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Widespread infestation of pink bollworm, Pectinophora

gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechidae) on Bt
cotton in Central India: a new threat and concerns
for cotton production
Babasaheb B. Fand & V. S. Nagrare & S. P. Gawande & D. T. Nagrale &
B. V. Naikwadi & Vrushali Deshmukh & Nandini Gokte-Narkhedkar &
V. N. Waghmare

Received: 9 August 2018 / Accepted: 17 May 2019

# Springer Nature B.V. 2019

Abstract The pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella the surveyed sites in a range of 40–95% which accounts
(Saundars) (Lepidoptera: Gelechidae) has recently for anticipated yield losses between 20 and 30%. A
emerged as a serious menace on Bt cotton in India. typical pattern of progressive increase in the level of pink
Extensive roving surveys were conducted in 83 locations bollworm infestation and intensification of locular dam-
spread across 16 major cotton growing districts of age with the advancement of the crop season was ob-
Maharashtra State, India to assess the level of pink boll- served. The pink bollworm hitherto was supposed to be
worm infestation in Bt cotton. The dynamics and severity under control since the introduction of Bt cotton in India,
of pink bollworm damage during the different stages of now it appears to be widespread, especially on Bt cotton
boll development (90–130 days of crop age) were throughout the cotton growing areas of Maharashtra State
assessed based on random sampling of green bolls, which shares approximately 36% and 25% of the
opened bolls and picked bolls per plant and number of country’s cotton area and production, respectively. This
locules damaged per boll. Survey results revealed a wide- article discusses the implications of serious outbreak of
spread infestation of pink bollworm on Bt cotton across pink bollworm infestations in Bt cotton and also suggest
measures necessary to mitigate its potential threat to
Highlights Indian cotton production. The modulation of manage-
• Widespread infestation of pink bollworm in Bt cotton ranging ment practices aimed at manipulation of cotton cropping
between 40 – 95 % accounting for estimated yield losses to the pattern being followed in the country in general and
tune of 20 – 30 % have been reported from 16 major cotton
growing districts of Maharashtra, a leading cotton producing Maharashtra in particular could strengthen the manage-
state of Central India. ment of pink bollworm populations effectively. We dis-
• The intensification of boll infestation and locular damage with cuss the practicality of several management options
the advancement of the crop season was observed. aimed at achieving this goal.
• The pink bollworm has resumed its pestilence against Bt cotton,
which has serious ecological and economic implications for
country’s cotton production. Keywords Bt cotton . India . Maharashtra . Pink
• The integrated measures for restoring susceptibility in pink bollworm . Resistance development . Widespread
bollworm and ensuring viability of Bt cotton technology have infestation . Yield losses
been suggested to mitigate its potential threat to cotton

B. B. Fand (*) : V. S. Nagrare : S. P. Gawande : Introduction

D. T. Nagrale : B. V. Naikwadi : V. Deshmukh :
N. Gokte-Narkhedkar : V. N. Waghmare
The pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders)
ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra
440 010, India (Lepidoptera: Gelechidae) has recently emerged as a
e-mail: serious concern for cotton production in India. The insect

has its origin from Indo-Pak region (Saunders 1843) and dual gene (Bollgard II) Bt cotton. The infestations of
is widely distributed throughout tropical America, Africa, PBW have been reported in Bt cotton fields of Gujarat,
Asia, Australia, Egypt, USA and Mexico, wherever cot- Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
ton is grown. The pink bollworm, hereafter referred as states (Monsanto 2010; Kranthi 2015; Durga Prasad et al.
PBW, is a stenophagous insect species which has co- 2016; Naik et al. 2017), causing yield losses of 5–10%
evolved with Malvaceous food plants like cotton, okra, after second picking (Kranthi 2015). ICAR-Central
deccan hemp and roselle (CABI 2017). The destructive Institute for Cotton Research (ICAR-CICR), Nagpur
larvae of PBW feeds on flowers, buds, bolls and seeds of has anticipated yield losses ranging between 10 and
cotton plant, causing rosetting and malformation of 30% in Maharashtra State alone due to PBW infestation
flowers, premature opening and heavy shedding of in Bt cotton during cotton season of 2017.
infested bolls, reduction in fiber length and poor quality The reasons for BWhy pinkies have come back again
of lint due to staining (Singh et al. 1988). Pink bollworm to trouble the cotton?^ may be manifold, but certainly it
was a key pest of cotton in India accounting for yield has put forth several unanswered questions related to
losses to the level of 20–90%, prior to the use of broad resuming of its pestilence. Prima facie, it appears that
spectrum insecticides and introduction of transgenic cot- certain factors like i. Complete evasion of refuse strate-
ton (Patil 2003). Synthetic pyrethroids introduced in gy by cotton farmers, ii. Widespread cultivation of long
India during 1980’s played an instrumental role in sup- duration Bt cotton hybrids with different flowering and
pressing this notorious and difficult to manage pest of fruiting windows, and iii. Extension of normal crop
cotton. However, intensive use of chemical insecticides season through ratooning or providing supplementary
caused widespread ecological disruption leading to exac- irrigation and fertilizer applications may perhaps have
erbation of bollworm and secondary pest problems in exerted selection pressure high enough for accelerating
cotton ecosystem (Kranthi et al. 2002; Kranthi and the development of Bt resistance in PBW (Kranthi
Russell 2009; ICAC 2010). Subsequently, development 2015). Whatsoever could be the reasons, the re-entry
of genetically engineered transgenic cotton carrying of PBW, that too especially on Bt cotton in India has
genes encoding delta-endotoxin proteins from entomo- come as a big blow to the cotton stakeholders (technol-
pathogenic soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis had ogy developers, farmers, researchers, seed companies,
opened new avenues for managing dreaded bollworms policy makers, etc.). The main reason for this is that Bt
in cotton and since then Indian cotton ecosystem has cotton, the country’s first and sole commercially ap-
witnessed phenomenal changes in its pest status. Single proved genetically engineered technology (Choudhary
gene (Cry 1Ac) and dual gene (Cry 1Ac + Cry 2Ab) Bt and Gaur 2010), has lost the battle against PBW.
cotton hybrids were commercially introduced in India India is the largest producer of cotton in the world,
during 2002 and 2006, respectively (Choudhary and accounting for 26% of the world cotton production. In
Gaur 2010), targeting the dreaded bollworm complex 2016–17, the area under cotton cultivation in India was
which included American bollworm Helicoverpa 10.8 million ha and the production was 34.5 million bales
armigera (Hubner), spotted bollworm Earias vitella (CCI STAT 2017). Infestations of the devastating pest,
(Fabricious) in addition to PBW. Besides bollworms, Bt PBW on wide areas across the major cotton growing
cotton offers protection against other minor Lepidopteran states of India have posed serious threat to cotton farming
insect pests like semiloopers, hairy caterpillars and leaf in India, the World’s No. 1 producer of cotton. There has
eating caterpillars. Initially, the Bt cotton technology been a lot of hue and cry through print and electronic
performed well and offered promising control of boll- mass media (Aryal 2016; The Hindu 2017), and various
worm complex until 2009. As such, the PBW infestations farmers’ and scientific forums on the issue of outbreak of
remained at very low levels in the first decade of release PBW infestations on Bt cotton in India in general and
of Bt cotton. Even after 15 years of continuous cultivation Maharashtra in particular. In these contexts, lot of con-
of Bt cotton in India, negligible resistance was observed troversy has already been generated in the country on Bt
in H. armigera and E. vitella. However, after a hiatus of cotton technology right from its introduction. Few studies
nearly two decades, PBW has suddenly emerged as a in India reported development of resistance in PBW
major pest problem in central and southern cotton grow- against Cry1Ac, a Bt toxin produced by first generation
ing belt of India where the pest have been reported transgenic cotton i.e. Bollgard (Dennehy et al. 2010;
feeding and surviving on single gene (Bollgard I) and Dhurua and Gujar 2011; Mohan et al., 2016). Yet there

is no published evidence from the country based on different stages of boll development. For assessment of
detailed scientific investigations on the field occurrence the green boll damage due to PBW, destructive sam-
and development of resistance in PBW against second pling was done of about 40–50 green bolls collected
generation transgenic cotton called Bollgard II, which randomly from a unit area of one acre at each location.
currently occupies more than 93.14% of the total area The care was taken while sampling green bolls, that a
of cotton cultivated in the country (DCD 2017). In this single boll was sampled from each plant so as to collect
framework, we aimed at documenting widespread field more representative sample of the population. The num-
level infestation of PBW in Bt cotton from Maharashtra bers of infested bolls recorded and converted to percent
State, India, which ranks first in the country in terms of infestation (Durga Prasad et al. 2016; Naik et al. 2017).
both area (3.81 m ha) and production (8.9 m bales) of Additionally, at each survey location in eight districts,
cotton (CCI STAT 2017). Roving surveys of 83 villages the damage to open bolls due to PBW infestation was
from 16 major cotton growing districts of the State were recorded individually from 25 to 30 randomly selected
made to assess the level of field infestation of PBW in cotton plants from one acre area and expressed as per-
cotton based on randomly sampled green bolls and dam- centage of open boll damage. For detailed analysis of
aged open bolls. The present study is aimed at alerting the potential damage due to PBW infestation in cotton, the
wider stakeholder community of cotton production number of total and infested picked bolls, open bolls and
across the globe, on probable threat of PBW to the green bolls per plant were recorded and the proportion
world’s cotton farming and to undertake timely steps of bolls with varying degree of locular damage were
necessary towards its mitigation. estimated for three locations surveyed in Akola district
as an example. Majority of the places that are far away
were surveyed once, whereas the nearby places in two
Materials and methods districts viz. Akola and Yavatmal were visited more than
once so as to get a clear picture of dynamics of PBW
Sampling plan for survey and assessment of PBW infestation with the advancement of crop season
infestation (Nagrare et al. 2009).

Roving field surveys were conducted in Bt cotton fields Confirmation of identity of PBW
in intensive cotton growing areas of Khandesh (03
districts viz., Dhule, Jalgaon, Nandurbar), Vidarbha The identity of PBW was confirmed based on visual
(08 districts viz., Akola, Amravati, Buldana, morphological characters and DNA barcoding by am-
Chandrapur, Nagpur, Wardha, Washim, Yavatmal) and plifying cytochrome oxidase gene (COI) of mitochon-
Marathwada (05 districts viz., Beed, Latur, Nanded, drial DNA of adult moths reared from sampled larvae.
Osmanabad, Parbhani) regions of Maharashtra State of About 3–4 larvae from each of the 83 surveyed locations
India during September – December, 2017 for assessing were individually observed under stereo zoom micro-
the infestation of PBW. A total of 83 locations covering scope (Leica S8 APO) for their morphological charac-
15 major cotton growing districts of the State (Fig. 1) ters (e.g. shape, size, colour, etc) in accordance with
were surveyed at peak of PBW infestation stage [90– Saunders (1843) and USDA (1948). Based on the sim-
130 days after sowing, (DAS)] coinciding with boll ilarities of morphological characters and nature of dam-
maturity to boll bursting stages representing PBW larval age caused to green bolls (and also to opened bolls in the
population at pre–picking and picking stages, respec- field), the sampled larvae were pooled into three groups
tively. A random survey of the road side villages having representing each of the cotton growing regions of
large area under cotton was done. Around 5–8 km dis- Maharashtra State i.e. Khandesh, Vidarbha and
tance was maintained between two villages and in each Marathwada. These pooled larvae were reared till the
village at least two cotton fields were selected for survey emergence of adult moths. Since, majority of the PBW
(Tanwar et al. 2011; Fand et al. 2017). The sampling larvae recovered from field collected green boll samples
procedure accounted for the various parameters like were in third or fourth instar of the larval stage, they
green bolls, opened bolls and picked bolls per plant were reared until adulthood on the sampled green bolls.
and number of locules damaged for assessing the dy- Individual PBW larvae were secured inside the dissect-
namics and severity of PBW damage during the ed open bolls by tying their opened locules with rubber

Fig. 1 The map of Maharashtra State of India showing locations 25), Washim (26–27), Amravati (28–31), Nagpur (32–41),
of survey sites where PBW infestations occurred in Bt cotton. The Chandrapur (42–50),Wardha (51–56), Yavatmal (57–64);
figures in the parentheses are serial numbers of sites surveyed in Marathwada Region: Nanded (65–69), Parbhani (70–73), Latur
each district. Khandesh Region: Nandurbar (1–4), Dhule (5–7), (74–76), Beed (77–81), Osmanabad (82–83)
Jalgaon (8–14); Vidarbha Region: Buldana (15–18), Akola (19–

bands. The locular sutures and cut ends of the stalks of As this was the case of resurgence of PBW in Bt
the bolls were sealed with molten paraffin wax to avoid cotton, the identity of sampled insects was further con-
moisture loss and decay due to secondary infection of firmed by molecular characterization using DNA
fungus or bacteria. The stalks were wrapped with a barcoding technique. For extraction of DNA, a total of
cotton wick and were immersed individually in eppendorf four newly emerged adult moths were chosen from
tubes (2 ml capacity) filled with water. This helped to pooled samples of all the three cotton growing regions
keep the bolls fresh till the larvae enter pupal stage. Bolls viz., Khandesh (01 moth), Vidarbha (02 moths one from
were then kept inside the plastic jars (45 × 20 cm size) @ Western Vidarbha and another one from Central
10 bolls per jar; the mouth of jar was covered with a white Vidarbha), and Marathwada (01 moth). The genomic
muslin cloth and secured with a rubber band. The jars DNA (gDNA) was extracted from the thorax of sampled
were maintained in the laboratory at 27 ± 1 °C tempera- adult moths by using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit
ture and 65 ± 5% relative humidity. Newly emerged adult (QIAGEN) with slight modification. For amplification
moths were provided with 10% honey solution to ensure of the standard barcoding region of Cytochrome oxidase
longevity. About 10 pupae and 10 adult moths from I (COI) gene of mtDNA, we followed the procedure as
pooled samples of each region were examined for stan- described by Folmer et al. (1994). The PCR reaction
dard morphometric characters (e.g. shape, size, colour and volume mixture of 25 μl consisted of: 10 pmol of each
scale pattern of adult wings, etc). Additionally, six adult forward (5′- TTGATTTTTTGGTCATCCAGAAGT-3′)
moths of PBW, two from each of the three cotton growing and reverse (5’-TCCAATGCACTAATCTGCCA
regions of Maharashtra were sent for identification to the TATTA -3′) COI primers, 2.5 μl of 10X Taq buffer with
Insect Identification Service of the Division of 25 mM MgCl 2 (Genaxy), 10 mM dNTP mixture
Entomology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research (Promega) and 1 Unit (U) of Taq DNA polymerase
Institute (ICAR-IARI), New Delhi. (Genaxy) including 1.5 μl of template DNA. PCR was

set using standard protocol (Sridhar et al. 2016; The standard insect DNA barcoding using the uni-
Choudhary et al. 2017). The annealing temperature of versal COI primers (Choudhary et al. 2017) employed in
51 °C for 45 s was used. The PCR amplification prod- present study successfully amplified the target fragment
ucts were confirmed on 1.5% agarose gel, stained with ( 800 bp) of mitochondrial COI gene of PBW. Sequence
ethidium bromide (10 μg/ml) and visualized in a comparisons using BLASTn search of all the four sam-
BioRad gel documentation system. Ten μl of PCR prod- ples with those already deposited in NCBI-GenBank
ucts were purified using Exo-SAP IT clean up solution showed 99–100% similarity (Table 1). There was no
(Affymetrix). To resolve uncertainty in nucleotide se- variation among nucleotide sequences of four samples
quence data, the purified PCR products having ampli- analyzed from three different cotton growing regions of
fied mitochondrial COI regions were processed to dou- the state. All the four sequences of PBW were deposited
ble pass. The sequencing was outsourced from M/S in NCBI-GenBank as representatives of three major
Eurofins Genomics India Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, India. cotton growing regions of Maharashtra viz., Khandesh
The DNA sequences obtained were analyzed using (01), Vidarbha (02) and Marathwada (01) (Table 1).
Sequence Scanner software 1.0 (Applied Biosystems) Thus, it was confirmed that the pest which was earlier
program. Sequence alignment program MEGA6 known to be susceptible to the second generation Bt
(Tamura et al. 2013) was used for alignment of the cotton i.e. Bollgard II, now appears to have developed
nucleotide sequences. BLASTn search against the nu- resistance against it, causing widespread damage across
cleotide sequence database in GenBank was carried out the cotton growing areas of Maharashtra State. This has
for determining the identity of obtained sequences. The put forth a major challenge to the cotton production of
annotated 4 unique sequences were deposited in NCBI the country.
GenBank repository (Table 1).
Status of PBW infestation in Maharashtra state

Results The results of roving surveys conducted during

September – December, 2017 in cotton growing areas
Confirmation of identity of PBW of Khandesh, Vidarbha and Marathwada regions of
Maharashtra State indicated a progressive increase in
Both the morphological and molecular identification green boll infestation by PBW from low – moderate (<
revealed that all the samples collected from cotton fields 30%) during pre-boll bursting stage (90–100 DAS) to
from a total of 83 number of surveyed sites comprised of severe (> 65%) during boll bursting to subsequent pick-
single species i.e. pink bollworm, Pectinophora ing stages (>120 DAS) of the cotton crop. The mean
gossypiella (Saunders) Lepidoptera: Gelechidae). The PBW infestation at 90–100 days of cotton crop
morphological identification of larvae, pupae and (September 28 – October 10, 2017) in five cotton grow-
adults was based on the descriptions of Saunders ing districts of Vidarbha region ranged between 18.33 ±
(1843) and USDA (1948). All the examined larvae were 8.33% (Buldana district) and 30.00 ± 5.00% (Amravati
deep pink colored with head capsule dark brown, and district) (Fig. 2). The pest was found attacking flowers
were found inside the infested bolls causing damage to and developing green bolls of Bt cotton crop with ex-
the cotton seeds and lint. The newly formed pupae were tensive damage mainly to the green bolls (Fig. 3).
light brown colored which later turned to dark brown. Subsequent survey of 13 districts during November
The adult moths emerged from all the collections were 01 – December 15, 2017 revealed that in majority of the
light brown colored with undefined blackish spots on places, the mean green boll infestation exceeded 65%
the fore wings and silvery grey colored hind wings. The during the late reproductive growth stage of the cotton
adult moths were identified as Pectinophora gossypiella crop that coincided with the boll bursting and subse-
based on morphological examinations by Dr. P. quent pickings (> 120 DAS), except for Wardha and
Shashank, a taxonomist from Insect identification Nagpur districts where the mean green boll infestation
service of the Division of Entomology, ICAR- was found well below 45%. The highest green boll
IARI, New Delhi (Voucher specimen no. RRS infestation was observed in Jalgaon district of
No. 1885–1890/17, deposited at National Pusa Khandesh region (94.99 ± 3.17%) followed by Latur,
Collection of ICAR-IARI). Nanded, Parbhani and Osmanabad districts of

Table 1 Molecular identification of representative samples of Pink bollworm

Sample No. Source of Collection BLASTn similarity (%) NCBI-GenBank accession number Insect identified

1. Marathwada region 99 MG738712 Pectinophora gossypiella

2. Western Vidarbha region 100 MG738713 Pectinophora gossypiella
3. Khandesh Region 100 MG738714 Pectinophora gossypiella
4. Central Vidarbha region 100 MG738715 Pectinophora gossypiella

Marathwada region, wherein the infestation levels in The detailed analysis of locular damage by PBW at this
randomly sampled green bolls were found consistently stage of the cotton crop indicated severe intensity of
well above 90% (Fig. 4). The progressive increase in PBW infestation in open bolls as revealed from the
green boll infestation between pre-boll bursting and boll highest proportion of bolls with all the four locules
bursting to subsequent picking stages of the cotton crop damaged (45.56 ± 5.38%) (Figs. 8 and 9).
was clearly visualized from the case of Akola and
Yavatmal districts of Vidarbha region which were sur-
veyed at both pre-boll opening and boll opening stages Discussion
of the cotton crop (Fig. 5).
The data on mean open boll damage expressed as the Status of PBW infestation and resistance to Bt cotton
ratio of number of damaged open bolls and total number
of open bolls per plant was reasonably correlated with We report, based on extensive field surveys, the wide-
the high levels of green boll infestation in respective spread infestation of PBW in second generation Bt
districts (Fig. 6). More than 60% of the opened bolls cotton, i.e. Bollgard II in Maharashtra, which is a lead-
were found damaged by PBW in all the surveyed dis- ing cotton producing state of India. Astonishingly, the
tricts; except for Nagpur district (35.32 ± 4.72%). The pest had been recovered from all the 83 sampled loca-
highest open boll damage was recorded in Nanded tions spread across the 16 major cotton growing districts
district of Marathwada region (71.28 ± 5.16%).
Sampling of cotton plants (> 120 DAS) bearing simul-
taneously all the three staggered stages of boll develop-
ment i.e. picked bolls with only dried bracts/ locules left
out at the bottom, opened bolls with lint in the middle
and green unopened bolls at the top portion indicated a
typical pattern of progressive increase in the level of
PBW infestation as the crop season proceeds (Fig. 7).

Fig. 2 Mean percent infestation of PBW (based on randomly Fig. 3 PBW damage to the flowers and green bolls of Bt cotton.
sampled green bolls) at pre-boll bursting stage in five districts of Rosetting of infested flower (a), Infested flower showing feeding
Vidarbha region of Maharashtra State. The sample size (n) is 30 damage and PBW larva (inside the red circle) (b), green boll
green bolls per acre at each survey location and minimum of four showing larval exit hole (c), opened green boll with extensive
locations surveyed in each district damage due to larval feeding (d)

Fig. 4 Mean percent infestation of PBW (based on randomly is 40 green bolls per acre at each survey location and minimum of
sampled green bolls) at boll bursting to first picking stage in major four locations surveyed in each district
cotton growing districts of Maharashtra State. The sample size (n)

of the State. The average infestation at State level based Moreover, pest like PBW establishes and perpetuates
on the damage to green bolls and open bolls was found more easily compared to other insect pests because of
to be 77.75 ± 3.81% and 60.99 ± 5.88%, respectively. its hidden biology/cryptic habitat and, protection from
The progressive increase in PBW infestation with insecticidal applications and natural enemies. Thus,
intensification of locular damage over the crop PBW comes under the category of ‘difficult to manage
season was noticed. pests’. In this context, it would not be surprising if the
Occurrence and extensive damage of PBW on Bt pest causes havoc in Indian Bt cotton in the absence of
cotton in India in general and Maharashtra State in timely action.
particular has posed a serious concern to the entire There exists very few published reports documenting
country’s cotton farming. In this context, the present PBW resistance to first generation Bt cotton i.e.
report thus assumes its own significance because of Bollgard carrying single gene Cry 1Ac in India. The
the fact that the pest has resumed its pestilence state diet incorporation bioassay studies carried out by
against Bt cotton, a novel genetically engineered tech- Dhurua and Gujar (2011) on a field population of
nology intended for combating the bollworm complex PBW collected from Gujarat State during cotton season
on cotton. Being a pest species native to India, PBW had of 2008 revealed the development of resistance to Bt
already established and adapted to the wider climatic toxin Cry 1Ac. The mutations in a gene encoding a
conditions of the country, wherever cotton is grown. cadherin protein that binds Bt toxin Cry1Ac have been
reported to be associated with field-evolved resistance
of PBW to Cry1Ac produced by transgenic cotton in
India (Fabrick et al. 2014). Although enough attention
had already been paid towards the issue of comeback
and successful feeding and survival of PBW on dual
gene Bt cotton i.e. Bollgard II in India through popular
articles (Kranthi 2015), technical bulletins (Durga
Prasad et al. 2016; Naik et al. 2017) and or print and
electronic media (Aryal 2016; The Hindu 2017), so far,
there are no published systematic research reports from
Fig. 5 Increase in mean per cent infestation of PBW (based on the country documenting widespread infestation of and
randomly sampled green bolls) from pre-boll bursting to first resistance development in PBW against second genera-
picking stage in Akola and Yavatmal districts of Vidarbha region
of Maharashtra State. The sample size (n) is 40 green bolls per acre
tion Bt cotton (Bollgard II). One cannot neglect the very
at each survey location and minimum of four locations surveyed in possibility that the pest that had broken out seriously in
each district one part of the country may also pose severe threat to the

Fig. 6 Mean percent infestation of PBW (based on randomly sample size (n) is >25 cotton plants with opened bolls per acre at
sampled plants with opened bolls) at boll bursting to first picking each survey location and minimum of four locations surveyed in
stage in major cotton growing districts of Maharashtra State. The each district

other parts in due course of time causing havoc. various growth stages of cotton crop, a detailed picture
Therefore, we feel this is the right time to alert the of PBW infestation levels in various cotton grow-
stakeholders of cotton production on the seriousness of ing areas of Maharashtra. The knowledge generat-
the issue and to devise strategies and policies appropri- ed in present study will be crucial in getting
ate for the effective and eco-friendly management of this deeper insights into the dimensions of PBW infes-
serious pest of cotton. In this perspective we presented, tations that may help in assessing the potential yield
through extensive surveying and repetitive sampling at losses in cotton crop.

Fig. 7 Relative proportion of picked, open and green bolls (total acre at each survey location and total of three locations were
and damaged) at boll burst to first picking stage in Akola district of surveyed in Akola District
Maharashtra State. The sample size is 25 plants with open bolls per

Fig. 8 Mean proportion of

damaged open bolls per plant
with varying degree of locule
damage due to PBW infestation at
boll burst to first picking stage in
Akola district of Maharashtra
State. The sample size is 25 plants
with open bolls per acre at each
survey location and total of three
locations were surveyed in Akola

What factors triggered resumption of the pestilence crucial in delaying the process of Bt resistance develop-
in PBW? ment in target insects (Head and Greenplate, 2012;
Kranthi et al. 2017). As per the guidelines of Genetic
In depth analysis of the phenomena underlying resur- Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), Ministry of
gence of PBW in Indian Bt cotton pinpoints on some of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Government
the hardcore facts about the cotton farming practices of India), it has been made mandatory that at least 20%
being adopted in the country. The authors are of opinion of the total area under Bt cotton hybrids must be sown
that, non-compliance of refuge strategy comes to the with non-Bt cotton hybrids having same duration,
forefront of all the reasons therein. A refuge, an indis- flowering and fruiting windows (GEAC Guidelines for
pensable component of Bt cotton technology had been refuge in Bt Cotton 2011; Kranthi et al. 2017) as refuge
proposed as the most effective insecticide resistance crop. However, refuge strategy did not get enough pop-
management (IRM) strategy that was supposed to be ularity among the Indian cotton growers. The fear

Fig. 9 Typical pattern of

progressive increase in locular
damage by PBW based on
random sampling of opened bolls.
Boll with single locule damaged
(a), boll with two locules
damaged (b), boll with three
locules damaged (c) and boll with
all the four locules damaged (d)

psychosis among the cotton growers was that cultivating availability of cotton crop might have accelerated the
non-Bt cotton over 20% of the area would accelerate the process of resistance development in PBW against Bt
bollworm problem, thus warranting frequent insecticide cotton due to increased selection pressure from
sprays and perhaps lower the yields (Kranthi 2012). prolonged exposure to Bt toxins.
Since most of the Bt cotton growers in India are small Bt cotton with possibly low expression levels of Cry
scale farmers, implementation of the refuge strategy had toxins could be the another yet important factor hasten-
neither been encouraging nor profitable to them on ing Bt resistance development in PBW due to exposure
account of reduced margin of profit due to sparing of a to sub-lethal dose of toxins. Certain factors like high
valuable portion of already scarce land for non- temperature, drought, and crop age have been found to
productive purpose such as refuge planting be affecting transgene expression in Bt cotton resulting
(Sadashivappa and Qaim 2009). In a nutshell, Bt cotton in reduced production of Bt toxins leading to enhanced
is being extensively cultivated in India for more than susceptibility of the cotton to bollworms (Kaiser 1996;
one and half a decade but with near-absence of refuge. Hilder and Boulter 1999; Kranthi et al. 2005). The
Presently, Bt cotton occupies >93% of the total area important point to be noted here is that the Bt toxin
under cotton in the country (DCD 2017). Thus, large expression in transgenic cotton decreases with the in-
acreages of Bt cotton with non-enforcement of refuge crease in the age of plant. PBW which comes to play its
strategies has placed the Bt technology at greatest risk of role late in the season might be getting exposed to sub-
failure and appears to be the prime cause for high lethal dose of Bt toxins since the beginning of Bt cotton
selection pressure and eventual development of Bt re- era and this may be the reason for resumption of its
sistance in PBW. resistance to Bt cotton earlier than the other two species
Another, yet important dimension that adds to the of bollworms.
intensification of Bt resistance development in PBW, is Globally PBW is an oligophagous pest, reported
the growing of long duration cotton hybrids and exten- damaging other than cotton, few Malvaceous plants like
sion of cotton season in late winters that supports con- okra, deccan hemp and roselle. However, it is supposed
tinuous multiplication of the pest. The pink bollworm to be monophagous under Indian conditions where large
appears mostly from flowering stage onwards and in- acreage of land is put under the cultivation of cotton
tensity of its infestation goes on increasing with subse- crop for longer part of the year. The extensive monocul-
quent boll formation until maturity. Traditionally, PBW tures of Bt cotton being practiced since past one and half
is a late season pest of cotton with more prominence on decade (presently occupying >93% of the total cotton
long duration crop grown for more than 180 days. This area in the country) must have exerted continuous high
has also been clearly shown by our survey results that selection pressure on this monophagous insect pest,
the PBW infestation increased progressively from pre- triggering the process of resistance development.
boll opening to post boll opening phases of cotton crop Moreover being indigenous pest species, rapid combi-
with intensification of locular damage. In ideal condi- nations of alleles having multiple adaptive mechanisms
tions, timely termination of crop by the end of for resistance to Bt toxins could have accelerated the
December forces the larvae of PBW to enter into hiber- evolution of Bt resistant populations in PBW relative to
nation in the absence of food. However, extension of other polyphagous bollworms (Ojha et al. 2014).
cotton crop beyond normal season prevents the larvae of
PBW from entering into hibernation, enabling it to The way forward
continue multiplication on the newly produced host
resources i.e. flowers and bolls (Kranthi 2012, 2015). The lessons learnt from the past experiences entails that
The crop extension, sometimes even up to late winters the only feasible option to sustain the durability of Bt
(March–April) through supplementary irrigation and cotton technology is to adopt the integrated measures for
fertilizer applications in view of harnessing additional PBW management that helps to restore the susceptibility
yields has been observed as a common practice among in PBW population. In this context, we propose certain
cotton farmers of the surveyed villages. Further, sowing measures for achieving this uphill task. Provision of non-
of next season’s crop is taken up from April end to mid Bt cotton as refuge still figures at the top of all the
of May (pre-monsoon sowing) in areas having protected measures of PBW management. The refuge planting will
irrigation facilities. These situations of round the year help in moderating the high selection pressure and thus

restoring susceptible genes in monophagous bollworm chlorpyriphos, quinalphos and thiodicarb. The larvae of
pest like PBW. However, prior experience with the adop- PBW hibernating in seeds of harvested cotton stored in
tion of planting structured refuge of non-Bt cotton seeds bulk at places such as godowns, market yards and gin-
that are supplied separately in a small bag along with the ning mills serve as primary source for built up of pest
main bag of Bt cotton seeds has not been encouraging. inoculum that infests the new season’s crop. Therefore it
Instead of providing separate bags of non-Bt cotton is essential to create awareness among the owners of
seeds, provision of a single bag carrying an appropriate cotton gowdowns, market yards and ginning mills re-
mixture of Bt and non-Bt seeds could be the promising garding installation of pheromone traps in the vicinity for
option for ensuring high compliance on refuge planting, mass trapping and killing of post-season emerging moths.
the concept has witnessed remarkable success with Bt Thus, an effective PBW management strategy has to be
corn in USA (Onstad et al. 2011). Hence, revised policy viewed as collaborative efforts from all the stakeholders
is being proposed here for promoting implementation of of cotton industry. Further, the research efforts should be
refuge strategy, which includes: i. provision of a single focused on delineation of geographical hotspots with
seed bag carrying mixture of Bt seeds (90–95%) and non- varying levels of Bt resistance and strain variation in
Bt seeds (5–10%) (According to the latest notification of PBW populations which will enable to devise and under-
The Gazette of India 2016), ii. giving incentives to the take region specific management strategies.
farmers those who comply with the stringent require-
ments of refuge planting, and iii. Making refuge planting Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants from the
‘Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project^ (CROPSAP), spon-
as a mandatory requirement for receiving compensation
sored by Agriculture Department, Government of Maharashtra
from Government agencies in case of eventual damage (India). The authors gratefully acknowledge the Head, Division of
and yield loss due to PBW. Another, yet feasible way to Crop Protection and the Director of ICAR-CICR, Nagpur for insti-
lessen the PBW menace in cotton is to avoid pre- tutional support in execution of the present work. The authors are
also thankful to Dr. P. Shashank, Scientist (Entomology) from
monsoon sowing of crop in the months of April–May
Division of Entomology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research
in irrigated pockets. An early sown irrigated crop sup- Institute, New Delhi for his valuable insect identification service.
ports the initial establishment and perpetuation of proge-
ny of PBW moths emerged from hibernating residual Author contribution BBF, VSN, NGN and VNW conceived
population which further spreads onto the rainfed cotton and designed the research plan. BBF, VSN, SPG, DTN, BVN and
VD conducted the surveys and collected data on PBW infestation.
crop planted during June–July. If early planting of the
BVN and VD reared the insect in laboratory for identification of all
cotton crop is avoided, the PBW moths from hibernating the life stages. SPG and DTN carried out DNA barcoding for
populations emerge only to die for the need for appropri- molecular identification of PBW. BVN and VD compiled the data.
ate host stage to survive. This is called ‘suicidal emer- BBF and VSN analyzed the data and drafted the manuscript. All
authors edited the manuscript.
gence’ which substantially reduces the PBW inoculum
load on coming season’s cotton crop. Therefore a new
PBW management policy should focus on: i. creating Compliance with ethical standards
awareness among farmers through mass campaign re-
garding non-practicing of early season cotton planting, Conflict of interest Authors of this manuscript declare that there
and ii. enforcement of legislative control over the seed exists no any conflict of interest with respect to the content of this
sector, the biggest private agri-based enterprise in the manuscript. All the sources of information accessed have been
duly acknowledged.
country for regulating the seed market so as to make seed
availability only for the normal planting season of cotton
crop. The promising options for successfully bringing
down the PBW populations below the economical dam-
aging levels include: i. monitoring the PBW infestation
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omone ‘Gossyplure’), ii. inundative releases of egg par-
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D N A P a r t A , 2 8 , 1 – 8 . h t t p s : / / d o i . o rg / 1 0 . 1 0 8 0

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