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Narrative report of Grade 12 First Culminating Activity in Folk Dance at HOPE Council

The HOPE Council prepared their 1st Culminating activity in Folk Dance for Grade 12

Students for fulfilling their Grades at Hope. This culminating activity aims the students to

have more social and physical interaction with their classmates and friends.

Before the day of the program, August 1, 2019, the HOPE Council prepare all the necessary

things that we need to have a nice program for the event. We also assure to have good

distribution of information to all participants and judges to the said event.

The most awaited day of Everyone has finally come. With the help of HOPE Council adviser,

Mrs. Ernane S. Escuvania, we finally start the event.

The excitement and nervous was already embedded on their faces but behind of those

feeling is the mystery that has been prevail during their performances.

Based on the presentation of each of the sections you can see the efforts and

time they rendered just to give everyone a great performance for the said event. Aside from

the great performance, the unity and cooperation of each section is very evident in the

whole duration of the event. The event gives enjoyment andgreatfullness to the students. All

the Grade 12 studenta from different strands of BINHS was participate in the event and also

their performance are really Great.

Their sacrifices was not in vain...because it turns VICTORY that overcomes the overwhelming

nervous and shame to perform. Truly, the statement KEEP ON is not just only a word but a

very powerful word

that can almost change the whole perspective of human in a humanity.

They almost used The half of the day in preparing their costumes, make up

themselves, preparing their heart and mind to be right, and most of all the

right motive of why they need to impress everyone but to express their

warm gratitude and thanksgiving of how privileged they are. In the line with the celebration

of the Grade12 culminating activity in folkdance, several sections had unveiled some of their

blazing talents

by performing different folk dances across the region in the said event.

Through this performance, there are two significant things that we learned. One

is that folkdance plays an important part in introducing our unique filipino

culuture and the other is the cooperationof the whole class as one beacuse as

they say, “ Teamwork makes the dream work”

The last part of the event get all the students/performers attention, the Awarding

Ceremony. All the Judges feel the love of the students towards the Culture they performing.
The Highest Score got buy the Grade 12 STEM - GOODALL which performs very well in the

said event, whilethe 1st runner up goes to Grade 12 STEM - BERNERS - LEE.

The club learned that folk dance are dances that are developed by people in each

places that reflects to their lives and tradition. We used this to remember the

life of our ancestors and to keep our culture alive. We truly enjoy the day that

all garde 12 STEM and ABM performed folk dances of our nation.

This activity is unforgettable because each team gives their best in each performance that

leads to a morethan a champion of competition but a champion of being worth it to

showcase their ability to perform one of a

great dances of our nation a folkdance. That was very unforgettable event in all Grade 12

student because it builds up our confidence in facing many people and express ourself in

dancing, it also help us to build up strong connection in our classmates. And lastly it ends up

by having a good performance and we're very thankful for that.

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