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1.Hamstring ball
2.Plantar fascia massage
3.Posterior tib massage
4.Soleus massage
5.Calf smash
6.Suprapatellar pouch ball
7.quad and it band foam roll
8.Thoraic spine
9.Kneeling hip flexor
10.Hamstring stretch hold
11.Eccentric calf raises
12.Eccentric hamstrings band
13.Piriformis mobilization

1.Core control
3.Pigeon hip extensions
4.Donkey kicks
5.March bridge
6.Knee to chest bridge
7.Big toe isolation
8.Toe yoga
9.Single leg balance
10.Standing hip extension
11.Chair of death
Weight Lift
1. leg lifts
2. russian oblique twist
3. push ups
4. bench press
5. row
6. arm swings 15
7. bicep curls
8. tricep dips
9. step ups
10. lunge
11. quarter squat
12. single leg deadlift
13. wall sit - for calves
14. calf raise
15. Farmers march
16. Kneeling hip flexor x30
17. Assisted pull ups(chair)
18. Negative pull ups

Rotational shoulder press

Kneeling hip flexor
Lying down pelvic thrust
Lying down quad stretch
Hamstring leg raise
Full squat
Heel dips
Lunge clock
Ais glute stretch
Push Up plank
Side plank

Anterior shin splint

Stretch and foam roll well
Post Runs stretch
1. Hamstring stretch
2. Runners calf stretch
3. Glute and piriformis
4. Chest stretch
5. Quad stretch

Morning stretches
1. Neck circle
2. Shoulder shrug
3. Forward fold
4. Hip circle
5. Standing overhead reach
6. Squat

Runners 360
inchworm plank
squat thrust climbers
curtsy lunge hop
scorpion figther
sidewinder plank leg lift
plank pups
lateral speed runners
windshield wipers
plank rotations
single leg deadlift
marching bridge
superman plank

A march
A skip
B march
B skip
Butt trigger
Butt flex
Quick feet
High Skip - explosive from toes
Long skip
Flat foot march
High knees
Bounding - 30° killer

Double leg hops
Single leg hops
Vertical depth jumps
Single depth jumps
Box jumps
Toe taps
Lateral jumps
Quick hops
Frog Jump
Jump squat

Anterior pelvic tilt

left core
left leg power
Right psoas
Left ankle?

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