivia: La Paz KM376245 KM376283 – KM376321
Brayopsis monimocalyx O.E. Schulz Salomon 172 (SI) Argentina: La Rioja KM376240 KM376280 KM376354 KM376318
Brayopsis monimocalyx O.E. Schulz Zuloaga 14304 (SI) Argentina: Salta KM376241 KM376281 KM376355 KM376319
Dactylocardamum imbricatifolium Al-Shehbaz Cano 21546 (USM) Peru: Áncash KM376257 KM376295 KM376367 KM376331
Delpinophytum patagonicum (Speg.) Speg. Zuloaga 14115 (SI) Argentina: Santa Curz KM376225 KM376265 KM376339 KM376303
Delpinophytum patagonicum (Speg.) Speg. Zuloaga 14654 (SI) Argentina: Santa Cruz KM376258 KM376296 KM376368 KM376332
Eudema nubigena Bonpl. subsp. nubigena Holm-Nielsen 25009 Ecuador: Pichincha KM376255 KM376292 KM376364 KM376329
Eudema nubigena Bonpl. subsp. nubigena Chimbolema 668 Ecuador: Tungurahua – KM376294 KM376366 –
Eudema nubigena Bonpl. subsp. remyana (Wedd.) Al- Sklenar 2284 (MO) Ecuador: Chimborazo KM376256 KM376293 KM376365 KM376330
Eudema rupestris Bonpl. Jörgensen 1736 (QCNE) Ecuador: Azuay KM376254 – – –
Onuris alismatifolia Gilg ex Skottsb. Pisano 8242 (CONC) Argentina: Tierra del KM376232 KM376272 KM376346 KM376310
Onuris graminifolia Phil. Zuloaga 12540 (SI) Argentina: Neuquén KM376226 KM376266 KM376340 KM376304
Onuris graminifolia Phil. Zuloaga 13866 (SI) Argentina: Río Negro KM376227 KM376267 KM376341 KM376305
Onuris hatcheriana (Gilg ex Macloskie) Gilg & Muschl. Landero 611B (CONC) Chile: Región XII KM376237 KM376277 KM376351 KM376315
Onuris hatcheriana (Gilg ex Macloskie) Gilg & Muschl. Arroyo 85060 (CONC) Chile: Región XII KM376238 KM376278 KM376352 KM376316
Onuris hatcheriana (Gilg ex Macloskie) Gilg & Muschl. Landero 735 (CONC) Chile: Región XII KM376239 KM376279 KM376353 KM376317
Onuris hauthalii (Gilg & Muschl.) Al-Shehbaz Arroyo 850953 (CONC) Chile: Región XII KM376233 KM376273 KM376347 KM376311
Onuris hauthalii (Gilg & Muschl.) Al-Shehbaz Arroyo 850848 (CONC) Chile: Región XII KM376234 KM376274 KM376348 KM376312
Onuris hauthalii (Gilg & Muschl.) Al-Shehbaz Arroyo 92191A (CONC) Chile: Región XII KM376235 KM376275 KM376349 KM376313
Onuris hauthalii (Gilg & Muschl.) Al-Shehbaz Arroyo 92293 (CONC) Chile: Región XII KM376236 KM376276 KM376350 KM376314
Onuris papillosa O.E. Schulz Zuloaga 14040 (SI) Argentina: Santa Cruz KM376228 KM376268 KM376342 KM376306
Onuris papillosa O.E. Schulz Zuloaga 14063 (SI) Argentina: Santa Cruz KM376229 KM376269 KM376343 KM376307
Onuris spegazziniana Gilg & Muschler Zuloaga 14069 (SI) Argentina: Santa Cruz KM376230 KM376270 KM376344 KM376308
Onuris spegazziniana Gilg & Muschler Arroyo 870215 (CONC) Chile: Región XII KM376231 KM376271 KM376345 KM376309
Xerodraba patagonica (Speg.) Skottsb. Zuloaga 14035 (SI) Argentina: Santa Cruz KM376220 KM376260 KM376334 KM376298
Xerodraba patagonica (Speg.) Skottsb. Zuloaga 14104 (SI) Argentina: Santa Cruz KM376224 KM376264 KM376338 KM376302
Xerodraba pectinata Skottsb. Zuloaga 14030 (SI) Argentina: Santa Cruz KM376219 KM376259 KM376333 KM376297
Xerodraba pectinata Skottsb. Zuloaga 14066 (SI) Argentina: Santa Cruz KM376221 KM376261 KM376335 KM376299
Xerodraba pectinata Skottsb. Zuloaga 13986 (SI) Argentina: Santa Cruz KM376223 KM376263 KM376337 KM376301
Xerodraba pycnophylloides (Speg.) Skottsb. Zuloaga 14111 (SI) Argentina: Santa Cruz KM376222 KM376262 KM376336 KM376300

increase the yield, specificity, and consistency of PCRs. Cleaning 2.3. Monophyly of Eudemeae
of PCR products was done by Macrogen, Inc. (Seoul, Korea) using
the Montage PCR purification kit from Millipore and following the To evaluate the monophyly of Eudemeae, the Brassicaceae data-
manufacturer’s protocol. Sequencing reactions were also per- set from ITS and trnL-F were analyzed separately using maximum
formed by Macrogen using the ABI PRISM BigDye Terminator parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian inference
Cycle Sequencing Kits with AmpliTaq DNA polymerase (Applied (BI). In these analyses gaps were treated as missing data. For MP
Biosystems, Seoul, Korea) following the protocols supplied by analysis, tree searches were generated in TNT v1.1 (Goloboff
the manufacturer. Sequences were assembled and edited using et al., 2008) using heuristic searches with 1000 random addition
the program Chromas Pro v.1.41 (Technelysium Pty, Ltd.), which sequences, tree bisection and reconnection (TBR) branch swapping,
was also used for checking the presence of single peaks in the and holding 10 trees per replicate. Generated trees were then sub-
chromatograms, especially in the ITS sequences. One hundred mitted to a new round of TBR branch swapping to completion.
and forty-nine new sequences were obtained and submitted to Branch support was estimated by jackknife (JK) analysis (Farris
GenBank. Although only ITS sequences were obtained for Brayop- et al., 1996) with 2000 replicates of 10 random addition sequences,
sis colombiana and Eudema rupestris Bonpl., they were also holding four trees per replicate and using the default removal prob-
included in the combined dataset. Voucher information and Gen- ability (0.36). The ML analysis was conducted in RAxML v7.2.6
Bank accession numbers are provided in the Table 1. Alignments (Stamatakis, 2006). The models of nucleotide substitution were
were generated with Muscle v.3.6 (Edgar, 2004) using a first selected by using the Akaike information criterion (AIC) imple-
round of multiple alignments and posterior rounds of refinement mented in jModeltest v2.1.4 (Darriba et al., 2012): GTR + I + G
under the default settings. The alignments obtained were then (ITS) and TVM + G (trnL-F). RAxML was used to conduct nonpara-
checked and improved manually where necessary by visual metric bootstrap (BS) analysis and searches for the best-scoring
refinement using the program Bioedit v. (Hall, 1999). All ML tree in a single run (Stamatakis et al., 2008). We executed
aligned matrices were submitted to TreeBase ( 1000 rapid bootstrap inferences and, thereafter, a thorough ML
phylo/treebase/phylows/study/TB2:S15731). search under the GTR + I + G (ITS) and the GTR + G (trnL-F) models.
48 D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59

Bayesian analyses were conducted using MrBayes v3.2.2 (Ronquist and plastid data set, and filtering the splits to show only those
et al., 2012) using GTR + I + G (ITS) or GTR + G (trnL-F) models, and present in a minimum of 35% input trees.
the priors on state frequencies, rates and shape of the gamma dis-
tribution were estimated automatically from the data assuming 2.5. Climatic niche of main lineages
no prior knowledge about their values (uniform Dirichlet prior).
Two simultaneous analyses, starting from different random trees We implemented maximum entropy modeling to geographic
and with four Markov Monte Carlo chains run for eight million gen- distribution using the program Maxent v.3.3.3k (Phillips and
erations, sampling every 1000 generations to ensure independence Dudík, 2008) to investigate which environmental variables con-
of the successive samples. The first 2000 trees (25% of total trees) tribute the most to Eudemeae distribution.
were discarded as burn-in. The convergence and effective sample Our distribution data included latitude and longitude informa-
size (ESS) of each replicate were checked using Tracer v. 1.6.0 tion from 362 herbarium specimens deposited in B, BAA, BAB,
(Rambaut et al., 2013), verifying that the effective sample size for CONC, GH, HIP, LIL, LPB, MO, SGO, SI, US and USM. Geographic coor-
all parameters was over 400. The remaining samples of each run dinates were obtained from GPS coordinates in the specimen labels
were combined, and a 50% majority consensus tree was calculated. or georeferenced localities. The dataset represented all species
Because in the analyses conducted the genus Delpinophytum was included in Eudemeae except Delphinophytum (because this genus
excluded from the rest of Eudemeae, the hypothesis of monophyly resulted segregated from the tribe in our molecular phylogenies,
of Eudemeae including Delpinophytum was tested using the SH test see results) and their entire geographical range. As input data for
(Shimodaira and Hasegawa, 1999) implemented in PAUP⁄ v.4.0b10 the present climatic conditions, we used 19 eco-climatological vari-
(Swofford, 2003). Searches of constrained topologies, where Delpin- ables in 2.5 arc-minutes developed by Hijmans et al. (2005) and
ophytum was forced to be included into a monophyletic group, downloaded from the WorldClim dataset (version 1.4 release 3).
together with the remaining taxa of Eudemeae, were conducted We performed initial analyses on all 19 variables and then chose cli-
in RAxML with 1000 replicates and the models used above, and matic variables that contribute most in the Maxent models (using
the significance of differences between the best ML unconstrained jackknife test) and with a low coefficient of correlation (r < 0.7).
and constrained trees (Eudemeae including Delpinophytum) was All Maxent analyses were performed using 10 replicates, maximum
determined in PAUP⁄ v.4.0b10 using 1000 BS replicates and reject- iterations were set to 1000, and all other options were left as default
ing the hypothesis when p < 0.05. (logistic output, convergence threshold of 0.00001, 10,000 back-
ground points, regularization multiplier of 1, default prevalence of
2.4. Phylogenetic relationships within Eudemeae 0.5 and autofeatures). Additionally, variation of the selected cli-
matic variables for the main lineages was studied using principal
Datasets from ITS, trnL-F, trnH-psbA, and rps16, representing the component analysis (PCA) in Past v2.17 (Hammer et al., 2001) with
tribe Eudemeae, were analyzed separately and combined using the correlation matrix. Significance differences between variables
maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian infer- of these lineages were assessed using the ANOSIM test (Clarke,
ence, following the same methodology described above. However, 1993) implemented in PAST v2.17 with 10,000 permutations.
for MP analyses gaps were coded as present or absent in accordance Finally, univariate significative differences of these variables and
with the ‘‘simple indel coding’’ method implemented by Simmons altitude between the main lineages were tested using the non-para-
and Ochoterena (2000) using the program FastGap v.1.2 metric Mann–Whitney U-test in PAST v2.17.
(Borchsenius, 2009). Gaps derived from ambiguous alignment
regions of mononucleotide repeat units (poly-N’s) were discarded 2.6. Reconstruction of character-state evolution
following recommendations of Kelchner (2000). Models selected
by jModeltest v2.1.4 for each region were: SYM + I + G (ITS), To study implications of the obtained phylogenies on the mor-
TPM1uf + G (trnL-F and rps16), and TIM1 + G (trnH-psbA). To phological variation in Eudemeae, ancestral-state reconstructions
address levels of incongruence among data partitions (ITS and were conducted on six diagnostic morphological characters related
cpDNA) and their influence on combined datasets, congruence to habit, inflorescences, and fruits. Traits and their states codified
among datasets were analyzed by the incongruence length differ- were: (1) growth form (rosette/cushion) (Fig. 2), (2) raceme rachis
ence test of Farris et al. (1995) in TNT v1.1 using the ‘‘’’ script (elongated/reduced/absent) (Fig. 3), (3) bracts (absent/present)
with 1000 replications. Datasets were combined because they were (Fig. 3), (4) number of flowers (1/>1), (5) fruit type (silicle:
not significantly incongruent (p > 0.05) [p(ITS vs trnL-F) = 0.145, <3  longer than broad/silique: >3  longer than broad) (Fig. 4),
p(ITS vs trnH-psbA) = 0.075, p(ITS vs rps16) = 0.761, p(trnL-F vs and (6) fruit compression (angustiseptate/terete/latiseptate). The
trnH-psbA) = 0.724, p(trnL-F vs rps16) = 0.638, p(trnH-psbA vs morphological data matrix is included in Appendix B (Supplemen-
rps16) = 0.21, p(ITS vs cpDNA) = 0.081]. The combined datasets tary material). These characters were selected because they are con-
(cpDNA and ITS + cpDNA) were subjected to a ML search using RAx- stant and diagnostic within each genus but variable among genera.
ML under three (cpDNA) or four (ITS + cpDNA) partitions, 1000 rep- For the reconstructions we used the trees obtained with the com-
licates and the GTR + GAMMA (cpDNA) or GTR + GAMMA + I bined ITS + cpDNA dataset, but pruning them to include only the
(ITS + cpDNA) models. Combined datasets were set in MrBayes as members of Eudemeae and the closely related genera Schizopetalon
nst = 6 and rates = invgamma (ITS) or = gamma (trnL-F, trnH-psbA, and Menonvillea. Ancestral states were reconstructed on the ML tree
rps16) with rate-matrix parameters, state frequencies, gamma- using maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference (BI). MP
shape parameter, and proportion of invariable sites unlinked across reconstructions were estimated using TNT v1.1, and the resulting
partitions. All analyses were conducted using two run for eight mil- ancestral-state reconstructions were visually displayed by color-
lion generations, sampling every 1000 generations and discarding coding the branches of the ML tree. BI reconstructions were con-
the first 2000 trees (25% of total trees). Convergence and effective ducted employing a continuous-time Markov model of trait evolu-
sample size (ESS) of each replicate were checked in Tracer v. tion (Pagel, 1994, 1997, 1999), implemented in BayesTraits v2
1.6.0, verifying the ESS for all parameters >400. (Pagel and Meade, 2013), with two (characters 1, 3–5) or six (char-
In addition to analyses of the combined data set, incongruences acters 2, 6) instantaneous rates representing all possible state
between ITS and cpDNA data were visualized in a filtered super- changes. Ancestral state reconstructions were executed using the
network calculated with SplitsTree 4.8 (Huson and Bryant, 2006) MCMC method implemented in Bayestraits (Pagel et al., 2004) and
using 1000 Bayesian posterior trees (see below) per each nuclear the 12,002 trees obtained in the Bayesian analyses using the com-
D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59 49

long, of which 330 (24%) were parsimony-informative. The MP

analyses of this region recovered 10,000 MPT. All MP, ML and BI
analyses of both regions included members of the tribe Eudemeae,
except Delpinophytum, in a well-supported clade [ITS, jackknife
support (JK): 91%, bootstrap support (BS): 77%, posterior probabil-
ity (PP): 100%; trnL-F JK: 82%, BS: 82%, PP: 100%] (Fig. 5). Further-
more, all analyses included Eudemeae in a clade with tribes
Cremolobeae and Schizopetaleae (ITS JK and BS: <50%, PP: 83%;
trnL-F JK and BS: <50%, PP: 82%); within this group the sister group
of Eudemeae was not resolved. Delpinophytum was excluded from
Eudemeae in all analyses conducted and recovered in a clade with
genera of the Brassicaceae lineage I. MP analyses with ITS data and
MP/ML/BI analyses with trnL-F sequences placed Delpinophytum as
the sister group of tribe Lepidieae (ITS JK: <50%; trnL-F JK: 51%, BS:
58%, PP: 73%]. The hypothesis of monophyly of Eudemeae includ-
ing Delpinophytum was rejected under the SH test for both ITS
and trnL-F datasets (ITS: lnL 17629.06 vs. 17651.43, DD-
lnL = 22.37, p < 0.001; trnL-F: lnL 9808.99 vs. 9908.68, DD-
lnL = 99.69, p < 0.001, respectively).

3.2. Phylogenetic relationships within Eudemeae

Characteristics of ITS, trnL-F, trnH-psbA, and rps16 sequences

and alignments are summarized in Table 2. The MP, ML and BI
analyses of the ITS and cpDNA data recovered similar topologies,
showing the same strongly supported clades (Fig. 6A and B)
(results from analyses of the individual cpDNA regions are shown
in Supplementary Figs. S1 and S2). Both datasets recover Eude-
meae, excluding Delpinophytum, as monophyletic. Within Eude-
meae there are two main clades: one, the ‘‘Northern-Central
Andes’’ clade (NCA), comprises Aschersoniodoxa, Brayopsis, Dactylo-
cardamum, and Eudema; and the ‘‘Southern Andes clade’’ (SA),
which includes Onuris and Xerodraba (Fig. 6). The NCA clade had,
Fig. 4. Fruit diversity in Eudemeae. (A–E) silicles. (A) Xerodraba patagonica (Zuloaga
14104); (B) X. pycnophylloides (Zuloaga 14111); (C) Onuris alismatifolia (Donat 436); in all results, higher support than the SA clade, and it was also
(D) O. papillosa (Zuloaga 14725); (E) Delpinophytum patagonicum (Zuloaga 14654). recovered with ITS indel data (Supplementary Fig. S2). Within
(F–I) siliques. (F) Brayopsis calycina (Zuloaga 14327); (G) B. monymocalix (Zuloaga the NCA clade, the relationships among genera were poorly sup-
10803); (H) Aschersoniodoxa cachensis (Sleumer 5456); A. mandoniana (Mandon 895). ported, and they appeared as non-monophyletic (Fig. 6A and B).
Scale bars, A–G, 1 mm; H–I, 2 mm.
On the other hand, in the SA clade the same three strongly sup-
ported clades were present, the first one including species of
bined ITS + cpDNA dataset. An exponential prior for rate coefficients Xerodraba (hereafter the ‘‘xerodraba’’ subclade), the second speci-
was used, but because there is little information about the mean of mens of Onuris hauthalli, (hereafter the ‘‘hauthalli’’ subclade), and
exponential prior, this parameter was seeded from a uniform hyper- the third clade including the remaining species of Onuris (hereafter
prior, which allows values of the prior to be estimated from the data ‘‘onuris s.s.’’ subclade). Phylogenetic relationships among these
(as recommended by Pagel et al., 2004; Pagel and Meade, 2013). The three subclades appeared ambiguous and poorly supported in the
ranges for the uniform hyperprior were obtained using an empirical different analyses. Results from MP, ML and BI using the
approach: the rate coefficient on each of the Bayesian trees was esti- ITS + cpDNA combined dataset (3 kb) recovered the same main
mated under maximum likelihood and then these values were used clades presented above: Eudemeae (excluding Delpinophytum)
to set the range of the hyperprior. Two independent analyses were (JK: 99%, BS and PP: 100%) (Fig. 6C), NCA (JK, BS and PP: 100%),
run for ten million generation and sampled every 1000 generations and SA (JK: 72%, BS: 94%, PP: 100%). Within the NCA clade, Ascher-
to ensure independence. The first million generations were dis- soniodoxa peruviana Al-Shehbaz, Navarro & A. Cano was placed as
carded as burn-in (convergence and ESS > 400 were checked with the most basal taxa, while the remaining species of the genus were
Tracer) and the rest of the samples from the two replicates were recovered in a highly supported clade (JK, BS and PP: 100%) (here-
combined (18,000 samples). In all cases character-state transitions after the aschersoniodoxa s.s subclade). Neither Brayopsis nor
were assumed as unordered. Eudema appear monophyletic. The SA clade also included the
strongly supported xerodraba, onuris s.s., and hauthalli subclades
(all JK, BS and PP: 100%). The xerodraba and hauthalli are shown
3. Results as sister subclades, although this relationship was unsupported
(MP) or only weakly supported (ML and BI).
3.1. Monophyly of Eudemeae Despite non-significantly incongruence between chloroplast
and nuclear data, differences between the cpDNA and ITS trees
The ITS alignment for the Brassicaceae dataset included 182 were represented graphically by a filtered supernetwork (Supple-
sequences (45 from ingroup) and was 743 bp long, of which 372 mentary Fig. S3), where cycles in the network represent conflicting
(50%) were parsimony informative. The MP analysis of this region phylogenetic signals. Areas of incongruence were mainly located
resulted in 7200 most parsimonious trees (MPT). The trnL-F align- within the NCA clade, but supported clades obtained in the phylo-
ment included 160 sequences (43 from ingroup) and was 1339 bp genetic analyses were also present in the supernetwork.
50 D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59

Fig. 5. Bayesian 50% majority-rule consensus tree from 12,002 trees generated by Bayesian inference with MrBayes in the analyses at the family level within Brassicaceae
using: (A) the ITS dataset; (B) the trnL-F dataset. Tribes are indicated to the right of the boxes. Thick branches indicate >0.90 Bayesian posterior probability. The black arrow
indicates the phylogenetic position of Delpinophytum.
D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59 51

Table 2
Features of the DNA regions included in the phylogenetic analyses within Eudemeae.

ITS (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) trnL-F (trnL intron/trnL- trnH-psbA (spacer) rps16 (intron) cpDNA ITS + cpDNA
F spacer)
Number of terminals 45 42 41 40 43 46
Length of the alignment (bp) 662 941 510 905 2356 3018
Length of sequences (ingroup) 614 (several species of 706 (O.hatcheriana)– 259 (O.hauthall)– 761 (Xerodraba)–854 – –
Brayopsis, Dactylocardamum and 914 (D.patagonicum) 384(X.pectinata) (O.hatcheriana)
Eudema)–645 D.patagonicum
No. of parsimony-informative 181 (27%) 66 (7%) 93 (18%) 75 (8%) – –
Maximum sequence divergence 21% 6% 14% 5% – –
within ingroup (%)*
No. of gaps in the alignment 25 16 38 30 – –
No. of parsimony-informative 11 7 21 15 – –
gaps in the alignment
Model selected by AIC SYM + I + G TPM1uf + G TPM1uf + G TPM1uf + G – –
Number of MPT 3 54 32 9 48 168
Calculated as p-distance (dissimilarity distance).

3.3. Climatic niche of main lineages character states reviewed. Regardingthe raceme development
(Fig. 8B), inflorescence flowering characterized the onuris s.s. and
Four variables according to their importance in the Maxent aschersoniodoxa s.s. subclades (p > 0.99), while the rosette flower-
models and with a low coefficient of correlation were selected: ing was assigned to the NCA clade and the hautalli subclade
mean temperature of coldest quarter (BIO11) (Fig. 7A), min tem- (p = 0.83 and 0.99, respectively). The rosette flowering was slightly
perature of coldest month (BIO6) (Fig. 7B), isothermality (BIO3) favored by the BI reconstructions as the ancestral state of Eude-
(Fig. 7C), and mean temperature of driest quarter (BIO9) (Fig. 7D) meae and was ambiguous in the MP assignation, while assigna-
(Pearson correlation coefficient of these variables are shown in tions of this character to the SA clade resulted ambiguous in both
supplementary Table S1). The average AUC (Area Under the recei- cases. According to MP assignations, bracts in the inflorescences
ver operating curve) test values of the four-variables models for of Eudemeae occurred twice (Fig. 8C), one in the NCA clade (in A.
the NCA and SA lineages were above 0.9. The ecologic niche of both peruviana) and again in the SA clade (in the onuris s.s. subclade),
lineages resulted similar to their empirical distribution and mainly while in the BI reconstructions of the ancestral state of this charac-
spread along the north-central Andes for the NCA lineage (Fig. 7E), ter was ambiguous (p 6 0.6). Finally, the reduction of the inflores-
and southern Andes and Patagonia for the SA lineage (Fig. 7F). cences to solitary flowers (Figs. 8D) occurred independently in the
However predicted distributions for SA lineage also include, cushion genera, showing the same assignation of the growth form.
although no specimens of this lineage were found so far, the Malv- Fruit morphology. The evolution of fruit type in Eudemeae showed
inas islands in the south and the Argentinean provinces Mendoza two main different patterns (Fig. 9A and B). The SA clade was
and San Juan in the North. The PCA analysis using the four variables defined by the presence of latiseptate silicles; this fruit type
capture ca. 89% of the variance in the first two components (PC1: remains unchanged in the clade. On the other hand, the NCA clade,
52.42%, PC2: 38.38%) and the variable loadings (Table 3) showed characterized by having siliques as the ancestral fruit, registered
that the first component was most highly influenced by the mean several transitions from siliques to silicles in species of Eudema
temperature of coldest quarter (BIO11) and min temperature of and Dactylocardamum. Furthermore, fruit compression was highly
coldest month (BIO6), while variables that most influence the sec- variable within the NCA clade, including angustiseptate, terete,
ond component were isothermality (BIO3) and mean temperature and latiseptate fruits, being the ancestral state ambiguous both
of driest quarter (BIO9). Specimens of both lineages were separated in the MP and BI reconstructions. Ancestral fruit type for the tribe
into two, well-defined groups (Fig. 7G) that resulted in significant resulted ambiguous in the MP reconstruction, and was a latisepte
differentiation under the ANOSIM test (p < 0.01). Isothermality silicle in the BI reconstruction; these state assignations were recov-
(BIO3) (72 ± 10 NCA vs. 49 ± 2 SA) and mean temperature of the ered with p < 0.9.
driest quarter (BIO9) (2.9 °C ± 1.85 NCA vs. 6.5 °C ± 2.72 SA) were
the variables that most contribute to this segregation (Fig. 7C, D)
4. Discussion
and were significantly differentiated, together with the elevation
range (4143 ± 565 m in NCA vs 830 ± 502 m in SA), in the habitats
4.1. Phylogenetic relationships of Eudemeae and characteristics of its
of the two lineages.
main lineages

3.4. Reconstruction of character-state evolution The present nuclear and chloroplast phylogenetic analyses
showed that the tribe Eudemeae, minus Delpinophytum, is mono-
Reconstructions based on MP and BI showed similar results phyletic. The tribal assignment of Delpinophytum varied from
(Figs. 8 and 9). Growth form. All analyses revealed that the presence including it by Schulz (1936) in tribe Lepidieae, based on having
of dense cushions with imbricate leaves in tribe Eudemeae appears subdidymous angustiseptate fruits with two, 1-seeded segments
to have arisen independently twice: in Xerodraba within the SA as in Coronopus Zinn (= Lepidium), to tentatively including it in
clade, and in Dactylocardamum within the NCA clade (Fig. 8A). On the Eudemeae by Al-Shehbaz (2012a,b) based on forming dense
the other hand,the rosette morphology proved to be the plesiomor- cushions with imbricate leaves, as in Dactylocardamum and Xerodr-
phic state of the tribe. Inflorescence architecture. These appeared aba. Delpinophytum is indistinguishable from Xerodraba in almost
highly variable in the tribe, and each of character studied has every aspect except for having angustiseptate vs. latiseptate fruits.
undergone at least two state transitions characterizing several Our results support the inclusion of Delpinophythum in Lepidieae
clades within the Eudemeae. Both NCA and SA clades included all and show that the similar cushion-type habitat and imbricate
52 D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59

Fig. 6. Bayesian 50% majority-rule consensus trees from 12,002 trees generated by Bayesian inference with MrBayes in the analyses at the tribe level within Eudemeae and
using: (A) the cpDNA dataset (trnL-F/trnH-psbA/rps16 intron); (B) the ribosomal ITS dataset; (C) the combined cpDNA + nrITS dataset. Values on branches correspond to
maximum likelihood Bootstrap P50%, thick branches indicate >0.90 Bayesian posterior probability. (D) Geographical distribution of specimens included in the main NCA and
SA clades, red dots represent herbarium records for specimens of the NCA clade, blue dots represent specimens of the SA clade. Elevation is depicted in gray scale from sea
level (white) to over 4000 m above sea level (black). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59 53

Fig. 7. Eco-climatological niche in Eudemeae and its main lineages. (A–D) values of variables that most contribute in the MaxEnt models along the distribution area of
Eudemeae, (A) mean temperature of coldest quarter [BIO11]; (B) min temperature of coldest month [BIO6]; (C) Isothermality [BIO3]; (D) Mean temperature of driest quarter
[BIO9]; (E, F) Probability of presence (logistic output) predicted from the MaxEnt ecological niche models for the NCA (E) and SA (F) lineages; (G) Biplot of the two principal
components extracted in the principal component analysis (variance PC1: 52.42%, PC2: 38.38%) of the four variable data matrix (BIO11, BIO6, BIO3, BIO9) for the specimens of
Eudemeae, blue dots correspond to specimens of the NCA lineage and red dots to the SA lineage. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

leaves evolved independently in the above-mentioned three cush- (Al-Shehbaz, 2012b), also forms dense cushions and belongs to the
ion-forming genera. Lithodraba Boelcke, a monospecific genus Lepidieae based on molecular data (Warwick et al., 2010; this work
endemic to Mendoza and Neuquén provinces of Andean Argentina Fig. 5A). The latter genus also has angustiseptate, 2-seeded silicles
54 D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59

Table 3 angustiseptate silicles in Eudema). Al-Shehbaz (1990a) critically

Factor loadings on the first three components for the four BIO-variables used in the evaluated the boundaries between these genera, and added addi-
tional differences as the funicle length (long and filiform vs. short
BIO-variables PC1 PC2 PC3 and thick) and the seed-coat sculpture (colliculate-reticulate vs.
BIO3 0.24 0.93 0.05 coarsely reticulate). Our results show that both genera are not
BIO6 0.91 -0.13 -0.38 monophyletic, with B. gamosepala Al-Shehbaz and B. colombiana
BIO9 0.68 -0.65 0.26 Al-Shehbaz related to species of Eudema, while E. rupestris Bonpl.
BIO11 0.86 0.39 0.18
Variance (%) 52.43 36.38 6.33
related to species of Brayopsis. Since the fruit type, the main diag-
nostic character distinguishing Brayopsis from Eudema, is highly
BIO-variables: BIO11 = mean temperature of coldest quarter; BIO6 = min tempera- variable within the Eudemeae (see below), new multilocus phylog-
ture of coldest month; BIO3 = Isothermality; BIO9 = Mean temperature of driest
enies including all species of both genera, as well as a species-level
phylogenetic approach, should be conducted in order to clarify the
boundaries of Brayopsis and Eudema within the NCA lineage.
The SA clade, which includes Xerodraba and Onuris, is distrib-
(Boelcke, 1951) but differs by having non-imbricate long leaves uted exclusively in the Andean–Patagonian region of southern
and four stamens. The ITS topologies did not recover Delpinophy- Argentina and Chile. Their species grow primarily at elevations of
tum and Lithodraba in a monophyletic group, suggesting that their the Altoandean biogeographic province (Cabrera and Willink,
cushion-forming habit also evolved independently in the Lepidieae 1973) up to 2000 m, although they are also present in lowlands
(see below). of the Patagonian province, reaching the Argentinean eastern coast
The tribes Eudemeae, Cremolobeae, and Schizopetaleae are (Figs. 6D and 8F).
exclusively South American groups first shown to be monophyletic Species of Xerodraba form dense cushions with imbricate leaves
by Warwick et al. (2010). Tribe Cremolobeae is distributed from and solitary flowers (Fig. 2L–N.). They grow on rocky slopes of the
Colombia into southern Argentina and Chile, and its genera grow Andes and Patagonian deserts and can tolerate lower mean tem-
in the Andean highlands and from the dry coastal deserts of north- peratures, strong winds, frost throughout the year, and receive
ern Chile to the semi-arid regions (matorral) of central Chile an annual rainfall below 150 mm (Ancibor, 1969; Cabrera and
(Khanna and Rollins, 1965; Rollins, 1955; Salariato et al., 2014). Willink, 1973).
The Schizopetaleae are primarily distributed across the southern Onuris s.s. (excluding O. hauthalii) has a distribution similar to
Atacama Desert and the matorral of central Chile, with a few species Xerodraba, but it reaches Neuquén province in northern Patagonia
in southern Peru and neighboring Andean highlands of Chile and (Fig. 1G), whereas the northern limits of Xerodraba is Chubut prov-
Argentina (Al-Shehbaz, 1989c; Toro-Nuñez et al., 2013). Although ince in central Patagonia. Onuris s.s. is strongly supported as a
the Eudemeae also has an Andean distribution from Colombia into monophyletic group, and is easily distinguished from the rest of
Patagonia, it differs from the other two tribes by having no taxa in Eudemeae by its many-flowered racemes that are bracteate
the arid regions of north-central Chile and southern Peru (Al- throughout and elongated in fruit (Boelcke, 1984). On the other
Shehbaz, 1989a,b, 1990a,b, 2008, 2012b; Al-Shehbaz and Cano, hand, Onuris hauthalii, a species restricted to Santa Cruz Province
2011; Al-Shehbaz et al., 2012, 2013; Boelcke 1984; Boelcke and in Argentina and Magallanes and the Antarctic Region in Chile,
Romanczuk, 1984). A detailed analysis of the historical biogeogra- clearly differs from the remaining species of Onuris by having a
phy and diversification of the three tribes is beyond the scope of rosette flowering similar to those of Brayopsis and Eudema.
this paper, but will be conducted in the near future. Our results The generic placement of Onuris hauthalii fluctuated from
showed that tribe Eudemeae diverged into two, geographically sep- Eudema (Gilg and Muschler, 1909), Brayopsis (Skottsberg, 1916),
arated lineages. Genera of the NCA clade, which includes Ascherso- or Onuris (Al-Shehbaz, 2012a,b). The latter author presented several
niodoxa, Brayopsis, Dactylocardamum, and Eudema, are distributed differences between O. hauthalii and Eudema, as the presence of rhi-
along the the Andean highlands from Colombia into northern zomes (vs. caudex), nearly smooth (vs. conspicuously reticulate)
Argentina. Their species grow mainly between 3500 and 5300 m seeds, and latiseptate (vs. angustiseptate) fruits. Although the pres-
in the humid mountain areas of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, ent study confirms that this species is more closely related to Onuris
though some reach the semiarid to arid areas of southwestern Boli- s.s. than to Eudema, its sister-group relationship was ambiguous
via and northwestern Argentina but never the deserts of western and low supported within the SA clade. The molecular data, coupled
Peru and northern Chile. with the morphological differences between O. hauthalii and Onuris
Within the NCA clade, Aschersoniodoxa is clearly distinguished s.s. and Xerodraba, suggest that its inclusion in a new monotypic
by having leaflike, strongly latipseptate, basipetally dehiscent sili- genus would be the best taxonomic solution of the problem.
ques with valves remaining adnate to the replum base (Al-
Shehbaz, 1990b). However, A. peruviana differs from its congeners
by having crenate-dentate (vs. entire) basal leaves, complete fruit 4.2. Distribution and climatic niches of Eudemeae and main lineages
septum (vs. reduced to a narrow rim), and a rosette flowering, in
which each flower arises from axils of basal leaves (vs. ebracteate Tribe Eudemeae, like most other South American Brassicaceae,
racemes) (Al-Shehbaz et al., 2012). presents a geographic distribution closely associated with the
Dactylocardamum is a monospecific genus the type of which, D. Andean range. Climatic variables, which contribute most to its dis-
imbricatifolium, is known from two collections made in 1959 and tribution, are linked to the alpine climate (e.g., lowest temperatures,
2013 (Fig. 2F–H). It is not closely related to Xerodraba, mainly dif- mean temperature of coldest quarter, minimum temperature of the
fering by its fruit type (indehiscent and terete silicles in Dactylocar- coldest month). Habitat and climatic niches of the North-Central
damum vs. dehiscent and latiseptate silicles in Xerodraba). As (NCA) and Southern Andes (SA) lineages are well differentiated.
suggested by Al-Shehbaz (1989a), imbricate foliage and cushion Species of the NCA lineage grow at high elevations (about 3500–
habit seem to have evolved independently in both genera. 5300 m) while species of the SA lineage occupy the southern portion
Brayopsis and Eudema, the other two genera of the NCA lineage, of the Andes and the Patagonian steppe, at much lower elevations
are morphologically similar in having distinctive rosette flowering principally from sea level to 2000 m. Regions inhabited by species
with ebracteate flowers arising from the center of the rosette. They of the NCA lineage are exposed to higher day-to-night temperature
differ mainly by fruit type (terete siliques in Brayopsis vs. oscillation than the species of the SA lineage. Furthermore, during
D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59 55

Fig. 8. Ancestral-state reconstruction in Eudemeae for (A) growth form; (B) raceme elongation; (C) presence of bracts; and (D) number of flowers. Ancestral states were
reconstructed on the maximum likelihood tree obtained with the ITS + cpDNA dataset using maximum parsimony in TNT, and bayesian inference in BayesTraits. Colors of
branches reflect reconstruction of ancestral character-states using maximum parsimony; pie-diagrams represent the mean probabilities of different states at each node from
18,000 asignations under Bayesian inference. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
56 D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59

Fig. 9. Ancestral-state reconstruction in Eudemeae for (A) fruit shape; and (B) fruit compression. Ancestral states were reconstructed on the maximum likelihood tree
obtained with the ITS + cpDNA dataset using maximum parsimony in TNT, and bayesian inference in BayesTraits. Colors of branches reflect reconstruction of ancestral
character-states using maximum parsimony; pie-diagrams represent the mean probabilities of different states at each node from 18,000 asignations under Bayesian
inference. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

the driest season, the temperature is particularly low in the distri- et al., 2014), shows the Andes and Patagonia as the richest zones
bution area of the NCA lineage compared to that of the SA lineage. worldwide in the number of cushion-former genera. Therefore, con-
vergence in cushion formation is not rare and represents an adapta-
4.3. Evolution of diagnostic morphological traits tion to extreme sites (Böcher, 1977; Went, 1971).
Inflorescence architecture. The inflorescence structure, with
Growth form. While the hemicryptophyte rosette (Raunkiær, indeterminate racemes, is quite uniform throughout most of the
1934) (Fig. 2A–E) is the ancestral growth form in Eudemae, the Brassicaceae (Appel and Al-Shehbaz, 2003). However, Eudemeae
cushion habit (Fig. 2F–N) evolved independently twice in the tribe is highly variatiable in having inflorescence and rosette flowering,
(Dactylocardamum and Xerodraba). Delpinophytum, the remaining ebracteate or bracteate racemes, and solitary pseudo terminal
cushion-former originally included in Eudemeae, was placed within flowers (Fig. 3). Rosette flowering in Brassicaceae, cited as an adap-
the lineage I, probably within tribe Lepidieae, showing that this tation to growing in low-competition enviroments with short and
character evolved twice also in South American members of this unpredictable growing seasons (Bosch et al., 2008), has arisen
tribe (Lithodraba and Delpinophytum). Therefore, cushion formation independently in multiple lineages (Appel and Al-Shehbaz, 2003;
in South American Brassicaceae evolved independently four times. Benlloch et al., 2007). Liu et al. (2011) indicated that changes in
Cushion formation is rather uncommon elsewhere in the family genes such as TERMINAL FLOWER 1 (TFL1) and LEAFY (LFY) con-
and is known in Draba L. (Jordon-Thaden et al., 2010), Baimashania tribute to the evolution of several aspects of the derived architec-
Al-Shehbaz (Al-Shehbaz, 2000), and Lepidium (Rollins, 1948). Cush- ture exhibited in rosette flowering, most notably in internode
ion formation is one of the most conspicuous growth forms in highly compression and pedicel elongation. However, evolution of rosette
exposed alpine habitats and is especially abundant in temperate flowering can be achieved in two ways involving (1) suppression of
and subpolar regions. This life-form represents an efficient trap internode elongation in the inflorescence meristem, or (2) conver-
for heat and water, with a maximum reduction of losses due to its sion of axillary meristems to floral identity (Yoon and Baum, 2004).
lowest surface-volume ratio (Aubert et al., 2014). It is common in Therefore, models must be confirmed in each group using studies
various parts of South America, such as Patagonia, the subantarctic of gene regulation and expression and structural development.
mountains, and the tropical alpine environments where ‘‘winter’’ Regarding the presence/absence of bracts in the Eudemeae, our
comes nearly every night (Bliss, 1971; Körner, 1995; Went, 1971). findings suggest the independent development of bracts once each
Indeed, the revised worldwide catalogue of cushion plants (Aubert in the NCA (Aschersoniodoxa peruviana) and SA (Onuris s.s.) lin-
D.L. Salariato et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 82 (2015) 43–59 57

eages. Flowers in Brassicaceae are usually not subtended by bracts, was supported by the US NSF Grant DEB-1252905, for which he is
though numerous genera have bracteate species and others with prfoundly grateful. We especially appreciate the help of the Associ-
ebracteate racemes, and sometimes the bracts are present along ate Editor Jocelyn Hall and two anonymous reviewers who provided
the entire raceme or restricted to only its lowermost flowers. In useful suggestions to improve an early version of this paper. We are
many cases, the early ontogeny shows primordia of subtending also profoundly grateful to the directors, curators, and collection
bracts but these generally fail to develop further (Appel and Al- managers of the visited herbaria. We also thank E. Navarro, H. Trin-
Shehbaz, 2003; Penin, 2008). Several genes in Brassicaceae influ- idad, C. Ulloa, and C. Zannoti for the photographs used in this work.
ence bract development [e.g., LFY (Weigel et al., 1992), TFL1
(Schultz and Haughn, 1993), APETALA 1 (AP1) (Bowman et al., Appendix A. Supplementary material
1993), BLADE-ON-PETIOLE 1 and 2 (BOP1 and BOP2) (Norberg
et al., 2005), and JAGGED (JAG) (Dinneny et al., 2004)], generally Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
as the result of an intensification of vegetative shoot traits the online version, at
(Penin, 2008). The existence of several genetic pathways, lending 2014.09.030.
to the bract emergence/reduction, may account for the indepen-
dent events of bract emergence/reduction in Eudemeae. Finally,
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