The Health Benefits of Noni

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Authentic Text Name : Rinda Dwi Octavia

Student ID number : 2201417094

The Health Benefits of Noni

Jamaicans have utilized the land’s natural botanical gifts for generations in traditional
medicine practices and embraced the properties of new plants as they were brought to the island. One
of those is the fruit of the noni tree.
The tree grows to approximately 10 ft. in height and produces green berries that ripen to a
creamy yellow. The juice is bitter, but palatable when mixed with honey, and noni juice is sold as a
weight loss product in Jamaica. It’s also available in capsules and powder form that can be mixed in
a wide variety of beverages.
Scientifically, noni has been found to contain natural chemicals that support the body’s
immune system to ward off infection and disease. Noni is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals
in the body that leads to the signs of aging. Just one ounce of juice increases energy and it works to
lower blood pressure.
Noni has natural antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Some utilize it as a remedy
for eczema and ringworm. It also has the ability to stimulate nitric acid production in the body that
aids in increasing circulation and reducing plaque and bad cholesterol, all of which are good for the
heart and brain.
Noni has natural anti-inflammatory properties to relieve pain and helps in regulating sleep
and mood. The fruit is a readily available source of trace minerals the body needs that includes
selenium, manganese, zinc, and vitamin C. It’s also high in fiber making it beneficial for addressing
The powdered leaves are used as a tea in Korea or mixed with garlic for kidney health.
Jamaicans have incorporated it into traditional medical usage, but as with any natural remedy, noni
may adversely interact with prescription medications. Always consult with a physician before taking
any dietary supplement.

The Health Benefits of Noni

Noni tree grows and produces green berries that ripen to a creamy yellow. The juice of noni
fruit is bitter, but palatable when mixed with honey. It’s also available in capsules and powder that
can be mixed in various beverages.
Scientifically, noni has been found to contain natural chemicals that support the body’s
immune system to ward off infection and disease. Just one ounce of juice increases energy and it
works to lower blood pressure. Noni has natural anti-inflammatory properties to relieve pain and
helps in regulating sleep and mood. The powdered leaves are used as a tea in Korea or mixed with
garlic for kidney health. Always consult with a physician before taking any supplement of noni fruit.

The Health Benefits of Noni

Noni tree grows and produces green berries that ripen to a creamy yellow. The juice of noni
fruit is bitter, but palatable when mixed with honey. It’s also available in capsules and powder that
can be mixed in various beverages.
Scientifically, noni has been found to contain natural chemicals that support the body’s
immune system to ward off infection and disease. Just one ounce of juice increases energy and it
works to lower blood pressure. Noni has natural anti-inflammatory properties to relieve pain and
helps in regulating sleep and mood. The powdered leaves are used as a tea in Korea or mixed with
garlic for kidney health. Always consult with a physician before taking any supplement of noni fruit.
Student Text

The Health Benefits of Noni

Noni tree grows and produces green berries that ripen to a creamy yellow. The juice of noni
fruit is bitter, but palatable when mixed with honey. It’s also available in capsules and powder that
can be mixed in various beverages.
Scientifically, noni has been found to contain natural chemicals that support the body’s
immune system to ward off infection and disease. Just one ounce of juice increases energy and it
works to lower blood pressure. Noni has natural anti-inflammatory properties to relieve pain and
helps in regulating sleep and mood. The powdered leaves are used as a tea in Korea or mixed with
garlic for kidney health. Always consult with a physician before taking any supplement of noni fruit.
EXERCISE 1 (Descriptive Text)

Answer the following questions below!

1. In paragraph 2, the text mainly describes ……
A. The unpleasant smell of noni
B. The benefits of noni
C. How to make noni juice

2. Which one is the benefit of noni?

A. It can reduce energy
B. It can reduce pain
C. It can reduce confident

3. Based on the text, in Korea, noni fruit is used as a ….

A. coffee, or mixed with caramel for kidney health.
B. dessert, or mixed with chocolate for kidney health
C. tea, or mixed with garlic for kidney health.

EXERCISE 1 (Descriptive Text)

Answer the following questions below!

1. In paragraph 2, the text mainly describes ……
A. The unpleasant smell of noni
B. The benefits of noni
C. How to make noni juice

2. Which one is the benefit of noni?

A. It can reduce energy
B. It can reduce pain
C. It can reduce confident

3. Based on the text, in Korea, noni fruit is used as a ….

A. coffee, or mixed with caramel for kidney health.
B. dessert, or mixed with chocolate for kidney health
C. tea, or mixed with garlic for kidney health.
Javanony is known as Mengkudu or Pace in Indonesia. When the fruit is tender and
translucent yellow, it’s ripe, so you can consume it. The ripe javanony has a very pungent smell, like
stinky cheese and its taste is sour. Even so, this fruit has many benefits for our health.
Javanony is consumed as a juice, fruit and supplements (capsule) that has many benefits for
our health. You can also use it to be your skincare. So, here are the benefits of Javanony for our
1. It can prevent cancer by drinking javanony juice. It can boost our immune system to prevent
2. It can help to remove acne in our face because it has antibacterial which can fight the bacteria
that cause acne. You can use this fruit as a mask by blending it and then applied the pulp on
your face.
3. It can increase energy and stabilize blood pressure by consuming javanony fruit directly or
consuming javanony extract capsule with an appropriate dosage .

Javanony is known as Mengkudu or Pace in Indonesia. When the fruit is tender and
translucent yellow, it’s ripe, so you can consume it. The ripe javanony has a very pungent smell, like
stinky cheese and its taste is sour. Even so, this fruit has many benefits for our health.
Javanony is consumed as a juice, fruit and supplements (capsule) that has many benefits for
our health. You can also use it to be your skincare. So, here are the benefits of Javanony for our
1. It can prevent cancer by drinking javanony juice. It can boost our immune system to prevent
2. It can help to remove acne in our face because it has antibacterial which can fight the bacteria
that cause acne. You can use this fruit as a mask by blending it and then applied the pulp on
your face.
3. It can increase energy and stabilize blood pressure by consuming javanony fruit directly or
consuming javanony extract capsule with an appropriate dosage .

Javanony is known as Mengkudu or Pace in Indonesia. When the fruit is tender and
translucent yellow, it’s ripe, so you can consume it. The ripe javanony has a very pungent smell, like
stinky cheese and its taste is sour. Even so, this fruit has many benefits for our health.
Javanony is consumed as a juice, fruit and supplements (capsule) that has many benefits for
our health. You can also use it to be your skincare. So, here are the benefits of Javanony for our
1. It can prevent cancer by drinking javanony juice. It can boost our immune system to prevent
2. It can help to remove acne in our face because it has antibacterial which can fight the bacteria
that cause acne. You can use this fruit as a mask by blending it and then applied the pulp on
your face.
3. It can increase energy and stabilize blood pressure by consuming javanony fruit directly or
consuming javanony extract capsule with an appropriate dosage .

Name : Rinda Dwi Octavia

NIM : 2201417094

Good morning, class? How are you today? I’m fine too, thank you!
Well class, today we will learn new material. Are you ready?
Okay next, Miss Rinda will hows you a picture. You must guess what is it, okay?
Ya, ini gambarnya (showing a picture). Anyone can guess what is it?
Ada yang bisa nebak ini buah apa namanya? Please raise your hand!
Iya benar ini mengkudu/ pace. Kalau bahasa inggrisnya, ada yang tau?
That’s Right, mengkudu in english is javanony.
Have you ever eaten this fruit? or have you not familiar with this fruit?
Sayang sekali ya kalau kalian belum pernah menjumpai buah yang satu ini.
Because this fruit has many benefits for our health. Apa saja manfaatnya?
Kita akan bahas pada pertemuan kali ini. We will describe javanony fruit and its benefits.
Setelah ini miss Rinda akan membagikan contoh descriptive text tentang buah Mengkudu.
Have you got the paper all?

Javanony is known as Mengkudu or Pace in Indonesia. When the fruit is tender and
translucent yellow, it’s ripe, so you can consume it. The ripe javanony has a very pungent smell, like
stinky cheese and its taste is sour. Even so, this fruit has many benefits for our health.
Javanony is consumed as a juice, fruit and supplements (capsule) that has many benefits for
our health. You can also use it to be your skincare. So, here are the benefits of Javanony for our
1. It can prevent cancer by drinking javanony juice. It can boost our immune system to prevent
2. It can help to remove acne in our face because it has antibacterial which can fight the bacteria
that cause acne. You can use this fruit as a mask by blending it and then applied the pulp on
your face.
3. It can increase energy and stabilize blood pressure by consuming javanony fruit directly or
consuming javanony extract capsule with an appropriate dosage .

Okay students, please read the text first. Then, we will discuss it together.

Miss Rinda kasih waktu 5 menit ya untuk dibaca terlebih dulu.

Have you done, students?

Now, we will discuss the text together.
(discussing the text together)

Okay, then please mention what are the difficult word that you find in the text?
(Repeat and listen, and try to find the meaning)
Ya, uda pada tahu semua ya manfaat buah Mengkudu itu apa.
Setelah ini kita latihan untuk mengerjakan soal ya.

(share the paper of the exercise)

Langsung dikerjakan ya. Do it by yourself.

Okay, so please give your answer sheet to your friend next to you.
We will discuss the correct answer together.
Well, students. All of you got a good score.
So, it can be concluded that all of you understand the materials well.
Okay, I think enough for today. Thanks for coming my class.
See you next meeting.

EXERCISE 1 (Descriptive Text)

Name :
Class :

Answer the following questions below!

4. In paragraph 2, the text mainly describes ……

A. The unpleasant smell of Javanony
B. The benefits of Javanony
C. How to make javanony juice
5. What kind of the text is?
A. Narrative text
B. Procedure text
C. Descriptive text

6. Which one of the javanony benefit?

A. It can reduce energy
B. It can reduce pimpled skin
C. It can reduce confident

7. Based on the text, what are some ways to process

javanony fruit to be useful for health?
A. By making a juice, making a mask and consuming it as fruit.
B. By making a juice, making a salad and consuming it as fruit.
C. By making a juice, making a soup and consuming it as fruit.

8. “The ripe javanony has a very pungent smell, like stinky cheese…” What does the underlined
word mean?
A. A nice smell of cheese
B. A common smell of cheese
C. An unpleasant smell of cheese

Answer Keys :
1. B (The benefits of Javanony)
2. C (Descriptive text)
3. B (It can reduce pimpled skin)
4. A (By making a juice, making a mask and consuming it as fruit)
5. C (An unpleasant smell of cheese)
EXERCISE 1 . Descriptive Text EXERCISE 1 . Descriptive Text

Name : Name :
Class : Class :

Answer the following questions below! Answer the following questions below!
1. In paragraph 2, the text mainly describes 1. In paragraph 2, the text mainly describes
…… ……
A. The unpleasant smell of Javanony A. The unpleasant smell of Javanony
B. The benefits of Javanony B. The benefits of Javanony
C. How to make javanony juice C. How to make javanony juice
2. What kind of the text is? 2. What kind of the text is?
A. Narrative text A. Narrative text
B. Procedure text B. Procedure text
C. Descriptive text C. Descriptive text
3. Which one of the javanony benefit? 3. Which one of the javanony benefit?
A. It can reduce energy A. It can reduce energy
B. It can reduce pimpled skin B. It can reduce pimpled skin
C. It can reduce confident C. It can reduce confident

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