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Environmental pollution is “the contamination of the physical and biological components of the earth/atmosphere system
to such an extent that normal environmental processes are adversely affected”.
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the environment that cause harm or discomfort  to humans or other
living organisms, or that damage the environment” which can come “in the form of chemical substances, or energy
such as noise, heat or light”. “Pollutants can be naturally occurring substances or energies, but are considered contaminants
when in excess of natural levels.
There are several types of pollution, and while they may come from different sources and have different consequences,
understanding the basics about pollution can help environmentally conscious individuals minimize their contribution to
these dangers.
Air pollution is defined as any contamination of the atmosphere that disturbs the natural composition and chemistry of
the air. This can be in the form of particulate matter such as dust or excessive gases like carbon dioxide or other vapors
that cannot be effectively removed through natural cycles, such as the carbon cycle or the nitrogen cycle.
Air pollution comes from a wide variety of sources. Some of the most excessive sources include:
 Vehicle or manufacturing exhaust
 Forest fires, volcanic eruptions, dry soil erosion, and other natural sources
 Building construction or demolition
Depending on the concentration of air pollutants, several effects can be noticed. Smog increases, higher rain acidity,
crop depletion from inadequate oxygen, and higher rates of asthma. Many scientists believe that global warming is also
related to increased air pollution.
Pollutant Sources Effects
Ozone. A gas that can be found in Ozone is not created directly, but is formed Ozone near the ground can cause a
when nitrogen oxides and vo latile organic number of health prob lems. Ozone can
two places. Near the ground (the
compounds mix in sunlight. That is why ozone lead to more frequent asthma attacks in
tropo sphere), it is a major part of is mostly found in the summer. Nitrogen oxides people who have asthma and can cause
smog. The harmful ozo ne in the come from burning gasoline, coal, or other sore throats, coughs, and breathing
fossil fuels. There are many types of volatile difficulty. It may even lead to premature
lower atmosphere should not be
organic compounds, and they come from death. Ozone can also hurt plants and
confused with the protective layer sources ranging from factories to trees. crops.
of ozone in the upper atmosphere
(stratosphere), which screens out
harmful ultraviolet rays
Ca rbo n monoxide. A gas that Carbon mono xide is released when engines Carbo n monoxide makes it hard for body
comes from the burning of fossil burn fossil fuels. Emissions are higher when parts to get the oxygen they need to run
fuels, mostly in cars. It cannot be engines are not tuned properly, and when fuel co rrectly. Exposure to carbon monoxid e
seen or smelled is not completely burned. Cars emit a lot of the makes people feel dizzy and tired and
carbon monoxide found outdoors. Furnaces gives them headaches. In high
and heaters in the home can emit high co ncentrations it is fatal. Elderly people
concentrations of carbo n monoxide, too, if they with heart disease are hospitalized more
are not properly maintained. often when they are exposed to higher
amounts of carbon monoxide.

Nitrogen dio xide.  A reddish- Nitrogen dioxide mostly comes from po wer High levels of nitrogen dioxide exposure
brown gas that comes from the plants and cars. Nitrogen dioxide is formed in can give people coughs and can make
burning of fossil fuels. It has a two ways-when nitrogen in the fuel is burned, them feel short of breath. People who are
strong smell at high levels. or when nitrogen in the air reacts with oxygen exposed to nitrogen dioxide for a long
at very high temperatures. Nitrogen dioxide time have a higher chance of getting
can also react in the atmosphere to form ozone, respiratory infections. Nitro gen dioxid e
acid rain, and particles. reacts in the atmosphere to form acid
rain, which can harm plants and animals.

Particulate matter. Solid or Particulate matter can be divided into two Particulate matter that is small enough
liquid matter that is suspended in types-coarse particles and fine particles. can enter the lungs and cause health
the air. To remain in the air, Coarse particles are formed from sources like prob lems. Some of these problems
particles usually must be less than road dust, sea spray, and construction. Fine include more frequent asthma attacks,
0.1-mm wide and can be as small particles are formed when fuel is burned in respiratory problems, and premature
as 0.00005 mm. automobiles and power plants. death.
Sulphur dio xide.  A corrosive gas Sulfur dioxide mostly comes from the burning Sulfur d ioxide exposure can affect
that cannot be seen or smelled at of coal or oil in power plants. It also comes people who have asthma or emphysema
low levels but can have a “rotten from factories that make chemicals, paper, or by making it more difficult for them to
egg“ smell at high levels. fuel. Like nitrogen dio xide, sulfur dioxide breathe. It can also irritate people's eyes,
reacts in the atmosp here to form acid rain and noses, and throats. Sulfur dioxide can
particles. harm trees and crops, damage b uildings,
and make it harder for people to see long

Lead. A blue-gray metal that is Outside, lead comes from cars in areas where High amounts of lead can be dangerous
very toxic and is found in a unleaded gasoline is not used. Lead can also for small children and can lead to lower
number of forms and locations. come from power plants and other industrial IQs and kidney prob lems. For adults,
sources. Inside, lead paint is an important exposure to lead can increase the chance
source of lead, especially in houses where paint of having heart attacks or strokes.
is peeling. Lead in old pipes can also be a
source of lead in drinking water.

Toxic air pollutants. A large Each toxic air pollutant comes from a slightly Toxic air pollutants can cause cancer.
number of chemicals that are different source, but many are created in Some toxic air pollutants can also cause
known or suspected to cause chemical plants or are emitted when fossil fuels birth defects. Other effects depend on the
cancer. Some imp ortant pollutants are burned. Some toxic air pollutants, like pollutant, but can include skin and eye
in this category include arsenic, asbestos and formaldehyde, can be found in irritation and breathing problems.
asbestos, benzene, and dioxin. building materials and can lead to indoor air
problems. Many toxic air pollutants can also
enter the food and water supplies.

Stratospheric ozone CFCs are used in air conditioners and If the ozone in the stratosphere is
depleters.Chemicals that can refrigerators, since they work well as coolants. destro yed, people are exposed to more
destroy the ozone in the They can also be fo und in aerosol cans and fire radiation fro m the sun (ultraviolet
stratosphere. These chemicals extinguishers. Other stratospheric ozone radiation). This can lead to skin cancer
include chlorofluorocarbons depleters are used as so lvents in industry. and eye problems. Higher ultraviolet
(CFCs), halons, and other radiation can also harm plants and
compounds that include chlorine animals.
or bromine

Greenhouse gases. Gases that Carbon dioxide is the most important The greenhouse effect can lead to
stay in the air for a long time and greenhouse gas. It comes from the burning of changes in the climate of the planet.
warm up the planet by trapping fossil fuels in cars, p ower plants, houses, and Some of these changes might includ e
sunlight. This is called the industry. Methane is released during the more temperature extremes, higher sea
“greenhouse effect“ b ecause the processing of fossil fuels, and also comes from levels, changes in forest compositio n,
gases act like the glass in a natural sources like cows and rice paddies. and damage to land near the coast.
greenhouse. Some of the Nitrous oxide comes from ind ustrial sources Human health might be affected by
important greenhouse gases are and decaying plants. diseases that are related to temperature or
carbon dioxide, methane, and by damage to land and water.
nitrous oxide.
Water pollution involves any contaminated water, whether from chemical, particulate, or bacterial matter that degrades
the water’s quality and purity. Water pollution can occur in oceans, rivers, lakes, and underground reservoirs, and as
different water sources flow together through the water cycle the pollution can spread.
Causes of water pollution include:
 Increased sediment from soil erosion
 Improper waste disposal and littering
 Leaching of soil pollution into water supplies
 Organic material decay in water supplies
The effects of water pollution include decreasing the quantity of drinkable water available, lowering water supplies for
crop irrigation, and impacting fish and wildlife populations that require water of a certain purity for survival.
Ground water is being polluted by percolation of contaminated surface water through the layers of the earth. Release of
raw sewage in unlined soak-pits and release of toxic effluents by the industries into surface water bodies, are the main
causes of ground water pollution.
Major water pollutants, examples and sources
Category Examples Sources
I. Affecting health
Infectious agents Bacteria, viruses and parasites Sewage, human and animal excreta
Organic chemicals Pesticides, plastics, detergents. oil Agricultural, industrial and domestic wastes
Inorganic chemicals Acids, caustics, salts, metals Industrial and domestic effluents
Radioactive materials Uranium, thorium, randon, etc Mining, power plants, natural sources
2. Affecting ecossslcm
Plant nutrients Nitrates, phosphates, etc Chemical fertilisers, sewage, manure
Sediments Silt, soil Soil erosion
Thermal Heat Industries, power plants
Oxygen demanding Agricultural waster, manure Sweage, agricultural runoff
Indiscriminate and overuse of fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides have also caused ground water pollution through the
seepage of irrigation water into ground water reserves.
The hazards of ground water pollution depend on several factors such as:
 Concentration or toxicity of the pollutant
 The level of ground water if the level is higher chances of contamination are more
 Conditions of ground water recharge
Marine Pollution: Marine pollution is the matter of International concern from the point of view of conservation of
living resources. All coastal nations dispose of millions of gallons of untreated sewage, millions of tonnes of garbage,
unlimited amount of low level radioactive wastes etc. into the seas.
In addition to the marine environment, areas along the coasts, such as, estuaries, reefs, wetlands, mangroves, etc. are
adversely affected due to enormous dumping of pollutants into the ocean. This problem is further aggravated due to the
fact that about 40% of the world’s population lives near the sea.

The main sources of marine pollution are:

1. Municipal wastes and sewage
2. Industrial effluents
3. Runoff agricultural wastes
4. Oil spills from tankers
5. Offshore drilling and mining
6. Submarine nuclear testing
7. Dumping of radioactive wastes
The consequences of marine pollution are as follows:
 The pollutants adversely affect the productive ocean regions, thus causing huge losses of fish populations and coral
reefs. This results in economic losses amounting to billions of dollars per year.
 Eutrophication, due to the influx of organic pollutants, results in the formation of red tides. These are blooms
(massive growth) of red algae, which inhibit the movement of ships and also kill marine fauna.
 Dumping of huge amounts of toxic wastes in a short duration of time, creates areas of oxygen-depleted zones in the
coastal waters. In these zones, most of the aquatic lives die or migrate elsewhere.
 Discarded garbage, sewage, plastic refuse, etc. that are dumped in the oceans sometimes accumulate in the beaches.
This spoils the aesthetic beauty of the region and results in loss of tourism.
Water Pollutants and their Effects:
Most of the rivers and fresh water streams in India are badly polluted by industrial wastes or effluents. The major
sources of pollution of some Indian rivers are listed in table below:
Indian rivers and sources of their pollution
Name of river Sources of pollution
1. Kali Sugar mills: distilleries: paint, soap, rayon, silk. Yarn, tin and glycerine
2. Yamuna D.D.T. factory, sewage, Indraprastha Power Station, Delhi.
3. Ganga Jute, chemical, metal and surgical industries: tanneries, textile mills and great
bulk of domestic sewage of highly organic nature.
4. Gomti Paper and pulp mills sewage.
5. Dajora Synthetic rubber factories.
6. Damodar Fertilizers, fly ash from steel mills, suspended coal particles from washeries,
and thermal power station.
7. Hoogly Power stations: paper pulp, jute textiles, chemical mills, paint, varnishes, metal,
steel, hydrogenated vegetable oil, rayon, soap, match, shellac, and polyethene
industries and sewage.
8. Sone Bhadra Cement, pulp and paper mills.
9. Cooum, Adyar and Buckinghum Domestic sewage, automobile workshops.
canal (Chennai)
10. Kaveri Sewage, tanneries, distilleries, paper and rayon mills.
11. Godavari Paper, mills.
12. Siwan Paper, sulphur, cement, and sugar mills.
13. Kulu Chemical factories, rayon mills and tanneries.
14. Suwao Sugar industries.
Contamination of water with industrial wastes is most dangerous. The sewage of big cities is often drained into rivers.
This sewage promotes the growth of phytoplankton’s. The excessive growth depletes the oxygen of water. This
reduction of oxygen and the presence of poisonous wastes affect the fish population. Besides these, rivers, lakes and
ponds are also used directly by people for bathing or washing. This contaminates the water with the germs of various
diseases- like cholera, dysentery and hepatitis.

Type or Industry Inorganic pollutants Organic pollutants

Mining Mine wastes : Chlorides, various metals,
ferrous sulphate, sulpluric acid hydrogen

sulphide, ferric hydroxide, surface wash offs,
suspended solids, chlorides and heavy metals.
Iron and steel Suspended solids, iron cyanide, thiocy-anate, Oil, phenol and naptha
sulphides, oxides, of copper, chromium,
cadmium, and mercury.
Chemical plants Various acids and alkalies, sulphates, nitrates of Aromatic compound solvents, organic acids,
metals, phosphorus, fluorine, silica, and nitro compound dyes, etc.
suspended particles.
Pharmaceuticals Proteins, carbohydrates, organic solvents,

intermediate products, drugs and antibiotics.
Soap and detergent Tertiary ammonia compounds, alkalies. Fats and fatty acids, glycerol, polyphosphates,
sulphonated hydrocarbons.
Food processing Highly putrescible organic matter and

Paper and pulp Sulphides, bleaching liquors Cellulose fibres, bark, wood, sugars and
organic acids.
Some pollutants produce only temporary effects in water whereas others have long standing effects. There are several
types of physical and chemical effects produced by pollutants.
These are:
 Addition of poisonous substances
 Addition of suspended particles
 Addition of non-toxic salts
 Water de-oxygenation
 Heating of water.
Soil, or land pollution, is contamination of the soil that prevents natural growth and balance in the land whether it is used
for cultivation, habitation, or a wildlife preserve. Some soil pollution, such as the creation of landfills, is deliberate, while
much more is accidental and can have widespread effects.
Soil pollution sources include:
 Hazardous waste and sewage spills
 Non-sustainable farming practices, such as the heavy use of inorganic pesticides
 Strip mining, deforestation, and other destructive practices
 Household dumping and littering
Soil contamination can lead to poor growth and reduced crop yields, loss of wildlife habitat, water and visual pollution,
soil erosion, and desertification.
Noise pollution refers to undesirable levels of noises caused by human activity that disrupt the standard of living in the
affected area. Noise pollution can come from:
 Traffic
 Airports
 Railroads
 Manufacturing plants
 Construction or demolition
 Concerts

Some noise pollution may be temporary while other sources are more permanent. Effects may include hearing loss,
wildlife disturbances, and a general degradation of lifestyle.
Radioactive pollution is rare but extremely detrimental, and even deadly, when it occurs. Because of its intensity and the
difficulty of reversing damage, there are strict government regulations to control radioactive pollution.
Sources of radioactive contamination include:
 Nuclear power plant accidents or leakage
 Improper nuclear waste disposal
 Uranium mining operations
Radiation pollution can cause birth defects, cancer, sterilization, and other health problems for human and wildlife
populations. It can also sterilize the soil and contribute to water and air pollution.
Thermal pollution is excess heat that creates undesirable effects over long periods of time. The earth has a natural
thermal cycle, but excessive temperature increases can be considered a rare type of pollution with long term effects.
Many types of thermal pollution are confined to areas near their source, but multiple sources can have wider impacts
over a greater geographic area.
Thermal pollution may be caused by:
 Power plants
 Urban sprawl
 Air pollution particulates that trap heat
 Deforestation
 Loss of temperature moderating water supplies
As temperatures increase, mild climatic changes may be observed, and wildlife populations may be unable to recover
from swift changes.
Light pollution is the over illumination of an area that is considered obtrusive. Sources include:
 Large cities
 Billboards and advertising
 Night time sporting events and other night time entertainment
Light pollution makes it impossible to see stars, therefore interfering with astronomical observation and personal enjoyment.
If it is near residential areas, light pollution can also degrade the quality of life for residents.
In news 2018:
The 2018 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) finds that air quality is the leading environmental threat to public
health. Now in its twentieth year, the biennial report is produced by researchers at Yale and Columbia Universities in
collaboration with the World Economic Forum. The tenth EPI report ranks 180 countries on 24 performance indicators
across 10 issue categories covering environmental health and ecosystem vitality. Switzerland leads the world in sustainability,
followed by France, Denmark, Malta, and Sweden.

Key findings:
 Switzerland’s top ranking reflects strong performance across most issues, especially air quality and climate protection.
 In general, high scorers exhibit long-standing commitments to protecting public health, preserving natural resources,
and decoupling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from economic activity.
 India and Bangladesh come in near the bottom of the rankings, with Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and
Nepal rounding out the bottom five.
 Low scores on the EPI are indicative of the need for national sustainability efforts on a number of fronts, especially
cleaning up air quality, protecting biodiversity, and reducing GHG emissions.
 Some of the lowest-ranking nations face broader challenges, such as civil unrest, but the low scores for others can
be attributed to weak governance, they note.
EPI and Global Sustainability Data
The EPI builds on the best available global data from international research entities, such as the Institute for Health
Metrics and Evaluation, the World Resources Institute, and the Sea Around Us Project at the University of British
Columbia, as well as international organizations such as the World Bank and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.
Nevertheless, serious data gaps limit the ability to measure results – and particularly changes in performance – on a
number of important issues. “As the EPI project has highlighted for two decades, better data collection, reporting, and
verification across a range of environmental issues are urgently needed,”.
The world needs better data on sustainable agriculture, water resources, waste management, and threats to biodiversity.
Supporting global data systems is one of the most important steps the world community can take to achieving sustainable
development goals.
Centre had notified dust mitigation norms.
The norms mandate that:
 No building or infrastructure project requiring Environmental Clearance shall be implemented without approved
Environmental Management Plan inclusive of dust mitigation measures.
 Roads leading to or at construction sites must be paved and blacktopped (i.e. metallic roads).
 No excavation of soil shall be carried out without adequate dust mitigation measures in place.
 No loose soil or sand or Construction & Demolition Waste or any other construction material that causes dust shall
be left uncovered,
 Wind-breaker of appropriate height i.e. 1/3rd of the building height and maximum up to 10 meters shall be provided.
 Water sprinkling system shall be put in place.
 Dust mitigation measures shall be displayed prominently at the construction site for easy public viewing.
How it works? (Steps taken)
The teams are empowered to take on-the-spot action against violators and if necessary, issue “stop-work” orders.
The campaign will also include enforcement of pollution-control measures for vehicles, driving discipline, inspection of
power plants in Delhi to ensure compliance with the norms on pollution.
Besides field surveys by empowered teams of officials, a series of seminars on mitigation of pollution will also be
organised during the period. These include - a workshop on Environmental and Health; Air Pollution Abatement Technologies;
enlisting support from NGOs, Civil Society, citizens; Clean Air Day in Universities, Colleges and Schools; a Mini Marathon
for Clean Air; enhancing the role of PSUs and industries, apex industrial bodies; launching a national digital forum for
discussions on air pollution; Indoor Air Pollution Management and a conference of Environment Ministers of States and
Union Territories.

In news
Recently, the Union Cabinet approved the proposal for ratification of Minamata Convention on Mercury enabling India to
become a Party of the Convention.
 The approval entails ratification of the Minamata Convention on Mercury along with flexibility for continued use of
mercury based products and processes involving mercury compound up to 2025.
 The first Conference of the Parties (CoP) under the Minamata Convention took place in Geneva, Switzerland in 2017
which India attended as observer.
It is financed through Global Environment Facility.
Details about the convention
 The Minamata Convention on Mercury is first global legally binding treaty to protect human health and the environment
from the adverse effects of mercury.
 It was agreed in Geneva, Switzerland in January 2013 and came into force in August, 2017.
The Minamata Convention has put party nations to:
 Reduce and eliminate the use and release of mercury from artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM).
 Control mercury air emissions from coalfired power plants, coal-fired industrial boilers, certain non-ferrous metals
production operations, waste incineration and cement production.
 Phase-out or take measures to reduce mercury use in certain products such as batteries, switches, lights, cosmetics,
pesticides and measuring devices, and create initiatives to reduce the use of mercury in dental amalgam.
 Phase out or reduce the use of mercury in manufacturing processes such as chloralkali production, vinyl chloride
monomer production, and acetaldehyde production.
 It also puts a ban on new mercury mines.
 The Convention also addresses interim storage of mercury and its disposal once it becomes waste, sites contaminated
by mercury as well as health issues.
Waste management
Waste management involves collecting, transporting, disposing, recycling and monitoring waste generated through
human activities.
General waste management techniques are:
Landfill: It involves having the waste buried off in empty, deserted locations outside the city. Dumped waste is made
to undergo compression to enhance the density and make the fill stable. It is later covered to discourage vermin
growth. A gas extraction system is customarily installed to exact the gas (arising out of decomposition) through a
burrow pit.
Incineration: Waste is exposed to high temperature to trigger combustion and ultimately reduce to ash, gas and heat
energy. Toxic wastes from industry are thermally treated in furnace and boiler to extract energy. This method is
useful where land is scarce. Gasification and Pyrolysis methods involve heating waste in short supply of oxygen at
high temperature inside a pressurized and sealed vessel. The resultant residue is used for energy generation.
Recycling: Paper, plastic, PVC and other homogenous products can be recycled to put them in use in a new garb.
This also rids the environment of non-biodegradable, chemical wastes that significantly disturb the ecological balance.
Biological reprocessing: Wastes of organic origin are made to undergo biological decomposition and re-used as
compost or mulch for agriculture and landscaping. Gas collected is used for electricity generation.
Waste Reduction and Avoidance: The stress is on increased use of second hand products, repaired products and
reducing the use of complex disposable items to keep a tab on waste generation in abundance.
Recycling Solutions: Recycling is a superlative way to capitalize on accumulated waste by chemically treating it to
make it fit for re-use. Recycling equipment make the waste processing method streamlined and cost-effective.
Global warming
Global warming which is also referred to as climate change, is the observed rise in the average temperature of the
Earth's climate system the global surface temperature is likely to rise a further 0.3 to 1.7 °C in the lowest emissions
scenario, and 2.6 to 4.8 °C in the highest emissions scenario .These readings have been recorded by the “national
science academies of the major industrialized nations”. Future climate change and impacts will differ from region to
region. Expected effects include increase in global temperatures, rising sea levels, changing precipitation, and expansion
of deserts.
Causes: Global warming is a serious environmental issues. The causes are divided into two categories include
"natural" and "human influences" of global warming.
Natural Causes of Global Warming:
 rotation of the sun that changes the intensity of sunlight and moving closer to the earth
 greenhouse gases
 Volcanic eruption.
Human Influences on Global Warming:
 industrial revolution
 Mining
 Deforestation
 heat waves,
 droughts,
 heavy rainfall with floods,
 heavy snowfall ,
 ocean acidification,
 species extinctions due to shifting temperature regimes
Acid rain
Acid rain, or acid deposition, is a broad term that includes any form of precipitation with acidic components, such as
sulfuric or nitric acid that fall to the ground from the atmosphere in wet or dry forms. This can include rain, snow,
fog, hail or even dust that is acidic.
Causes of Acid Rain : This image illustrates the pathway for acid rain in our environment.Acid rain results when
sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) are emitted into the atmosphere and transported by wind and air
currents. The SO2 and NOX react with water, oxygen and other chemicals to form sulfuric and nitric acids. These
then mix with water and other materials before falling to the ground.
While a small portion of the SO2 and NOX that cause acid rain is from natural sources such as volcanoes, most of
it comes from the burning of fossil fuels. The major sources of SO2 and NOX in the atmosphere are:
 Burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity. Two thirds of SO2 and one fourth of NOX in the atmosphere come
from electric power generators.
 Vehicles and heavy equipment.
 Manufacturing, oil refineries and other industries.
Winds can blow SO2 and NOX over long distances and across borders making acid rain a problem for everyone and
not just those who live close to these sources.
Ozone depletion
Ozone depletion, gradual thinning of Earth’s ozone layer in the upper atmosphere caused by the release of chemical
compounds containing gaseous chlorine or bromine from industry and other human activities. The thinning is most
pronounced in the polar regions, especially over Antarctica. Ozone depletion is a major environmental problem
because it increases the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation that reaches Earth’s surface, which increases the rate of

skin cancer, eye cataracts, and genetic and immune system damage. The Montreal Protocol, ratified in 1987, was the
first of several comprehensive international agreements enacted to halt the production and use of ozone-depleting
chemicals. As a result of continued international cooperation on this issue, the ozone layer is expected to recover over

Important terminologies:
· Garbage Pollution: Mismanagement of solid waste by households, waste collectors and waste disposal contractors.
· Plastic Pollution: Waste of all types of non-biodegradable plastic of both hard and soft material.
· Pollution by Hospitals: Mismanagement of all types of waste generated by the hospitals instead of its environment
friendly disposal.
· Indoor Pollution: Kitchen emissions, smoking in home, loud music, spillage of sewerage.
· Industrial Pollution: Smoke from chimney, waste and effluent from manufacturing process in factories.

6. There is some concern regarding the nanoparticles of
1. Consider the following: some chemical elements that are used by the industry
1. Carbon dioxide in the manufacture of various products. Why?
2. Oxides of Nitrogen 1. They can accumulate in the environment, and
3. Oxides of Sulphur contaminate water and soil.
Which of the above is/are the emission/ emissions 2. They can enter the food chains.
from coal combustion at thermal power plants? 3. They can trigger the production of free radicals.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only
2. Human activities in the recent past have Caused the (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the 7. Which of the following are some important pollutants
atmosphere, but a lot of it does not remain in the released by steel industry in India?
lower atmosphere because of :
1. Oxides of sulphur
1. Its escape into the outer stratosphere.
2. Oxides of nitrogen
2. The photosynthesis by phyto-plankton in the
oceans. 3. Carbon monoxide
3. The trapping of air in the polar ice caps. 4. Carbon dioxide
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 only (a) 1, 3 and 4 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 only (c) 1 and 4 only (d) 1,2, 3 and 4
3. Consider the following statements: 8. Brominated flame retardants are used in many
Chlorofluorocarbons, known as ozone-depleting household products like mattresses and upholstery.
substances, are used Why is there some concern about their use?
1. In the production of plastic foams 1. They are highly resistant to degradation in the
2. In the production of tubeless tyres
3. In cleaning certain electronic components 2. They are able to accumulate in humans and
4. As pressurizing agents in aerosol cans
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 4 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
9. The scientific view is that the increase in global
4. Acid rain is caused by the pollution of environment
temperature should not exceed 2 °C above pre-
industrial level. If the global temperature increases
(a) carbon dioxide and nitrogen beyond 3°C above the pre-industrial level, what can
(b) carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide be its possible impact/impacts on the world?
(c) ozone and carbon dioxide 1. Terrestrial biosphere tends toward a net carbon
(d) nitrous oxide and sulphur dioxide source
5. Photochemical smog is a resultant of the reaction 2. Widespread coral mortality will occur.
among: 3. All the global wetlands will permanently disappear.
(a) NO2, 03 and peroxyacetyl nitrate in the presence 4. Cultivation of cereals will not be possible anywhere
of sunlight in the world.
(b) CO, 02 and0 peroxyacetyl nitrate in the presence Select the correct answer using the code given below.
of sunlight (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) CO, CO2 and N02 at low temperature (c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4,
(d) High concentration of N02, O3 and CO in the

10. In the context of mitigating the impending global (c) M axi mum acid i s due t o st r ong Car bonic Acid
warming due to anthropogenic emissions of carbon (d) Acid r ain affect s ecosyst em
dioxide, which of the following can be the potential [RRB SSE 2014 YEL L OW SH I FT ]
sites for carbon sequestration? 15. The wor king pr inciple of tur bidimeter is based on
1. Abandoned and uneconomic coal seams (a) r efl ect ion of l ight

2. Depleted oil and gas reservoirs (b) r efr act ion of l ight
(c) scat t er ing of l ight
3. Subterranean deep saline formations
(d) adsor pt ion of light
Select the correct answer using the code given below. [RRB SSE 2015 1 st SEP 1 st SH I FT ]

(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 only LEVEL-1

1. The major sour ce of car ci nogenic hydr ocar bon,
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
benzo () pyr ene pr esent i n ur ban at mospher e is
11. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a standard (a) const r uct ion act ivit i es
criterion for (b) r oad t r affic
(a) Measuring oxygen levels in blood (c) bur st i ng of cr acker s
(b) Computing oxygen levels in forest ecosystems (d) domest i c bur ni ng
[RRB SSE 2015 1 st SEP 1 st SH I FT ]
(c) Pollution assay in aquatic ecosystems
2. The pr escr i bed per missible noise level , L eq for
(d) Assessing oxygen levels in high altitude regions commer cial ar ea at day t ime is
12. In the context of solving pollution problems, what is/ (a) 75 dBA (b) 50 dBA
are the advantage/advantages of bioremediation (c) 55 dBA (d) 65 dBA
technique? [RRB SSE 2015 1 st SEP 1 st SH I FT ]
3. The gl obal war mi ng i s caused by gr een house
1. It is a technique for cleaning up pollution by
gases, which ar e
enhancing the same biodegradation process that
(a) CO, N 2O, CH 4 and CFC
occurs in nature.
(b) CO2, NO2, CH 4 and H 2O
2. Any contaminant with heavy metals such as
(c) CO2, N 2O, CH 4 and H 2O
cadmium and lead can be readily and completely
(d) CO2, N O2, CH 4 and CFC
treated by bioremediation using microorganisms.
[RRB SSE 2015 1 st SEP 1 st SH I FT ]
3. Genetic engineering can be used to create 4. Which of t he fol lowing r ol es fl y ash does not pl ay
microorganisms specifically designed for in concr et e
bioremediation. Select the correct answer using (a) I mpr ovi ng t he wor kabi li t y
the code given below:
(b) Acceler at ing t he st r engt h gain
(a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) Delaying t he set t ing t i me of concr et e
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 (d) H elps in long-t er m st r engt h gain
[RRB SSE 2015 1 st SEP 2 nd SH I FT ]
13. I n potable water, the dissolved oxygen is stipulated
as- 5. One t ur bi di t y unit NTU is equal t o
(a) <6g/l (b) >6g/l (a) 1.0 mg/l far mazin (b) 1.0 meq/l Si O2
(c) <6mg/l (d) >6mg/l (c) 1.0 mg/l Si O2 (d) 1.0 meq/l kaol in
[RRB SSE 2014 GREEN SH I FT ] [RRB SSE 2015 1 st SEP 2 nd SH I FT ]

14. I n r ef er en ce t o A ci d r ai n , w h at i s cor r ect 6. The pr escr i bed per missible noise level , L eq for
st at ement r esi dent i al ar ea at day t ime is
(a) The pH value i s bel ow 5.6 (a) 65 dBA (b) 45 dBA
(b) I t occur s due t o pr esence of sul phur i c aci d or (c) 50 dBA (d) 55 dBA
ni t r ic acid i n t he at mospher e [RRB SSE 2015 1 st SEP 2 nd SH I FT ]
7. W h i ch of t h e f ol l ow i n g i s n ot u sed as a (c) gast r oint est inal pr oblem
suppl ement ar y cement at ions mat er ial? (d) t he ir r it at i on in alveol i of t he l ungs
(a) Fl y ash (b) Gypsum [RRB SSE 2015 2 nd SEP 2 nd SH I FT ]
(c) Ri ce husk ash (d) Si li ca fume 15. The machi ne ‘A' and machine ‘B' pr oduce equal
[RRB SSE 2015 1 st SEP 3 rd SH I FT ] noise l evel s, i.e., 60 dBA each. The summat ion of
8. Accor di ng t o I S 456, if t he maximum aggr egat e t hese t wo noise level s is
si ze i s i ncr eased fr om 20 mm t o 40 mm, t he (a) 100 dBA (b) 66 dBA
mi ni mum cement cont ent r equi r ement changes
(i n kg/cum) by (c) 63 dBA (d) 55 dBA
[RRB SSE 2015 2 nd SEP 2 nd SH I FT ]
(a) – 20 (b) 20
(c) – 30 (d) 30 LEVEL-2
[RRB SSE 2015 1 SEP 3
st rd
SH I FT ] 1. I n st r at ospher e, t he t emper at ur e incr eases wi t h
9. The t ur bi di t y in sur face wat er is due t o pr esence al t i t ude due t o pr esence of
of (a) r adicals (b) chlor ofluor ocar bons
(a) dissolved or ganics (c) HCFCs (d) Ozone
(b) col loidal mat er ial [RRB SSE 2015 2 nd SEP 2 nd SH I FT ]
(c) di ssolved i n or gani cs 2. N uclear densi t y guage can be used for al l t he
(d) di ssolved color s foll owi ng pur poses, except
[RRB SSE 2015 1 st SEP 3 rd SH I FT ] (a) M oist ur e cont ent
10. T h e pr escr i bed per m i ssi bl e n oi se l evel , f or (b) Wet densi t y
r esi dent i al ar ea at night t ime is
(c) Dr y densi t y
(a) 45 dBA (b) 50 dBA
(d) St andar d penetr at ion r eading
(c) 40 dBA (d) 55 dBA
[RRB SSE 2015 2 nd SEP 3 rd SH I FT ]
[RRB SSE 2015 1 st SEP 3 rd SH I FT ]
3. A wat er bor ne di sease pol iomyeli t is i s caused by
11. The cont i nuous exposur e of hi gh concent r at i on
of r epar able suspended par t icul at e mat t er may (a) vir uses (b) pr ot ozoa
cause (c) bact er ia (d) hel mi nt hes
(a) eye ir r it at i on [RRB SSE 2015 2 nd SEP 3 rd SH I FT ]
(b) kidney damage 4. I n pot abl e wat er, t he per missible li mi t of nit r at e
(c) fail ur e of r espi r at or y syst em ni t r ogen is
(d) car diac disease (a) 10 mg/l (b) 25 mg/l
[RRB SSE 2015 2 nd
st (c) 40 mg/l (d) 15 mg/l
12. The pr escr i bed per missible noise level , L eq for [RRB SSE 2015 2 nd SEP 3 rd SH I FT ]
commer cial ar ea at ni ght t ime is 5. Car bon monoxi de for ms car boxyhemogl obi n i n
(a) 45 dBA (b) 65 dBA human blood t hat may cause
(c) 50 dBA (d) 55 dBA (a) incr eased oxygen car r yi ng capaci t y
[RRB SSE 2015 2 nd SEP 1 st SH I FT ] (b) decr eased oxygen car r ying capaci t y
13. The pH of acid r ai n shoul d always be less t han (c) damage in cent r al ner vous syst em
(a) 5.6 even aft er pr ecipit at i on (d) damage in ci r cul at or y syst em
(b) 7.0 aft er pr ecipit at ion [RRB SSE 2015 2 nd SEP 3 rd SH I FT ]
(c) 6.5 aft er pr ecipit at ion
6. Tw o m ach i n es ar e w or k i n g i n a n oi sy
(d) 4.2 aft er pr ecipit at ion envi r onment and joint ly pr oduct 55 dBA noi se
[RRB SSE 2015 2 nd SEP 1 st SH I FT ] level. I f t he envir onment al noi se level i s also 55
14. The exposur e of gaseous pollut ant sulphur dioxide dBA, t he summat i on of noise level s is
may cause (a) 110 dBA (b) 56 dBA
(a) br onchi t is and pul monar y emphysema (c) 55 dBA (d) 58 dBA
(b) lungs fai lur e and k idney damage [RRB SSE 2015 2 nd SEP 3 rd SH I FT ]

(b) car bon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, water vapour s

7. The aver age concent r at i on of ozone pr esent i n
and chl or ofl uor ocar bons
t he st r at ospher e is appr oximat ely
(c) car bon monoxide, nit r ous oxide, met hane and,
(a) 5 ppm (b) 0.05 ppm
hydr o-chlor ofluor ocar bons
(c) 10 ppm (d) 15 ppm
(d) car bon di ox i de, n i t r ogen di ox i de, w at er
[RRB SSE 2015 2 nd SEP 3 rd SH I FT ]
vapour s , met hane and ozone
8. The t ot al col ifor m bact er ia ar e r epor t ed as most [RRB SSE 2015 3 rd SEP 1 st SH I FT ]
pr obabl e number (M PN) per
12. The desir able amount of fluor i de ions i n pot able
(a) 10 ml of wat er wat er s for opt imal dent al heal t h i s:
(b) 1000 ml of wat er
(a) 1.5 mg/l (b) 1.0 mg/l
(c) 100 ml of wat er
(c) 0.5 mg/l (d) 0.05 mg/l
(d) 1ml of wat er [RRB SSE 2015 3 rd SEP 2 nd SH I FT ]
[RRB SSE 2015 3 rd
13. Wh i ch of t he f ol l owi ng i s n ot con si der ed as
9. The ant hr opogenic sour ces of air pollut ion in well secondar y pollut ant ?
pl anned ci t y is (a) Phot ochemical smog
(a) constr uction activities, r oad tr affics, r ail tr affic, (b) Per oxy acet yl nit r at e
fugi t ive emissions
(c) Acid mi st
(b) const r uct ion act ivi t i es, r oad t r affi c, domest ic
(d) Car bon monoxi de
[RRB SSE 2015 3 rd SEP 2 nd SH I FT ]
(c) const r uct ion act ivit ies, r oad t r affi cs, bur st ing
of cr acker s, dust st or ms 14. I n t he st at ist ical di st r ibut ion of noi se levels, t he
back gr ound noise l evel is r epr esent ed by:
(d) const r uct ion act ivit ies, r oad t r affics, domest ic
bur ni ng, i ndust r ial emissions (a) L 90 (b) L 50
[RRB SSE 2015 3 rd
st (c) L 10 (d) L 1
10. When t he measur ed and st andar d r efer ence [RRB SSE 2015 3 rd SEP 2 nd SH I FT ]
pr essur e level becomes equal, t he sound pr essur e 15. Acid r ain i s caused due t o for mat ion of:
level (SPL ) is equi valent t o (a) su l ph u r i c aci d an d car bon i c aci d i n t h e
(a) 1 dBA (b) 10 dBA at mospher e
(c) 0 dBA (d) 1.012 dBA (b) sulphur ic acid and nitric acid in the atmosphere
[RRB SSE 2015 3 rd SEP 1 st SH I FT ] (c) nitr ic acid and car bonic acid in the atmospher e
11. The major gr een house gases cont r i but i ng i n (d) sulphur ic acid, nit r ic acid and car bonic acid in
gl obal war ming ar e t he at mospher e
(a) car bon di oxide, nit r ous oxide, met hane and [RRB SSE 2015 3 rd SEP 2 nd SH I FT ]
wat er vapour s

1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (d)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (c)
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (a)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (c)
1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (b)

LEVEL-1 7. Gypsum is not used as a supplementary
cementations material.
1. Road traffic is the major source of carcinogenic
hydrocarbon present in urban atmosphere. 9. Turbidity in surface water is due to colloidal
2. The prescribed permissible noise level, Leq for
commercial area at day time is 65 dBA. 10. The prescribed permissible noise level, Leq is 45
According to Central Pollution Control Board, dBA.
According to Central Pollution Control Board,
Area Limits in dB(A), Leq
Category of Area
Code Day time Night time Area Limits in dB(A), Leq
Category of Area
A Industrial area 75 70 Code Day time Night time
B Commercial area 65 55 A Industrial area 75 70
C Residential area 55 45 B Commercial area 65 55
D Silence Zone 50 40 C Residential area 55 45
D Silence Zone 50 40
3. Green house gases are the gas mixed in the
atmosphere that absorbs the infrared radiation 11. Continuous exposure to suspended particles are
emitted by the earth’s surface. harmful to the lungs and can cause failure of
respiratory system.
12. The prescribed permissible noise level, Leq for
commercial area at night time is 55 dBA.
According to Central Pollution Control Board,

Area Limits in dB(A), Leq

Category of Area
Code Day time Night time
A Industrial area 75 70
B Commercial area 65 55
C Residential area 55 45
D Silence Zone 50 40

13. pH of acid rain should always be less than 5.6

We are not accustomed to these gases because even after precipitation.
neither nitrogen nor oxygen, the two most 14. The exposure of gaseous pollutant sulphur dioxide
abundant gases of the atmosphere (78% and 21%, may cause bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema.
respectively), that many of us have heard of, have
this ability to intercept infrared radiation. LEVEL-2
4. Fly ash never improves strength of concrete. 1. In the stratosphere, temperature increases with
The advantages of using fly ash far outweigh the altitude. The reason is that the direct heat source
disadvantages. The most important benefit is for the stratosphere is the Sun. A layer of ozone
reduced permeability to water and aggressive molecules absorbs solar radiation, which heats
chemicals. Properly cured concrete made with fly the stratosphere. The amount of ozone present
in the ozone layer is tiny, only a few molecules
ash creates a denser product because the size of
per million air molecules.
the pores are reduced.
5. One turbidity unit NTU is equal to 1.0 mg/l SiO2. 2. Nuclear density gauge can be used for all the
following purposes except standard penetration
6. The prescribed permissible noise level, Leq is 55
3. A virus that may cause paralysis and is easily
According to Central Pollution Control Board,
preventable by the polio vaccine.
Area Limits in dB(A), Leq
Category of Area 4. The permissible limit of nitrate nitrogen in potable
Code Day time Night time
water is 10 mg/l .
A Industrial area 75 70
B Commercial area 65 55 7. The average concentration of ozone present in
C Residential area 55 45 the stratosphere is approximately 10 ppm.
D Silence Zone 50 40

Sulfure dioxide (SO 2 Photochemical oxidants

carbon monoxide (ozone, nitrogen dioxide,
(CO 2 ),nitrogen oxides sulfur trioxide) and
(No x ), and particulate secondary particular
matter (PM). matter.
Chemical reactants
characterized with a direct Chemical products, highly
pollution effect on living reactive when
beings and ecosystems, photoactivation is involved
and with an indirect effect in the chemical process of
through the formation of their formation
secondary pollutants.

Complicated control
Direct control through the process: understanding
reduction of anthropogenic and interrupting the
emissions. chemical reactions leading
to their generation.
8. Total or fecal coliform bacteria are reported as
most probable number per 100 mL 14. L90 is frequently taken as the Lp of the background
level. L10-L90 is often used to give a quantitative
9. Anthropogenic sources of air pollution in well
measure as to the spread or “how choppy” the
planned city are construction activities, road
sound was. L10 is the noise level exceeded for
traffics, and domestic burning 10% of the time of the measurement duration.
10. When the measured and standard reference 15. Scientists have discovered that air pollution from
pressure level becomes equal, the sound pressure burning of fossil fuels is the major cause of acid
level (SPL) is equivalent to 0 dBA rain. The main chemicals in air pollution that
11. The major green house gases contributing in create acid rain are sulfur dioxide (SO 2) and
global warming are carbon dioxide , nitrous nitrogen (NOx). Acid rain usually forms high in
oxide,methane and water vapor. the clouds where sulfur dioxide and nitrogen
12. The desirable amount of flue le ions in potable oxides react with water, oxygen, and oxidants.
waters for optimal dental health is 1.0 mg/l this mixture forms a mild solution of sulfuric acid
and nitric acid. Sunlight increases the rate of most
13. Primary Pollutants
of these reactions. Rainwater, snow, fog, and other
forms of precipitation containing those mild
Secondary Pollutants solutions of sulfuric and nitric acids fall to earth
Air pollutant formed in as acid rain.
the atmosphere as a result
of the chemical or physical
Air pollutant emitted interactions between the
direclty from a source into primary pollutants
the atmosphere. themselves or between the
primary pollutants and
other atmospheric




-12:00 PM, 5 February 2019

National park-
● A park in use for conservation purposes
● activities like developmental, forestry, poaching, hunting and grazing on cultivation are not
● Its land is owned by the government(100%), no private ownership rights allowed.
● Hemis National Park- largest national park in india at Highest altitude(J&K)
● IUCN Category 2.
● 166 total
● Jim Corbett TR- 1st national Park(Hailey NP) uttarkhand
Wildlife Sanctuary-
● A sanctuary is a protected area which is reserved for the conservation of only animal
● Human activities like harvesting of timber, collecting minor forest products and private ownership
rights are allowed as long as they do not interfere with well-being of animals.(little farming.)
● IUCN Category 4
● 545 total

Biosphere Reserve-
● Areas of terrestrial and coastal ecosystems
● 18 Total
● Three interrelated zones
○ core area(s) comprises a strictly protected ecosystem
○ buffer zone surrounds or adjoins the core areas
○ transition area is the part of the reserve where the greatest activity is allowed

Tiger Reserved-
● Hope of increasing tiger population
● 2226 latest census.
● 50 total (Kamlang TR 50th, Orang TR 49th

Wet land
● Place where water is excessive and less Oxygen available e.g. Sundarban. Daldal area. E.g.
Ramsar (Iran city where this convention start)
● last time convention oct 2018 UAE
● 2200 india wetland.
● 26 total
● 2200 total in world

● Norman Mayour 1988 word introduced.
● Place where unique type of plants or species available.
● Eastern Himalayas, Western Ghats, Indoverma region, Sunda land(malaysia thailand),Nicobar
island(great nicobar)
● 4 total
1) Which of the following is related to an agenda 21?
- Earth Summit 1992 Rio Conference
2) World forest day is celebrated -
-World Ozone Day: September 16
World's Scenery Day: February 2
World’s Forest Day: March 21
World Water Day: March 22
International Earth Day: April 22
World Turtle Protection Day: May 23
World Environment Day: June 5
World Hydrography Day: June 21
Sunderban Day: August 21 (sundarban Delta- ganga and Brahmaputra, WB,)
3.)How many percentages of CO2 and argon are found in the atmosphere?
-0.03% and 0.93% Co2​ and Argon(one of the 18th group available in Air) Respectively
-Curst most oxygen
-Core maximum iron
Oceanmax oxygen
-Universe max Hydrogen
-Human Body Hydrogen
Most abundant Element in the universe
Hydrogen Helium Oxygen Neon Nitrogen
Carbon Silicon Magnesium Iron Sulphur

​ ighest ​and where is lowest -

4) In which Indian state is the thickness of the ozone layer is h
-Srinagar - Trivandrum
-Ozone measure in dobson

5.)Which gas emitted from supersonic jets, dilutes the ozone layer?
-Nitrogen Oxide
-(CFC, Sulphur Dioxide,Nitrogen Dioxide most effect to Ozone.)

6.)The highest carbon dioxide emitting country is

-China because Most developing country- extreme phase large CO2 emission, RUS and US no
more CO2 emission.
7) According to the WHO list released on May 2, 2018, is the world's most polluted city?
-Delhi -554 PPM(parts per million) toxic zone

8) What percentage of the amount of sulphur in the green diesel is found?

-0.001% sulphur

Most abundant Element in the universe

Hydrogen Helium Oxygen Neon Nitrogen
Carbon Silicon Magnesium Iron Sulphur
Summits & Conference of Environment ​(CBT1 -Questions Fix)
-12:00 PM, 6 February 2019
● The UN Stockholm Conference(pollutant) on Sweden from June 5–16 in 1972.
● Earth Summit 1992 (Rio 20) ( 3 June 1992 – 14 June 1992)
● Earth Summit 2 1997 (Rio+5) (Co2) ​[IMP*]
● World Summit Sustainable Development 2002, Johannesburg,SA.

United nations Framework climate change conferences (UNFCCC)

1 COP 1- Berlin, Germany, 1995 
2 COP 2- Geneva, Switzerland, 1996​ [IPCC adopt,]* 
3 COP 3- Kyoto, Japan, 1997 ​[kyoto protocol introduced-Co2,Nox,So2 emission]* 
4 COP 4- Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1998 
5 COP 5- Bonn, Germany, 1999 
6 COP 6 - Hague, Netherlands, 2000 ​[controversy issue J.W. Bush Disagreement so 2x ]* 
7 COP 6 - Bonn, Germany, 2001 * 
8 COP 7- Marrakech, Morocco, 2001 
9 COP 8- New Delhi, India, 2002 * 
10 COP 9- Milan, Italy, 2003 
11 COP 10- Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2004 
12 COP 11, /CMP 1, Montreal, Canada, 2005 ​[kyoto protocol implement(effective)] 
13 COP 12- /CMP 2, Nairobi, Kenya, 2006 
14 COP 13- /CMP 3, Bali, Indonesia, 2007 
15 COP 14- /CMP 4, Poznań, Poland, 2008: 
16 COP 15 /CMP 5, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009 
17 COP 16 /CMP 6, Cancún, Mexico, 2010 
18 COP 17- /CMP 7, Durban, South Africa, 2011 
19 COP 18- /CMP 8, Doha, Qatar, 2012 
20 COP 19- /CMP 9, Warsaw, Poland, 2013 
21 COP 20- /CMP 10, Lima, Peru, 2014 
22 COP 21- /CMP 11, Paris, France, 2015​ [Global Temp. not more increase than 2°C] 
23 COP 22/CMP 12/CMA 1-1, Marrakech, Morocco, 2016 
24 COP 23-/CMP 13/CMA 1-2, Bonn, Germany, 2017 
25 COP 24- /CMP 14/CMA 1-3, Katowice, Poland, 2018: 
26 COP 25-/CMP 15/CMA 2, 2019 ​[were going to brazil but now canceled] 
26 COP 21- /CMP 11, Paris, France, 2015 
27 COP 22/CMP 12/CMA 1-1, Marrakech, Morocco, 2016 
28 COP 23-/CMP 13/CMA 1-2, Bonn, Germany, 2017 
29 COP 24- /CMP 14/CMA 1-3, Katowice, Poland, 2018: 
26 COP 25-/CMP 15/CMA 2, 2019 
Convention of biodiversity (Biological diversity) 
COP 1- Nassau, Bahamas, 1994** 
COP 2 - Jakarta, Indonesia, 1995 
COP 3 - Buenos Aires,Argentina, 1996 
COP 4 - Bratislava, Slovakia, 1998 
EXCOP1 -Cartagena, Colombia, 1999  
COP 5- Nairobi Kenya,2000 
COP 6- The Hague, Netherlands,2002 
COP 7- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,2004 
COP 8- Curitiba, Brazil, 2006 
COP 9- Bonn, Germany, 2008 
COP 10- Nagoya, Japan, 2010 
COP 11- Hyderabad, India, 2012** 
COP 12- Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea, 2014 
Cop 13- Cancun Maxico, 2016 
Cop 14 – Sharm EI. Sheikh. Egypt, 2018** 
1.) First Indian who received Clark R.Bavin award? -​ Ritesh sirothia  
3) In which year Montreal protocol came in force- ​26 Aug 1989,​ signed in 1987.  
-kyoto protocol- Co2 Emission came-1997 effected 2005. 
4) Nokrek biosphere reserve is located in which state?- ​Meghalaya​(west garo hill located) 
5) National Green tribunal act was passed in which year ​-2010​. 
6) Latest (26th) ramsar sites of india is ?- ​Nalsarovar bird sanctuary 
7) Kyoto protocol was signed in 1997 but effected on ..........? - ​2005 
8) Who is the head of ministry of Environment ,forest and climate change ?​-Dr​. ​Harshvardhan  
9) When was first National Forest Policy(1884) launched in India after Independent ?​-1952​ last 
1988 Revised. 
10) Which state has maximum increases in forest area according to the 
indian forest report (12feb 2018)- ​Andhra Pradesh 
-maximum forest cover state in india - ​M.P​. 
11) World wildlife fund was founded ​in-1961 ​april 29. 
12) Which agency published the Red Data Book?- ​IUCN 
-IUCN- International Union for Conservation of Nature 
13.)National Environment Engineering Research Institute is located in which city ?​-Nagpur 
-Forest Research Institute- Dehradun. And NEERI- Nagpur 
14) World largest tropical wetland area "Pantanal " is located in which continent?​-South​ ​America 
(Bolivia,Brazil and Paraguay connects) 
15) Asia's first Dolphin Research center will be set in which city of india ?- ​PATANA 
-announce on Dolphin Day ​5 october  
-Indian Dolphin scientific Name ​-Platanista Gangetica​** 
16) What is the Rank of india in Environment performance index 2018 ?- ​177​ (77 in ease of doing 
17) World tourism day is celebrated on which date?-​ 27 September 
18) Which ISO certificate is related to environmental management?-​ISO:14001 
19) Which of the following is not correctly matched 
a) Biological diversity act. 2002
b) Environment protection act 1989
c) Air pollution control act 1981
d) Water pollution and control act ​1976 ​1974
20) Which one is the largest Biosphere reserve in India?-​Gulf of Mannar- Tamil nadu.

Feb 8, 2019
1. Atmosphere​: The gaseous envelope surrounding the earth.  
2.   ​Anthropogenic​:  It  is  related  to  the  study  of  the  origin  and 
development of human beings. 
3. Afforestation​:  Planting  of  trees  in  an  area  to  provide  a  forest 
4. Antibiotics​:  It  is  a  chemical  substance  derivable  from  a  mould 
or  bacterium  that  can  k ​ ill  microorganisms  and  cure  bacterial 
5. Acid  Rain​:  Rain  water  containing  mixtures  of  acids  (​nitric​, 
hydrochloric  ​and  ​sulfuric  ​acid)  from  polluted  air  is  known  as 
acid rain. It damages lakes, forests and marble sculptures 
6.   ​Biodiversity​:  It  refers  to  the  variability among living organisms 
from  all  sources,  including  terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic 
ecosystems  and  the  ecological  complexes  of  which  they  are 
part; this includes diversity within species, between species, and 
of ecosystems 
7. Biogas​:  Gas  (energy  resource)  originated  from  animal  ​dung​. It is 
useful ​fuel ​in rural areas 
8. Biotic  Component​:  Living  component  (i.e.,  plants,  animals,  and 
microbes) in an ecosystem.  
9. Carbon  Cycle​:  Natural  cycle  based  on  exchange  of 
carbon-dioxide among Atmosphere, Biosphere and Ocean 
10. Carcinogen​:  Chemicals  promoting  ​cancer(originates)  ​e.g., 
benzo-α-pyrene, arsenic, DDT(now banned) etc. 
11.   ​Chlorofluorocarbons  ​(CFC):  Used  as  solvent,  ​refrigerant​, 
fire  retardant  etc.  ​Responsible  ​for  ​ozone  ​hole  and  ​greenhouse 
effect. OR FREON 
12. Compost​:  A  nutrient  rich  soil  produced  by  decomposition  of 
organic matter under aerobic conditions. 
13. Decibel​: Unit for measurement of ​intensity ​of ​noise​.  
14. Biodegradable  Pollutants​:  Those  pollutants  which  can  be 
broken  down  into  simpler,  harmless,  substances  in  nature  in  due 
course of time. 
15. Deforestation​:  Destruction  of  forest  cover.  Desertification: 
The  process leading to desert formation. Detritus: Dead organic 
matter mainly of fallen leaves as life litter in forest. 
16. DDT(D​ichloro​d​iphenyl​t​richloroethane​)​:  Pesticide  useful  in 
agriculture and eradication of malaria. 
17. Ecology​:  Study  of  interactions  of  living  organisms  with  their 
biotic and abiotic environments. 
18.   ​Ecosystem​:  A  biological  community  and  its  physical 
environment exchanging matter and energy. 
19. Environment​:  Something  that  environs  i.e.,  encircles  all  our 
surroundings—the  natural  world in which we live — the living and 
non-living objects around us in our day-today living. 
20.   ​Environmental  Studies​:  The  studies  of  the  quality  of 
environment  and  all  aspects  of  human  environment,  their 
degradation etc. comprise environmental studies.  
21. Eutrophication​:  Over  nourishment  of  water  bodies  due  to 
excessive  nitrates  and  phosphates  received  through  runoff—  it 
is harmful for the water bodies. (-ve Terminolohy) 
22. EX​-situ  Conservation:  Conservation  of  endangered  species 
away from their natural habitat.(​En​-situ Conservation ? 
23.   ​Earthquake​:  The  shaking  and  trembling  of  earth  due  to 
movement  inside  the  lithosphere  that  could  be  tectonic  or 
24. ENERGY-  ​Ability  to  do  work.  Environment  The  physical, 
chemical and biotic conditions surrounding an organism 
25. ​Fauna​: Species content of animals present in an area.  
26. Flora: A species content of plants present in an area.  
27. Flood: Submerges of the vast area of land with water.  
28. Fertilizers:  The  inorganic  materials  which  can  supply  plant 
nutrients in available form. 
29.   ​Food Chain​:  Method  of  transferring  of  food elements among 
environment,  producers,  consumers  and  decomposer.  Fodder: 
Green feed of cattle. 
30.   ​Forest​:  Plant  community  predominantly  of  trees,  often  with 
an  extensive  undergrowth  of  shade  tolerant  shrubs  and  herbs 
usually with closed company. (lungs of Earth- amazon forest) 
31. Gasohol​:  Mixture  of  gasoline  and  alcohol  is  known  as  gasohol, 
used as a fuel in ​Brazil ​for running cars and buses. 
32.   ​GNP  (Gross  National  Product):  An  index  of  a  country’s 
economic  status  based  on  consumerism  i.e.,  commodities 
purchased  per  year,  consumer  durables  and  financial  status  of 
33.   ​Greenhouse  Effect  (Global  Warming)​:  Rise  in  temperature 
of  the  earth’s  surface  due  to  increase  in  the  levels  of 
greenhouse  gases  viz.,  carbon  dioxide,  methane  etc.  The  latter 
trap  heat  from  the  earth’s  surface  and  returns  it  thereby 
raising  the  earth’s  surface  temperature.  This  phenomenon  is 
similar  to  trapping  of  heat  in  glass  covered  greenhouse  (used 
for  growth  of  vegetables  and  flowers  during  winter)  and  hence 
called greenhouse effect. 
34. Magma​: Molten rock below the earth’s surface. 
35.   ​Natural  Gas​:  Underground  deposits  of  gases  containing 
mainly  ​methane(major)  ​and  small  amounts  of  ​propane  ​and 
butane​.  It  is  a  cleaner  fuel  than  fossil  fuel  as  it  produces  less 
carbon dioxide on burning. 
36. Nitrogen  Cycle:  Continuous  exchange  of  nitrogen  within  the 
ecosystem: air-soil-water. 
No.  Word  Definition 
1  Acarology  Study of mites  
2  Aceology  Therapeutics 
3  Adenology*/endocrinology   Study of glands  
4  Aerology  Study of the atmosphere  
5  Aerostatics  Science of air pressure; art 
of ballooning  
6  Agrobiology  Study of plant nutrition; 
soil yields  
7  Agrology  Study of agricultural soils 
8  Agronomics  Study of productivity of 
9  Agrostology  Science or study of grasses  
Environment RRB JE CBT2 Paper 1

 Pollution Atmosphere of big metropolitan cities is polluted most by -Automobil exhausts

 Chief air pollutant which is likely to deplete ozone layer is -Nitrogen oxides and
 World environment day is -5th June
 Gas released during Bhopal tragedy - Methyl isocyanate
 Major aerosol pollutant in jet plane emission is - Fluorocarbon
 The avefage salinity of sea water is Fluorocarbon -3.5%
 Chief air pollutant in big metropolitan city like Kolkata and Mambai - -CO and SO2
 Which is not considered as air pollutant? -Carbon dioxide
 DDT is – No- degradable pollutant
Which are green house gases -CFC, CO2, CH4, NO2
 Which of the following are most effective green house gases? -Carbon dioxide
 Carbon monoxide, emitted automobiles, prevent transport of - Forming oxygen in body due
to stable compound with hemoglobin
 Pollution indicator plants -Are very sensitive to pollutants
 Ultraviolet rays coming from sun causes -Skin cancer
 Carbon monoxide is human beings as it is - With higher affinity for hemoglobin as
compared to oxygen
 Taj Mahal is threatened by pollution from -Sulphurdioxide
 BOD is - Biological oxygen demand
 Water pollution of a river is measured by -Amount of oxygen dissolves in water
 Pollution is – release of toxic undesirable material in environment
 Which is the most appropriate and correct practice from the point of view of a healthy
environment? – Treatment of domestic sewage before its release
Sound become hazardous noise pollution at level - Above 80 dB
 Fish die in water bodies polluted by sewage due to -Reduction in oxygen
 Which produce maximum sound pollution? - Jet flight
 National Environmental Engineering research institute is situated in -Nagpur
 Which gas is responsible for global warming? – CO2, and CH4
 Ozone layer present atmosphere absorb -Ultraviolet ray
 Spraying of DDT produce pollutior of -Air, water and Soil
 Increased asthmatic attacks it certain seasons are related to - Inhalation of seasonal pollen
Biodiversity and Wild Life
 Which is the first national park -Corbett
 Where is Asiatic wild ass is found? -Rann of Kachchh
 Which group has the highest number of endangered species? -Reptiles
 Logo of WWF-N is - Red Panda
 The most important strategy for the conservation of biodiversity together with traditional human
life is the establishment of-Biosphere reserves
 The percentage of land area covered under forest according to Indian Forest Policy is About how
much of world's land area is tropical rain forest? -33%
 BOD is a measure of - Extent of pollution with organic matter
 Main cause of extinction of species from tropics is -Deforestation
 The Book which contains information of plants is called as - Red book
 Which is the smallest bird? -Humming bird
 The Coral Reefs are the marine counterpart of -Scrubland
 Development of the natural systems is described as Self sustained process of the system
 Which strongly is threatens biodiversity? -Destruction of natural habitats an regetation and Jhum
 Fish can survive inside a frozen lake because -Water near the bottom does not freeze
The term ecology is first given by -Reiter
 Study of inter relationship between living environment is called and their -Ecology organism
 Lichens, which are capable of initiating ecological succession even on a bare rock, are actually
symbiotic association of a -Algae and fungi
 The term ecosystem is first given by -Tansley
 Ecosystem may be defined as -All plant and animal species along with environment Two
components of ecosystem are -Abiotic and biotic
 Primary consumer of a ecosystem is -Herbivorous
Producer of an ecosystem -Convert solar energy into chemical energy
 Main source of energy in a ecosystem -Sun light
 In a ecosystem the largest number is -Primary producer
 What is farming along with animal husbandry -Mixed farming
 Soil erosion can be controlled by -Afforestation
 Flood can be checked out -By making dam and planting the tree
 The resources which are obtained from biosphere and have life are -Biotic resources
 Main component of Mangroove plants is -Rhizophora
 Reduced leaves and sunken Stomata are the main feature of -Xerophytes
 In a food chain energy transfer -From one organism to other organism plants
 Hydrophytes are -Aquatic plant
 Which is a xerophytes plant? - Karil
 Abiotic component of our environment - Air
 Most of the desert plant bloom during night because -The desert insects are active during
night time.
The ratio of forest area needed for ecological balance in India -33.3 %
 Which is most stable ecosystem? -Sea
 The driving force of an ecosystem is -Solar energy
 Ecosystem is -Both open and closed depending upon community
 Which one lacks both root and -Hydrophytes
 10% law of energy transfer in food -Lindemann
 Amount of energy transfered from -10%
 Plant and animal living in a particular area constitute -Community
Study of inter-relationships between entire community environment is -Synecology
 Pyramid of energy in a ecosystem is -Both upright and inverted depending upon
 In dry regions, the leaf size of a tree becomes smaller. It is so to -Reduce transpiration
 Eco-mark is given to an Indian product which is -Environment friendly
 No trees are found in Tundra biome near polar region of northern hemisphere this is due to -
Frozen ice beneath the surface soil restricts root growth
 An artificial ecosystem is represented -Aquarium
 The world's only floating national situated in - Manipur
 Van Mahotsav is associated with -Planting tree
 An example of false fruit is -Apple
 Which is the most stable ecosystem -Ocean

Top 10 Most Repeated Question

1. Which of the following disease is not caused by water pollution? Malaria
2. Earth day is observed on : April 22
3. State with the highest percentage of forests is: Mizoram
4. Project Tiger was introduced in : 1973
5. World Wildlife Fund was founded in : 1961
6. World Environment Day is observed on : June 5
7. The main source of water pollution is : Sewage Water
8. Which gas is mainly responsible for green house effect? CO2
9. Cutting of trees in a forest is called : Deforestation
10. The sound of which intensity is regarded as the safe noise level for a city? 45 dB
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- Pollution -
➢ Pollution Atmosphere of big metropolitan cities is polluted most by -Automobil
➢ Chief air pollutant which is likely to deplete ozone layer is -Nitrogen oxides and
➢ World environment day is -5th June
➢ Gas released during Bhopal tragedy - Methyl isocyanate
➢ Major aerosol pollutant in jet plane emission is - Fluorocarbon
➢ The average salinity of sea water is Fluorocarbon -3.5%
➢ Chief air pollutant in big metropolitan city like Kolkata and Mumbai - -CO and
➢ Which is not considered as air pollutant? -Carbon dioxide
➢ DDT is – Non-degradable pollutant
➢ Which are green house gases -CFC, CO2, CH4, NO2
➢ Which of the following are most effective green house gases? -Carbon dioxide
➢ Carbon monoxide, emitted automobiles, prevent transport of - Forming oxygen
in body due to stable compound with hemoglobin
➢ Pollution indicator plants -Are very sensitive to pollutants
➢ Ultraviolet rays coming from sun causes -Skin cancer
➢ Carbon monoxide is human beings as it is - With higher affinity for hemoglobin
as compared to oxygen
➢ Taj Mahal is threatened by pollution from -Sulphurdioxide
➢ BOD is - Biological oxygen demand
➢ Water pollution of a river is measured by -Amount of oxygen dissolves in
➢ Pollution is – Release of toxic undesirable material in environment
➢ Which is the most appropriate and correct practice from the point of view of a
healthy environment? – Treatment of domestic sewage before its release
➢ Sound become hazardous noise pollution at level - Above 80 dB
➢ Fish die in water bodies polluted by sewage due to -Reduction in oxygen
➢ Which produce maximum sound pollution? - Jet flight
➢ National Environmental Engineering research institute is situated in -Nagpur
➢ Which gas is responsible for global warming? – CO2, and CH4
➢ Ozone layer present atmosphere absorb -Ultraviolet ray
➢ Spraying of DDT produce polluter of -Air, water and Soil
➢ Increased asthmatic attacks it certain seasons are related to - Inhalation of
seasonal pollen
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- Biodiversity and Wild Life -

➢ Which is the first national park –Jim Corbett
➢ Where is Asiatic wild ass is found? -Rann of Kachchh
➢ Which group has the highest number of endangered species? -Reptiles
➢ Logo of WWF-N is - Red Panda
➢ The most important strategy for the conservation of biodiversity together with
traditional human life is the establishment of-Biosphere reserves
➢ The percentage of land area covered under forest according to Indian Forest
Policy is About how much of world's land area is tropical rain forest? -33%
➢ BOD is a measure of - Extent of pollution with organic matter
➢ Main cause of extinction of species from tropics is -Deforestation
➢ The Book which contains information of plants is called as - Red book
➢ Which is the smallest bird? -Humming bird
➢ The Coral Reefs are the marine counterpart of -Scrubland
➢ Development of the natural systems is described as Self sustained process of
the system
➢ Which strongly is threatens biodiversity? -Destruction of natural habitats an
regetation and Jhum cultivation
➢ Fish can survive inside a frozen lake because -Water near the bottom does not
➢ The term ecology is first given by -Reiter
➢ Study of inter relationship between living environment is called and their -
Ecology organism
➢ Lichens, which are capable of initiating ecological succession even on a bare
rock, are actually symbiotic association of a -Algae and fungi
➢ The term ecosystem is first given by -Tansley
➢ Ecosystem may be defined as alll plant and animal species along with
environment Two components of ecosystem are -Abiotic and biotic
➢ Primary consumer of a ecosystem is -Herbivorous
➢ Producer of an ecosystem -Convert solar energy into chemical energy
➢ Main source of energy in a ecosystem -Sun light
➢ In a ecosystem the largest number is -Primary producer
➢ What is farming along with animal husbandry -Mixed farming
➢ Soil erosion can be controlled by -Afforestation
➢ Flood can be checked out -By making dam and planting the tree
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➢ The resources which are obtained from biosphere and have life are -Biotic
➢ Main component of Mangroove plants is -Rhizophora
➢ Reduced leaves and sunken Stomata are the main feature of -Xerophytes
➢ In a food chain energy transfer -From one organism to other organism plants
➢ Hydrophytes are -Aquatic plant
➢ Which is a xerophytes plant? - Karil
➢ Abiotic component of our environment - Air
➢ Most of the desert plant bloom during night because -The desert insects are
active during night time.
➢ The ratio of forest area needed for ecological balance in India -33.3 %
➢ Which is most stable ecosystem? -Sea
➢ The driving force of an ecosystem is -Solar energy
➢ Ecosystem is -Both open and closed depending upon community
➢ Which one lacks both root and -Hydrophytes
➢ 10% law of energy transfer in food -Lindemann
➢ Amount of energy transferred from -10%
➢ Plant and animal living in a particular area constitute -Community
➢ Study of inter-relationships between entire community environment is -
➢ Pyramid of energy in a ecosystem is -Both upright and inverted depending
upon ecosystem
➢ In dry regions, the leaf size of a tree becomes smaller. It is so to -Reduce
➢ Eco-mark is given to an Indian product which is -Environment friendly
➢ No trees are found in Tundra biome near polar region of northern hemisphere
this is due to -Frozen ice beneath the surface soil restricts root growth
➢ An artificial ecosystem is represented -Aquarium
➢ The world's only floating national situated in - Manipur
➢ Van Mahotsav is associated with -Planting tree
➢ An example of false fruit is -Apple
➢ Which is the most stable ecosystem -Ocean
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- Top 10 Most Repeated Question –

1. Which of the following disease is not caused by water pollution?

2. Earth day is observed on : April 22
3. State with the highest percentage of forests is: Mizoram
4. Project Tiger was introduced in : 1973
5. World Wildlife Fund was founded in : 1961
6. World Environment Day is observed on : June 5
7. The main source of water pollution is : Sewage Water
8. Which gas is mainly responsible for green house effect? CO2
9. Cutting of trees in a forest is called : Deforestation
10. The sound of which intensity is regarded as the safe noise level
for a city? 45 dB
1. Which one of the following pairs is correctly (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
matched? (c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4
(a) Biosphere — Eduard Suess 6. Which of the following statements about
(b) Ecosystem — A.P. de Candolle Radioactive pollution are correct?
(c) Ecology — A.G. Tansley 1. It causes genetic changes in the animals.
(d) Biodiversity — Reiter 2. It causes disbalance among
2. Which of the following groups of gases different minerals in the soil.
contribute to the ‘Green House Effect’? 3. It hinders blood circulation.
(a) Ammonia and Ozone 4. It causes cancers.
(b) Carbon mono-oxide and Sulphur di- Select the correct answer from the codes given
oxide below:
(c) Carbon tetrafluoride and Codes:
Nitrous oxide (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 4
(d) Carbon dioxide and Methane (c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4
3. Which one of the following is the correct
7. Given below are two statements:
definition of “ Agenda 21”
Assertion (A): Natural vegetation is
the true index of climate.
(a) It is an action plan
Reason (R): Water loving plants are found in moist
of U.N.O for
protecting human rights.
In the context of the above statements, which one of
(b) It is a book of 21 chapters on nuclear the following is correct?
disarmament. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the
(c) It is an action plan for the sustainable correct explanation of A.
development. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
(d) It is an agenda for the election of the correct explanation of A.
president in the next meeting of (c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
4. Environmental degradation means (a) Overall
8. Which of the following conditions indicate the
lowering of environmental qualities.
impact of global warming?
(b) Adverse change brought in by human
1. Melting of glaciers
2. Lowering down of sea level
(c) Ecological imbalance
3. Changes in weather conditions
(d) All the above
5. Which of the following countries suffer from the 4. Rise in global temperature
acid rains? Select the correct answer from the codes given
1. Canada 2. France
3. Norway 4. Germany
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1, 2 and 3
Select the correct answers from the codes given (c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
9. Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A): Forests are a renewable resource. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
Reason (R): They enhance the quality of correct explanation of A.
environment. (c) A is true but R is false.
Select the correct answer from the codes given (d) A is false but R is true.
below: 14. Which one of the following statements is not
Codes: correct?
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the (a) Ecosystem’s structure, species
correct explanation of A. composition and functioning change
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the seasonally between years.
correct explanation of A. (b) Nature has spent millions
(c) A is true but R is false. of years to refine
(d) A is false but R is true. a stable ecosystem.
10. As an ecosystem, wetlands are useful for which (c) Ecosystem functions mainly through the
of the following? input of solar energy
(a) For nutrient recovery and cycling (d) The relative loss of energy due to
(b) For releasing heavy respiration decreases with higher
metals through absorption by trophic levels.
plants. 15. Consider the following statements:
(c) They maintain the rivers Assertion (A): Conservation is a basic element of
and control floods. environmental planning.
(d) All the above Reason (R): Conservation and development are
11. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly complementary to each other.
matched? Select the correct answer from the codes given below
(a) Kyoto Protocol — Carbon Trading (b) Codes:
Environmental — Leopold Matrix (a) Both A and R are ture and R is the
impact assessment (c) The year without correct explanation of A.
— 1816 (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
summer correct explanation of A.
(d) Milankovich — On the origin of
(c) A is true but R is false.
Theory Species
(d) A is false but R is true.
12. Which of the following statements are true
16. Which one of the following does not promote
about ecosystem? Select the correct answer from
stability of the ecosystem?
the codes:
(a) Balancing between production and
1. Ecosystem comprises both biotic and
consumption of each element in the
abiotic components.
2. Solar radiation is the main driving force
of the ecosystem. (b) Balance between input and output of
3. Ecosystem is a closed system. energy.
E-76 || Environment and Ecology
4. Ecosystem does not have
its own productivity Codes: (c) Normal functioning of different
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 biochemical cycles.
(c) 1 and 3 (d) 3 and 4 (d) Increase of human population.
General Science || E-75 17. Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A): Ecological productivity decreases
13. Consider the following statements:
from the equator towards the poles.
Assertion (A): Plants are called primary Reason (R): Insolation rapidly decreases from the
producers. equator towards the poles.
Reason (R): Plants produce their food themselves Select the correct answer from the codes given
through the process of photosynthesis. below:
Select the correct answer from the codes given Codes:
below: (a) Both A and R are true and R is the
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the 1. Bandipur 2. Bhitarkanika
correct explanation of A. 3. Manas 4. Sunderbans
(c) A is true but R is false. Which of the above are declared Tiger Reserves?
(d) A is false but R is true. (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1, 3 and 4 only
18. Which one of the following statements is (c) 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
correct? 22. With reference to the wetland of India, consider
(a) The relative loss of energy due to the following statements:
respiration is lower from higher trophic 1. The country’s total geographical area
levels. under the category of wetlands is
(b) Species at higher trophic levels appear recorded more in Gujarat as compared
to be less efficient in using to other states.
their available food 2. In India, the total geographical area of
supply. coastal wetlands is larger than that of
(c) Higher trophic levels tend to be less inland wetlands.
discrete than the lower ones. Which of the statements given above is/are
(d) Food chains tend to be reasonably long. correct?
19. Consider the following statements: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Assertion (A): Organic farming reduces the emission (c) Both 1 and 2
of greenhouse gases. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Reason (R): Organic forming utilise alternate 23. Which of the following can be threats to the
practices. biodiversity of a geographical area?
Select the correct answer from the codes given 1. Global warming
below: 2. Fragmentation of habitat
Codes: 3. Invasion of alien species
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the 4. Promotion of vegetarianism
correct explanation of A. Select the correct answer using the codes given
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the below:
correct explanation of A. (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
(c) A is true but R is false.
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2,
(d) A is false but R is true.
3 and 4 only 24. Consider the
20. How does National Biodiversity
following statements:
Authority (NBA) help in
protecting the Indian 1. Biodiversity is normally greater in the
agriculture? lower latitudes as compared to the
higher latitudes.
1. NBA checks the biopiracy
2. Along the mountain gradients,
and protects the
biodiversity is normally greater in the
indigenous and traditional genetic
lower altitudes as compared to the
higher altitudes.
2. National Biodiversity
Which of the statements given above is/are
Authority (NBA) directly
monitors and supervises the
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
scientific research on genetic
(c) Both 1 and 2
modification of crop plants.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
3. Application for Intellectual Property
25. The Red Data Books published by the
Rights related to genetic/biological
International Union for
resources can not be made
Conservation of Nature and
without the approval of
Natural Resources (IUCN) contains
lists of
Which of the statements given above is/are
1. Endemic plant and animal species
present in the bio-diversity hotspots.
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
2. Threatened plant and animal species.
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
21. Consider the following protected areas:
3. Protected sites for conservation of (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only
nature and natural resources in various (c) 2 and 4 only (d) 3 and 4 only
countries. 30. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
Select the correct answer using the codes given answer from the code given below:
below: List-I List-II
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 only (Biosphere Reserve) (State)
(c) 3 only (d) 2 and 3
A. Dehang-Debang 1. Odisha
26. Biodiversity forms the basis for human
existence in the following ways: B. Manas 2. Meghalaya
1. Soil formation C. Nokrek 3. Assam
2. Prevention of soil erosion D. Similipal 4. Arunachal
3. Recycling of waste Pradesh
4. Pollination of crops Codes:
Select the correct answer using the codes given A B C D
below: (b) 1 2 3 4
(a) 1, 2 and 3 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only (c) 2 1 3 4
(c) 1 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 4 3 2 1
27. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct (e) 3 4 1 2
answer from the codes given below: 31. Arrange the following states of India in
List-I List-II descending order of their mangrove cover and
(National Park) (Location) select the correct answers from the codes given
A. Gir 1. Assam below:
B. Sundarban 2. Gujarat 1. Andhra Pradesh 2. Gujarat
C. Betla 3. West Bengal 3. Odisha 4. West Bengal
D. Kaziranga 4. Jharkhand Codes:
Codes: (a) 3, 2, 1, 4 (b) 1, 2, 4, 3
A B C D (c) 4, 3, 2, 1 (d) 4, 2, 1, 3
(b) 1 3 4 2 32. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
(c) 2 3 1 4 answer from the codes given below:
(d) 2 3 4 1 List-I List-II
(e) 4 2 3 1
A. Biodiversity 1. G. Tansley
28. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
answer from the codes given below the lists: B. Wildlife 2. E.O. Wilson
List-I List-II C. Ecosystem 3. E. Haeckel
(Biosphere sites) (Year of setting-up) D. Ecology 4. W.T. Hornaday
E-78 || Environment and Ecology
A. Nilgiri 1. 2000 B.
Nanda Devi 2. 1989 C. Codes:
Sundarban 3. 1988 D. A B C D
Kanchanjunga 4. 1986 (a) 2 4 3 1
General Science || E-77 (b) 2 4 1 3
Codes: (c) 4 2 3 1
A B C D (d) 4 2 1 3
(b) 1 2 3 4 33. Consider the following statements:
(c) 4 3 2 1 1. Dachigam National Park is
(d) 3 4 1 2 in Jammu and Kashmir.
(e) 2 3 1 4 2. Loktak lake is known
29. Which of the following regions of India have as floating national park.
been designated as biodiversity hotspots? 3. Loktak lake is located in Assam.
Select the correct answer from the codes given Which of the above statements is/are correct?
below: (a) 1 only
1. Eastern Himalaya 2. Eastern Ghat 3. Western Ghat
(b) 2 only
4. Western Himalaya Codes:
(c) 1 and 2 Reason (R): This is an adaptation to survive and
(d) 1, 2 and 3 grow in salty waters. Select the correct answer
34. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct from the codes given below:
answer from the codes given below: Codes:
List-I List-II (a) Both A and R are true R is correct
explanation of A.
(Sanctuaries) (State)
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
A. Namdapha 1. Karnataka
correct explanation of A.
B. Periyar 2. Arunachal
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
C. Bandipur 3. Manipur
39. Consider the following statements:
D. Lamjao 4. Kerala Assertion (A): Amensalism is a negative interaction
Codes: between two living individuals.
A B C D Reason (R): In amensalism, allochemicals are
(a) 2 4 1 3 secreted by one individual.
(b) 4 2 1 3 Select the correct code:
(c) 4 2 3 1 Codes:
(d) 2 4 3 1 (a) Both A and R are true, R is correct
35. Consider the following kinds of organisms and explanation of A.
identify the pollinating agent/agents. (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the
(a) Bat and Bee but not bird correct explanation of A.
(c) Bee, bat and birds (c) A is true, R is false.
(c) Hummingbird but not bee (d) (d) A is false, R is true.
Wind, bee, bat, birds. 40. Consider the following statements:
36. Consider the following statements regarding the Assertion (A): Use of weedicides affect
Millennium Assessment (MA) report 2005 and photosynthetic ability of plants.
choose the correct ones: Reason (R): Weedicides are metabolic inhibitors.
1. MAdefines Ecosystem services Codes:
as benefits people obtain (a) Both A and R are true, R is correct
from ecosystems. explanation of A.
2. It includes supporting services and (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the
provisioning services only. correct explanation of A.
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) A is true, R is false.
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) A is false, R is true.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 41. Consider the following statements and choose
37. Which of the following are the incorrect the correct ones:
statements about 'Keystone species'. 1. A new online Atlas of freshwater
1. Keystone species are the small-sized biodiversity has been launched on 29
plants and organisms which have large January, 2014 which is an output of
effect on the environment. Biofresh.
2. Keystone species play critical role in 2. This will help in managing and
maintaining the structure of an protecting the freshwater in future.
ecological community. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
3. Keystone species do not generally affect (c) Both 1 and 2
other organisms. (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 42. Consider the following statements and choose
the correct ones.
(c) 1 and 3 (d) All are correct
1. The prestigious Gold Standard
38. Consider the following statements: Foundation (GSF) certification
Assertion (A): Many mangrove plants possess high has been awarded to
levels of organic solutes. the Kolkata Metro, on 2
February, 2014.
2. This certification is 2. of the temperature difference, the air
given for using the above the lead churns like the air above
energy efficiently. a boiling pot.
3. Kolkata Metro has become 3. the mixing is so strong that it actually
the first ever railway pulls down mercury from a higher layer
system in the world with GSF of the atmosphere to near the surface.
certification standard. Select the answer from the codes given below-
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 1 only (d) 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) All of the above
43. Consider the following statements and choose 46. Biodiesel researchers have produced
the correct ones. hydrocarbons in bacterium— (a) Escherichia
1. The International Union for coli
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (b) Streptococcus pyogenes
is the world's oldest
(c) Vibrio cholerae
and largest global
environmental organization. (d) Enteritis salmonella
2. IUCN was founded in 47. A new nuclear waste disposal strategy
1948, its Green data announced by United States include-
book does conservation planning, 1. a “pilot interim store” will
monitoring to protect endangered become operational in 2021
species. 2. a larger “full-scale interim
3. On 30 January, 2014, IUCN store” will open be open
announced that it by 2025
is celebrating 50 3. an underground disposal facility to be
years of the IUCN established by 2048 to permanently
Red List of threatened species. dispose of the material.
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only 4. a new organisation will be established
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) All are correct to manage the siting, development and
44. Consider the following statements and choose operation of the future waste stores.
the wrong ones. Select the answer from the codes given below-
1. The World's largest archipelago, (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
Indonesia is prone to seismic activities (c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) All of the above
and dangers associated with it. E-80 || Environment and Ecology
General Science || E-79
48. Consider the following statements
2. Indonesia is located on 1. The Pacific salmon fish uses
the so-called Pacific the Earth's magnetic
"Ring of Fire", which is an arc of field to find their
volcanoes and fault lines. way
3. An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 rocked 2. Machli, Queen Mother of tiger dynasty
parts of Indonesia's main Java Island on was found in the
25 January, 2014. Ranthambhore National Park,
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only India.
(c) 2 only (d) 3 only Which of the above statements is/are correct?
45. As per National Aeronautics and (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
Space Administration (NASA) research (c) both 1 and 2
scientists found that (d) None of these
concentrations of mercury near the ground 49. Which of the following statements are correct ?
level had increased in the Arctic Sea by 1. A new study has found that changes in
mercurypumping reaction which takes place solar activity contributed no more than
because - 10 per cent to global warming in the
1. of open water in a lead is much warmer 20th century published in the journal
than the air above it. Environmental Research Letters.
2. It has been proposed that cosmic rays 2. Wetland (Conservation and
may have a role in cooling the earth by Management)
encouraging clouds to form, Rules 2010 have been framed for
which subsequently reflect protection of wetlands, in the States, which
the sun’s rays back into space. are habitats of birds.
3. Researchers found high correlation 3. Wildlife Crime Control Bureau has
between cosmic rays and global been established for control of illegal
temperatures occurring every 22 years. trade in wildlife, including endangered
Select the answer from the codes given below- species of birds and their parts and
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only products.
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) All of the above 4. The Centrally
50. The International Union for Conservation of Sponsored Scheme of
Nature (IUCN) red list version National Plan for
2013 of the birds indicates 15 Conservation of Aquatic
species of birds from India as critically Eco-System also provides
endangered. The reason for the decline in the assistance to the States for management of
number of these birds are: wetlands including Ramsar sites in the
1. Loss, modification, country.
fragmentation and Select the answer from the codes given below-
degradation of habitat (a) 1, 2, and 3 (b) 2, 3, and 4
2. Environmental contaminants (c) 1, 3, and 4 (d) All of the above
3. Poaching 53. The Delhi Metro is the
4. Use changes mainly conversion of large first ever railway system in the
areas to intensive crop cultivation world to be awarded with the prestigious Gold
Select the answer from the codes given below- Standard Foundation (GSF)
(a) 1, 2, and 3 (b) 2, 3, and 4 certification
(c) 1, 3, and 4 (d) All of the above standard for
51. The International Union for Conservation of (a) providing security to the people
Nature (IUCN) on 30 January (b) using the energy
2014 completed its 50 efficiently
years of the IUCN Red (c) carrying largest number of passengers
List of Threatened Species (d) All of the above
in guiding conservation action and policy 54. The three species of vultures that are critically
decisions. The IUCN: endangered that have declined by more than 97
1. acts as a powerful tool to inform and percent since 1990s are:
catalyse action for biodiversity 1. Egyptian vulture (Neophron
conservation and policy change for percnopterus)
things that are critical to 2. Oriental white-backed (Gyps
protect the natural resources that are bengalensis)
needed by us to survive. 3. Long-billed (Gyps indicus)
2. provides the information on population 4. Slender-billed vulture (Gyps
size as well as trends depending upon tenuirostris)
the range and habitat needs of species. Select the answer from the codes given below
Which of the above statements is/are correct? (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) 1, 3 and
(c) both 1 and 2 4 (d) None of the
(d) None of these above
52. The steps taken by the Government of India for 55. Consider the following statements
conversion of endangered species are 1. Tree Foundation, an
1. The Central Government has enacted NGO engaged in
the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 for conservation of the sea turtle found
protection of wildlife including birds. more than 1000 dead Olive Ridley
Turtles in the shores of 1. Gangotri glacier is retreating in the
Nagapattinam. Himalayas and its volume and size are
2. The Olive Ridley turtles find shrinking between Gaumukh and
the coastline of Bhojbasa.
Nagapattinam as a General Science || E-81
favourable nesting habitat 2. There is some disintegration in the
and that’s why they reach to the upper regions of the Gangotri glaciers
shore from December to March every due to tectonic activities.
year. 3. Retreat of Gangotri glaciers in this
3. The Olive Ridley looks very similar to decade was higher than in the previous
the Kemp's Riddle, but has a deeper decade due to global warming.
body and slightly up-turned edges to its Select the answer from the codes given below-
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) All of the above
4. Olive Ridley weighs around 45
kilograms and are 70cm in size and this 59. In December 2013, China built a new research
makes them the smallest of the sea station in Antarctica called
turtles along with Kemp riddles. (a) Taishan (b) Great Wall
Which of the following statements are correct? (c) Zhongshan (d) Kunlun
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 60. Which of the following are the new species of
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) All of the above freshwater catfish discovered
56. Which of the following lake has been named in Idukki and Pathanamthitta
Destination Flyways by the United districts of Kerala in
Nations World Tourism Organization November 2013?
(UNWTO) on 21 January 1. Horabagrus melanosoma
2014? 2. Mystus heoki
(a) Chilika lagoon in Odisha 3. Mystus indicus
(b) Dal Lake in Kashmir valley 4. Mystus miami
(c) Loktak Lake in Manipur
Select the answers from the codes given below:
(d) Kolleru Lake in Andhra Pradesh
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
57. Which of the following statements is/are
correct? (c) 1, 2 and 3 only (d) All of the above
1. First Climate Change theatre in India 61. The Ministry of Environment and Forest
(second theatre in the world) was declared India's first marine eco-
opened at Pusa, New Delhi sensitive zone in –
in January 2014. (a) Gulf of Kutch (b) Palk Strait
2. The Inter-governmental Panel on (c) Gulf of Khambat (d) Gulf of Mannar
Climate Change (IPCC) UN 62. Which of the following has been cited as a
report on 17 January cause for the deaths of the Penguin chicks from
2014 reported that during 2000 to the world’s largest colony of Magellanic
2010, the CO2 has grown by 2.2 percent Penguins
per year and this rise is almost twice (a) Lack of food (b) Warm Ocean
higher from the growth of the period of Currents
1970 to 2000. Answer from the codes (c) Climate Change (d) All of the above
given below: 63. Scientists from the University of Technology,
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only Sydney (UTS) explained that seagrass can play
(c) 1 and 2 only (d) None of a crucial role in fighting against
these the climate change.Which of the
58. G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment following is/ are correct about seagrass?
and Development (GBPIHED) released the 1. Seagrass helps by capturing and storing
Report titled Estimation of retreat of Gangotri the carbon by the process of
glacier on 7 January 2014. The Report includes- photosynthesis.
2. Seagrass also traps the particles in the 67. Eutrophication in the Chesapeake Bay along the
water column. eastern edge of Maryland has resulted in low
3. The seagrass plant is 35 times better in oxygen levels in the water and alternation of
locking the carbon than the rainforests. food webs. The cause of this eutrophication
E-82 || Environment and Ecology appears to be pollution that contains high levels
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only of :
(a) nitrogen and carbon
(c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2 and 3
64. Dung beetles live in regions where cattle graze, (b) nitrogen and phosphorus
quickly burying and recycling cattle droppings. (c) carbon and phosphorus
Because of the dung beetles activities, breeding (d) carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus
habitats for disease-carrying flies 68. In case of a parasitic food chain, the shape of the
are reduced and the plants upon pyramid of number is always:
which cattle feed are nourished. The relationship (a) Upright (b) Linear
between the dung beetles and the disease- (c) Inverted (d) Not certain
carrying flies is a type 69. In a forest, deer, raccoons, squirrels, and other
of : animals eat and find shelter.
(a) mutualism A detritus food web occurs as
(b) commensalism their wastes accumulate on the forest floor.
(c) intraspecific competition In this detritus web:
(d) interspecific competition (a) deer and raccoons function as the
65. Discussing the consequences of global climate producers
change at a conference, representatives of a (b) fungi and earthworms function as
developing nation suggest that those nations that producers (c) decomposers function
contribute the most greenhouse gases (GHGs) to as consumers
the atmosphere should contribute the most to (d) the deer and raccoons represent decomposers
paying for adaptive responses worldwide. 70. In a rural hilly district in Himachal Pradesh, a
Further, this representative pointed out that her land developer uses bulldozers to clear all but
poor country contributes less than 1% of the the largest trees and cleans up a nearby stream,
annual GHGs and has less than 0.1% of the lining the bottom of the stream with pretty rocks
world’s wealth. This representative’s appeal and steeping-stones. Planting lawn grasses
represents: around the base of the trees, the owner wants to
(a) the precautionary principle create a pretty park-like setting around his
(b) the polluter pays and equity principles home. We expect that in this cleared yard, there
(c) an argument for mitigation instead of will be:
adaptation. (a) more species of invertebrates in the
(d) stages 2 and 3 of the climate change stream and on the land but fewer species
skeptics responses of vertebrates and plants everywhere
66. Flea beetles alone are unlikely to eliminate all of (b) more mammal and plant species, but
the leafy spurge in a region. Instead, the number fewer birds and invertebrates on the
of leafy spurge plants and the land and in the stream
number of flea beetles in a (c) fewer species of vertebrates and plants
particular community may stabilize. At this everywhere but more invertebrates in
point, the leafy spurge and the steam
flea beetle populations: (d) fewer species of plants, invertebrates,
(a) have exhibited exponential growth and vertebrates everywhere
followed by a crash 71. In the communities found deep in the ocean off
(b) have experienced constant growth the shore of Japan, bacteria have special
(c) are still experiencing exponential enzymes that allow them to form organic matter
growth by chemosynthesis. These communities
(d) are experiencing environmental frequently have worms, clams, shrimp and many
resistance other organisms clustered together. These
communities nestle around hydrothermal vents
where super heated water, springs from the
bottom of the ocean. In hydrothermal vent General Science || E-83
communities, we would not expect (b) Both crops require the same fertilizing supplies,
to find : so farmers save by buying fertilizer in bulk.
(a) carbon compounds (c) Corn adds large amounts of phosphorus to the
(b) chemosynthesis soil, which helps the soyabean crop
(c) chlorophyll (d) The corn crop benefits from reactive
(d) producers nitrogen added to the soil by the soyabean
72. Iron ore mining companies are expanding into crop
the deep forest of Orissa where native 76. The concept of biodiversity hotspots is given by
populations of indigenous people have lived off :
the land for many centuries. In order to resolve (a) F.P. Odum (b) Norman
the growing conflicts between the natives Myers
and the mining companies. They have (c) James Lovelock (d) Rachel Carson
been urged by the Government 77. The concern about human-to-human
officials to bring together all transmission of bird flu is
of the interested parties. The mining most closely monitored by
company operations in the forest will likely lead :
to the loss of ecosystem services, such as: (a) the national governments of the
(a) the depletion of iron ore from the countries of the world
ground (b) the World Health Organization and the
(b) the shift from logging to mining Centers for Disease Control
(c) World Wide Institute for Infectious
(c) sources of freshwater
(d) the construction of new roads
(d) International Centers for Health and
73. Neena gets a new baby
Human Disease
turtle from a friend, and
78. Walking along a large city park on a hot
is told to feed it
summer day, you look for a cool resting place
worms. For the first few
and sit down on a large rock under a tree, at the
months, the turtle seemed to
quiet edge of a stream. You have searched for
grow fine. But as time
and found an example of a :
passed, the turtle’s shell appeared soft and
(a) microclimate (b) biome
fragile. Someone suggested that the turtle might
not be getting enough calcium in its diet. If this (c) landscape (d) population
is true for this turtle, dietary calcium is : 79. Which of the following is regarded as the main
cause of groundwater contamination?
(a) a limiting factor
(a) agricultural products
(b) an environmental condition
(b) landfills
(c) a habitat condition
(d) a natural environmental stressor (c) septic tanks
74. On a winter day, most automobiles keep the (d) All of the above main sources of
passengers warm by using heat generated by the ground water contamination.
engine. This use of the heat by-product from a 80. Chipko Movement occurred in which of
gas engine is an example of : following region?
(a) non-fossil-fuel energy (a) Tribal areas of MP
(b) cogeneration (b) Rural area of Rajasthan
(c) nuclear power (c) Tehri Garhwal
(d) a sustainable source of energy (d) Darjeeling region
75 Some farmers rotate their crops from year to year, 81. Which of following is One of the best solutions
switching from soyabeans to corn on the same to get rid of non-biodegradable wastes is :
fields. What is one of (a) Recycling waste
the advantages of doing (b) Burying waste
this? (c) Burning waste
(a) Soyabeans add large amounts of carbon dioxide
(d) All of the above
to the soil, which helps the corn crop.
E-84 || Environment and Ecology (d) All of the above
82. Which of following is correct statement about 86. Which of the following statement is correct
the Ozone? about the intergovernmental Panel on Climate
(a) Ozone in troposphere is good for Change (IPCC)?
breathing (a) IPCC was established in 1988
(b) IPCC does not evaluate the risk of
(b) Ozone in Troposphere is not good for
climate change on human
(c) IPCC published its
(c) Ozone is present only in Troposphere.
first report in 1989
(d) All of the above (d) All of the above
83. Consider following statements about the Ozone 87. Which of following statement is true about the
Hole Ecotone?
(I) Ozone formation and destruction keep (a) It is meeting place of two different eco
on happening systems
(II) Ozone destruction rate is higher than its (b) It is meeting place of two same eco
formation rate systems (c) Density of species is
(III) Ozone destruction rate is equal to the very low here (d) All of the
its formation rate above.
Which of above statement is/ are true? 88. Consider following statement about the estuary
(a) (I) only (I) Estuary is a place where the river fresh
(b) (I) and (II) Only water meets with ocean water
(c) (I) and (III) (II) This area is highly productive
(d) (III) Only (III) This area is highly unproductive
84. Earlier there was balance between the formation (IV) All of the above
and destruction of Ozone layer but after the Which of above the statements is/are true?
release of varieties of harmful substances into (a) (I) only (b) (II) only
atmosphere, this balance has been
(c) (I) and II) (d) (III)
disturbed. Now rate
89. Which of the following statement is incorrect
of destruction is higher than the rate of
about the Biosphere?
formation of Ozone layer which is causing
(a) Biosphere is a combination of
widening of Ozone hole. CFC
lithosphere, hydrosphere and
(Chlorofluorocarbons) is one
of the sources responsible for
(b) Biosphere is missing at extreme of
causing hole in Ozone layer, which of following
north and south pole
statement is correct about the CFC:
(c) Organisms are uniformly present in
1. CFC is made of
Chlorine, fluorine, and
carbon (d) All of the above
2. CFC is released from Refrigerant, 90. What is the carbon credit?
foams in plastic manufacturing, etc (a) It is the difference between the carbon
3. Refrigerant is the major source of CFC emission allowed and actually emitted
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(b) It is the loan amount by IMF for
(c) 1 and 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 reducing
85. Nitrogen Oxide is also held pollution
responsible for the depletion (c) It is loan given to poor people for
of Ozone layer, which of the following is buying
source of Nitrogen Oxide? Modern Stoves
(a) Industrial emission (d) All of the above
(b) Fertilizers which are used in 91. What is the meaning of coral bleaching?
agricultural (a) Paling of coral color or decline in
activities zooxanthellae due to climate change
(c) Thermonuclear weapons
(b) Impacts of excessive 99. Deep black soil is productive due to high
sea trade on proportion of
fishing industry (a) sand and zinc
(c) Both (a) and (b) (b) gravel and calcium (c) clay and
(d) None of the above humus (d) silt and earthworm.
92. Relative contributions of CO2, CH4, CFCs and 100. Pick up the correct food chain
N2O towards global warming are: (a) grass → chamelion → insect → bird
(a) 50 %, 30 %, 10 % , and 10 % (b) grass → fox → rabbit → bird
respectively (c) phytoplankton → zooplankton →
(b) 60%, 20%, 14%, and 6% respectively fish (d) fallen leaves → bacteria
(c) 40 %, 30%, 20% and 10% respectively → insect larvae.
(d) None of the above
93. Which of the following can be used for
controlling Gaseous Pollutant?
(a) Arrestor (b) Incineration
(c) Absorption (d) None of
94. What does the high Biological Oxygen Demand
(BOD) indicates?
(a) High level of Microbial Pollution
(b) Low level of Microbial Pollution
(c) Absence of Microbial Pollution
(d) Water is fully pure
95. What percent of area in the plain should be
under forest?
(a) 21 % (b) 25%
(c) 17% (d) 33%
96. Biodiversity Hotspot are characterized on the
basis of:
(a) Endemic flowering plants and threat
(b) Endemic flowering plants
General Science || E-85

(c) Species of flowering

(d) None of above
97. Upper part of sea/aquatic ecosystem contains
(a) plankton
(b) nekton
(c) plankton and nekton (d)
98. Competition for light, nutrients and space is
most severe between
(a) closely related organism growing in
different niches
(b) closely related organisms growing in
the same area/niche
(c) distantly related organisms growing in
the same habitat
(d) distantly related organisms growing in
different niches.
4. (d) Environmental degradation means lowering of

1. (a) 14. (d) 27. (c) 40. (a) 53. (b) 66. (d) 79. (d) 92. (b)

2. (d) 15. (b) 28. (b) 41. (c) 54. (d) 67. (b) 80. (c) 93. (c)

3. (c) 16. (d) 29. (b) 42. (d) 55. (b) 68. (c) 81. (a) 94. (a)

4. (d) 17. (a) 30. (c) 43. (b) 56. (a) 69. (a) 82. (b) 95. (d)

5. (b) 18. (c) 31. (d) 44. (d) 57. (b) 70. (d) 83. (b) 96. (a)

6. (b) 19. (a) 32. (b) 45. (d) 58. (d) 71. (c) 84. (d) 97. (a)

7. (a) 20. (c) 33. (c) 46. (a) 59. (a) 72. (c) 85. (d) 98. (b)

8. (c) 21. (b) 34. (a) 47. (d) 60. (c) 73. (a) 86. (a) 99. (c)

9. (b) 22. (c) 35. (d) 48. (c) 61. (a) 74. (b) 87. (a) 100. (c)

10. (d) 23. (c) 36. (a) 49. (b) 62. (c) 75. (d) 88. (c)

11. (d) 24. (c) 37. (c) 50. (d) 63. (d) 76. (b) 89. (c)

12. (a) 25. (b) 38. (a) 51. (c) 64. (d) 77. (b) 90. (a)

13. (a) 26. (d) 39. (b) 52. (d) 65. (b) 78. (a) 91. (a)

Hints & Solutions

E-86 || Environment and Ecology environmental qualities, adverse changes by
human activities and ecological imbalance.
1. (a) Eduard Suess was an Austrian, responsible for 5. (b) United States and Canada are the countries
hypothesising two major former geographical which are mostly affected by acid rain because of
features, the supercontinent Gondwana and the high number of factories, power plants and large
Tethys Ocean.The term "biosphere" was coined by number of automotive plants. Europe, Poland,
geologist Eduard Suess in 1875, Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden,
which he defined as "The Norway and Finland are affected because of
place on Earth's surface where life dwells." British and European factories. In Asia, India and
2. (d) The most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's China are mostly affected mainly because of the
atmosphere are: large number of factories.
Water vapor (H2O), Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane 6. (b) Radioactive contamination or pollution causes
(CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Ozone (O3) severe life- threatening consequences in
and CFCs. organisms. Because of the radioactive decay of the
3. (c) Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily contaminants, which emit harmful ionising
implemented action plan of radiation such as alpha or beta particles, gamma
the United Nations with regard to rays or neutrons, genetic mutations occur which
sustainable development. It is a product of are hereditary. Carcinogenic contaminants cause
the UN Conference on cancer.
Environment and Development 7. (a) Natural vegetation is the
(UNCED) held in Rio true index of climate because
de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. The "21" in water loving plants are found in moist climate.
Agenda 21 refers to the 21st Century.
8. (c) Global warming is the increase in the global 10% of the energy stored in plants. Secondary and
temperature. It has put many negative impacts on tertiary consumers transfer 20% of the energy from
glaciers causing them to start melting, so, rise of their own bodies so they
sea level. Unpredictable weather conditions are more efficient. In going
prevailing in some geographical areas are some of from lower to higher trophic levels energy
the other effects of global warming. transfers are insufficient so making
9. (b) Forests are renewable natural resources and the food chains limited to only 4-
enhance the quality of environment by providing 5 trophic levels. Higher trophic levels are less
the Oxygen needed to sustain life on the earth. discrete due to their less specialised food habits.
Although both assertion and reason are correct 19. (a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct
statements but reason is not the correct explanation explanation of A. Organic farming depends on on-
of the assertion. farm resources, using alternative sources like usage
10. (d) As an ecosystem, wetlands are useful for of no chemical pesticides and fertilizers, onfarm
nutrient recovery and cycling, releasing heavy practices which do not depend on fossil fuels
metals through absorption by plants. They also consumption.
control floods and maintain floods. 20. (c) The National Biodiversity Authority
11. (d) The Milankovitch theory is an explanation of (NBA) an autonomous body was established
long term climate change. The book ‘On the Origin in 2003 to implement India’s Biological Diversity
of Species’ was written by Charles Darwin, Act (2002).
published on 24 November 21. (b) Bandipur National Park, a
1859. tiger reserve is located in the south
12. (a) Ecosystem is the dynamic community of living Indian state of Karnataka.
organism with physical environment. Thus, it Manas National Park or Manas
comprises of both biotic and abiotic components. Wildlife Sanctuary is a
Solar energy is the ultimate source of energy in it, National Park, UNESCO Natural
so is the main driving force. Dynamic energy World
transfers occur making it an open system. The Heritage site, a Project Tiger Reserve, an Elephant
autotrophs make the ecosystem’s biotic Reserve and a Biosphere Reserve in Assam. The
components selfsufficient. Sundarban National Park is a
13. (a) Plants are called primary producers because National Park, Tiger Reserve, and a
plants produce their food themselves through the Biosphere Reserve in India. It is a part of the
process of photosynthesis. Sundarbans on the Ganges Delta of India and
14. (d) As we go higher in the trophic levels through Bangladesh.
the food chain, the loss of energy due to respiration Bhitarkanika National Park is a
as well as metabolic activities successively national park located in the Kendrapara
increase. So, there occurs the transference of only District Odisha, which is not specifically
10% of the preceding trophic level to the next for Tiger reserve.
higher trophic level. 22. (c) Wetlands cover around 3% of the total land
15. (b) Both the assertion and reason are correct area of India. Gujarat occupies around 3 million
statements but the later is not the correct hectares of wetlands out of India’s total 10 million
explanation of the former. The basic planning for hectares of wetland area. India has total 27,403
environment includes ‘conservation of organisms wetands, of which 23,444 are inland wetlands and
and resources’ as the most valuable component. 3,959 are coastal wetlands but the coastal wetlands
Development can be complementary to occupy an estimated 6,750 sq km, which is more
conservation, only when it is sustainable. than the inland wetlands.
16. (d) The ever-increasing human population creates 23. (c) Global Warming, fragmentation of habitat and
a loss of natural habitat of organisms and have invasion of alien species can be threats to the
other impacts such as various kinds of pollution. biodiversity of a geographical area.
Thus, the ecosystem gets imbalanced in many 24. (c) There is an increase in biodiversity from the
ecological terms. poles to the tropics. Thus localities at lower
17. (a) Both the statements are true and R is the correct latitudes have more species than localities at higher
explanation of A. latitudes.
General Science || E-87 E-88 || Environment and Ecology
18. (c) The relative loss of energy increases in 25. (b) The ICUN Red list of
successive trophic levels. Primary consumers use threatened species or the
Red Data Book is the state document 33. (c) Dachigam National Park is
established for documenting rare and endangered located 22 kilometers from Srinagar,
species of animals, plants and fungi existing within Jammu and Kashmir. It covers an area of 141
the territory of the state or country. square kilometres. Loktak Lake, the largest
26. (d) Biological diversity helps in the formation and freshwater lake in India, also called the only
maintenance of soil structure and the retention of Floating lake in the world due to the
moisture and nutrient levels. Trees on the other floating phumdis (heterogeneous mass
hand, lower the water table and remove deposited of vegetation, soil, and organic matters
salt from the upper soil horizons. at various stages of decomposition) on it, is located
27. (c) The Gir Forest National Park near Moirang in Manipur.
and Wildlife Sanctuary is a forest and 34. (a) Namdapha National Park
wildlife sanctuary in Gujarat. It is the sole home of is the largest protected area in
the Asiatic Lions (Panthera leopersica). the Eastern Himalaya biodiversity hotspot and is
Sundarbans National Park in West located in Arunachal Pradesh. Periyar National
Bengal is the home of Bengal tigers. Betla Park and Wildlife Sanctuary
National Park is located in is a protected area in the districts
the Chota Nagpur Plateau of the of Idukki and Pathanamthitta in Kerala. Bandipur
Latehar district of Jharkhand. Kaziranga National National Park, established in
Park is located in Golaghat 1974 as a tiger reserve under Project Tiger,
and Nagaon districts of Assam, a World is a national park located in the south Indian state
Heritage Site, the park hosts two-thirds of the of Karnataka. The Keibul Lamjao National
world's Great One-horned Rhinoceroses. Park is a national park
28. (b) Nilgiri biosphere site was in the Bishnupur district of Manipur.
set up in 1986. Nanda 35. (d) Bees, bats and birds are the biotic pollinating
Devi biosphere site was agents. Wind is also an agent of pollination but is
set up in 1988. an abiotic agent.
Sundarban biosphere site was set up in 1989. 36. (a) The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA)
Kanchanjunga biosphere site was set up in 2000. report 2005 defines Ecosystem
29. (b) A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic services as benefits people obtain from
region with a significant ecosystems and distinguishes four categories of
reservoir of biodiversity that is ecosystem services: 1. Supporting services, 2.
under threat from humans. Around the world, as Provisioning services, 3. Regulating services, 4.
many as 25 areas qualify to be the hotspots. Out of Cultural services.
which India has 2 hotspots: Eastern Himalayas and 37. (c) Keystone species are not necessarily small
Western Ghats. sized though they put great effect on the
30. (c) Dihang-Dibang or Dehang-Debang is a environment. They play very critical role in
biosphere reserve constituted under the Man & maintaining the structure of an ecological
Biosphere Programme. It is in the Arunachal community by affecting many other organisms. An
Pradesh. Manas National Park is ecosystem may experience a dramatic shift if a
in Assam. Nokrek National Park keystone species is removed, even though that
is located in West Garo species may be small part of the ecosystem by
Hills district of Meghalaya. measures of biomass or productivity.
Simlipal National Park is an 38. (a) Mangrove- plants have higher concentration of
elephant reserve situated in the Mayurbhanj salts and minerals (solutes, such as proline and
district in Odisha. sorbitol) in the cells making their osmotic potential
31. (d) The correct descending order of mangrove higher than the surrounding water in which they
cover in the states are West Bengal, Gujarat, grow. This is a type of adaptation that allows water
Andhra Pradesh, Orissa. uptake by the plants in spite of growing in salty
32. (b) The concept of biodiversity was propounded by waters. Some mangroves also pump out excess salt
E.O. Wilson. The concept of wildlife was by specialised roots.
propounded by W. Hornaday. The concept of 39. (b) The term ‘ammensalism’ generally refers to the
Ecosystem propounded by G. Tansley. The complete or partial inhibition or death of one
concept of Ecology was propounded by E. organism by another through production of some
Haeckel. chemicals (allochemicals) as a result of metabolic
pathways. In it, none of the organisms gets any
benefit. It is more common ground level undergoes complex chemical
in microbial world. reactions that deposit the element on the surface.
40. (a) Both A and R are true and R is correct General Science || E-89
explanation of A. The weedicides and herbicides Once the mercury is completely removed from the
are metabolic inhibitors, inhibiting the metabolic air, these reactions stop. However, this newly
pathways as well as photosynthesis. Some discovered mixing ice forces down additional
weedicides also cause phloem cells’ proliferation mercury to restart and sustains the reactions.
so as to block the transport of plants’ food 46. (a) The researchers isolated metabolic genes from
materials. multiple species of bacteria and pieced them
41. (c) A new online Atlas of freshwater biodiversity together in Escherichia coli (E.coli) to
has been launched on 29 January, 2014. It will create artificial biochemical pathways that
present spatial information and species distribution convert free fatty acids to hydrocarbons. One such
patterns. The Atlas is an pathway, named CEDDEC, contained metabolic
output of BioFresh – an genes from the bioluminescent bacterium
EUfunded project in which Photorhabdus luminescens and the
the IUCN Global Species cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme. When grown
Programme is a key partner. It is working to in broth containing various combinations of fatty
better understand, manage and protect our acids, or when modified to
freshwaters, for generations to come. express additional genes, the
42. (d) The prestigious Gold Standard Foundation engineered E. coli produced molecules that are
(GSF) certification has been structurally and chemically identical to 10 retail
awarded to the Delhi Metro diesel fuel hydrocarbons commonly used in
Rail Corporation (DMRC), temperate climates.
for efficient usage of energy, on 2 47. (d) The schedule is meant to reduce the growth of
February, 2014. DMRC has become the the US government’s liabilities under the 1982
first ever Railway system in Nuclear Waste Policy Act, under
the world with GSF which it was to begin taking
certification standard. In spent reactor fuel from power companies in 1998.
2008, DMRC had also become About 68,000 tonnes of used reactor fuel remains
the first Railway project in at 72 different power plant sites across the country,
the world to be registered with the Department of Energy (DoE) reimbursing
by the UN under the power companies the cost. The current production
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). rate of spent fuel is 2,000 tonnes a year. The two
43. (b) IUCN, the world’s oldest and interim facilities will accept used reactor fuel at a
largest global environmental organization, rate faster than this in order to reduce gradually the
is celebrating its completion of 50 years. It was inventory at power companies.
founded in 1948. It lists out all types of organisms 48. (c) It is believed that other sea creatures such as
vulnerable to any kind of loss, in its Red data turtles, sharks and whales may also use Earth's
book. magnetic field to roam
44. (d) The earthquake felt in Java, Indonesia, had the oceans.
been measured to be 6.1 on Richter’s scale. It is The 17-year-old Machli is the longest living wild tigress
prone to such tremors due in the world, besides being the most photographed
to its location in Pacific big cat. The tigress was
Ring of fire. One of identified as T-16. Machli had
the incidents occurred in here survived in the dense forest by hunting her own
in 2004 when a monster temblor off Aceh prey despite her advanced age.
shores triggered a tsunami that killed 230,000 49. (b) The Researchers found a small correlation
people in a dozen countries. between cosmic rays and global temperatures
45. (d) Almost all of the mercury in the Arctic occurring every 22 years; however, the changing
atmosphere is transported there in gaseous form cosmic ray rate lagged behind the change in
from sources in areas farther south, from sources temperatures by between one and two years,
such as wildfires, coal suggesting that the cause might not be down to
burning and gold mining. Scientists cosmic rays and cloud formation but might be due
have long known that mercury in the air near to the direct effects of the sun. By comparing the
small oscillations in the cosmic ray rate, which
were taken from data from two neutron monitors, (DMRC) registered for the
and certification standard for its
E-90 || Environment and Ecology temperature with energy efficiency measures
the overall trends in both since 1955, the research undertaken in 51 stations
team found that less than 14 per cent of the global in Phase II of the DMRC Project. The energy
warming seen during this period could be efficiency measures were primarily
attributable to solar activity. undertaken in the heating,
50. (d) Other reasons for the decline in the number of venting and air conditioning (HVAC) systems,
these birds are changes in cropping pattern due to lighting system and other energy
various reasons including implementation of efficient measures of station buildings; the
irrigation schemes; increased pesticide usage and measures adopted in the HVAC system resulted in
livestock-grazing; high levels of disturbance; and reduction in electrical energy consumption.
developmental activities like mining and hydel 54. (b) The veterinary drug Diclofenac that is used in
projects. This also includes collision of the birds vetting the cattle has been
with vehicles, wind turbines and power lines identified as a reason
51. (c) The IUCN also provides the that is causing the sharp deep in the number of
information that is related to vultures. Use of this drug has been banned in India.
species-based conservation actions. It also helps in Diclofenac is toxic for any and all vultures that
identifying globally important sites for feed on the carcass of recently treated cattle.
conservation including important plant areas, Saving Asia’s Vultures from Extinction (SAVE)
important bird areas, key biodiversity areas and in its study says that the version for human use is
alliance for zero extinction sites. It helps in being illegally given to the cattle. A programme
influencing the decisions of named SAVE in its plan will release up to 25 birds
conservation at multiple scales that into the 30000 kilometer square safe zone. The
include environmental impact assessments to captive-bred birds will be released into the wild by
international multilateral environments 2016 under the project.
agreements. It indicates the current status of 55. (b) Tree foundation, an NGO
species and revealing trends in their extinction risk engaged in conservation of the sea
over time, to track progress towards biodiversity turtle, found more than 100 dead Olive Ridley
targets. turtles in the shores of Nagapattinam. The
52. (d) For conservation of endangered species Olive Ridley turtles are rusty
Wildlife Crime Control Bureau has been coloured carapace and have slightly smaller
established for control of illegal trade in wildlife, head and shell than the Kemp turtles. These Olive
including endangered species of birds and their Ridley turtles generally occur through the Antilles,
parts and products. Research and monitoring around the north coast of South America, in West
activities on birds are promoted by the Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australia and Southeast
Government through reputed research Asia. As per the reports the populations of Olive
organizations. Wildlife Institute of India, Riddles have declined in Pakistan, Myanmar,
Bombay Natural History society and Malaysia and Thailand, and possibly on the east
Salim Ali Centre for coast of India, south of Orissa and
Ornithology and Natural History in the Andaman and
are some of the research organizations undertaking Nicobar islands.
research on conservation of birds. The Indian 56. (a) Chilika is the only site to be selected from Asia
government has banned the veterinary use of by the UNWTO and was included
diclofenac drug that has caused rapid decline in in a list of eight
vulture population across the Indian Subcontinent. such sites. The Destination Flyways initiative
Conservation Breeding Programmes to conserve of UNWTO aims at promotion
these vulture species have been initiated at Pinjore of sustainable tourism. The
(Haryana), Buxa (West Bengal) and Rani, lagoon was named so for its sustainable and
Guwahati (Assam) by the Bombay resilient destination for migratory birds. The status
Natural History Society. will help Chilika Development Authority (CDA) to
53. (b) GSF standard certification is develop strategies for protection of migratory birds
a globally accepted certification through creation of innovative tourism and
standard for carbon mitigation livelihood products. Chilika Lake is the largest
projects. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation brackish water lake in Asia with estuarine
character that sprawls along the east coast. It is the species of catfish worldwide.
largest wintering ground for migratory waterfowl They range in size from 1.5
found anywhere in the Indian sub-continent. It is to 2 in chesto more than 8 feet in length.
one of the hotspot of biodiversity in the country, 61. (a) The ministry declared 313 sq km around the
and some rare, vulnerable and endangered species Marine National Park in Gulf
listed in the IUCN Red List of of Kutch, Gujarat as an
threatened Animals inhabit the eco-sensitive zone through a
lagoon for at least part of their life cycle. notification. Of this, 208 sq km is
57. (b) First Climate Change theatre was opened at land while the remaining is on the seaside. Land
Pushpa Gujral Science City in Kapurthala, Punjab use for recreational, commercial or industrial
on 16 January 2014. The theatre will educate development will not be permitted in the area
people on climate change. This is the second except for residential purpose. Mining, including
theatre in the world to be opened after Canada. The fresh water mining, and release of polluted water
theatre is 18 metre in diameter and it is set up in a and waste will also be prohibited. The ministry
dome-shaped building with a seating capacity of even disallowed fishing by
125 persons. The 25-minute film trawlers. The government will prepare a zonal
shows what worst can happen ecology conservation master plan. The plan will
if humans do not take action on current restore denuded areas as well as existing water
or impending problems which could threaten bodies. The plan should also have provision for
civilization. The film starts by giving management of catchment areas, watershed
a glimpse of future - management, groundwater and soil conservation.
floods, droughts, earthquakes and other 62. (c) Magellanics are medium-sized penguins
natural disasters. standing about 15 inches tall and weighing about
58. (d) The estimation of retreat of Gangotri glacier 10 pounds. Males of the species sound like braying
has been measured using rapid static and kinematic donkeys when they vocalize. Among 17 species of
GPS survey. The Gangotri is one of the largest penguins, 10 including Magellancis breeds are
Himalayan glaciers in Uttarkashi district, found in the region, where there is no snow, it is
Uttarakand.The glaciers originate at about 7100 relatively dry and temperatures can be temperate.
meter above the sea level and are 30.2 km long and To protect the chicks, parents are too big to sit over
width that varies between 0.5 and 2.5 km. The and those are still too young to have grown
River Bhagirathi, one of the main tributaries of the waterproof feathers. Downy penguin chicks
Ganga, originates from Gangotri glacier. exposed to drenching rain can struggle and die in
59. (a) The aim of the Taishan research base station is absence of the attention of their concerned parents.
to provide a base for research on bio-ecology and During extreme heat chicks without
remote satellite sensing. The camp will be used waterproofing can’t take a dip in cooling
from December to March every year and is located waters as adults.
near the United States' McMurdo Station, Italy's 64. (d) Dung beetles and disease carrying
Zucchelli Station and a recently built South Korean flies both compete for the same food,
station. Base Stations of India at Antarctica are that is cattle droppings. Since both of these
Dakshin Gangotri, Maitri, and Bharathi. organisms belong to different species, this
60. (c) Along with the first 3 competition is called interspecific
species Mystus menonispecies of competition.
Catfish were discovered from 65. (b) In environmental law, the polluter pays
the Manimala river. Catfish principle is enacted to make the party
are freshwater, bottomdwelling responsible for producing pollution, to be held
fish. Unlike other fish, they responsible for paying the damage done to the
have no scales and are smooth- natural environment.
skinned. They are known for growing whiskers,
66. (d) The flea beetles have
called "barbels," at some point during their
proved to be an effective
lifespan. Catfish use their barbels
means of controlling leafy spurge. The flea
as feelers as they swim along the bottom
beetles typically take 3-5 years
of the various bodies of water in which they live.
There are 2,900
to establish and impact leafy spurge
General Science || E-91
E-92 || Environment and Ecology under the tree, on a rock will have a cooler
67. (b) Scientists have recognized that nutrient microcleinate.
enrichment was a threat to the bay. In 1987 79. (d) Materials from land’s surface can travel
formal goals were established to reduce nitrogen through the soil ultimately reaching the
and phosphorous inputs to the bay from both groundwater. For example pesticide and
point and non point sources. fertilizers can enter into the ground water
68. (c) In parasitic food chains, the pyramid of supplies. Untreated waste from septic tanks and
number is always inverted as a single plant may toxic chemicals from underground storage
support many herbivores and birds and each one tanks and leaky landfills can
of these in turn, may provide nutrition to several also contaminate groundwater.
hyperparasites. 81. (a) Recycling is the best way to get rid of
71. (c) In hydrothermal vent communities, we nonbiodegradable waste. Burying will not have
should not expect to find any effect on the non-biodegradable wastes.
chlorophyll as photosynthesis Burning causes pollution.
cannot take place due to absence of light. 82. (b) Ozone present in the stratosphere, acts as a
74. (b) Cogeneration or combined heat and power protection from U.V. light. Without this
(CHP) is the use of a heat engine or power protective shield, all life would be more
station to simultaneously generate electricity susceptible to cancer, impaired immunity and
and useful heat. other health issues. Whereas the ozone present
75. (d) In addition to increasing corn yields and in the troposphere, which is close to earth
cutting nitrogen expense, keeping soyabeans in surface, can damage our lungs. Hence it is not
the rotation lowers next years corn rootworm good for breathing.
management costs. 83. (b) In an pollution free stratosphere, the
76. (b) The concept of biodiversity hotspot was production and destruction of ozone are in
given by Norman Myers. In balance and hence the concentration of O3
1988 he first identified remains constant with time. When CFC’s are
10 tropical forest “hotspots” released into the lower troposphere, they diffuse
characterised by both exceptional level up into the stratosphere since their lifetime is
of plant endemism and by serious levels of 50-100 years when CFCs reach the middle
habitat loss. Later on, Conservation stratosphere, UV radiation liberates the chlorine
International (CI) adopted Myers’ hotspots. atom.
They gave a broad CFC + UV → Cl
definition criteria of the Cl is then able to destroy as man as 100,000 O3
Biodiversity hotspot. molecules.
77. (b) The concern about human-to-human 84. (d) It has been proved that CFCs are a major
transmission of bird flu cause of depletion of the earth’s stratospheric
virus H5N1 is closely ozone layer and contribute to the green house
monitored by government agencies in order effect.
to determine whether human-to-human Large quantities of CFCs are used as refrigerants in a
transmission is occurring. number of refrigerating and air conditioning
The CDC (Centre for Disease Control) and WHO systems. Though the refrigerant moves in a
recommend the prescription antiviral drug closed cycle, there are lots of leakages that
Tamiflu (oseltamivir) for treating escape to the atmosphere and cause destruction
and preventing human of the ozone layer. CFCs have exceptionally
infections with the bird long atmospheric life, which can extend upto
flue virus. 100 years.
78. (a) Microclimate is defined as 86. (a) IPCC is the leading international body for
the climate of a very the assessment of climate change. It was
small or restricted area, especially when this established by the United Nations
differs from the climate of the surrounding area. Environment Programme (UNEP)
Here, while the climate of the surrounding area and the World Meteorological
is very hot the place at the edge of the stream, Organisation (WMO) in 1988 to provide the
world with a clear scientific
view on the current state 96. (a) Biodiversity hotspots are areas rich in plant
of knowledge in climate change and its species and these species are endemic to this
potential environmental and socio-economic area. Endemism implies the presence of species
impacts. in particular area only.
87. (a) Ecotone is a place where two different eco 97. (a) Planktons are passively
systems meet each other. Mangrove and floating in upper water, nektons are
terrestrial eco system is an example of Ecotone. actively swimming while benthos lead sedentary
This area is very rich in species. The ecotone life upon the sea bottom. Planktons are
has species of both ecosystems as well as some producers and are present in large number.
species which are charecterstic and restricted to 98. (b) Competition is rivalry for obtaining the same
the ecotone. resource. Competition of light, nutrients and
88. (c) Estuary is a place where the fresh water of space is most severe between closely related
river or stream meets with ocean water. This organisms growing in the same area/niche, due
place provides the conducive conditions for to overproduction of population in the same
development of different species. area/ niche.
89. (c) Biosphere is a combination of lithosphere, 99. (c) Deep black soil is productive due to high
hydrosphere and atmosphere. Biosphere is not proportion of clay and humus. The organic
found everywhere, some areas do not support matter present in the soil is contributed by the
the conditions required for Biosphere. Hence death and decay of living organisms. These are
Organisms are not uniformly distributed the richest in nutrients and therefore these soils
throughout the world. are the most fertile.
90. (a) Carbon credit shows that a country or any 100. (c) The process of transfer of energy from
entity emits the carbon below the limit producers through a series of organisms, i.e.,
prescribed by the government, hence the country from primary consumers to secondary
or entity can sell it in exchange where carbon consumers and from secondary consumers to
credits are traded. tertiary consumers by process of eating and
91. (a) Coral Bleaching is being caused by the being eaten is known as a food chain. The
climate change. Increase in surface temperature correct food chain is phytoplankton →
of ocean due to climate change is increasing the zooplankton → fish.
decline of zooxanthellae. Zooxanthellae is
responsible for the process of photosynthesis.
92. (b) CO2 is the largest contributor towards global
warming, followed by methane,
CFCs and N2O. हमारे टे लीग्राम चैनल से जुड़ने के ललए
93. (c) Absorption technique is used for controlling
Gaseous pollutant. These pollutants are brought यहाां क्ललक करें – CLICK HERE
into contact with a liquid such as water. The
हमारे यट्
ू यब
ू चैनल से जुड़ने के ललए
liquid absorbs the gas.
94. (a) Oxygen is required for decomposition of
microorganism under the water. Increase in
waste and pollution enhances the decomposition
यहाां क्ललक करें - CLICK HERE
activities and thereby reduces the availability of
oxygen for other organic activities under the हमारे इांस्टाग्राम पेज से जड़
ु ने के ललए
General Science || E-93 यहाां क्ललक करें - CLICK HERE
body. Hence a higher demand of oxygen (BOD)
indicates higher level of microbial pollution.
95. (d) National Forest Policy has
recommended that in order to maintain
the ecological balance there should be 33 % area
under the forest in plain areas. However, the
present forest cover in India is around 21-22 %.
Basics of Computers and Applications
PERSON AL COM PU T ERS M ass st orage.
Per sonal comput er s can be cat egor ized by size and I t can be
por t abilit y as : (i ) H ar d disk
1. Deskt op comput er s (ii ) Floppy dr ive or zip dr ive (bot h wit h media)
2. L apt op or not ebooks (iii )Opt ical dr ive (CD or DVD)
3. Per sonal Digit al Assist ants (PDAs) The oper at ing syst em (e.g., M icr osoft Windows, Linux
4. Por t able comput er s or many ot her s) can be locat ed on eit her of t hese, but
5. Tablet comput er s t ypically it son one of t he har d disks. Alive CD is also
possible, but ver y slow and used for eit her inst allation
6. Wear able comput er s
of t he OS or pr oblem solving.
U ses.
A typical computer also has
Per sonal computers ar e normally operated by one user
at a time to perform such general purpose tasks as word (i ) Sound car d (ii ) Net wor k car d
pr ocessing, I nter net br owsing, I nternet faxing, e-mail (iii )M oder n and possibly r out er
and other digit al messaging , multimedia playback, Common addit i ons, connect ed on t he out si de
computer game play, computer pr ogr amming, etc. The (per ipher als).
user of modern personal computer may have significant Pr i nt er ; Scanner ; Webcam; Speak er s; M i cr ophone;
knowledge of the operating environment and application Headset; Car d reader ; Gaming devices such as a joystick
pr ogr am s, bu t i s n ot n ecessar i l y i n t er est ed i n Sever al funct ions (implement ed by chipset s) can be
pr ogr amming not even able to wr ite pr ogr ams for the integr ated into the mother boar d, such as typically USB
computer. Ther efore, most software written primarily and net wor k, but also gr aphics and sound. But even if
for per sonal comput er s t ends t o be desi gned wi t h these ar e pr esent, a separ ate car d can be added if what
simplicity of use, or “user-friendliness” in mind. However, is available isn’t sufficient .
the software industry continuously provide a wide range The gr aphics and sound car d can have a br eak out box
of new products for use in personal computer s, tar geted to keep the analog par ts away fr om the electr omagnetic
at both the exper t and the non-expert user. r adiat ion inside t he comput er case. For r eally lar ge
COM PU T ER COM PON EN TS amount s of dat a, a t ape dr ive can be used or (ext r a)
1. Comput er case wit h power supply (usually sold har d disks can be put t oget her in an ext er nal case.
t oget her ) These component s can usually be put t oget her wit h
2. Mother boar d lit t le k nowledge, t o build a comput er. I f somet hing
3. Pr ocessor wit h fan (usually sold t oget her ) shouldn’t go somewher e, it usually doesn’t fit (this used
4. At least one memor y car d t o not always be t he case in t he past ) and if it does fit
it can usually do lit t le har m.
5. M ass st or age
Most per sonal computer s ar e standar dized to the point
6. K eyboar d and mouse for input
t hat pur chased soft war e is expect ed t o r un wit h lit t le
7. M onit or for out put or no customizat ion for the par t icular comput er. M any
The mot her boar d connect s ever t hing t oget her. The PCs ar e also user -upgr adeable, especially desktop and
memory card(s), graphics card and processor are mounted wor kst at ion class comput er s. Devices such as main
directly onto the motherboard (the processor in a socket memor y, mass st or age, even t he mot her boar d and
an the memory and graphics cards in an expansion slot). cent r al pr ocessing unit may be easily r eplaced by an
The mass storage is connected to it with cables. Same for end user. This upgr adeabilit y is, however, not idefinit e
keyboard and mouse, except that they are external and due t o r api d ch anges i n t h e per sonal compu t er
connect to the back plate. The monitor is also connected indust r y, A PC that was consider ed t op-of-the-line five
to the back plate, except not (usually) dir ectly to the or six year s pr ior may be impr act ical t o upgr ade due
motherboard, but to a connector in the graphics card. t o changes in indust r y st andar ds. Such a comput er
2 Basics of Computers and Applications
usually must be t ot ally r eplaced once it ’s no longer semiconductor flash memor y has dr opped in cost, the
suitable for its pur pose. This upgr ade and replacement pr evailing for m of mass stor age in personal computers
cycle is par tially r elated to new r eleases of the pr imar y is st ill t he elect r omechanical har d disk.
mass-mar ket oper at ed syst em, which t ends t o dr ive The disk dr ives use a sealed H ead/Disk Assembly
t he acquisition of new har dwar e and t ends of obsolet e (H D A ) w h i ch w as f i r st i n t r odu ced by I B M ’s
pr ev i ou sl y ser v i ceabl e h ar dw ar e (see pl an n ed “ Wi nchest er ” di sk syst em. The use of a seal ed
obsol escence). assembly allowed t he use of t he positive air pr essur e
The har dwar e capabilit ies of per sonal comput er s can t o dr ive out par t icles fr om t he sur face of t he disk,
somet imes be ext ended by t he addit ion of expansion which impr oves r eliabilit y.
car ds connect ed via an expansion bus. Some standar d Video Car d.
per ipheral buses often used for adding expansion cards
The video car d- ot her wise cal led a gr aphics car d,
in personal computers as of 2005 ar e PCI , AGP (a high-
gr aphics adapt er or video adapt er - pr ocessor s and
speed PCI bus dedicat ed t o gr aphics adapt er s), and
r ender s t he gr aphics out put fr om t he comput er t o
PCI Expr ess. Most per sonal computer s as of 2005 have
t he comput er display, also called t he Visual Display
mul t i pl e physi cal PCI expansi on sl ot s. M any al so
Unit (VDU), and is an essent ial par t of t he moder n
i ncl ude an AGP bus and expansi on sl ot or a PCI
comput er.
Expr ess bus and one or mor e explansion slot s, but
few PCs cont ain bot h buses. M I CROPROCE SSOR.
M ot her boar d. A micr opr ocessor is a mult ipur pose pr ogr ammable
logic device t hat r eads binar y inst r uct ions fr om a
The mother boar d (or mainboar d) is the pr imar y cir cuit
st or age device called memor y, accept s binar y dat a
boar d wi t hi n a per sonal com put er. M an y ot h er
as i n pu t an d pr ocess dat a accor di n g t o t h ose
component s connect di r ect l y or i ndi r ect l y t o t he
instr uctions and pr ovides r esults as output. A typical
mot her boar d. M ot her boar ds usually cont ain one or
pr ogr ammable machine can be r epr esent wit h t hr ee
mor e CPUs, suppor t ing cir cuit r y - usually int egr at ed
component s : micr opr ocessor, memor y, and I /O.
cir cuits (I Cs) pr oviding the inter face between the CPU
memor y and input /out put per ipher al cir cuit s, main
memor y, and facilities for init ial setup of the computer Memory
immediat ely aft er being power ed on (often called boot
fi r mwar e or, i n I BM PC compat i bl e comput er s, a
BI OS). I n many por t abl e and embedded per sonal processor
comput er s, t he mot her boar d houses near ly all of t he
PC’s cor e component s. Oft en a mot her boar d will also
cont ain one or mor e per ipher al buses and physical I/O
connect or s for expansi on pur poses. Somet i mes a
secondar y daught er boar d i s connect ed wi t h t he
These t hr ee component s wor k t oget her or int er act
mot her boar d t o pr ovide fur t her expandibilit y or t o
wit h each ot her t o per for m a given t ask, t hus t hey
sat isfy space constr aint s.
compr ise a syst em
M ain M emory.
A PC’s main memor y (i.e., it s pr imar y st or e) is fast
The physical component s of t his syst em ar e called
st or age t hat is dir ect ly accessible by t he CPU, and is
har dwar e.
used t o st or e t he cur r ent ly execut ing pr ogr am and
i mmi di at el y needed dat a. PCs use semi conduct or SOF TWARE
Random Access Memor y (RAM ) of var ious kinds such A set of inst r uct ions wr it t en for t he micr opr ocessor
as DRAM or SRAM as t heir pr imar y st or age. Which t o per for m a t ask is called a pr ogr am and a gr oup of
exact kind depends on cost /per for mance issues at any pr ogr ams is called soft war e.
par t icular t ime. M ain memor y is much fast er t han APPL I CAT I ON S.
mass st or age devices like har d disks or opt ical discs,
Th e mi cr opr ocessor appl i cat i ons ar e cl assi fi ed
but is usually volat ile, meaning it does not r et ain it s
pr imar ily in t wo cat egor ies
contents (inst r uctions or data) in the absence of power,
and is much mor e expensive for a given capacit y t han ( i ) I n Re-programmable syst ems.
is most mass st or age. M ain memor y is gener ally not Such as micr ocomput er s, t he micr opr ocessor is
suit able for long-t er m or ar chival dat a st or age. used for comput ing and dat a pr ocessing. These
M ass st or age devices st or e pr ogr ams and dat a even systems, include gener al pur pose micr opr ocessor
when t he power i s off; t hey do r equi r e power t o capabl e of handl i ng l ar ge dat a. M ass st or age
per for m r ead/wr it e funct ions dur ing usage. Although device (disks), and per ipher als such as I /O device
(pr inter ).
Basics of Computers and Applications 3
( ii ) Embedded syst em. The CPU cont ains var ious r egist er s t o st or e dat a,
I n embedded syst ems, t he micr opr ocessor is par t AL U t o per for m Ar it hmet ic and logical, oper at ions,
of a f i n al pr odu ct an d i s n ot av ai l abl e f or inst r uction decoder s, count er s and cont r ol lines. The
r epr ogr ammabl e t o t he end user. A copyi ng CPU r eads i n st r uct i on s fr om t h e memor y and
machine is a t ypi cal example of an embedded per for m t he t asks specified. I t communicat es wit h
syst em . Th e mi cr opr ocessor s u sed i n t hese input /out put devices eit her t o accept or to send dat a.
syst ems ar e gener ally cat egor ised as These devices ar e also known as per ipher als. The
CPU i s t h e pr i m ar y an d cen t r al pl ay er i n
( a ) M i cr ocon t r ol l er s t h at i n cl u de al l t h e
communicat ing wit h devices such as memor y, input
components like micr opr ocessor, memor y and
an d ou t pu t . H ow ev er , t h e t i m i n g of t h e
I /O.
communicat ion pr ocess is cont r olled by t he gr oup of
( b) I ntegrated microprocessor that include various cir cuit called cont r ol unit . CPU on single chip called
devices such as timers and various types of I /O mi cr opr ocessor.
on a chip.
( c) Gener al pur pose micropr ocessor with discr ete
component s such as micr opr ocessor, memor y Arithmetic
Logic Unit
and I /O. (ALU)
Embedded syst ems can also be incr eased as pr oducts
t hat use micr opr ocessor t o per for m t heir oper at ions
t hey ar e called as micr opr ocessor based pr oduct s.
e.g. washing machines, dish washer s, aut omobi le Control
Input Output
dashboar d cont r ol s, t r affi c l i ght cont r ol l er s, and Unit
aut omat ic t est ing inst r ument s.
The micr opr ocessor oper at es in binar y digit s 0 and Memory
1, also known as bit s. Bit is an abbr eviat ion for t he
Fig. (a) Traditional block diagram of
t er m binar y digit . Those digit s ar e r epr esent ed in
ter ms of electr ical voltages in the machine : gener ally
0 r epr esent s one vol t age l evel and 1 r epr esent s
anot her. The digit s 0 and 1 ar e also synonyms wit h
low and high r espect ively. processor
Input Output
Each mi cr opr ocessor r ecogni zes and pr ocesses a as CPU
gr oup of bit s called t he wor d and micr opr ocessor ar e
classified accor ding t o t heir wor d lengt h.
M emor y.
M emor y is like t he pages of a not ebook wit h space
for a fixed number of binar y number s on each line.
H owever t hese pages ar e gener ally made of semi- F i g. (b) Bl ock di agr am of a compu t er w i t h t he a
conduct or mat er ial. Each line in 8 bit r egist er t hat comput er micr oprocessor as CPU
can st or e 8 bi t bi nar y bi t s, and sever al of t hese 1. bit micr opr ocessor.
r egist er s ar e ar r anged in a sequence called memor y. The I nt el 4004 was t he fir st 4 bit pr ogr ammable
I nput /Out put . device t hat was pr imar ily used in calculat or s.
The user can enter instructions and data into memor y 2. bit micr opr ocessor.
thr ough devices such as keyboar d or simple switches. The int el 8008 is 8 bit micr opr ocessor, which was
These devices ar e called input devices. in t ur n super seded by t he I nt el 8080. I nt el 8080
The mi cr opr ocessor r eads i nst r uct i ons fr om t he wi dely used i n cont r ol applicat ions, and small
memor y and pr ocesses t he dat a accor ding t o t hose comput er s also wer e designed using t he 8080 as
inst r uct ions. The r esult can be displayed by a device t he CPU. Wit hin a few year s aft er t he emer gence
such as seven segment L ED (light emit t ing diodes) of t he 8080, t he M ot or ola 6800 and Zilog Z80 and
or pr i nt ed by a pr i nt er. These devi ces ar e call ed I nt el 8085 mi cr opr ocessor wer e devel oped as
out put devices. impr ovement s
M I CROPROCESSOR AS A CPU . 3. 16 bit microprocessor. 8086/88
The cent r al pr ocessing unit (CPU) consist s of t he 4. 32 bit microprocessor. 80380/486 and Pent ium
Ar ithmet ic Logic Unit (ALU) and Cont r ol Unit (CU). 5. 64 bit microprocessor. M ot or ola 68000 ser ies
4 Basics of Computers and Applications
M I CROCOM PU T E RS. e.g. These computers include such systems as Intel
M icr ocomput er is classified in four gr oups. SDK85, SDK86, Motorola Evaluation kits, these are
1. Per sonnel comput er s. generally used to write and execute assembly language
programs and to perform interfacing experiments
These micr ocomputer s ar e single user systems and
being used for var iety of pur poses, such as payr oll, 4. Si n gl e ch i p m i cr ocom pu t er s ( m i cr o-
busi ness account s, wor d pr ocessi ng, l egal and cont r ol l er s)
medi cal r ecor d k eepi ng, per sonnel fi nance and These micr ocomput er s ar e designed on a single
inst r uctions. A typical configur ation includes a 16 chip, which t ypically includes a chip of 64 byt es of
or 32 bit micr opr ocessor, 2 to 4 M B (megabyte) of R/W memor y fr om 4K t o 2K byt es of ROM and
system memory, a video screen, a dot matrix pr inter. sever al si ngl e l i nes t o connect I /Os. These ar e
2. Work st at ions. complet e micr ocomput er s on a chip, t hey ar e also
k n ow n as m i cr ocon t r ol l er s. T h ese ar e u sed
These ar e high per for mance cousi ns of t he PC.
pr i m ar i l y f or su ch f u n ct i on s as con t r ol l i n g
T hey ar e used i n en gi n eer i n g an d sci en t i fi c
applications such as computer -aided design (CAD), appliances and t r affic light s. e.g. Zilog Z8, I nt el
computer aided engineer ing (CAE), and computer - M CS51 and 96 ser ies, and M ot or ola 68H C11.
aided manufacturing (CAM), they generally include COM PU TER LAN GU AGES. N ibble.
syst em memor y l ar ger t han 200 M B, st or age I t is a gr oup of four bit s
memor y in giga byt es and high r esolut ion scr een. M nemonic : A combinat ion of let t er s t o suggest t he
The wor k st at i ons ar e desi gned ar ound RI SC oper at ion of an inst r uct ion.
pr ocessor s. The RI SC pr ocessor s t end t o be fast er
and mor e effi ci ent t han t he pr ocessor s used i n Compiler : A pr ogr am t hat t r anslat es english like
per sonnel comput er. wor ds of high language in t he machine language of a
comput er. A complier r eads a given pr ogr am, called a
3. Single boar d micr ocomput er s. sour ce code and t hen t r anslat es t he pr ogr am int o t he
These mi cr ocomput er s ar e pr i mar i l y used i n machine language which is called an object code.
college, labor atories and industr ies for instr uctional
Assembler : A comput er pr ogr am t hat t r anslat es an
pur poses or t o evaluate the per for mance of a given
assembly language pr ogr am fr om mnemonics t o t he
mi cr opr ocessor. They can al so be par t of some
binar y machine code of a comput er.
lar ger syst ems. Typical ly t hese micr ocomput er s
include 8 or 16 bit micr opr ocessor. M onit or program : A pr ogr am t hat int er pr et s t he
input fr om a keyboar d and conver t s t he input int o it s
binar y equivalent .


8085 Programming M odel.
The 8085 pr ogr amming model includes six r egist er s, one accumulat or and one flag r egist er. I t has t wo 16 bit
r egist er t he st ack point er and t he pr ogr am count er.
Registers : The 8085 has six gener al pur pose r egist er s t o st or e 8 bit dat a. These ar e ident ical as B, C, D, E, H
and L . They can be combined as Regist er s pair s BC, DE, and H L t o per for m some 16 bit oper at ions. The
pr ogr ammer can use t hese r egist er s t o st or e or copy dat a int o t he r egist er s by using dat a copy inst r uct ions.

Accumulator A (8) Flag Register

B (8) C (8)
D (8) E (8)
H (8) L (8)
Stack pointer (SP) (16)
Program counter (PC) (16)

Data Bus Address Bus

Lines Lines

Bidirectional Unidirectional
F ig. (a) Progr amming model
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
F ig. (b) F lab Register
Basics of Computers and Applications 5
Accumulat or. I N STRU CTI ON CODES.
The Accumulat or is an 8 bit r egist er t hat is par t of t he An inst r uct ion code is a gr oup of bit s t hat inst r uct t he
ar it hmet ic/logic unit (AL U). This r egist er is used t o comput er t o per for m a specific oper at ion. I t is usually
st or e 8 bit dat a and t o per for m ar it hmet ic/logic unit divided i nt o par t s, each havi ng it s own par t i cular
(AL U). This r egist er is used t o st or e 8-bit dat a and t o int er pr et at ion. The most basic par t of an inst r uct ion
per for m ar it hmet ic and logical oper at ions. The r esult codes is it s oper at ion par t .
of an oper at i on i s st or ed i n t he accumul at or. The Oper at ion Code.
accumulat or is also ident ified as r egist er A.
The oper at ion code of an inst r uct ion is a gr oup of bit s
FLAGS. that define such oper ations as add, subt r act , mult iply,
The ALU includes five flip-flops, which ar e set or r eset shift and complement . The number of bit s r equir ed
aft er an oper at ion accor ding t o dat a condit ions of t he for t he oper at ion code of an inst r uct ion depends on
r esult in t he accumulat or and ot her r egist er s. They t he t ot al number of oper at i ons avai l abl e i n t he
ar e called zer o (Z), car r y (CY); sign (S), par it y (P) and comput er. The oper at ion code must consist of at least
Auxiliar y car r y (AC) flags. n bit s for a given 2n (or less) dist inct oper at ions.
The most commonly used flags ar e zer o, car r y, and OP Code.
sign. The micr opr ocessor uses t hese flags t o t est dat a What t ask t o be per for med, called t he oper at ion code
condit ions. (OPcode).
Aft er an addit ion of t wo number s, if t he sum in t he Oper and.
accumulat or is lar ger t han eight bits, the flip-flop used
When dat a t o be oper at ed on called t he oper and. The
t o indicat e a car r y called car r y flag (CY) is set t o one.
oper and (or dat a) can be specified in var ious ways. I t
When an ar ithmetic oper ation is zer o the flip flop called
may include 8-bit or (16 bit) data, an int er nal r egist er,
t he zer o (Z) flag is set t o one.
a memor y location, or 8 bit (or 16 bit) addr ess. I n some
The fl ags have cr i t i cal i mpor t ance i n t he deci si on inst r uct ions, t he oper and is implicit .
making pr ocess of t he micr opr ocessor. The condit ions
(set or r eset ) of t he flags ar e t est ed t hr ough soft war e
inst r uct ions. The control unit of a computer is designed to go through
an inst r uct ion cycle t hat is divided int o t hr ee major
T h i s 16 bi t r egi st er deal s wi t h sequ en ci n g t h e
(i) Fet ch t he inst r uct ion fr om memor y
execut ion of inst r uct i on. Thi s r egi st er i s a memor y
point er. M emor y locat ions have 16 bit addr esses, and (ii ) Decode t he inst r uct ion
that is why t his is a 16-bit r egister. The micr opr ocessor (iii) Execut e t he inst r uct ion
uses t hi s r egi st er t o sequence t he execut i on of t he I mplied mode.
inst r uct ions. The funct ion of t he pr ogr am count er is
A l l r egi st er r ef er en ce i n st r uct i on s t h at u se an
t o point t o t he memor y addr esses fr om which t he next
accumul at or ar e i mpl i ed mode i nst r uct i ons. Zer o
byt e is t o be fet ched. When a byt e (machine code) is
addr ess inst r uct ions in a st ack-or ganized comput er
being fet ched, t he pr ogr am count er is incr ement ed by
ar e implied mode inst r uct ions since t he oper ands ar e
one t o point t o t he next memor y locat ion.
implied t o be on t op of t he st ack.
I mmediat e mode.
The stack pointer is also a 16 bit register used as memory
The operand is specified in the instruction itself. In other
poi n t er. I t poi n t s t o a m em or y l ocat i on i n
words, an immediate mode instruction has an operand
R/W memor y, called t he stack. The beginning of st ack
field r ather than an addr ess field. The operand field
is defined by loading a 16-bit address in the stack pointer.
contains the actual operand to be used in conjunction
OPCODE FORM AT. with the operation specified in the instr uctions.
I n t he desi gn of t he 8085 mi cr opr ocessor chi p, al l Regist er mode.
oper ations, registers and status flags are identified with
I n t his mode t he oper ands ar e in r egist er s, that r eside
a specific code.
wit hin t he CPU. The par t icular r egist er is select ed
All int er nal r egist er s ar e ident ified as follows : fr om a r egist er field in t he inst r uct ion. A K bit field
Code Regist er s Code Regist er pair s can specify any one of 2k r egist er s.
000 B 00 BC Regist er indir ect mode.
001 C 01 DE
I n this mode t he inst r uct ion specifies a r egist er in t he
010 D 10 HL
CPU, whose cont ent gives t he addr ess of t he oper and
011 E 11 A F or S P
in memor y. The advant age of a r egist er indir ect mode
100 F
inst r uct ion is t hat t he addr ess field of t he inst r uct ion
101 G
uses fewer bit s t o select a r egist er t han would have
110 Reser ved for M emor y Relat ed Oper at ion
been r equir ed t o specify a memor y addr ess dir ect ly,
111 A
6 Basics of Computers and Applications
Aut o I ncrement or Decrement mode. devices used in par t icular applicat ions ar e dat a glove,
This is similar t o r egist er indir ect mode except t hat t ouch panels, image scanner s and voice syst ems.
t he r egist er is incr ement ed or decr ement ed aft er or 1. K eyboar ds.
befor e it s value is used t o access memor y. When t he An alphanumer ic keyboar d on a gr aphics syst em
addr ess st or ed in t he r egist er r efer s t o a t able of dat a i s used pr i mar i l y as a devi ce for ent er i ng t ext
in memor y, it is necessar y t o incr ement and decr ement st r i ngs. The k eyboar d i s an effi ci ent devi ce for
t he r egist er s aft er ever y access t o t he t able input t ing such non gr aphics dat a as pict ur e labels
D ir ect addressing mode. associated with graphics display. Keyboar ds can also
I n t hi s mode t he effect i ve addr ess i s equal t o t he be pr ovided with featur e to facilitate entr y of scr een
addr ess par t of t he inst r uct ion. The oper and r esides coor dinat es, menu select or s or gr aphics funct ions.
in memor y and it s addr ess is given dir ect ly by t he 2. M ouse.
addr ess field of t he inst r uct ion. A mouse is small hand held box used t o posit ion
I ndir ect addr essing mode. t he scr een cur sor. Wheels or r oller s on t he but t on
I n t his mode t he addr ess field of t he inst r uct ion gives of t he mouse can be used t o r ecor d t he amount
t he addr ess wher e t he effect ive addr ess is st or ed in and dir ect ion of movement s. Anot her met hod for
memor y. det ect ing mouse mot ion is wit h an opt ical sensor.
Effect ive addr ess = addr ess par t of inst r uct ion For t hese syst ems, t he mouse i s moved over a
special mouse pad t hat has gr id of hor izont al and
+ cont ent of CPU r egist er v er t i cal l i n es. T h e opt i cal sen sor det ect s
I N PU T AN D OU TPU T SYSTEM movement s acr oss t he l i nes i n t he gr i d. Si nce
mouse can be picked up and put down at anot her
I nput /out put devices ar e t he means t hr ough which
posit ion wit hout change in cur sor movement . I t is
t he M PU communicat es wit h t he out side wor ld. The
used for making r elat ive changes in t he posit ion of
M PU accept s binar y dat a as input fr om devices such
t he scr een cur sor. One, t wo or t hr ee but t ons ar e
as keyboar ds and A/D conver t er s and send dat a t o
usual l y i ncl uded on t he t op of t he mouse for
out put devices such as L EDs or pr int er s. Ther e ar e
signalling t he execut ion of some oper at ion, such
t wo differ ent met hods by which I /O devices can be
as r ecor ding cur sor position or invoking a funct ion.
ident ified. One uses an 8 bit addr ess and t he ot her
Most gener al pur pose graphics system now included
uses a 16 bit addr ess.
a mouse and keyboar d as major input devices.
3. Track Ball and Space Ball.
I n this type of I /O, the MPU uses eight addr ess lines to
A t r ack ball is a ball t hat can be r ot at ed wit h t he
identify an input or an output device; t his is known as
fi nger s or pal m of t he hand t o pr oduce scr een-
per ipher al mapped I /O. The eight addr ess lines can
cur sor movement , pot ent iomet er s at t ached t o t he
have 256 (28 combinat ions) addr esses; t hus the MPU
ball measur e t he amount and dir ect ion of r ot at ion.
can identify 256 input devices and 256 output devices
Tr ackballs are often mounted on keyboar ds or other
with addresses ranging fr om 00H to FFH input and
devices such as t he mouse.
output devices are differentiated by the contr ol signals.
The MPU uses the I /O Read Contr ol Signal for input While a track ball is two dimensional posting device,
devices and the I /O Wr ite Contr ol Signal for output a space ball pr ovides six degr ee of fr eedom. Unlike
devices. The entir e r ange of I /O addr esses fr om 00 to t he t r ack ball, space ball does not act ually move.
FF is known as an I /O map, and individual addr esses St r ain gauges measur e t he amount of pr essur e
ar e r efer r ed t o as I /O devices addr esses 8 I /O por t applied to t he spaceball to pr ovide input for spat ial
number s. posit ioning and or ient at ion as t he ball is pushed or
pulled in var ious dir ect ions. Space balls ar e used
for t hr ee-di mensi onal posi t i oni ng and sel ect i on
oper at ions in vir t ual r ealit y syst ems, modelling,
I /O is connect ed as if it is memor y r egist er. This is animat ion, CAD, and ot her applicat ions.
known as memor y mapped I /O. The M PU uses t he
4. Joyst i ck s.
same cont r ol signal (M emor y Read or M emor y Wr it e)
an d i n st r u ct i on s as t h ose of m em or y. I n som e A joyst ick consist s of a small, ver t ical lever called
micr opr ocessor such as mot or ola 6800, all I /O have st ick mount ed on a base t hat is used t o st eer and
16 bit addr esses. I /Os and memor y shar e t he same scr een cur sor ar ound. M ost joyst icks select scr een
memor y map (64K). I n memor y mapped I /O, the MPU posi t i on wi t h act ual st i ck movem ent . Ot her s
follows the same steps as if it is accessing a memor y r espond t o pr essur e on t he st ick. Some joyst icks
r egist er. ar e mount ed on keyboar d, ot her s funct ion as st and
alone unit s. Pot ent iomet er mount ed at t he base of
I N PU T DEVI CES joyst ick measur es t he amount of movement , and
These include a mouse, tr ack ball, space ball, joyst ick, spr ings r etur n the stick to the center position when
digit izer s, dials and but t on boxes. Some ot her input i t i s r el eased on e or m or e bu t t on s can be
Basics of Computers and Applications 7
pr ogr ammed t o act as input swi t ches t o si gnal input can be r ecor ded using opt ical, elect r ical or
cer t ai n act ions once a scr een posi t i on has been acoust ical met hods.
select ed. 9. L ight Pens.
5. Dat a Glove. Light pen is pencil-shaped devices ar e used to select
Dat a glove t hat can be used t o gr asp a “ vir t ual” scr een posit ions by detect ing the light coming fr om
object . The glove is const r uct ed wit h a ser ies of point s on t he CRT scr een. They ar e sensit ive t o
sensor s t hat det ect hand and fi nger mot i ons. t he shor t bur st of light emit t ed fr om t he phosphor
Elect r omagnet ic coupl ing bet ween t r ansmi t t ing coat ing at t he inst ant t he elect r on beam st r ikes a
antennas and r eceiving antennas is used to pr ovide par t icular point . Ot her light sour ces, such as t he
infor mat ion about t he posit ion and or ient at ion of back gr ound l i ght i n t he r oom, ar e usual l y not
the hand. The tr ansmitting and r eceiving antennas det ect ed by a light pen.
can each be st r uct ur ed as a set of t hr ee mut ually
per pendicular coils, for ming a t hr ee dimensional PRI N T E RS.
car t esian co-or dinat e syst em. Pr inter s pr oduce output by either impact or non-impact
6. D igit izer s. methods. I mpact pr inter s pr ess for med char acter faces
against an inked r ibbon ont o t he paper. A line pr int er
A com m on dev i ce f or dr aw i n g, pai n t i n g or
is an example of impact device wit h t he t ype faces
int er act ively select ing co-or dinat e posit ions on an
mount ed on bands, chai ns, dr ums or wheels. Non-
object is a digit izer. These devices can be used t o
i mpact pr int er s and pl ot t er s use l aser t echniques,
i n pu t co-or di n at e v al u es i n ei t h er a t w o
i nk j et spr ays, xer ogr aphi c pr ocesses as used i n
dimensional or t hr ee dimensional space. Typically,
phot ocopyi ng machi ne, el ect r ost at i c met hods and
a digit izer is used t o scan over a dr awing or object
and t o input a set of discr et e co-or dinat e posit ions, elect r ot her mal met hods t o get images on t o paper.
which can be joined wit h st r aight -line segment s t o Char acter impact printers often have a dot matrix print
appr oximat e the cur ve or sur face shapes. One t ype head containing a r ectangular ar r ay of pr otr uding wir e
of digit izer is t he gr aphics t ablet , also r efer r ed t o pins, with the number of pens depending on the quality
as a dat a t abl et wh i ch i s u sed t o i n pu t t wo of t he pr int er.
dimensional coor dinates by activating a hand cursor I n a l aser devi ce, l aser beam cr eat es a ch ar ge
or st yles at select ed posit ions on a flat sur face. di st r i but i on on a r ot at i n g dr um coat i ng wi t h a
7. I mage Scanners. phot oel ect r i c mat er i al , such as sel eni um. Toner i s
Dr awing, gr aphs, color and black and whit e photos applied t o t he dr um and t hen t r ansfer r ed t o paper.
or t ext can be st or ed for comput er pr ocessing wit h I nkjet met hods pr oduce out put by squir t ing i nk in
an image scanner by passing an opt ical scanning hor izont al r ows acr oss a r oll of paper wr apped on a
mechanism over t he infor mat ion t o be st or ed. The dr um. The electr ically char ged ink st r eam is deflected
gr adat ions of gr ay scale or color ar e t hen r ecor ded by an elect r ic field t o pr oduce dot mat r ix pat t er ns. A
and st or ed in an ar r ay. Once we have t he int er nal deskt op inkjet plot t er wit h r esolut ion of 360 dot s per
r epr esen t at i on of a pi ct u r e, w e can appl y inch.
t r ansfor mat ions t o r ot at e, scale or cr op the pict ur e
An elect r ost at ic device places a negat ive char ge on
t o a par t i cul ar scr een ar ea. We can al so appl y
t he paper, one complet e r ow at a t ime along t he lengt h
var ious image pr ocessing met hods t o modify t he
of t he paper. Then t he paper is exposed t o a t oner.
ar r ay r epr esent at ion of t he pict ur e. For scanned
The t oner is posit ively char ged and so it is at t r act ed
t ext i nput , var i ous edi t i ng oper at i ons can be
per for med on st or ed document s. Some scanner s t o t he negat ively char ged, ar eas, wher e it adher es t o
ar e able t o scan eit her gr aphical r epr esent at ion or pr oduce the specified output . Elect r other mal met hods
t ext , and t hey come i n a var i et y of si zes and use heat in a dot mat r ix pr int head t o out put pat t er ns
capabilities. on heat sensi t i ve paper. We can get l i mi t ed col or
out put on an impact pr int er by using differ ent color ed
8. Touch Panels.
r ibbons.
Touch panel s al l ow di spl ayed object s or scr een
Non impact devices use var ious techniques to combine
posit ions t o be select ed wit h t he t ouch of a finger.
thr ee color pigments (cyan, magneta and yellow) to
A t ypi cal appl i cat i on of t ouch panels i s for t he
pr oduce a r ange of color pat t er ns.
selection of pr ocessing options that ar e r epr esented
wit h gr aphical icons. Some syst ems, such as t he Par allel pr int er s use :
plasma panels ar e designed wit h t ouch scr eens. (a) RS-232C interface
Ot her syst em can be adapt ed for t ouch input by (b) Cent r onics int er face
fit t ing a t r anspar ent device wit h a t ouch-sensing
mechanism over t he video monit or scr een. Touch (c) H andshake mode
8 Basics of Computers and Applications
STORAGE U N I T 1. F loppy Disk Drive (F DD) : I n t hi s devi ce, t he
I t consist s of main memor y and secondar y memor y. medium used t o r ecor d t he dat a is called as floppy
disk. I t is a flexible cir cular disk of diamet er 3.5
M ain M emory :
i nches made of pl ast i c coat ed wi t h a magnet i c
1. A fl i p-fl op made of el ect r oni c semi conduct or mat er ial. This is housed in a squar e plast ic jacket .
devices is used t o fabr icat e a memor y cell. These Dat a r ecor ded on a floppy disk is r ead and st or ed in
memor y cel l s or gani zed as a Random Access a comput er 's memor y by a device called a floppy
Memor y (RAM). Each cell has a capabilit y to stor e disk is r ead and st or ed in a comput er 's memor y by
one bit of infor mat ion. A main memor y or st or e a device called a floppy disk dr ive (FDD). A floppy
of a comput er is or ganized using a lar ge number disk is inser t ed in a slot of t he FDD. Floppy Disks
of cells. Each cell st or es a binar y digit . wit h var ious capacit ies ar e as follow:
2. A memor y cell, which does not loose the bit st or ed
 51/4 dr ive- 360KB, 1.2MB (1 KB= 210 = 1024 bytes)
i n i t when no power is suppl ied t o t he cell , i s
known as a non-volat ile cell.  31/2 dr ive- 1.44 M b, 2.88 M B (1M B= 220 byt es)
3. A wor d is a gr oup of bit s, which ar e st or ed and 2. Compact Disk Drive (CDD) : CD-ROM (Compact
r etr ieved as a unit. A memor y system is or ganized Disk Read Onl y M emor y) used a l aser beam t o
t o st or e a number of wor ds. r ecor d and r ead dat a along spir al t r acks on a 51/4
di sk . A di sk can st or e ar ou n d 650 M B of
4. A Byt e consist s of 8 bit s. A wor d may st or e one or
infor mat ion. CD-ROM s ar e nor mally used t o st or e
mor e byt es.
massive t ext dat a. Recent ly CD wr it er s have come
5. The st or age capacit y of a memor y is t he number in the mar ket . Using a CD wr it er, lot of infor mation
of byt es it can st or e. can be wr it t en on CD-ROM and st or ed for fut ur e
6. The addr ess of t he locat ion fr om wher e a wor d is r efer ence.
t o be r et r i eved or t o be st or ed i s ent er ed i n a 3. H ard Disk Drive (H DD) : Unlike a floppy disk
M emor y Addr ess Register (M AR). t hat is flexible and r emovable, t he har d disk used
7. The dat a r et r ieved fr om memor y or t o be st or ed in t he PC is per manent ly fixed. The dat a t r ansfer
in memor y ar e placed in a M emor y Dat a Regist er r ate between the CPU and har d disk is much higher
(MDR). as compar ed to the between the CPU and the floppy
8. The t ime t aken t o wr it e a wor d is known as t he disk dr ive. The CPU can use t he har d disk t o load
Wr it e t ime. pr ogr ams and dat a as well as t o st or e dat a.
9. The t ime t o r et r ieve i nfor mat i on i s cal led t he CLASSI FI CATI ON OF COM PU TERS
Access t ime of t he memor y.
Comput er s come in sizes fr om t iny t o monst r ous, in
10. The t ime t aken t o access a wor d in a memor y is bot h appear ance and power. The size of a comput er
independent of the addr ess of t he wor d and hence
t hat a per son or an or ganizat ion needs depends on
it is know as a Random Access M emor y (RAM ).
t he comput ing r equir ement s.
 The main memor y used t o st or e pr ogr ams and
Supercomputers : The might iest comput er s-and, of
dat a in a comput er is a RAM .
cou r se, t h e m ost ex pen si v e-ar e k n ow n as
11. A RAM may be fabricated with per manently stor ed super comput er s. Super comput er s pr ocess billions of
i nfor mat i on, whi ch cannot be er ased. Such a inst r uct ions per second. One uses super comput er s for
memor y is called a Read Only M emor y (ROM ). t asks t hat r equir e mammoth dat a manipulation, such
 For mor e specialized uses, a user can st or e his as wor l dwi de weat h er f or ecast i ng and weapons
won special funct ions or pr ogr ams in a ROM . r esear ch.
Such ROM 's ar e called Pr ogr ammable ROM
M ainframes : I n t he jar gon of t he comput er t r ade,
lar ge comput er s ar e called mainfr ames. M ainfr ames
12. A ser ial access memor y is or ganized by ar r anging ar e capable of pr ocessing dat a at ver y high speeds-
memor y cells in a linear sequence. millions of inst r uct ions per second-and have access t o
 I nfor mat ion is r et r ieved or st or ed in such a billions of char act er s of dat a. Their pr incipal use of it
memor y by using a r ead/wr it e head. is for pr ocessing vast amount s of dat a quickly, some
 Dat a is pr esent ed ser ially for wr it ing and is of t h e obvi ou s cu st om er s ar e ban k s, i n su r an ce
r et r ieved ser ially dur ing r ead. companies, and manufact ur er s.
Secondary / Auxiliary storage devices : M agnet ic Personal Computers : Per sonal comput er s ar e oft en
sur face r ecor ding devices used in comput er s as H ar d called PCs. A PC usually comes wit h a tower that holds
disks, Floppy disks, CD-ROM s and M agnet ic t apes. the main cir cuit boar ds and disk dr ives of the computer,
Basics of Computers and Applications 9
and a collect ion of per ipher als, such as a keyboar d, An exampl e of a L A N woul d be a comput er
mouse, and moni t or. The t er m "PC" oft en means net wor k wit hin a building.
machines t hat ar e compat ible t o I BM ot her t han a 2. M et r opolit an ar ea net wor k (M AN), which is used
Macint osh. for medi um si ze ar ea. exampl es for a cit y or a
Personal Computers (PC) and M AC : A PC is based st at e.
on a mi cr opr ocessor or i gi nal l y made by t he I nt el 3. Wide ar ea net wor k (WAN) t hat is usually a lar ger
Company (I ntel's Pentium) with other companies such net wor k t hat cover s a lar ge geogr aphic ar ea.
as AM D. The comput er s made by M acint oshes which
4. Wir eless L ANs and WANs (WL AN & WWAN) ar e
uses, Power PC pr ocessor, made by M ot or ol a ar e
t he wir eless equivalent of t he L AN and WAN.
r efer r ed as M ac. Also, t he oper at ing syst em soft war e
t hat r uns t hese t wo kinds of comput er s is differ ent . I P ADDRESS
PCs usual l y use an Oper at i ng Syst em made by An I nt ernet Prot ocol addr ess (I P addr ess) i s a
M icr osoft , i.e., Windows. M acint oshes use oper at ing
n u m er i cal l abel assi gn ed t o each dev i ce (e.g.,
syst em, called M ac OS, made by Apple.
comput er, pr i n t er ) par t i ci pat i ng i n a comput er
N ot ebook Comput ers : A comput er t hat fi t s i n a n et w or k t h at u ses t h e I n t er n et Pr ot ocol f or
br i efcase?. N ot ebook compu t er s, al so k nown as communicat ion.[1] An I P addr ess ser ves t wo pr incipal
L apt op comput er s, ar e por t abl e and popul ar wit h funct ions: host or networ k inter face identification and
tr aveler s who need a comput er that can go with them. locat ion addr essing. I t s r ole has been char act er ized
M ost n ot ebook s accept di sk et t es or n et w or k as follows: “ A name indicates what we seek. An address
connect i ons, so i t i s easy t o move dat a fr om one
indicates where it is. A route indicates how to get there.
comput er t o anot her.
I mport ant Devices U sed in N et work
1. M odem : A modem (modulat or -demodulat or ) is a
The I nt ernet i s a global syst em of int er connect ed device t hat modulat es an analog car r ier signal t o
comput er net wor ks t hat use t he st andar d I nt er net encode digit al infor mat ion, and also demodulat es
Pr ot ocol Sui t e (TCP/I P) t o ser ve bi l l i ons of user s such a car r ier signal t o decode t he t r ansmit t ed
wor ldwide. I t is a net wor k of net wor ks t hat consist s infor mat ion. The goal is t o pr oduce a signal t hat
of millions of pr ivat e, public, academic, business, and can be tr ansmitted easily and decoded to repr oduce
gover nment net wor ks, of local t o global scope, t hat the or iginal digit al data. M odems can be used over
ar e li nked by a br oad ar r ay of elect r onic, wir eless any means of t r ansmit t ing analog signals, fr om
and opt ical net wor king t echnologies. The I nt er net light emit t ing diodes t o r adio.
car r ies a vast r ange of infor mat ion r esour ces and 2. Router : A router is a device t hat for war ds dat a
ser v i ces, su ch as t h e i n t er -l i n k ed h y per t ex t pack et s acr oss compu t er n et wor k s. Rou t er s
document s of t he Wor ld Wide Web (WWW) and t he per for m t he dat a “ t r affic dir ect ing” funct ions on
infr ast r uct ur e t o suppor t elect r onic mail. t he I nt er net . A r out er is connect ed t o t wo or mor e
dat a lines fr om di ffer ent net wor ks. When dat a
N ET WORKS comes in on one of t he lines, t he r out er r eads t he
A computer network, oft en simply r efer r ed t o as a addr ess infor mat ion in t he packet t o det er mine
net wor k , i s a col l ect i on of comput er s and devi ces it s ult imat e dest inat ion.
i nt er connect ed by communi cat i ons channel s t hat 3. Bridge : A net work bridge connect s mul t i pl e
faci l i t at e communi cat i ons and al l ows shar i ng of net wor k segment s. Br idging i s a for war di ng
t echni que used i n pack et -swi t ched comput er
r esour ces and i nfor mat i on among i nt er connect ed
net wor k s. U nl i k e r out i ng, br i dgi ng mak es no
devices. Computer networking or Data communi-
assumptions about where in a networ k a par ticular
cat ions (D at acom) i s t he engi neer i ng di sci pl i ne addr ess is locat ed. I nst ead, it depends on flooding
concer ned wit h t he comput er net wor ks. and examinat ion of sour ce addr esses in r eceived
The t hr ee t ypes of net wor ks ar e: packet header s t o locat e unknown devices. Once
(i ) t he I nt er net a device has been locat ed, it s locat ion is r ecor ded
in a t able wher e t he M AC addr ess is st or ed so as
(ii ) t he int r anet
t o pr eclude t he need for fur t her br oadcast ing.
(iii ) t he ext r anet .
4. H ub : hub is a device for connecting multiple twisted
Examples of differ ent net wor k met hods ar e: pair or fiber optic Ethernet devices together and
1. Local ar ea networ k (LAN), which is usually a small making them act as a single segment. The device is
net wor k const r ained t o a small geogr aphic ar ea. a for m of multiport repeater.
10 Basics of Computers and Applications
5. Repeater : A repeater is an elect r onic device t hat as Office Open XM L and it s SP2 updat e will suppor t
r eceives a signal and r et r ansmit s it at a higher ODF and PDF. Wor d is also available in some edit ions
level and/or higher power, or ont o t he ot her side of M icr osoft Wor ks. I t is available for t he Windows
of an obst r uct i on, so t hat t he si gnal can cover and M ac platfor ms. The fir st ver sion of Wor d, r eleased
longer dist ances. in t he aut umn of 1983, was for t he M S-DOS oper at ing
6. Server : A ser ver comput er i s a comput er, or system and had the distinction of introducing the mouse
ser ies of comput er s, t hat link ot her comput er s or t o a br oad populat ion. Wor d 1.0 could be pur chased
el ect r oni c devi ces t oget her. They oft en pr ovi de wit h a bundled mouse, t hough none was r equir ed.
essent i al ser vi ces acr oss a net wor k , ei t her t o Following t he pr ecedent s of L isaWr it e and M acWr it e,
private user s inside a lar ge or ganization or to public Wor d for Macintosh attempted to add closer WYSI WYG
users via the inter net. For example, when you enter feat ur es int o it s package. Wor d for M ac was r eleased
a quer y in a sear ch engine, t he quer y is sent fr om in 1985. Wor d for M ac was t he fir st gr aphical ver sion
your computer over t he int er net to t he ser ver s t hat of M icr osoft Wor d. Despit e it s bugginess, it became
st or e all t he r elevant web pages. The r esult s ar e one of t he most popular M ac applicat ions.
sent back by t he ser ver t o your comput er.
EM AI L M i cr osoft Excel i s a spr eadsheet pr ogr am whi ch
E l ect r on i c m ai l , com m on l y cal l ed em a i l or or iginally competed with the dominant Lotus 1-2-3, but
e-mail, is a met hod of exchanging digit al messages eventually outsold it . I t is available for the Windows
fr om an aut hor t o one or mor e r ecipi ent s. M oder n and Mac platfor ms. Micr osoft r eleased the fir st ver sion
email oper at es acr oss t he I nt er net or ot her comput er of Excel for the Mac in 1985, and t he fir st Windows
net wor ks. Some ear ly email syst ems r equir ed t hat ver sion (number ed 2.05 to line up with t he Mac and
t he aut hor and t he r ecipient bot h be online at t he bu n dl ed w i t h a st an dal on e Wi n dow s r u n -t i m e
same t ime, a la i nst ant messaging. Today’s email envir onment) in November 1987.
syst ems ar e based on a st or e-and-for war d model . OU TLOOK
Email ser ver s accept , for war d, del iver and st or e
M icr osoft Outlook (not t o be confused with Out look
messages. Neit her t he user s nor t heir comput er s ar e
Expr ess) is a per sonal infor mation manager and e-mail
r equi r ed t o be onl i ne si mul t aneousl y; t hey need
communication softwar e. The replacement for Windows
connect only br iefly, t ypically t o an email ser ver, for
Messaging, Micr osoft M ail and Schedule+ star ting in
as long as it t akes t o send or r eceive messages.
Office 97, it includes an e-mail client, calendar, t ask
EM AI L ADDREES manager and addr ess book.
An email address ident ifies an email box t o which On t he M ac, M i cr osoft offer ed sever al ver si ons of
email messages ar e deliver ed. An example for mat of Outlook in the late 1990s, but only for use with Microsoft
an email addr ess is lewis @ example .com which is Exchange Ser ver. I n Offi ce 2001, i t i nt r oduced an
r ead as lewis at example dot net . I t has two par t s. The alter nat ive application with a slightly differ ent featur e
par t befor e t he @sign is t he local-par t of t he addr ess, set called Micr osoft Entour age. I t reintr oduced Outlook
oft en t he user name of t he r ecipient lewis and the par t in Office 2011, r eplacing Entour age.
aft er t he @ sign is a domain name i.e.
t o which t he email message will be sent .
M i cr osof t Power Poi n t i s a popu l ar pr esent at i on
M S OFFI CE pr ogr am for Windows and M ac. I t is used t o cr eat e
M icrosoft Office is a proprietary commercial office suite slideshows, composed of t ext , gr aphics, movies and
of inter-related desktop applications, servers and services ot her object s, which can be displayed on-scr een and
for the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X oper ating navigat ed t hr ough by t he pr esent er or pr int ed out on
systems, intr oduced by Micr osoft in 1989. I nitially a t r anspar encies or slides.
marketing term for a bundled set of applications, the first
version of Office contained Microsoft Word, Micr osoft
Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint.
Micr osoft Wor d is a wor d pr ocessor and was pr eviously
consi der ed t o be t he mai n pr ogr am i n Offi ce. I t s
pr opr i et ar y DOC for mat i s consi der ed a de fact o
standard, although Word 2007 can also use a new XML-
based, Micr osoft Office-optimized format called .DOCX
which has been st andar dized by Ecma I nt er nat ional
Basics of Computers and Applications 11

OBJECTI VE TYPE QU ESTI ON S 8. I n a gener ic micr opr ocessor, inst r uct ion cycle time
1. Which of t he following is t he fast est ? is

(a) CPU (a) shor t er t han machine cycle t ime

(b) magnet ic t apes and disks (b) lar ger t han machine cycle t ime

(c) video t er minal (c) exact ly double t he machine cycle t ime

(d) sensor s, mechanical cont r oller s (d) exact ly t he same as t he machine cycle t ime

2. The input unit of a comput er 9. Pr ogr am St at us Wor d (PSW) cont ai ns var i ous
(differ ent) st atus of
(a) feeds dat a t o t he CPU or memor y
(a) CPU
(b) r et r ieves dat a fr om CPU
(b) ALU
(c) dir ect s all ot her unit s
(c) pr ogr am
(d) all of t hese
(d) r egist er s
3. Offline device is
10. When an int er r upt occur s, CPU saves t he value
(a) a device which is not connect ed t o CPU
of— — — in a st ack,
(b) a device which is connect ed t o CPU
(a) accumulator
(c) a dir ect access st or age device
(b) pr ogr am st at us wor d (PSW) only
(d) an I /O device
(c) I nstr uct ion Addr ess Counter (I AC)only
4. Which of t he following is a set of gener al pur pose
(d) bot h PWS and I AC
int er nal r egist er s ?
11. Bus Ar bit r at ion is
(a) Stack
(a) clear ing t he bus
(b) Scratchpad
(b) lat ching infor mat ion on t he bus
(c) Addr ess r egist er
(c) deciding t he cont r oller of t he bus
(d) St at us r egist er
(d) cont r olling t he bus
5. A single bus st r uct ur e is pr imar ily found in
12. Cont r ol M emor y Addr ess Regist er is pr esent in
(a) main fr ames
(a) ALU
(b) super comput er s
(b) I nst r uct ion Regist er Unit
(c) high per for mance machines
(c) Cont r ol Unit
(d) mini-and micr o-comput er s
(d) Disk Cont r ol I nt er face Unit
6. Which of t he following r egist er s is used t o keep
t r ack of addr ess of t he memor y locat ion wher e 13. Which of t he fol lowi ng is not one of t he t hr ee
t he next inst r uct ion is locat ed ? pr i mar y funct i ons t hat on-l i ne di r ect access
syst em can ser ve?
(a) M emor y Addr ess Regist er
(a) inquir y
(b) M emor y Dat a Regist er
(b) backup
(c) I nst r uct ion Regist er
(c) update
(d) Pr ogr am Count er
(d) pr ogr amming
7. Which of t he following r egist er s is loaded wit h
t he cont ent s of t he memor y locat ion point ed by 14. Which of the following is not tr ue of punched cards
t he PC ? as dat a ent r y media?

(a) M emor y Addr ess Regist er (a) They can be used as t ur n ar ound document s

(b) M emor y Dat a Regist er (b) They ar e inexpensive

(c) I nst r uct ion Regist er (c) I nput is slow compar ed wit h ot her media

(c) Pr ogr am count er (d) They ar e easily damaged

12 Basics of Computers and Applications

15. M agnet ic t ape can ser ve as 7. ASCI I coding all ocat ed bi nar y codes t o Engli sh
(a) input media al phabet s and symbols for comput er use. M or e
r ecent ly a new st andar d has been adopt ed which
(b) out put media
al locat es code t o almost all t he languages of t he
(c) secondar y st or age media wor l d and also t o symbols cover i ng mor e t han a
(d) all of t hese lakh char act er s. The new st andar d is call ed
1. I n t he cont ext of I nfor mat ion Technology, OCR (b) Unicode
means (c) Standar d CCS code
(a) Opt ical Char act er Recognit i on
(d) Univer sal CCS code
(b) Oct agonal Cycl ic Rechar ge
(c) Oct adecimal Cycli c Regener at i on
8. For using passwor ds on t he I nt er net a soft war e
(d) Opt ical Char act er Regener at i on
is used so t hat t he passwor d is not int er cept ed
easi ly. I t is call ed

2. I n Boolean algebr a 1  1  0  0 = ? (a) Coding (b) Malwar e
(c) Virus (d) Encr ypt ion
(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) – 1
9. A soft war e, codi ng of which is available fr eely on
I nt er net and i s open for user s for fur t her use
3. Which of t he fol lowi ngis not an I /O devi ce of t he
an d i m pr ov em en t an d w h i ch i s gen er al l y
comput er ?
developed in a coll abor at i ve manner is call ed
(a) Keyboar d (b) Joy st i ck
(a) open sour ce soft war e
(c) ALU (d) Pr int er
(b) unlicensed soft war e
4. W h at i s f l oat i n g poi n t w i t h r ef er en ce t o (c) fr ee soft war e
comput er s? (d) communi t y soft war e
(a) I t i s a soft war e subr out i ne ar ound whi ch [RRB JE 2014 GREEN SH I FT ]
ot her subr out i nes ar e bui lt 10. Wh i ch of t h e f ol l ow i n g ar e m ach i n e l ev el
(b) I t i s a r epr esent at i on of r eal number s t o languages?
facilit at e comput ing
(a) C++ (b) Java
(c) I t i s t h e m ai n al gebr ai c f or m u l a of t h e
(c) Python (d) None of t hese
soft war e
(d) I t i s t h e vol t age poi n t gi v en t o var i ou s [RRB JE 2014 GREEN SH I FT ]

oper at i ng unit s of t he comput er 11. Which of t he fol lowing st at ement s is i ncor r ect ?
[RRB JE 2014 GREEN SH I FT ] (a) M i cr osoft windows is GUI
5. A syst em of di gi t al r u l es for exch an ge and (b) L i nux is GUI
pr ocessi ng of dat a bet ween var i ous devi ces i s
(c) M or e t han 5000 k B dat a can be st or ed in a
(a) soft war e pr ogr amme
(d) A 1 TB fl ash dr i ve can st or e 2 mi ll ion fil es
(b) algor it hm
each of size 1 M B
(c) pr ot ocol
(d) infor mat ion pr ocessing
12. The t er ms AL U, CPU, I /O devi ces per t ai n t o
(a) comput er s
6. A t heor et ical comput er wi t h infini t e t ype and
m em or y, u sed i n an al y si s of pr obl em s of (b) envi r onment al engineer i ng
comput at i on, is call ed (c) di esel engi ne
(a) Tape calculat or (b) Babbage machine (d) en gi n eer i n g dr aw i n g an d or t h ogon al
(c) Tur i ng machi ne (d) Theor et ical machi ne pr oject i ons
Basics of Computers and Applications 13
13. I n a comput ing devi ce 'M H z' is ment i oned in t he 5. Who wr ot e/invent ed t he L inux soft war e?
specifi cat ions. I t r efer s t o (a) M i cr osoft (b) Apple I NC
(a) si ze of memor y (c) IBM (d) None of t hese
(b) speed of comput at i on [RRB SSE 2014 YELLOW SH I FT]

(c) cl ock speed 6. A t echnique of anonymous communicat i on over

a computer networ k using encr yption of messages
(d) none of t he above
and spl it t ing bet ween t he nodes, i s cal led-
(a) Spice r out i ng
14. The value of binary 1111 is :
(b) Onion r out i ng
(a) 23 (b) 23 – l (c) Cabbage r out ing
(c) 24 (d) 24 – l (d) Flower r out i ng
15. The term 'Operating System' means : 7. Pr ocessing speed of comput er i s measur ed i n-
(a) A set of programmes which controls computer (a) M I PS(M i lli on I nst r uct i on Per Second)
working (b) M H z of clock
(b) The way a computer operator works (c) Bot h (a) and (b)
(c) Conversion of high level language into (d) None of t hese [RRB SSE 2014 YELLOW SHIFT]
machine level language 8. To close a pr esent at ion and quit Power Point , one
(d) None of these must click t he close but t on on t he :
[RRB JE 2014 RED SH I FT ] (a) menu bar (b) t i t le bar
LEVEL-2 (c) st andar d t ool bar (d) common t ask s t oolbar
1. Which of t hese i s N OT an Oper at ing Syst em? [RRB SSE 2014 RED SH I FT]

(a) Android (b) iOS 9. Expr ession + + i is equi valent in ‘C’ t o :

(c) Linux (d) Power poi nt (a) i = i + l (b) i = i + 2
[RRB SSE 2014 YELLOW SH I FT] (c) i = 2i (d) None of t hese
2. A soft war e user i nt er face feat ur e t hat allows t he [RRB SSE 2014 RED SH I FT]
user t o view somet hing ver y si mi lar t o t he end 10. W h i ch of t h e f ol l ow i n g r at i on al r el at i on
r esul t whi l e t he document i s bei ng cr eat ed i s oper at ions in 'C means "not equal t o" ?
called- (a) # (b) ==
(a) For mat cr eat or (b) For mat fideli t y
(c) ! = (d) < =
11. M i cr osoft Windows is a/an :
3. I n a comput er syst em t her e ar e soft war es and
(a) Wor d-pr ocessing pr ogr am
l anguages at var i ous l evel s, l i k e H i gh l evel
L an gu age (H L ), M ach i n e L an gu age (M L ), (b) Dat abase pr ogr am
Compiler (C). Which of the following is the cor r ect (c) Oper at ing syst em
indi cat ive r epr esent at i on fr om user (U) t o t he (d) Gr aphics pr ogr am
comput er (COM P)? [RRB SSE 2014 RED SH I FT]
(a) U  H L  C  M L  Comp 12. __________wi ll t r ansl at e t he compl et e pr ogr am
(b) U  C  M L  H L  Comp at once fr om a H i gh L evel L anguage t o t he
M achine L anguage.
(c) U  C  H L  M L  Comp
(a) Compiler (b) Joy st i ck
(d) U  M L  H L  C  Comp
(c) Por t s (d) L i ght pen
4. Which of t hese devi ces per for ms t he funct ion of 13. The wor d funct ion t hat cor r ect s t ext as we t ype
bot h i n pu t dev i ce an d ou t pu t dev i ce f or a
is r efer r ed t o as :
comput er ?
(a) Aut o inser t (b) Aut o cor r ect
(a) Joy St i ck (b) M ouse
(c) Aut o summar i ze (d) Tr ack changes
(c) Modem (d) Pr int er
14 Basics of Computers and Applications
14. Pr imar y Stor age, in computer t er minology, r efer s 15. What does an elect r onic spr eadsheet consist of ?
to : (a) Rows (b) Columns
(a) H ar d Disc Dr i ve (c) Cells (d) Al l of t he above
(b) Random Access M emor y (RAM ) [RRB SSE 2014 RED SH I FT]
(c) Read Only M emor y (ROM )
(d) T he st or age devi ce wher e t h e oper at i n g
syst em is st or ed

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (d)

11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (d)

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (d)

11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (a)

1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (c)

11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (d)


LEVEL-1 and r euse of t r ansl at ed dat a et c. ver y easy. Al so

it r epr esent s each char act er wi t h 16 bit s.
1. Opt i cal Char act er Reader i s ful l for m of OCR,
which can r ead a char acter and conver t its bitmap 8. To pr ot ect passwor ds et c. Encr ypt i on i s used
image t o equival ent ASCI I codes. which i s coding each dat a point i n a par t icul ar
pat t er n whi ch is not easy t o decode.
2. I t i s equivalent t o 0.1 = 0
9. Open sour ce soft war es l i k e U ni x have t hei r
3. Ar it hmet i c L ogical Unit i s not an I nput devi ce
sour ce code fr eely avai lable and t hese ar e devel-
whil e all t he ot her t hr ee ar e.
oped t hr ough collabor at ion of coder s fr om acr oss
4. Fl oat i ng point number s ar e used i n comput er s
t he wor ld. M any devel oper s as a pr inci ple use
t o r epr esent r eal number s. Si nce r eal number s
only open sour ce soft war es.
can not be accur at ely r epr esent ed i n comput er s
10. Al l t he l anguages ment ioned her e ar e high l evel
t hr ough binar y number s.
languages, in which i t i s easier t o wr it e code.
5. Pr ot ocols ar e r ules developed for exchanging and
11. 1 TB fl ash dr i ve can st or e appr oximat ely 1 mi l-
pr ocessing of dat a bet ween var i ous devices. Ex-
li on file sizes each of 1 M B.
ampl es incl ude H TTP, I P, FTTP et c.
12. Al l t hese devi ces ar e r elat ed t o comput er s. CPU
6. Tur i ng machi ne i s a mat hemat i cal model of a
is Cent r al Pr ocessi ng Unit , whi le AL U is Ar it h-
hypot het i cal comput ing machi ne which can use
met i c and L ogi cal uni t , whil e I /O is I nput Out -
a pr edefi ned set of r ules t o det er mi ne a r esult
put devi ces.
fr om a set of input var iables.
13. M H z is used t o measur e t he number of oper a-
7. The new st andar d which all ocat es codes t o al-
t i ons t hat can be done by t he CPU i n 1 second.
most al l languages and symbol s, t ot ali ng mor e
So i t r efer s t o clock speed.
t han a lakh i s cal led U ni code. I t mak es t r ansfer
Basics of Computers and Applications 15
14. 1111 of binar y i s 24 – 1. I t i s 23 + 22 + 21 + 20 8. To close applications such as Powerpoint, MS-word
15. An oper at ing system (OS) is syst em soft war e that et c. one must click t he close but t on on t he t it le
manages comput er har dwar e and soft war e r e- bar which is at t he t op r ight hand cor ner.
sour ces and pr ovides common ser vices for com- 9. ++I in C means i = i + 2. This was a way developed
put er pr ogr ams.
t o wr it e smaller lines in code.
LEVEL-2 10. != means not equal t o in C.
1.Power point is not an oper at ing syst em but an appli- 11. M icr osoft Windows is t he wor ld's most popular
cat ion t o make pr esent at ion slides.
commer cial oper at ing syst em for PCs.
2. When user s can see somet hing ver y similar t o
12. Com pi l er s ar e u sed t o t r an sl at e en t i r e
end r esult while document cr eat ion, it is called
pr ogr am s f r om H i gh l ev el l an gu age t o
m ach i n e l an gu age, so t h at com pu t er can
3. I t is t he cor r ect r epr esent at ion wher e user gives under st and and execut e it .
input in high level language, it is t hen compiled
13. When we t ype t ext , Aut o cor r ect feat ur e cor r ect s
an d becom es m ach i n e l an gu age w h i ch i s
t he wor d's spelling or any ot her por t ion of t he
comput ed and t he out put is similar ly pr ovided t o
t ext .
t he user.
14. Pr imar y st or age, also known as main st or age or
4. The modem is an input and an out put device. I t
memor y, is t he ar ea in a comput er in which dat a
is used for sending and r eceiving infor mation and
i s st or ed for qui ck access by t he comput er 's
dat a over t elephone lines.
pr ocessor. The t er ms r andom access memor y
5. L I NUX soft war e was invent ed by L inus Tor valds (RAM ) and memor y ar e oft en used as synonyms
while st udying comput er science at Univer sity of for pr imar y or main st or age.
H elsinki in 1991.
15. An elect r onic spr eadsheet like M S-Excel consist s
7. Pr ocessing speed is measur ed in MH z. Nowadays of Cells which are ar r anged in Rows and Columns.
i t i s even measur ed i n GH z i .e. Gi ga H er t z. So all ar e pr esent .
Basically it r epr esent s how many oper at ions can
be pr ocessed in 1 second.

1500 Computer Awareness Question

हमारे टे लीग्राम चैनल से जुड़ने के ललए यहाां क्ललक करें –
हमारे यट्
ू यब
ू चैनल से जुड़ने के ललए यहाां क्ललक करें -
हमारे इांस्टाग्राम पेज से जुड़ने के ललए यहाां क्ललक करें -
1) The code for a Web page is written using Hypertext Markup language
2) The first computers were programmed using Machine language
3) A filename is a unique name that you give to a file of information
4) This can be another word for program software
5) Any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as storage
6) Which part of the computer displays the work done monitor
7) A series of instructions that tells a computer what to do and how to do it is called a program
8) Hardware is the part of a computer that one can touch and feel .

9) The role of a computer sales representative generally is to determine a buyer’s needs and
match it to the correct hardware and software.
10) Supercomputers refers to the fastest, biggest and most expensive computers
11) Executing is the process of carrying out commands
12) The rectangular area of the screen that displays a program, data, and or information is a
13) The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the internet is known as
14) Disk drive is the part of the computer helps to store information
15) Arithmetic operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
16) A keyboard is the king of input device
17) An error is known as bug
18) A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is a file
19) Sending an e-mail is similar to writing a letter
20) IT stands for information technology
21) A menu contains commands that can be selected
22) Plotter, printer, monitor are the group consists of output devices
23) Edit menu is selected to cut, copy and paste
24) The most important or powerful computer in a typical network is network server
25) The primary purpose of software is to turn data into information
26) The ability to find an individual item in a file immediately direct access is used.
27) To make a notebook act as a desktop model, the notebook can be connected to a docking
station which is connected to a monitor and other devices
28) You can use the tab key to move a cursor across the screen, indent a paragraph.
29) A collection of related files is called record.
30) Storage that retains its data after the power is turned off is referred to as non-volatile
31) Internet is an example of connectivity.
32) Testing is the process of finding errors in software code.
33) A syntax contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm.
34) Changing an existing document is called the editing documentation
35) Virtual memory is memory on the hard disk that the CPU uses as an extended RAM.
36) Computers use the binary number system to store data and perform calculations.
37) The windows key will launch the start buttons.
38) To move to the beginning of a line of text, press the home key.
39) When sending an e-mail, the subject lines describe the contents of the message.
40) Tables, paragraphs and indexes work with when formatting text in word.
41) TB is the largest unit of storage.
42) The operating system tells the computer how to use its components.
43) When cutting and pasting, the item cut is temporarily stored in clipboard.
44) The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called the cursor.
45) Magnetic tape is not practical for applications where data must be quickly recalled because
tape is a sequential because tape is a sequential access medium.
46) Rows and columns are used to organize data in a spread sheet.
47) When you are working on documentation on PC, the document temporarily stored in flash
48) One megabyte equals approximately 1 million bytes.
49) Information travels between components on the motherboard through buses.
50) RAM refers to the memory in your computer.
51) Computer connected to a LAN can share information and or share peripheral equipment 52)
Microsoft office is an application suite
53) Utilities can handle most system functions that aren’t handled directly by the operating

54) If you receive an e-mail from someone you don’t know then you should delete it without
opening it
55) A set of instructions telling the computer what to do is called program
56) LAN refers to a small single site network
57) A collection of programs that controls how your computer system runs and processes
information is called operating system.
58) Device drivers are small, special-purpose programs 59) Transformation of input into
output is performed by the CPU 60) Data going into the computer is called input.
61) Binary choice offer only two options
62) To indent the first paragraph of your report, you should use tab key

63) Fields are distinct item that don’t have much meaning to you in a given context
64) A website address is a unique name that identifies a specific web site on the web
65) Modem is an example of a telecommunications device
66) A set of computer programs used for a certain function such as word processing is the
best definition of a software package
67) You can start Microsoft word by using start button
68) A blinking symbol on the screen that shows where the next character will appear is a
69) Highlight and delete is used to remove a paragraph from a report you had written
70) Data and time are available on the desktop at taskbar
71) A directory within a directory is called sub directory
72) Testing is the process of finding errors in software code
73) In Excel, charts are created using chart wizard option
74) Microcomputer hardware consists of three basic categories of physical equipment
system unit, input/output, memory
75) Windows is not a common feature of software applications
76) A tool bar contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used
77) For creating a document, you use new command at file menu
78) Input device is equipment used to capture information and commands
79) A programming language contains specific rules and words that express the logical
steps of an algorithm
80) One advantage of dial-up internet access is it utilizes existing telephone security
81) Protecting data by copying it from the original source is backup
82) Network components are connected to the same cable in the star topology
83) Two or more computers connected to each other for sharing information form a network
84) A compute checks the database of user name and passwords for a match before
granting access
85) Computers that are portable and convenient for users who travel are known as laptops
86) Spam is the term for unsolicited e-mail
87) Utility software type of program controls the various computer parts and allows the user
to interact with the computer
88) Each cell in a Microsoft office excel document is referred to by its cell address, which is
the cell’s row and column labels
89) Eight digit binary number is called a byte
90) Office LANs that are spread geographically apart on a large scale can be connected
using a corporate WAN
91) Storage is the process of copying software programs from secondary storage media to
the hard disk
92) The code for a web page is written using Hyper Text Markup Language
93) Small application programs that run on a Web page and may ensure a form is
completed properly or provide animation are known as flash
94) In a relational database, table is a data structure that organizes the information about a
single topic into rows and columns
95) The first computers were programmed using assembly language
96) When the pointer is positioned on a hyperlink it is shaped like a hand
97) Booting process checks to ensure the components of the computer are operating and
connected properly
98) Checking the existing files saved on the disk the user determine what programs are
available on a computer
99) Special effect used to introduce slides in a presentation are called animation
100) Computers send and receive data in the form of digital signals
101) Most World Wide Web pages contain HTML commands in the language
102) Icons are graphical objects used to represent commonly used application
103) UNIX is not owned and licensed by a company
104) In any window, the maximize button, the minimize button and the close buttons appear
on the title bar
105) Dial-up Service is the slowest internet connection service
106) Every component of your computer is either hardware or software
107) Checking that a pin code number is valid before it is entered into the system is an
example of data validation
108) A compiler translates higher level programs into a machine language program, which is
called object code
109) The ability to find an individual item in a file immediately direct access
110) Computers connected to a LAN can share information and/or share peripheral
111) A CD-RW disk can be erased and rewritten
112) The two major categories of software include system and application
113) Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT are known as operating systems
114) Information on a computer is stored as analog data
115) A spread sheet that works like a calculator for keeping track of money and making
116) To take information from one source and bring it to your computer is referred to as
117) Each box in a spread sheet is called a cell
118) Network components are connected to the same cable in the bus topology
119) Two or more computers connected to each other for sharing information form a network
120) A computer checks the database of user names and passwords for a match before
granting access.
121) Spam is the other name for unsolicited e-mail
122) Operating system controls the various computer parts and allows the user to interact
with the computer
123) Each cell in a Microsoft Office Excel document is referred to by its cell address, which
is the cell’s row and column labels
124) Download is the process of copying software programs from secondary storage media
to the hard disk
125) The code for a web page is written using Hypertext Markup Language
126) Small application programs that run on a web page and may ensure a form is
completed properly or provide animation are known as Flash
127) A file is a unique name that you give to a file of information
128) For seeing the output, you use monitor
129) CDs are of round in shape
130) Control key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task
131) Scanner will translate images of text, drawings and photos into digital form
132) CPU is the brain of the computer
133) Something which has easily understood instructions is said to be user friendly
134) Information on a computer is stored as digital data
135) For creating a document, you use new command at file menu
136) The programs and data kept in main memory while the processor is using them
137) Ctrl + A command is used to select the whole document
138) Sending an e-mail is same as writing a letter
139) A Website address is a unique name that identifies a specific website on the web 140)
Answer sheets in bank PO’s/Clerk’s examinations are checked by using Optical Mark
141) Electronic data exchange provides strategic and operational business opportunity
142) Digital signals used in ISDN have whole number values
143) Assembler is language translation software
144) Manual data can be put into computer by scanner
145) In a bank, after computerization cheques are taken care of by MICR
146) The banks use MICR device to minimize conversion process
147) Image can be sent over telephone lines by using scanner
148) Microchip elements are unique to a smart card
149) MS-DOS is a single user operating system
150) Basic can be used for scientific and commercial purpose
151) All computers can execute machine language programs

152) Programs stored in ROM can’t be erased

153) Ethernet is used for high speed telecommunications
154) IP address can change even if the domain name remains same
155) Each directory entry can be of 32 bytes
156) With the help of Control + Del a letter can be erased in a word
157) Disk can keep maximum data
158) FORTRAN is a scientific computer language
159) Computer language COBOL is useful for commercial work
160) COBOL is a high standard language like English
161) In computer the length of a word can be measured by byte
162) Byte is the unit of storage medium
163) ROM is not a computer language
164) Oracle is a database software
165) Sequential circuit is full aid
166) Processor is must for computer
167) ROM keeps permanent memory
168) Screen display is called by windows in lotus
169) Pascal is a computer language
170) Expanded form of IBM is International business machine
171) IC chips are made of silicon

172) India’s Silicon Valley situated at Bangalore

173) RAM and ROM are the storage devices of computer
174) DOS is to create relation between hardware and software
175) LOTUS 1-2-3 is software
176) Voice mail is a personal security code for GSM subscribers
177) Tables holds actual data in the database
178) Trojan is a virus
179) Static keys make WEB insecure
180) Video signal needs highest bandwidth
181) Connectivity means communication between systems
182) Controlling is not required for high level language programs before it is executed
183) 3 out of three rollers are responsible for the movement of cursor on screen
184) Hardware that adds two numbers is arithmetic logical unit
185) Data accuracy is not done by modem
186) LAN is used for networks setup within a building
187) A data communication system requires terminal device, communication channel,
188) Most common channel used by networks today is satellite
189) Run Time is not a type of error
190) A five-digit card attribute used for postal ZIP codes it will be restored as a numeric data
191) Computer viruses can be attached to an executable program
192) MS-DOS was the first operating system
193) The smallest space where information on a hard disk is kept in a cluster
194) An information is processed data
195) Intelligence is not a characteristic of a computer
196) Private key is used to spend a digital signature
197) Negative numbers can be represented in binary
198) VDU is not an essential part of a computer
199) The printers are line printer, laser, dot matrix
200) Speed of clock of CPU is measured in megahertz
201) Cache is not a secondary storage device
202) Disk can be used to store sequential files and random files
203) Windows is not an application
204) When taking the output information is produced in hardcopy and/or softcopy form

205) Control unit’s function is to decode program instructions

206) The most powerful type of computer amongst the following is supercomputer
207) GO TO statement is used in C, C++, basic language
208) File menu is selected to print
209) The name a user assigns to a document is called a filename
210) A processor is an electronic device that processes data, converting it into information
211) Control words are words that a programming language has set aside for its own use
212) Monitor and printer are the two types of output devices
213) To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use is right-clicking
214) An operating system is a program that makes the computer easier to use
215) Connections to the internet using a phone line and a modem are called dial-up
216) To access a mainframe or supercomputer, users often use a terminal
217) A flaw in a program that causes it to produce incorrect or inappropriate results is called
a bug
218) A web site address is a unique name that identifies a specific web site on the web
219) Every component of your computer is either hardware or software
220) To make the number pad act as directional arrows, you press the num lock key
221) When creating a word-processed document, formatting text involves the user changing
how words on the page appear, both on the screen and in printed form
222) The ALU performs simple mathematics for the CPU
223) A computer program is a set of keywords, symbols, and a system of rules for
constructing statements by which humans can communicate the instructions to be
executed by a computer
224) The another word for program is software

225) The name of the computer’s brain is CPU

226) A computer is a device that electronically processes data, converting it to information
227) Laptops are computers that can be carried around easily
228) The secret code that restricts entry to some programs is password
229) The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into information
230) The disk is placed in the CPU in a computer
231) A hard copy of a document is printed on the printer
232) The name that the user gives to a document is referred to as file name
233) Restarting a computer that is already on is referred to as warm booting
234) E-mail is the transmission of messages and files via a computer network
235) The person who writes and tests computer programs is called a programmer
236) The information you put into the computer is called data
237) The output devices make it possible to view or print data
238) A chat is a typed conversation that takes place on a computer
239) Hardware includes the computer and all the devices connected to it that are used to
input and output data
240) The most common method of entering text and numerical data into a computer system
is through the use of a keyboard
241) Mouse, keyboard, plotter are the group consist of only input devices
242) 256 values can be represented by a single byte
243) Transformation of input into output is performed by the CPU

244) Vertical-market applications can handle most system functions that aren’t handled
directly by the operating system
245) Device drivers are small, special-purpose programs
246) LAN refers to a small, single-site network
247) A set of instructions telling the computer what to do is called program
248) Data going into the computer is called input

249) If you receive an e-mail from someone you don’t know, then delete it without opening it
250) Two options does a binary choice offer
251) A collection of programs that controls how you computer system runs and processes
information is called operating system
252) Rows and columns are data organized in a spreadsheet
253) When cutting and pasting, the item cut is temporarily stored in clipboard
254) When you are working on a document on a PC, the document is temporarily stored in
flash memory
255) One megabyte equals approximately 1 million bytes
266) A cluster represents a group of sectors
267) Digital signals used in ISDN have discrete values
268) Assembler is language translation software
269) Manual data can be put into computer by scanner
270) Bandwidth means channel capacity amount of data following via cables and measure of
271) Chip can keep maximum data
272) Debugging is the process of finding errors in software code
273) Time Bomb are viruses that are triggered by the passage of time or on a certain data
274) Linux is an open source operating system
275) Boot sector viruses are often transmitted by a floppy disk left in the floppy drive
276) Operating system controls the way in which the computer system functions and
provides a medium by which users can interact with the computer
277) Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a
278) Field names describe what a data field is
279) You must install router on a network if you want to share a broadband internet
280) A goal of normalization is to minimize the number of redundancy
281) Programs from the same developer, sold, bundled, together, that are provide better
integration and share common features, tool box and menus are known as software
282) A data ware house is one that organizes important subject areas
283) URL term identifies a specific computer on the web and the main page of the entire site
284) A proxy server is used to process client request for web pages
285) When data changes in multiple list and list are not updated, this causes data
286) Granting an outside organization access to internet web pages is often implemented
using a extranet
287) The code that relational database management systems use to perform their database
task is refer to as SQL
288) URL stands for Uniform resource locator
289) A data base management system is a software system used to create, maintain and
provide controlled access to a database
290) The two broad categories of software are system and application
291) The metal or plastic case that holds all the physical parts of the computer is known as
system unit
292) Data integrity means that the data contained in the database is accurate and reliable
293) A local area network is a private corporate network used exclusively by company
294) Eight bits equal to one byte
295) A byte can hold one character data
296) A characteristic of a file server is manages files operations and is shared on a network
298) The development process of computer started in 1617
299) The role of Blaze Pascal in the development of computer is addition and subtraction of
300) The inventor of computer is Charles Babbage
301) The IBM made the first electronic computer in 1953
302) The silicon based transistor started to made by Gordon Tin in 1954
303) IBM is a company
304) The personal computer invented in 1981
305) 1 Kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes
306) LCD means liquid crystal display
307) UPS converts DC voltage into AC voltage
308) The word ZIP means Zicxac Inline Pin

309) With the help of Pal switch we can increase or decrease the speed of computer’s
310) The full form of MICR is magnetic ink character reader
311) Swift networks are used between banks
312) Panda is a virus
313) Boot sector is hardware
314) Debug searches the fault of any software
315) OCR means optical character recognition
316) The total printout of a program is called listing
317) With the help of ZIP we can decrease the size of any programs
318) We can format the hard disk with the help of Booting
319) CANNED is called as readymade software
320) The process of creating third file by mixing two files is called as mail merging
321) The figures and lines etc. made by computer is called as graphics
322) Each line represents 65 letters in a WordStar
323) Nokia- 7500 is not the example of Micro Processor
324) The first name of the digital computer is Unvake
325) The modern computer was invented in 1946
326) The full form of DOS is disk operating system
327) The expanded form of FORTRAN is formula translation
328) The great revolution came in computer sector in 1960
329) Magnetic tape is called as Input device of computer
330) The first mechanical computer of Charles Babbage is known as punch card machine
331) The IC chip used in computer is generally made in silicon
332) Telephone broadcast is the example of simplex transmission
333) Optical, Mechanical are the kinds of mouse
334) Control panel is used for increasing and decreasing the speed of the cursor of mouse
335) The capacity of modern main frame digital computer is 10(to the power of -12) mbps
336) With the help of my computer we can know about the usage and availability of space in
337) We use both MS-Word and page maker for making resume
338) Earliest computers that would work with FORTRAN was second generation
339) Back Ups in database are maintained for to restore the lost data
340) IDEA is a encryption technique
341) DBRM takes care of storage of data in a database
342) The job of DBMS is to decrease redundancy
343) Digital signatures use encryption for authenticating
344) OS acts as intermediary agency between user and hardware
345) Plotters gives the highest quality output
346) ROM is built in memory in computer
347) FLASH is a RAM
348) PRAM is not a RAM
349) FLASH device is used in cell phones
350) Internal storage is same as the primary storage
351) IMAC is name of a machine
352) First generation computers could do batch processing
353) The analytic engine was created by Charles Babbage
354) Voicemail of GSM service provider has the personal security code for its subscribers
355) Senior manager decided about the division of work with respect to IT security
356) Encrypting file system of window XP professional operating system protects the data of
a user, even if the computer is shared between users
357) The .mpeg is the format of a movie file
358) Controlling is NOT required for high level language program before it is executed
359) A plotter is output device
360) 80286 is a hardware part of microprocessor
361) Top-bottom approach can not be the measure of network traffic
362) A switching mode power supply is used for converting raw input power to stabilize DC
363) Spooler can manage the whole printing process
364) Validity routines control procedures can be used to ensure completeness of data
365) Less expensive than leased line networks is not a characteristic of virtual private
networks (PVN)
366) Program policy framework provides strategic direction to an organization
367) Cross bar switches have common control
368) Row-level security is the most basic part for database security
369) Voice recognition software can not be used for converting text into voice
370) The user account can only be created by the network administrator
371) IBM-700 belongs to second generation
372) Allocating adequate bandwidth would help her in speeding up the data transfer over net
373) BCD means binary coded decimal
374) Extended system configuration data is same as BIOS
375) Digitizer is an input device
376) Caramel is the latest platform of Intel Centrio microprocessor
377) RISC is known as storage device
378) NORTON is an anti-virus
379) The system file of an operating system is COM
380) ATMs of bank have real currency
381) A program that converts high level language to machine language is assembler

382) ‘.txt’ files can be made in notepad, MS word, DOS editor

383) .Zip is a compressed file
384) Internet is a WAN
385) MP3 technology compresses a sound sequence to one-twelfth of its original size
386) At a time only one operating system can be at work on a computer
387) If multiple programs can be executed at the same time, it is distributed operating
388) If the operating system provides quick attention, it is real time operating system
389) Distributed operating system uses network facility
390) FORMAT command in MS-DOS is used for recreating disk information
391) COPY command in MS-DOS is used to copy one or more files in disk drive to another,
copy from one directory to another directory
392) REN command is Internal command

393) Tom Burners-Li propounded the concept of “World wide web”

394) The memory address sent from the CPU to the main memory over a set of wires is
called address bus
395) MODEM is an electronic device required the computer to connect to the INTERNET
396) A source program is a program which is to be Tran scripted in machine language
397) Virus in computer relates to program
398) Floppy is not a storage medium in the computer related hardware
399) DOS floppy disk does not have a boot record
400) The CPU in a computer comprises of Store, arithmetic and logical unit and control unit
401) In computer parlor a mouse is a screen saver
402) UNIVA is the name of the computer which was first used for programming and playing
of music
403) The IC chips for computer is prepared from silicon
404) Database management systems are comprised of tables that made up of rows called
records and columns called fields
405) Nano is equal to 10(to the power of -9)
406) In computers RAM is a non-volatile memory
407) Disk and tape drives are commonly used as hard copy
408) When computer is connected to LAN and data is sent across it for storage/processing
is online processing
409) The primary storage unit is also referred to as internal storage
410) Oracle is not an operating system
411) Data are raw facts and figures
412) Holding of all data and instructions to be processed is one of the functions of storage
413) To select the entire row in Excel, click mouse at row heading
414) Database is known as structured data
415) Normal view and outline view notes pane appears in power point
416) The user protection feature of an operating system is required in multi-user system only
417) In word, Ctrl + Del combination of keys press to delete an entire word
418) In MS-Word double clicking a word selects the word
419) Word document can be navigated in web layout view
420) In Excel, addressing mode(s) that can be used in a formula is/are only absolute and
421) Note page views can you use to show just the slide and its contents
422) Hardware that adds two numbers is arithmetic logical unit
423) The computer as a machine and all other physical equipment associated with it are
termed as hardware
424) Plotters are very useful in applications such as computer aided design
425) Corel DRAW is a graphic package
426) The print to file option creates .prn file
427) The enhanced keyboard contains 101 keys
428) Data processing cycle consists of input cycle, output cycle and processing cycle
429) Page Setup is not an option of Edit menu
430) Radar chart is used to show a correlation between two data series
431) A computerized business information system includes hardware, software and data
432) Purchase order file is a transaction file
433) A typical computerized business application system will have both master and
transaction file
434) Problem identification is taken first in designing a program
435) The purpose of the EXIT command is to get out of a condition loop
436) Employees details is a master file for the pay roll system
437) A slow memory can be connected to 8085 by using READY
438) A processor needs software interrupt to obtain system services which need execution
of privileged instructions
439) A CPU has two modes- privileged and non-privileged. In order to change the mode
from the privileged to the non-privileged, a software interrupt is needed
440) Swap space resides at disk
441) The process of assigning load addressed to the various parts of the program and
adjusting the code and data in the program to reflect the assigned address is called
442) 1 Sector= 4096 bytes
443) Two stacks of size required to implement a queue of size n
444) 1 Floppy = 6, 30,784 bytes or 308 KB
445) Consider a machine with 64 MB physical memory and a 32-bit virtual address space. If
the page size is 4 KB, then size of the page table is 2 MB
446) Consider a virtual memory system with FIFO page replacement policy. For an arbitrary
page access pattern, increasing the number of page frames in main memory will
always decrease the number of page faults
447) Consider a scheme R(A, B, C, D) and functional dependencies A->B and C-> D. Then
the decomposition of R into R1 (AB) and R2 (CD) is dependency preserving and
lossless join
448) Main memory requires a device driver
449) RAM can be divided into 2 types
450) Two friends suitably arrange 4 blocks of different colors to exchange coded information
between them. 4 bits of information is one exchanging each time
451) Cache memory is a part of main memory

452) The number 43 in 2’s complement representation is 01010101

453) The 8085 microprocessor responds to the presence of an interrupt by checking the
TRAP pin for ‘high’ status at the end of each instruction fetch
454) All machinery and apparatus of computer is called hardware
455) The number 1024 bytes is the complement representation of 1 Kilo byte
456) System design specifications do not include blueprint showing the layout of hardware
457) Web pages are uniquely identified using URL
458) The results of arithmetic and logical operations are stored in an accumulator
459) The input device that is closely related to touch screen is the light pen
500) F2 keys of control center specified below displays data, toggles browse/edit
501) A compiler breaks the source code into a uniform stream of tokens by lexical analysis
502) The number of processes that may running at the same time in a large system can be
503) LET.BAS files are related to Microsoft word utility
504) A command in UNIX can have one or more arguments
505) A hard disk is logically organized according to cylinders and sectors
506) A frame can include text & graphics, tables & graphics, graphics
507) All the formatting data for the paragraph is stored in the paragraph mark
508) The abbreviation CAD stands for computer aided design
509) We can define hypertext definition in notebooks using Macsyma 2.0
510) The addressing mode(s) that can be used in a formula is/are- absolute, relative and
511) WINDOWS can work in enhanced and standard modes
512) The part of a machine level instruction which tells the central processor what has to be
done is an operation code
513) O-Matrix software packages do not have animation capabilities
514) In order to paste text form the clipboard in the document being edited, press the Ctrl-A
515) A program that converts a high level language program to a set of instructions that can
run on a computer is called a compiler
516) Faster execution of programs is not an advantage of a subroutine
517) First generation of computer period is 1945-1950
518) IBM built first PC in the year 1981
519) A small computer program embedded within an HTML document when a user retrieves
the web page from a web server is called an applet
520) Another name for systems implementation is transformation
521) The central host computer or file server in a star network maintains control with its
connecting devices through polling
522) C++ does not check whether the index value is within scope
523) The browser uses uniform resource locator to connect to the location or address of
internet resources
524) In the centralized computing architecture, the entire file is downloaded from the host
computer to the user’s computer in response to a request for data
525) An expert system enables one or more users to move and react to what their senses
perceive in a computer simulated environment
526) Popping or removing an element from an empty stack is called underflow
527) The ability to combine data and operations on that data in a single unit is known as
528) A router is a device that sites between your internal network and the internet and limits
access into and out of your network based on your organization’s access policy
529) In C++, private, protected, and public are reserved words and are called member
access specifiers
530) The integration of all kinds of media such as audio, video, voice, graphics and text into
one coherent presentation combined is called multimedia
531) The derived class can redefine the public member functions of the base class
532) A technique for searching special databases, called data warehouses, looking for
related information and patterns is called data mining
533) Like the quick sort the merge sort uses the divide and conquer technique to sort a list
534) The use of expert systems technology can greatly reduce the number of calls routed to
a customer service department
535) Building a list in the backward manner, a new node is always inserted at the beginning
of the list
536) Creating a web site is also called web authoring
537) Using the optimization analysis approach, the expert system starts with a conclusion
and tries to verify that the rules, facts, and conclusion all match. If not, the expert
system chooses another conclusion
538) Both the application program and operating system program only describes the
539) Root is one of the items given below is not an item of the menu bar
540) BACKUP is not an internal command
541) In a disk, each block of data is written into one sector
542) Hard copy is a printed copy of machine output
543) A boot strap is a small utilization computer program to start up in inactive computer
544) CAD is oriented towards software
545) Icons are picture commands
546) IBM company for the first time launched pocket computers
547) PROM is a computer part

548) Algorithms can handle most system functions that aren’t handled directly by the
operating system
549) Device drivers are small, special-purpose programs
550) LAN refers to a small, single site network
551) A collection of programs that controls how your computer system runs and processes
information is called operating system
552) When we are working on a document on a PC the document is temporarily stored in
553) Information travels between components on the motherboard through buses
554) Microsoft is a vertical market application
555) RAM refers to the memory in your computer
556) Computers connected to a LAN can share information and / or share equipment
557) Magnetic tape is not practical for applications where data must be quickly recalled
because tape is a sequential access medium
558) In Late 1988 computer viruses land in India for the first time
559) ALU is a part of the CPU
560) In computer technology a compiler means a program, which translates source program
into object program
561) American computer company IBM is called big blue
562) The first IBM PC did not have any ROM
563) The digital computer was developed primarily in UK
564) Programs which protect a disk from catching an infection are called antidotes
565) The first movie with terrific computer animation and graphics was released in 1982 is
566) An integrated circuit is fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
567) The word size of a microprocessor refers to the amount of information that can be
stored in the byte
568) Daisy-wheel printer cannot print graphics
569) In the IBM PC-AT, the word AT stands for advanced terminology
570) Dedicated computer means which is assigned one and only one task
571) Real time programming type of computers programming is used for aero plane ticket
reservation system
572) RAM means memory which can be both read and written to
573) Laser printer uses light beam and electro statically sensitive black powder
574) The Santa Clara Valley, California is popularly known a Silicon Valley of America
because many silicon chip manufacturing firms are located there
575) A program written in machine language is called assembler
576) International business machine was the first company in the world to build computer for
577) PARAM is a parallel computer
578) For communications, wide area networks use special purpose telephone wires and
fiber optic cables and microwaves
579) Data transfer rate in modems is measured in bits per second
580) A compiler cannot detect logical errors in source programs
581) Throughput, turnaround time, response time are measures of system performance
582) OLTP architecture can handle a limited number of dimensions whereas OLAP
architecture does not have any limit on the number of dimensions 583) The binary
equivalent of (40.125) suffix 10 is 101000.001

584) Kernel is the only art of an operating system that a user cannot replace or modify
Symbol signifies a magnetic disk
586) COBOL programming language was initially developed for consumer electronics goods
587) Running, blocked, ready, terminated are different states of a process
588) Rational rose is an example of a modeling language
589) A disk worm is an example of optical devices
590) A RAID is a disk array
591) The first private internet service provider in India was Satyam infoway
592) The maximum and minimum unsigned number which can be stored in a 8 bit word is 0
and 255
593) Stack is a part of memory
594) HIT RATIO is associated with cache performance
595) Laser printer is a page printer
596) Storage capacity of a disk system depends upon number of recording surfaces and
number of sectors per track
597) Abstraction is associated with object oriented technology and database technology
598) The terms opcode and operand are associated with any high level language
599) Dynamic binding is associated with object oriented programming
600) The term CHIP, JEWELLARY means a processor with high capacity
601) A watch point is associated with debugger
602) A multithreaded program uses multiple processes
603) Time sharing is a mechanism to provide spontaneous interactive use of a computer
system by many users in such a way that each user is given the impression that he/she
has his/her own computer
604) The typical scheme of memory management used in IBMOS/360 mainframe system
was that of multiprogramming with variable number of memory partitions
605) The concepts used for realization of virtual memory are swapping, demand paging and
In-line secondary storage
606) Oracle 8i is an example of OORDBMS
607) ALPHA, RIOS, SPARC are examples of RISC Processors
608) The scope of an identifier refers to where in the program an identifier is accessible
609) Hierarchy is not a component of relational database

610) A two-way selection in C++ is the if…else

611) A recursive function executes more efficiently than its iterative counterpart
612) The body of the recursive function contains a statement that causes the same function
to execute before completing the last call
613) Variables that are created during program execution are called dynamic variables
614) When destroying a list, we need a delete pointer to deallocate the memory
615) The first character in the ASCII character set is the null character, which is nonprintable
616) A variable for which memory is allocated at block entry and deallocated at block exit is
called a static variable
617) Signal to noise ratio compares signal strength to noise level
618) The ability to create new objects from existing objects is known as inheritance
619) Software tools that provide automated support for the systems development process
are OLAP tools
620) Applications/Web server tier processes HTTP protocol, scripting tasks, performs
calculations, and provides access to data
621) A language used to describe the syntax rules is known as meta language
622) In a preorder traversal, the binary tree is traversed as follows
623) The general syntax of the function prototype of a value returning function is function
name (parameter list)
624) Competitive intelligence is the process of gathering enough of the right information in a
timely manner and usable form and analyzing it so that it can have a positive impact
625) Tracing values through a sequence is called a play out
626) In a binary tree, each comparison is drawn as a circle, called a node

627) The term used as a measurement of a communication channel’s data capacity is

628) In addition to the nature of the problem, the other key factor in determining the best
solution method is function
629) An E-R data model solves the problem of presenting huge information system data
models is to users and developers
630) In C++, predefined functions are organized into separate libraries
631) The standard protocol (communication rules for exchange of data) of the internet is
632) For efficiency purposes, wherever possible, you should overload operators as member
633) Modifying algorithms that change the order of the elements, not their values, are also
called modifying algorithms
634) As long as the tables in a relational database share at least one common data attribute,
the tables in a relational database can be normalized to provide useful information and
635) DBMS is a simple, fourth generation language used for data retrieval
636) An occurrence of an undesirable situation that can be detected during program
execution is known a exception
637) A photo of the company headquarters would be an example of the use of a static web
638) The Pentium processor contains thousands of transistors
639) SOI technology has been successful with reference to SRAM
640) Secondary storage device is needed to print output results
641) Static random access memory does not fall under the category of secondary storage
642) Floppy disk is universal, portable and inexpensive but has its own limitation in terms of
storage capacity and speed
643) Some physical property of the microscopic area of the disk surface is changed for
recording in common for all types of disks
644) In a disk, each block of data is written into two or more sectors
645) A floppy disk rotates at 100rpm
646) A hard disk has 500 to 1000 tracks or more
647) The storage capacity of a cartridge tape is 400 MB
648) Single density recording is also known as frequency modulation
649) Printer is not an input device
650) The input device that is most closely related to a touch screen is the light pen
651) Laser printer generates characters from a grid of pins
652) The liquid crystal display works on the basis of the relation between polaristion and
electric field
653) A COBOL program in source code is not considered to be system software
654) Firmware stored in a hard disk
655) A compiler breaks the source code into a uniform stream of tokens by lexical analysis
656) Sorting of a file tasks is not performed by a file utility program
657) Floppy disk does not generate a hardware interrupt
658) Ada language is associated with real time processing
659) MS DOS is usually supplied on a cartridge tape
660) BREAK is not an internal DOS command
661) Kernel of MS-DOS software resides in ROM
662) The UNIX operating system (available commercially) has been written in C language
663) MS-DOS has better file security system as compared to UNIX
664) UNIX is only a multiprogramming system
665) The UNIX operating system uses three files to do the task mentioned
666) In UNIX, end-of-file is indicated by typing CTRL D
667) Abacus is said to be invented by Chinese
668) An operating system is necessary to work on a computer
669) The first UNIX operating system, as it was in the development stage, was written in the
assembly language
670) FAST drivers scientific software packages was developed under contract with NASA
671) LEFT () is not a date function
672) FIF editor is a windows based application
673) Graphics is inserted in frame
674) A language translator is best described as a system software
675) The specification of a floppy is identified by TPI
676) DISC () is not a database function
677) In opening menu of word star C OPTION should be selected for protecting a file
678) The most advanced form of ROM is electronically erasable programmable ROM
679) Secondary storage device is needed to store large volumes of data and programs that
exceed the capacity of the main memory
680) MORE sends contents of the screen to an output device
681) NFS stands for N/W file system
682) Main protocol used in internet is TCP/IP
683) We can create a simple web page by using front page express
684) The first line/bar on the word window where the name of the document is displayed is
called title bar
685) The clock frequency of a Pentium processor is 50 MHz
686) The input device that is most likely to be used to play computer games is the joystick
687) Linking the program library with main program is not performed by a file utility program
688) The UNIX operating system has been written in C language
689) BIOS of MS-DOS resides in ROM
690) The sector size of a floppy disk varies from 128 bytes to 1024 bytes
691) A program type of errors is flagged by compilers
692) A floppy diskette is organized according to tracks and sectors
693) In word star, the maximum permissible length of search string is 65
694) C is a third generation high level language
695) A CPU has a 16-bit program counter. This means that the CPU can address 64 K
memory locations
696) STR () is used for converting a numeric into a character string
697) BASIC language is normally used along with an interpreter
698) In UNIX, open files are shared between the parent and the child
699) In spite of the extra power needed for refreshing. DRAMs are widely used in computers
because of its lower cost relatives to SRAMs
700) PIF editor belongs to Main group
701) SUM () is not a financial function
702) 98/04/12 cannot be used to enter a date
703) Windows is popular because of its being expensive
704) Personal computers currently sold in India have main memories at an entry level in the
range of megabytes
705) The unit in CPU or processor, which performs arithmetic and logical operations is ALU
706) RAM is volatile
707) The result of arithmetic and logical operations is stored in an accumulator
708) A small amount of memory included in the processor for high speed access is called
709) A bus is an electronic track system
710) A co-processor is used to improve the speed of mathematical calculations
711) Intel 80286 belongs to third generation microprocessors
712) A hexadigit can be represented by eight binary bits
713) The number of processes that may running at the same time in a large system can be
714) FORTRAN is a 3GL
715) Root is not an item of the Menu bar
716) Difficult to do what it projects is not considered to be a feature of the spreadsheet
717) While starting the Lotus 1-2-3, the current cell reference is shown at top left hand
corner of the screen
718) Bill gates is the chief of Microsoft
719) Excel office assistant can be made to appear by using F1 key and help menu
720) 9 per page is the max no of showing positioning of per page handouts
721) Alignment buttons are available on formatting toolbar
722) Pico second is 10(to the power of-9)
723) Logo refers to a computer language
724) The most appropriate command to permanently remove all records from the current
table is Zap
725) The efficient and well designed computerized payroll system would be on-line real time
726) The scripts which are designed to receive value from Web users is CGI script
727) WAIS stands for – wide assumed information section
728) Modem is used for connecting PC using telephone lines
729) Token bus is the most popular LAN protocol for bus topology
730) Manipulating data to create information is known as analysis
731) A separate document form another program sent along with an E-mail message is
known as E-mail attachment
732) When you boot up a PC — portions of the operating system are copied from disk into
733) Correcting errors in a program is called debugging
734) A word processor would most likely be used to type a biography
735) A database is an organized collection of data about a single entity
736) Fire fox is a web browser
737) Most of the commonly used personal computers/laptops do not have a command key
known as turnover
738) Full form of USB is known as Universal serial bus
739) The quickest and easiest way in Word to locate a particular word or phrase in a
document is to use the find command
740) Computer sends and receives data in the form of digital signals
741) Icons are graphical objects used to represent commonly used application
742) Most World Wide Web pages contain HTML commands in the language
743) In any window, the maximize button, the minimize button and the close buttons appear
on the title bar
744) Checking that a pin code number is valid before it is entered into the system in an
example of data validation
745) Windows 95 and windows 98 and Windows NT are known as operating systems
746) Information on a computer is stored as analog data
747) A program that works like a calculator for keeping track of money and making budgets
is spreadsheet
748) To take information from one source and bring it to your computer is referred to as
749) Windows is not a common feature of software applications
750) A toolbar contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used
751) Input device is an equipment used to capture information and commands
752) Most of the commonly available personal computers/laptops have a keyboard popularly
known as QWERTY
753) Editing a document consists of reading through the document you’ve created then—
correcting your errors
754) Virtual Box is not a famous operating system
755) Junk e-mail is also called spam
756) DOC is the default file extension for all word documents
757) .bas, .doc and .htm are examples of extensions
758) Codes consisting of bars or lines of varying widths or lengths that are computer
readable are known as a bar code
759) Convenience, speed of delivery, generally and reliability are all considered as the
advantages of e-mail
760) E-commerce allows companies to conduct business over the internet
761) The most important or powerful computer in a typical network is network server
762) To make a notebook act as a desktop model, the notebook can be connected to a
docking station which is connected to a monitor and other devices
763) Storage that retains its data after the power is turned off is referred to as non-volatile
764) Virtual memory is memory on the hard disk that the CPU uses as an extended RAM
765) To move to the beginning of a line of text, press the home key
766) When sending and e-mail, the subject line describes the contents of the message
767) Microsoft is an application suite
768) Information travels between components on the motherboard through bays
769) One advantage of dial-up internet access is it utilizes existing telephone security
770) Network components are connected to the same cable in the star topology
771) Booting checks to ensure the components of the computer are operating and
connected properly
772) Control key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task
773) Scanner will translate images of text, drawings, and photos into digital form
774) Information on a computer is stored as digital data
775) The programs and data kept in main memory while the processor is using them
776) Storage unit provide storage for information and instruction
777) Help menu button exist at start
778) Microsoft company developed MS Office 2000
779) Charles Babbage is called the father of modern computing
780) Data link layer of OSI reference model provides the service of error detection and
control to the highest layer
781) Optical fiber is not a network
782) OMR is used to read choice filled up by the student in common entrance test
783) A network that spreads over cities is WAN
784) File Manager is not a part of a standard office suite
785) A topology of computer network means cabling between PCs

786) In UNIX command “Ctrl + Z” is used to suspend current process or command

787) Word is the word processor in MS Office
788) Network layer of an ISO-OSI reference model is for networking support
789) Telnet helps in remote login
790) MS Word allows creation of .DOC type of documents by default
791) In case of MS-access, the rows of a table correspond to records
792) Record maintenance in database is not a characteristic of E-mail
793) In a SONET system, an add/drop multipliers removes noise from a signal and can also
add/remove headers
794) The WWW standard allows grammars on many different computer platforms to show
the information on a server. Such programmers are called Web Browsers
795) One of the oldest calculating device was abacus
796) Paint art is not a special program in MS Office
797) Outlook Express is a e-mail client, scheduler, address book
798) The first generation computers had vacuum tubes and magnetic drum
799) Office Assistant is an animated character that gives help in MSOffice
800) Alta Vista has been created by research facility of Digital Electronic corporation of USA
801) We are shifting towards computerization because technologies help in meeting the
business objectives
802) Spiders search engines continuously send out that starts on a homepage of a server
and pursue all links stepwise
803) Static keys make a network insecure
804) Joy Stick is an input device that cannot be used to work in MS Office
805) Artificial intelligence can be used in every sphere of life because of its ability to think
like human beings
806) To avoid the wastage of memory, the instruction length should be of word size which is
multiple of character size
807) Electronic fund transfer is the exchange of money from one account to another
808) Format menu in MS Word can be use to change page size and typeface
809) Assembly language programs are written using Mnemonics
810) DMA module can communicate with CPU through cycle stealing
811) A stored link to a web page, in order to have a quick and easy access to it later, is
called bookmark
812) B2B type of commerce is characterized by low volume and high value transactions in
813) Advanced is not a standard MS Office edition
814) Workstation is single user computer with many features and good processing power
815) History list is the name of list that stores the URL’s of web pages and links visited
in past few days
816) FDDI access mechanism is similar to that of IEEE 802.5
817) MS Office 2000 included a full-fledged web designing software are called FrontPage
818) Macintosh is IBM’s microcomputer
819) X.21 is physical level standard for X.25
820) Enter key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in MS Word
821) Main frame is most reliable, robust and has a very high processing power.
822) Formatting of these toolbars allows changing of Fonts and their sizes
823) The ZZ command is used to quit editor after saving
824) The program supplied by VSNL when you ask for internet connection for the e-mail
access is pine
825) The convenient place to store contact information for quick, retrieval is address book
826) Digital cash is not a component of an e-wanet
827) For electronic banking, we should ensure the existence and procedures with regard to
identification of customers who become members electronically
828) Jon Von Neumann developed stored-program concept
829) Hardware and software are mandatory parts of complete PC system
830) Firewall is used in PC for security
831) Two rollers are actually responsible for movement of the cursor in mouse
832) In case of a virus getting into computer NORTON will help
833) Tour the server room is to be done by the auditor while internet banking services audit
834) Documentation while developing a software for a Bank is required for auditing
835) Water supply has not become computerized
836) Concurrency control in distributed database supports multi-user access
837) Fifth generation computers are knowledge processors
838) Transistors were first used in 2nd generation computers
839) Intelligence is not a characteristic of a computer
840) A camera is an processing machine
841) To protect organization from virus or attacks all mails sent and received should be
monitored, all messages should be encrypted, E- mails should be used only for official
842) Internet collects millions of people all over the world
843) A computer based information system is a system in which a computer is used to
process data to get information
844) The time between program input and outputs is called execution time
845) Third generations of computers have On-line real time systems
846) MIME is a compressor that packages different formats into SMTP compatible type
847) The earliest software was developed using the waterfall model
848) EDI e- commerce system can handle non monetary documents
849) Collection to tracks on a disk forms spindle
850) A disk where number of sectors are fixed is called hard sectored
851) Half duplex transmission techniques let computer to alternatively send and receive data
852) Multiplexing combines signals from different sources into one and sends on a faster
853) Message switcher chooses correct data path for an incoming message and forwards it
to relevant line
854) Speech recognition use thermal sensors along with infrared rays for identification
855) Trojan horse are self replicating malicious code independent of the action of the user,
but slow down the processor on entering a network
856) Generation of PIN in bank ATM would require PIN entered is encrypted
857) Availability, integrity, confidentiality is most necessary for data to be useful
858) Grid is a supercomputer created by networking many small computers
859) A character that changes its value throughout the program is called variables
860) A program coded in programming is done by assembling
861) In write mode of file existing text is replaced by new one
862) When an organization gives contract for development of a software, it has to give data
to the service provider. In such cases, the ownership of data should be with the
client/organization that outsource services
863) Under a centralized organization Intranet be an effective networking tools
864) For optical fiber used in point to point transmission, the repeater spacing is 10-100 km
865) Favorites are accessible from the start menu
866) Task pre-emption, task priority and semaphores are not needed by server program
from an operation system
867) The objective of multiprogramming operating system is to maximize CPU utilization
868) The environment provided to ASP is based on Client/server
869) HUB is layer1 device, central device, dumb device
870) The UNIX, echi command is used to display the message or value of any variable on
the screen
871) QAM is used in high speed modem
872) Frame Relay technique uses connection oriented
873) Bipolar always has a non-zero average amplitude
874) In a SONET system, an add/drop multipliers can remove signals from a path
875) The server on the internet is also known as Host

876) For multiple branching in ‘C’ we use switch statement

877) Web site is a collection of HTML documents, graphic files, audio and video files
878) The first network that initiated the internet was ARPANET
879) In MODEMS a digital signal changes some characteristic of a carrier wave
880) The binary values are represented by two different frequencies in frequency shift keying
881) Messenger mailbox is present in Netscape communicator
882) Switching is a method in which multiple communication devices are connected to one
another efficiently
883) A bridge recognizes addresses of layer 3
884) EPROM is permanent storage device

885) “.TIF” extension name stands for tagged image format

886) The overhead using BRI is 10 percent of the total data rate

887) In programming languages the key word “Void” means it does not return any value
when finished
888) The keyboard shortcut to restart your computer is Ctrl + Alt + Del
889) FORTRAN is not a programming language
890) The instruction LOAD A is a one address instruction
891) MS-Excel is also known as spread sheet
892) Manchester encoding is used in Ethernet technology
893) The instruction of a program which is currently being executed are stored in main
894) In DOS environment, the command used to save the file is ^Z
895) All high level language uses compiler and interpreter

896) In html coding <p> …… </p> tag is used to display a paragraph

897) In HTML coding, the following attributes color, size, face used in font tag
898) DHTML stands for dynamic hyper text markup language
899) Fiber optics cable supports data rate up to 100 mbps to 2 gbps
900) In Photoshop software we can modify, delete, and edit the image
901) Most common channel used by networks today is telephone lines
902) Sybase SQL server and Microsoft SQL server 7.0 is not an example of RDBMS
903) In programming language, Null point is used to tell end of linked list
904) A technique which collects all deleted space onto free storage list is called garbage
905) Node to node delivery of the data unit is the responsibility of the data link layer
906) Insulating material is the major factor that makes co axial cable less susceptible to
noise than twisted pair cable
907) A data communication system covering an area the size of a town or city is MAN
908) Virtual memory system allows the employment of the full address space
909) The basic circuit of ECL supports the OR-NOR logic
910) Micro instructions are kept in control store
911) In HTML coding no shade attribute of HR tag suppresses the shading effect and fields
a solid line
912) Internet domains are classified by their functions. In that regard “.com” represents
913) HTTP in URL stands for hyper text transfer protocol

914) The “Nyquist theorem” specifies the minimum sampling rate to be twice the bandwidth
of a signal
915) Memory allocation at the routine is known as dynamic memory allocation
916) In HTML loading, <BR> tag is used for displaying a new line
917) HTTP protocols are used by internet mail
918) A policy on firewalls needs not ensure that it is logically secured
919) The script which is designed to receive value from the web users is java script
920) GET method and HEAD method is the C91 method of involving a C91 program
921) Analog switched line telephone service is least expensive
922) A toll used to find a synonym or antonym for a particular word is thesaurus

923) In C++ coding, Cout<<”tent”; is used to display character or strings or numeric screen
924) In this processing, a number of jobs are put together and executed as a group batch
925) The process of finding and correcting errors in a program is a process called debugging
926) cn pass command is used to change your password in UNIX system
927) HTML code is always starts with <html></html>
928) If there are 5 routers and b networks in an internet work using link state routing, there
will be 5 routing tables
929) A scripting language similar to HTML and which runs only on a browser is java script
930) By RAID technique, data is stored in several disk units by breaking them into smaller
pieces and storing each piece in separate disk
931) The most popular network protocol whose routing capabilities provide maximum
flexibility in an enterprise wide network is known as TCP/IP
932) New group that enable you to communicate with other Microsoft windows user about
issues and concerns with your computer
933) Analog-digital conversion type needs sampling of a signal
934) In an optical fiber, the inner core is less dense than the cladding
935) Six types of heading are available in HTML
936) RDBMS is an acronym for relational database management system
937) In MS-Word, page layout view is also known as true WYS/WYG
938) In HTML coding, <UL> (Unordered list) is used to give bullets in your document 939)
Transmission media are usually categorized as guided or unguided
940) A virtual circuit is the physical connection between an end point and a switch or
between two switches
941) Passing of the frame to next station can happen at a token ring station
942) R-C coupling method is suitable for voltage amplification
943) Normal is not a type of HTML pages
944) In HTML coding <LI> tag is used for denoting items in a list of type <UL>
945) In MS-Word the keyboard shortcut F7 used for spelling and grammar check
946) DBMS is not an operating system
947) HTML is basically used to design web-site

948) In HTML coding, Dynamic web-pages are created in advance of the user’s request
949) In Dos, primary name of a file can have a maximum of 10 characters
950) du command is used to show file system disk usage in UNIX
951) Maximum length of a text file is 255 characters
952) Frame format of CSMA/CD and Ethernet protocol differ in the block error control
953) On an Ethernet LAN implementation with 10 base 5 the maximum number of segments
can be five
954) Overflow condition in linked list may occur when attempting to create a node when
linked list is empty
955) Code segment register is where the microprocessor looks for instruction
956) Web-site is collection of web-pages and Home-page is the very first page that we see
on opening of a web-site
957) The subsystem of the kernel and hardware that cooperates to translate virtual to
physical addresses comprises memory management subsystem 958) A device
operating at the physical layer is called a repeater
959) FORTRAN is a mathematically oriented languages used for scientific problems
960) If we want to convert the text which is in small letters to capital letters then select the
required text and press Shift +F3
961) Datagram packet switching uses the entire capacity of a dedicated link
962) In the datagram approach to packet switching, each packet of a message follows the
same path from sender to receiver
963) FDM technique transmits analog signals
964) X.21 protocol consists of only physical level
965) In a dedicated link, the only traffic is between the two connected devices
966) In a start topology, if there are n devices in network, each device has n-1
967) A unique number assigned to a process when the process first starts running PID
968) Modems is necessary for multiplexing
969) In MS-Word WYSIWYG stands for what you see is where you get
970) The primary purpose of shutdown procedure in UNIX system is that all active process
may be properly closed
971) In time- division circuit switching, delivery of data is delayed because data must be
stored and retrieved from RAM
972) Subnet usually comprises layers 1 & 2, layer 1 through 3 of OSI model
973) An image in a web-page can be aligned left and right using HTML coding
974) RFC stands for request for comment
975) Packet filtering firewall and proxy firewall is not a type of firewall

976) Most news reader’s presents news groups articles in threads

977) The sharing of a medium and its path by two or more devices is called multiplexing
978) Sending messages, voice, and video and graphics files over digital communication link
is done by the method e-mail
979) In a computer network, a computer that can control a group of other computers for
sharing information as well as hardware utilities is known as server 980) Telephone
number, zip code is defined as a numeric field
981) In shell programming, tr command is used for character translation
982) Cat text>>output would append a file called test to the end of a file called output
983) In a network with 25 computers, mesh topology would require the more extensive
984) Dialog control is a function of the presentation layer
985) The program which takes user input, interprets it and takes necessary action is shell
986) Most appropriate data structure in C to represent linked list is array
987) Menu bar is usually located below that title bar that provides categorized options
988) Latest version of Microsoft Word is Word XP
989) You save your computer files on disc and in folders
990) when the text automatically goes onto the next line this is called word wrap
991) WYSIWYG is short for what you see is what you get
992) Left justify is the same as align left
993) To put text on the right of the page use the align right button
994) Lotus 1-2-3 is a popular DOS based spreadsheet package
995) 65,535 characters can be typed in a single cell in excel
996) Comments put in cells are called cell tip
997) Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called referencing
998) A numeric value can be treated as a label value if it precedes with apostrophe
999) Data can be arranged in a worksheet in an easy to understand manner using auto
formatting, applying styles, changing fonts
1000) An excel workbook is a collection of worksheets and charts
1001) Most manufacturers setup their BIOS to load into upper memory during the boot
1002) Device drivers loaded in the config.sys file is loaded into the following memory area:
Conventional memory
1003) 40ns memory speeds is the fastest
1004) System software often uses the ROM BIOS
1005) In CMOS setup, if you enable shadowing ROM is copied to RAM 1006) Static
variables are local to the block in which they are declared.
1007) During the normal PC boot process, ROM BIOS is active first .
1008) During boot-up, the memory test checks and verifies that contiguous memory is
1009) 601 error code identifies a floppy drive problem
1010) If you get frequent general protection faults, this could indicate poor quality of memory
1011) You are looking at a memory module thought to be a DIMM module. 168 pins would
be on a DIMM module
1012) The system BIOS and ROM chips are called firmware
1013) Extended located above the first 1024K of memory
1014) WRAM type of RAM is normally the fastest
1015) RAM component is used for short-term data storage
1016) A SIMM has 40 pins
1017) RAM provides quickest access to data
1018) Narrowcast linking is not a transmission technology
1019) The data flow diagram is for analyzing requirements of user
1020) The elements of computer processing system are hardware, data, users and
1021) On August 23, 2005 an accounting clerk prepared an invoice dated August 31, 2005.
Range check control can check this
1022) Library management software is for documenting the changes that are made to
program and controlling the version numbers of the programs
1023) Steganography is hiding the data but not necessarily making it invisible and not easily
1024) A computer is an electronic device
1025) An online transaction is transaction done via internet
1026) Using anti-virus software is preventive measure
1027) For security we should consider local data reduction, event correction low resource
1028) OS is not a peripheral of PC
1029) The most common input device used today is keyboard
1030) The third generation of the computer were in 1965-1971
1031) Gateways to allow a network to use the resources of another main frame is a
component of internet
1032) Mouse cannot be shared
1033) EDI means electronic data interface
1034) Mainframes network where a huge compute does all computing and front end PCs are
dumb terminals
1035) A modem that cannot be moved from its position is called fixed modem
1036) A device that receives data from slow speed devices, and transmits it to different
locations is called remote concentrator
1037) Organization would prefer in house development of software to ensure that the
development adhere to defined quality
1038) Actual intelligence is not a feature of PC
1039) Network that uses two OSI protocol layers as against three used in X.25 is a “frame
1040) Microsoft excel is versatile application and spread sheet program
1041) System flowcharts show relationship that link the input processing and output of the
1042) To identifying the system to be tested the penetration testing is done
1043) Platform in computer world means computer hardware and operating systems
1044) A character that retains its value during program execution is constants
1045) Data accuracy is not done by modem
1046) OMR is used to read choice filled up by a student in common entrance tests
1047) The term remote with respect to network means machine located far off
1048) In two-tier client server architecture the client is usually fat client
1049) The senior management provides the go-ahead approval for the development of
1050) Manual data can be put into computer by Scanner
1051) E-mail address is made up of two parts
1052) The normal way to undo a command by pressing the following key combinations
together CTRL-Z
1053) The owner of a process is user that invokes the process
1054) In datagram packet switching all the datagram’s of a message follow the same
channel of a path
1055) X.25 LAPP uses a specific subset of HDLC protocol
1056) Presentation layer of the OSI reference model is concerned with the syntax of data
exchanged between application entities
1057) Edge-triggered D flip –flop memory elements uses an PC circuit at its input
1058) Programs that extend the capabilities of a server are C41 scripts
1059) The primary goal of ISDN is the integration of voice services and non-voice services
1060) Flow control in OSI model is done by transport layer
1061) The optical links between any two SONET devices is called a section
1062) A user can get files from another compute on the internet by using FTP
1063) The key fields which are tested by a packet filtering firewall are source IP address ,
TCP/UDP source port, destination IP address
1064) The server on the internet is also known as gateway
1065) VBScript can perform calculation of data

1066) In MS-Word, ‘mail merge’ can be defined writing a letter once and dispatching it to a
number of recipients
1067) Coaxial cables are good for digital transmission and long distance transmission
1068) LRU is a page replacement policy used for memory management
1069) Commercial TV is an example of distributive services with user control
1070) The exact format of frame in case of synchronous transmission depends on whether
transmission scheme is either character oriented or bit oriented
1071) RING topology is least affected by addition/remove of a node
1072) EX-OR gates recognizes only words that have an odd number of 1

1073) To interconnect two homogenous WAN’s we need a router

1074) Co-axial cables provides data rates over 50 mbps
1075) The outermost orbit of an atom can have a maximum of 8 electrons
1076) The protocol for sharing hypertext information on the world wide web is HTTP

1077) ISDN’s basic rate interface (BRI) is also known as 2 D + B

1078) The mode of data transmission of unshielded twisted pair cable is full duplex
1079) Data accuracy is not done by modem
1080) Query is used to answer a question about a database
1081) AM and FM are examples of analog to analog modulation
1082) Redundancy is the concept of sending extra bits for use in error detection
1083) The physical layer is concerned with transmission of bits over the physical medium
1084) The number of input lines required for a 8 to 1 multiplexes is 8
1085) The bar-code (rectangular pattern of lines of varying width and spaces) used for
automatic product identification by computer
1086) FSK is most affected by noise
1087) Stack is a LIFO structure
1088) CPU is not an input device of a computer
1089) Program of a computer presented as a sequence of instructions in the form of binary
numbers is called machine language
1090) Possible problems with java scrip can be security or limited graphics and multimedia
1091) For locating any document on the WWW. There is a unique address known as URL
1092) Design view would use to define a table and specify fields
1093) Traversal process is faster for threaded trees compared with their unthreaded
1094) The command used to display help on any particular command is man
1095) In C++ programming, the extension of program is .cpp
1096) A generic team that refers to the combination of all commercial transactions executed
over electronic media for the exchange of product and services
1097) In DOS, the command used to create a new file is called copy con
1098) Backup helps you to create a copy of the information on your hard disk and saves
original data in case data on your computer got damaged or corrupted due to
malfunctioning of hard-disk
1099) LAN is usually privately owned and links the devices in a single office, building or
1100) In justified type of alignment, text gets aligned along both left and right margins
1101) The internal programming language for a particular chip is called machine language
1102) The inner core of an optical fiber is glass and plastic in composition
1103) When a small amount of trivalent impurity is added to a pure-semiconductor it is called
P-type semiconductor
1104) In MS-Access, a table can have one primary key/keys
1105) In DOS, Deltree command is used to delete all the files as well as sub-directories of a
1106) Netscape navigator is a web-browser
1107) Multiplexing involves one path and one channel
1108) Table, form, queries, reports, macros, modules are objects in an access database
1109) The clown command in UNIX changes home directory of a user
1110) BCD stands for binary coded decimal
1111) When we run a program in HTML coding, notepad is used as backend and
internetexplorer works as front end
1112) If the M bit in X.25 standard is set to 1, it means that thee is more than one packet
1113) The modem is a device that connects n input stream outputs
1114) Array is linear data structure
1115) A T.V. broadcast is an example of simplex transmission
1116) Search engine will search its database to find items whose tent contains all or at least
one of the words given to it

1117) In UNIX, command “! $” is used to repeat entire less command line

1118) PCM is an example of analog to digital
1119) A simple protocol used for fetching an e-mail from a mailbox is POP 3
1120) For a small web site, one needs to buy space from the ISP
1121) An operating system that acts as an intermediary between user and computer

1122) Attair, the world’s first personal computer, was introduced in the year 1979
1123) Half duplex data flows in both directions, but any one direction at the time
1124) Ring requires a central controller or hub
1125) The OSI model consists of seven layers
1126) The main job of one of the following is to allocate CPU to processes scheduler
1127) 10,500 valid Min & Max zoom sizes in MS office
1128) Before printing a document you should always use print preview
1129) Excel XP is the latest version of excel
1130) A worksheet can have a maximum of 256 number of rows
1131) Character is not a valid data type in Excel
1132) Formula bar in an Excel window allows entering values and formulas
1133) Direct memory access is a technique for transferring data from main memory to a
device without passing it through the CPU
1134) 5 30-bit SIMMS are required to populate a bank on a 486 system that has a 32-bit
data bus

1135) SRAM uses a clock to synchronize a memory chip’s input and output signal
1136) Cycle-stealing type of DMA transfer will operate when a CPU is operating
1137) A series 100 POST error code indicates a problem with the system board
1138) You have an old PC that you decide to upgrade with a 1 gig IDE hard drive. You find
that you can’t configure CMOS to see the entire hard drive. The best you can do is
540 meg. Then use a device driver that makes the bios see the drive as
1139) When SHADOWING is enabled in computers BIOS Instructions stored in various
ROM chips are copied into
1140) POST stands for power on self test
1141) Checking the hard disk while running Windows 3.1, you discover a very large file
called 396SPART.PAR. That file is windows permanent swap file
1142) CMOS contains the computer BIOS and maintains its data with the use of a battery for
periods when the system is powered down
1143) TSR stands for terminate and stay
1144) LAN is not an inter network
1145) Memory is temporary and storage is permanent
1146) Echo checking cannot assure data accuracy in an application
1147) Focus on manual records is not necessary for computerization system in a bank
1148) Permanent establishment, residence-based, Income based classification are the
approaches used to tax online transactions
1149) Computer of computer communication for business transactions is called EDI
1150) Client-server computing is used in Network multi-media
1151) Back up of files is taken for security
1152) Operating system is not a software category
1153) Computer program looking “normal” but containing harmful code is infected by Trojan
1154) Private key is used to append a digital signature
1155) Most dangerous risk in leaking of information is ignorance about the existence of risk
1156) IMAP (Internet message access protocol) takes care of E-mail at client side
1157) The CPU has control unit, arithmetic-logic unit and primary storage
1158) 1st generation computer is the bulkiest PC
1159) E-R diagram represents relationship between entities of system
1160) User is technically least sound
1161) Minicomputers is not there during fourth generation computer
1162) Microchip is unique to a smartcard
1163) Internet was started as network for defences forces of America
1164) A program permanently stored in hardware is called firmware
1165) Taking back-up of a file against crash is a curative measure
1166) Simplex transmission technique permits data flow in only one direction
1167) Front end processor relieves the host computer from tedious jobs and does them

1168) Software can’t be touched

1169) Physical access to a database can be altered by hiring procedure
1170) The sound signal carried by telephone line is analog
1171) All decisions for LAN are taken by the IT steering committee
1172) An input device gives data to a computer
1173) Correction of program is done by debugging
1174) File transfer is the function of the application layer
1175) A policy on firewalls need not ensure that is logically secured
1176) A modem performs modulation, demodulation, data compression
1177) Personnel security does not fall under the category of operations to be performed
during development of software
1178) CASE tool cannot help with understanding requirements
1179) UPC cannot be used for source of data automation
1180) The banks are MICR device to minimize conversion process
1181) MP3 files cannot be navigated using ClipArt browser
1182) Close option in File pull-down menu is used to close a file in MSWord
1183) 3 ½ is the size of a standard floppy disc
1184) When entering in a lot of text in capitals you should use the caps lock key
1185) Files created with Lotus 1-2-3 have an extension 123
1186) Contents, objects, Scenarios of a worksheet can be protected from accidental
1187) Device drivers that are loaded in windows 3.X are loaded into the sytem.ini file

1188) 30 pin SIMM’s, 72 pin SIMM’s, 168 pin DIMM’s types of RAM sockets can be seen on
mother boards
1189) The Power on self test determines the amount of memory present, the date/time, and
which communications ports and display adapters are installed in a microcomputer
1190) Virtual memory refers to using a file on the hard disk to simulate RAM
1191) BIOS (ROM) is considered firmware
1192) A population application of computer networking is the WWW of newsgroup called
1193) a = 10; export a is a valid command sequence in UNIX
1194) Set date will you give in UNIX to display system time
1195) Circuit switched network networks requires that all channels in a message
transmission path be of the same speed
1196) The Vi program available under UNIX can be created to open a virtual terminal
1197) A 4-bit ring counter is initially loaded with 1001
1198) The standard defined for fiber optics is 802.8
1199) Digitizers can be converted from “dumb” to “smart” through the addition of a
1200) The extension of database file is given by dbf
1201) VRML code is based on Unicode
1202) Use net discussion groups have their own system of organization to help you find
things just as internet excel
1203) Http protocol is used for WWW
1204) Protocol conversion can be handled by gateway
1205) In ISDN teleservices, the network can change or process the contents of data
1206) A longer instruction length may be -1024 to 1023
1207) A microprocessor is a processor with a reduced instruction set and power requirement
1208) The term server refers to any device that offers a service to network users
1209) Using HTML, Front page, DHTML we can make web-site
1210) Usually security in a network is achieved by cryptography
1211) PSTN stands for public switched telephone network
1212) A thyratron cannot be used as a amplifier
1213) An input device conceptually similar to mouse is joystick
1214) Netscape navigator and other browsers such as the internet explorer are available
free on the internet
1215) In MS-logo Bye command is used to come out from that screen
1216) In C++ programming, the command to save the program file is F3
1217) Data lines which provide path for moving data between system modules are known as
data bus
1218) Bubble sort technique does not use divide and conquer methodology
1219) The OSI model shows how the network functions of computer to be organized
1220) A 8 bit microprocessor must have 8 data lines
1221) A protocol that permits the transfer of files between computer on the network is FIP
1222) A data structure, in which an element is added and removed only from one end is
known as stack
1223) In linked list, the successive elements must occupy contiguous space in memory
1224) In OSI model reference, layer 2 lies in between the physical layer and the network
1225) In synchronous TDM, for n signal sources, each frame contains at least n slots
1226) Mouse and joystick are graphic input devices
1227) In linked list, a node contains at least node number, data field
1228) Gopher is not a web browser
1229) Device drivers controls the interaction between the hardware devices and operating
1230) The shortest path in routing can refer to the least expensive path
1231) An ordinary pen which is used to indicate locations on the computer screen by
sensing the ray of light being emitted by the screen, is called light pen
1232) Netiquettes are some rules and regulations that have to be followed by users
1233) Gateway uses the greatest number of layers in the OSI model
1234) A set of standards by which servers communicate with external programs is called
common gateway interface
1235) UNIVAC is a computer belonging to third generation
1236) API allows a client/server relationship to be developed between an existing host
application and a PC client
1237) Semi-insulator is a substance which has resistivity in between conductors and
1238) Multi vibrator is a two stage amplifier with output of one feedback to the input of the
1239) Macro is used to automate a particular task or a series of tasks
1240) Internet is network of networks
1241) A set of devices or combination of hardware and software that protects the systems
on one side from system on the other side is firewall
1242) Simple, transparent, multi post are bridge types
1243) When bandwidth of medium exceeds the required bandwidth of signals to be
transmitted we use frequency division multiplexing
1244) Direct or random access of element is not possible in linked list

1245) In Dos, the “Label” command is used to display the label of disk
1246) At the lower end of electromagnetic spectrum we have radio wave
1247) In Word, Ctrl + Del combination of keys is pressed to delete an entire word
1248) Plotters are very useful in applications such as computer aided design
1249) Web browser is a type of network application software
1250) 65535 characters can be typed in a single cell in Excel
1251) Overtime analysis is useful for formulating personnel policies and derived form the
payroll system
1252) Multiple worksheets can be created and used at a time
1253) UNIX is both time sharing and multiprogramming system
1254) Floppy Disk is universal portable and inexpensive but has its own limitation in terms of
storage capacity and speed
1255) Personal computers currently sold in India have main memories at an entry level in
the range of megabytes
1256) UNIX has better security for files relative to MS-DOS
1257) The UNIX operating system has been written in C language
1258) Syntax errors is flagged by compilers
1259) PARAM is an example of super computer
1260) Mother board holds the ROM, CPU, RAM and expansion cards
1261) CD-ROM is as a magnetic memory
1262) The binary number system has a base 2
1263) GUI is used as an interface between software and user
1264) E-mail is transaction of letters, messages and memos over communications network
1265) Device drivers are small , special purpose programs
1266) LAN refers to a small, single site network
1267) One megabyte equals approximately 1 million bytes
1268) Magnetic tape is not practical for applications where data must be quickly recalled
because tape is a sequential access medium
1269) User id, URI and time stamp is not used by organization when a user visits its site
1270) DBRM takes care of storage of data in a data base
1271) Plotters give the highest quality output
1272) Encrypting file system features of windows XP professional operating system protects
the data of a user, even if the computer is shared between users
1273) Loading is not required for high level language program before it is executed
1274) Top – bottom approach cannot be the measure of network traffic
1275) Devices such as magnetic disks, hard disks, and compact disks, which are used to
store information, are secondary storage devices
1276) Various input and output devices have a standard way of connecting to the CPU and
Memory. These are called interface standards
1277) The place where the standard interfaces are provided to connect to the CPU and
Memory is known as Port
1278) Binary numbers are positional numbers
1279) The base of the hexadecimal system is sixteen
1280) Display capabilities of monitor are determined by adapter card
1281) Mouse has a use in graphical user interface and applications as input device
1282) Drum plotter, flat bed plotter, graphic display device is an output device
1283) The time taken to write a word in a memory is known as write name
1284) 1 MB is equivalent to 2 (to the power of 20 bytes)
1285) A memory cell, which does not loose the bit stored in it when no power is supplied to
the cell, is known as non-volatile cell
1286) Magnetic surface recoding devices used in computers such as hard disks, floppy
disks, CD-ROMs are called secondary / auxiliary storage devices
1287) The electronic circuits / devices used in building the computer that executes the
software is known as hardware
1288) Assembler is a translator which translates assembly language program into a machine
language program
1289) Interpreter is a translator which translates high level language program into a machine
language program
1290) Machine language programs are machine dependent
1291) The programs written in assembly language are machine independent
1292) High level languages are developed to allow application programs, which are machine
1293) The Vacuum tubes are related to first generation computers
1294) Mark I was the first computer that used mechanical switches
1295) First generation computers relied on machine language to perform operations, and
they only solve one problem at a time
1296) In first generation computers input was based on punched cards
1297) In second generation computers input was based on print outs
1298) Vacuum tube generates more energy and consumes more electricity
1299) Second generation computers moved from cryptic binary machine language to
symbolic, or assembly languages which allowed programmers to specify instructions
in words
1300) Most electronic devices today use some form of integrated circuits placed on printed
circuit boards thin pieces of bakelite or fiberglass that have electrical connections
etched onto them is called mother board
1301) The operating system, which allowed the device to run many different applications at
one time with a central program that monitored the memory was introduced in third
generation computers
1302) In third generation computers, users interacted through keyboards and monitors
1303) The fourth generation computers saw the development of GUIs, the mouse and
handheld devices
1304) First computers that stored instructions in memory are second generation computers
1305) In second generation computers transistors replaced vacuum tubes
1306) The micro processor was introduced in fourth generation computer
1307) Integrated Circuits (IC) are introduced and the replacement of transistors started in
third generation computers
1308) Fifth generation computing is based on artificial intelligence
1309) Assembly language is low-level language
1310) In assembly language mnemonics are used to code operations, alphanumeric
symbols are used for address, language lies between high-level language and
machine language

1311) The computer’s secondary memory is characterized by low cost per bit stored
1312) Acknowledgement from a computer that a packet of data has been received and
verified is known as ACK
1313) Acoustic coupler is a communications device which allows an ordinary telephone to be
used with a computer device for data transmission
1314) ALGOL is a high-level language
1315) A high level programming language named after Ada Augusta, coworker with Charles
Babbage is Ada
1316) Adder is a logic circuit capable of forming the sum of two or more quantities
1317) To identify particular location in storage area one have a address
1318) A local storage register in the CPU which contains the address of the next instruction
to be executed is referred as address register
1319) A sequence of precise and unambiguous instructions for solving a problem in a finite
number of operations is referred as algorithm
1320) PC/AT is an example of Bi-directional keyboard interface
1321) DIMM is not an I/O bus
1322) PCI bus is often called as mezzanine bus
1323) 8088 is an original IBM PC inter CPU chip
1324) 80386 is a 32-bit processor
1325) A Pentium or Pentium pro board should run at 60 or 66 MHZ
1326) The maximum bandwidth of EISA bus is 33 M/sec
1327) A computer system runs millions of cycles per second so that speed is measured in
1328) Heat sink is the metal device that draws heat away from an electronic device
1329) Pentium chip has 64 bit & 32 bit registers
1330) A mother board should contain at least 4 memory sockets
1331) The 1.2 MB drive spin at 360 rpm
1332) Intensity of sound is called amplitude
1333) A single zero bit is called starting bit
1334) PnP stands for plug and play

1335) A computers system’s clock speed is measured as frequency

1336) Maximum RAM of XT type is 1 M
1337) The data in 8 bit bus is sent along 8 wires simultaneously in parallel
1338) The bus is simple series of connection that carry common signals
1339) Mainly memories are divided into two types they are logical memories and physical
1340) System based on the new Pentium II processor have the extended memory limit of 4G
1341) Full form of EMS memory is excluded memory specification
1342) The 286 & 386 CPU have 24 address lines
1343) Bus has both the common meaning and computer meaning
1344) Data on a floppy disk is recorded in rings called tracks
1345) A group of characters that have a predefined meaning database
1346) In a spreadsheet a cell is defined as the intersection of a row and column
1347) Document file is created by word processing programs
1348) Real time is not a type of error
1349) The mouse device drivers, if loaded in the config.sys file, its typically called mouse.sys
1350) Peer to peer means computer to computer
1351) RLL refers to run length limits
1352) The most important aspect of job scheduling is the ability to multiprogramming
1353) Modem is a modulator-demodulator system
1354) A data communication system requires terminal device, communication channel,
1355) The start button appears at the lower left of the screen
1356) Windows is GUI
1357) TIF stands for tagged image format
1358) The first network that initiated the internet is ARPANET
1359) In modems a digital signal changes some characteristic of a carrier wave
1360) Favorites are accessible from the start menu
1361) The virus is a software program

1362) BANK’S is not memory chip

1363) We use RAM code to operate EGA
1364) A scanner is attached to LPT or SCSI host adapter port
1365) RAM bus is not a bus
1366) Processor bus is the fastest speed bus in system
1367) Resolution is the amount of detail that a monitor can render
1368) Sound blaster is a family of sound cards sold by creative labs
1369) MIDI is a family of sound cards sold by creative labs
1370) MIDI is a standard for connecting musical instruments to PC’s
1371) By connecting a MIDI cable to the joystick port you can connect your PC to a MIDI
1372) MPC stands for multimedia personal computer
1373) Video cards, video and graphics card are example of video & audio
1374) The display technology used by monitor is CRT
1375) On a LAN each personal computer is called workstations
1376) The CPU is the next most important file server after the hard disk
1377) It is best to use the game adaptor interface on the sound card and disable any other
on system
1378) Mouse port uses keyboard controller
1379) The number of sectors per track in 1.44 MB floppy disk is 18
1380) Pentium II system can address 62 G memory
1381) The mouse was invented by Englebart

1382) The server’s network adapter card is its link to all the work stations on LAN
1383) Magnetic drives such as floppy and hard disk drives operate by electro magnetism
1384) Clock timing is used to determine that start and end of each bit cell
1385) Head designs are of 4 types
1386) Latency is the average time that it takes for a sector to be a available after the heads
1387) Each sector is having 512 bytes
1388) DDD means digital diagnostic disk
1389) PC Technical is written in assembly language and has direct access to the system’s
hardware for testing
1390) Check it pro deluxe gives detailed information about the system hardware
1391) The last 128k of reserved memory is used by mother board
1392) There are 80 cylinders are there for an 1.44 m floppy
1393) IBM changed ROM on the system to support key boards
1394) +12 V signal for disk drive is used for power supply

1395) CD ROM’s are single sided

1396) The storage capacity of a CDROM is 650 MB
1397) XGB has 2048 K graphic memory
1398) Most sound boards generate sounds by using fm synthesis
1399) Microscope helps you trouble shoot PS/2 system
1400) General purpose of diagnostic program run in batch mode
1401) The routing of data elements are called bits
1402) Operating system often called as kernel
1403) IPC stands for inter process communication
1404) Many programming errors are detected by the hardware
1405) When a process exists, he operating system must free the disk space used by its
memory image
1406) Buffering attempts to keep both CPU and I/O device busy all the time
1407) Software is not an example of file mapping
1408) The most important aspect of job scheduling is the ability to multiprogramming
1409) There are two types of floppy disks
1410) System calls can be grouped into three major categories

1411) “FIFO” stands for first in first out

1412) In the two-level directory structure, each user has its own user file directory
1413) The number of bytes in a page is always a power of 2
1414) A process that does not determinate while the operating system is functionary is
called dynamic
1415) The three main types of computer programming languages are machine language,
assembly language, high level language
1416) There are 2 types of processor modes
1417) An input device is an electromechanical device that generates data for a computer to
1418) The first implementation of UNIX was developed at Bell Telephone Laboratories in the
early 1970
1419) A connection less protocol is more dynamic
1420) The throughput is a measure of work for processor
1421) COBOL stands for common business oriented language
1422) Reset button is used to do cool booting
1423) In MS-EXCEL the no of rows, no of columns are 16384,256
1424) FOXPRO is a package and programming language
1425) Mostly used date format in computer is MM-DD-YY
1426) Reservation of train ticket uses real time mode of processing
1427) A floppy disk is a thin plastic disc coated with magnetic oxide
1428) In binary addition 1+1 = 1
1429) Universal building blocks of a computer system are NAND & NOR
1430) In COBOL programming characters length per line is 64
1431) In FOXPRO, the maximum fields in a record are 128
1432) QUIT command is used to come out of FOXPRO
1433) Count command is used to count the specified records in a file with or without
1434) F1 key is pressed for help in FOXPRO
1435) One Giga byte = 1024 mega bytes
1436) Small scale integration chip contains less than 12 gates
1437) The most common monitor sizes are 14, 15, 17
1438) IBM PC and DOS has BIOS support for 3 LPT ports
1439) EDO stands for external data organizer
1440) The number of wires in IDE Hard Disk cable are 16
1441) If the data transfer rate is 150 k/sec then it is called single speed
1442) A typical buffer for a CD-ROM drives 156 K
1443) The 2.88 M floppy drives have 36 no of sectors
1444) 1 MB is equal to 2 (to the power of 10 KB)
1445) ROM is a primary storage device
1446) The process of loading and starting up DOS is called booting
1447) The Dos Prompt is mainly C:\>
1448) C:\>ver is used for displaying current version name

1449) Intel 440x “Natoma” is an example for mother board chipset

1450) Direct memory access channels are used by medium speed communication devices
1451) The 486 Sx chip is twice as fast as a 386 Dx with same clock speed
1452) On a 286 or 386 sx system, the extended memory limits 16M
1453) The 385 Dx, 386 CPU have 32 address lines
1454) Shared memory does require 16 K of VMA space

1455) DIMM’s are 168 pin modules

1456) The function of +12V power supple is to run disk drive motors and also cooling fans
1457) SPS generally referred as rechargeable batteries
1458) Parallel interface is not the interfaces that can be used to connect the mouse to the
1459) The mouse interrupts usually occurs if the system uses a mouse port
1460) The video adapter BIOS handles communication between the Video Chipset & Video
1461) Pentium pro CPU’s have full of 323, they can track of 44 G of memory in address lines
1462) The processor bus is the communications path way between CPU and immediate
support chip
1463) VL-bus can move data 32 bit at a time
1464) A modem attached to system on COM ports
1465) Horizontal scan refers to the speed at which the electron beam across the screen
1466) RGB monitor display 80 column text
1467) When transition changes from negative to positive the head would detect positive
voltage spike
1468) Animation means to make still picture, move and talk like in cartoon pictures
1469) Analogues: The use of a system in which the data is of a continuously variable
physical quantity such as voltage or angular person
1470) Animation: A simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures or
1471) Application means a piece of software designed to meet a specific purpose
1472) Active X is a model for writing programs. Active X technology is used to make
interactive Web pages that look and behave like computer programs, rather than static
pages. With Active X, users can ask or answer questions, use push buttons, and
interact in other ways with the web page
1473) Batch processing is a technique in which a number of similar items or transactions are
processed in groups or batches during a machine run
1474) BIS: Bureau of Indian Standards. It is a national organization of India to define

1475) Browser is a link between the computer and the internet. It’s actually a program that
provides a way to look in the hand interact with all information on the internet. A
browser is a client program that uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http) to make
requests of Web servers throughout the Internet on behalf of the browser user.
1476) CIO (Chief information officer) : The senior executive in a company responsible for
information management and for delivering IT services
1477) Client/server architecture: A type of network in which computer processing is
distributed among many individual PCs and a more powerful, central computer clients
can share files and retrieve data stored on the server
1478) Collaborative software: Groupware, such as Lotus Notes or Microsoft Exchange
1479) Computer-Aided design: Refers to any computer-enabled method of design also
called computer-assisted design.
1480) Commuter: A group of electronic device used for performing multipurpose tasks
1481) Channel: It consists of controller card, interface cable and power supply
1482) CORBA: CORBA is the acronym for Common Object Request Broker Architecture
1483) CBT: Computer based training
1484) Certification: Skills and knowledge assessment process
1485) Computer Crime: The act of stealing, cheating or otherwise defrauding an
organization with the use of a computer
1486) Cyber café: Café offering internet browsing facility
1487) Cryptography: Method used to protect privacy and security on the internet
1488) DBMS: An acronym for the database management system. A program that maintains
and controls the access to collection of related information in electronic files
1489) Data: Facts coded and structured for subsequent processing, generally using a
computer system
1490) Digital signature: Encrypted signature used for providing security for the
messages/data transferred through the internet
1491) Digital computer: A device that manipulates discrete data and performs arithmetic and
logic operations on these data
1492) Data transmission: The movement of data from one location of storage to another. If
the locations are geographically far away, generally done via satellites.
1493) Disk Mirroring: The data is written on two or more hard disks simultaneously over the
same channel
1494) Disk Duple Xing: The data is written on two or more hard disks simultaneously over
the different channel
1495) Dumb Terminals: Hardware configuration consisting of a keyboard and monitor that is
capable of sending and receiving information but has no memory or processing
1496) Download: Process of transferring a file system from one system to another
1497) E-commerce: Business transactions conducted over extranets or the internet
1498) Enterprise, resource planning: An integrated system of operation application
combining logistics, production, contract and order management, sales forecasting
and financial and HR management
1499) Electronic data interchange (EDI) : Electronic transmission or documents through
point to point connections using a set of standard forms, message and data elements,
this can be via leased lines private networks or the internet
1500) Data processing: It is a method concerning with the systematic recording, arranging,
filing, processing and dissemination of facts of business

हमारे टे लीग्राम चैनल से जुड़ने के ललए यहाां क्ललक करें –
हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल से जुड़ने के ललए यहाां क्ललक करें -
हमारे इांस्टाग्राम पेज से जुड़ने के ललए यहाां क्ललक करें -


➤ WORM stands for? - Write Once Read Memory

➤ Memory unit is a part of -Central Processing Unit

➤ companies developed MS Office-2000? - Microsoft

➤ What is the meaning of ‗MICR‘? -Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

➤ VIRUS stands for -Vital Information Resource Under Seize

➤ The technique that extends storage capacities of main memory beyond the actual size of the main
memory is called - Virtual storage

➤ Command we can use to close the windows. - Alt+F4

➤ Algorithm is used ------- -To describe a set of procedure by given result is obtained

➤ FOXPRO is a ---------. -Language

➤ Who is considered to the father of computers? -Charles Babbage

➤ will connect you to the Internet? -An Internet service provider

➤ What software allows you to view internet sites? - A browser

➤ When more than one window is open, to switch to the next window—is the key combination. -


➤ Where are data and program stored when the processor uses them ? - Main memory

➤ Represents raw facts, where- a meaningful data. - Data, information

➤ Saving is a process-To copy the document from memory to storage medium

➤ PNG stands for - Portable Network Graphics

➤ The maximum Zoom percentage in MS PowerPoint is . -400%

➤ The word FTP stands for - File Transit Protocol

➤ A peer-to-peer LAN is an appropriate network architecture for .- Home network.

➤ Similar to a hub in an Ethernet network, a helps relay data between wireless

network nodes. -Wireless access point wireless adapter

➤ Cell phones use to access the Internet. - Micro browser software

➤ In CSMA/CD, the computer sends a fixed unit of data called a(n) . - Packet.


➤ The uniform resource locator (URL) is case sensitive in the . - Directory

➤ ASCII is a(n) . -Encoding standard used to represent letters and characters.

➤ A global network made up of thousands of privately owned computers and networks is called

the: -Internet.

➤________ is NOT a basic function of the operating system?- Provide the word processing


➤________ scrambles a message by applying a secret code?-Encryption

➤ The Internet began with the development of –ARPANET

➤ Who designed the first electronic computer - ENIAC ? -Van Neuman

➤________ is not a network? -Optical Fiber

➤ In MICR, C stands for?-Character

➤ Virtual memory is? Memory on the hard disk that the CPU uses an extended RAM

➤________ is the process of finding errors in software code? -Testing

➤ What is the shortcut key to "Undo" the last action in a document? -Ctrl + Z

➤ The programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as –Firmware

➤ For creating a document, you use........ Command at File Menu. -New

➤ Computer uses the _number system to store data and perform calculations. -Binary

➤ .............. is the process of carrying out commands. -Executing

➤ In word, when you indent a paragraph, you....-push the text in with respect to the margin

➤ ASCII stands for . American Standard Code for Information Interchange

➤________ is used by the browser to connect to the location of the Internet resources ? URL
➤________ is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors. Formatting

➤ What is the permanent memory built into your computer called ? -ROM

➤ Which computer memory is used for storing programs and data currently being processed by

the CPU?

➤ Changing an existing document is called the document.- Editing

➤ What is backup?-Protecting data by copying it from the original source to a

Different Destination

➤ What is a popular program for creating documents that can be read on both a PC and A Macintosh
computer? -Adobe Acrobat

➤ An image on a computer screen is made up of a matrix of what?-Pixels

➤ What does dots per inch (DPI) measure? -density of the pixels ona computer screen

➤ What type of software creates a smaller file that is faster to transfer over the Internet?

- Compression

➤ A unit of computer information that contains data as well as all the procedures or operations

is called- An object.

➤ The world's first truly cross-platform programming language is called . –Java

➤ The most widely used type of database management system is the - Relational database

➤ What is the newest type of database, which is well suited for multimedia applications, called?

Object oriented database

➤ What do the circles on a data flow diagram represent? - Transformation processes

➤ The type of printer that prints by selectively unchanging static electricity from spots on a

metal drum is a(n) - Laser printer

➤ A warm boot in older versions of Windows is caused by - Typing the Ctrl+ Alt+ Delete

key combination

➤ Setting fonts for the text in your document is an example of -Formatting.

➤________is the file system used by the operating system to identify the physical locations

of files on the hard drive. - FAT

➤________ software allows the user to speak into the computer rather than type in text. -

Speech recognition

➤ A server uses applications software to support its client computers. - back-end

➤ What does the XP stand for in Windows XP? –Experience

➤ Which symbol is used in Excel to denote exponential numbers? - ^

➤________ is NOT a source of viruses?- E-mail messages

➤ Which printer type is an impact printer? - Dot-matrix printers


➤ What type of software must to be used to translate scanned text into a format that can

be manipulated?- OCR

➤ High Resolution‖ computer monitors will have - High dpi

➤ A world wide web contains web pages - Residing in manycomputers linked

together using HTML

➤ Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are examples of . -

application software

➤ Retail employees typically use terminals to process sales transactions. - point

of sale

➤ The primary purpose of a computer is to process _ and convert it into

information.- data

➤ The simultaneous processing of two or more programs by multiple processors is - multiprocessing

➤ Help Menu is available at which button? - Start

➤ The……….folder retains copies of messages that you have started but are not yetready to send.

➤ The records the name and exact location of every file on a disk. - file

allocation table

➤ Inheritance is the ability of an object to pass on its characteristics to its . - Subclasses

➤ activities is NOT a component of e-business? - Cash flow management

➤ extends data across networks rather than store it in one central site?.-

Distributed database

➤ What is a serial port that adds a direct connection to a network? - NIC

➤________is saved to noncontiguous clusters on a hard disk? - Fragmented file

➤ What should be used if a company wants to include its company name and logo at the

bottom of every page of a brochure?-Footer

➤________is an event-driven programming language developed in the early 1990. - VB

➤ Linux is a - Real-time operating system

➤ The runs the front-end applications software in a network. -Client

➤ is used for close a tab on a browser? - Ctrl + W


➤ What is RISC? - Microprocessor

➤ NORTON‘ is an - Anti-Virus Program

➤ A program that converts high level language to machine Language is _ -Compiler

➤ Zip is a -----file. -Compressed File

➤ At a time how many operating system can be at work on a computer ? -Only one

➤ Answer Sheets in bank PO‘s/Clerk‘s examinations are checked by using – Optical Mark Reader

➤ Image can be sent over telephone lines by using ------ -Fax

➤________is a Scientific Computer Language? -FORTRAN

➤ What is Oracle‖ ?-Database Software

➤ IC Chip is made of -----.-Silicon

➤ At which place is India‘s Silicon Valley situated? -Bangalore

➤ A connection from one HTML document to another HTML document

is called - Hyper Link

➤ This device is used to connect your computer with a telephone line, so that can

access information from other servers and ordinary users too, said device is called - Modem

➤ Device on one network can communicate with devices on another network via - Gateway

➤ The screen background is known as the -Desktop

➤ is not an input device? - VDU

➤ What are the units used to count the speed of a printer ? - DPI

➤ A computer that combines the characteristic of analog and

digital Computers -Hybrid Computer

➤ Compiler in computer system is a . - Process

➤ What is an intersection of a row and column in a spreadsheet?-Cell

➤ What is the process of creating movement from still images?-Animation

➤ A set of rules for creating markup languages that enables programming to capture specific

types of data by creating their own elements is called . – XML

➤ Small plain text files that are written to your computer's hard disk by many of the Web

sites you visit are called . - Cookies

➤________ is the proper way to denote a cell in a spreadsheet? - C5

➤ Which broadband service is the most available? - Satellite

➤________ is a set of rules computers use to talk to each other.- Protocol

➤ Which backup method only backs up files that have been modified since the last backup?-

Incremental backup

➤ Which type of transmission media is known as regular telephone wire? - Twisted-pair wire

➤ What is the purpose of a firewall on a computer? - To protect a computer from unauthorized access
➤ A disk's content that is recorded at the time of manufacture and that cannot be changed

or erased by the user is _ . - Read-only

➤ In word, you can change Page Margins by - Clicking the right mouse button on

the Ruler

➤ Which part of the computer helps to store information? - Disk - drive

➤ Which key is used to delete one character to the left of the current position of the cursor ? -


➤ If you want to connect to your own computer through the Internet from another

location, you can use– Telnet

➤ A (n) ……….is a special visual and audio effect applied in Power-point to text or content. -


➤ Where does most data go first with in a computer memory hierarchy?–RAM

➤ All of the following are examples of storage devices EXCEPT - printers

➤ Select the Odd one - Operating system

➤ Perforated paper used as input or output media is known as - Paper tape

➤ The first generation computer system used - Vacuum tubes

➤ To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use is - right-clicking

➤ The ALU and Control Unit jointly known as - CPU

➤ Computers process data into information by working exclusively with - characters

➤ COBOL stands for - Common Business Oriented Language

➤ What is the other name for programmed chip?-ROM

➤ Store data temporarily and pass it on as directed by the control unit. - Register

➤ RAID stands for - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks

➤ In most Microsoft programs, what does 'alt+f4' do? -Ends the program

➤ A device that is used to transmit data from one location to another is known as - Carrier
➤ Programs developed by an outside supplier and provided to the user in a machine readable

form is known as _ -Canned programs

➤ describe one or more characteristics of a modem computer - .An electronic device

➤ Octal number system has a base _. - Eight

➤ PL 1 (Programming Language One) Is _. - High level programming Language

➤________is a disadvantage of machine language? -Machine Dependent

➤ Android Operating system is an example of which kind of Source Model?- Open Source

➤ You can use the tab key to - Indent a paragraph

➤ Which process checks to ensure the components of the computer and operating are

connected properly? - Booting

➤ What is the correct association between a hardware component and a computer function? -

Mouse > input

➤ The sharing of a medium and its path by 2 or more devices is called . - Multiplexing

➤ The server on the internet is also known as . - Host

➤ A database management system (DBMS) is a - Software system used to

create, maintain and provide controlled access to a database.

➤________ is an example of connectivity? - Internet

➤ What menu is selected to cut, copy and paste? -Edit

➤ To save a document in different location use . - Save as

➤ Programming language built into user programs such as Word and Excel are known as

.- visual programming languages

➤ Codes consisting of lines of varying widths or lengths that are computerreadable are

known as .- a bar code

➤ To reload a Web page, press the button. - Refresh

➤ Personal computers can be connected together to form a .- network

➤ Eight-digit binary number is called a . - byte.

➤________ can be used to select the entire document? - CTRL+A

➤ A concentric circle on a disk is called a - track

➤ DSL is an example of a(n) connection. -broadband

➤ Instructions and data that are processed by the CPU are located in . –RAM

➤ All of the following are considered to be storage devices EXCEPT . - CPU

➤ The commonly used UNIX commands like date, ls, cat etc. are stored in . - bin directory

➤ A circuit with about 100 transistors fabricated on a single chip is called .- MSI

➤ One megabyte equals approximately -1 million bytes

➤ A computer checks the of user names and passwords for a match before granting access.

- Data base

➤ Computers that are portable and convenient for users who travel are known as _ -


➤ What is the term for unsolicited e-mail? – Spam

➤ The tells the computer how to use its components. - Operating system

➤ When sending an e-mail, the line describes the contents of the message. - Subject

➤ The key will launch the start buttons. – Windows

➤ What is the ultimate purpose of Defragmentation? - Create More Free Space

➤ Which input device cannot be used to work in MS Office? - Joy stick

➤ . ........... Is a method in which multiple communication devices are connected to one

another efficiently. - Switching

➤ ............. is a collection of web - pages and .......... is the very first page that we see on opening

of a website - Website, Home page

➤ What's considered the 'backbone' of the World Wide Web? – HTTP

➤ SMTP stands for - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

➤ Small application programs that run on a Web page and provide animation

are known as - flash

➤ The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler known as .- Syntax errors

➤ A contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm? - syntax

➤ A Proxy server is used for which of the following? - To process client requests for web pages

➤ Storage that retains its data after the power is turned off is referred to as? - non-volatile storage

➤ Which term identifies main page of the entire site? - URL

➤ A hard copy of a document is - printed on the printer

➤ Which is the part of a computer that one can touch and feel? -Hardware

➤ CPU stands for - central processing unit

➤ Start or restart the computer known as - boot .

➤ This is not a function category in Excel . - Logical

➤ The operating system that is self-contained in a device and resident in the ROM is -

Embedded Operating System

➤ To be able to 'boot', the computer must have a(n) .......... - Operating System

➤ On-line real time systems become popular in..........Generation.- Third Generation access is the ability
of a device to "jump" directly to the requested data. - Random

➤ the combination of keys to switch between the last four places that you have edited. - ALT +

➤ ............ is the functional key to display save-as box. - F12

➤ Accessing data on tapes is much ....... than that accessing data on disks.- Slower

➤ Who amongst the following is called the father of modern computing?- Charles Babbage

➤ If you begin typing an entry into a cell and then realize that you don't want yourentry placed

into a cell, you Press the . - Erase key

➤ Superscript, subscript, outline, emboss, engrave are known as _.- Font effects
➤ What is object of UPS? - Provides backup power

➤ Documents converted to .......... can be published to the Web. - HTML

➤ Holding the mouse button down while moving an object or text is known as - Dragging

➤ When was the first Windows operating system launched? - 1985

➤ What is the difference between a CD-ROM and a CD-RW? - A CD-RW can be written to,

but a CD-ROM can only be read from

➤ What happens when we try to delete the fries on the floppy ? - The files get deleted and

can restored again.

➤ An educational institution would generally have the following in its domain name ......

➤ POST stands for ........... - Power on Self Test

➤________ can input graphical images and pictures for a computer? -Scanner

➤________ categories would include a keyboard ? - Input Device

➤ In Word you can force a page break–By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place

and pressing Ctrl +Enter

➤ LSTs (Large Integration) used in?- Fourth generation

➤ The purpose of an application program is to? - Meet specific user needs

➤ Hypertext is a - A system of managing textual Information by creating associations between different


➤ For running WINDOW minimum disk free space required is?- 8 MB

➤ printers generates character from a grid? - Dot matrix

➤ Accumulator is a . - Register

➤ Function key refreshes the current window.- F5

➤ In 1983, this person was the first to offer a definition of the term 'computer virus'? -

Frederick Cohen

➤ To minimize all open windows and display the desktop?- Windows logo +D
➤ In MS-Word 'alt + shift + d' does what? - Automatically inserts the date

➤________ deletes an item immediately without placing it in the recycle bin.- Shift +delete

➤ is not a network topology?- Linear

➤ A list of rules for transferring data over a network is called?- Protocol

➤ A table consists of -Rows and columns

➤ What does 'ctrl +esc' do?-Shows the start menu

➤ A proxy server is used as the computer? - Access user permissions

➤ best defines embedded system?-A computer and software system that controls a machine

➤ To see the document before the printout is taken, use........ - Print Preview

➤ Digital video consists of a series of - Frames

➤ The is the smallest meaningful unit of data. - field

➤ What are the four main aspects of data handling with a computer? - Input,processing,

output, and storage

➤ Most cash registers are now computers that are known as _ Terminals. - POS

➤________ is NOT an example of system maintenance? - Replacing user interfaces

➤________is the primary task of a NAS server? - File sharing

➤ If you change Windows 98 to Windows XP, you are actually performing ........... .-upgrade

➤ To make a copy of the current document to disk ........ - Use the 'save as' command

➤ The main system board of a computer is called the ..........integrated circuit . - motherboard

➤ Your position in the text is shown by a .......... - Cursor

➤ How many megabytes make a gigabyte ? - 1024

➤ Using output devices one can ............ - view or print data

➤ Which contents are lost when the computer turns off ? - memory

➤ When you save to this, your data will remain intact even when the computer is turned

off– Secondary storage device

➤ A central computer that holds collections of data and programs for many PCs, workstations,

and other computers is a(n) –Server

➤ The piece of hardware that converts your computer's digital signal to an analog signal

that can travel over telephone lines is called a–modem

➤ When the pointer is positioned on a……….it is shaped like a hand. - hyperlink

➤ Mobile Commerce is best described as–Buying and selling goods/services through wireless Hand held

➤ _ is a storage device that uses rigid, permanently installed magnetic disks to

store data/information.-hard disk

➤ A device, which is not connected to CPU, is called as ........ - Off-line device

➤ A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is

called a/ an -compiler

➤ What is MS Word?-Word Processing Software

➤ For Scientific work the most popular language is? - FORTRON

➤ TCP stands for . - Transmission control protocol

➤ The first graphical web browser are?-Mosaic

➤ Total memory of system can be known using?-MEM commands

➤ The meaning of double-click is? - Pushing and releasing the main mouse button twice in rapid
succession when the on-tree mouse pointer is positioned over the desired item.

➤ The term overflow means? - An excess of Internal storage

➤ The access time refers to - Time required locating and retrieving stored data

➤ Rotational delay time is also known as- Latency

➤ Which memory is non-volatile and may be written only once?- PROM

➤ Technique to implement virtual memory where memory is divided into units of fixed size memory is–

➤ An adder where all the bits of the two operands are added simultaneously–Parallel adder
➤ The point at which the flow of text in a document moves to the top of a new page–Page break

➤ Multiprocessor is a computer system- Where many CPU under a common control

➤ Non-document files are–Non ASCII files that can be listed for any word processing software

➤________ is not a non-impact printer?-Laser printer

➤ EDVAC stands for - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer

➤ When a file is saved for the first time- . -it must be given a name to identify it

➤ The computers which are relatively rare because of their cost and size are – Super Computers

➤ A mistake in an algorithm that causes incorrect results is called a . - Logical error

➤ A(n) .... program is one that is ready to run and does not need to be altered in any way. - Executable

➤ A set of step-by-step procedures for accomplishing a task is known as a(n)—algorithm

➤ The main directory of a disk is called the………directory. -root

➤ A………is a collection of data that is stored electronically as a series of records in a table.- database

➤ As you create documents, graphs and pictures your computer holds the data in—Memory

➤ ………processing is used when a large mail-order company accumulates orders and processes them
together in one large set.-Batch

➤ Computer programs are written in a high-level programming language; however, the human readable
version of a program is called—source code

➤ What happens if you press Ctrl + Shift + F8?-It activates the rectangular selection

➤______ is not valid version of MS Office? - Office Vista

➤ What is the short cut key to open the Open dialog box in ms word?- Ctrl + F12

➤ How can you disable extended selection mode?- Press Esc to disable

➤ Auto Calculate will quickly add selected cells if you….. - click the Auto Calculate button on the toolbar

➤ You can add a hyperlink to your worksheet by pressing. - Ctrl + K

➤ are 'attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by falsifying

their identity. - Phishing

➤ is the fastest type of computer?- Supercomputer

➤ is not a term pertaining to the Internet? - Keyboard

➤ The operating system that is self-contained in a device and resident in the ROM is .......

- Embedded Operating System

➤ The computer abbreviation KB usually means–Kilo Byte

➤ .......... is the key to close a selected drop - down list; cancel a command and close a dialog box.


➤ is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer? - analyzing the data or

➤ The CPU and memory are located on the - motherboard

➤ A ............ is an additional set of commands that the computer displays after you make a

selection from the main menu - dialog box

➤ A letter, memo, proposal or other file that is created using Microsoft Word is called as? - Document

➤______ are parts of the CPU? -Control unit

➤ is not the portable computer? - Series Computes

➤ The ROM chip which can be rewritten several times and requires the action of

ultraviolet radiations to erase its contents is Flash memory - EPROM

➤ FPI stands for - Frames per inch

➤ A terabyte comprises -1024 gigabyte

➤ The memory which is utmost accessible to the processor is -Cache memory

➤ In which kind of disk does the read/write head physically touches the surface? - Floppy Disk

➤ What is the correct syntax for typing a function into a cell? Equal sign, Function Name, Matching

➤ If you see a small red triangle in the top right corner of a cell, it means there is something attached to
the call. What is it? - A comment

➤ Cache memory is–Smaller and faster than main storage

➤ The overall design, construction, organization and interconnecting of the various components of a
computer system is referred as–Computer Architecture

➤ BIOS are responsible for - Handling the particulars of input/output operations

➤ BISYNC is an abbreviation for–Binary synchronous

➤ A process of trying out a new product by independent users before it is finally

manufactured/developed– Beta Test

➤ An E-mail protocol for storage, management and change, especially in corporate offices–

Message handling service

➤ Password is–Code by which a user gains access to a computer system

➤ The technique where digital signals are converted to its analog form for transmission over

an analog facility is called–Modulation

➤ Narrowband channel is a communication channels–That handles low volumes of data

➤ MIME is an acronym for .... - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension

➤ The........... Settings are automatic and standard. -Default

➤ Pop-ups are a form of on the World Wide Web? - Online Advertising

➤ Which of the following is true about Operating System? - All are true

➤ All formula in Excel start with. -=

➤ displays the contents of the active cell? - Formula bar

➤ Tab scrolling buttons - Allow you to view additional sheet tabs

➤ What is the keyboard shortcut for creating a chart from the selected cells? -F11

➤ You cannot close MS Word application by - From File menu choose Close submenu

➤ Which file starts MS Word? - Winword.exe

➤ Where can you find the horizontal split bar on MS Word screen? - On the top of vertical scroll bar

➤ One of the functions of the arithmetic logic unit is to - receive data from the registers

➤ What is defined as the number of bits that the CPU processes as a unit? - A computer word
Systems use a light beam to scan input data and convert it into electrical signals, which are sent to the
computer for processing. - Optical recognition

➤ Devices accept the spoken word through a microphone and convert it into binary code that can be
understood by the computer. - Speech recognition

➤ Name the technique of processing transactions in random order. - Transaction processing

➤ Means that a transaction is processed fast enough for the result to come back

and be acted upon right away. - Real-time processing

➤ uses an area of memory to temporarily store data from disk that the program

might need soon.- Disk caching

➤ What is a device that prevents electrical problems from affecting computer data files? – A surge

➤ What is any text that can be keyed in, such as a memo? - A text document

➤ What type of program lets you produce professional-looking documents containing both text

and graphics? A desktop publisher

➤ The letter and number of the intersecting column and row is the - Cell address

➤ What is the standard query language supported by most DBMSs? – Structured Query Language (SQL)

➤ are three fundamental characteristics that make a computer useful? - Speed, reliability, and storage

➤ is an appropriate use of groupware? - A team project

➤ Software used for database management can store data, update it, retrieve it, report it, and print it -

➤______ is NOT a function of an operating system? - Formatting a word document

➤______ helps describe the Windows .NET Server?- It is designed for different levels of network

➤ The process of analyzing large data sets in search of new, previously undiscovered relationships is
known as - data mining

➤ The focus of the first phase of the systems development life cycle is to - Identify problems and
➤ is a network in which computers are located physically close together, often in the same building?-

➤ What is a modulator/demodulator that is connected to a circuit board or motherboard? - Internal


➤ What kind of server converts IP addresses to domain names? - DNS

➤ In the OSI model, the actual transmission of data is handled in the layer. - physical

➤______ is NOT true about laptop computers. - They cannot be connected to a PC.

➤ On a CD-RW you can - read, write and rewrite information

➤ In computer terminology, information means - Data in more useful

➤ What is output? - What the processor gives to the user

➤ What is the main difference between a mainframe and a super computer ? - Supercomputers are

focused to execute few programs as fast as possible while mainframe uses its power to execute as

many programs concurrently.

➤ Programs such as Mozilla Firefox that serve as navigable windows into the Web are called ..........

- Web browsers

➤ What is the function of Recycle Bin? - Store deleted file

➤ Which device cannot be shared in network ? – Keyword

➤ A right click on the desktop itself will........ - open the Display Properties dialog box

➤ To edit the selected cell in ms excel-Press F2

➤ You can convert existing Excel worksheet data and charts to HTML document by using the -

Internet Assistant Wizard

➤______ is graphics solution for Word Processors? - Clipart

➤ You can detect spelling and grammar errors by-Press F7

➤ What is the shortcut key to Indent the paragraph in ms word? - None of these

➤______ storage media provides sequential access only . - Magnetic tape

➤ What is the storage area for e-mail messages called? - A mailbox

➤ The set of parallel electrical conducting lines through which different components on the

mother board of a PC unit are linked together are called . - Buses

➤ A PDA's memory contents remain intact when it is turned off because - A battery keeps

current available for RAM

➤ A network of geographically distant computers and terminals is called a-Wide area

network (WAN)

➤ One byte represents -Eight bits

➤ Saving files in HTML format - Makes it possible for anyone to view the file in a Web


➤ would NOT be performed with application software. - Hard disk cleanup

➤ statements is TRUE about the public switched telephone network (PSTN)? -PSTN

is comprised of a variety of physical media, including twisted pair and fiber optic cable

➤ best describes the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? -

The Internet is the physical network of global computers, while the World Wide Web is many hypertext

Documents distributed globally over many computers.

➤ runs on a user's local computer and is used to request and display Web pages? - Web browser

➤ computer types is most powerful? - Professional workstation

➤ is the most frequently used input device? - Mouse

➤ A modem is necessary if you want to-Connect to other computers or to the Internet using phone line,
cable, or wireless connections.

➤ MS Excel is a? - Window based spreadsheet package

➤ What is the flow of data between countries commonly called? -Trans border data flow

➤ is NOT a purpose of antivirus programs? - Copy the name of the virus and send it to Microsoft for

➤ <H1> is an example of . - HTML

➤ Which type of network requires HPNA adapters for communication between network nodes? -

Phone line

➤ To analyze vast quantities of scientific data and display underlying patterns, you would use a -


➤ The free, open-source operating system that is becoming popular is - Linux

➤ What term is used to describe software that monitors your online computer activities? - Spyware

➤ is a memory management technique that makes the random access memory appear largerthan it is?
- Virtual memory

➤ The two major components of system software are - The operating system and system utilities

➤ may be necessary for you to do after you install new application software? - Do a warm boot

➤ The power-on self-test---------------- - Verifies that the computer hardware is workingproperly

➤ Input, processing, output, and storage are collectively referred to as - The

information processing cycle

➤ is NOT part of the motherboard? - Connector

➤ An example of a wireless medium that sends data through the air or space is - Microwaves.

➤ To reverse the effect of your last action in word ------------ - Use the Undo command

➤ Information that comes from an external source and fed into computer software is called ............... -

➤ The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel is called a– cell

➤ All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT - Spam

➤______ is not an example of hardware. - Interpreter

➤ In Excel, this is a prerecorded formula that provides a shortcut for complex calculations......... –


➤ The process of trading goods over the Internet is known as ............. - e-commerce

➤ A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be–free
➤ _ is a circuit that issue signals at regular intervals...? -Clock

➤ A set of related programs are known as------------- - Package

➤ The 0 and 1 in the binary numbering system are called binary digits or .... -bits

➤ The 7-bit ASCII code widely used - For data communication work

➤ animations cannot be done in PowerPoint? - table, revealed row by row

➤ Several views are available in MS Front Page. is NOT a valid view ? - Web Server View

➤ One of the components of central processing unit (CPU) of the computer that

performs mathematical and logical operations is ... - ALU (arithmetic logical unit)

➤ ......... is the key we use to run the selected command. - ENTER

➤ To name a constant, you use the _dialog box. - Define name

➤ When you insert an Excel file into a Word document, the data are - Placed in a word table

➤ A function inside another function is called a …..Function. - Nested

➤ Selects the entire Row press------- -Shift + Space

➤ CPU capacity can be measured in – MHz

➤ "Zipping" a fie means- Compressing the message

➤ A .......... shares hardware, software, and data among authorized users. - network

➤ To produce a high - quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would want to use a - Plotter

➤ When was the first Windows operating system launched? - 1985

➤ Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used for-Synonyms and Antonyms words

➤ What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on formatting toolbar? -8

and 72

➤ Aligns the selected text or line to justify the screen press------- - Ctrl + J

➤______is different from other? - Internet

➤ When data changes in multiple lists and all lists are not updated, this causes? - data inconsistency
➤ Granting an outside organization access to internet web pages is often implemented using a(n)?


➤ Loading Operating System onto RAM is called? - Booting

➤ The purpose of the primary key in a database is to - provide a map of the data

➤ Using Windows Explorer, a plus (+) sign in front of a folder indicates - the folder contains subfolders.

➤ All of the following statements concerning windows are true EXCEPT— windows are an example of a
command-driven environment.

➤ The memory resident portion of the operating system is called the—Kernel.

➤ The basic input/output system (BIOS) is stored in - ROM.

➤______ is not a tower? - Peripheral

➤ The horizontal and vertical lines on a worksheet are called—gridlines

➤ What is usually used for displaying information at public places ? - Touch Screen Kiosks

➤ Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task ? - Control

➤ Fax machines and imaging systems are examples of—imaging systems

➤ What is MP3? - A Sound format

➤______ is a process that permits multiple computers to use the same IP address and hide their actual
IP addresses from the Internet. - Network address translation(NAT)

➤ What characteristic of read-only memory (ROM) makes it useful? -Data in ROM is nonvolatile, that is,
it remains there even without electrical power.

➤ Data representation is based on the………number system, which uses two numbers to represent all
data. - binary

➤ To what temporary area can you store text and other data, and later paste them to another location?
- The clipboard

➤ Classes, instances, and methods are characteristics of - Object-oriented design

➤ correctly describes the CD-R and DVD-R discs? - You may record data to the disc surface once

And then may only read its contents

➤ To move down a page in a document …… - scroll

➤ CD-ROM stands for…… - CD-read only memory

➤ Use this when you want to make all letters capital without having to use the shift key for

each character……… -caps lock key

➤ -------------------is a program that has been physically etched onto a chip. - Firmware

➤ The type of memory that must have a constant power supply is - SDRAM.

➤ What type of e-commerce is being used when a student buys a computer from - B2C

➤ is the basic language of web page writing. - Hypertext markup language

➤ The topology where all the nodes are attached in a circular wiring arrangement is called a -

Ring topology

➤ Hard disk performance can be improved by using a(n) - Disk cache.

➤ Which is NOT a characteristic of a system unit? - Represents data as binary numbers

➤ Where are the Editing group and the Replace command found? - On the Home tab

➤ What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row? - Transpose

➤ This type of software contains rows and columns. - Spreadsheet

➤ Software for organizing storage and retrieval of information is a(n)—database program

➤ To insert a word into the middle of a sentence-move the cursor to the desired location in

the sentence and type the new word

➤ A high-speed transmission line that carries WAN traffic is called a - Backbone

➤ A DVD is an example of a(n)–optical disc

➤ Grouping and processing all of a firm's transactions at one time is called–batch processing

➤ Semi Conductor Memory is known as? - RAM

➤ Every computer on the Internet is known as? - Host

➤ A spiral shape track formatting is present in - Optical Disk

➤ -------------- Types of virus that stays permanently in the RAM memory -Resident

➤ groups contains graphical file extensions? - JPG, GIF, BMP

➤ A number system with a base of two is referred as–Binary number system

➤ is not true for primary storage? -It is a part of the CPU

➤ is the advantage of Assembly language over Machine language? -All the above

➤ VPN stands for------- - Virtual Private Network

➤______ is true about Dial-up internet access? -It utilizes the existing telephone services

➤ memories can be read directly by the computer processor? - Main Memory

➤ The communication between a processor and other devices inside the computer is done

through? - Bus

➤ Who is/are the founders of Microsoft? - Bill Gates and Allen Paul

➤ What is the difference between a check box and Radio button? - In check boxes multiple options can
be selected whereas in radio buttons only single option can be selected

➤ If a memory chip is volatile, it will....... - lose its contents if current is turned off

➤ is NOT a function of a microprocessor? - Keeps the system unit cool

➤ To connect to a WAN, you must have - POP

➤ During the operation, the control unit determines what the program is telling

the computer to do. - decode

➤ has a large storage capacity, up to 17 GB if both layers and both sides are used. - DVD-ROM

➤ A card connects each computer to the wiring in the network. - network interface

➤ What is the initial page of the Web site? -The home page

➤ What is the term for a set of step-by-step instructions that direct a computerto perform its tasks?


➤ To execute a given DOS program, you must type a(n) _. - command

➤ PC cards, flash memory cards, and smart cards are all examples of - Solid state

storage devices.
➤ A is a unique identification number generated by a computer hardware component or a program. -

➤ RAM is an example of volatile storage and serves as the computer's---------- -Shortterm memory

➤ When a computer prints a report, this output is called -Hard copy

➤ The ascending order of a data hierarchy is--------- - Data in more useful or intelligible form

➤ A floppy disk contains------------ - Both circular tracks and sectors

➤ A plotter is---------An output device to produce drawings and graphics

➤ is a graphical package? –CorelDraw

➤ A mouse, trackball, and joystick are examples of ." - pointing devices

➤ The Internet uses----------------- - Packet switching

➤ What would you use for immediate, real-time communication with a friend? - Instant


➤ is used to create newspaper style columns? - Format Columns

➤ How much space in minimum must be provided between columns? - 0"

➤ Which operation you will perform if you need to move a block of text? - Cut and Paste

➤ The electronic switches in the ENIAC were - vacuum tubes

➤ Help Menu is available at which button? – Start

➤ A……….is the term used when a search engine returns a Web page that matches the search criteria. –


➤ In Excel……….allows users to bring together copies of work-books that other

user have worked on independently. –Merging

➤ What kind of memory is static and non - volatile?–ROM


➤ ---- Is the Virus that overwrites the files or a few parts being replaced? - File infectors

➤ is an advantage of stored programs? - Reliability

➤______is an Object Oriented Programming Language? - Both 2 and

➤ MICR is exclusively used in------------- - Banking Industry

➤ is an audio input device? -Only 1 & 3

➤ Digital Camera is an? - Input Device

➤ The internet service that provides a multimedia interface to available resources is called----------------

World Wide Web

➤ What is the short-cut key to display save -as dialog box in MS-Word? - F12

➤______ is not a web browser? – C

➤ The backspace key is most often used to? - Delete a character to the left of the cursor

➤ keyboard shortcuts is used to view the properties of a selected object? - Alt +


➤ What is the function of a Drop Cap in MS - Word? - It lets you begin a paragraph with a

large dropped Initial capital letter

➤ is a data - entry device? - All of the above

➤ is true about CPU? - It makes the information resulting from processing available for use

➤ Adwords is an------------- - Advertising Service by Google

➤______ is the largest storage? – Terabyte

➤______ is fastest? - Cache Memory

➤ Each Web address is actually a series of numbers, which is usually called as------------ - IPaddress

➤______ is used to connect a personal computer to a network. – NIC

➤______ is the short-cut key to close an active tab of a browser. - Ctrl + W

➤______ is true about URL. - It is a global address of documents and otherresources

on World Wide Web

➤ keyboard short-cut is used to center the paragraph? - Ctrl + E

➤ _ functions is not performed by servers? - Word Processing

➤______is true about Secondary Storage? - Does not require constant power

➤______ is the full form of LSI? - Large Scale Integration

➤ Computer languages is used for Artificial Intelligence? – PROLOG

➤______ is the slowest Internet connection? - Dial-Up

➤ What is the full form of USB? - Universal Serial Bus

➤ 'FIND' option is available under which of the following menu? - Edit

➤ Compilers and interpreters are themselves----- - Programs

Ashutosh Shukla Official Youtube Channel
*The branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of
matter and energy
Ans : Physics
*Scientists known as fathers of Physics
Ans : Einstein,Newton and Galileo
*Father of Nuclear Physics
Ans : Ernest Rutherford
*Father of Indian Nuclear Programme
Ans : Homi.J.Bhabha


*The chosen standard used for measuring a physical quantity is called
Ans : Unit
*Units are classified into
Ans : Two
*Two types of Units are
Ans : Fundamental Units and Derived Units
*The Units of fundamental quantities which can't be derived from any
other quantities
Ans : Fundamental Units
*Fundamental units can be expressed in 3 kinds of measuring systems
such as
Ans : CGS, MKS and FPS
* The Units which are derived from fundamental units
Ans : Derived Units

Measurement CGS MKS FPS
Length Centimeter Meter Foot
Mass Gram Kilogram Pound
Time Second SecondSecond

*Modified form of MKS System

Ans : SI (System International)
*Globally approved form of unit system
Ans : SI system
*Physical quantities are divided into
Ans : Scalar quantity & Vector quantity
*Physical quantity having only magnitude, but no direction
eg : Mass, Length, Time etc
Ans : Scalar quantity
*Physical quantity having both magnitude and direction
eg: Velocity, Momentum, Force etc
Ans : Vector quantity
*Einstein proposed the General Theory of Relativity in
Ans : 1915

*The change in position of an object over time is called
Ans : Motion
*Actual length travelled by a body is called Distance
Shortest distance from the initial to the final position of a body is called
Ans : Displacement

*The study of particles or bodies when they are at rest or in motion is
dealt with
Ans: Mechanics
*Mechanics is divided into two
Ans: Statics & Dynamics
*The study of objects of rest is called
Ans: Statics
*The study of moving objects is called
Ans: Dynamics


*Kinetics and Kinematics are the subdivisions of
Ans : Dynamics
*Kinetics deals with relationship between the motion of bodies and
forces acting on them
*Kinematics is the study of the relationship between displacements,
velocity, acceleration and time of a given motion, without considering
the forces that cause the motion

Parameters Formula Unit Speed

*Speed Distance/Time m/s
*Velocity Displacement/Time m/s
*Acceleration Change in Velocity/Time m/s


* Translator motion - Moving vehicles
* Rectilinear motion - Motion of lift
* Curvilinear motion - Motion of rocket
* Circular motion - Spinning wheel
* Oscillatory motion - Movement of swing
* Periodic motion - Rotation of earth
* Simple harmonic motion - Pendulum
* Circular Motion - Orbits of planets

* The product of mass and velocity of a body
Ans : Momentum
P = mv [m=Mass, v=velocity]
* It's a vector quantity
* Unit - kg m/s
* A Karate player in order to break a brick hits quickly because of
Ans : Momentum


*Newton established the laws of motion in his book
Ans : 'Principia Mathematica'


*Every body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion along a
straight line unless compelled by an external unbalanced force
*This law is based on Galileo's law of inertia
eg : Passenger in a bus


*Rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the external
unbalanced force
*It is used to express force
*Represented by the equation F = Ma (F = Force, M = Mass, a =


*For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
eg : Propulsion of rocket, Swimming, Flying Birds etc.

*A property of a body which is unable to change its state by itself in the
absense of external force called
Ans : Inertia
*The Law of inertia was discovered by
Ans : Galileo
*There are three types of inertia
Ans : Inertia of Rest, Inertia of Motion and Inertia of Direction
*Example of Inertia of motion
Ans : An athlete runs some distance before taking a long jump
*Example of Inertia of rest
Ans : As the train starts moving, a man sitting inside leans backward
*Example of Inertia of direction
Ans : Rotating wheel of an automobile throw out mud tangentially


*If a rotating body spins on its axis, its motion is called
Ans : Spin motion or rotation motion
eg: The earth spins on its own axis in 24 hrs
*When an object travels around another object it is known as
Ans: Revolution
eg: The Earth revolving around the sun

*The motion of an object in a vertical plane under the influence of
gravitational force is known as
Ans : Projectile motion
*Projectile path is known as
Ans : Trajectory
*A projectile reaches maximum range, when angle of projection is at
Ans : 45°
*The path of the projectile is always a
Ans : Parabola

*An influence that changes the state of rest in a straight line of a body
is called - Force
Ans : F = ma
[m = mass, a = acceleration]
*Unit - Newton or Kg m/s2
*CGS unit - Dyne
*One Newton = 10^5 dyne
*Strongest force in the universe
Ans:Nuclear force
*Weakest force in the universe
Ans:Gravitational Force
*Force acting for a short time
Ans:Impulsive force
*Force which acts on a body moving in a circular path and it is directed
towards centre is called
Ans:Centripetal force
eg: Vehicle moving round a curved road requires this force
(when speed increases, more centripetal force is required)

*Force that acts on a body moving in a circular path and is directed
away from the centre is called
Ans:Centrifugal force
eg : This force helps to separate cream from milk
*Capability of rotating objects around a fixed axis is called
eg : Tightening of nut

*Force that resists the movement of one surface over another is called
Ans:Frictional Force
*The substances which reduce the frictional force between moving
*We can walk on ground
*Car can stop with a sudden brake
*Slow landing of a parachute through air


*Static friction
Ans:Force acts in a direction opposite to the direction of motion
*Kinetic friction
Ans:Force occurs when two objects are moving relative to each other or
rub together
*Rolling friction
Ans:Force acts when two bodies role one another
eg : Ball bearing operation

*Force of attraction between unlike molecules is termed as
eg : water drop sticks on glass surface
*Force of attraction between like molecules is termed as
eg: water molecules join together

*Frictional force acting between parallel layers of a liquid is called
Ans : Viscosity
*Unit - Poise
*With increase in temperature, viscosity
Ans : Decreases
*Viscosity of gas is less than viscosity of
Ans : Liquid
*Viscosity of an ideal fluid is
Ans : Zero

*Liquids having low viscosity are called
Ans : Mobile liquids
*Mobile liquids can flow easily
eg : Water, Kerosene, Alcohol, Petrol etc

*Fluids flow with zero viscosity is called
Ans: Super fluids
*It shows antigravitational property
eg : Honey, Coal tar, Glycerineetc

*The property of a liquid by which the free surface of liquid acts like a
stretched membrane
Ans : Surface tension
*Surface tension is caused due to
Ans : Unbalanced molecular cohesive force
*Surface tension is inversely proportional to temperature and
Ans : Pressure
*Surface tension of hot water is less than that of
Ans : Cold water
*Insects to walk over the water surface
*Spherical shape of rain drops
*Detergents inverse the surface tension of water

* It is the phenomenon of surface tension
eg : rise of water level in plants
: The chalk and blotting paper quickly absorb ink
* It is due to adhesive force

* Ability of a body to return to its original shape is called
Ans: Elasticity
* Hierarchy of elasticity
Ans: Steel > Rubber

*The force per unit area is called
Ans: Pressure
Pressure = Force/Area
*The SI Unit of pressure = Pascal or N/m2
*Unit of thrust
Ans : Newton
*CGS unit
Ans : dyne /cm2
*Force acts more on objects having
Ans : Low Surface area

*Atmospheric pressure = 760mm of Mercury
*Unit of Atmospheric pressure
Ans : Bar
1 bar = 10^5 pascal
*Pressure at sea level is taken as the
Ans : Standard Atmospheric Pressure
*Barometer is used to calculate
Ans : Atmospheric Pressure
*The liquid used in Barometer
Ans : Mercury

Liquid Level change Indication
*Rising-Calm climate
*Sudden fall-Storm

*The mutual attractive force between two point masses m1 and m2, is
inversely propotional to the square of the distance between them
Ans : Newton's law of Gravitation
Fa^m1m2/d2 ->F=G^m1m2/d2
g -> gravitational constant
*Force of attraction between any two bodies in the universe is called
Ans : Gravitation
*Law of gravitation was discovered by
Ans : Sir Isaac Newton
*Weakest force in nature
Ans : Gravitational Force
*The force keeps the earth and other planetary objects in their orbits
around the sun
Ans : Gravitational Force
*The acceleration with which the freely falling bodies are attracted
towards the earth is called the
Ans : Acceleration due to gravity (g) g = 9.8m/s2 (32.2 feet/s2)
*Weight of freely falling body
Ans : Zero
*Maximum at Polar regtons
*Minimum at Equatorial regions
*Zero at the center of the earth
*Universal Law of Gravitation was put forward by
Ans : Sir Isaac Newton
*The 'g' is maximum on Jupiter and minimum on the planet
Ans : Mercury
*Astronaut cannot drink lemonade with the help of a straw because
Ans : There is no atmosphere on the moon

*Minimum speed which a body must have to escape from the earth's
gravitational force is called
Ans : Escape Velocity
*Escape velocity of moon
Ans : 2.4 km/s
*Escape velocity of earth
Ans : 11.2km/s
*Escape velocity of planet Jupiter
Ans : 60km/s
*Escape velocity of planet Mercury
Ans : 4.2km/s
*Escape velocity of the planets increases with its
Ans : Mass

* Scientific study of light
Ans : Optics
* Light is an
Ans : Electromagnetic Wave & Transverse wave
* It behaves as wave and particle. Thus light has dual nature
* Light travels through air or vacuum at a speed of
Ans : 3 x 108m/s
*Order of speed of light
Ans : water < glass < air < vacuum
*Velocity of light is greater than the
Ans : Sound
*Light reaches earth from sun in
Ans : 8 minutes 20 seconds (500seconds)
*Substances which do not pass light through them are called
Ans : Opaque substances
eg : paper, stone
*Substances which allow light to'pass through them are called
Ans : Transparent substances
eg : glass
*Wave theory of light was proposed by
Ans : Christiaan Huygens
*Electromagnetic theory of light was propsed by
Ans : James Clark Maxwell
*'The Corpuscular theory' related to light was proposed by
Ans : Isaac Newton in 1675
*The shadow obtained from a point source is a region of darkness
which is called
Ans : Umbra

*Colour of any transparent object depends on the colour of the light
transmitted by it
*Colour of any opaque object depends on the colour of light it reflects
*Spectrum of white light -
Ans : Light consits of seven colours such as Violet, indigo, Blue, Green
Yellow, Orange and Red (VIBGYOR)
*The band of seven colours obtained due to the dispersion of white
light is called
Ans : Visible Spectrum
*When frequency increases wave length
Ans : Decreases
* Deviation most through glass prism
Ans : Red
* Deviation least through glass prism
Ans : Violet
* Colour with maximum frequency
Ans : Violet
* Colour with minimum wavelength
Ans : Violet
* Colour with maximum wavelength
Ans : Red
* Colour with minimum frequency
Ans : Red
*Colour used In laboratory for Indicating danger
Ans : Yellow
*Colour sensitive to human eye
Ans : Yellow
*Colour used as danger signal
Ans : Red
*Corpuscular theory - Isaac Newton
*Wave theory - Christiaan Huygens
*Quantum Theory - Max Planck
*Electromagnetic theory - James Clark Maxwell
*Photo electric effect - Heinrich Hertz
*A white surface reflects all form's of light and heat
*A black surface absorbs all forms of light and heat
*Red light passing through a green object, appears
Ans : Black
*Sky appears blue - Due to the shorter wavelength of blue colour, it is
scattered more than the red colour of longer wavelength


*Primary colours are
Ans : Red, Green, Blue
*Primary colours used in colour television are
Ans : Red, Green, Blue
*Colour television uses
Ans : Additive colour mixing
*By mixing suitable mixture of primary colours gives
Ans : Secondary colours
eg : Magenta, Cyan, Yellow
*Green Red = Yellow
*Blue Red = Magenta
*Green Blue = Cyan
*Green Blue Red = White
*The branch of physics which deals with the measurement of light
emitted by objects is called
Ans : Photometry
*Tertiary colours:
Ans : Mixing up of two secondary colours

Complementary colours are the primary colours which give white
colour when put together with the secondary colours
*Green Magenta -->White
*Blue Yellow -->White
*Red Cyan -->White
*The substances used in colour paints, filters, plastics and other
Ans : Pigments
*Subtractive colour mixing is used in
Ans : Pigments
For printing, colour pigments used are
Ans : Yellow, Magenta, Cyan

*The light rays consist of small energy packets called
Ans : Quantum
*Quantum of light is known as
Ans : Photon
*Quantum Theory was put forward by
Ans : Max Planck
*Absorption of light of one wave length by a substance and the re-
emission of light of greater wavelength is called
Ans : Flourescence
*Emission of light in the visible region after absorbing certain
electromagnetic radiations is called
Ans : Photoluminescence

*Photoelectric Effect was proposed by
Ans : Heinrich Hertz
*Photoelectric Effect was explained by
Ans : Albert Einstein
*For his explanation of Photoelectric Effect, he got Nobel prize for
Physics in
Ans : 1921
*Metal surfaces like Sodium, Potassium, Zinc will eject electrons when
electromagnetic radiations fall upon them
*The Law of Photoelectric Effect was formulated by
Ans : Albert Einstein
*The working principle of solar cells
Ans : Photoelectric Effect

*When a ray of light falls on a smooth surface and returns to the same
medium, it is called
Ans : Reflection of light
*An object which reflects all colours appears as
Ans : White
*An object which absorbs all colours appears as
Ans : Black

*The bending of light when a ray of light travels from one medium to
another is called
Ans : Refraction
*Snell's law is related with
Ans : Refraction


*Twinkling of stars
*A pond looks shallow
*Stick appears to be bended, when immersed in water
*Early sunrise and late sunset

*The ratio of the sine of angle of incidence in the first medium to the
sine of angle of refraction in the second medium is a constant for a
given pair of medium and for a given wavelength of light
Ans : N - Sine i /Sine r
*Due to change of medium the phase velocity of the wave is changed
but its frequency remains
Ans : Constant
*Fatamorgana is a term associated with
Ans : Mirage
*The measure of optical density of the medium is
Ans : Refractive index
*Refractive index of a medium
=Speed of light in vacuum /Speed of light in medium

*Vacuum - 1
*Ice - 1.31
*Water - 1.33
*Diamond - 2.42


*The complete reflection of a light ray reaching an interface with a less
dense medium when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle is
Ans : Total Internal Reflection
*The father of fibre optics
Ans : Narendra Singh Kapani

In the construction of
*Optical fibres
*Vehicle reflectors
*Binoculars etc
*Sparkling of diamond
*Working principle of optical fibres
*Glittering of water bubbles

*The splitting up of light ray into different colours is called
Ans : Dispersion
*Dispersion was discovered by
Ans : Sir Isaac Newton
*Rainbow is formed due to
Ans : Reflection, Refraction and Dispersion of light
*Main principle due to the formation of rainbow
Ans : Dispersion
*Rainbow is seen as circle from
Ans : Space
*Rainbow is seen as semi-circle from
Ans : Earth
*Rainbow appears in the opposite direction of
Ans : Light
*Red colour angle in rainbow
Ans : 42.8°
*Violet colour angle in rainbow
Ans : 40.8°
*Colour at top of a rainbow
Ans : Red
*Colour at bottom of a rainbow
Ans : Violet
*Colour at centre of a rainbow
Ans : Green

*The phenomenon that occurs when two waves meet while travelling
along the same medium
Ans : Interference
*Interference was observed first by
Ans : Thomas Young


*Different colour of the soap foam
*Oil spread in water
*Colours that appear on the upper layer of oil that spread on road
*Holography, Holograms
*The bending of light around the corners of an obstacle or aperture
into the region of geometrical shadow of the obstacle is called
Ans :Diffraction


*The fuzzy uneven edges of shadow
*Principle behind the working of projector in a film theatre
*Fringes pattern in CD

*The reflection of a ray from a straight path due to particles or in the
interface between two media is called
Ans : Scattering of Light

*Reddening of sun at sunrise and sunset
*The blue colour of the sky and sea
*Colour lamp used in fog for veicles
Ans : Yellow light
*On moon, sky appears black colour due to the absence of
Ans : Scattering of light
*Rayleigh scattering
Ans : Due to this blue colour of the sky and yellow tone of the sun
*The scientist who explained the blue colour of the sky
Ans : Rayleigh
*The scientist who explained the blue colour of sea
Ans : C.V.Raman

*Scattering of light by colloidal particle is termed as
Ans : Tyndal effect

*Sunlight passing through the mist
*Twinkling of comet
*Blue colour seen in the smoke emitted by motor cycles


*Spherical Mirrors are of
Ans : Two types
*Concave mirror
Ans: Reflecting surface curved inward
*Convex mirror
Ans : Reflecting surface curved outward
*As a shaving mirror
*Reflector in solar cooker
*Reflector in astronomical telescope
*Search light and head light of automobiles
*Used by dentists and ENT specialists
*Used as burning glass
*Used in torches


*Rear view mirror in automobiles
*Device to check theft in shops
*The mirror forms a virtual or real image depending on the position of
the object
Ans : Concave mirror

*A transparent medium bounded by two surfaces atleast one of which
is curved surface is called
Ans: Lens
*The lens thicker at the middle than in edges is called
Ans: Convex Lens
*The lens thicker at edges than in the middle
Ans: Concave lens
*The unit of power of lens
Ans: Dioptre
*Power and focal length of convex lens
Ans: Positive
*The power and focal length of concave lens
Ans: Negative
*Lens in human eye
Ans: Convex lens
*Image formed in concave lens
Ans: Virtual and erect

*Converging lens - Convex lens
*Diverging fens - Concave lens
*Converging mirror - Concave mirror
*Diverging mirror - Convex mirror
*Image formed in Convex lens
Ans: Real and inverted
*The shortest distance for clear vision is
Ans: 25cm
*Twenty - Twenty means
Ans: Perfect vision


Can be corrected by using
Ans: Concave lens
* Hypermetropia / long sightedness
Can be corrected by using
Ans: Convex lens
*Both Myopia and hypermetropia
Can be corrected using
Ans: bifocal lenses
Can be corrected by using
Ans: cylindrical lens
Can be corrected by
Ans: convex lenses
*Persistence of vision of human eye
Ans: 1/16 seconds
Ans: height of image / height of the real object
*Mirror equation = 1/u1/v=1/f

Fullform : Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
*LASER sources have only one type of wavelength
*LASER was discovered by
Ans : Theodore Maiman (1960)
*LASER is used in the medical field to perform minute operations
Fullform : Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
*MASER was discovered by
Fullform : Radio Detection and Ranging
*Uses radiowaves to detect the position of objects such as missile,
aeroplanesetc .
*RADAR was invented by
Ans : Albert.H.TaylorandLeo.C. Young

*The phenomenon of confining the vibrations of a transverse to a
particular direction is called
Ans : Polarisation
*Nicol prism is a Polaroid
*A natural polarizing material is
Ans : Tourmaline
*Brewster's Law is associated with
Ans : Polarisation of Light

*Used in windows of aeroplanes and cars
*3 dimensional motion pictures
*A change in frequency of light wave when the source or the observer
moves with respect to one another is called
Ans : Doppler effect
*High pitch of the siren of an approaching ambulance which passes an
observer is due to
Ans: Doppler effect
*Two types of shift occur due to this phenomenon
(1) Red Shift
Ans : Decrease in frequency of the visible light when it moves away
from the observer
(2) Blue shift : Increase in frequency of the visible light when it moves
towards the observer

*The pattern of arrangement of different types of electromagnetic
radiations in the order of increasing wavelength
Ans : Electromagnetic spectrum
*Arrangement of radiations in the increasing order of wave length
Ans : Radiowaves> Microwaves > IR-rays > Visible light > UV rays > X -
rays > Gama rays > Cosmic rays
*Maximum wavelength of electromagnetic wave
Ans : Radio waves
*Waves used for communication through satellite
Ans : Microwaves

*Electromagnetic waves with shorter wavelength
Ans : X-rays
*Two types of X-rays
(1)Soft X-rays:
Having high wavelength and low energy used in radiations
(2)Hard X-rays:
Having short wavelength and high energy
*X-rays were Discovered by
Ans: Roentgen
*Rays used to study the internal atomic structure of crystal
Ans : X-rays
*Rays appear to be originated from outside of earth is called
Ans : Cosmic rays
*Cosmic rays was discovered by
Ans : Victor Hess


*Infrared Rays was discovered by
Ans : William Herschel
*Heat rays emitted by sun is
Ans : Infrared rays


*Infrared rays is used in TV remote
*Infrared rays is used in distant photography
*Heat of sun is due to
Ans : Infrared rays


*The electromagnetic radiation with wavelength ranging from 10nm to
Ans : Ultraviolet Rays

*For identifying the counterfeit currency
*Used to fill inside the tube lights
*Used to disinfect equipment used for operation
*It causes sunburn
*The disturbance which propagates energy from one place to another
without the transport of matter
Ans : Waves


*Longitudinal wave
*Transverse wave
*Particles vibrate parallel to the direction of propagation of wave
Ans : Longitudinal wave
eg : sound wave
*Particles vibrate perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave
Ans : Transverse wave
eg : Light wave
*The distance between two successive crests or troughs
Ans : Wave length
*The maximum displacement of vibrating particle on either side from
the equilibrium position
Ans: Amplitude
*The spatial frequency of a wave, either in cycles per unit distance or
radians per unit distance is called
Ans: Wave Number
*Earthquake waves are
Ans: Infrasonic waves

*A form of energy which produces sensation of hearing
Ans: Sound
* Sound requires a
Ans: Medium to travel
* Sound cannot travel through
Ans: Vacuum
* Study of sound is called
Ans: Acoustics
* Velocity of sound in air
Ans: 340m/s
* Velocity of sound is maximum in
Ans: Solids
* Velocity of sound is least in
Ans: Gases
* Sound has the maximum speed in
Ans: Steel
* The number of oscillation made in one second is called
Ans: Frequency
Unit of frequency - Hertz (Hz)
1 cycle/second -1 Hz
* Frequency of audible sound is
Ans: 20Hz to 20,000 Hz
* The machine used to reproduce sound
Ans: Phonogram
* The method of locating under water objects using sound waves
Ans: SONAR (Sound Navigation and Ranging)
* Waves used in SONAR
Ans: Ultrasonic waves
* The phenomena of sound which is used in stethoscope
Ans: Reflection of sound
* The unit which is usually used to denote the intensity of pollution
Ans: Parts per million (ppm)
* Normal sound level in decibel
Ans: 60-120 db

(3)Timbre / Quality
*The shrillness of sound felt by the ear
Ans: Pitch

* The intensity of sound is measured in » The intensity of sound felt by
the ear
Ans: Loudness

*It is the quality of sound
*Different individuals have different Timbre
* Used to denote the speed of a supersonic plane
Ans : Mach Number
* 1 Mach number is equal to
Ans : 340 m/s
* Persistance of sound
Ans : 1/10 seconds
* Velocity of sound in moist air is greater than in dry air
* Ultrasound scanning uses high frequency
Ans : Ultrasonic waves
*Echo and reverberation are due to the reflection of
Ans : Sound
*Minimum distance required for the production of echo
Ans : 17m
*Phenomenon utilized by bats to detect prey and obstacles in their
path in night
Ans : Echolocation
*For echolocation bats use
Ans : Ultrasonic sound
*Depth of the sea is measured in
Ans : Fathom
1 fathom = 6 feet = 1.82 m

*It is an indication of object's internal energy or it is the degree of
hotness/ coldness
Ans : Temperature
*Heat is measured in the unit of
Ans : Joule (J)
*The study of materials and phenomena at low temperature
Ans : Cryogenics
*Celsius scale (C)
*Fahrenheit scale (F)
*Kelvin or absolute scale (K)
*Relationship of temperature scale
C/5 = F-32/9 = K-273/5
*In Kelvin scale there is no
Ans: Negative temperature
*The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the
substance through it
Ans : Heat capacity
*Calorie was the unit, formerly used to measure
Ans: Heat
One calorie = 4.2 Joules
*The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of lgm of water
by 1°C
Ans : One calorie
*The instrument used for measuring high temperature
Ans : Pyrometer
*Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass of a
substance by 1°C is Known as
Ans : Specific heat capacity
*Water has the highest specific heat capacity
*Specific heat of water
Ans : 4185 J/KgK
*Specific heat of water is minimum at
Ans : 37°c
*Element with the highest specific heat
Ans : Hydrogen
*The temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied
Ans : Critical temperature
*Absolute Zero
Ans : = 0 Kelvin = -273.15°C
*The temperature which shows same measurement in Celsius and in
Fahrenheit Scale
Ans : -40
*Temperature which shows same measurement in Fahrenheit and in
Kelvin Scale
Ans : 574.25

*There are 3 modes of heat transfer
1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation
*Process of exchange of hotter particles to the neighbouring colder
particles is known as
Ans : Conduction
*In solids, heat transfer takes place by
Ans : Conduction

*Transfer of heat from hotter region carrying heat to a colder region is
Ans : Convection
*In liquid and gas, heat transfer takes place by
Ans : Convection
*Land breeze and sea breeze is due to
Ans : Convection
*Ocean currents Monsoon and trade winds are based on the principle
Ans : Convection

*Transmission of heat from one point to another without heating the
medium is called
Ans : Radiation
*Heat from the sun reaches the earth by
Ans : Radiation
*Polished surface reduces radiation, results in
Ans : Heat loss

*Thermometer was invented by
Ans : Galelio

*Invented by - Farenheit
*Invented by - Thomas Allbutt
*Normal temperature of human body
Ans : 36.9°C ( 98.4°F, 310 K)


*Invented by
Ans: Sir James Dewar
*It prevents heat loss by
Ans: Conduction and convection
*Glass used in thermo flask
Ans: Borosilicate glass


*Substances which easily allows electricity to flow through them is
Ans : Conductors
eg: silver, copper, mercury etc
*Substances which does not allow electricity to pass through it is called
Ans : Insulators
eg: plastic, mica, rubber, dry air etc
*Substances which allow electricity to flow through them partially
Ans : Semiconductors eg: Germanium, Silicon
*Mica is a good conductor of heat but bad conductor of
Ans : Electricity
*Copper and Aluminium are the metals commonly used in
Ans : Electric circuit
*Insulators used in electrical system
Ans : Porcelain or Glass


*Almost every liquid expands with increase in
Ans : Temperature
*When the temperature of water is increased from 0°C to 4°C the
Ans : Decreases
*If the temperature is increased above 4°c the volume starts
Ans : Increasing
*Temperature at which water has least volume and high density
Ans : 4°C
*Water expands on
Ans : Freezing
*Water pipes break in winter in cold regions due to
Ans : Freezing

*Tendency of matter to change in volume in response to change in
temperature is called
Ans : Thermal Expansion
*All substances expand on
Ans : Heating
*Mercury thermometer works on the principle of
Ans : Thermal Expansion
*Matter which expand most on heating
Ans : Gases
*Rail Road tracks are constructed so that they can safely expand on a
hot day without derailing the trains travelling over them.

*Property of a material to conduct heat is called
Ans : Thermal conductivity
*Unit (SI) of thermal conductivity
Ans : Watts per meter Kelvin (W/mK)
*Co-efficient of thermal conductivity
Ans : K Factor
*The rate of cooling of hot water will be fester than the
Ans : Tap water
*In a refrigerator, cooling is produced by the evaporation of a
Ans : Volatile liquid

Physics 2
*The amount of water vapour present in air is called
Ans : Humidity
*When humidity occurs, perspiration is
Ans : Maximum
*Humidity indicates perspiration, dew or fog etc

*The process by which a substance is changed from solid state to liquid
state is, called
Ans : Melting
*The fixed temperature at which a substance is changed from solid
state to liquid state is called
Ans : Melting point
*Melting point of ice can be raised by the decrease of
Ans : Pressure

*Mercury - -39 degree C
*Alcohol - -114 degree C
*Ice - -0 degree C

*When liquid boils and changes itself into vapour at standard
atmospheric pressure is called
Ans : Boiling point
*When pressure increases boiling point
Ans : Increases
*Boiling point of water
Ans : 100°C
*Water inside a pressure cooker boils at a temperature of
Ans : 120°C

*Sublimation is the process of conversion of a solid directly into
Ans: Vapour
eg : camphor
*Sublimation occurs when boiling point is less than
Ans : Melting point

*The process of conversion of liquid into vapour at any temperature
Ans: Evaporation
*Evaporation causes
Ans : Cooling
*Rate of evaporation increases with increase in temperature, surface
area and decrease in
Ans : Pressure
*While sweating under a fan we feel cool because of
Ans : Evaporation

*A perfectly black body absorbs all types of
Ans : Heat radiations
*Absorption power of perfectly black body is
Ans : 1
*Device used to measure the temperature of Sun
Ans : Pyroheliometer
*Study of high temperature
Ans : Pyrology
*The radiation emitted from a black body is called
Ans : Black body radiation

*The rate of flow of charge through a conductor per second is called
Ans : Current
(Q - Quantity of charge t - charge flowing in second I - current)
*SI unit is of current
Ans : Ampere (A)
*Electric charge was first observed in a substance called
Ans : Amber
*Unit of electric charge
Ans : Coulomb
*1 coulomb (c) = 6.24 x 1018 electrons
*Charge of an electron = 1.6 x 10'19C
*The region which surrounds the electrically charged particles
Ans : Electric field
*The term electricity is coined by
Ans : Gilbert
*Law of electrolysis were formulated by
Ans : Michael Faraday
*The process of splitting up of a chemical substance when an electric
current flows through it
Ans : Electrolysis
*A good conductor of electricity
Ans : Mercury
*The capacity of an electric field to do work on an electric charge
Ans : Electric potential
*Pure water is a bad conductor of electricity because pure water does
not dissociate into
Ans : Ions
*Electro magnetism was discovered by
Ans : Hans Christian Oersted
*Positively charged particles lose
Ans : Electrons
*Negatively charged particles gain
Ans : Electrons
*Electricity is divided into two
Ans : (1)Static electricity
(2)Dynamic electricity
*The electric charge built upon a material as a static mode
Ans : Static electricity
*The type of electric charge flows from one point to another through
the conductors, cables etc
Ans : Dynamic electricity
*Dynamic electricity are of two types
(a)Alternating current (AC)
(b)Direct current (DC)


*It is the continuous flow of current
*It reverse its direction and magnitude with respect to time
*Electricity supplying for domestic use is
Ans : Alternating Current
*Unidirectional flow of electric charge
Ans : Direct Current
*It does not reverse its direction with respect to time
*DC is formerly known as
Ans: Galvanic current
*Batteries, solar cells etc produce
Ans : DC
*AC is used more widely than DC
*The device used to convert AC t[o DC
Ans : Rectifiers
*The device used to convert DC to AC
Ans : Oscillator
*The device which conducts DC but blocks AC is
Ans : Inductor
*When one coulomb charge is carried from one place to another, the
work done is called
Ans : Electric potential difference
*SI unit of electrical potential difference is
Ans : Volt
*The e.m.f or potential difference measured in volt is called
Ans : Voltage
*The potential difference (V) is directly proportional to strength of
current flowing through a conductor
Ans : VaI
V = RI
*Property of some crystals to develop an electromotive force when
subjected to mechanical stress is called
Ans : Piezo Electricity
*Quartz Crystal in watches work on the principle of
Ans : Piezo Electricity
*Piezo Electricity was discoverd by
Ans : Pierre Curie and Jacques Curie

*The property of a material due to which it opposes the flow charge
through it
Ans : Resistance
*Unit of resistance is
Ans : ohm
1 siemens = -1/ohm= ohm-1 or mho
*The metal having lowest resistance
Ans : Silver
*The instrument used to control the resistance
Ans : Rheostat
*Nichrome is used as heating element in many appliances because of
Ans : High resistivity Resistance

*Super conductivity was discovered by
Ans : KamerlinghOnnes
*At very low temperature, super conductivity possesses
Ans : Zero resistance
*A super conductor above 100 K
Ans : Ceramics

*Fuse is used to avoid
Ans : Overloading of current in electric circuit
*Fuse is made from an alloy of
Ans : Lead and Tin
*Fuse has low melting point and high resistivity
*When a charged body is connected to the earth it gets neutralised. It
is called
Ans : Earthing
*A number of cells connected together are called
Ans: Battery
*A source of emf containing two or more cells is called
Ans: A battery
*Rechargeable batteries like mobile phones torches uses
Ans : Nickel and Cadmium
*The negative electrode in a drycell is
Ans : Cathode
eg : zinc
*The positive electrode in a drycell is
Ans : Anode
eg: carbon rod
*Cell was first invented by
Ans : Alessandro Volta
*Cell is otherwise known as
Ans : Voltaic Cell
*Dry cell was invented by
Ans : Carl Gassner
*In primary cell, chemical energy is converted into
Ans : Electrical energy
eg : Daniel cell, Dry cell etc
*Potential difference measured in volt is called
Ans : Voltage
*Colour of positive wire in domestic circuits
Ans : Red / Brown
* Colour of neutral wire in domestic circuit
Ans : Black/Blue
*Colour of earth wire in domestic circuit
Ans : Green


*The electrical potential for a source in a circuit is called
Ans : EMF
*The emf of a voltaic cell
Ans : 1 volt
*Emf of mercury cell
Ans : 1.35 volt
*The emf of a dry cell
Ans : 1.5volt
*Voltage of a torch cell
Ans : 1.5volt
*Emf of Lithium ion battery
Ans : 3.6volt
*The rate of production of electrical energy per unit time
Ans : Electric power
*Electricity supplied for domestic use is
Ans : Alternating Current (AC)
*Electricity for domestic purpose is measured in
Ans : Kilowatt hour (Kwh)
*Kilowatt hour is commonly called as
Ans : Units
1 KWh = 1000 watt x 3600 seconds
*The commercial unit of electrical energy is also
Ans : KWh
*The technique used in the electric circuits in household purpose to
protect appliances
Ans : Short Circuiting
*Instrument used to measure the amount of electric energy used by a
Ans : Watt hour meter
*Electric power transmission was developed by
Ans : Thomas Alva Edison
*The supply voltage produced in India
Ans : 11KV (Kilovolt) or 11000 volt
*Voltage range for household purpose
Ans : 220-230 volt
*The frequency of household electric current in India is
Ans : 50 Hertz

*The study of nature, control and application of electrons
Ans : Electronics
*Vacuum tubes work on the principle of
Ans : Thermionic emission
*The simplest form of a vacuum tube
Ans : Diode
*The device used to convert alternating current (AC) to Direct Current
Ans : Rectifiers
*The device which converts DC energy into AC energy
Ans : Electronic oscillator
*The process which makes the current to pass in the same direction is
Ans : Rectification
*Now thermionic valves are completely replaced by
Ans : Transistors
*Miracle child of electronics
Ans : Transistor
*Triode was invented by
Ans : Lee De Forest
*Element used in solar cells
Ans : Silicon

*Materials whose conductivity lies between conductors and insulators
Ans : Semi conductors
*Examples of semiconductors are
Ans : Germanium, Silicon
*Semi conductor in pure state is called
Ans : Intrinsic Semiconductors
*In intrinsic, number of holes is enoqual to number of
Ans : Electrons
*The process to improve conductivity
Ans : Doping
*Process of adding controlled impurities to a pure semiconductor is
known as
Ans : Doping
*The substances used for doping
Ans : Dopants
*An intrinsic semiconductor undergoes doping, change into
Ans : Extrinsic semiconductor
*Extrinsic are of two types:
(1)N-type semiconductor
(2)P-type semiconductor In N-type, charge carriers are
Ans : Electrons
*An intrinsic semiconductors have
*Trivalent impurity (eg: Boron, Gallium)
*Pentavalent impurity (eg: Antimony, Arsenic)


* Solar cells (silicon) *transistors
*diodes *Integrated circuits (IC)

*The electronic device which has semiconducting property that allows
current to flow in one direction
Ans : Diode
*Diode is mostly used to convert
Ans : AC to DC
*Diode is used as a
Ans : Rectifier
*Zener diode is used as
Ans : Voltage regulator

*A semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals
and electrical power
Ans : Transistor
*Transistor is operated at low temperatures and voltages.
*Three regions of a transistor
Ans : Emitter, Base, Collector
*Transistor transfers a signal from a low resistance to
Ans : High resistance
*Transistor was invented by
Ans : John Bardeen, W.H. Brattain and William Shockley
*Electronic intelligene is called


*The circuits that act as transistors, diodes, resistors etc is called
Ans : Integrated Circuits
*'IC' chips are made up of
Ans : Silicon or Germanium
*IC was invented by
Ans : Jack Kilby
*IC chip using Silicon was invented by
Ans : Robert Noyce

*The electronic circuit which works only on two voltage levels (0 and 1)
is called
Ans : Gates


1. AND Gate
2. OR Gate
3. NOT gate
* Universal logics are - NAND, NOR
*Voltage levels In a circuit is either represented by
Ans : '1' or '0'
*The level '1' represents
Ans : High voltage level
*The level '0' represents
Ans : Zero voltage level
*Wireless radio communication was developed by
Ans : Guglielmo Marconi
*First telecommunication device was
Ans : Telegraph
*The frequencies transmitted by TV station is called
Ans : Channel
*For radio transmission BBC uses
Ans : Short waves
*Short waves ranging from 14m to 60m are used for
Ans : International communication
*The waves which travel long distances without loss in intensity
Ans : Short waves (14m to 60m)
*Short waves ranging from 14m to 60m are used for
Ans : International communication
*The waves which travel long distance without loss in intensity
Ans : Short waves (14m to 60m)


* Electro magnetic spectrum between 30MHz and 300 MHz is called
*VHF is used in
Ans:Radio Transmission and Radar


*Frequency ranging from 300 MHZ to 3GHz is called
Ans : VHF
*VHF is used in
Ans : Ratio Transmission and Rader


*Frequency ranging from 300MHZ to 3GHz is called
Ans : UHF
*UHF is used in
Ans : T.V, Communication of satellite etc.
Ans : Teleprinter Exchange
*The device used for communicating the text and images through
telephone lines
Ans : Fax machine
*The device used to convert audio frequency signals into sound
Ans : Loudspeaker
*The instrument which has ability to convert sound into magnetic
Ans : Tape recorder


*LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
*LED - Light Emitting Diode
*LED is used as monitor, clocks, watches, calculators, telephones etc.
*LED was invented by
Ans : Oleg Losev and Nick Holonyak
*Working principle of LED
Ans : Electroluminescence

*The phenomenon of attraction of a substance by a magnet is called
Ans : Magnetism
*Magnetic substances are
Ans : Iron, Nickel, Cobalt and certain alloys
*A naturally occurring magnet
Ans : Lodestone
*Magnetism was first discovered in
Ans : Lodestone
*Every magnet has two poles
Ans : A North pole and a South pole Like poles repel and unlike pole
*The field around a magnet where its magnetic effect is felt
Ans : Magnetic field
*Permanent magnet is made up of
Ans : Alnico
*Electromagnet is made up of
Ans : Pure Iron
*Molecular theory of magnetism was proposed by
Ans : Weber
*The magnetism of a substance decreases while on
Ans : Heating or hammering
*In a magnet the magnetic line of force are from
Ans : North to South pole
*Artificial magnets made by the use of electricity are called
Ans : Electromagnets
*The instruments which are dependent of magnetic power of electricity
Ans : Fan, telephone receiver, dynamo etc
*The scientist who stated that the earth behaves as a huge magnet
Ans : William Gilbert
*A Magnetic force of attraction at the centre of bar magnet
Ans : Zero
*A coil of insulated wire bound on a rod shaped form made of solid iron
is called
Ans : Solenoid
*The unit of magnetic flux density
Ans : Tesla
*Unit of magnetic flux
Ans : Weber

*Substances acquire strong magnetism in the direction of magnetic
Ans : Ferromagnetic substances
eg: Nickel, Iron, Cobalt
*Strongest type of magnetism
Ans : Ferro magnetism
*Refrigerator magnet is
Ans : Ferro magnet
*Ferro magnetism was discovered by
Ans : Louis Neel
*Substance acquire feeble magnetism in the direction of magnetic field
is called
Ans : Paramagnetic Substances
eg: Platinum, Oxygen, manganese etc
*Paramagnetic substances is temperature dependent

*Substances acquire weak magnetism in the direction opposite to the
magnetic field is called
Ans : Diamagnetic substances
eg : inert gases, alcohol, copper, gold, water, hydrogen etc.
* Diamagnetic substances is independent of temperature
* Substance used for making electromagnets
Ans : Soft iron
* Electromagnets are used in
Ans : Electric bells, telephones and telegraphs

*An object made from a material that is magnetized and creates its
own persistent magnetic field is called
Ans : Permanent magnet
eg: Refrigerator magnet
*Powerful permanent magnets are made from
Ans : Alnico
* Alnico is an alloy of
Ans : Aluminium, Nickel, Cobalt and Iron
* Some organisms can detect magnetic field called
Ans : Magnetoception
* Technique using a powerful magnetic field to diagnose and treat
Ans : MRI (Magnetic Resonance imaging)
* A magnet made by binding insulated copper wire over a. soft iron
piece and passing an electric current through the wire is called
Ans : Electro magnet (temporary magnet)

*Bulbs are usually called as
Ans : Filament lamps or Incandescent lamps
*Gases used to fill inside a filament lamp
Ans : Argon, Nitrogen
*Life-span of filament lamp
Ans : 1000 hours
*The material used for making filament of the bulb
Ans : Tungsten
*Examples of discharge lamps are
Ans : Compact fluorescent lamp, Tube lights, vapour lamps
*Life span of fluorescent lamps
Ans : 5000 hours
*A mixture of Argon and Mercury gases are filled in
Ans : Fluorescent lamps
*Phosphor - coating material used in
Ans : Fluorescent lamps
*Lamps used in advertisement boards
Ans : Neon vapour lamps
*Energy efficient in lamps means they consume
Ans : Low energy
*Electric bulb was invented by
Ans : Thomas Alva Edison
*Electrical oscillation was invented by:
Ans : Heinrich Hertz
*National energy conservation day
Ans : December 14
*The electricity carrying cables buried underground made of
Ans : Copper
*Argon vapour lamp - Purple
*Chlorine vapour lamp - Green
*Mercury vapour lamp - White
*Nitrogen vapour lamp - Red
*Neon vapour lamp - Orange
*Sodium vapour lamp - Yellow
*Hydrogen vapour lamp - Blue

*The production of an electromotive force (voltage) across an electrical
conductor due to its dynamic interaction with a magnetic field is called
Ans : Electromagnetic Induction
*Electromagnetic induction was proposed by
Ans : Michael Faraday
*Transformers, Microphones, Induction coil, Generators, Motors,
Induction coil work on the principle of
Ans : Faraday's law of Electromagnetic Induction

*A charge of current in neighbouring coil will induce (contribute) a
voltage (emf) in a coil is termed as
Ans : Mutual Induction
*The coil in which current is changed is called
Ans : Primary coil
*The coil in which the e.m.f is produced is called
Ans : Secondary coil
*Transformer, Generators works on the principle of
Ans : Mutual Induction

*Wax Candle- Chemical Energy to Heat and Light energies
*Electric Bell- Electrical to Sound energy
*Dynamo - Mechanical to Electrical energy
*Battery - Chemical to Electrical energy
*Electric fan - Electrical to Mechanical energy
*Solar cell - Solar to Electrical energy
*Electric oven- Electrical to Heat energy
*Motor- Electrical to Mechanic energy
*Gas stove - Chemical energy to light and Heat energies
*Loud Speaker- Electrical energy to Sound energy
*Microphone - Sound energy to Electrical energy
*The strongest force of nature
Ans : Nuclear force
*Nuclear force acts between the
Ans : Nucleons
*Father of Nuclear Physics
Ans : Ernest Rutherford
*Father of Nuclear Physics in India
Ans : Homi.J.Bhabha
*Radio activity was invented by
Ans : Henry Becquerel
*Artificial radio activity was invented by
Ans : Irene Curie and Frederick Curie
*The process of changing nucleus of one element into other by the
spontaneous emission of certain radiation
Ans : Radio activity
*SI unit of Radioactivity
Ans : Curie
*1 becquerel = 1 decay / second
*1 curie = 3.7 x 1010 Bq
*Radioactive substances emit 3 types of radiation
Ans : Alpha, Beta and Gama
*The device used for detecting and measuring radiation
Ans : Gieger counter
*Product of Natural radioactivity
Ans : Lead
*Particle with highest ionization energy
Ans : Alpha
*Particle with least ionization energy
Ans : Gamma
*Particle with highest penetrating power
Ans : Alpha
*Particle with highest velocity
Ans : Gamma
*Particle with least velocity
Ans : Alpha
*Ionisation energy
Ans : alpha>beta>gamma
*Penetrating power
Ans : gamma>beta>alpha
Ans : gamma>beta>alpha

Particle Discovered by Charge Velocity Equivalent

Alpha (a) Ernest Rutherford Positive 1 5 x 106m/s
helium nucleus
Beta (ß) Ernest Rutherford Negative 27 x 107 m/s
Gama (y) Paul.U.Williard No charge 3 x 108 m/s
electromagnetic waves

*Radioactive elements used as medicine

Ans : Phosphorous 32, Iodine 131, Oxygen 15
*Compound used as heavy water
Ans : Deuterium Oxide (D2O)
*Deuterium is known as
Ans : Heavy hydrogen
*The radio active isotope used for the treatment of cancer
Ans : Cobalt 60


*The process of combining of two lighter nuclei to give a heavier
nucleus is called
Ans : Nuclear fusion
*Nuclear fusion is otherwise called as
Ans : Thermonuclear reaction
*Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of
Ans : Nuclear fusion
*Nuclear fusion was discovered by
Ans : Hans Bathe
*Isotope of hydrogen used in nuclear fusion
Ans : Tritium
*The main source of solar energy is
Ans : Nuclear fusion

*The phenomenon of breaking a heavy nucleus into two light nuclei of
almost equal masses along with release of huge amount of energy is
Ans : Nuclear fission
*Uncontrolled chain reaction is the working principle of
Ans : Atom Bomb
*Nuclear fission was discovered by
Ans : Ottohann and Frizstrassmann
*Enormous energy is released during atomic bomb explosion
*Time interval taken by a radioactive substance to disintegrate to half
of its initial weight is called
Ans : Half life
*Radio Carbon (carbon -14) has a half life of
Ans : 5760 years
*The average lifetime of atoms in a radioactive substance is called
Ans : Mean life
*Uranium - 235 is known as
Ans : Enriched uranium
*The technique used to determine the age of fossils of animals and
Ans : Carbon dating
*The technique used to estimate the age of rocks from the moon
Ans : Uranium dating
*The technique used for finding the age of rocks
Ans : Rubidium - Strontium dating
*The technique used for calculating the age of caves and sea animals
Ans : Uranium - Thorium dating
*Dating method used for determining the age of archaeological
Ans : Thermoluminescence

*Fourth largest source of electricity in India
Ans : Nuclear power
*First atomic reactor in India
Ans : 'Apsara' in Trombay (Maharashtra)
*Chain reaction is allowed to proceed slowly and in a controlled
manner in
Ans : Nuclear reactor
*Fuels in nuclear reactors
Ans : Uranium 233, Uranium 235, Plutonium 239
*The device used to slow down the fast moving secondary neutrons
Ans : Moderator
*Commonly used moderators are
Ans : Heavy water, Graphite, Rods of Boron and Cadmium, Berillium
*The substances used to remove the heat produced from the nuclear
Ans : Coolants
*Coolant used in high temperature breeder reactor
Ans : Liquid Sodium
*The fuel used in the fast breeder reactors
Ans : Plutonium, Uranium oxide
*Neutron source is Berillium mixed with
Ans : Polonium
*Early reactors were known as
Ans : Atomic piles
*Atomic clock (ceasium) was discovered by
Ans : Louis Essen
* Power reactors Converts nuclear fission energy into electric
* Research reactors Produces neutrons and radio isotopes
* Production reactors Converts non-fissionable material into fissionable

*The total normal force exerted by a fluid on a surface is called
Ans: Thrust
*Unit of thrust is
Ans: Newton

*The total gravitational force act on a body
W = mg
[m = mass of the body,
g = acceleration due to gravity]


*Minimum at the Equator
*Zero at the centre
*Maximum at the poles of the Earth
*Weight of a body in moon is equal to
Ans : 1/ 6th of the weight of a body on earth

*The amount of matter contained in a body is called
Ans : Mass
*Mass doesn't vary with the change of its position on the earth's
*The device used to measure Mass of a body
Ans : Ordinary balance

*Density is defined as - Mass per unit of volume
Density =Mass /Volume
Relative density
=Density of body / Density of water
*Unit - Kg/m3 Density of water
Ans : 1000kg/m3
*Density of water is maximum at - 4°C
*Relative density is also known as
Ans : Specific gravity
*Water occupies maximum volume at - 0°C
*When ice melts level of water remains
Ans : Constant
*When ice melts, its volume
Ans : Decreases

*A very large force acting for a short period of time is called
Ans : Impulsive force
*Impulse (I) is the force that changes the
Ans : Momentum of a body
*I = Force x time = Ft

*The law states that a force exerted on anywhere in a confined
incompressible fluid is transmitted equally in all directions
Ans : Pascal's law
*Pascal's law is also known as principle of
Ans : Transmission of fluid pressure
*Pascal's law was discovered by
Ans : Blaise Pascal
*Hydraulic Jack *Hydraulic Press
*Hydraulic lifts *Flush Tank

*Ice floats on water - Density of Ice is less than the density of water
* A ship of iron and steel float on water - Density of iron is less than the
density of water
* Iron nail sinks - Density of iron is less than the density of water
* An iron nail floats on mercury but sinks in water - Density of mercury
is less than the density of iron
* Ship moves from river to sea rises little higher - Density of sea water is
greater than the density of fresh water
* It is impossible to extinguish petrol fire by water - Density of water is
greater than the density of Petrol
* Ice sinks in alcohol - Density of water is greater than density of

*When a body is immersed partly or wholly in a liquid, a force acts on
the body by the liquid in the upward direction. This force is called
Ans : Buoyant force
*A bucket of water weighs less when immersed in water
*When a body is completely or partly immersed in a fluid, the body
experiences an upward thrust which is equal to the weight of fluid
displaced by the body

*The law of floatation states that a floating object displaces its own
weight of the fluid in which it floats
*Weight of floating object = weight of fluid displaced

*It is a device used for performing work by applying force (effort) at a
convenient point in a convenient
Ans : Direction to overcome the friction at some other point
*It reduce human effort
*Inclined planes.and levers are simple machines
-->effect of a simple machine
= power output / power input
*The law of lever was proposed by
Ans: Archimedes
*Lever is a rigid bar capable of turning freely about a fixed point


*The force applied on the machine


*The force felt by the machine
*Mechanical advantage of a machine
= Load/Effort
*Ist Order RFE Balance, nail, puller, sea-saw, a pair of
*2nd Order ERF Wheel barrow, nut cracker, lemon
*3rd Order REF Ice tongs, fishing rod, shovel etc

*The device used to test the purity of milk
Ans : Lactometer
*The majority of UV radiations coming from the sun are absorbed by
Ans : Ozone layer
*Periscope is a device works on the principle of
Ans : Reflection and Refraction
photometry is the branch deals with the measurement of light emitted
by the
Ans : Objects
*Father of Cybernetics
Ans : Norbert Weiner

If the volume remains constant , the pressure is directly proportional to
the absolute temperature
V1/T1 = V2/T2

IF the Pressure is Kept constant,the volume of a gas is directly
proportional to its absolute temperature
V a 1/p
P1V1 = P2V2
(3)If the pressure is kept constant,the volume of a gas is directly
proportional to its absolute temperature
V1/T1 = V2/T2

Equal volume of gases at same temperature and Pressure contain equal
numbers of molecules
V1/n1 = V2/n2
PV = n RT
[P- Pressure,V - Volume n-number of molecules, T - Temperature, R -

Quantity Unit Symbol
Mass Kilogram Kg
Length metre m
Time second s
Work & Energy Joule J
Electric current ampere A
Temperature Kelvin K
Amount of substance mole mol
Luminous intensity candela cd
Inductance henry H
Intensity of
magnetic field Tesla T
Momentum Kg metre/sec Kgm/s
Intensity of electric
field Newton/coloumb N/C
*Illuminance lux Ix
*Conductance Siemens S
*Capacitance Farad F
*Radioactivity Becquerel Bq
*Resistance ohm
*Potential difference Volt V
*Electric charge Coulomb C
*Power Watt W
*Pressure Pascal Pa
*Frequency Hertz Hz
*Speed metre per sec ms-1
*Volume cubic metre m^3
*Area square metre m^2
*Force Newton N
*Angle radian rad
*Radiant flux Watt N
*Cwlsius temperature Degree Celsius 0C
*solid angle steradianSr
*Magnetic flux Weber Wb

One dimensional motion Motion restricted to straight line Train
travelling along a straight rail
Two dimensional motion Motion restricted to a plane Boat on
a lake
Three dimensional motion Motion is space Gas molecules
in space
*1 light year = 9.46x10^12 kilometers
*1 parsec = 3.26 light year
*Distance between stars = Light year
*Distance between sun and earth = Astronomical unit
Frequency Resulting sound wave
20Hz - 20,000Hz Audible sound of Human
Less than 20 Hz Infrasonic
Greater than 20,000Hz Ultrasonic

*Corpuscular theory - Sir Isaac Newton
*Light travels faster in vacuum - Leon Foucault
*Speed of light varies in different media - Leon Foucault
*3 primary colours - Thomas Young
*Term Energy coined by - Thomas Young
*Light is an electromagnetic wave - Heinrich Hertz
*White light consist of different colours - Isaac Newton
*Quantum theory - Max Plank
*Wave theory - Christiaan Huygens
Tachyon - ECG Sudharshan


Conduction Due to vibration In solids of particles In Solids
Convection Due to In liquid movement of and gases In Solids
Radiation Not required any medium Heat of sun to earth

*Raman effect was discovered on

Ans : Feb. 28,1928
*February 28
Ans : National Science Day
*He got Nobel Prize in
Ans : 1930
*Raman effect is associated with
Ans : Scattering of light
*Blue colour of sea was explained by
Ans : CV.Raman
Different tempera ture cases Celsius Kelvin Fahrenhelt
*Ice melts at 0°C 273 K 112 F
*Water boils at 100°C 373 K 212 F

*Celsius to Fahrenheit
Ans : F=(C*9/5) 32
*Fahrenheit to Celsius
Ans : C = (F - 32) *9/5
*Celsius to Kelvin Scale
Ans : K = C 273.15
*Kelvin to Celsius
Ans : C = K - 273.15

*Father of electricity
*Law of electrolysis was put forward
*Concept of electric field was put forward
*Invented Dynamo
*Discovered electromagnetic induction.


*kaiga -Karnataka
*Karnataka -Gujarat
*Tarapur -Tamil Nadu
*Rawatbhat -Rajasthan
*Narora -Uttar Pradesh

*Father of Nuclear Physics

Ans : Ruther Ford
*Father of Indian Space Research
Ans : Vikram Sarabhai
*Father of Indian Nuclear Programme
Ans : Homi .J.Bhabha
*Father of Indian Atom Bomb
Ans : Raja Ramanna
*Father of Hydrogen Bomb
Ans : Edward Teller
*Father of Atom Bomb
Ans : Robert Oppenheimer
*Father of Modern Physics
Ans : Albert Einstein
*Lightening conductor
Ans : Benjamin Franklin
*Bifocal lens
Ans : Benjamin Franklin
*Astronomical telescope
Ans : Galileo
*Human eye made up of 3 kinds of colour receptors was explained by
Ans : Thomas Young
*Artifical radioactivity
Ans : Irene Joliot Curie and Frederic Joliot Curie
*The term radioactivity was coined by
Ans : Madam Curie
*The book 'PhilosophiaeNaturalis Principia Mathematica' was written
Ans : Isaac Newton
*Electromagnetic wave theory
Ans : James Clerk Maxwell
Physics 3
*Altimeter : an apparatus used in aircraft for measuring altitudes
*Accumulator : used for storing electrical energy
*Amplifier helps to increase the strength of electrical signals
*Ammeter : used to measure Electric current
*Anemometer : instrument for measuring the force and velocity of
*Audiometer : an instrument to measure intensity of so
*Audiophone : an instrument required to amplify sound and is worn to
compensate for poor hearing
*Barograph : for continuous recording of atmospheric pressure
*Barometer is an apparatus used for measuring the atmospheric
*Calorimeter : an instrument used for measuring quantities of heat
*Cardiogram a medical instrument used for tracing heart movements
*Commutator : split ring which forms the main part of a D.C. Dynamo
*Crescograph : is an instrument for recording growth of plants
*Dynamo : to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy
*Electroenceph : It is the technique of recording and interpreting the
electrical alograph (EEG) activity of the brain
*Epidiascope : for projecting films as well as images of opaque particles
on a screen
*Eudiometer It is a glass tube for measuring volume changes in
chemical reactions between gases
*Electroscope : to detect the presence of electric charge
*Fathometer : an instrument used for measuring depth of the ocean
*G.M. Counter : This special device is used for detecting the presence
of radiation (Geiger Muller and counting certain atomic particles
*Gravimeter : an instrument for recording measurement under water
*Gyroscope : an instrument used to illustrate dynamics of rotating
*Hydrometer : an instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of
*Hydrophone : an instrument used for recording sound underwater
* Hygrometer : an instrument used for measuring humidity in air
* Hydroscope : shows the changes in atmospheric humidity
* Hypsometer : measures the boiling point of liquids Inverter used to
convert dc into ac
* Lactometer : an apparatus used for measuring the purity of milk
* Nanometer : for determining the pressure of a gas
* Mariner's : an apparatus which is used to guide the sailors. The
needle always compass points north south
* Micrometer : an instrument used for converting sound i,e, fraction of
the lowest division of a given scale
* Microphone : an instrument used for converting sound waves into
electrical vibrations
* Microscope : an Instrument which is used for magnifying minute
objects by a lens system
* Microtome : used for cutting an object into thin parts for microscopic
* Odometer : an instrument by virtue of which the distance covered by
wheeled vehicles is recorded
* Oscillator : convert dc into ac
* Phonograph : an instrument used for reproducing sound
* Potentiometer: used for comparing the e.m.f
* Psychrdmeteri : an of the atmosphere
* Pyrometer : an instrument for recording high temperature from a
great distance
* Rheostat : used to adjust resistance
* Resistor : used flow of electric current
* Rain Gauge : an apparatus for recording of rainfall at a particular
*Radiometer : an instrument for mesuring the emission of radiant
*Refractometer : an Instrument to measure refractive indices
*Saccharimeter : an instrument for determining the amount of sugar in
a solution
*Seismometer or Seismograph : an instrument used for ing earthquake
*Spectometer : An instrument for measuring the energy distribution Of
a particular type of radiation
Speedometer : an instrument which indicates speed at which a vehicle
is moving
*Spherometer : an instrument for measuring curvature of surfaces
*Sphygmophone : an instrument, with the help of which a pulse beat
makes a sound
*Sphygmophone : an instrument by virtue of which , arterial pulsations
become visible
*Stereoscope : to view two dimensional images
*Stereoscope : an instrument to hear and analyse movements of heart
and lungs
*Stop watch : for recording small intervals of time in the laboratory, in
races and other events.
*Storeoscope : an instrument for viewing objects moving rapidly with a
periodic motion and see them as If they were at rest.
*Tachometer : an instrument for determining speeds of aeroplanes and
motor boats
*Tonometer : measure the internal pressure of the eye
*Transducer : converts sound signal into an electrical signal, or vice
*Transformer : an electrical device that transfers electrical energ
between two or more circuits through electromagnetic induction
*Teleprinter : an instrument which prints automatically messages sent
from one place to another on telegraph lines
*Theodolite : an instrument for measuring horizontal and vertical
*Termometer : an instrument based on theremo-electricity used for
measuring temperatures
*Thermometer : an apparatus used for measuring temperature
*Thermostat : an Instrument used to regulate the temperature to a
particular degree
*Viscometer : an instrument to measure viscosity
*Voltmeter : used to measure potential difference
*Wattmeter : to measure the power of an electric current
Calorimeter : used for measuring the heat of chemical reactions
Ashutosh Shukla Official Youtube Channel
* Father of Chemistry
Ans : Robert Boyle
* The author of the book 'ScepticalChymist' is
Ans : Robert Boyle
* Father of Modern Chemistry
Ans : Antoine Lavoisier
* Father of Indian Chemistry
Ans : P.C.Roy
* Father of Organic Chemistry
Ans : Friedrich Wohler
* Ancient Chemistry is known as
Ans : Alchemy
* Ancient Chemists were known as
Ans : Alchemists
* The scientist known as the father of Sodapop
Ans : Joseph Priestly
* International year of chemistry
Ans : 2011
*New methods used in chemistry which aim to reduce pollution are
Ans : Green Chemistry
*The term Green Chemistry was coined by
Ans : Paul.T.Anastas

There are seven stable physical states
1) Solid
2) Liquid
3) Gas
4) Plasma
5) Bose- Einstein condensate (Super atom)
6) Fermionic condensate
7) Super Fluidity


* The concept dual nature of Matter was put forward by
Ans : Louis de-Broglie
* The construction of electron microscope was based on
Ans : Dual Nature of Matter
* The dual nature of electrons was
Ans : I.H.Germer

*Basic unit of Chemistry
Ans : Atom
*Smallest units of a matter
Ans : Atom
*Atom was derived from a greek word
Ans : 'Atomos' (means indivisible)
*Atom was discovered by
Ans : John Dalton
*Law of Multiple Proportion was put forward by
Ans : John Dalton
*The term 'atom' was coined by
Ans : Ostwald
*The fundamental particles of an atom
Ans : Proton, Electron and Neutron
*The central part of an atom
Ans : Nucleus
*The sub atomic particles of Nucleus
Ans : Protons and Neutrons
*Heaviest sub atomic particle
Ans : Neutron
*Lightest sub atomic particle
Ans : Electron
*Moving particle of an atom
Ans : Electron
*The charge of an electron is
Ans : Negative
*Protons and Neutrons are collectively known as
Ans : Nucleons
*Chemical property of a substance is determined by
Ans : Electrons
*The smallest atom
Ans : Helium (He)
*The simplest atom
Ans : Hydrogen (H)
*Biggest known atom
Ans : Francium (Fr)
*The unit of measuring mass of an atom
Ans : Atomic Mass Unit (amu)
*1 atomic mass unit is equal to
Ans : 1.6605 xlO’27 Kg
*The element used to find amu
Ans : Carbon-12

*Electron is discovered by
Ans : JJ.Thomson
*The name Electron was proposed by
Ans : Stoney
*Charge of an electron
Ans : 1.6 x 10-19C (determined by Millikan)
*Mass of electron
Ans : 9.1 x 10_31kg
*Dual nature of electron
Ans : Louis-de-broglie

*Proton was discovered by
Ans : Ernest Rutherford
*The identity card of an element
Ans : Proton
*The mass of a proton is
Ans : 1.672 x 10^-27 kg
*The theory of Proton was presented by
Ans : William Prout

*Neutron was discovered by
Ans : James Chadwick in 1932
*The heaviest fundamental particle of an atom
Ans : Neutron
*The least stable particle
Ans : Neutron
*Neutrons are bound very tightly
*Chargeless particle of an atom
Ans : Neutron
*The atom without neutron
Ans : Protium (Isotope of Hydrogen)
*Atomic number - It is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
*Atomic number is denoted by the alphabet
Ans : Z
*Mass number - The total number of protons and neutrons present in
the nucleus of an atom
*Mass number is denoted by
Ans : A
*Anti particle of the neutron with the same mass of neutron
Ans : Anti neutron
*Anti particle of the proton with the same mass of proton
Ans : Anti proton
*Nuclear particle with the mass of an electron but opposite charge
Ans : Positron
*Atomic Theory
Ans : John Dalton
*Uncertainty Principle
Ans : Werner Heisenberg
*Structure of Atom
Ans : Niels Bohr
*Plum Pudding Model
Ans : J.J. Thomson
*Wave Mechanics Model
Ans : Max Planck
*Electron (-ve charge)
Ans : J.J. Thomson
*Proton (ve charge)
Ans : Ernest Rutherford
*Neutron (No charge)
Ans : James Chadwick
*Nucleus (ve charge)
Ans : Ernest Rutherford
*Positron (ve charge)
Ans : Carl Anderson
*Antineutron (No charge)
Ans : Bruce Cork
*The combining capacity of one atom to another
Ans : Valency
*Atom is bigger than its nucleus
Ans : 10^5 times
*Electrons move in a circular path called
Ans : Orbit
*The maximum number of elements in an orbit is
Ans : 2
*The orbit followed by a moving electrons around the nucleus of an
Ans : Shell
*The maximum number of electrons in a shell
Ans : 2n2 (n = Number of shell)
*Smallest particle of a substance having all its properties
Ans : Molecule
*The term molecule was coined by
Ans : Avogadro
*The number of molecules obtained in 1 mole of gas is called
Ans : Avogadro Number
*Avagadro Number
Ans : 6.023 xl023/mol
*International mole day
Ans : October 23
*The bricks of Universe
Ans : Molecules
*The SI Unit of the amount of substance
Ans : Mole
*A molecule made up of only one kind of atom is called
Ans : Monoatomic molecule
*A molecule made up of two kinds of atom is called
Ans : Diatomic molecule
*Substance which is composed of similar kind of atoms is called
Ans : Elements
*The scientist who proved that the elements are made up of atoms
Ans : John Dalton
*The term 'elements' was coined by
Ans : Robert Boyle
*The first scientist who gave a definition to element is
Ans : Robert Boyle
*The scientist who gave symbols for elements on the basis of their
Ans : JohnJ.Berzelius
*The scientist who classified elements into Metals and Non-metals
Ans : Lavoisier
*Elements are classified into
Ans : Metals, non-metals and metalloids
*Metals: Elements that conduct electricity and heat which tends to lose
*Non-Metals : Elements that do not conduct electricity and heat which
tends to accept electrons.
*Metalloids: Elements showing properties of both metals and non-
*The international association which gives names of elements
Ans : International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
*The headquarters of IUPAC
Ans : Zurich (Switzerland)
*The most abundant element in the universe
Ans : Hydrogen
*The second most abundant element in the universe
Ans : Helium
*The only radio active element in liquid form
Ans : Francium
*The only radio active element in gaseous form
Ans : Radon
*The most electro positive stable element
Ans : Cesium

*The combination of two or more elements is called
Ans : Compounds
*The separation of a compound into its elements by chemical means is
Ans : Analysis
*The formation of a compound by the union of elements is called
Ans : Synthesis
Examples: Water, Steam, Salt etc.
*The recently discovered chemical compound for the treatment of
Ans : Cisplatin
*The element which forms largest number of compounds
Ans : Carbon
*The second element which forms largest number of compounds
Ans : Hydrogen


*Silver Iodide
Ans : For artificial rain
Ans : Preservation of dead bodies
*Sodium citrate
Ans : Anti coagulant in blood bank
*Sodium Benzoate
Ans : For preservation of grains and food
*Silver Bromide
Ans : Manufacturing of photo films
Ans : Used in refrigerator as coolant
*Sodium Peroxide
Ans : Air purifier in submarines
*Carbon dioxide
Ans : Used in Fire extinguisher

*Two or more substances (elements or compounds or both) that do not
combine chemically during the mixing
Ans : Mixtures
*The two kinds of mixtures are :
Ans : Heterogeneous mixture and Homogeneous mixture
*Heterogeneous mixture
Ans : Having more than one phase
Eg: Concrete, Wood
*Homogeneous mixture
Ans : Having same proportions of its compounds through out a given
sample. Two or more components are so evenly distributed in
Homogeneous mixture
Eg: Quartz, Glass, Air
*A mixture of two faces of the matter is called
Ans : Colloid
Eg : Emulsion, Aerosols, Fog, Milk
*A colloidal solution formed between two liquids is called
Ans : Emulsion
*A colloid formed between gas particles and liquid or solid particles
Ans : Foam
*Colloid which contains particles of liquid or solid dispersed in gas
Ans : Aerosol

*Atoms of the same element having same atomic number and different
mass number are known as
Ans : Isotopes
*Isotope was discovered by
Ans : Frederick Soddy


*Carbon 14
Ans : Used to determine the age of fossils
*Cobalt 60
Ans : Used for the treatment of cancer
*Phosphorous 32
Ans : Used for the treatment of skin cancer
*Oxygen 15, Iodine - 131
Ans : Used as medicine
*Isotopes differ in the number of
Ans : Neutrons
*The isotopes of hydrogen are
Ans : Protium, Deuterium, Tritium

*Elements having same mass number and different atomic number are
known as
Ans : Isobars
Eg : Calcium - 40 (20 Ca^40), Argon - 40 (18Ar^40)
*The term Isobars was suggested by
Ans : Alfred Walter Stewart

*Atoms of elements- having same number of neutrons are called
Ans : Isotones
eg : Helium (2He^4) and Tritium (1H^3) (both contain 2 neutrons)
*The term Isotones was formed by
Ans : K.Guggenheimer

*Compounds with same molecular formula but different structures are
known as
Ans : Isomers
Eg: Glucose (C^6H^12O^6),Fructose (C^6H^12O^6)

*Different forms of the same element with different physical
appearances are known as
Ans : Allotropes
Eg: Diamond, Graphite and Charcoal
are the allotropes of Carbon
*The allotrope of Oxygen
Ans : Ozone

*An arrangement of elements with similar properties placed together is
Ans : Periodic Table
*Mendeleev's periodic table was based on
Ans : increasing order of atomic mass
*Moseley's periodic table was based on the
Ans : atomic number of elements
*The modern periodic table is based on
Ans : atomic number
*Modern periodic table contains
Ans : 7 horizontal rows and 18 vertical columns
*The periodic table was discovered by
Ans : Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev
*Modern periodic table was discovered by
Ans : Henry Moseley
*Periodic laws were put forward by
Ans : Mendeleev
*Modern periodic laws were put forward by
Ans : Moseley
*The scientist who classified elements based on Atomic Values is
Ans : Lothar Meyer
*The rows are called
Ans : Periods
*Columns are called
Ans : Groups
*The left side of the periodic table denotes
Ans : Metals
*The right side of the periodic table denotes
Ans : Non-metals

*Hydrogen - Henry Cavendish
*Oxygen - Joseph Priestly
*Selenium - Berzelius
*Thorium - Berzelius
*Calcium - Humphry Davy
*Sodium - Humphry Davy
*Potassium - Humphry Davy
*Boron - Humphry Davy
*Barium - Humphry Davy
*Uranium - Martin Klaproth
*Radium - Madam Curie
*Nitrogen - Daniel Rutherford
*Fluorine - Henri Moissan
*Iodine - Bernard Courtois
*Chlorine - Carl Wilhelm Scheele
*BHC - Michael Faraday
*Methane - Alexander Volta
*Titanium - William Gregor
*Aluminium - Hans Orsted
*Nitrous Oxide - Joseph Priestly
*DDT - Paul Muller
*Most abundant element on earth's crust - Oxygen
*Most abundant metal in earth's crust - Aluminium
*Most abundant metalloid in earth's crust - Silicon
*Most abundant element in atmosphere - Nitrogen
*Most abundant element in the universe - Hydrogen
*Most abundant element in human body - Oxygen
*Most abundant gas in atmosphere - Nitrogen
*Most abundant element in sea water - Chlorine
*Most abundant element in moon's surface - Titanium
*Most abundant metal present in human body and bones - Calcium
*Most abundant metal compound in bones - Calcium phosphate
*Most abundant compound on earth's surface - Water (H2O)
*Most abundant compound in sea water - Sodium Chloride
*Second most abundant compound in sea water - Magnesium Chloride
*Most chemically reactive element - Fluorine
*Second most chemically reactive element - Chlorine
*The lightest and simplest element - Hydrogen
*The lightest metal - Lithium
*The rarest element in the earth - Astatine
*The heaviest element - Osmium
*The heaviest gaseous element - Radon
*First man made element - Technetium
*Most stable element - Lead
*The periodic table is divided into 4 main blocks
*S block - elements of group 1 and 2
*P block - elements of group 13 to 18
*D block - elements of group 3 to 12
*F block - Lanthanides and Actinides
*The shortest period of the periodic table
Ans : First period
*The longest period of the periodic table
Ans : Sixth period
*Elements with atomic number 57-71 are known as
Ans : Lanthanides (rare earths)
*Elements with atomic number 89-103 are known as
Ans : Actinides (radio active rare earths)
*Total number of elements in periodic table
Ans : 118
*The number of naturally occurring elements
Ans : 92

*1st group -Alkali metals
*2nd group- Alkaline earth metals
*3-12 group -Transition elements
*13thgroup -Boron family
*14thgroup -Carbon family
*15thgroup - Nitrogen family
*16thgroup - Oxygen family
*17thgroup - Halogen
*18thgroup - Noble gas
*The first artificial element
Ans : Technetium (Z = 43)
*Man made elements are known as
Ans : Transuranics


Features Top to bottom Left to right
*Atomic size increases decreases
*Ionization Energy decreases increases
*Electron affinity decreases increases
*Ionization potentialdecreases increases

*Metals and non-metals
Ans : Lavoisier
Ans : Dobereiner
*Law of octaves
Ans : John Newland
*Based on atomic weight
Ans : Mendeleev
*Based on atomic number
Ans : Moseley
*Element present in 1,2 and 13-18 groups are known as
Ans : Representative elements
*All transitive elements are
Ans : Metals
*Transitive elements form
Ans : Coloured compounds
*Name of earth - Tellurium (52)
*Name of Moon - Selenium (34)
*Name of Sun - Helium (2)
*Name of Asteroid - Palladium (46)
*Honour of women - Curium (96), Meitnerium (109)
*Name of Ceres - Cerium(58)
*Name of Uranus - Uranium (92)
*Name of Neptune - Neptunium (93)
*Name of Pluto - Plutonium (94)


*The liquid metal at room temperature
Ans : Mercury
*The liquid non-metal at room temperature
Ans : Bromine
*Two elements which are liquids at room temperature
Ans : Bromine, Mercury

*The ability of an atom to accept the electrons during molecular bond
formulation is known as
Ans : Electro negativity
*Electronegativity was discovered by
Ans : Linus Pauling
*Electronegativity scale was invented by
Ans : Linus Pauling
*The element which has most electronegativity
Ans : Fluorine
*The elements which have least electronegativity
Ans : Francium, Caesium

*The metal used in atomic clocks
*The metal which shows least expansion
*Most electro positive stable element
*Element having least electro negativity


*Iron Fe Ferrum
*Gold Au Aurum
*Silver Ag Argentum
*Copper Cu Cuprum
*Antimony Sb Stibium
*Mercury Hg Hydrargyrum
*Sodium Na Natrium
*Tungsten W Wolfram
*Tin Sn Stannum
*Potassium K Kalium
*Lead Pb Plumbum


113 Nihonium Nh
115 Moscovium Mc
117 Tennessine Ts
118 OganessonOg

*Two types of reactions are
Ans : Physical and Chemical reactions

*A reaction in which no new substance is produced is called
Ans : Physical reaction It can be reversed
eg : Freezing, Melting
Chemistry 2
*Mass Number -1
*Ordinary Hydrogen
*Abundant isotope
*Atom having no neutron
*Only one atom having same atomic number and mass number

*Mass Number - 2
*Heavy Hydrogen
*Used for manufacturing Hydrogen bomb
*Deuterium Oxide (D20) is known as heavy water
*It is used as moderator in nuclear reactor
*Having only one neutron

*Mass Number - 3
*Simplest radioactive isotope
*Having two neutrons
HELIUM (He) (Z=2)
*1st noble gas group in the periodic table
Ans : Helium
*Second lightest element
Ans : Helium
*The element shows highest thermal conductivity
Ans : Helium
*2nd most abundant element in universe
Ans : Helium
*Product of nuclear fusion
Ans : Helium 4
*Discovered by
Ans : Pierre Janssen and Norman Lockyer
*Liquid Helium is used as
Ans : Cryogenic refrigerant
*Preferred for filling the weather balloons and air ships
*The elements used for the treatment of Asthma
Ans : Helium and Oxygen
*The elements used in welding are
Ans : Helium and Argon
*Helium is non-inflammable in nature
LITHIUM (Li) (Z = 3)
*Belonging to the alkali metal
*The lightest metal
Ans : Lithium
*The element which is kept in wax
Ans : Lithium
*The strongest reducing agent
Ans : Lithium

BERYLLIUM (Be) (Z = 4)
*Beryllium was found by
Ans : Louis Nicolas Vauqueli

*It was isolated by

Ans : Friedrich Wohler and Antoine Bussy
*Naturally occurring compound of Beryllium
Ans : Emerald

BORON (B) (Z=5)

*The word boron was originated from
Ans: Borax
*It is a metalloid chemical element
*Compound used for making laboratory apparatus
Ans : Borosilicate glass
*The compound known as inorganic benzene
Ans : Borozene
*The only acid shows the characteristics of alkali
Ans: Boric acid
*The main content of eye drops
Ans : Boric acid
*The polish used in carom board
Ans : Boric acid

CARBON (C) (Z=6)

*The element considered as the fundamental element of life
Ans : Carbon
*The element having maximum tendency of catenation (catenation -
Self linking property)
Ans : Carbon
*Carbon atoms covalently bound to other atoms to make organic
*Carbon has two types of allotropes
(1)Crystalline (eg : diamond, graphite, fullerene, graphine)
(2)Amorphous (eg: coal, charcoal)
*Graphite has a layer structure
*The most stable form of carbon
Ans : Graphite
*Substance used for making electrodes
Ans : Graphite
*The substance known as Black lead or Plumbago
Ans : Graphite
*It is a good conductor of heat and electricity
*It is used as a moderator in nuclear reactor

* Diamond has tetrahedral structure
* The hardest natural substance
Ans: Diamond
* The purest form of carbon
Ans: Diamond
* The densest form of carbon
Ans: Diamond
* The,substance showing highest light density
Ans: Diamond
* The medium with lowest speed for light
* The substance used for cutting glass
Ans: Diamond
*Scale used,to measure the hardness of diamond
Ans: Mohr's scale
* Hardness of diamond
Ans: 10 mohr

*A ball shaped carbon allotrope
Ans: Fullerene
*Fullerene members
Ans: C 60, C 70

*The latest discovered allotrope of Carbon
Ans: Graphene
*The single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagoned shape
Ans : Graphene
*An amorphous allotrope of carbon
Ans : Charcoal
*Activated charcoal is used in many applications like gas purification,
water purification, airfilters in gas masks etc
Substance - Production Extraction process
*Bromine- Dow process
*Nitric acid - Ostwald process
*Noble metals - Cyanide process
*Sulphuric acid - Contact process
*Chlorine gas - Deacon's process
*Sodium - Down's process
*Hydrogen - Bosch process
*Steel - Bessemer process
*Ammonia - Haber process
*Sodium carbonate - Solvay process
*Sulphur - Frasch process
*Aluminium - Hall Heroult process
*Halogens - Messenger method
*Nitrogen - Dumas process
*The most abundant element in the atmosphere
Ans : Nitrogen
*Percent of nitrogen presence atmosphere
Ans : 78%
*Main content of protein
Ans : Nitrogen
*It is discovered by Scotish physician
Ans : Daniel Rutherford in 1772
*The gas controls burning
Ans : Nitrogen

*The acid content of acid rain
Ans : Nitrous Oxide
*The compound used as anesthetic
Ans : Nitrogen compound
*Largest single constituent of earth's atmosphere
Ans : Nitrogen compound
*Gas known as laughing gas
Ans : Nitrous Oxide
*Gas formed during lightning
Ans : Nitrogen dioxide


*TNT, RDX, Nitroglycerine
Ans : Explosive substances
*TNT - Tri Nitro Toluene is known as
Ans : Trotyl
*RDX - Research Department Explosive is known as
Ans : Cyclonite
*Mostly found as compound in nature
*The nitrogen compound used as indelible ink (Voters' ink)
Ans : Silver Nitrate

OXYGEN (O) (Z = 8)
*Oxygen was experimentally prepared by
Ans : Karl Scheele
*Oxygen was discovered by
Ans : Joseph Priestly
*Element nature of oxygen was established by
Ans : Lavoisier
*Burning is helped by
Ans : Oxygen
*It is colourless, tasteless and odourless
*The colour of liquid oxygen is
Ans : Light blue colour
*Nature of oxygen
Ans : Paramagnetic
*Most abundant element in earth crust
Ans : Oxygen
*Number of atoms in Oxygen molecule - 2, Ozone - 3
*Ozone layer is found in
Ans : Stratosphere
*The depletion of ozone layer is caused by
Ans : Chlorofluorocarbon (CFG)
*Industrial name of CFC
Ans : Freon

SODIUM (Na) (Z=11)

*Sodium is kept in
Ans : Kerosene
*Sodium was discovered by
Ans : Humphry Davy
*The element which regulates blood pressure in human beings
Ans : Sodium
*Cell used to manufacture sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
Ans : CastnerKellner Cell
*Compound used as air purifier cell in submarines
Ans : Sodium peroxide
*Compound which is used as a fixer in photographic film
Ans : Sodium Thiosulphate or Thio

*The compound used in blood bank

Ans : Sodium citrate
*The sodium compound used as coolant in atomic reactors
Ans : Liquid sodium
Main sodium compounds are;
(1)Sodium Carbonate (Washing Soda)
(2)Sodium bicarbonate (Baking soda)

*Sodium and Potassium are known as
Ans : Soft metals
*They are highly reactive with
Ans : Water
*Sodium and Potassium are kept in
Ans : Kerosene


*Element known as 'chemical sun'
Ans : Magnesium
*The metal present in chloroplast of plants
Ans : Magnesium
*The Magnesium compound used for dental filling
Ans : Sorel cement
*Magnesium Hydroxide, acts as an antacid is popularly known as
Ans : Milk of Magnesia


*The most abundant metal in the earth's crust
Ans : Aluminium
*Main ore of Aluminium
Ans : Bauxite
*Aluminium was isolated for the first time by
Ans : Hans Oersted
*Manufacturing process of Aluminium
Ans : Hall Heroult Process
*Simplest way of extraction of aluminium is discovered by
Ans : Charles Martin Hall
* It is an amphoteric metal
*The element used in reflecting telescope and CD
Ans : Aluminium
*Compound of Aluminium is seen in
Ans: Blue colour
*Double sulphate of aluminium is
Ans : Alum
*The metal shows the characteristics of both acid and alkali
Ans : Aluminium
*The metal mostly present in clay
Ans : Aluminium
*The metal used to make cigarette wrapper
Ans : Aluminium
*The chemical method used for the concentration of bauxite
Ans : Leaching
*Compound of aluminium used for manufacturing powerful magnet
Ans: Alnico
*Naturally occurring aluminium silicate is
Ans: Mica
*Mica is a bad conductor of electricity and a good conductor of
Ans: Heat

*Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue stone, used in making ornaments.
*It is a compound of Aluminium

*Used as mordant
*Used as dyes
*Used for purifying water fire extinguisher

* Emerald - Beryllium,Aluminium,Silicate
* Sapphire - Aluminium Oxide
* Ruby - Aluminium Oxide
* Topaz - Aluminium Fluorine Silicate
* Opal - Hydrated Aluminium Dioxide
*Asbestos is otherwise known as
Ans : Rock Cotton
*phosphorous was discovered by
Ans : Hennig Brand
*"One who carries light" is the meaning of
Ans : Phosphorous
*White phosphorous is kept in
Ans : Water
*The form of Phosphorous which emits green light on the exposure to
Ans : White phosphorous
*White phosphorous burns in atmosphere at
Ans : 30°C
*Red phosphorous is used for making
Ans : Safety matches
*Substance used to make the match sticks
Ans : Red Phosphorous, Potassium Chlorate
*Phosphorous is used in fertilizer industry
*The element which is present in the DNA&RNA of animals is
Ans : Phosphorous
*The element present in the animal bone fertilizer
Ans : Phosphorous
*The number of atoms present in a phosphorous molecule
Ans : 4 (tetra atomic)
*The element having the smell of rotten fish
Ans:Phosphine (PH3)
*The isotope used for the treatment of blood cancer
Ans : Phosphorous-32
*The phosphorous which is illuminated in darkness
Ans : White Phosphorous
*The product obtained after the heating of White Phosphorous at a
high temperature
Ans : Black Phosphorous
*The phosphorous used as rat poison
Ans : Zinc Phosphide

SULPHUR (S) (Z = 16)

Sulphur is a member of
Ans : Chalcogen family
*Enemy of copper
Ans : Sulphur
*It has no radioactive isotope
*Number of atoms present in sulphur molecule
Ans : 8
*Acid rain is caused by
Ans : Sulphur dioxide
*Sulphide ores are purified by
Ans : Froth Flotation process
*The process of heating the rubber by adding sulphur
Ans : Vulcanization
*Mixture of Sulphur and Charcoal is known as
Ans : Gun Powder
*Gases which cause fading the colour of silver ornaments
Ans : Hydrogen Sulphide,Sulphur dioxide
*The gas which causes the fading of the colour of Taj Mahal
Ans : Sulphur dioxide

POTASSIUM (K) (Z = 19)

*Potassium is kept in
Ans : Kerosene
*The elements which are known as soft metals
Ans : Potassium and Sodium
*It is discovered by
Ans : Humphry Davy
*The most abundant metal present in blood
Ans : Potassium
*The metal present in bath soap
Ans : Potassium
*The compound of potassium used for purifying water
Ans : Potassium Permanganate
*The ores of potassium are Carnalite, Salt Petre Metal related to the
disease arthritis Potassium
*First metal separated by electrolysis
Ans : Potassium
*Chemical used for organic farming, neutralizing acidic soil
Ans : Potassium Bicarbonate

CALCIUM (Ca) (Z = 20)

*The most abundant metal in the human body
Ans : Calcium
*The compound of calcium used to make bandage, statues is
Ans : Plaster of Paris
*Composition of coral reefs is caused by Calcium carbonate The
compound used in tooth paste as polishing agent
Ans : Calcium carbonate
*The most abundant chemical substance in cement
Ans: Calcium oxide
*Compound which is regulating the setting time of cement
Ans : Gypsum
*The product obtained after heating the gypsum at 125°C
Ans : Plaster of Paris
*Compound which is used in the process of manufacturing cement
Ans : Lime stone
*The product obtained when lime stone is heated
Ans : Quicklime and Carbondioxide
* The permanent hardness of water is caused by
Ans : Calcium Sulphate and Calcium Chloride
* The chemical substances caused for the permanent hardness of water
are The sulphates and Chlorides of Calcium and Magnesium 53 The
temporary hardness of water is caused by
Ans : Calcium bicarbonate and Magnesium bicarbonate
* The process used to remove the permanent hardness of water
Ans : Distillation or adding Washing soda
* The process used to remove the temporary hardness of water
Ans : Heating or adding lime
*When quick lime is mixed with Carbon dioxide it turns into
Ans : Milky colour
*The compound used for producing lime mixture
Ans : Calcium Compound
*The chemical name of Chalk
Ans : Calcium Carbonate
TITANIUM (Ti) (Z = 22)
*The whitest element compound ever known is
Ans : Titanium
*Titanium was discovered by
Ans : William Gregor
*White paints are made using the oxides of
Ans : Titanium
*The symbol of whiteness
Ans:Titanium dioxide
*The metal known as "Metal of future"
Ans : Titanium
*The metal known as 'wonder metal'
Ans : Titanium
*The most abundant metal present on the surface of moon
Ans : Titanium
*Titanium is separated from
Ans : Ilmenite

CHROMIUM (Cr) (Z =24)

*The scientist who isolated chromium for the first time was
Ans : Louis Nicolas Vauquelin
*The element shows antiferromagnetic property
Ans : Chromium
*The hardest metal
Ans : Chromium
*The word 'Chroma' means
Ans : Colour
MANGANESE (Mn) (Z = 25)
*Manganese was discovered by
Ans : Carl Sheel
*Manganese was isolated for the first time by
Ans : Johan Gottlieb Gahn
*The fifth most abundant metal in Earth's crust
Ans : Manganese
*It is too brittle in nature
*The steel which is used for making rails
Ans : Medium steel
*The steel which is used to make agriculture equipments, wires, poles
Ans : Mild steel
*The steel which is used to make surgical equipments, spring
Ans : High Carbon steel
IRON (Fe) (Z=26)
*Latin name of Iron
Ans : Ferrum
*Boiling point
Ans : 3134K
*Melting point
Ans : 1811K
*Element present in haemoglobin
Ans : Iron
*Least pure form of Iron
Ans : Cast Iron
*Steel contains
Ans : 0.1 to 1.5% of carbon
*Stainless steel contains
Ans : Iron, Chromium, Nickel and Carbon
*Nickel steel contains
Ans : Iron, Nickel and Carbon
*Purest form of Iron
Ans : Wrought Iron
*Rust iron is chemically known as
Ans : Hydrated Iron Oxide
*Iron with earthly impurities
Ans : Pig Iron
*Ores of Iron
Ans : Hematite (Fe203), Magnetite (Fe304), Iron Pyrites (FeS2)
*The ore which is used for making iron for commercial purpose
Ans : Hematite (Fe203)
*The ore which contains large amount of iron
Ans : Magnetite (Fe3O4)
*Industrial production of steel
Ans : Bessemer process
*Iron coated with Zinc is called
Ans : Galvanized Iron
*Iron coated with Tin is called
Ans : Tin Plating
*When Iron rusts, its weight
Ans : Increases
*The reason for the brown colour of soil and rock is the presence of
Ans : Iron Oxide
*Hardening (Quenching) - Mild steel is heated to red hot in high
temperature and then cooled suddenly by plunging into oil or cold
*Tempering - The quenched steel is reheated to a temperature below
red hot and cooled slowly
*Annealing - Hard steel is heated to redness and then allowed to cool
slowly. Annealing makes the steel soft

COBALT (Co) (Z =27)

*The element present in Vitamin B12
Ans : Cobalt
*The scientist discovered Cobalt
Ans : George Brandt
*The micronutrient for bacteria, algae and fungi
Ans : Cobalt
*The isotope of Cobalt used for the treatment of cancer
Ans : Cobalt 60
*The substance used in glass to get blue colour
Ans : Cobalt salt

COPPER (Cu) (Z=29)

*First metal used by man
Ans : Copper
*Latin name of Copper
Ans : Cuprum
*The ores of Copper
Ans : Malachite, Chalcolite
*The metal prominently found in Panchaloha
Ans : Copper
*The chemical name of Blue Vitriol
Ans : Copper Sulphate

ZINC (Zn) (Z = 30)

*The ores of Zinc are
Ans : Calamine and Zinc blende
*Impure Zinc is known as
Ans : Spelter
*The element used in galvanization and in dry cells
Ans : Zinc
*The element used in the manufacturing of perfumes
Ans : Zinc
*The element present in insulin and tear drop
Ans : Zinc
*The compound known as 'White Vitriol'
Ans : Zinc Sulphate
*The elements extracted through the process of distillation
Ans : Zinc and Mercury
*The compound known as Chinese White (Philosopher's Wool)
Ans : Zinc Oxide
*The compound used in talcum powder and face cream
Ans : Zinc Oxide
*The compound of zinc which is used as a filler in rubber
Ans : Zinc Oxide
*The white coloured compounds in paint
Ans : Zinc Oxide

*The word halogen means
Ans:Salt former
*Halogens are :
?Fluorine (F) ?Chlorine (Cl)
?Bromine (Br) ? Iodine (I)
?Astatine (At)
Chiorine,Bromine,Iodine-Extracted from Sea Water
*Synthetic Halogen -Astatine
*Pseudo Halogen -Cyanogen (CN2)
*Solid Halogen -Iodine
*Super Halogen -Fluorine
*The lightest known halogen
Ans : Fluorine
*The least metallic in nature
Ans : Fluorine
*The element having highest reactivity or electro-negativity
Ans : Fluorine
*The most abundant halogen present in earth's crust
Ans : Fluorine (0.08%)
*The disease caused by the deficiency of fluorine
Ans : Fluorosis
*The most abundant halide in earth's crust by weight
Ans : Fluoride
*The compound known as fluorspar
Ans : Calcium Fluoride

Chemistry 3
CHLORINE (Cl) (Z= 17)
*The scientist who discovered and isolated the chlorine gas
Ans : Carl Scheele
*The scientist who recognized chlorine as an element
Ans : Humphry Davy
*The second element having highest reactivity
Ans : Chlorine
*The colour of Chlorine gas
Ans : Pale yellow green
*The organic compound which contains chlorine
Ans : DDT, BHC, Chloroform, Freon
*Chloroform was discovered by
Ans : James Young Simpson

*The poisonous substance produced when the chlorine is exposed

Ans : Phosgene
*The gas which was used as chemical weapon in the First World War
Ans : Phosgene
*The element used to purify the water in swimming pool
Ans : Chlorine
*The element used as an oxidising agent
Ans : Chlorine
*The element used as a bleaching agent
Ans : Chlorine
*The most abundant element present in sea water
Ans : Chlorine
*The remedy gas which is used against the chlorine poisoning
Ans : Ammonia
*The chlorine compound present in tear gas
Ans : Benzyl Chloride
*The compound of chlorine used in the plastics
Ans : Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
*The solvent used as an anesthetic
Ans : Chloroform
*The compound used as an antiseptic
Ans : Sodium Hypochlorite
BROMINE (Br) (Z=35)
*The non metal present in liquid form in room temperature
Ans : Bromine
*The bromine compound used in photographic films
Ans : Silver Bromide
*Third lightest halogen
Ans : Bromine

IODINE (I) (Z=53)

*Commonly used halogen
Ans : Iodine
*The element abundant in sea weeds
Ans : Iodine
*The element known as solid halogen
Ans : Iodine
*The non-metal having highest density
Ans : Iodine
*The most commonly used halogen available as tablet
Ans : Iodine
*Iodine test is used to detect
Ans : Carbohydrate
*The colour of carbohydrate in iodine
Ans : Dark Blue
*The element that sublimes (solid into vapour) on heating
Ans : Iodine
*The substance contains in the capsule which is given to the people in
the nuclear disaster affected area
Ans : Potassium Iodide
*The substances used for artificial raining
Ans : Silver Iodide and Dry ice (Solid CO2)
ASTATINE (At) (Z=85)
*The rarest element in Earth
Ans : Astatine
*The heaviest known halogen
Ans : Astatine
*The element known as synthetic halogen
Ans : Astatine


*Noble gases are also called as
Ans : Inert gases
*Noble gases do not enter Into chemical reactions
*Noble gases were discovered by
Ans : William Ramsay
*Group 18 is also known as
Ans : Zero group elements


*Helium (He)
*Neon (Ne)
*Argon (Ar)
*Krypton (Kr)
*Xenon (Xe)
*Radon (Rn)
*Valency of noble gases is

*The largest gaseous atom
Ans : Radon
*The heaviest gaseous atom
Ans : Radon
*The only radio active gaseous element
Ans : Radon
*The element extracted from radioactive disintegration of radium
Ans : Radon

*Argon was discovered by
Ans : Lord Rayleigh and William Ramsay
*Lord Rayleigh and William Ramsay got Nobel Prize for the discovery of
Argon in
Ans : 1904
*The most abundant inert gaseous element present in the atmosphere
Ans : Argon
*The gas filled in electric bulbs
Ans : Argon


*Neon- used in the tube and on the advertising sign boards
*Argon - used to fill in incandescent lamps
*Krypton - known as Hidden gas
*Xenon - Known as stranger gas

MERCURY (Hg) (Z= 80)

*The metal known as Quick Silver
Ans : Mercury
*The anomalous metal seen in liquid form in room temperature
Ans : Mercury
*First known super conductor
Ans : Mercury
*The metal with lowest melting point (-39°C)
Ans : Mercury
*Measuring quantity of mercury
Ans : Flask
*The term amalgam is used to represent an alloy which contains
Ans : Mercury
Eg: Dental filling

TIN (Sn) (Z=50)

*The element having maximum number of isotopes
Ans : Tin
*Latin name of Tin
Ans : Stannum
*The main ore of Tin
Ans : Cassiterite
*The ore of Tin known as Tin stone

LEAD (Pb) (Z=82)

*The most stable substance in the nature
Ans : Lead
*The element does not allow to pass laser through it
Ans : Lead
*Element used in storage batteries
Ans : Lead
*The element present as an anti-knocking agent in petrol
Ans : Lead
*The element used in the smoke of the vehicles
Ans : Lead
*The element having least conductivity
Ans : Lead
*The element which is purified by melting
Ans : Lead
*The part of the human body which is affected by lead
Ans : Kidney
*The disease caused by the effect of the element lead
Ans : Plumbism
*The red coloured pigment in 'sindur'
Ans : Trilead Tetroxide


*Tin and Lead combination is used in safety fuse
*Alloy of Tin and Lead used to make safety wire
*Alloy of Tin and lead can be separated by melting
Noble metals are
*Silver (Ag)
*Platinum (Pt)
*Gold (Au)
*The elements exist in free state
Ans : Noble Metals
*The process of producing noble metals is
Ans : Cyanide Process

GOLD (Au) (Z=79)

*Latin name of gold is
Ans : Aurum
*The metal known as King of metals
Ans : Gold
*The metal known as 'Hiranya'
Ans : Gold
*The metal with high malleability and ductility
Ans : Gold
*Melting point of gold
Ans:1064°C (1947°F)
*The device used to measure the purity of Gold
Ans : Carat Analyser
*The metal used with gold for making ornaments
Ans : Copper
*The symbol of Bureau of Indian Standard given for the purity of gold
Ans : Hallmark
*The compound of Gold and Silver is called
Ans : Electrum

*The unit of gold - Carat
*Pure gold - 24 carat
*22 carat gold used to make ornaments
*916 gold is 22 carat
*One pavan = 8 gram
*1kg = 125 pavan

*The liquid known as 'royal water'
Ans : Aquaregia
*Gold, Silver and Platinum are soluble in
Ans : Aquaregia
*The ratio of Hydrochloric acid and Nitric acid in Aquaregia
Ans : 3:1
*The liquid used in the Wohlwill process for extracting pure gold
Ans : Aquaregia

*Most abundant compound present in animals and human body
Ans : Water
*The scientist who found that water is a compound of hydrogen and
Ans : Henry Cavendish
*The only matter which exists in three forms (Solid, liquid, gas)
Ans : Water
*Chemical name of water
Ans : Di-hydrogen Oxide
*The compound known as heavy water
Ans : Deuterium Oxide
*Scientist who made artificial water
Ans : Joseph Priestly
*Water has high boiling point due to the presence of
Ans : Hydrogen bonding
*Bodymass contain
Ans : 70% of water
*The liquid known as universal solvent
Ans : Water
*The matter having highest specific heat capacity
Ans : Water
*Water has the maximum density at
Ans : 4°C
*Water has the highest volume and lowest density at
Ans : o°c
*Boiling point of water
Ans : 100°C
*Freezing point of water
Ans : 0°C
*The pH value of water
Ans : 7
*The quantity of oxygen in pure water
Ans : 89%
*Water acts as
Ans : neutral
*The purest water on earth is
Ans : Rain water
*The poor conductor of electricity
Ans : Water
*The bonding of the molecules in water is called
Ans : Polar bonding


*Hard Water
*Soft Water

*Does not produce lather with soap readily
*Again classified into two
(1)Temporary hardness
(2)Permanent hardness
(1)Temporary hardness:
Due to the presence of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium
*It can be removed by repeated boiling or adding lime
(2)Permanent hardness:
*Due to the presence of sulphates and chlorides of calcium and
*It can be removed by adding sodium carbonate or by distillation or by
exchange method
*Carbon dioxide was discovered by
Ans : Joseph Black
*The percentage of Carbon dioxide in atmosphere
Ans : 0.03%
*Gas which causes global warming
Ans : Carbon dioxide
*Solid carbon dioxide is known as
Ans : Dry Ice
*The substance used as cooling agent
Ans : Dry Ice
*The substance known as Card Ice
Ans : Dry Ice
*The sewage material in Aeroplanes are turned into solid by
Ans : Blue ice
*The gas released during the process of fermentation
Ans : Carbon dioxide
*The gas used as fire extinguisher
Ans : Carbon dioxide
*The gas present in soda water
Ans : Carbon dioxide
*The gas caused for green house effect
Ans : Carbon dioxide
*The gas absorbed at the time of photosynthesis
Ans : Carbon dioxide
*The gas emitted when the flour and toddy become sour
Ans : Carbon dioxide
*The gas let out when the lime stone is heated
Ans : Carbon dioxide
*The product released when the carbon is burned in air
Ans : Carbon dioxide

*Compound of Nitrogen and Hydrogen is
Ans : Ammonia
*Ammonia gas was discovered by
Ans : Fritz Haber
*Gaseous ammonia was produced for the first time by
Ans : Joseph Priestly
*The process by which ammonia is manufactured industrially is
Ans : Haber process
*The temperature for the Haber process is
Ans : 500°c
*Catalyst used in Haber process
Ans : Iron

*Has a strong irritating smell
*Most soluble gas in water
*Lighter than air
*Colourless gas
*Acts as cleaning agent
*Ammonia can be liquified
*The only gas which shows alkaline in nature
Ans : Ammonia
*The substance which is used as coolant in Ice plants
Ans : Ammonia
*The only gas having alkaline characteristics
Ans : Ammonia
*The remedial gas used against the poisoning of chlorine
Ans : Ammonia
*Acid which is used to detect Ammonia
Ans : Nessler's Reagent
*Artificial volcanoes are made using
Ans : Ammonium Dichromate
*The substance used in the production of nylon, rayon, explosives,
fertilizers and dyes
Ans : Ammonia
*The substance known as liquor ammonia
Ans : Ammonium Hydroxide
*The substance known as smelling salt
Ans : Ammonium carbonate
*The plant which absorbs ammonia directly from the atmosphere
Ans : Paddy
*The chemical substance used to dehydrate Ammonia gas
Ans : Calcium Oxide
*The compounds of Ammonia
Ans : Nitrogen and Hydrogen

*Acids are substances which produce
Ans : Hydronium ion (H3 O)
*The element present in all acids
Ans : Hydrogen
*The acids without any oxygen is called
Ans : Hydracid, Hydrochloric acid
*The acids produced from plants
Ans : Organic Acid
*The taste of acids is
Ans : Sour
*Acid turns blue litmus paper to
Ans : Red
*The gas produced when acids are active on metals
Ans : Hydrogen
*The gas produced when acids are active with Carbonates
Ans : Carbon dioxide
*Earliest known acid is
Ans : Acetic acid (Ethenoic acid)
*Other name of formic acid
Ans : Methenoic acid


*The acid known as oil of Vitriol
Ans : Sulphuric Acid
*The acid known as king of chemicals
Ans : Sulphuric Acid
*Sulphuric acid is produced by
Ans : Contact process
*The acid used in lead storage battery
Ans : Sulphuric Acid
*The acid used for the making of dynamite and car battery
Ans : Sulphuric Acid
*The acid pours on earth when acid rain occurs
Ans : Sulphuric Acid
*The acid which is highly powerful than Sulphuric acid
Ans : Super Acid
*The planet having the clouds of Sulphuric acid
Ans : Venus
*The catalyst used for the production of Sulphuric acid
Ans : Vanadium Pentoxide
*Ascorbic acid
Ans : The scientific name of Vitamin C
*Panthothenic acid
Ans : The scientific name of Vitamin B5
*Folic acid
Ans : The scientific name of Vitamin B9

*Used for the purification of gold
*It fumes in air
*It is known as Spirit of Nitre
*The chemical process for producing nitric acid
Ans : Ostwald process
*The acid known as aquafortis
Ans : Nitric Acid
*The acid used as oxidizer in rocket propellants
Ans : Nitric Acid

*Barbituric acid
Ans : Used as hypnotic
*Muriatic acid
Ans : Old name of hydrochloric acid
Ans : Old name of nitric acid
*Carbolic acid
Ans : Dilute phenol
*Hydrochloric acid
Ans : Acts as a digesting agent (contained in gastric juice)
*Phosphoric acid
Ans : Contained in cola/soft drinks
*Carbonic acid
Ans : Ordinary soda water
*Tartaric acid
Ans : Constituent of baking powder
*Lactic acid
Ans : Causes muscles fatigue
*Sucronic acid
Ans : Sweetest acid
*Fluroantimonic acid
Ans : Strongest add
*Perchioric acid
Ans : Strongest inorganic add
*Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
Ans : The acid used in Psychiatry
Acid known as wonder drug (also known as Acetyl Salicylic add)
*Benzoic acid
Ans : Used as food preservative

*Tamarind, Grapes - Tartaric acid
*Tea - Tannic acid
*Vinegar - Acetic acid
*Lemon,Orange - Citric acid
*Urine - Uric acid
*Ant - Formic acid
*Milk, Curd - Lactic acid
*Fat, Oil - Stearic acid
*Olive Oil - Oleic acid
*Apple - Maleic acid, Ascorbic acid
*Bee wax - Cerotic acid
*Tapioca - Prussic acid
*Coconut - Capric acid
*Rice - Phytic acid
*Wasp - Formic acid
*Honey bee - Formic acid
*Aspirin - Acetyl salicylic acid
*Palm oil - Palmitic acid
*Soda water - Carbonic acid

*Nitric Acid - Explosives
*Phosphoric acid - Fertilizers
*Hydrochloric acid - Cleaning of metal items, printing industry
*Oxalic acid - Ink stain remover
*Carbonic acid - Flavoured drinks
*Tartaric acid - Baking Powder
*Boric Acid - Eye wash
*Benzoic acid - Preservation of fruit pulps and making of perfumes
*Citric acid - Food preservation

*Oxides and hydroxides of metals are known as
Ans : Bases
*Bases turns red litmus paper into
Ans : Blue
*The colour of phenolphthalein in base
Ans : Pink
*The colour of phenolphthalein in acid
Ans : No colour
*The activity of acid and base is known as
Ans : Neutralization


*Sodium hydroxide
Ans : Soap manufacturing
*Calcium hydroxide
Ans : Bleaching powder manufacturing
*Magnesium hydroxide
Ans : Used as antacid
*Ammonium hydroxide
Ans : To remove stains from clothes

*Ionic compounds containing cations (ve ion) and anions (-ve ion) are
Ans : Salt
*The process of mixing up of salt and water resulting to form an acidic
or alkaline solution known as
Ans : Hydrolysis
*Salt Water -> acidic or alkaline
*Property of salt to absorb atmospheric salt
Ans : Hygroscopic


*Sodium chloride
Ans : Flavouring agent
*Sodium benzoate
Ans : Food preservative
*Sodium bicarbonate
Ans : Ingredient in baking powder
*Potassium nitrate
Ans : Used as gun powder

*Nitrogen containing organic compounds are called
Ans : Alkalloids
*The taste of Alkalloids is
Ans : Bitter


*Turmeric- Curcumin
*Ginger- Gingerine
*Neem - Margosein
*Coffee - Caffeine
*Cola - Caffeine
*Green Chilly - Capsaicin
*Pepper - Piperine
*Measure of acidic or basic character of a liquid or solution is called
Ans : pH value
*pH scale was discovered by
Ans : Soren Sorensen
*pH value starts from
Ans:0 to 14
*pH value less than 7 is
Ans : Acidic in nature
*pH value equal to 7 is
Ans : Neutral solutions (eg: water)
*pH value more than 7 is
Ans : Bases in nature
*Solution which resists changes in pH caused by the addition of acid or
Ans : Buffer solution

*Lemon Juice 2.4
*Vinegar 2.9
*Hydrochloric acid (Stomach) 3.01
*Orange juice 3.3 to 4.19
*Grapes 3.5 to 4.5
*Beer 4.5
*Coffee 5
*Tea 5.5
*Tomato 6 to 6.8
*Urine 6.5 to 7
*Milk 6.5
*Water 7
*Human blood 7.4
*Sea Water 7.9
*Baking soda 9
*Caustic soda 12

*Homogeneous mixture of two or more substances is called
*Solution -» Solvent Solute
Ans:Solute - dissolved substance
Solvent - dissolving substance
*Solution is divided into two
a)Saturated solution
b)Unsaturated solution
Number of gram equivalent solute in 1 litre of solution
Number of moles of solute present in 1 kg of the solvent
Number of moles of solute in 1 litre of solution


*Complex molecules formed by the combination of simpler molecules
Ans : Polymer
*The word polymer means
Ans : Big molecule
*Simplest unit of polymers
Ans : Monomer
*Monomers in the insulin is
Ans : Amino acids
*The process by which polymers and plastics made from monomers
Ans : Polymerisation
*Study of artificial fibre is called
Ans : Polymer Chemistry
*Examples of natural polymers are
Ans : Cellulose, silk etc.
*Paper is an example of
Ans : Cellulose
*Examples of artificial polymers are
Ans : Rayon, Nylon, Teflon etc.
*Father of Polymer Chemistry
Ans : Hermann Staudinger
*Father of Polymer Physics
Ans : Hermann Mark

*Plastics are generally
Ans : Synthetic polymers
*Plastics are of two types
(2)Thermosetting plastic
*Undergoes physical change
eg: Polythene, nylon, PVC, Teflon


*Undergoes chemical chang
eg: Polyster, bakelite
*First artificial plastic
Ans : Bakelite
*Bakelite is made from
Ans : Phenol and formaldehyde
*Plastic will dissolve in
Ans : Chloroform
*Poisonous gas produced on burning of plastic
Ans : Dioxin
*Chemical name of Teflon
Ans : Polytetrafluoro ethylene
*PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)
Ans : One of the widely used amorphous plastics
*The substance used for coating of non stick utensils
Ans : Teflon
*The plastic which is used to make the storage utensils to keep strong
Ans : Teflon
*The plastic used to make gum
Ans : Urea Formal dehyde
*The plastic which is used to make the clothes, the body of vehicles
Ans : Polyester
*The plastic which is used to make the fishing net, parachute etc
Ans : Nylon
*The plastic which is mostly produced and used is
Ans : Polythene

*The birth place of Rubber
Ans : Brazil
*Constituent of natural rubber
Ans : Isoprene
*Rubber is an example of
Ans : Polymer
*The word 'rubber' was first coined by
Ans : Joseph Priestly
*Heating rubber with sulphur for the betterment of its properties like
tensile strength, hardness, elasticity etc. is called as
Ans : Vulcanisation
*Vulcanisation was developed by
Ans : Charles Good Year
*Ordinary rubber is
Ans : Thermoplastic
*First synthetic rubber
Ans : Neoprene
*Styrene Butadiene Rubber, Neoprene, Thiokole are the examples of
Ans : Synthetic rubber
*Rubber is soluble in
Ans : Benzene (C6H6)
*Structure of Benzene was discovered by
Ans : August Kekule

*Styrene Butadiene -Tyres,footwears
*Neoprene - Cable insulation,marking hose
*Thiokol - Making seal,hoses,Taks for storing solvents
*Cement was invented by
Ans : Joseph Aspidin
*Mixture of aluminates and silicates of calcium is
Ans : Cement
*Setting of cement is due to the hydration of calcium silicates and
Ans : Calcium aluminates
*Setting time of cement is controlled by adding
Ans : Gypsum


*Sodium hydroxide
Ans : Used to make washing soap
*Potassium hydroxide
Ans : Used to make toilet soap
*Olive oil
Ans : Used to make baby soap
*Salting out
Ans : Extraction of soap from glycerine
*Soap making procedure is known as
Ans : Saponification
*Transparent oil contents are
Ans : Glycerol and caster oil
*The quality of soap is determined by
Ans : TFM (Total Fatty Matter)
*As per the ISI Standard first grade toilet soap should have a TFM of
Ans : 76%
*Second grade toilet soap should have a TFM of
Ans : 70%
*Mixture of sodium salts of aromatic and sulphonic acids is
Ans : Detergents

*The drugs used to treat infections
Ans : Antibiotics
Eg : Penicillin, Ampicillin etc.
*The drug which either kill or prevent the growth of micro organism
Ans : Antiseptics
*The drug used to reduce fever
Ans : Antipyretic
*The drug used to reduce pain without causing impairment of
Ans : Analgesics
Eg: Aspirin and Paracetamol
*The drug used to relieve stress and anxiety
Ans : Tranquilizer
*The chemical used as mouthwash
Ans : Hydrogen peroxide

*Basic group contained in alcohol
Ans : Hydroxyl group (OH)
*The units to measure the amount of alcohol
Ans : ABV, Proof
*The simplest alcohol
Ans : Methanol
*Denaturized spirit
Ans : Ethanol Methanol
*Alcoholic beverage contains
Ans : Ethyl alcohol
*Alcohol poison (Hooch Tragedy) is due to
*Gasohol —> Petrol (gasoline) alcohol
*Ethanol is produced by the
Ans : Fermentation of Sugar
*The product obtained when yeast is added to sugar solution
Ans : Wash
*Absolute alcohol is
Ans : 100% ethanol
*The mixture of absolute alcohol and petrol at the rate of 1:4 is called
Ans : Power alcohol
*The process of separating alcohol from the mixture of water and
Ans : Distillation


Brown Coal Lignite
Hard Coal Anthracite
Soft Coal Bituminous coal
Marsh gas Methane
Grain alcohol Ethanol
Wood Spirit Methanol
Ethanol Ethyl alcohol
White tar Naphthalene
Methanol Methyl alcohol
Rectified spirit Water
Absolute alcohol Ethyl alcohol
*The liquor which has the lowest rate of alcohol content
Ans : Beer
*The liquor which is produced from the malted barley
Ans : Beer
*The liquor which has highest rate of alcohol content
Ans : Whisky
*The alcohol which is produced from molasses
Ans : Rum
*The alcohol which is produced from grapes
Ans : Brandy
*The alcohol which is produced from the cashew fruits
Ans : Feni
*The study of wines
Ans : Oenology

*The product derived from the reaction between an acid and an alcohol
Ans : Esters
*Esters were discovered by
Ans : Hermann Emil Fischer
*Esters are colourless
*The organic compounds used for artificial smell and taste
Ans : Esters

*Simplest sugar
Ans : Glrcose
*Constituents of sugar
Ans : Carbon,Hydrogen,Oxgen
*The first artificial Sugar
Ans : Saccharine
*Sweetest natural Sugar
Ans : Fructose
*Smell of pineapple
Ans : Ethyl Butyrate
*Smell of banana
Ans : Isoamyl Acetate
*Smell of Jasmine
Ans : Benzyl Acetate
*Smell of Orange
Ans : Octyl Acetate
*Smell of Apple
Ans : Butyl Acetate
*Smell of Strawberry
Ans : Methyl Cinnamate
*Smell of Grapes
Ans : Methyl Anthranilate
*Smell of honey
Ans : Methyl Phenyl Acetate
*Smell of Lemon
Ans : Ethyl Formate
*Constituents of sugar
Ans : Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
*The first artificial sugar
Ans : Saccharine
*Sweetest natural sugar
Ans : Fructose
*The sugar which is 200 times sweeter than common table sugar
Ans : Saccharine
*The sugar which is 300 times sweeter than common table sugar
Ans : Aspartame
*The sugar which is 600 times sweeter than common table sugar
Ans : Sucralose
*Water-soluble protein used in the production of ice cream
Ans : Gelatin
*Molecular formula of Glucose
Ans : C6 H12 O6
*Molecular formula of Fructose
Ans : C6 H12 O6

*Common table sugar - Sucrose

*Sugar in sugarcane - Sucrose
*Sugar in blood - Glucose
*Sugar in milk - Lactose
*Sugar in fruits - Fructose
*Sugar in barley - Maltose
*Sugar in starch - Maltose
*The sugar which is used as the daily needs
Ans : Sucrose
*The sugar which is produced at the time of photosynthesis
Ans : Sucrose
*Examples of artificial sugar
Ans : Saccharine and Aspartame
*The sugar used by diabetes patient
Ans : Aspartame
*A super cooled liquid
Ans : Glass
*The substance having high elasticity
Ans : Glass
*The main ingredients of glass
Ans : Sand, lime and soda ash
*The substance which is added to glass to increase its hardness
Ans : Borax
(1)Soft glass -> Sodium silicate
Ans : Calcium silicate
(2)Hard glass -> Potassium silicate
Ans : Calcium silicate

*Soda lime glass - Mirror doors, mirror,bulbs, bottles, jar
*Hard glass - Laboratory apparatus, kitchen wares, lenses, prisms
*Soft glass - Kitchen utensils and factory equipments
*Fibre glass - Industry insulator, helmets, in aeroplanes, boats
*Safety glass - In vehicles, bullet proof screen
*Flint glass - Lenses, Prisms, Electric bulb
*Borosilicate - The equipments used at higher temperature


*Nickel salt Red
*Cupric oxide Red
*Cobalt ion Blue
*Ferric ion Yellow
*Cadmium Sulphide Yellow
*Uranium Oxide Greenish
*Chromium Green
*Manganese dioxide Purple
*Cryolite Milky
*Antimony oxide White

*Invar - Pendulum Clock
*Nichrome - Heating elements
*Duralumin - Aircraft parts, light tools Solder Magnets Engine parts
*Soldering wire - Solder
*Alnico - Magnets
*Silumin - Engine parts
*Phospher Bronze - Springs and suspension
*German silver - Utensils
*Magnalium - Troller,Steamer
*Gun metal - Barrel of Gu
*Nickel Steel - Crank shaft
*Manganese - Railway track,Axle of tyres
*Blue gold - Water
*King of metals - Gold
*King of poison - Arsenic
*Metal of future - Titanium
*Rainbow - MetalIridium
*Little Silver - Platinum
*White gold - Platinum
*Quicksilver - Mercury
*Chemical sun - Magnesium
*Sun's son Marsh gas - Helium
*Royal Liquid - Methane
*Laughing gas - Nitrous oxide
*Mineral oil - Petroleum
*White tar - Naphthelene
*Philosopher's wool - Zinc oxide
*Chinese White - zinc Oxide
*Wonder Metal - Titanium
*Future fuel - Hydrogen
*Wonder Drug - Aspirin
*Main raw material of glass
Ans : Silica
*Glass is soluble in
Ans : Hydrofluoric add
*The glass known as water glass
Ans : Sodium Silicate

*Water glass is soluble in

Ans : Water
*The glass known as Pyrex
Ans : Borosilicate glass

*Coal gas - Carbon monoxide Hydrogen Methane

*Gobargas - Methane Carbon dioxide
*LPG - Butane Propane
*Producer gas - Carbon monoxide Hydrogen Nitrogen
*Water gas - Carbon monoxide Hydrogen
*Gasobol Gasolin (Petrol) Alcohol
*Natural gas - Methane Ethane Propane Butane
*Phosgene - arbon monoxide Chlorine
*Sodamide - Sodium Ammonia
*Freezing mixture - Sodium Chioride Ice
*Baurdex mixture - Copper sulphate Calcium Hydroxide
*Nitrating mixture - Sulphuric acid Nitric acid
*Benedict solution - Copper sulphate Sodium Citrate
*Ozone - ChristanSchonbein
*Ozone layer - Charles Fabry,Henry Buisson
*Nitric acid - Jabir Ibn Hayyan
*Aquaregia - Jabir Ibn Hayyan
*Cement - Joseph Aspdin
*Carbon dioxide - Joseph Black
*Deuterium - Harold urey
*Isotope - Frederick Soddy
*Electrolysis - Michael Faraday
*Soda water - Joseph Priestly
*Benzene gas - Michael Faraday
*DDT - Paul Hermann Muller
*BHC - Michael Faraday
*Bleaching powder - Charles Tennant
*Carbon dating - Frank Williard Libby
*Allotropes of Hydrogen - Heisenberg
*Super conductivity - KamerlinghOnnes
*Match Box - John Walker
*Common nameChemical Name
*Rock Salt - Sodium Chloride
*Gypsum - Calcium Sulphate
*Plaster of paris - Calcium Sulphate
*Nitre/Saltpeter - Potassium Nitrate
*Common salt - Sodium Chloride Sodium
*Hypo - Sodium thiosulphate
*Sodanitre - Sodium Nitrate
*Chalk - Calcium Carbonate
*Red lead - Triplumbic tetroxide
*White Vitriol - Zinc Sulphate
*Blue Vitriol - Copper Sulphate
*Green Vitriol - Ferrous /Iron sulphate
*Aspirin - Acetyl Salicylic acid
*Caustic soda - Sodium Hydroxide
*Calomel - Mercurous chloride
*Salt cake - Sodium Sulphate
*Quartz - Sodium dioxide
*Calamine - Zinc carbonate
*Epsom salt - Magnesium sulphate
*Litharge - Lead monoxide
*Chloroform - Trichloro methane
*Glauber's salt - Sodium sulphate
*Salammoniac - Ammonium chloride
*Smelling salt - Ammonium carbonate
*Silica - Silicon dioxide
*Limestone - Calcium carbonate
*Lunar caustic - Silver nitrate
*Potash alum - Potassium aluminiumsulphate
*Pearl ash - Potassium carbonate
*Quicklime - Calcium oxide
*Liquor ammonia - Ammonium hydroxide
*Carborundum - Silicon carbide
*Gunpowder - Potassium nitrate
*Talcum powder - Hydrated Magnesium silicate
*Corundum - Aluminium oxide
*Yellow cake - Uranium dioxide
*Rust - Hydrated Iron oxide
*Bauxite - Aluminium oxide
*Dry ice - Solid carbondioxide
*Chili saltpeter - Sodium Nitrate
*Mohr's salt - Ferrous ammonium sulphide
*Hydrolith - Calcium Hydride
*Galena - Lead sulphide
*BHC - Benzene Hexachloride
*DDT - Dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane
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1975: West Indies

1979: West Indies
1983: India
1987: Alstralia
1992: Pakistan
1996: SriLanka
1999: Alstralia
2003: Alstralia
2007: Alstralia
2011: India
2015: Alstralia
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New Delhi

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5th Dharma-Dhamma conference being held in which
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Rajgir, Bihar

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Glwahai, Assam.

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Keshav Dlt & Prasln Banerjee.
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Manoj Mlklnd Naravane.

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region of Moon ?
Solth pole.
The 2019 Internaional shark meet is slated to be held in
which Indian city ?

Who elected as chairman of the Common wealth Table

Tennis Federaion ?
Vivek Kohli.

The Union Govt has proposed which light lrban rail transit
system for small ciies ?

The 2019 Homeless World Clp football tolrnament to be

held in which colntry ?
United Kingdom

The Next Generaion Seqlencing facility recently opened

in which city ?

Which is the 1st state to reserve75%private jobs for locals?

Naional Broadcasing Day is observed in India every year
on which date ?
23 Jlly

Who is chosen for Mohln Bagan Ratna award 2019?

Keshav Dlt, Prasln Banerjee

Which department to celebrate Aaykar Diwas 2019?

Income Tax


The World Population Day is being observed

today across the world to attention on the
urgency & importance of population issue .
It was established in 1989 by The world
population reached 7,700,000,000 on year
The current population of India is
1,369,018,830 as,

Who will replace Theresa May as Britain’s next Prime

Minister ?
Boris Johnson.

The Union Govt has proposed which light lrban rail transit
system for small ciies ?

The 2019 Homeless World Clp football tolrnament to be

held in which colntry ?
United Kingdom

The Next Generaion Seqlencing facility recently opened

in which city ?

Which state govt has decided to set lp India's frst Space

Park ?

Brazil become the 2019 Copa America

India's HimaDas won her 2nd Intern'l gold in
women's 200m with top fnish at Kutno
Athletics Meet in Poland.
USA win 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup.
3rd July 1851 TodayIn History
A great social reformer Mahatma Jyotiba Phule
founded girls school in "ChiplunkarWada" Pune in
which 8 girls were admitted on the 1st day. This
was India's 2nd formal school for girls. The 1st one
was also founded by Phule couple.

Who has been chosen for the Sangita Kalanidhi Award of

the Mlsic Academy ?
S. Sowmya.

The 10th Jagran Film Fesival started in which city ?

New Delhi.

ISRO slccessfllly lalnched Chandrayan2, with its most

powerfll rocket of _ ?

Name the Indian bodyblilder, who clinched Mr. Solth

Asia itle ?
Ravinder Malikhas
Who has won Indonesia Open BWF Tolr Slper
tolrnament ?
Akane Yamaglchi

Who won WBA welterweight itle ?

Manny Pacqliao

Who won Briish Open 2019 ?

Shane Lowry.

The 5th Internaional Police Expo 2019 was held at which

city ?
New Delhi

The scienists of which colntry have developed a concept

named Ramanljan Machine ?

Who became India’s 1st gold-medallist at the Presidents

Clp boxing tolrnament ?
Shiva Thapa.
Which state/UT police lalnched new e-challan system for
the lse of Trafc Police ?

World Day for Internaional Jlsice is observed on ?

Jlly 17Jlly 18Jlly 16

Where was ISSF Jlnior World Clp 2019held which


Amlekhglnj petrolelm pipeline project, someimes seen

in news, is connected to India & which colntry ?

Who has been named India's next Ambassador to

Panama ?
Upender Singh Rawat.

Which colntry Men & Women's teams win

Commonwealth Table Tennis itle ?
Which minister will lalnch the Global Innovaion Index ?
Commerce & Indlstry Minister.

Paramarsh scheme is associated to which lnion ministry ?

HRD Ministry

Which Indian golfer has won the FCG Callaway Jlnior

world Golf Championship 2019 ?
Arjln Bhai.

The ‘Medicine from the Sky’ is the pilot project of which

state government ?

Who has been appointed as private secretaryto PM

narendra modi ?
Vivek Klmar.

Which colntry wins the 2nd ediion of Interconinental

Clp football tolrnament ?
North Korea.
Which Indian woman sprinter won gold in 200m race at
“Tabor Athleics" ?

Who is the althor of the book "Kargil: Untold stories from

the War” ?
Rachna Bisht Rawat.

Which Indian woman cricketer conferred the 2018 Arjlna

Award ?
Smrii Mandhana.

The researchers at which University have developed a low-

cost flter to remove arsenic from water ?
Tezplr University.

Vijayveer Sidhl is associated to which sports ?


The InternaionalJlsiceDay observed on which date ?

17 Jlly.
From which city, the 1st-ever Intern'l commercial fight
from Madhya Pradesh lalnched ?

Which state/UT Govt lalnched "Happiness Utsav" in its

schools ?

Who has selected for Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellowships

in the feld of performing arts ?
Zakir Hlssain

Nelson Mandela Internaional Day is an being observed

today across the globe to mark the birth anniversary of
Nelson Mandela.

The day was ofcially declared by the in

November 2009, with the frst UN Mandela
Day held on 18 July 2010.

Which Indian slrgeon has been conferred the Honorary

Fellowship of The Royal College of Slrgeons of Thailand ?
Dr. P Raghl Ram.
Which former SC Jldge of India has appointed as an
Internaional Jldge of the #Singapore Internaional
Commercial Colrt ?
Arjan Klmar Sikr.

Which state become the 1st Indian state to get flnd

throlgh World Bank’s climate resilience program ?

The Kasarkod beach is located in which state ?


What's the theme of 2019 World Yolth Skills Day ?

Learning to learn for life and work.

July 17
World Emoji Day is being observed today
across the globe. The day is deemed a
"global celebration of emoji and is
celebrated with emoji events and product

Who is appointed as Governor of Himachal Pradesh ?

Kalraj Mishra.
May 18
International MuseumDay is being observed
across the world today. Each year since 1977,
ICOM has organised International
MuseumDay. The theme of IMD2019 is
“Museums as Cultural Hubs: The future of

May 17
World Telecommunication Day is being
observed across the world today to mark the
founding of ITU & signing of 1st International
Telegraph Convention in 1865. World Telecom
Day celebrated annually on 17 May since
World Hypertension Day is also observed

Who has won Briish GP 2019 ?

Lewis Hamilton
Which state observed the 1st-ever Save Water Day on
12th Jlly ?
West Bengal

Which movie won Best Featlre Film award at 2019 SAARC

flm fesival ?
Nagar kirtan

Which state has become the 1st Indian state to have water
policy ?

Who has been adjldged player of the tolrnament at the

ICC Cricket World Clp 2019 ?
Kane Williamson.

The frst-ever Himalayan states' conclave is slated to be

held in which state ?

The Asia's largest solar Power project is located in which

district of Madhya Padesh ?
Anthony Amalraj is associated to which sports ?
Table Tennis.

Who has elected as the new President of the Elropean

Parliament ?
David Sassoli.

The Film Division of India lalnched a doclmentary flm

cllb KSHITIJ in which city ?

The Operaion Thirst lalnched by which Indian

organisaion ?
Indian Railway.

Which is the India’s most expensive ofce locaion, as per

Commercial Real Estate Services ?
Connalght Place.

Who has appointed as Secretary of Overseas Indian

Afairs ?
Vikas Swarlp.
Who wins Wimbledon 2019 itle ?

Who has won the "Women’s footballer of the Year" itle ?

Ashalata Devi.

Who has won the 2019 Croaia Grand Chess Tolr itle ?
Magnls Carlsen.

Who has been appointed as MD, Chief Financial Ofcer of

World Bank ?

Recently, Agri-Blsiness Inclbaion Centre has started in

which state ?

Kharchi Plja Fesival being celebrated recently in which

state ?
1st Global Conference for Media Freedom in which place ?
The Asia's 1st Six Sigma Insitlte of Molntain Medicines
and High Alitlde Rescle is set to come lp in which Indian
state ?

Bldj Bim Clltlral Landscape is located in which colntry ?


Who has been appointed as the new chief of the

Directorate General of Civil Aviaion ?
Arln Klmar.

The 2019 Women Startlp Slmmit (WSS) is schedlled to

be held in which city ?

Who has been adjldged as the AIFF Men’s Footballer of

the Year 2019 ?
Slnil Chhetri.
Which state govt has recently implemented Center’s
Witness Protecion Scheme ?
May 23
World Turtle Day:
This day is observed annually on May 23
to raise awareness on conservation of
tortoise & turtles & on illegal trafcking.
The celebrations was started in 2000 by
the American Tortoise Rescue

Which place in Kerala is slated to be home of India’s frst

elephant rehabilitaion centre ?

India's 1st cow sanctlary is located in which district of

Madhya Pradesh ?
Agar Malwa.

Bldj Bim Clltlral Landscape is located in which colntry ?

The term Utkarsh 2022 in news is related to which
organizaion ?

Which new method has been idenifed for predicing

monsoon ?

Which state govt has decided to prodlce its own seeds

lnder brand name Sah-Beej ?

Which UT / state decided to introdlce Bi-cycle sharing

scheme ?

Who is the althor of the book “War over Words:

Censorship in India, 1930-1960” ?
Devika Sethi
May 12
International Nurses Day is being observed
today across the globe to commemorate the
birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale &
contribution of Nurses towards society.
NursesDay2019 theme is “Nurses – A Voice to
Lead – Health for All”.

World's largest blrn & plasic slrgery insitlte

inalglrated in which colntry ?

Who has been appointed as Head of Cricket at the

Naional Cricket Academy ?
Rahll Dravid.

Recently at which place, PM Modi lnveiled statle of Lal

Bahadlr Shastri ji ?
Which colntry won the CONCACAF Gold Clp 2019 ?

Bonalu festival kicks of in Telangana

Rohit Sharma has set a world record of
maximum hundreds
Krishna Saksena is the author of the book
'Whispers of Time'
Nalin Shinghal appointed as a chairman &
managing director of Bharat Heavy
Electricals Limited

Which ancient site of Iraq has been declared a UNESCO

World Heritage Site ?

Who become the fastest & 1st player to hit 5 centlries in

World Clp (15 Match) ?
Rohit Sharma
Which city to host Elropean Union Film Fesival 2019 ?

The world’s largest single solar plant was blilt in which city
Abl Dhabi.

Recently, which Indian city gets UNESCO WorldHeritage

tag ?

World Chocolate Day observed on which date ?

7 Jlly.

Who has appointed as Director of Insitlte of Banking

Personnel Selecion (IBPS) ?
Harideesh Klmar.

India's 1st Design Development Center 'Fashionova' was

lalnched in which state ?
Which colntries have ranked 1st posiion in Henley
Passport Index2019 ?
Japan & Singapore.

Internaional Day of Cooperaives observed on which

date ?
6 Jlly.

1st-ever India Internaional Cooperaives Trade Fair to be

held in which colntry ?

Who has appointed as Elropean Commission new

president ?
Urslla von der Leyen.

Ambai Rayldl, who recently reired from all forms of

cricket, is from which state ?
Andhra Pradesh.

Who is the althor of the altobiography ‘Lessons Life

Talght Me, Unknowingly” ?
Anlpam Kher
The 1st UIDAI-rln Aadhaar Seva Kendra (ASK) operaional
in which ciies ?
Delhi & Vijayawada.

What's the rank of Indian passport at the 2019 Henley

Passport Index ?

Which state ranks 1st in NITI Aayog's Agriclltlral

Markeing & Farmer Friendly Reforms Index ?

Who bags gold in Poznan Athleics Grand Prix ?

Hima Das.

Impressed tortoise, which is in news recently, is discovered

in which state ?
Arlnachal Pradesh.

Who has been conferred Innovaive Research Excellence

Award 2019 at Asian Leadership Slmmit ?
Galrav Nigam.
Indian Air Force marked 20th anniversary of Kargil War at
which air base ?

Who has sworn in as Maniplr Governor ?

PB Acharya.

The world-class Central Air Trafc Flow Management has

inalglrated in which city ?
New Delhi.

Which colntry become the 1st Arab colntry to get FATF

membership ?
Saldi Arabia.

Who has bestowed with the 2019 #RedInkAward for

'Jolrnalist of the Year' ?
Rachna Khaira.

Which state govt lalnched food hazard Atlas for efecive

management of food ?
Who has crowned the Miss Universe #Alstralia � itle for
2019 ?
Priya Serrao.

Which colntry’s jlnior women's boxing team adjldged

best team in Black Forest Clp ?

Where is the new headqlarters of Internaional Olympic

Commitee located ?

Which colntry has been chosen to host the 2026 Olympic

Winter Games ?

Who has won the Mallorca Open itle 2019 ?

Sofa Kenin

Who has been appointed as the new Chief of Research &

Analysis Wing (RAW) ?
Samant Goel.
Who has appointed as the next Director General of Indian
Coast Glard ?
Krishnaswamy Natarajan.

Which place to hosts 32nd ediion of the Internaional

Seed Tesing Associaion congress ?

Which state tops health rankings NITIAayog report ?


Who has become the frst chinese to head the UN's FAO ?
Ql Dongyl.

Which state govt has decided to lalnch Sarbat Sehat Bima

Yojana ?

Who is the India's Sherpa at the 14th G20 Slmmit in Osaka

Slresh Prabhl.
Who has sworn-in as new Chief Jlsice of Telangana High
colrt ?
Raghvendra Singh Chalhan.

India’s frst solar-powered crlise boat to be rolled olt in

which state ?

Which logisics company has lalnched the Naional Freight

Index ?

The book "My Life, My Mission" is the altobiography of

which Indian personality ?
Baba Ramdev.

Name the operaion lalnched by Indian Navy in Gllf of

Oman ?
Operaion Sankalp.

Who has clinched the 35th men's Asian Snooker

Championship held in Doha ?
Pankaj Advani.
Which women team won the FIH Series Finals in Hiroshima
The Hockey India

Which insitlte seclres top posiion among Indian

insitlions in QS World University Ranking 2020 ?

Glthi Bill, which is in news recently, is associated to which

colntry ?

Which Indian has won gold in women’s 1500m at Folksam

Grand Prix 2019 ?
PU Chitra.

What is the theme of the 2019 ediion of World Reflgee

Day ?
Step with Reflgees.

Which state has topped the USGBC list of India's top 10

states for LEED ?
India's frst water clinic for elephants has opened in which
city ?

What's the theme of Yoga Day2019 ?

Yoga for Climate Acion.

India popllaion to cross China's popllaion by which year

according to UN report ?

Which colntry emerged as the fastest economy in Asia

Pacifc by ADB report ?

On which date World Reflgee Day observed every year ?

20th Jlne.

India will host the UNCCD COP 14 in which city ?

New Delhi.

Who clinched the 119th USOpen Golf Championship ?

Gary Woodland.
The bathing fesival 'Snana Yatra' is recently celebrated in
which state ?

On which date, 2019 ediion of Alisic PrideDay is

observed ?
Jlne 18

Operaion Slnrise 2, which is in news recently, is a

coordinated operaion of India & which colntry ?
Myanmar. YogaDay

Inger Andersen, who is new Execlive Director of UNEP, is

from which colntry ?

Who bas become the most expensive bowler in World Clp

history ?
Rashid Khan.

Internaional Day for Eliminaion of Sexlal Violence in

Confict is celebrated on which date ?
19th Jlne.
Who won the 2019 Pacifc Internaional Billiards
Championship ?
Peter Gilchrist.

Feni Bridge, which is in news recently, is located in which

state ?

Who has become the 1st batsman to smash 17 sixes in ODI

innings ?
Eoin Morgan

2nd ediion World Food India to be held in which place ?

New Delhi

Who has been appointed Pakistan Inter-Services

Intelligence (ISI) Chief ?
Lt General Faiz Hameed

Who will be the new Lok Sabha Speaker ?

Om Birla.
The world's highest operaing weather staions has
installed on which molntain ?
Mt Everest.

The Carmichael coal mine project is associated to which

colntry ?

Who has won 'Save Water Hero Award' recently ?

Makarand Tilloo.

Who has sworn as Slovakia's 1st female President ?

Zlzana Capltova.

Which state govt will set lp a Skill University ?


World Elder Ablse Awareness Day observed on which date

15th Jlne
What's the rank of India in latest FIFA Rankings, while
Belgilm on top ?

Which state cabinet approved proposal for jail term for

those who abandon elderly parents ?

Who has crowned the Femina Miss India2019 ?

Slman Rao.

Which Indian celebrity will be honored with the UNICEF’s

Danny Kaye Hlmanitarian Award ?
priyanka chopra

Who is the head of the RBI commitee to review ATM

charges ?
V G Kannan.

Zonel Solgaijam, who has been incllded in the Hall of

Fame 2019, is from which Indian state ?
Who has conferred the 54th Jnanpith Award for the year
2018 ?
Amitav Ghosh.

What is the rank of India in Global Peace Index2019, while

Iceland tops the index ?

Who has appointed China’s new Ambassador to India?

Sln Weidong

Who has conferred with Manas Order of the First Degree,

the highest naional award of Kyrgyzstan ?
Xi Jinping, China

Who has been appointed the Leader of the Holse for the
Rajya Sabha ?
Thawar Chand Gehlot

The 2019 ediion of Mela Kheer Bhawani is celebrated in

which state ?
Jamml And Kashmir
Who has been appointed new Secretary to the Vice
President of India ?
I V Slbba Rao.

Which colntry decided to condlct its 1st-ever simllated

space warfare exercise Ind Space Ex ?

Which North American colntry has decided to ban single

lse plasics from 2021 ?

Who has elected as new president of Kazakhstan ?

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

India's 1st Dinosalr Mlselm Park inalglrated in which

state ?

Which state govt has recently lalnched Pink Sarathi

vehicles for women’s safety ?
The G7Slmmit2019 to be held in which colntry ?

Bancha, which become the 1st Solar Kitchen only village in

India, is located in which state ?
Madhya Pradesh

Which Indian personality elected as a member of

American Philosophical Society?
Romila Thapar

Who has retained as Principal Secretary to PM Modi ?

Nripendra Mishra

Which Indian NGOs won the’s Eqlator Prize for 2019 ?

Deccan Development Society.

Gandhi Cycle Rally for Peace’ has recently organized in

which colntry ?
-Saldi Arabia.

Who has been elected as new Prime Minister of Thailand ?

Praylth Chan-ocha.
Noted playwright, JnanpithAwardee & Actor Girish Karnad
passed away recently, he is associated with state ?

Sidharth Rawat is associated to which sports ?


Which colntry has recently lalnched Arcic train service ?


What is the India’s rank at the 1st-ever SDG Gender

Index ?

Who has won the 2019 Women’s Prize for Ficion ?

Tayari Jones

Sinai Peninslla, which is in news recently, is located in

which African colntry ?

Recently, Who has conferred with the #Maldives’ highest

honolr “Rlle of Nishan Izzlddeen" ?
Narendra Modi
Which city ranks 1st in Global ciies in Trafc Index 2018 ?

Who to chair the Commitee on Parliamentary Afairs ?

Rajnath Singh

Who takes oath as new CJ of Delhi High Colrt ?

Jlsice Dhirlbhai Naranbhai Patel.

Who had been appointed as Acing CJ Of Jharkhand HC ?

Jlsice Prashant Klmar.

Which Metro Staion becomes India's 1st project to

receive power from waste-to-energy ?

Which Indian-American personality has been chosen for

the USIBC Global Leadership Awards 2019 ?
Slndar Picha.

Who has chosen for the 2019 J C Daniel Award ?

Which Indian personality has been elected external
alditor of WHO ?
Rajiv Mehrishi.

The 2nd ediion of World Bicycle Day is observed on which

date ?
Jlne 3.

What is the theme of the 2019 ediion of World Milk Day ?

Drink Milk

The Aapki Bei scheme is associated to which state govt ?


Which city hosted the 14th slmmit of Organisaion of

Islamic Cooperaion ?

Who has been sworn-in as the new president of El

Salvador ?
Nayib Blkele.
What's rank of India in the Global Gender Eqlality Index
2019, while Denmark tops the Index ?

NGTS-4b, which is in news, is associated to which planet ?


Who took charge as Union Minister in the newly formed

Ministry of Jal Shaki ?
Gajendra Singh Shekhawat.

Which High Colrt has recently declared Animals as legal

persons ?
Plnjab & Haryana High Colrt.

Who has been reappointed as the new Naional Seclrity

Advisor (NSA) ?
Ajit Doval.

Which football team has won the 2019 Champions Leagle

trophy ?
Liverpool FC
On which date, the Internaional EverestDay 2019 is
observed recently ?
May 29.

Gian Chand, the veteran Freedom Fighter has passed

away. He was from which state ?
Himachal Pradesh.

Which state govt has lalnched Aroma Mission to boost

medical plants ?

Which state govt has decided to set lp India’s 1st

'Blockchain District' ?

Ivo Karlovic, who become the Oldest Man to win a match

at French Open, is from which colntry ?

Who has sworn-in as new PM of Alstralia ?

Scot Morrison
Which state/UT annolnces free travel for women in plblic
transport ?

Who has become the 1st-ever spinner to bowl the 1st over
in a World Clp ?
Imran Tahir.

Who has sworn-in as new PM of Papla New Glinea ?

James Marape.

Union has lalnched the theme song Hawa Aane De to

spread awareness abolt Air Polllion. Who has writen it ?
Swanand Kirkire.

Which state govt has recently banned Ads & sale of e-

cigaretes ?

What's the rank of India in IMD World Compeiiveness

Rankings 2019, while Singapore tops the Index ?
Who has sworn-in as the new President of Nigeria ?
Mlhammadl Blhari

Kldakrlmia rangnekari, which is in news recently, is

associated to which kind of species ?

Which IIT recently ied lp with ISRO to set lp space

technology ?
IIT Glwahai.

Which state police decided to lse laser glns to crack down

on over-speeding ?

Which airport of Madhya Pradesh has declared as

Internaional Airport ?
Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Airport

1st Woman Pilot to fy Hawk Jet ?

Fight Lt. Mohana Singh
Who has appointed as Deplty Execlive Director in
Women ?
Anita Bhaia

Recently who has conferred "Orden Mexicana del Aglila

Azteca" - the highest civilian award of #Mexico given to
foreigners ?
Praibha Pail.

Who has became the yolngest ever Lok Sabha MP in the

colntry ?
Chandrani Mlrml (25) (BJD, Odisha).

10th Naional Science Film Fesival of India to be held in

which place ?
Agartala, Triplra (In 2020).

Who is the 24th Chief of Indian Navy ?

Admiral Karambir Singh.

Who sworn-in as the new chief minister of Sikkim ?

-Prem Singh Tamang.
Who won the 2019 Dylan Thomas prize ?
Gly Glnaratne.

On which date, 2019 ediion of World Thyroid Day is

observed ?
May 25.

Narendra Modi takes oath as the PM of India for a Chagos

Archipelago is located in which ocean ?
Indian Ocean.

Who has honolred with the 'Global Asian of the Year

2018-19' award at the Asian Blsiness & Social Forlm
2019 ?
Dr. Hema Divakar

Which colntry has elected to Execlive Board of 1st

Habitat Assembly ?

What is the theme of the 2019 of World Bee Day ?

Save the Bees.
Who has become the frst black African woman to conqler
Mt. Everest in her 4th atempt ?
Saray Khlmalo.

Which football teams has clinched the 2019 Indian

Women’s Leagle ?
Sethl FC

Which space agency lnveiled schedlle for 'Artemis' 2024

Moon mission ?

India has banned terror oltit Jamaat-ll-Mljahideen

Bangladesh (JMB) lnder which ani-terror law ?

Which German payments company has teamed lp with

India to issle PAN cards ?

Who will set to become the Chief Minister of #Odisha for

the 5th ime in row ?
Which colntry ranked 1st in the 2019 Kids Right Index ?

Slrya Prakash, who passed away recently, was renowned

arist from which state ?

Who has been elected as the new President of SolthAfrica

Cyril Ramaphosa

UN celebrated Internaional Day to End Obstetric Fistlla

on which date ?
May 23

Which colntry slccessfllly test fred Shaheen-II

intermediate-range nlclear-capable ballisic missile ?

Which bank has ied lp with FMCG arm of The Art Of

Living ?
The Ofcial SBI
Who has conferred with the 2019 ’s highest peacekeeping
award ?
Chancy Chitete (Malawi).

What's the theme of World Hypertension Day 2019 ?

Know Yolr Nlmbers

The 8th Indo-Myanmar Coordinated Patrol 2019 has

started at which state/UT ?
Port Blair.

Who has become the frst Indian woman to slccessfllly

scale Molnt Makall ?
Priyanka Mohite (Maharashtra).

Who has received 'Global Asian of the Year' 2018-19

Award ?
Hema Divakar

Who has won the 2019 Man Booker Internaional Prize for
her novel "Celesial Bodies" ?
Jokha Alharthi (Oman)
Which colntry lalnched the permanent residency system
“Golden Card” ?

Who has sworn in as the 6th President of #Ukraine ?

Volodymyr Zelensky

Who will be conferred with Japan's 2nd highest naional

award, "Order of the Rising Sln, Gold & Silver Star" ?
Shyam Saran

The 5th Smart Ciies India 2019 Expo inalglrated in ?

New Delhi

Recently WHO declares which two colntries from Malaria-

Free ?
Algeria & Argenina.

Who honored with 2019 JFK Profle in Colrage Award ?

Nancy Pelosi

Christchlrch Call to Acion, which is in news recently, is

brainchild of which colntries ?
New Zealand & France
UAE Celebrates World Day For Clltlral Diversity on which
date ?
21 May

Who has appointed as the new Pakistan High

Commissioner to India ?
Mleenll Haq

Which Intern'l org has celebrated the 2nd ediion of

Internaional Day Of Light ?

Who has ofcially been elected as the new President of

Indonesia ?
Joko Widodo.

Ieoh Ming Pei, who passed away recently, was the

renowned architect of which colntry ?

On which date, the 2019 ediion of World #AIDS Vaccine

Day is observed ?
May 18.
26th naval drill exercise “SIMBEX-19” has started between
India & which colntry ?

Which state become the 1st Indian state to list Masala

Bond in overseas market ?

Who created history by slccessfllly scaling Mt. Everest

(8848m) for record 23rd ime ?
Kami Rita Sherpa

Who clinched men’s itle at 2019 Italian Open Tennis

tolrnament ?
Rafael Nadal.

Cocos (Keeling) Islands is an external territory of which

colntry ?

Name the scllptor, who has topped the 1st ediion of the
Hlrln India Art List ?
Anish Kapoor
Who is the althor of the book "Coming Rolnd the
Molntain" ?
Rlskin Bond

Which bank has lalnched co-branded mlli-clrrency

travel card with Goibibo ?

Who has been appointed as the new CMD of ITC Ltd ?

Sanjiv Plri.

The 2019 Internaional Army Scolt Masters Compeiion

will be held in which city ?
Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

Which colntry has recently blocked all langlage ediions

of Wikipedia ?

Which Indian jldge has been appointed as Jldge of

Slpreme Colrt of Fiji ?
Madan B Loklr
Who is appointed as the USs Deplty Atorney General ?
Jefrey Rosen.

Who has bagged the Best Child Actor Award At New York
Indian Film Fesival ?
Slnny Pawar.

India’s highest Graphite reserves are folnd which state ?

Arlnachal Pradesh

3rd India-Botswana hold Foreign Ofce Conslltaions in

which place ?
New Delhi.

UNDRR conferred Sasakawa Award 2019 for Disaster Risk

Redlcion to whom ?
Dr. Pramod Klmar Mishra.

In Madhya Pradesh, women will handle the enire work of

colning votes in which district ?

Teressa Island is located in which lnion territory of India ?

Andaman & Nicobar
Which of the bowlers has been adjldged as 2019 CEAT
Internaional Bowler of the Year ?
Jasprit Blmrah.

Which colntry will host the Asian Clp Football

tolrnament in 2023 ?

Who has become the world's most slccessfll women's

ODI spinner ?
Sana Mir.

Which colntry has started test rln on world's fastest-ever

blllet train “Alfa-X" ?

Ylvika 2019, which is in news recently, is associated to

which organizaion ?

Which colntry is hosing Conference on Dialogle of Asian

Civilizaions ?
Indian Navy's 1st flll-fedged Services Selecion Board
(SSB) opened at which place ?

Wilayah of Hind, which is in news recently, is associated to

which feld ?
Militant Province

Who has appointed as 1st Special Operaions Division

Commander ?
Maj Gen A K Dhingra

Who won the 2019 men's singles itle at Madrid Open

Tennis tolrnament ?
Novak Djokovic

Who has named Most Vallable Player at the IPL2019

tolrnament ?
Andre Rlssell

Who won the 2019 McCain Insitlte Award for Colrage

and Leadership ?
Chhaya Sharma
Cannes Film Fesival 2019 begins in which place ?

Which team has clinched their 4th Premier Leagle itle

(football) afer winning the 2018-19 season ?
Manchester City.

UN To Hold 2020 Ocean Conference In Which Place ?


Which Colntry Tests World's Fastest Blllet Train (400


Who Wins SpanishGP ?

Lewis Hamilton.

Which well-known actor has writen the novel "Dopehri" ?

Pankaj Kaplr.

Which Indian personality has been appointed as new SDG

Advocate of?
Dia Mirza.
India’s newest pit viper has recently folnd in which state ?
Arlnachal Pradesh.

Which lnion ministry has recently decided to discard its

'Black List' of Indian-origin people ?
Ministry of Home Afairs

The 2019 Brahmakalashothsava fesival started in which

state ?

Who has honolred with 2019 US Presidenial Medal of

Freedom ?
Tiger Woods.

Which team has won the inalglral Women's Indian

Premier Leagle (WIPL)?

Who has sworn in as Chief Jlsice of Karnataka HC ?

Abhay Shreeniwas Oka
Who has become the most followed poliician in the world
on Social media, (2nd Modi) ?
Barack Obama

Which colntry has become 2nd colntry to declare climate

emergency, afer Britain ?

Name the ITC's Non-Execlive Chairman, who passed away

recently ?
YC Deveshwar.

Who has presented with ‘Order of St. George' Award

2019 ?
SriSri (folnder of the Art of Living).

IndianArmy to commemorate 2019 as __ ?

‘Year of next of kin’

What is the theme of 5th Global Road Safety Week 2019 is

being held from 6-12 May ?
Leadership for road safety.
The Desert Storm 2019 started from which city of
Rajasthan ?

Which colntry’s privately developed rocket 'Momo-3'

reached olter space ?

INS Ranjit, which is recently decommissioned by Indian

Navy, was blilt by which colntry ?

Who is the newly appointed Prime Minister of Mali ?

Bolbol Cisse

The book “Game Changer” is the altobiography of which

cricketer ?
Shahid Afridi

Name the Indian, who has re-elected to Internaional

Narcoics Control Board ?
Jagjit Pavadia.
Who has been elected as the President of Panama ?
Lalrenino Corizo.

Which Indian jolrnalist won the 2018 ACJ Award for

Invesigaive Jolrnalism in print/online category ?
Nileena MS.

Which colntry is the clrrent chair of 2019 G-7 Slmmit ?


The TePe Sigeman & Co Internaional tolrnament is

associated to which sport ?

Who has conferred with V K Krishna Menon Award 2019 in

UK ?
G D 'Robert' Govender.

Who has been appointed as the Ofcer on Special Dlty in

the ofce of Lokpal ?
Dilip Klmar.
King Maha Vajiralongkorn, who is in news recently, is from
which colntry ?

Who has appointed as coach of Indian Volleyball Team ?

Dragan Mihailovic.

Who have been appointed as 1st brand ambassadors of

Myntra ?
Vkohli , AnlshkaSharma

Who sets Glinness World Records on Longest Dancing

Marathon by an Individlal ?
Bandana, (Nepal).

On This Day in 1948, the 1st World Health Assembly was

held Geneva, Switzerland. Since then the World Health
Assembly decided to celebrate 7th April of each year with
efeIndia’s biggest stlcco scllptlre has recently lnearthed
in which state ?
Bharat Fibre, which is in news recently, is associated to
which telecom company ?

Alfred Brownell, who won the 2019 Goldman

Environmental Prize, is from which colntry ?

Who has been conferred with France's highest civilian

award 'Chevalier de la Légion d'Honnelr' ?
AS Kiran Klmar.

Who has won the ACJ Award for Invesigaive Jolrnalism ?

Nileena M S.

Internaional Fire fghters Day is observed on which date ?

4th May.

Coal Miners Day is observed every year on which date ?

4th May.

Who becomes 1st Indian to break into top 25 of World

Rankings in Table Tennis ?
G Sathiyan.
World Tlna Day observed on which date ?
2nd May.

Who has appointed as the new Vice Chief of Indian Air

Force ?
Rakesh Klmar Singh Bhadalria.

Which colntry has lalnched the 45-day ‘Mt Everest

Cleaning Campaign’ ?

Which colntry has become the 3rd largest FDI in India ?

Nether lands.

Name the Indians, who are incllded in Time’s 100 Most

Inflenial People List 2019 ?
Arlndhai Katjl, Menaka Glrlswamy & Mlkesh Ambani

Who named as 1st Non-Briish President of MCC ?

Klmar Sanga
Which IIT has developed an easy OCR system for reading
Bhari script ?
IIT Madras.

The Belt & Road Forlm (#BRF2019) was recently held in

which city ?

Who is the althor of the “Poliics of Jlgaad: The Coaliion

Handbook" ?
Saba Naqvi.

What is the theme of #LabolrDay 2019 ?

"Slstainable Pension for all: The Role of Social Partners".

Who is the head of the commitee to review the Economic

Capital Framework for RBI ?
Bimal Jalan.

Who has been named 2019 FWA "Footballer of the Year" ?

Raheem Sterling.
MERA India has lalnched to eliminate malaria from India
by which year?

Who becomes the First Female Umpire In Men's ODI ?

Claire Polosak (Alstralia).

5th Asia Pacifc Broadcasing Union (ABU) Media Slmmit

held in which place ?

Which bank lalnched India’s 1st ‘Green Car Loan’ at lower

interest rates ?

What's the theme of 2019 World Intellectlal Property

Day ?
Reach for Gold: IP & Sports

Where is the headqlarters of Centre for Cellllar &

Molecllar Biology ?
Who has been appointed as Indias High Commissioner to
Seychelles ?
Dalbir Singh.

On which date, UN observes World Day for Safety &

Health at Work ?
28th April.

Who has claimed the inalglral Asian Snooker Tolr itle ?

Pankaj Advani.

Which company has become the world’s 3rd company to

be worth $1 trillion afer Apple & Amazon ?

Who has won the gold medal in 10m air pistol event at
ISSF World Clp at Beijing ?
Abhishek Verma

World Immlnizaion Week is observed from _ ?

24 to 30 April
Who has been appointed as 'Hitachi Payment Services'
Managing Director ?
Rlstom Irani

Which city adjldged as Best City for 4G Availability in India

according to recent stldy ?

India & Alstralia to hold bilateral exercise AUSINDEX in

which place ?

Recently who has been conferred with Pravasi Bhariya

Samman ?
Dr Rajendra Joshi

Sharda corridor plan, which is in news recently, is related

to which colntry ?

Who has appointed as the new BCCI’s ad-hoc Ethics Ofcer

D K Jain.
Who have won the 2018 ACM A.M. Tlring Award ?
Yann Le Cln, Geofrey Hinton & Yoshla Bengio

Tashigang, which is the world's highest polling staion, is

located in which state ?
Himachal Pradesh.

Which technology giant lalnched India-specifc tools to

boost elecion engagement ?

Which airport named worlds best aviaion hlb for the 7th
ime ?

Which railway staion was awarded the Gold Raing for

being Clean & Eco-Friendly ?

The Researchers of which IIT have developed AI based

disease detector ?
GRAPES-3 experiment, which is in news recently, is located
in which site of India ?

Mankading, someimes seen in news, is associated to

which sport ?

Who has been re-elected as the President of Comoros ?

Azali Assolmani.

Which colnty lalnched a programme "Lose to Win" to

help overweight employers ?

Abhedya, which is in news recently, is associated to which

feld ?
Nlclear Training facility.

Who has elected as new President of Basketball

Federaion of India ?
K Govindaraj.
Who was honolred with Croaia's highest civilian award-
the Grand Order of the King of Tomislav ?
Ram Nath Kovind

Fitch Raings has recently clt India’s GDP growth forecast

for FY20 from 7.0% to _?

Which Indian company wolld provide digital sollion for

French Open ?

Who has become the 1st cricketer to reach 5,000 rlns in

Slresh Raina (CSK).

What's the rank of India in WEF's Global Energy Transiion

Index, while Sweden tops the list ?

Who will lead Indian athleics team in Asian

Championships ?
Neeraj Chopra.
Girish N Gowda Appointed As Karnataka
Lok Sabha Elections 2019 Ambassador
Facebook Will Organise ' Al For India
Summit ' On 26 March In Bengaluru
AamirKhan Appointed As PhonePe’s Brand
Terror Camps On India-Myanmar Border
Destroyed – "OperationSunRise"

The percentage of forest cover in India in terms of its total

geographical area is

The state with largest area lnder forests

Madhya Pradesh

Which former ISRO scienist is the recipient of the 2019

Padma Bhlshan ?
Nambi Narayanan.
Which state govt has recently approved 27% qlota for
OBCs ?
Madhya Pradesh.

Which colntry is hosing the 2019 SAFF Women's

Championship ?

Which is the #Most Liveable City in the world in 2019 ?


Who has won Pritzker Architectlre Prize 2019 ?


The Rice Knowledge Bank, which is in news recently, has

been lalnched which state ?

Which state govt lalnched 'Jal Amrltha’, a water

conservaion scheme ?
Who has been appointed as Chairman of Naional
Commission for Backward Classes?
Bhagwan Lal Sahni

Who has appointed as India’s ambassador to Vietnam ?

Pranay Klmar Verma.

Which city is the venle of the ET Global Blsiness Slmmit

2019 ?
New Delhi.

Who is the head of the CBDT panel to help bring down tax
liigaion ?
Sanjeev Sharma.

In which place PM Modi inalglrated the Naional War

Memorial ?
New Delhi.

Which news agency lalnched the world’s 1st female AI

news anchor ‘Xin Xiaomeng' ?
Xinhla, China.
Who has become 1st Indian woman to won the Fltlre for
Natlre 2019 Award ?
Divya Karnad

Who become the brand ambassador of the Swast

Immlnised India campaign ?
Kareena Kapoor.

Which Defence PSU has lalnched Atmospheric Water

Generator at Aero India2019 ?

Who has broke Shahid Afridi's record for "Most Sixes in

Internaional Cricket" ?
ChrisGayle (477 Sixes)

The Asia LPG Slmmit 2019 held in which place ?

New Delhi.

PM Modi fag of Vande Bharat Express ✊ on Feb 15 from

which place ?
New Delhi.
Name the Indian sqlash player, who win Seatle Open
itle ?
Ramit Tandon.

The world’s longest 3D-printed concrete bridge has

opened in which colntry ?

Which state govt decided to set lp ani-poaching iger

protecion force ?

Today is World Meteorological Day:

This day observed every year on 23 March
to commemorates the establishment of
the World Meteorological Organization in
23 March 1950.
WMD2019 theme is “The Sun ☀, the Earth
& the Weather
Who was elected as Malaysia’s new king ?
Slltan Abdlllah.

Who has been selected for the Best Electoral Pracices

Award ?
B. Lakshmikantham.

Which state govt has declared Pakke Paga Hornbill Fesival

as the “State Fesival ?
Arlnachal Pradesh

Who has been bestowed with the 2017 Saraswai Samman

Sitanshl Yashashchandra.

Mar 22

Today is World Water Day:

This day is observed today for need of

conserving safe drinking water, good water
management practices etc.
WWD2019 theme: Leave No One Behind
Only 2.5% of world's water is freshwater!
Water is a precious resource. Every drop
counts. Save Water

What is the rank of India in Bloomberg Innovaion Index

2019 ?

Mar 12
Today In History:

March 12 (1930) gave the Indian freedom

struggle a new direction. Mahatma Gandhi
took of for Dandi March from his Ashram
at Sabarmati in Ahmedabad
30th Birth Anniversary of World Wide Web
is observed today.
Tim Berners-Lee invented on March 12,

World’s 1st TV Channel Dedicated To Hlman Rights Was

Lalnched I Which place ?
● Mohamed Salah Named African Footballer Of
The Year 2018
● Indian Forest Service To Be Renamed As '
Indian Forest & Tribal Service '
● India Poised To Be 3rd Largest Consumer
Market By 2030: WEF
● EIU Democracy Index 2018: #Norway Tops,
India Ranks 42nd.

Who named as India’s Chef de Mission for Tokyo Olympics

2020 ?
Birendra Prasad Baishya

Mar 8
Today is International Womens Day:
It commemorates the movement for
women's rights
IWD2019 campaign theme:
omens Day 1st observed on 28 Feb 1909
in New York
In 1975, Womens Day is celebrated for 1st
time by UN.

Who has appointed new PM of Taiwan ?

Sl Tseng-chang

What's the rank of India in Democracy Index 2019 ?


Who became the 5th Indian to reach 10000 ODI Rlns ?


Which colntry has named as the host of 2019 Africa Clp

of Naions ?
What's the India’s GDP forecast for FY19, as per World
Bank’s 2019 Global Economic Prospects report ?

What is the India’s rank at the EIU Democracy Index 2018 ?


Who has won the Men's & Women's singles event at the
83rd Senior Naional Badminton Championships 2019 ?
Solrabh Verma & Saina Nehwal

Feb 22
Today is World ThinkingDay:

Thinking Day is celebrated annually on 22

Feb by all Girl Guides & Girl Scouts.

It is also celebrated by Scout & Guide

Theme of World Thinking Day2019:
India’s 1st district cooling system will come lp in which
city ?
Amaravai, AP.

Who is the recipient of the 2019 Marin Ennals Hlman

Rights Prize ?
Abdll Aziz Mlhamat.

Which state govt has recently consitlted a Transgender

Welfare Board ?

Who is the althor of the book ‘Panchashai Galpo' ?

Ain Bandyopadhyay

Which word is #Oxford Dicionary’s Hindi Word Of The

Year 2018 ?

 Indias 1st Fllldome 3D Digital Theatre inalglrated in __ ?

 India’s 1st hi-tech forensic lab is established at which place

 Who has won the Miss India USA 2019 itle ?

Kim Klmari.

 India's Largest Startlp Ecosystem Inalglrated in which

state ?

 Name the robot introdlced by Chennai Trafc Police for

Trafc Management ?

● Saina Nehwal claims Indonesia Masters2019

title after injured Carolina Marin limps out of
● India Launched Apollo Proton Cancer Centre
In Chennai
● Indian Economy May Grow 7.6% In FY20: UN
● DN Chakraborthy gets Assam Republic
Journalism Award

 Djokovic Wins Record 7th Australian Open

Title .
 Lt Bhavana Kasturi Becomes 1st Woman
to Lead All-Men Contingent At Rajpath in
RepublicDay2019 Parade.
 RS Sharma is the Chairman of Telecom
Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).
 Former Indian cricketer Gautam Gambhir
& Indian football captain Sunil Chhetri
awarded Padma Shri.

 Jan 25
National Tourism Day is being observed today
across India to raise awareness & educate
people about the importance of tourism & role
it plays in the Indian economy.

 Who has been sworn-in as the new President of

Madagascar ?
Andry Rajoelina.

 What's the rank of India in Global Talent Compeiive Index

2019, while Switzerland tops the list ?

 Which city is the venle of the India Steel 2019 Exhibiion &
Conference ?

Jan 24

National Girl Child Day is being celebrated

today across the country to raise the
awareness among people about all the
inequalities faced by the girl child in the
This day is being observed annuly since
Theme of 2019 is “Empowering Girls for a
Brighter Tomorrow”.

Which colntry has lalnched satellite to create world's frst

arifcial meteor shower ?

Which colntry is hosing the 2nd World Integrated

Medicine Forlm 2019 ?

The central bank of which colntry has recently banned the

lse of Indian clrrency notes ?

India’s 1st private-sector Howitzer gln-manlfactlring

plant come lp in ?

Which city is the venle of Arab Economic & Social

Development Slmmit 2019 ?
Which Indian-American philanthropist conferred with
2019 Rosa Parks Trailblazer award ?
Glrinder Singh Khalsa

Jan 22
● CNR Rao Chosen For Sheikh Saud
International Prize For Materials Research
● IMF Forecasts India's GDP 7.5% In 2019-20
● India Among The Most Trusted Nations
● Rishabh Pant Honoured With Emerging
Player Of The Year Award
Jan 20
●India To Host 14th Session Of Conference Of
Parties To UNCCD
● Japan Launches Satellite For World's 1st
Artifcial Meteor Shower
● BHEL & LIBCOIN To Build India’s 1st Lithium
Ion Giga Factory
● Sweden PM Stefan Lofven Has Elected For A
2nd Term.

Which city to become India’s 1st city to have Crematorilm

For Cows ?

Who has been appointed as the chief of Blreal Of Civil

Aviaion Seclrity ?
Rakesh Asthana

Who has Appointed as the acing CJ of the #Karnataka

High Colrt ?
L N Swamy.
PM Modi will inalglrate the Naional Mlselm of Indian
Cinema in which place ?

Who has appointed as DG of Naional Hlman Rights

Commission ?
Prabhat Singh
● Who became 1st Indian Athlete to ne nominated in
Lalrels World Comeback Of Year Award ?
Vinesh Phogat

Jan 19
● 2nd World Orange Festival Began In Nagpur,
● Ramnath Kovind Inaugurated Gandhian
Resurgence Summit In Prayagraj, UP.
● President Appoints Sanjay Jain As Additional
Solicitor General In SC.
● ISRO to launch Kalamsat & Microsat
Satellite on Jan 24, 2019
Jan 15

71st Indian Army Day is being observed

today across the India.
1st time in Indian Army’s history, Lt
Bhavana Kasturi, the 1st lady ofcer to
lead a contingent on 2019's ArmyDay .
The Indian Army is the 4th largest force in
the world.
This day marks the taking over of the
Indian Army by 1st Indian Commander-in-
Chief, Field Marshal KMCariappa, on 15
January 1949

Army Day2019 is celebrated to pay

homage to the courageous & brave Indian
soldiers who sacrifced their lives for the

Who won Slshila Devi Literatlre Award ?

Namita Gokhale

Which state tops in Khelo India Yolth Games medal tally ?


Which team won their 1st ever Premier Badminton Leagle

Bengallrl Raptors

Jan 12
● Mohamed Salah Named African Footballer
Of The Year 2018
● Indian Forest Service To Be Renamed As '
Indian Forest & Tribal Service '
● India Poised To Be 3rd Largest Consumer
Market By 2030: WEF
● EIU Democracy Index 2018: Norway Tops,
India Ranks 42nd.

 National Youth Day is being observed

today to mark the birth anniversary of
Social Reformer, Philosopher & Youth Icon
of India Swami Vivekananda

 He represented India & Hinduism at

Parliament of World Religions in Chicago in

Rahul Dravid & Kohli in the list of Indians

who have scored 10,000 ODI runs.
Most ODI Sixes:

351 - Afridi
275 - Gayle
270 - Sanath
218 - Dhoni
204 - Rohit

What's the India’s GDP forecast for FY19, as per World

Bank’s 2019 Global Economic Prospects report ?

What is the India’s rank at the EIU Democracy Index 2018 ?

Ashutosh Shukla Official Youtube Channel

 Which state/UT police launched new e-challan system for

the use of Traffic Police ?
 Delhi.

 World Day for International Justice is observed on ?

 July 17July 18July 16

 Where was ISSF Junior World Cup 2019 held which country
 Germany.

 Chandrayaan 2 Super star Rajinikanth

 Amlekhgunj petroleum pipeline project,

 sometimes seen in news, is connected to India & which

country ?
 Nepal.
 Who has been named India's next Ambassador to Panama
 Upender Singh Rawat.

 Which country Men & Women's teams win

Commonwealth Table Tennis title ?
 India.

 Which minister will launch the #Global Innovation Index ?

 Commerce & Industry Minister.

 Paramarsh scheme is associated to which union ministry ?

 HRD Ministry

 Which Indian golfer has won the FCG Callaway Junior

world Golf Championship 2019 ?
 Arjun Bhati.

 The ‘Medicine from the Sky’ is the pilot project of which

state government ?
 Telangana.
 Who has been appointed as private secretary to PM
narendramodi ?
 Vivek Kumar.

 Which country wins the 2nd edition of Inter continental

Cup football tournament ?
 North Korea. Dhoni

 Name the Indian cricketer, who recently inducted into ICC

Hall Of Fame ?
 sachin_rt.

 Recently, which state raised financial aid for Martyrs’ Kin

to Rs.1 crore ?
 Maharashtra.

 Who overtakes BillGates to become 2nd richest person in

the world: Bloomberg ?
 BernardArnault.

 Which Indian woman sprinter won gold in 200m race at

“Tabor Athletics" ?
 HimaDas
 Who is the author of the book "Kargil: Untold stories from
the War” ?
 Rachna Bisht Rawat.

 Which Indian woman cricketer conferred the 2018 Arjuna

Award ?
 Smriti Mandhana.

Karnataka Assembly

 The researchers at which University have developed a low-

cost filter to remove arsenic from water ?
 Tezpur University.

 Vijayveer Sidhu is associated to which sports ?

 Shooting.

 The International Justice Day observed on which date ?

 17 July.
Step Down CM Karnataka Floor Test

 From which city, the 1st-ever Intern'l commercial flight

from Madhya Pradesh launched ?
 Indore.

 Which state/UT Govt launched "Happiness Utsav" in its

schools ?
 Delhi.

 Who has selected for Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellowships

in the field of performing arts ?
 Zakir Hussain.

 Nelson Mandela International Day is an being observed

today across the globe to mark the birth anniversary of
Nelson Mandela.
 The day was officially declared by the UN in November
2009, with the first UN Mandela Day held on 18 July 2010.

Karnataka Floor Test Contest Alert

 Which Indian surgeon has been conferred the Honorary
Fellowship of The Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand ?
 Dr. P Raghu Ram.
 Which former SC Judge of India has appointed as an
International Judge of the Singapore International
Commercial Court ?
 Arjan Kumar Sikr.

 Which state become the 1st Indian state to get fund

through World Bank’s climate resilience program ?
 Kerala.

 The Kasarkod beach is located in which state ?

 Karnataka

 What's the theme of 2019 World Youth Skills Day ?

 Learning to learn for life and work.

 Who is appointed as Governor of Himachal Pradesh ?

 Kalraj Mishra.

 Who has won British GP 2019 ?

 Lewis Hamilton
 Which state observed the 1st-ever Save Water Day on
12th July ?
 West Bengal

 Which movie won Best Feature Film award at 2019 SAARC

film festival ?
 Nagarkirtan.

 Which state has become the 1stIndian state to have water

policy ?
 Meghalaya.

 Who has been adjudged player of the tournament at the

ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 ?
 Kane Williamson.

 Who won the men’s title at the 2019 Wimbledon tennis

tournament ?
 Novak Djokovic. Saaho

 The first-ever Himalayan states' conclave is slated to be

held in which state ?
 Uttarakhand.
 The Asia's largest solar Power project is located in which
district of Madhya Pradesh ?
 Rewa.

 Anthony Amalraj is associated to which sports ?

 Table Tennis.

 Who has elected the new President of the European

Parliament ?
 David Sassoli.

 The Film Division of India launched a documentary film

club KSHITIJ in which city ?
 Pune.

 Which Intern'l Org has released the 2019 global Multi

dimensional Poverty Index ?

 The Operation Thirst launched by which Indian

organisation ?
 Indian Railway.
 Which is the India’s most expensive office location, as per
Commercial Real Estate Services ?
 Connaught Place.

 Who has appointed as Secretary of Overseas Indian Affairs

 Vikas Swarup.

 Who wins Wimbledon 2019 title ?

 Simona_Halep.

 Who has won the "Women’s footballer of the Year" title ?

 Ashalata Devi.

 Who has won the 2019 Croatia Grand Chess Tour title ?
 Magnus Carlsen.

Sunday Thoughts

 Who has been appointed as MD, Chief Financial Officer of

WorldBank ?
 AnshulaKant.
 Recently, Agri-Business Incubation Centre has started in
which state ?
 Chhattisgarh.

 Kharchi Puja Festival being celebrated recently in which

state ?
 Tripura.

First Salary Wimbledon19

 1st Global Conference for Media Freedom in which place ?
 London.

 The Asia's 1st Six Sigma Institute of Mountain Medicines

and High Altitude Rescue is set to come up in which Indian
state ?
 Uttarakhand.

 Budj Bim Cultural Landscape is located in which country ?

 Australia.

 Who has been appointed as the new chief of the

Directorate General of Civil Aviation ?
 Arun Kumar.
 The Amrabad Tiger Reserve is located in which state ?
 Telangana.

 Who become 1st Indian sprinter to win Gold in the 100m

event at 30th World University Games ?
 Dutee Chand.

 The 2019 Women Startup Summit (WSS) is scheduled to

be held in which city ?
 Kochi.

 Who has been adjudged as the AIFF Men’s Footballer of

the Year 2019 ?
 Sunil Chhetri.

 Which state govt has recently implemented Center’s

Witness Protection Scheme ?
 Odisha.

 Which place in Kerala is slated to be home of India’s first

elephant rehabilitation centre ?
 Kottoor.
 India's 1st cow sanctuary is located in which district of
Madhya Pradesh ?
 Agar Malwa.

 Budj Bim Cultural Landscape is located in which country ?

 Australia.

 The term Utkarsh 2022 in news is related to which

organization ?
 RBI.

 Which new method has been identified for predicting

monsoon ?
 Beryllium-7.

 Which state govt has decided to produce its own seeds

under brand name Sah-Beej ?
 Madhya Pradesh.

 The ‘Medicine from the Sky’ is pilot project of which state?

 Telangana
 Where was ISSF Junior World Cup 2019 held?
 Germany

 Who is Vice-President of Niti Aayog?

 Rajiv Kumar

 Which state is to host 1st-ever Himalayan states conclave?

 Uttarakhand

Hima Das in last 20 days

 2nd July: Won Gold in Poland

 7th July: Won Gold at Kunto Athletics Meet in Poland
 13th July: Won Gold in Czech Republic
 17th July: Won Gold at Tabor GP
 20th July : Won Gold in Czech Republic 400M

*Golden Girl Hima Das*

 India and China will carry out a military exercise called?

 ‘Hand-in-Hand
 Name the 3-time Delhi CM passed away at 81?
 Shiela Dixit

 Who appointed as India's Ambassador to Israel?

 Sanjeev Kumar Singla

 Who named as India's next Ambassador to Panama?

 Upender Singh Rawat

 Which Indian cricketer recently inducted into the ICC Hall

Of Fame?
 Sachin Tendulkar

 Which state traffic police launch new E-Payment system to

overcome corruption?
 Delhi

 Who reviewed the first-ever Draft Plan for Power

Distribution sector?
 R K Singh

 Who is the current Comptroller& Auditor General (CAG) of

 Rajiv Mehrishi
 Who audits the Consolidated Fund of India?
 Comptroller & Auditor General

 India to be free of ___ by 2025?

 Tuberculosis

 Who appointed private secretary to PM?

 Vivek Kumar

 Which Indian woman cricketer has been conferred the

2018 Arjuna Award?
 Smriti Mandhana

 Which Indian tennis player has been conferred the 2018

Arjuna Award?
 Rohan Bopanna

 Who has passed the Protection of Human Rights

(Amendment) Bill 2019?
 Lok Sabha
 Which state govt has raised financial aid for Martyrs’ Kin to
Rs.1 crore?
 Maharashtra

 Which Indian woman sprinter has won gold in the 200m

race at “Tabor Athletics”?
 HimaDas

 Who is the author of the book "Kargil: Untold stories from

the War”?
 Rachna Bisht Rawat

 Who won India's ninth gold in ISSF Junior World Cup?

 Sarabjot Singh

 Which campiagn of Tourism Ministry won PATA Gold

Award 2019?
 Find the Incredible You

 Virat Kohli (batting), ___ (bowling) maintains top spots in

ICC ODI ranking 2019
 Jasprit Bumrah
 Which State/UT govt has launched "Happiness Utsav" in its
 Delhi

 What is the theme of 2019 edition of World Youth Skills

Day (15th July)?
 "Learning to learn for life and work”

 Which UT /State has decided to introduce Bi-cycle sharing

 Puducherry

Global Democracy Index 2019

• Only 4.5% of the world’s population lives in a full democracy.
• The Index has been topped by #Norway.
• NorthKorea has been placed last i.e. on 167th rank in the
• India has been ranked 41st and has been termed as “Flawed

 Which country will host FIFAU 17 World Cup 2019?

 Brazil
 Which country has launched #Proton M rocket carrying
the Spektr RG space telescope?
 Russia

 Which film won 2019's SAARC film festival, bagging 4

awards including ‘Best Feature Film?
 Nagar kirtar

 Which state has observed the first-ever Save Water Day on

12th July?
 West Bengal

 Who is appointed as the new Governor of Andhra Pradesh

 Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

 The 2019 "Kharchi Puja Festival" has celebrated in which

 Tripura

 Which nation will host the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023?
 India
 Which state became the first to have the State Water
Policy to conserve water?
 Meghalaya

 Which nation will host the ICC Cricket T20WorlCup?

 In 2020 – Australia
 In 2021 - India

 Who appointed Himachal Pradesh Governor?

 Kalraj Mishra

 Who won Wimbledon title after defeating Roger Federer?

 Novak Djokovic

 Who wins British GP 2019?

 Lewis Hamilton

 Who wins gold at Yasar Dogu Intl.?

 Vinesh Phogat

 Which country won WorldCup title 2019?

 England
 Which state govt will privatized India’s first cow sanctuary?
 Madhya Pradesh

 In which state,the country’s first elephant rehabilitation

centre will be established?
 Kerala

 Which state govt has launched "Meri Fasal Mera Byora"

 Haryana

CWC 19 Final
 Recently PM Modi unveiled the statue of former PM Lal
Bahadur Shastri in which city?
 Varanasi

 The Qasanov Memorial Meet 2019 was held in which

 Kazakhstan

 Which player set record to have most no. of wickets I.e. 27

in single edition of World Cup?
 Mitchell Starc
 In which city, the foundation stone of India’s first dolphin
research centre wil be laid?
 Patna

 Which state announced Janata Clinics to ensure Ease of

doing Farming?
 Rajasthan

 Which country will host the World Heritage Committee

 China

 The Operation Thirst to crackdown selling of unauthorized

packaged Drinking Water by?
 Indian Railways

 Who elected as the new President of the European

 David Maria Sassoli

 The first-ever Global Conference for Media Freedom was

held in which city?
 London
The BIMSTEC nations are
Trick : MBBS_IN_Thailand
 M : Myanmar
 B : Bangladesh
 B : Bhutan
 S : SriLanka
 I : India
 N : Nepal
 Thailand

 Who appointed MD and Chief Financial Office of World

 Anshula Kant

 Which state becomes first state to come up with Water

Policy to ensure Water Conservation?
 Meghalaya

 Which is ranks best performing in the field of education?

 Chandigarh

 The world’s largest (1,177 MW) single solar plant was built
in which city?
 Abu Dhabi
 India recently signed a deal to buy ‘Strum Ataka’ anti-tank
missile from which country?
 Russia

 Which state to host 21st Common wealth Table Tennis

Championship 2019?
 Odisha

 Which state has introduced the Japanese Miyawaki

method of afforestation in India?
 Telangana

 Dr. Nalin Shinghal appointed as Chairman and Managing

Director of?

 Who launched "World Skills India" lntl. Cloud Computing

Challenge 2019?

 India's 1st Design Development Center 'Fashionova' was

launched in?
 Surat, Gujarat
 Which company ties up with Facebook for digital literacy
initiative 'Digital Udaan'?
 Reliance Jio

 The United Nations observes 1st Saturday of July every

year as?
 Intl. Day of Cooperatives

 Who elected as next President of European Union?

 Ursula Von Der Leyen

 The UIDAI has opened its first 'Aadhaar Seva Kendra' in?
 Delhi and Vijayawada

 PM Modi laid a goal to bring Indian Economy to a ___

trillion economy by 2024-25?
 $5

"Budget2019 Highlights"

• No change in personal income tax rates

• Interchangeability of PAN & Aadhaar for ITR
• No charge on digital payments
• Fiscal deficit in FY 19 at 3.3% of the GDP
• Rs 1 lakh loan to be provided for SHG women members

Budget For New India

 The Economic Survey 2019 projected how much growth in
GDP in 2019-20?
 7%

 What is India’s position in Henley Passport Index 2019?

 86th

 Which 2-nations hv most powerful passport in 2019?

 Japan & Singapore

 The world-famous Jagannath RathYatra began at?

 Puri, Odisha

 Where was the 34th edition of National Sailing

Championship inaugurated?
 Hyderabad
 Who won the World Boxing Council (WBC) Asia title?
 Vaibhav Yadav

 Who is the CEO of Unique Identification Authority of India

 Dr. Ajay Bhushan Pandey

 The 2019 Black Forest Cup (Boxing) was held in which

 Germany

 Who was appointed as new MD of National Housing Bank?

 Sardar Kumar Hota

 Where is HQ of National Housing Bank?

 New Delhi

 Where is HQ of National Sample Survey Office?

 New Delhi

 Which state declared Yeoman as the state’s butterfly?

 Tami lNadu
 Which country banned single-use plastic shopping bags
with effect from 1 July 2019?
 New Zealand

 A high powered Committee of CM's for ‘Transformation of

Indian Agriculture is headed by?
 Devendra Fadnavis

 Who is the author of the book ‘A PM to Remember-

Memories of a Military Chief’?
 Sushil Kumar

 Which city is hosting 1st-ever ISA's joint security exercise

 Abu Dhabi

 Who's authored the book titled ‘The New Delhi

 Meenakshi Lekhi

 Who becomes the 1st civil servant & IPS Officer to conquer
the 'Seven Summits' challenge?
 Aparna Kumar
 Which state to host the 21st Commonwealth Table Tennis
Championship 2019?
 Odisha

 Who is appointed as new MD and CEO of Indian Overseas

 Karnam Sekar

 Who is the current Director of Intelligence Bureau (IB)?

 Arvind Kumar

 Which state govt has launched free crop insurance scheme

for farmers?
 West Bengal

 What is the theme of the 13th National Statistics Day

 “Sustainable Development Goals"

 Which country has officially banned single-use plastic

shopping bags?
 New Zealand
 Who appointed as the Chairman and Managing Director of
 P.K. Purwar

 Indian pro boxer become the WBC Asia Silver

Welterweight Champion?
 Vaibhav Yadav

 Who has been recently re-appointed as RBI’s Deputy

 NS Viswanathan

 Which state has launched a campaign to eradicate

Encephalitis disease?
 Uttar Pradesh

 What is the theme of National Doctors Day 2019?

 "zero tolerance to violence against doctors"

 Which Indian sportsperson bestowed an honorary

doctorate by IITKanpur?
 Pullela Gopichand
 Which campaign launches to promote the use of tribal
 Go Tribal"

 Which state government has decided to set up Vedic

education board?
 Rajasthan

Monday Motivation

 The 'One Nation One Ration Card’ scheme will be available

across the country from?
 July 1, 2020

 Money in Swiss banks: India ranked at ____, UK has

retained its top position?
 74

 RBI set up "No charges on NEFT, RTGS money transfers

 1st July 2019
 Name of RBI Deputy Governor who resigned six months
before his term ends?
 Viral Acharya

 What is the venue of G-20 Summit 2019?

 Osaka, Japan

 Who has been recently appointed Intelligence Bureau

 Arvind Kumar

 Which country will host the Winter Olympic Games 2026?

 Italy

 Who is the author of “Function of Data Sovereignty: The

Pursuit of Supremacy”?
 Vinit Goenka

 Who won the Halle Open Title 2019?

 Roger Federer
 Which organisation launched “Complaint Management

 Who took oath as Governor of Manipur?

 PB Acharya

 Who appointed as new RAW Chief recently?

 Samant Kumar Goel

 The Indian Air Force marked 20th anniversary of Kargil

War at which air base ?
 Gwalior

 Who bagged the RedInk Award for “Journalist of the

 Rachna Khaira

 What is the theme of Statistics Day 2019?

 "Sustainable Development Goals"
 Which country becomes 1st Arab country to FATF
 Saudi Arabia

 The United Nations observed 29thJune as?

 International Day of the Tropics

The Mercer released 25th Annual Cost of Living Survey

 The costliest city in the world is HongKong followed

by Tokyo, Singapore & seoul
 The world's least expensive cities for expatriates are Tunis
(209), Tashkent (208)& Karachi (207)
 Mumbai ranked at 67th position.

 The G20 Summit 2019 has begun in?

 Osaka, Japan.

 The theme of the G20 summit 2019 is?

 "Human centred future society".

 The next G20 Summit will be hosted by?

 SaudiArabia in 2020.
 India born has won the Miss Universe Australia title for
 Priya Serrao

 Who is the author of book “Yoga and Diet for Weight

 Bijoy laxmi Hota

 The DD India channel will be made available in which

neighbouring country?
 Bangladesh

 The book "My Life, My Mission" is the autobiography of?

 Baba Ramdev

 Who is the India's Sherpa at the 14th G20 Summit in

 Suresh Prabhu

 Who sworn-in as new Chief Justice of Telangana High

 Raghvendra Singh Chauhan
 Who clinched the 2019 men's Asian Snooker
 Pankaj Advani

 Who is new Director General of Indian Coast Guard?

 K. Natarajan

 Who is the NITI Aayog's CEO?

 Amitabh Kant

 Who becomes 1st chinese to head FAO?

 Qu Dongyu

 The theme of Intl. Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit

Trafficking 2019 (June26)?
 Health for Justice, Justice for Health.

 Which state hosts 32nd edition of the Intl. Seed Testing

Association congress?
 Telangana
 Which state topped in NITI Aayog's Health Index followed
by AP & Maharashtra?
 Kerala

 Which state bottomed in NITI Aayog's HealthIndex?

 Uttar Pradesh

 Who won the presidential election of Mauritania?

 Mohamed Ould Ghazouani

 The 23rdJune observed as?

 UN Public Service Day
 Intl. Widows Day

 Which country's women's rugby team claimed a

historic first ever international Rugby 15s victory?
 India

 Indias first solar cruise vessel will debut in?

 Kerala
 What is the name of operation launched by Indian Navy in
the Gulf of Oman?
 Operation Sankalp

 Cash deposits in Canara Bank accounts of up to __ are free

for 3 transactions in a month?
 Rs. 50,000

 Indian PM Narendra Modi to attend ____ summit in Japan

from June 27-29?
 G20

 Who is appointed as head to sort AAI trouble in World

 Abhinav Bindra

 What is the basic exemption limit in income tax, at

 Rs 2.5 lakh

 Recently Yury Trutnev visited India. He is deputy PM of

which country?
 Russia
 Which state decided to give Rs. 3500 monthly to
unemployed graduates?
 Rajasthan

 The “Sunrise2” is a coordinated operation between India

and which other country?
 Myanmar

 Which company’s digital currency “Libra” is coming in

 Facebook

 As per FitchRatings, India to grow at how much percent in

FY 2021-22?
 7.1%

 Which company has acquired startup called “PullPanda”?

 Microsoft

 Where is the HQ of Fitch Ratings?

 NewYork
 Which Indian sports player has won gold in women’s
1500m at Folksam Grand Prix 2019?
 PU Chitra

 India's first water clinic for elephants has opened in which

 Mathura

 Which state topped in the USGBC list of India's top 10

states for LEED?
 Maharashtra

 Who has been elected as Speaker of 17th Lok Sabha?

 Om Birla

 A 35,000 kms of national highways are to be undertaken

by 2022 under the____?
 'Bharatmala Project'

 Who is the head of RBI committee to study current

framework for MSMEs?
 UK Sinha
 Who is the UN High Commissioner for Refugees?
 Filippo Grandi

 Who became the most expensive bowler in #orldCup

 Rashid Khan (110runs in 9 ov)

 Which country planned to ban sale of petrol n diesel cars

from 2030?
 Ireland

 The World Music Day observed on?

 21stJune

 When is Intl. Yoga Day observed across the world?

 21stJune

 When was 1st Intl. Yoga Day observed?

 2015

 What is the theme of International Day of Yoga 2019?

 Yoga For Heart
 The Yoga Day 2019 event held in?
 Ranchi

 Which Veda mentions about the elements of Yoga?

 Rig Veda

 What is the subject of Intl. Yoga Day 2019 ?

 Yoga with Gurus

 Which state has fixes Rs 5000 as minimum aid to calamity-

hit farmers?
 Madhya Pradesh

 Name of Indian-Origin man honoured with 'Star Of

Jerusalem' medal by Palestine?
 Munir Ansari

 When is World Refugee Day observed, since 2001?

 20thJune

 Which organization host the World Refugee Day events in

order to draw the public attention?
 Expand the UNHCR?
 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

 The theme of WRD 2019?

 Step With Refugees

 The World Food India 2019 event will be held in which

 New Delhi

 The bathing festival 'Snana Yatra' recently celebrated in

which state?
 Odisha

 Who appointed as new Executive Director of RBI?

 Rabi Mishra

 Who clinched US Open Golf Championship 2019?

 Gary Woodland

 What is India's economy target by 2024?

 $5 trillion
 Mann Ki Baat is to resume on June 30. Who hosts the
 Prime Minister

 When was the Mann Ki Baat Indian radio programme

 October 2014

 Who is crowned as Miss India 2019?

 Suman Rao

 Who is conferred with 'Save Water Hero Award'?

 Makarand Tilloo

 Who is the new president of Slovakia?

 Zuzana Caputova

 Where would be main event of Intl. Yoga Day2019 will be

organised in country by Govt of India?
 Ranchi

 The ISRO to launch own space station by?

 2030
 Who has been conferred the 54th Jnanpith award for the
year 2018?
 Amitav Ghosh

 Which Indian actor will be chief guest at 10th Indian Film

Festival of Melbourne 2019?
 Shah Rukh Khan

 Who is the head of the RBI committee to review ATM

 V G Kannan

 Who are the two female scientists to head India’s 2nd

Moon mission Chandrayaan2?
 Ritu Karidhal and Muthayya Vanitha

 What is the position of India in the latest FIFA Rankings,

while Belgium at top?
 101st

 Who has been crowned as the Miss India 2019?

 Suman Rao
 Which is the most peaceful nation in the world in Global
Peace Index 2019 out of 163 nations?
 Iceland

 Which is the least peaceful country in the world in Global

Peace Index 2019?
 Afghanistan

 What is the rank of India in Glob Peace Index 2019?

 141st

 Who has been appointed China’s new Ambassador to

 Sun Weidong

 Who has been appointed the Leader of the House for the
Rajya Sabha?
 Thawar Chand Gehlot

 Who clinched women’s title at the 2019 French Open

tennis tournament?
 Ashleigh Barty
 Which has emerged as the most trusted brand in India in
 Dell

 Which Indian cricketer is the sole Indian in list of top-paid

(100th rank) athletes by Forbes?
 Virat Kohli

 Which Bollywood actress to be honoured with a

humanitarian award by UNICEF?
 Priyanka Chopra

 What is the rank of India in "End Of Childhood Index?

 113th

 Which country decided to conduct its 1st-ever simulated

space warfare exercise ‘Ind Space Ex’?
 India

 Who is head of the committee that set up RBI to examine

ATM charges & fees by banks?
 VGK annan
 Who sworn in as President of Kazakhstan?
 Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

 Who is the speaker of 17th Lok Sabha?

 VirendraKumar

 Who is appointed as Home Minister of Andhra Pradesh

 Mekathoti Sucharitha

 The Cyclone Vayu hits in?

 Maharashtra & Gujarat

 The G7 summit 2019 to be held in which country?

 France

 Which is world’s most valuable brand by Kantar report?

 Amazon

 'Gandhi Cycle Rally for Peace’ recently organized in?

 Saudi Arabia
 Which Indian NGOs won UN’s Equat or Prize for 2019?
 Deccan Development Society (TS)

 India's 1st Dinosaur Museum Park inaugurated in?

 Gujarat

 Which nation to ban single use plastics from 2021?

 Canada

 Which country has debut flag in World Rafting

 India

 Which bank introduced Repo Rate linked home loan


 Who is to be lead the event of Yoga Day2019 at Ranchi,

 Narendra Modi
 Who leads Indian delegation to G20 Ministerial meeting in
 Piyush Goyal

 Who is conferred with Maldives highest award ‘Nishan

Izzuddin’ ?
 Narendra Modi

 Which country has successfully launched its first sea-based

space rocket from Yellow Sea?
 China

 The 2019 G20 Finance Ministers’ meeting was held in

which country?
 Japan

 Who has become the 1st South Asian American woman to

chair US House?
 Pramila Jayapal

 Who wins the Canadian GP 2019?

 Lewis Hamilton
 Noted Actor and Filmmaker passes away?
 Girish Karnad

 Who wins the men's singles title 2019 French Open?

 Rafael Nadal

 Which Indian cricketer announced his retirement from intl.

 Yuvraj Singh

 Who wins the French Open women's singles title 2019?

 Ashleigh Barty

 Which is the most congested city in the world, according

to Tom Tom Traffic Index 2018?
 Mumbai

 Who won the 2019 Women’s Prize for Fiction for her novel
“An American Marriage?
 Tayari Jones
 What is the India’s rank at the first-ever SDG Gender
 95th

 Which metro become the India's first project to receive

power from waste-to-energy?
 Delhi Metro

 Who will chair the Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary

 Rajnath Singh

 Who has been retained as the Vice Chairman of NITI

 Rajiv Kumar

 Who was elected as Prime Minister of Thailand?

 Prayuth Chan-ocha

 Where is ‘Unknown masterpieces of Himachal Folk Art’

 New Delhi
 Where was 7 foot tall statue of Lord Rama unveiled?
 Uttar Pradesh

 Who has been chosen for the JC Daniel Award 2019?

 Sheela

 Who is appointed as Director General of India

Meteorological Department (IMD)?
 Mrutyunjay Mahapatra

 The ICC requested which Indian cricketer to remove army

insignia from uniform?
 MS Dhoni

 Which city ranked 1st in the study, ‘Traffic Index-2018’?

 Mumbai
 Bogota (2nd)
 Lima (3rd)
 NewDelhi (4th)
 Moscow (5th)
 Name the Executive Chairman of Wipro, who announced
his retirement?
 Azim Premji

 World Food Safety Day is observed every year on?

 7th June

 Which metro become the first ever project in the country

to receive power generated from a waste-to-energy plant?
 Delhi Metro

 Who takes oath as new CJ Of Delhi High Court?

 Dhirubhai Naranbhai Patel

 The theme for World Food Safety Day 2019?

 'Food Safety, Everyone’s Business'

 India has successfully test fired which Supersonic Cruise

Missile from Chandipur in Odisha?
 Brahmos
 Which nation has launched the first Arctic train service?
 Russia

 The Reserve Bank of India has done away with charges

levied on fund transfers through?

 Which city hosted the 14th summit of Org. of Islamic

Cooperation 2019?
 Mecca, Saudi Arabia

 Who has been sworn-in as the new president of El

 Nayib Bukele

 Which Indian personality has been elected external

auditor of WHO?
 Rajiv Mehrishi

 What is the India's rank in "Global Gender Equality Index"

 95th
 Which nations were ranks topped and bottomed in "Global
Gender Equality Index 2019"?
 Denmark (1st)
 Chad (129th)

 Who is the author of the book "Cricket World Cup: The

Indian Challenge”?
 Ashis Ray

 The '2nd Global Disability Summit' will be held in?

 Buenos Aires, Argentina

 Who were chosen for prestigious Global Leadership

Awards 2019 for business?
 Sundar Pichai & Adena Friedman

 The World Bank forecasts of India's growth rate at _ for

financial year 2019/20?
 7.5%

 Which state/ut has announced plans free rides for women

in metro and buses?
 Delhi
 The RBI approved the appointment of __ as chairman of
Axis Bank?
 Rakesh Makhija

 Which nation is hosting the World Environment Day 2019?

 China

 Who has been sworn-in as new Prime Minister of

 Scott Morrison

 Which state govt has decided to set up India’s first

'Blockchain District'?
 Telangana

 Which state govt has launched Aroma Mission to boost

medical plants?
 Meghalaya

 Who chosen as External Auditor for WHO?

 Rajiv Mehrishi
 Which committee revised draft new National Education
Policy and effected some changes in 3-language formula?
 Kasturirangan Committee

 Who became the youngest MP in India’s history?

 Chandrani Murmu

 Who has become the first woman fighter pilot to fly Hawk
 Mohana Singh

 Which state govt of India has won the 2019 WHO award
for tobacco control?
 Rajasthan

 Which city to host the 10th "National Science Film Festival

of India (NSFFl)" in 2020?
 Agartala, Tripura

 Who is sworn in as President of El Salvador?

 Nayib Bukele
 The 2019 Financial Literacy Week (3rd-7th June) is an
initiative of which Indian org.?

 Who has become the first-ever spinner to bowl the first

over in a CWC19?
 Imran Tahir

 Who is appointed as the UN's Entity for Gender Equality

and Empowerment of Women (UN_Women)?
 Anita Bhatia

 Which country refused to sell its S400 missiles to Iran?

 Russia

 Who is appointed as brand ambassador to promote yoga

in Goa?
 Namrata Menon

 Who is the youngest MP in the country and her debut in

 Chandrani Murmu
 Which organization is established the World Milk Day?

 Which state recently banned the advertisement and sale

of e_cigarettes in the state?
 Rajasthan

 Which is the largest milk producing country in the world?

 India

 Which is the largest milk consumption country in the

 India

 The theme for World Milk Day 2019 is?

 "Drink Milk:

 Who has been named as new Home Minister?

 Amit Shah

 Who has been given Finance portfolio in new Modi Govt?

 Nirmala Sitharaman
 Who is the new External Affairs Minister under Modi 2.0?
 S Jaishankar

 Who is the new Women And Child Development; Textiles

 Smriti Irani

 Which state/UT govt has recently announced to build a

water museum?
 Delhi

 Which country has recently removed India from currency

watch list?

 In which state has scientists recently identified a new type

of wasp of Kudkremia family?
 Goa

 India's 1st all woman crew flies medium lift helicopter?

 Mi - 17 V5
 Which rank did India secured in World Competitiveness
Report 2019?
 43rd

 Which state released a draft blockchain policy to set up

country's 1st 'Blockchain District'?
 Teleganna

 India ranks in most competitive economy in the world,

while Singapore has topped?
 43rd

 Who takes oath as Odisha CM for 5th term?

 Naveen Patnaik

 Who sworn-in as Arunachal Pradesh CM?

 Pema Khandu

 Who has been sworn in as Australia’s Prime Minister?

 Scott Morrison
 Which org. recognized 'burn-out' as medical condition and
'gaming disorder' a recognised illness?

 Who is new President of Malawi?

 Peter Mutharika

 Which state in India tentatively to have new UNESCO

heritage site?
 Madhya Pradesh

 Which country elected to the Executive Board of the first

UN-Habitat Assembly?
 India

 Who will be sworn-in as Chief Minister of Arunachal

Pradesh for 2nd time?
 Pema Khandu

 Which bank has launches ‘Bank on Wheels’ facility?

 Indian Overseas Bank
 Which space agency has unveiled schedule for 'Artemis'
2024 Moon mission?

 Which org. has successfully flight tested Inertial Guided

Bomb (IGB) from Sukhoi combat jet?

 Which German payments company has teamed up with

India to issue PAN cards?
 Wire card

 Who was sworn in as CM of Sikkim?

 PS Golay

 Who takes oath as South Africa’s President?

 Cyril Ramaphosa

 Who won Monaco GP?

 Lewis Hamilton

 Which nation beats Japan2win 2019 Sudirman Cup?

 China
 Who bags gold medal in 10m Air Rifle in ISSF World Cup?
 Apurvi Chandel

 Who has been elected as the new President of South

 Cyril Ramaphosa

 Who has become the India’s first woman fighter pilot to

qualify to undertake combat missions?
 Bhawana Kanth

 Who is set for the fifth term as Odisha Chief Minister?

 Naveen Patnaik

 Who is the Chairperson of National Green Tribunal (NGT)?

 AK Goel

 Which Country successfully test fired ShaheenII?

 Pakistan

 Which city hosts 2019 World Championships in Athletics?

 Doha, Qatar
 The 2019 LS election in which the BJP won with an
absolute majority __ Lok Sabha election?
 17th

 Who sworn in as 6th President of Ukraine?

 Volodymyr Zelensky

 Who won 'Global Asian of the Year Award for Women's

Healthcare Ecosystem?
 Hema Divakar

 Who has officially been elected as the new President of

 Joko Widodo

 Who has been appointed as the new Pakistan High

Commissioner to India?
 Mueenul Haq

 Which committee has recently submitted report on digital

payments to RBI?
 Nandan Nilekani
CEAT Cricket Awards 2019
• Intl. Cricketer & Batsman : Virat Kohli
• Intl. Bowler : Jasprit Bumrah
• Test Cricketer : Cheteshwar Pujara
• ODI Cricketer : Rohit Sharma
• T20 Player : Aaron Finch
• T20 Bowler : Rashid Khan
• Woman Cricketer : Smriti Mandhana

 Which country has started test run on world's fastest-ever

bullet train “Alfa-X”?
 Japan

 Which country is hosting Conference on Dialogue of Asian

 China

A (Young Scientist Program)

 YUVIKA 2019, which is in news recently, is associated to
which org.?
 Which country becomes 1st country in Asia to legalise
Same-Sex Marriage?
 Taiwan

 World Telecommunication Day is observed all over the

world on?
 17thMay

 The theme of World Telecommunication Day 2019?

 'Bridging the Standardization Gap'

 Who was awarded with the prestigious Sasakawa Award

 Pramod Kumar Mishra

 Who was appointed as head coach of the Indian men’s

senior football team?
 Igor Stimac

 Which Indian actor collaborated with American TV host

David Letterman for a Netflix special?
 Shahrukh Khan
 Which institution launched Vision2021 document for e-
payment system?

 Which team won IPL 2019 title?

 Mumbai Indians

 Which aerial vehicle flight tested successfully by DRDO?


 Which nation banned headscarf in primary schools?

 Austria

 Which state became the first Digital Legislature of the

 Himachal Pradesh

 When is the International Museum Day observed?

 18thMay
 Who became the first cricketer with 100 M+ social media
(Facebook , Twitter & Instagram) followers?
 Virat Kohli

ISRO Missions

 ISRO has been successfully launched Mission Moon2

satellite is from Sriharikota, AP.
 Chandrayaan2

 This satellite was launched onboard its most powerful

rocket of?

 India would become the fourth country after?

 USSR, US & China

 The 15th Finance Commission's meeting with RBI held in?

 Mumbai

 The Chairman of the 15th Finance Commission?

 N.K. Singh
 The current Governor of RBI?
 Shakti kanta Das

 Who is re-elected to Intl. Narcotics Control Board?

 Jagjit Pavadia

 Which city has declared 2019 World Book Capital?

 Sharjah, UAE

 When the World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated

every year?
 26th April

 The Indian Council of Medical Research launched ‘MERA

India to eliminate which disease by 2030?
 Malaria

 When is the World Immunization Week 2019 observed?

 Last week of April (24th - 30th)

 What is the theme of WIW 2019?

 "Protected Together: Vaccines Work"
 Which country has temporarily banned drones, unmanned
aircraft after Easter bombings?
 Sri Lanka

 Who wins 2019 Rabindranath Tagore Literary Prize for his

novel "Solo"?
 Rana Dasgupta

 Which is the world's most valuable company?

 Apple followed Amazon & Microsoft

 The RBI will shortly issue 20 note & it has motif of?
 Ellora Caves

 When is the World Day for Safety and Health at Work

 28th April

 Who is appointed as India's High Commissioner to

 Dalbir Singh Suhag
 What is the theme of the World Veterinary Day (28th
April) 2019?
 Value of Vaccination

 What is the India’s rank in Start up Blink’s 2019 Startup

Ecosystem Ranking?
 17th
 Topped by United States

 Which country successfully tested the world’s first Floating

Nuclear Power Plant?
 Russia

 Who named as brand ambassador of Indo-American Arts

 Vikas Khanna

 Which country topped the SIPRI Report on biggest Military

Spender in 2018?
 US
 India is ___ biggest Military Spender in 2018 as per SIPRI
 4th

 Who became the first female umpire to officiate in a men's

ODI at ICC World Cricket League Division2 event?
 Claire Polosak

 Who is the author of the “Politics of Jugaad: The Coalition

 Saba Naqvi

 Which IIT has developed an easy OCR system for reading

Bharti script?
 IIT Madras

 Who is the head of the committee to review the Economic

Capital Framework (ECF) for the RBI?
 Bimal Jalan

 Indonesia recently announced to relocate its capital. What

is the Capital of Indonesia?
 Jakarta
 What is the name of Japan’s new imperial era that will
begin on May 1, 2019?
 Reiwa

 Who was named 2019 FWA footballer of the year?

 Raheem Sterling

 Who has been appointed as the new Vice Chief of Indian

Air Force?
 R. K. Singh Bhadauria

 Which country has launched the 45-day ‘Mt Everest

Cleaning Campaign’?
 Nepal

 Who has been named the 2019 footballer of the year by

the Football Writers' Association?
 Raheem Sterling

 Who is the new emperor of Japan?

 Emperor Naruhito
 The naval exercise b/w India & French?
 Varuna 19.1

 Who appointed as 1st Non-British president of

Marylebone Cricket Club?
 Kumar Sangak kara

 Who attained world No. 1 spot in women's 10m air rifle

 Apurvi Chandela

 On which date World Press Freedom Day is observed?

 3rdMay

 Which country topped in WORLD Press Freedom INDEX

 Norway
 India’s rank 140th

 The 2019 UNESCO Press Freedom conference in?

 Addis Ababa
 WPFD2019 theme is?
 'Journalism & Elections in Times of Disinformation

 Which parliament became the first national legislative

body in the world to declare a climate change emergency?
 UK

 Which Indian Navy Ship decommissioned soon after

served for 36 years?
 INS Ranjit

 ICC Top Team Rankings

 Test-India
 ODI-England
 T20-Pak

 Which company became word's largest smartphone

 Samsung
 2nd Huawei
 3rd Apple
 Which is the most significant symbols of Intl. Fire Fighters
 Red and blue ribbon

 Who is appointed as the first independent woman Director

of Bombay Stock Exchange?
 Jayshree Vyas

 Which country become India’s top crude oil supplier in

2018-19 year?
 Iraq

 India’s biggest stucco sculpture has recently unearthed in

which state?
 Telangana

 Where is the HQs of Intl. Press Institute?

 Vienna

 The Asian Youth Women Handball Championship host in?

 Jaipur
 India to attend G7 meet along with Australia, Chile &
South Africa, in?
 France

 The G-7 groups together US, Britain, France, Italy, Canada,

Japan & Germany.

 Pakistan’s former cricketer Shahid Afridi released his

autobiography, titled?
 ‘Game Changer’

 Which former ISRO chief bestowed with France's highest

civilian award?
 A S Kiran Kumar

 Which bank become the 1st Indian bank to link interest

rates to RBI's repo rate?

 Which state city police launched an all-women police

patrol unit?
 Karnataka
 The world's first-ever Malaria Vaccine was launched in a
pilot project in?
 Africa's Malawi

 Which Indian sportsperson clinched India’s 1st gold at

2019 Asian Wrestling Championship?
 Bajrang Punia

 On which date, the UN English Language Day is observed

 23rd April

 Which cricket team recently secured ODI status for first

 United States

 Who is appointed as Indian Overseas Bank’s new MD &

 Karnam Sekar

 What is the theme of World Malaria Day (25th April

 Zero malaria starts with me
 Who has been appointed as India's new High
Commissioner to South Africa?
 Jaideep Sarkar

 Who was the author of Jallianwala Bagh poem 'Khooni

 Nanak Singh

 Which country to host G20 Summit 2020?

 Soudi Arabia

 India’s rank in 2019 World Press Freedom Index?

 140th

 Who won the 2019 presidency election of Ukraine?

 Volodymyr Zelensky

 Which country recently adopted the National Artificial

Intelligence Strategy 2031?
 Which Indian movie has won the best cinematography at
2019 Beijing Intl. Film Festival (BIFF)?
 Bhayanakam (Fear)

 What is the India's rank in "Global Startup Ecosystem"?

 17th

 Who has won Ukraine’s Presidential election?

 Volodymyr Zelenskiy

 Who appointed as MD of India operations of Twitter?

 Manish Maheshwari

 Who honoured with ‘Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant Award‘?

 Sunil Kumar Gautam

 The 4th Resilient Cities Asia Pacific Congress 2019 was held
in which city?
 New Delhi
 Which country successfully tested the world’s first armed
amphibious drone boat?
 China

 Where is the HQ of Institute for development and research

in banking Technology?
 Hyderabad

 Which country was the net importer of steel during 2018-

 India

 Google and Apple recently banned which application from

their play store and App Store?
 Tik Tok

 Who was announced as brand ambassador of Red Bus?

 MS Dhoni

 Which Indian Navy Ship will take part in Chinese Navy’s

70th anniversary celebrations?
 INS Shakti
 Which Indian wrestler regained top spot in the latest world
wrestling rankings?
 Bajrang Punia

 Which bank appointed Kaushik Shaparia as CEO For India

 Deutsche Bank

 ICC has partnered with which UN org. to organise One Day

for Children at the Men’s Cricket World Cup2019?

 Which Indian institution has launched a 5G Lab for banking

and financial sector?

 ‘VARUNA’ is the naval exercise between India and ____?

 France

 India's first-of-its-kind 'VoterPark' has recently inaugurated

 Gurugram, Haryana
 Which country has developed the world’s first armed
amphibious drone boat?
 China

 Which Indian sportsperson has clinched the 2019 Dutch

International badminton title?
 Harsheel Dani

 India’s first exotic Bird Park ‘Essel World Bird Park’ was
 Mumbai

 The 8th edition of Home Expo India 2019 opened at?

 Greater Noida

 World’s 1st armed amphibious drone boat develops by

China and named?
 Marine Lizard

 Rongali Bihu festival celebrated in?

 Assam
 Which Indian personality honored with the Freedom of the
City of London?
 Alice G. Vaidyan

 Which telescope has captured first-ever Black hole image?

 Event Horizon Telescope

 Who appointed as first-ever woman Vice-Chancellor of

Jamia Millia Islamia University?
 Najma Akhtar

 Which Naval Ship decommissioned after three decades of

 INS Kozhikode

 Which Indian won gold in the 54 kg category at the Boxing

World Cup 2019?
 Meena Kumari Maisnam

 Who was sworn in as the New Prime Minister of Palestine?

 Mohammed Ishtaye
 India has successfully test-fired first indigenously designed
and developed long-range sub-sonic cruise missile?
 Nirbhay

 The all-weather missile, has a ____ strike range of?

 1000 km

 India's first-of-its-kind 'Voter Park' was inaugurated in?

 Gurugram, Haryana

 Which Indian education technology startup has won the

$25,000 Next Billion Edtech Prize 2019?
 Dost Education

 Who has been selected for the 2018 Saraswati Samman?

 K Siva Reddy

 Which country recently sent a team of experts to re-

measure height of Mount Everest?
 Nepal
 Which Indian city is ranked 1 on WHO’s list of ‘15 most
polluted cities in the world’?
 Kanpur
 2nd Faridabad
 rd Varanasi
 th Delhi

 India’s average population growth b/w 2010&2019 ‘State

of World Population 2019’ UNFP?
 1.2%, to 1.36 billion

 Who is appointed as the first Chief Justice of the Andhra

Pradesh state's HighCourt?
 Vikram Nath

 Who has been appointed as the new President of Algeria?

 Abdelkader Bensalah

 Who has been named as Best Athletic Coach in Asia 2019

from Indonesia?
 Eni Nuraeni
 Which company has become India’s 1st billion-dollar
gaming Startup?
 Dream 11

 Which institute to set up India’s 1st ‘Cold Spray’ SMART

 IITM adras

 Wisden Almanack's 'Leading Cricketer of the Year'?

 Male: imVkohli
 Female: mandhana_smriti

 Who has taken oath as the new Chief Justice of the

Bombay High Court?
 Pradeep Nandra jog

 The military Exercise ‘Bold Kurukshetra 2019’ began in

India and which country?
 Singapore

 India recently evacuated peacekeeping CRPF contingent

from which African country?
 Libya
 Which company has become India’s first gaming unicorn?
 Dream 11

 When the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) celebrates

its Valour Day every year?
 9th April

 Which country positioned as world’s top recipient of

remittances according to World Bank?
 India (USD 79 billion)

 Which university ranked the best in the list of Top10 Indian

Universities in National Institutional Ranking Framework -
 IISc, Bengaluru

 Which engineering institution ranked best in the National

Institutional Ranking Framework -2019?
 IIT Madras

 India’s GDP to accelerate moderately to ___ in 2019-20:

World Bank?
 7.5%
 India’s first indigenously designed and developed artillery
gun was inducted in the Indian Army?
 Dhanush

 Who become the 1st Indian to be elected as member of

FIFA Executive Council?
 Praful Patel

 Which Indian company won ‘Global Slag Company of the

Year’ award?
 Tata Steel

 Who named as male ‘Sportsperson of the year’ in ESPN

India Multi Sport Awards 2018?
 Neeraj Chopra

 Who named as female ‘Sportsperson of the year’ in ESPN

India Multi-Sport Awards 2018?
 PV Sindhu

 Who is appointed as the Chairman of Nasscom?

 Keshav Murugesh
 Which village has been tagged as India’s first carbon-
positive settlement?
 Phayeng, Manipur

 Who was selected as the new President of the World

 David Malpass

 The Fitch expects India's growth rate at?

 6.8% in 2019-20
 7.1% in 2020-21

 Which nation has topped the latest FIFA rankings of 2019?

 Belgium

 Which city will host the Nepal-India Franchise Investment

Expo and Conclave 2019?
 Kathmandu

 The UAE honoured PM Narendra Modi with the

prestigious Highest Civilian Award of?
 Zayed Medal
 Who has been awarded 2019, John Dirks, Canada Gairdner
Global Health Award?
 Prof Patel

 Who takes over as Managing Director of LIC?

 Vipin Anand

 Which state ranks no.1 in the e-Learning training

program for Field Staff?
 Telangana

 China successfully launched 1st of its new-generation data

relay satellite?
 TianlianII01

 Who is the author of the book “Gandhi: The Writer"?

 Bhabhani Bhattacharya

 Which bank has became the third-largest bank in India?

 Bank of Baroda (BoB)
 1st State Bank of India (SBI).
 2nd HDFC Bank.
 Who won the Bahrain GP 2019?
 Lewis Hamilton

 What is the name of Japan’s new imperial era, which is set

to begin on 1 May, 2019?
 Reiwa

 The World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally

recognized day observed on?
 2ndApril

 What is the theme for World Autism Awareness Day 2019?

 Assistive Technologies, Active Participation

 India wins the ICC ODI Cricket World Cup On This Day of?
 2011

 Who takes over as Chief Executive of ICC?

 Manu Sawhney

 Who becomes 1st Female President of Slovakia?

 Zuzana Caputova
 Which is named as Open Signal’s Hottest city for 4G
 Dhanbad, Jharkhand

 ISRO launched a satellite in its 47th PSLV45 mission of?


 Which nation has become the 4th largest space power?

 India

 Who was appointed as the Chief of Naval Staff, recently?

 Karambir Singh

 Which nation has decided to make gay sex, adultery

punishable with death by stoning?
 Brunei

 Which Railway station awarded the Gold Rating for being

Clean & Eco-Friendly
 Vijayawada
 Who is appointed as the BCCI’s interim Ethics Officer?
 DK Jain

 The UN Security Council recently unanimously passed the

resolution to combat on?
 Terror funding

 Wgo has been conferred with the Pravasi Bhartiya

Samman Award?
 Dr. Rajendra Joshi

 Which state’s Tashigang village is now the highest polling

station in the world?
 Himachal Pradesh

 Recently, Valery By kovsky passed away.He was related to

which field?
 Space Pioneer

 Who is the author of the book "Indian Fiscal Federalism”?

 Dr. Y. V Reddy
 Mankading, sometimes seen in news, is associated to
which sports?
 Cricket

 Which country discovered world’s longest salt cave?

 Israel

 Who was honoured with Martha Farrell Award 2019?

 Manu Gulati

 Which port becomes 1st Indian Port operator to record

200 MMT Cargo Movement?
 Adani

 A village from Himachal Pradesh become the highest

polling station in world?
 Tashigang (15,256 ft)

 Who honored Oxford University's Bodley Award?

 Amartya Sen
 Who is the author of the book ‘Every Vote Counts-The
Story of India’s Elections’?
 Navin Chawla

 Which county has launched a programme "Lose to Win" to

help overweight employers?

 Who has been elected as new President of Basketball

Federation of India?
 K. Govindaraj

 Who was re-appointed as MD and CEO of Maruti Suzuki

 Kenichi Ayukawa

 Who was re-elected as the President of Comoros?

 Azali Assoumani

 India became the 4th country to successfully test Anti-

satellite missile system, codenamed?
 Mission Shakti
 Who is the head of the RBI committee to deepen digital
 Nandan Nilekani

 Which Indian organisation has organized Fin Tech Conclave

 NITI Aayog

 Which Indian company would provide digital solution for

French Open?
 Infosys

 The World Theatre Day is celebrated annually on?

 27thMarch

 A joint Naval Exercise of India and Australia AUSINDEX is to

be held in?
 Vishakhapatnam

 The world’s largest e-waste recycling plant has opened in?

 Dubai
 The World Purple Day observed on?
 26th March

Filmfare Awards2019

• Best Film : Raazi

• Best Actor (Female) : Alia Bhatt
• Best Actor (Male) : Ranbir Kapoor
• Best Director : Meghna Gulzar
• People’s Choice Award : Plus Minus
• Best Singer (Male) : Arijit Singh
• Best Singer (Female) : Shreya Ghoshal

 Which coach became the world’s largest rail coach

 Integral Coach Factory, Chennai

 Who was awarded the 2019 Templeton Prize?

 Marcelo Gleiser
 The theme for 2019 World Forestry Day?
 Forests and Education

 Kazakhstan renames its capital Astana to?

 Nursultan

 The YONEX Open 2019 held in?

 Switzerland

 Who awarded with Vyas Samman 2018?

 Leeladhar Jagudi

 Who awarded with Gollapudi Srinivas Award?

 C Prem Kumar

 Who appointed as chairman of Automotive Tyre

Manufacturers Association (ATMA)?
 KM Mammen

 Name the Indian writer, who wins the Windham-Campbell

 Raghu Karnad
 Which Indian psychologist is the recipient of the 2019
Hans Kilian Award?
 Prof. Ashis Nandy

 Who becomes India's 1st Transgender Election

 Gauri Sawant

 Kazakhstan's 1st & only President announced his

resignation after 29 years in power?
 Nursultan Nazarbayev

 Which state begun to take census of Otters for 1st time?

 Uttar Pradesh

 Who became 1st woman to win prestigious Abel Prize?

 Karen Uhlenbeck

 Who won the Australian F1 Grand Prix 2019?

 Valtteri Bottas
 The 1st joint military exercise of Shanghai Cooperation
Org. is?
 Sary-Arka-Antiterror 2019

 Who's topped in the Forbes’ list of ‘World’s Richest Sports

Team Owners 2019’?
 Mukesh Ambani

 Who appointed next ambassador of India to Uzbekistan?

 Santosh Jha

 Who becomes 2nd Indian golfer to win Ladies European

Tour, after Aditi Ashok?
 Diksha Dagar

 Who named as India's 1st Lokpal?

 Pinaki Chandra Ghose

 Name the Goa CM passed away recently?

 Manohar Parrikar
 The UK has issued new ‘black hole’ coin in honour of_?
 Stephen Hawking

 Which state plans for cloud seeding project due to

 Karnataka

 Which institute students designed an app to detect Fake

 IIT-Kharagpur

 The FIFA U-17 Women's WC 2020 host in?

 India

 Which water purifier brand receives the Best Domestic

Water Purifier Award 2019?
 Kent

 Which sports person ranked No:1 in ‘ESPN World Fame

100 list 2019’?
 Cristiano Ronaldo
 Who is the only Indian athlete in the top 10 rank of ESPN
World Fame 100 list 2019?
 Virat Kohli

 Which city hosts Special Olympics World Game 2019?

 AbuDhabi, UAE

 Who is the Chairman of Life Insurance Corporation of India

 M.R.Kumar

 Which city has topped the Mercer's index of most liveable

cities for the 10th year in a row?
 Vienna, Austria

 World Consumer Rights Day is observed every year on?

 15thMarch

 Theme of WCRD 2019?

 'Trusted Smart Products'
 National Consumer Rights Day observed on?
 24th December

 World Sleep Day is observed every year on?

 15thMarch

 Theme of WSD 2019?

 "Healthy Sleep, Healthy Aging"

 The 4th Internet of things India Congress to be held in?

 Bengaluru

 Who was sworn-in as the first Chairman of the newly-

constituted Lokayukta in Mizoram?
 CLalsawta

 Who is named as new Chairman of Axis Bank?

 Rakesh Makhija

 Where is the 4th session of the UN Environment Assembly

 Nairobi, Kenya
 Who conferred Honorary Doctorate from the UN ested
University of Peace?
 Venkaiah Naidu

 How many recipients were announced for the Padma Shri

award, this year?
 94

 Which country is the 2nd largest importer of weapons in

the world, as per ‘Trends in Intl. Arms Transfers 2018?
 India

 Which country is now the world’s largest weapons

 Saudi Arabia

 Who takes over as Director of BARC?

 Dr. A.K. Mohanty

 The DRDO successfully test fired ______ guided WEAPON

rocket system from Pokhran range in Rajasthan?
 Who invented the World Wide Web On This Day of 1989?
 Tim Berners Lee

 Name the Indian gymnast who selected as Barbie Role

 Dipa Karmakar

 Which country supported India's permanent seat in United

Nations Security Council (UNSC)?
 France

 Who set the new world indoor mile record with a time of
3m 47.01sec?
 Yomif Kejelcha

 Who won Pritzker Architecture Prize 2019?

 Arata Isozaki

 Where is the headquarters of National Centre for Good

 New Delhi
 Which tech giant has launched 'Bolo' app to tutor children
to read in Hindi & English?
 Google

 Who has been named Chief Scientist of the WHO?

 Soumya Swaminathan

 The Centre has planned to set up the Centre for Disability

Sports at?
 Gwalior, MP

 Which state govt recently unveiled Yuvashree Arpan

 West Bengal

 Who named youngest self made billionaire of all time by

 Kylie Jenner

 Who has been elected as the first female Prime Minister

of Estonia
 Kaja Kallas
 What is the official UN theme of Intl. Womens Day 2019?
 Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change

 Which country offers world’s cheapest mobile data packs

by Cable. Co. Uk site?
 India

 Which city was awarded as the Cleanest Capital in the

Swachh Survekshan 2019 survey?
 Bhopal, MP

 Which Municipal Council area given the ''Cleanest Small

City'' Award?
 New Delhi

 Which town was bestowed as ''Best Ganga Town"?

 Gauchar, Uttarakhand

 Which state govt has recently banned molasses in the

 Assam
 Which sport has been included in 2022 Asian Games?
 Cricket

 Where is the headquarters of Tea Board of India?

 Kolkata

 Who is the newly elected President of Senegal?

 Macky Sall

 Who appointed as the Director of BARC (Bhabha Atomic

Research Centre)?
 Ajit Kumar Mohanty

 Which city declared as India's cleanest city for 3rd straight

year by Swachh Survekshan 2019?
 Indore

 Who is the world’s richest person by #Forbes Billionaire list

 Jeff Bezos
 Which Indian secured 13th position in Forbes ultra rich
 Mukesh Ambani

 Who re-elected for 8th term as President of Olympic

Council of Asia?
 S.A Al-Fahad Al-Sabah

 Which is world's most polluted capital city in 2018?

 New Delhi, India

 Which country has topped Global Consumer Confidence

 India

 ISRO has launches which program for school children?

 'Yuva Vigyani Karyakram'

 Which company General Insurance won the ‘Non-Life

Insurer of the Year Award 2019’
 Bharati AXA
 Who is the chairman of 15th Finance Commission?
 NK Singh

 The 'Jal Amrutha scheme launched by which state?

 Karnataka

 Which state govt announces "Mukhyamantri Parivar

Samman Nidhi" scheme?
 Haryana

 Which tennis player claims 100th ATP title of his career?

 Roger Federer

 What is the India’s rank in The Facebook Inclusive Internet

Index (3i) 2019, while topped by Sweden?
 47th

 IRCTC launched its own digital payment aggregator called?

 'IRCTC iPay'
 Who has become the first batsman ever to smash 500 or
more sixes?
 Chris Gayle

 The 'Intl. Digital Health Symposium’ Inaugurated in?

 New Delhi

 Union Railway Min. Piyush Goyal announced a new

Railway Zone for Andhra Pradesh, that is?
 Southern Coast Railway

 The Southern Coast Railway (AP) will be the ____ zone in

the country?
 18th

 Who is the current Union Minister of Railways?

 Piyush Goyal

 Who institutes the META awards?

 Mahindra Group
 Who is appointed as the Chairman of National Book Trust?
 Govind Prasad Sharma

 Which defence satellite would be launched by ISRO for

DRDO in March 2019?
 Emisat

 Which state government has recently declared Monkeys as

 Himachal Pradesh

 The 'Sampriti 2019' is a joint military exercise of India and

which country?
 Bangladesh

 Who has become the first-ever bowler in T20I history to

pick 4 wickets in 4 balls?
 Rashid khan
Ashutosh Shukla Official Youtube Channel


• UN – NewYork,US
• UNESCO – Paris, France
• IMF – Washington,US
• WHO – Geneva, Swiss
• OPEC – Vienna, Austria
• ICC – Dubai, UAE
• NATO – Brussels, Belgium
• SAARC – Kathmandu, Nepal
• ASEAN –Jakarta, Indonesia
• APEC – Singapore
• FIFA – Zurich, Swiss


• Blood is preserved in this gas-

• Discovered blood Groups

• Blood pressure measured by


• Organ help in blood purification


• Bauxite - Aluminum
• Haematite - Iron
• Monazite - Thorium
• PitchBlende - Uranium
• Galena - Lead
• Cinnabar - Mercury
• Calamine - Zinc
• HornSilver - Silver
• Dolomite - Magnesium
• Carnalite - Potassium
• Feldsfar – Aluminum
Important Age Limits
• President : 35 years
• Vice-President : 35 years
• Governor : 35 years
• Chief Minister : 25 years
• Sarpanch : 21 years
• MP (Lok Sabha) : 25 years
• MLA : 25 years
• MP (Rajya Sabha) : 30 years
• MLC : 30 years
• Prime Minister : RS 30 / LS 25

01 : NationalDoctorsDay
04 : IndependenceDayOfUS
06 : WorldZoonosesDay
07 : WorldChocolateDay
11 : WorldPopulationDay
12 : InternationalMalalaDay
15 : WorldYouthSkillDay
17 : World Day for Intl. Justice
18 : Intl. NelsonMandela Day

 What is GST?
Goods&Services Tax

 GST rate slabs?

5%, 12%, 18% & 28%

 What are CGST&SGST?

Central & State

 GST implemented on?

1st July 2017

 What is the constitutional amendment of GST?


 The items not affected by GST?

CrudeOil, diesel, petrol, natural gas & jet fuel
Brand Ambassadors
 Colgate : MSDhoni
 Sprite : AnmolKC
 Ponds : DishaPtani
 Fair&Lovely : YamiGautam
 Lux (Soap) : KatrinaKaif
 Britania : SachinTendulkar
 Close Up : MaheshBabu
 Clinic Plus : ShwetaTiwari
 Horlicks : TaapseePannu
 Dettol India : AmitabhBachchan


• White City - Udaipur

• Pink City - Jaipur
• Blue City - Jodhpur
• Royal City - Patiala
• Holy City - Amritsar
• Orange City - Nagpur
• Steel City - Jamshedpur
• Leather City - Kanpur
• Yoga City - Rishikesh
Brand Ambassadors

• PhonePe : Aamir Khan

• BharatPe : Salman Khan
• RedBus : MS Dhoni
• IPL 2019 : Shane Warne
• PUMA : Mary Kom
• BATA : KritiSanon
• Vivo : Aamir Khan
• Uber : ViratKohli
• Dream11 : MS Dhoni
• Election Commission : PranithaSubhash

The national institute of _ ?

• Multiple Disabilities - Chennai

• Orthopedically Handicapped - Kolkata
• Mentally Handicapped - Secunderabad
• Visually Handicapped - Dehradun
• Physically Handicapped - New Delhi
• Hearing Handicapped - Mumbai

 Who is the founder of Wipro?


 Who is the founder of Microsoft?

BillGates, PaulAllen

 Who is the founder of Infosys?

N.R. Narayana Murthy

 Who is the founder of Reliance Industries?


 Who is the founder of HeroMotocorp?


Important Days

01 : WorldMilkDay
02 : elanganaFormationDay
05 : orldEnvironmentDay
08 : WorldOceansDay
12 : AntiChildLaborDay
14 : WorldBloodDonorDay
16 (3rd Sunday) : FathersDay
20 : WorldRefugeeDay
21 : International Day of Yoga
21 : WorldMusicDay

"Books and Authors"

• I do What I do - RaghuramRajan
• Mann Ki Baat - Rajesh Jain
• Exam Warriors - Narendra Modi
• Hit Refresh - Satya Nadella
• The KumbhMela - Tarun Khanna
• The Idea of Justice - Amartya Sen
• Red Birds - Md. Hanif
• People of the Son - Meghna Pant

• Black-Petroleum
• Round-Potato
• White-Milk/Dairy
• Yellow-Oil seeds
• Blue-Fish
• Pink-Onion
• Red-Meat&Tomato
• Grey-Fertilizer
• Silver Fiber-Cotton
• Silver-Egg
• Brown-Leather
• Golden Fibre-Jute
• Golden-Fruits, Honey
• Evergreen-Agricultural

15 : Intl. Day of Families
17 : World Telecommunication Day
17 : World Hypertension Day
18 : World AIDS Vaccine Day
21 : National Anti Terrorism Day
22 : Intl. Day for Biological Diversity
24 : National Commonwealth Day
31 : World No Tobacco Day


• Durand Cup- Football

• Duleep Trophy- Cricket
• Agha Khan Cup- Hockey
• Ezra Cup- Polo
• Charminar Trophy- Athletics


• Davis Cup- Tennis

• Thomas Cup- Badminton
• Westchester Cup- Polo
• Walker Cup- Golf
• Williams Cup- Basketball
Human Body Facts

• Weight of Brain (adult) & (child): 1300-1400 gm & 350-400 gm

• Weight of Heart: 200-300 gm
• Brain in weight of humanbody: 2%
• Normal Heart Beat: 72 per min
• Breathing Rate: 12-16/min
• Normal B.P: 120/80 mm/Hg
• Blood clotting time: 3-5 min

Important Information

 What planet is known as the Red Planet?

 Which planet is not known as a planet?
 Which planet is known as the watery planet?
 Which planet is known as the blue planet?
 Which planet is known as a gas planet?
Vaccine - Discovered by

• Small pox : Edward Jenner (1786)

• Rabies : Louis Pasteur (1885)
• Typhus : Charles Nicolle (1909)
• TB : Leon Calmette&Camille Guerin(1992)
• Polio : Jonas E. Salk (1954)
• Cholera : Louis Pasteur (1880)
• Measles : John F. Enders (1960)


• History-Herodotus
• Economics-Adam Smith
• Genetics-Gregor Mendel
• Political Science-Aristotle
• Botany-Theophrastus
• Zoology-Aristotle
• Mathematics-Archimedes
• Physics-Albert Einstein
• Chemistry-Jabir ibn Hayyan
• Psychology-Sigmund Freud
Indian Railways
(Zone - Hq)

South Western - Hubballi

North Western - Jaipur
West Central - Jabalpur
North Central - Allahabad
South East Central - Bilaspur
East Coast - Bhubaneswar
East Central - Hajipur
Kolkata Metro - Kolkata

Which country is the largest producer in the world?

 Pulses - India
 Tea - China
 Coffee - Brazil
 Rice - China
 Gold - Russia
 Cement - China
 Wheat - China
 Sugarcane - Brazil
 Fruits - China
 Cotton - China
 Crude oil - Saudi Arabia
 Mobile phones - China
 Vegetables - China

"Post - Oath - Resignation"

• President - CJ of SC - Vice President
• Vice President - President - President
• Prime Minister - President - President
• Governor - CJ of HC - President
• CJ of SC - President - President
• Speaker LS - no oath - Deputy Speaker

• White City - Udaipur
• Pink City - Jaipur
• Blue City - Jodhpur
• Royal City - Patiala
• Holy City - Amritsar
• Orange City - Nagpur
• Steel City - Jamshedpur
• Leather City - Kanpur
• Yoga City - Rishikesh
State - Capital

1. Andhra Pradesh - Amaravati

2. Assam - Dispur
3. ArunachalPradesh - Itanagar
4. Bihar - Patna
5. Chattisgarh - Raipur
6. Jammu&Kashmir - Jammu/Srinagar
7. HimachalPradesh - Shimla/Dharmashala
8. Punjab - Chandigarh
9. Haryana - Chandigarh
10. Rajasthan – Jaipur
11. Uttarkhand - Dehradun
12. Uttar Pradesh - Lucknow
13. Madhya Pradesh - Bhopal
14. Gujarat - Gandhi Nagar
15. Maharashtra - Mumbai
16. Goa - Panaji
17. Karnataka - Bengaluru
18. Kerala - Tiruvananthapuram
19. Tamil Nadu - Chennai
20. Telangana – Hyderabad
21. Odisha - Bhubaneshwar
22. Jharkand - Ranchi
23. West Bengal - Kolkata
24. Sikkim - Gangtok
25. Meghalaya - Shillong
26. Tripura - Agartala
27. Manipur - Imphal
28. Nagaland - Kohima
29. Mizoram – Aizawal

Indian UT’s and their capitals

1. Delhi - Delhi
2. Chandigarh - Chandigarh
3. Daman&Diu - Daman
4. Dadra Nagar Haveli - Silvassa
5. Puducherry - Puducherry
6. Andaman&Nicobar Is - Port Blair
7. Lakshdweep - Kavaratti
Important Points

 Which is the most malleable metal?

- Gold
 Which metal is a liquid at room temperature?
- Mercury
 What two elements are used to make bronze?
- Tin & Copper
 What metal is the best conductor of electricity?
- Silver
 Rust is formed from iron and which other element?
- Oxygen


 What is the average Life span of RBC?

- 120 days
 What is the average Life span of WBC?
- 10-15 days
 What is the average Life span of Platelets?
- 5-9 days
 What is the average amount of Blood?
- 5-6 litters
 What is a normal pH level in blood?
- 7.35-7.45

The pH values

 Blood: 7.35-7.45
 Milk: 6.5
 Distilled water: 7.0
 Sea water: 8.0
 Oxygenated water: 2.5-3.0
 Coffee: 5
 Gastric juice: 2
 Lemon juice: 2
 Wine: 4
 Rain: 5.5
 Baking soda: 8.5
 Detergent: 10
 Bleach: 12.5
 Battery acid: 1
 Sprite: 3.3
 Coke, Pepsi: 2.5
 Acid rain: 4
 Urine: 5-8
The study of __ ?

 Brain - Phrenology
 Kidney - Nephrology
 Heart - Cardiology
 Trees - Dendrology
 Insects - Entomology
 Tissues - Histology
 Sleep - Hypnology
 Earthquake - Seismology
 Disease - Pathology
 Classification - Taxonomy
 Body - Physiology
 Soil - Pedology-Soil

• IndianArmyDay: Jan 15
• IndianCoastGuardDay: Feb 1
• NationalDefenceDay: Mar 3
• KargilVijayDiwas: July 26
• IndianAirforceDay: Oct 8
• IndianNavyDay: Dec 4
• ArmedForcesFlagDay: Dec 7
• VijayDiwas: Dec 16
Vaccine - Discovered by
• Small pox : Edward Jenner (1786)
• Rabies : Louis Pasteur (1885)
• Typhus : Charles Nicolle (1909)
• TB : Leon Calmette&Camille Guerin(1992)
• Polio : Jonas E. Salk (1954)
• Cholera : Louis Pasteur (1880)
• Measles : John F. Enders (1960)

Disease & Effect_Body_Part

• Glossitis-Tongue
• Gastritis-Stomach
• Hepatitis-Liver
• Leukemia-Blood
• Gout-Joints of Bone
• Peritonitis-Abdomen
• Tonsillitis-Tonsils
• Dementia-Brain
• Polio-Legs
• Rhinitis-Nose
• Hemophilia-Blood
• Leprosy-Skin
Newspapers & Founders

• Mooknayak-BR Ambedkar
• VandeMataram-Bipin Chandra Pal
• Independent-Motilal Nehru
• Navayug-Muzaffar Ahmed
• Young India-Gandhi
• Inquilab-Ghulam Hussain
• Free Hindusthan-TaraknathDas
• Prabudha Bharat-Swami Vivekanand
• The Leader-MM Malviya
Did You Know??
 Short Trick of colors of the Spectrum of White Light ” VIBGYOR
Short trick is ” VIBGYOR”
V - Violet
I - Indigo
B - Blue
G - Green
Y - Yellow
O - Orange
R – Red
Indian Railways
(Zone - Hq)
1) Northern - Delhi
2) North Eastern - Gorakhpur
3) Northeast Frontier - Guwahati
4) Eastern - Kolkata
5) South Eastern- Kolkata
6) South Central- Secunderabad
7) Southern- Chennai
8) Southern Coast- Vizag
9) Central- Mumbai
10) Western- Mumbai

The Viral diseases

Trick to remember: - ICC released a MMS

I - Influenza
C - Chicken Pox
C - Cold
M - Measles
M - Mumps
S - Small Pox
The Bacterial Diseases

Trick is- My Tuition Teacher Giving Work To Print a LCD Paper

W-Whooping Cough
Vitamins & their Chemical Names

Fat soluble
A - Retinol
D - Cholecalciferol
E - Tocopherol
K - Phylloquinone
Water soluble
B1 - Thiamine
B2 - Riboflavin
B3 - Niacin
B5 - Pantothenic acid
B6 - Pyridoxine
B7 - Biotin
B9 - Folic acid
B12 - Cyanocobalamin
C - Ascorbic acid

Trick to Remember the order of Mughal Rulers

Mind in : BHAJ SAAB
1. Babur
2. Humayun
3. Akbar
4. Jahangir
5. Shah Jahan
6. Aurangzeb (Alamgir)
7. Azam Shah
8. Bahadur Shah I
The city of __ ?

 Seven Hills : Rome

 Smoke : Osaka
 Temples : Varanasi
 Seven Islands : Mumbai
 Popes : Rome
 Snow : Canada
 Festivals : Madurai
 Factories : Kanpur
 Palaces : Kolkata
 Skyscrapers : New York
 Roses : Chandigarh

City & River

 Agra-Yamuna
 Hyderabad-Musi
 Lucknow-Gomati
 Surat-Tapti
 Ahmedabad-Sabarmarti
 Srinagar-Jhelum
 Amarkantak-Narmada
 Kolkata-Hugli
 Amaravati-Krishna
 Kalingapatnam-Vamsadhara
 Nasik-Godavari
 Ayodhya-Sarayu
 Jamshedpur-SwarnaRekha
 Cuttack-Mahanadi
 Varanasi-Ganga

 Trick to Remember the order of Mughal Rulers

Mind in : BHAJ SAAB
1. Babur
2. Humayun
3. Akbar
4. Jahangir
5. Shah Jahan
6. Aurangzeb (Alamgir)
7. Azam Shah
8. Bahadur Shah I

Gk Trick

 Major Rabi Crops in India (October-March)

Trick : GOT P WB. COM

Mind in : Rabi GOT Price from World Bank. COM
G - Gram
O - Oats
T - Tomato
P - Potato
W - Wheat
B - Barle
C - Chickpea
O - Onion
M - Mustard

 Kharif Crops in India (July-October)

Trick : BJP GST CM'S R M

Mind in : when BJP implement GST all CM'S Ran to Modi

B - Bajra
J - Jowar
P - Pulses
G - Groundnut
S - Sugarcane
T - Turmeric
C - Cotton
M - Maize
S - Soyabean
R - Rice
M - Millets

Gk Trick

1. Ozone is mostly available in the month of?

2. Ozone present in the Layer of?
3. Which gas is responsible for Ozone depletion?

Mind Trick : Ozone gets "OSCAR"

(All 3 answers is in OSCAR)

O - October
S - Stratosphere
CAR - ChloroFluroCARbon

Folk Dances & States

• Kuchipudi-Andhra Pradesh
• Sattriya, Bihu-Assam
• Kathakali-Kerala
• Bharatanatyam-TN
• Odissi-Odisha
• Bhangra-Punjab
• Manipuri-Manipur
• Yakshaganam-Karnataka
• Garba-Gujarat
• Kathak-North India
• Lavni&Tamasha-MH

The largest in the world ?

 Gulf - Gulf of Mexico

 Island - Greenland
 Bay - Bay of Bengal
 Peninsula - Arabia
 Sea - Mediterranean Sea
 River - Amazon
 Ocean - Pacific
 Waterfall - Angel Falls
 Cinema - Fox theatre, USA
 Force - Newton
 Work - Joule
 Power - Watt
 Frequency - Hertz
 Energy - Joule
 Capacity - Farad
 Resistance - Ohm
 Inductance - Henry
 Electric potential - Volt
 Heat Energy - Joule
 Magnetic flux - Weber
 Magnetic flux density - Tesla
 Illumination - Lux

Leader - Memorial
 Ambedkar-ChaityaBhoomi
 Gandhiji-RajGhat
 Nehru-ShantiVan
 LB Shastri-VijayGhat
 Indira Gandhi-ShaktiSthal
 Charan Singh-KisanGhat
 Rajiv Gandhi-VeerBhumi
 Jagjivan Ram-SamtaSthal
 P.V. Narsimha Rao-P.V GyanBhoomi
 Gulzarilal Nanda-NarayanGhat
 Morarjee Desai-AbhayGhat
Award & Instituted Year
• Nobel-1901
• Pulitzer-1917
• Oscar-1929
• Sahitya Akademi-1952
• Bharat Ratna-1954
• Ramon Magsaysay-1958
• Grammy-1958
• Arjuna-1961
• Jnanpith-1961
• Man Booker-1969
• Khel Ratna-1991-92
• Mahatma Gandhi Peace-1995
• Dhyanachand-2002

From which country #Indian Constitution borrowed?

• Preamble
• Fundamental Rights
• Supreme Court
• Written Constitution
Russia :
• Fundamental Duties
• Five year Plan

Britain :
• Speaker in Lok Sabha
• Parliamentary Election
• Election Commission

Who is the first person to get NobelPrize ?

• Literature : RsPrudhomme
• Peace : Henri Dunant, Frédéric Passy
• Economics : Ragner Frisch, Jan Tinbergen
• Medicine : Emil Von Behring
• Physics : Wilhem Roentgen
• Chemistry : Jacobus Vant Hoff


The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation's members

Mind Trick : PInK (colour) TRUCK
P : Pakistan 🇵🇰
In : India 🇮🇳
K : Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬
T : Tajikistan 🇹🇯
R : Russia 🇷🇺
U : Uzbekistan 🇺🇿
C : China 🇨🇳
K : Kazakhstan 🇰🇿

Which country is largest producer of

 Gold-Mexico
 Diamond-Russia
 Sugar-India
 Rice-China
 Crude oil-UAE
 Coffee-Brazil
 Iron Ore-China

World Gk
Who is the father of the Revolution of____?
• Yellow - Sam Pitroda
• Blue - Arun Krishnan
• Golden - NirpakhTutej
• Pink - Durgesh Patel
• Silver - Indira Gandhi
• Red - Vishal Tewari
• Green - Norman Borlong (world),
M.S SwamiNathan (India)
• White - VergheseKurien

The ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) members

Mind Trick : TV CLIP MBBS
B=Burma (Myanmar)

 Indian states touching with Bangladesh

Mind Trick: W A T ME MI
W - WestBengal
A - Assam
T - Tripura
ME - Meghalaya
MI – Mizoram

 Indian states touching with Myanmar

Mind Trick : ARU NA MA MI

ARU - Arunachal Pradesh

NA - Nagaland
MA - Manipur
MI – Mizoram

 Indian states are touching with #Nepal

Mind Trick : SUBBU

S - Sikkim
U - Uttarakhand
B - Bihar
B - west Bengal
U - Uttar Pradesh
Indian states are touching with #Bhutan
Mind Trick :SAAB

S - Sikkim
A - Arunachal Pradesh
A - Assam
B - west Bengal

Quiz Gk

Head quarters In
Gk Trick

 Italy
 Canada
 UK
 France
 Germany
 Japan

Add Russia to G7 that wil b G8

"Players in Sports"

Tennis-1 or 2

The National Institute of

 Nutrition-Hyd
 Virology-Pune
 Ayurveda-New Delhi
 Cholera-Kolkata
 Psychiatry-Mysore
 Reproduction-Mumbai

 Who was the founder of ?

Mumbai : OnaldOgjiar
Jodhpur: Rao Jodha
Bhopal: Raja Bhoj
Ahmedabad: Ahmed Shah
Patna : Sher Shah

India Gk
The 1st woman IPS Officer- Kiran Bedi
The 1st woman IAS Officer- Anna George Malhotra
The 1st woman IFS Officer- C.B.Muthamma

Game – Players
¤ Baseball: 9
¤ Rugby: 15
¤ Polo: 4
¤ Water Polo: 7
¤ Kho Kho: 9
¤ Kabaddi: 7
¤ Hockey, Cricket: 11
¤ Volleyball: 6

 Which country is known as "Land of Rising Sun"

- Japan

 The "Land of Midnight Sun"

- Norway

 The "Land of Setting Sun"



"Formation Year"

● APEC-1989
● ASEAN-1967
● SAARC-1985
● G-24-1974
● G-20-1999
● G-8,G-5-2005
● G-15-1989
● G-8-1985
● NAM-1961
● NATO-1949

 The Indus Valley houses were built of

- Bricks
 Indus valley civilization might hv destroyed by
- Aryans
 Aryans lived in
- Gangetic Valley


12inches = 1foot
3feet = 1yard
5.5yards = 1rodpole
4rods = 1chain
10chains = 1furlong
5280feet = 1mile
1760yards =1mile
 Which is the Highest state in India?

Population-UP (19.96 cr)

Sex ratio-Kerala (1084)
Literacy-Kerala (93.91%)
Density-Delhi (11,320km2)

 The Sorrow of Assam : Brahmaputra

 The Sorrow of Odisha : Mahanadi
 The Sorrow of Bihar : Kosi
 The Sorrow of Bengal : Damodar

 The largest crop producer in India

 🔹NCERT-1961
 🔹NCTE-1993
 🔹CIET-1982
 🔹SCERT-1976
 🔹SIET-1985
 🔹DIET-1986
 🔹NCF-2005
 🔹RTE-2009
 🔹RTI-2005
 🔹RMSA-2009-10
 🔹KGBV-2004-05


 Nobel-1901
 Bharat Ratna-1954
 Jnanapith-1961
 Padma Awards-1997
 Dada Saheb Phalke-1969
 Sahithya Akademi-1954
 India is Largest producer of world in?
 Millet
 Banana
 Lemon
 Mango
 Spice
 Mica
 Ginger
 Milk
 Jute
 Films
 Fennel
 Butter
 Chickpea

Incredible India
 Names of acids present in different fruits?
 Apple - Malic Acid
 Grapes - Tartaric Acid
 Tomato - Oxalic Acid
 Lemon - Citric Acid

● King of Cereals-Wheat
● King f Vegetables-Brinjal
● King f Fruits-Mango
● King f Oilseeds-Groundnut
 The first electric bus--Bangalore
 The first CNG bus--Pune
 The first CNG electric bus--Tata Motors
 The first LNG bus--Kerala


The study of ?

 Trees - Dendrology
 Sleep - Hypnology
 Glands - Endocrinology
 Criminals - Penology
 Vocabulary - Lexicology
 Clouds - Nephology

India is not a member of

 *G-8
 *EU
 *AU
India is member of

 *G-4,5,20
 *NAM


•Reorganisation of states on linguistic base

7th, (1956)
•Panchayati Raj Bill
73rd, (1992)
• Nagar Palika Bill
74th, (1992)
•Added 4 lang. Bodo, Maithili, Santhali and Dogri in constitution
92nd, (2003)

•Free and compulsory edu. to all children from age of 6-14 yrs.
86th, (2002)
•Voting age reduced from 21-18 years
61st, (1992)
•Added 10 Fund. Rights
42nd, (1976)
•Normal duration of Loksabha restored to 5 yrs
44th, (1978)

Important Consitutional Schedules

•Anti defection Law 10th

•Panchayati Raj 11th
•Municipality 12th
•Constitutional Lang. 8th
•Forms of Oath 3rd
•Union, State and Concurrent List 7th
•Administration Control of Scheduled Areas and ST's 6th
 First Governor General of Bengal
 Warren_Hastings

 First Governor General Of India

 Lord_William_Bentink

 First Viceroys of India

 Lord_Canning

 Last British Viceroys Of India

 Lord_MountBatten

 First and Last Indian viceroys of India

 C_RajGopalachari

 The G20Summit 2019 has begun in?

 Osaka, Japan.

 The theme of the #G20 summit 2019 is?

 "Human centred future society".

 The next G20 Summit will be hosted by?

 Saudi Arabia in 2020.
 India born has won the #MissUniverseAustralia title for 2019?
 PriyaSerrao

 Which is the most peaceful nation in the world in Global Peace

Index 2019 out of 163 nations?
 Iceland

 Which is the least peaceful country in the world in Global Peace

Index 2019?
 Afghanistan

 What is the rank of #India in @Glob Peace Index 2019?

 141st

Panchayati Raj System in India

>> Recommend by: Balwantrai Mehta Committee

>> System: 3-tier
>> Established by: JawaharLal Nehru
>> Constitutional amendment: 73rd (1992)
>> Schedule: 11th
>> First state to adopt: Rajasthan
>> Article: 243
>> Direct election: Gram Panchayath
 What planet is known as the Red Planet?
 Mars

 Which planet is not known as a planet?

 Pluto

 Which planet is known as the watery planet?

 Earth

 Which planet is known as the blue planet?

 Neptune

 Which planet is known as a gas planet?

 Jupiter

Did You Know?

 The Indian Bicameral Legislature States

Mind Trick is: KUMB JAT

K ~ Karnataka
U ~ Uttar Pradesh
M ~ Maharashtra
B ~ Bihar
J ~ Jammu & Kashmir
A ~ Andhra Pradesh
T ~ Telangana

 Who were conferred with the #GandhiPeacePrize in different

years of ____ ?
• 2015: Vivekananda Kendra
• 2016: Jointly to AkshayaPatra Foundation &Sulabh International
• 2017: EkalAbhiyan Trust
• 2018: Japan's YoheiSasakawa

"BAFTA Awards 2019"

• Best Film : Roma

• Best Actor : RamiMalek
• Best Actress : OliviaColman
• Best Director : AlfonsoCuaron
• Best Animated Film : Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse
• Best British Short Film : 73 Cows
• Best Documentary : Free Solo
"#RBI (@RBI)"

 When did Reserve Bank of India formed?

 1935 April 1st

 It's nationalised in?

 1949

 The headquarters in?

 Mumbai

 The Commission recommended to formation?

 Hilton Young (Royal)

 The First Governor?

 Sir Osborne Smith

 The Current Governor?

 Shaktikanta Das

 ViratKohli becomes first cricketer to win top 3 ICCAwards:

• ICC Cricketer Of The Year
• ICC ODI Cricketer Of The Year
• ICC Test Cricketer Of The Year
• ICC ODI Captain Of The Year
• ICC Test Captain Of The Year
• ICC Captain Of The Year

ICCAwards2018 BCCI
Awards - Fields
• Oscar - Film
• Grammy - Music
• Pulitzer - Journalism & Literature
• Nobel Prize - Peace, Literature, Economics, Physics, Chemistry &
Medical Science
• Abel - Maths
• Merlin - Magic
• Man Booker - Literature
• Bowelay– Agriculture

List of all the National Parties in India are

• India National Congress - 1885
• Communist Party of India - 1925
• CPI (Marxist) - 1964
• Bharatiya Janata Party - 1980
• BhahujanSamaj Party - 1984
• All India Trinamool Congress - 1998
• Nationalist Congress Party - 1999

 What is Rail Gauge?

 The gauge of railway track is a minimum vertical distance
between inner sides of two tracks

 The length of Broad Gauge?

 1676 mm

 The length of Metre Gauge?

 1000 mm

 The length of Narrow Gauge?

 -762 mm and 610 mm

 The length of Standard Gauge?

 1435 mm

 The UNICEFDay was observed on, every year?

 11thDecember
 The full form of UNICEF?
 United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

 The UNICEF was founded in?

 1946

 The UNICEF was created by?

 UN General Assembly

 The Headquarters of 'UNICEF' at?

 New York City

Literacy Rate in India

 Total: 74%
 Males: 82.10%
 Females: 65.50%
 Highest state: Kerala (93.11%)
 Lowest state: Bihar (63.82%)
 Most UT: Lakshadweep (92.2%)
 Least UT: Dadra Nagar&Haweli (76.24%)
 Most District: Serechhip (Mizoram)
 Least District: Dadra Nagar & Haveli
 Who gave the title "Sardar" to #Vallabh bhai Patel?
 Mahatma Gandhi

 Who is known as "Indian Bismark"?

 SaradarVallabhbhaiPatel

 Who is the 1st Deputy PM of India?

 SardarPatel

 Vallabhbhai Patel conferred Bharat Ratna in?

 1991

 The Statue Of Unity is located?

 Gujarat

 How many countries are the members of the UNO. at present? (as
of Jan 2016)
 193

 How many Judges are there in Intl. Court of Justice?

 15

 The General Assembly of UN meets in a regular session?

 Once a year
 Who coined the term United Nations?
 Franklin D Roosevelt

 What is the term of the UN Secretary General?
 5 years

 In which year was the UNO awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
 2001

 How many non-permanent members are there in the Security

 10

 What is the term of a non-permanent member of the Security

 2 years

 How many member countries did the #UNO have on its formation
in 1945?
 51

 How many official languages does the #UnitedNations have?

 6
 What is the term of President of the UN General Assembly?
 1 year

 What is the term of a Judge of Intl. Court of Justice?

 9 years

 Which country will organize 19th AsianGames2022?

 China

 Who is the Mascot of AsianGames2018?

 BhinBhin the bird of paradise, Atung the deer, Kaka the rhino

 What is the motto of #AsianGames 2018?

 EnergyofAsia

 Which country never hosted the Asian Games?

 North Korea

IIFA2018 Awards

 ~Best Film : TumhariSulu

 ~Best Director :SaketChaudhary
In a leading role

 ~Best Actor
 Male : IrrfanKhan
 ~Female : Sridevi

In Supporting Role

 ~Best Actor
 Male : NawazzuddinSiddiqui
 ~Female : MeherVij

 Playback Singer

 ~Male : ArijitSingh
 ~Female : MeghnaMishra

Q1-Which country is hosting the 21st edition of FifaWorldCup2018?

- Russia

Q2-Which country to host the 22nd edition of FifaWorldCup 2022?

- Qatar

Q3-Which countries to host the 23rd edition of FIFA World Cup 2026?
- US, Canada & Mexico

Q1-The Environment Protection Act enacted on?

- 1986

Q2-The first International Conference on environment held on?

- June,1972

Q3-Almost 99% of clean air consists of two gases which are?

- Nitrogen & Oxygen

Q4-Ozone layer is being depleted by?

- Chloroflurocarbon


Q1-When is WorldEnvironmentDay observed across the globe?

- 5thJune

Q2-When was Environment Day observed for the first time?

- 1972
Q3-Which country is hosting 2018 World Environment Day
- India

Q4-What is the theme of WED 2018?

- Beat Plastic Pollutio

 First state to become a complete digital state – Kerela

 First state to become a fully organic state – Sikkim
 India’s first Woman Pilot – SarlaThakral
 India’s first Women Fighter Pilot – AvaniChaturvedi
 Capital of Brazi l– Brasilia
 Capital of Republic of Congo – Brazzaville

 Which country has no written constitution in the world?

 United Kingdom

 Which is the first nation to write constitution?

 America

 What is the biggest constitution in the world?

 Indian Constitution

 What is the smallest constitution in the world?

 American Constitution
 When was Reserve Bank of India established?
 1935

 When was of Reserve Bank India Nationalised?

 1949

 When was Indian Banking Act came into force?

 1949

 Who was the Prime Minister of India on the time of 14 & 6

(1969&1980) major banks nationalisation?
 IndiraGandhi

"Major Ports In India"

1. Mumbai-Maharashtra
2. Kolkata-WB
3. Kochi-Kerala
4. Kandla-Gujarat
5. Chennai-TN
6. Mormugao-Goa
7. Mangaluru-Karnataka
8. Tuticorin-TN
9. Vishakapatnam-AP
10. Paradeep-Odisha
11. NhavaSheva-Mumbai
12. Ennore-TN
13. Portblair-Andaman&Nicobar

The instrument used for?

 Cardiograph : making a graph of the heart action

 Cardiogram : traces movements of the heart
 Barograph : continuous recording of atmospheric pressure
 Barometer : measures atmospheric pressure
 Dynamo : to convert mechanical energy in2 electrical energy

1. Which is the most abundant metal present in earth’s surface?

- Aluminum
2. Which is the most abundant metal present in earth?
- Iron
3. Which country has the oldest National Flag?
- Denmark
4. Which country has the oldest National Anthem?
- Japan

 The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry

(FICCI) was founded in which year?
 1927

 The first Olympic Games of modern era was held in country?

 Athens, Greece

 How many organisations are member of the World Bank group?

 Five

 What is SAARC?
 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

 What is APEC?
 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.

 What does ‘ASEAN’ means?

 Association of Southeast Asian Nations

 What is SAFTA?
 South Asian Free Trade Area
Who is the founder of the organization ___?

> Satya ShodakSamaj - Jyotiba-Pule

> Deva Samaj - ShivnarayanAgrihotri
> Arya Samaj - Dayananda Saraswati
> Brahma Samaj - Raja Rammohan Rai
>PrardhanaSamaj - AtmaramPanduranga

 Who is composed our National Anthem "Jana GanaMana"?

 RabindraNath Tagore

 How many stanzas are there in our National Anthem?

 Five

 When was National Anthem adopted by govt?

 24th Jan, 1950

 What was the title first given by the author of National Anthem?
 Bharat Vidhata

 WorldEnvironmentDay is observed every year on, since 1974?

 5thJune
Imp Biosphere Reserves in India
• Sheshachalam-AP
• Nilgiri-TamilNadu,Kerala&Karnataka
• Nanda Devi-Uttarakhand
• Nokreck-Meghalaya
• Manas-Assom
• Sunderbans-WB
• Similipal-Odisha
• DehongDebang-ArunachalPradesh
• Panchmarhi-MP
• Kanchanjanga-Sikkim
• Kachchh-Gujarat

• Air pollution is cause of 7 m premature deaths each year.

• According to UN, 9 out of 10 people breathe polluted air.
• Beat Air Pollution theme for 2019.

"Budget 2019 Highlights"

• No change in personal income tax rates
• Interchangeability of PAN &Aadhaar for ITR
• No charge on digital payments
• Fiscal deficit in FY 19 at 3.3% of the GDP
• Rs 1 lakh loan to be provided for SHG women members


 The Mercer released 25th Annual Cost Of Living Survey

 The costliest city in the world is HongKong followed by Tokyo,
Singapore & seoul
 The world's least expensive cities for expatriates are Tunis (209),
Tashkent (208)& Karachi (207)

 The G20Summit 2019 has begun in?

 Osaka, Japan.

 The theme of the G20 summit 2019 is?

 Human centred future society".

 The next G20 Summit will be hosted by?

 SaudiArabia in 2020.

 India born has won the Miss Universe Australia title for 2019?
 PriyaSerrao
Popular Books by Indian Politicians

• India at Risk : Jaswant Singh

• India Divided : Rajendra Prasad
• The Indian Struggle 1920-1942 : Subash Chandra Bose
• Unhappy India : LalaLajpat Rai
• My Truth : Indira Gandhi
• Debate between Ambedkar& Gandhi : Arundhati Roy

 When is Intl. YogaDay observed across the world?

 21stJune

 When was 1st Intl. YogaDay observed?

 2015

 What is the theme of Internationa Day of Yoga 2019?

 Yoga For Heart

 The Yoga Day2019 event held in?

 Ranchi

 Which Veda mentions about the elements of Yoga?

 Rig Veda
Who is the Father of _______ ?

••> Computer : Charles Babbage

••> Analog Computer : Lord Kelvin
•• Digital Computer : Howard Aiken
••> Micro computer : Henry Edward Roberts
••> Super Computer : Seymour Cray
••> Computer in India : Vijay PandurangBhatkar


 Who is the founder of Buddhism?

 Gautama Buddha

 What is the literal meaning of "Buddha"?

 Awakened One & The Enlightenment One

 Who was the teacher of Gautama Buddha?

 Alara Kalama

 Where is Lumbini, the birth place of Gautama Buddha located?

 Nepal
 In which language were #Buddhist literatures written?
 Pali

 Which country has the highest number of Buddhists in the world?

 China

 Which state in India has the largest number of Buddhists?

 Maharashtra

 Which was contain Buddhist teachings?

 Tripitakas

CEATCricket Awards 2019

• Intl. Cricketer & Batsman : ViratKohli

• Intl. Bowler : JaspritBumrah
• Test Cricketer : CheteshwarPujara
• ODI Cricketer : RohitSharma
• T20 Player : AaronFinch
• T20 Bowler : RashidKhan
• Woman Cricketer : SmritiMandhana
IPL2019 Awards

• Orange cap-D.Warner
• Purple cap-Tahir
• Emerging player-S.Gill
• Fastest50-Hardik Pandya
• Perfect catch-Pollard
• Stylish player-KL Rahul
• Gamechanger-Rahul Chahar
• MVP,Super Striker-Russell
• Fairplay-SRH
• Pitch&Ground-Mohali&Hyd


 Which is the largest freshwater lake in India?

WularLake (J&K)

 The largest salt lake in India?

 ChilkaLake (Odisha)
 Which is the largest freshwater lake in world?
 LakeBaikal (volume)
 LakeSuperior (size)

 Which is the world's saltiest lake?

 DonJuanPond (Antarctica)

Disease & Effect_Body_Part

(Cricket )
 Test match-25.6.1932 at Lord's vs Eng
 ODI match-13.7.1974 at Leeds vs Eng
 T20I match-1.12.2006 vs SA

Nobel Prize
Rrabindranath Tagore(1913)
C.V Ramon(1930)
Mother Teresa(1979)
Amartya Sen(1998)
Kailash Satyarthi(2014

Sports - Playground"
National Sports Day

 The 1st 3G_Service started in- Japan (2005)

 It's started India- 2008

 The 1st 4G_Service started in- China (2010)

 It's in India- 2014


 ATM: HSBC bank

 Savings: Presidency bank
 Cheque: Bengal bank
 Internet banking: ICICI bank
 Credit Card: Central bank

- General Awareness -





1.When did Timurlong loot Delhi? In 1398
2. When was the hockey included in the Olympic Games? In the 1928 Amsterdam (Holland)
3. Where was Sher Shah Suri buried? Sasaram (Bihar)
4. Who discovered the neutron? James Chedwick
5. Which is used as a diluent in a nuclear reactor? Heavy water and graphite
6. Which is the world's smallest continent? Australia
7. N.C.C. Which year was founded? In 1948
8. Amjad Ali Khan plays the musical instrument? Sarod
9. Which is the highest waterfall in India? Jog or Garsoopa on the River Sharavati in
10. What is the distance from Moon to Earth? 385000 km
11. Which is the world's least populous country? Vatican City
12. Where is gold mine in India? In Kolar (Karnataka)
13.How many schedules are there in the Indian Constitution? Schedule 12
14.How long does the sun's light take to reach the earth from the moon? 1.3 Second
15. Which of these is famous for Panna (Madhya Pradesh) mines? Diamond
16. Which country is the gift of the Nile River? Egypt
17. Who gave the slogan 'Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Jain'? Atal Bihari Vajpai
18. What is the old name of Ghana? Gold Coast
19. Which instrument is related to Ustad Zakir Hussain? Tabla
20. Who discovered the US? Christopher Columbus in 1492
21.Vande Mataram was first sung in which congress of Congress? In 1896
22. Who searched for 'the theory of relativity'? Albert Einstein
23. Who discovered the airplane? Oliver and Wilbur Wright Bandhu
24. Who did the first heart transplant? Dr. Christian Barnard (Southern Africa)
25. Which is the city of seven hills? Rome
26. When was the Saka Samvat adopted as the National Calendar? March 22, 1957
27. Who searched for radium? Pierre and Marie Curie
28. At what height does the temperature decrease by 1 degree C? 165 m
29. Which planet has four rings around? Saturn
30. Which is the largest bank in the world? State Bank of India
31. What is the country of white elephants? Thailand
32. Kangaroo is the national symbol of which country? Australia
33. Sunderlal Bahuguna is related to which movement? Chipko Ando
34. What is the temperature of the sun surface? From 6000 °
35. Savannah grassland is in which continent? Africa
36. Which constitutional amendment introduced Panchayati Raj system? 73rd
37. If he wants to resign, who will hand over to the President? Vice president
38. What is the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? 0.03%
39. Where does the biggest fair of livestock in India fill? Sonpur (Bihar)
40. Which two countries are divided into 38th parallel? North and South Korea


41. Who wrote the Ashta Ashtadhyayi? Water quiz question
42. The bulb's filament is made by whom? Tungsten
43. When did the third Buddhist council, where and under whose protection? During the
reign of 44. Ashoka in Pataliputra in the year 250 BC
44. 'Triptik' are the texts of which religion and in which language are they written?
Buddhism, Poly
45. What is the name of Indian peninsula? Deccan Plateau
46. What is the beach from Gujarat to Goa? Konkan
47. How many islands are in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands? 324
48. What two words were added in the introduction by the 42nd Constitution Amendment?
Secular and socialist
49. Whose sign are on a rupee note? Secretary of the finance ministry
50. What is the maximum duration between the two sessions of Parliament? 6 months
51. Where are the caves of Ajanta and Ellora? Aurangabad (Maharashtra)
52. Who built the Rath Mandir of Mahabalipuram? Pallava king Narasimha Ram
53. How many percent of India's forests are? 19%
54. Where is Jim Corbett National Park located? Near Nainital (Uttarakhand)
55. 'Birdie', 'Eagle', 'Bogie', 'Par', 'T', 'Hole-in-One' are related to which game? Golf
56. Which sugar is made from the Sambhar lake? Rajasthan
57. Which ruler of the slave race was killed by a horse while shooting a Chowgan (polo)?
Qutbuddin Aibak
58. Who wrote 'song gobind'? Jayadeva
59. Which ruler was the founder of the Research Palace? Chandel
60. When and when was the establishment of the Vijayanagar empire? Harihara and Bukka
in 1336
61. Where is the dense bird sanctuary located? Bharatpur (Rajasthan)
62. Where are the wild asses found in India? In Rann (Gujarat) of Kutch
63. Who is the biography of Pisces Kampf (my struggle)? Adolf Hitler
64. Who is the slave capital made? Karl Marx
65. When Mahmud Ghajnavi looted Somnath temple? 1025 E
66. Which sanctuary is famous for a horny rhinoceros? Kaziranga (Assam)
67. Who wrote the book 'The Republic'? Plato


1.In which Indian state is the holy
pilgrimage 'Amarnath' located? 10.Which city is the capital of Japan?

Answer: Jammu and Kashmir North - Tokyo

2.The famous tourist resort 'Gulmarg' is in

which Indian state? general knowledge gk questions in english
North - Kashmir

3.The width of the narrow gauge of the 11.In which country the pyramid has been
rail path is- found

Answer - 2 '6 " Answer: Mishra

4.To which country does the 'Land of the 12.Which animal is called the ship of
rising sun' go? desert?

North - Japan Answer: Camel

5.Which city is the capital of Madhya 13.In which year Mahatma Gandhi was
Pradesh? born?

North - Bhopal Answer: 1869

6.In which state is spoken Malayalam? 14.The width of the meter gauge of the
rail path is
North - Kerala
Answer - 1 meter
7.Who made the rock garden of
Chandigarh? 15.Which country is the world's largest
Answer: Neck Chandra
North - Asia
8.Jammu is situated on the banks of which
river - 16.Which country is the world's largest
Answer: Tavi
North - Russia
9.Which city is the capital of Afghanistan?
17.The world's largest continent -
Answer: Kabul


26.Which monsoon winds are there?
18.The world's longest animal -
Answer - Rainy Winds
Answer: Giraffe
27.What is Siberia famous in Russia for
19.The world's highest mountain peak is- the whole world?

North - Everest Answer - For its very cold climate

20.Who was the first President of the 28.The 1857 revolt is-
Indian Republic?
Answer: Indian soldiers revolt in the
Answer: Dr. Rajendra Prasad British army

29.The largest circle on earth is-

General Knowledge Questions and
Answers North - Equator

30.Which Indian leader is known as 'Iron

21.Mount Everest is the first person to Man of India'?
Answer: Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
Answer - Tenzing Norgay

22.Kargil town is in which state gk question in english- gktrickhindi

Answer: Jammu and Kashmir

31.In whose memory was the Rock
23.The first battle of Panipat was fought Memorial (Shell Memorial) dedicated to
Answer - Between Babar and Imbrahim
Lodi Answer: Swami Vivekananda

24.Ajmer is related to which Sufi saint? 32.Mao-Tse Tung is related-

Answer - Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti North - China

25.Which Mughal king established the 33.In which city is the Jaliani Bagh Bagh
religious sect 'Din-i-Elahi'? situated?

Answer - Akbar North: Amritsar


34.Was known as 'uncle Ji' 42.The railroad of Jammu and Kashmir
belongs to which railway John?
Answer - W. Jawahar Lal Nehru
North - Northern Railway
35.Who chairs the Rajya Sabha meetings?
43.Kannada language is spoken in which
state of India?
Answer: Vice President
North - Karnataka
36.In the cave, the statue of the Trinity
(Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh) is located 44.Which state is the capital of the Union
Territory of Andaman and Nicobar
Answer - Elephanta Islands?

37.Is the capital of laxdeep Answer - Port Blair

Answer - karawati 45.Who is the author of the famous epic

38.The type of soil found in the highest
quantity found in Maharashtra is - Answer: Vedavas

Answer: Black soil 46.The poets of 'Gitanjali' are -

39.Where is the famous Silhouakare Answer: Rabindranath Tagore

(stone cut-off) Kailash Temple located?
47.Which two places does the Himsagar
Answer - Ellora Express run?

40.Green Revolution means - Answer - J from Kanyakumari

Answer: To increase yield per acre by 48.'General' is an official post of which

using modern methods of agriculture army?

Answer: Army
gk questions for rrb Where is Vikram Sarabhai Space Center
located? -Tiruvananthapuram

41.Land control can be controlled- What is the pH value of pure water? -7.0

Answer: By making a stairwell hill, by What is the total number of myths? -18
making a dam, by plantation


What is the tax done during the Maurya
period? - Deer In which state is the Nutrino Observatory
established in India? - Tamil Nadu (Theni)
Who is the right to change and form a
new state? - Parliament Which sultan of Delhi Sultanate was given
the title of 'lakhbucks'? - Qutbuddin Aibak
Petroleum is found? - In Sedimentary
Rocks What is the language of the songs of
Kerala's main classical dance Kathakali? -
Which religion is related to Ajanta caves Malayalam
located in Aurangabad in Maharashtra? -
Buddhism What was the official language of the
Mughal period? - Persian
one liner gk 2019

What is the most active metal element? - one liner gk 2019

What is a mixture of brass - copper and
What is the name of the most active zinc
nonmetallic element? -Florin
Where is Haldia Oil Purifier Factory
Where is Guru Gobind Singh's samadhi? - located? - West Bengal
Periyar is the largest river of which state?
What was the state language of Delhi - Kerala (244 km)
Sultanate? - Persian
On which river is the Idukki Dam
Who joins Jojila Pass? - Leh and Srinagar constructed? - Periyar

Every year, the 'Human Development Who has recently considered 'an
Report' is published by globally - UNDP intangible cultural heritage of humanity'
(United Nations Development Program) by UNESCO? Kumbh Mela

one liner gk 2019 Which Indian female cricketer gave Arjuna

Award in 2018? - Smriti Mandhana
Agricultural Kumbh-2012 will be organized
in the month of October - Lucknow Regarding the Golden Quadrilateral
project? - By connecting four metros
2019 Will the 'International Year of Native
Languages' Celebrate? - UNO (United Relation to Bharatmala Project? - By
Nations Organization) - United Nations combining highways


Does the project relate to connecting the
port? Sagarmala project Who first used the term 'Adivasi'? -Dkkar
The diamond quadrilateral project is
related to whose extension? - Railway Arunachal Pradesh 'Khan festival' is
network related to which tribe? - Migi tribe

What kind of forests were found in the 'Statue of Liberty' is located? - Who is the
hills of Nilgiris? Tropical evergreen forest Nile mirror in New York? - Dinabandhu
First Indian social activist who won the
Raman Magsaysay Award - Vinoba Bhave one liner gk 2019

Where is the famous 'Vriddeshwar Temple' Which woman was the world's first Prime
situated for UNESCO World Heritage Site, Minister? - Sirimovo stores Nike
Cholam Art? - In Tanjore District of Tamil
Nadu Who was the country's first woman Chief
Minister? - Sucheta Kripalani
one liner gk 2019
On which layer of atmosphere do climate
Who built the Vriddeshwar temple? - changes occur? -Troposphere
Maharaja Raj Raj first
International Day of the Republic Day
In 1893 who founded the 'Dagdusheth celebrations? September 15
Ganapati Murti'? - Dagdusheth
Confectionery When was the 'Indian Competitiveness
Commission' established to monitor the
Dagaduheth Ganapati Temple is situated mergers and acquisitions of companies?
in which state? - Maharashtra (of Pune)
By what name is the Brazilian tropical
In which state is the Aranmula Yacht Race grassland (savanna) also known?
organized? - Kerala
Matur is the principal canal of which state?
Which country is the first state to issue e- Tamil Nadu
ration card? - Delhi
one liner gk 2019
Private managed country's first station? -
Habibganj Bhopal Who created the Jagannath temple of Puri
in Gupta period? - Chol Gangdev
The country's first solar power D.E.M.U.
(Diesel-Electric Multiple Unit) train was Harappa is situated on the banks of which
sent off.-Train to Delhi from Delhi river? - Ravi river


Where is Mohanjodaro located? - Pakistan 8.What causes

Which is the largest producing state of Answer - Orbiting the Earth around the
cashew and cardamom? - Kerala Sun

Cardamom's hill is located? - In Kerala 9.By what name is the most atmospheric
layer of the Earth's surface known?
Which hills are situated on the title of
Ganga Delta? - Rajmahal Hills Answer: Year Circle
1.How long does the earth rotate in an
hour? 10.D. C. M. Related to trophy -

Answer - 15 ° Answer - from football

2.When the lunar eclipse occurs,

200 Most Important General
Answer: Earth, between sun and moon Knowledge Question– gktrickhindi

3.The first railway line was introduced

between the places of British rule - 11.Alla Rakha was famous for which
musical instrument?
North - between Mumbai and Thane
Answer: Shuffle
4.Is the national animal of India
12.Mughal emperor who spent 15 years in
Reply - Tiger exile

5.IAS officer has the shortest post of Answer - Humayun

commission officer
13.Who presides over Rajya Sabha
Answer: Pilot Officer meetings?

6.India's highest military decoration is Answer: Vice President

given in the war for courage and valor of
war. 14.The statue of Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu,
Mahesh) is located in the cave
Answer: PVC
Answer - Elephanta
7.The world's largest continent -
15.Is the capital of laxdeep
North - Asia


Answer: Karavati Who is the author of the famous epic
16.What is the highest amount of soil
found in Maharashtra? Answer: Vedavas

Answer: Black soil The poets of 'Gitanjali' are -

17.Where is the famous Siloameray (stone Answer: Rabindranath Tagore

cut-off) Kailash Temple situated?
Where does the Himsagar Express run?
Answer - Ellora
Answer - Jai from Kanyakumari
18.Green Revolution means -
Post General is the official post of the
Answer: To increase yield per acre by army?
using modern methods of agriculture
Answer: Army
19.Land control can be controlled-
In which Indian state is the holy
Answer: By making terraced hillside, pilgrimage 'Amarnath' located?
making dams, planting trees
Answer: Jammu and Kashmir
20.Which railway is related to the railroad
of Jammu and Kashmir? Gulmarg is a popular tourist destination in
which Indian state?
North - Northern Railway
North - Kashmir

200 Most Important General The width of the narrow gauge of the rail
Knowledge Question– gk trick hindi path is-

Answer - 2 '6 "

Kannada language is spoken in which
Indian state? Rising rising land of the sun goes to
'which country?
North - Karnataka
North - Japan
Which is the capital of the Union Territory
of Andaman and Nicobar Islands? Which city is the capital of Madhya
North - Port Blair
North - Bhopal


Which state is spoken in Malayalam?
North - Asia
North - Kerala
Which country is the world's largest
Who made the Rock Garden of country?
North - Russia
Answer: Neck moon
The world's largest continent -
Jammu is situated on the banks of which
river - Northeast Asia

Answer: Tavi World's Longest Beast -

Which city is the capital of Afghanistan? Answer: Giraffe

Answer: Kabul The world's highest mountain peak is-

Which city is the capital of Japan? North - Everest

North - Tokyo Who was the first President of the Indian

In which country have the pyramids been
found? Answer: Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Answer: Mishra The first person to climb the mount.

Which animal is called the ship of desert?
Answer - Tenzing Norgay
Answer: camel
Kargil city is in which state?
In which year Mahatma Gandhi was born?
Answer: Jammu and Kashmir
Answer: 1869
The first battle of Panipat was fought in
The width of the meter gauge of the rail the north - between Babar and Ibrahim
path is Lodi

Answer - 1 meter Ajmer is related to which Sufi saint?

Which country is the world's largest Answer - Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti


North - China

200 Most Important General In which city is the Jaliani Bagh Bagh
Knowledge Question– gk trick hindi situated?

North: Amritsar
Which Mughal king established the
religious sect 'Din-i-Elahi'? India's national bird is-

Answer - Akbar Answer: Peacock

What are monsoon winds?

200 Most Important General Knowledge
Answer - Rainy Winds Question – gktrickhindi

What is Siberia famous in Russia for the

whole world? Who gave the slogan of "Jai Jawan, Jay
Answer - For its very cold climate
Answer: Lal Bahadur Shastri
The revolt of 1857 is-
Famous development "which gave the
Answer: Indian soldiers revolted in the government to the public, to the public, to
British army the public"?

The largest circle on earth is- Answer: Abraham Lincoln

North - Equator Bodh Gaya is related to which religion?

Which Indian le North - Buddhism

ader is called 'Iron Man of India'?

Answer: Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel 1.Earth is the only natural satellite.

In whose memory was the Rock Memorial Answer: Moon

(Shell Memorial) dedicated to
Kanyakumari? 2.Who played Gandhi in the film 'Gandhi'?

Answer: Swami Vivekanand Answer: Ben Kingsley

Mao-Tse Tung is concerned- 3.Teacher's Day is celebrated?


Answer: September 5 sequence.

4.When was the atom bomb dropped on Answer: Babur, Humayun, Sher Shah Suri,
Japan? Islam Shah Suri, Humayun, Akbar-e-Azam,
12.Jahangir, Shah-Jaa-e-Azam, Alamgir,
Answer - in 1945 Bahadur Shah, Johar Shah, Farukhshit,
Rafi Al-Durr, Shah Jahan II, Muhammad
5.On which river is the Wankhara Nangal Shah, Ahmed Shah Bahadur, Alamgir II,
Dam located? Shah Jahan III, Shah Alam II, Akbar Shah
II, Bahadur Shah II
Answer: Sutlej
13.The Bhoodan movement started 'Who
6.National flower of India? started?

Reply - lotus Answer: Vinob Bhave

7.Dhanraj Pillai is related to which sport? 14.Who started English education in

Answer - hockey
Answer: Lord Mackay
8.United Nations Organization U.N.O. How
many permanent members are in the 15.Who is known as 'Flying Sikh'?
Security Council?
Answer: Milkha Singh
Answer - 5
16.Which vitamin is found in lemon and
200 Most Important General Knowledge
Question– gk trick hindi Answer: Vitamin 'C'

17.What is Uday Shankar related to?

9.What is the Indus Civilization now in Answer: Dance

Who was the president of the draft
Answer: Harappa constitution committee?

10.What was the tax taken by Chauhan? Answer: - Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar

Answer: By Maratha What is the highest position in the three-

tier Panchayati Raj system?
11.The Mughal Emperor is the correct


North - District Council Answer: 82 ° 30 'Eastern Longitude

Laxdeep is the capital. Which state is located in eastern part of

Answer: Karavati
North - Arunachal Pradesh
Sri Lanka is the currency name.
In which country is the Nathula Pass
North - Rupee located?

Who wrote the book 'Disco Whit Discovery North - China

of India'?
The lowest layer of the Earth's
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru atmosphere is -

Who discovered the 'gravitational'? Answer - Troposphere

North - Newton The name of 'Vijayant' is in the Indian

Who is the first Indian to get Nobel Prize?
Answer - a tank
Answer: Ravinder Nath Tagore
Which Chinese traveler phahyan came to
What is the Dronacharya Award related India during his lifetime?
Answer - Vikramaditya
Answer - Best Teacher / Trainer
There is a connection between famous
Khajuraho is situated- cinematographer Prithviraj Kapoor and Raj
North - Madhya Pradesh
Answer: - Father's Son
National Defense Academy is located.
Which state of India is known for its tea
Reply - Dehradun production?

Who founded the Ramkrishna Mission? North - Assam

Answer: Swami Vivekanand Which state of India is the largest

producer of rice?
Indian standard is time-based.
North west bungalow


Answer: When the sun and moon are on
Jantar Mantar is situated in which Indian the same side of the earth
Which state is not part
North - Delhi of the larger Peninsular Plateau of India?

Darjeeling is located in which Indian North - Madhya Pradesh

Khyber Pass is located-
North west bungalow
North - Between Afghanistan and Pakistan
Telugu is the official language of which
state? Which river does not come from the
peninsular plateau
North - Andhra Pradesh
Answer: Yamuna
How many players are there in each team
in the hockey game- Which city is located on the banks of the
Answer: 11
North - Kanpur
The currency of Bangladesh is -
India is a secular country. what does this
Answer: Strength mean-

Which civilization was developed on the Answer: India has no religion at any state
banks of the Nile? level

Answer: Mixed civilization National Highways (National Highways)

At what place was Mahatma Mercury
received? Reply - to business centers and state
Answer - Gaya
Which city is famous for producing
Who wrote the famous drama grapes?
Answer: Nashik
Answer: Mahakavi Kalidas
The Koyna Dam is located-
When the tide is highest-
Answer: Maharashtra


Kharif crop reduction- The national anthem of India was the
author of 'Jana Gana Mana'
Reply - beginning of November
Answer: Rabindranath Tagore
The glacier has a vast body of ice,
Who is known as 'Grand Old Man of
North - Himalaya is located above the India'?
mountain range
Answer - Grandfather Nairobi
What is the transient shell?
When did the civil disobedience movement
Answer: Marble begin?

The complete form of SAARC is- Answer - March 12, 1930 - April 6, 1930

North - South Asian Association for Which Prime Minister followed the idea
Regional Cooperation stream of socialism

Who discovered the sea route for India? Answer: W. Jawaharlal Nehru

North - Vasco-da-Gama What is the length of the coast of India's

Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal?
The opening of the Suez Canal reduced
the path between the two continents Answer: 6100th eye

Answer: From Europe to Asia and East Source of Krishna River is near
Answer: Mahabaleshwar
When was the First World War fought?
Who was the founder of Sikhism?
Answer - 1914-1918 AD
Answer: Gurunanak Dev
Maratha power was the highest peak and
power under whose reign? When did the first train in India?

Answer - Balaji Bajirao Answer - On April 16, 1853

Who was the founder of 'Satyashodhak India's longest road is-

Answer: Yes. T. road
Answer: Mahatma Phule


India is the most educated state-
Answer: 8
North - Kerala
Where is the diesel locomotive
Who are known as 'Chacha ji' manufacturing unit of India located 'Diesel
Locomotive Works'?
Answer: W. Jawaharlal Nehru
North - Varanasi
Which Indian city is known as 'Gulabi
Nagri'? Which festival is celebrated in the festival
Answer: - Jaipur
Answer: People of Sikhism
Who first gave the slogan of "Inquilab
Zindabad"? Whose work is 'Shah Shahnama'?

Answer: Sardar Bhagat Singh Answer - Firdausi

India's highest award is- The capital of Manipur is-

Answer: Bharat Ratna Answer: Imphal

Constitutional assembly was constituted to When was Portuguese free from Goa?
create a constitution of India?
Answer - 1964
Answer: - Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Article 370 is applicable in which state of
Indian film actor, 'Shatrughan Sinha' India?
belongs to which state?
Answer: Jammu and Kashmir
North - Bihar
Which river arises from Nashik in
Aligarh is the product for whom? Maharashtra?

Answer - to make locks Answer: Godavari

In which Indian state is the Where is the oil refinery factory?

Visakhapatnam port located?
Answer - eyelash
North - Andhra Pradesh
In 1776, under whom was the United
How many planets our solar family is? States achieved independence?


Independent India?
Answer: George Washington
Answer - c. Rajagopalachari
What kind of trees are found in
Rajasthan? Who founded the prayer society?

Answer: a little Answer - Atmaram Pandurang

Anju Bobby George is related- What was the main feature of Chola
Answer: From athletics
Answer: Rural autonomy
Which line is parallel to the equator?
What is the food of silk worms?
Reply - Latitude
Answer: Mulberry leaf
When did Plassey's war happen?
Which ruler c
Answer: 1757 AD In onstructed the Grand Truck Road?

1857 AD In the revolt of Queen Laxmibai Answer - Sher Shah Suri

of Jhansi, whose revolt was done in
Gwalior? Where is the port of Indus Valley
Civilization located?
Answer: Tatya Tope
Reply - Lothal
Where was the death of the last Mughal
ruler Bahadur Shah Zafar? Who is the largest state of the northeast
Answer: Rangoon
North - Arunachal Pradesh
What was the name of Mahatma Gandhi's
wife? In which direction is China located in
Answer: Kasturba Gandhi
Answer - Answer
Who was the founder of the Indian
National Congress? Which state of Madhya Pradesh has
touched the boundaries of seven states?
Answer - A. Ohum
North - Assam
Was the first Indian Governor General of


Where is the Kanchan Ganga mountain In addition to the national anthem of
peak located? India, did Rabindranath Tagore write the
national anthem of another country?
Answer: Sikkim
North - Bangladesh country
Measurement of Measuring Atmospheric
Dobb- What is a wire made from a heater?

Answer - barometer Answer: Nicaram

How many shells (cells) are there in Wound on iron, its weight -
Answer - Grows
Reply - One
The world's largest river island 'Majuli' is
When did Nagaland become the duly state located in which district of Assam
of India?
Answer: Patala Pura
Answer - 1963 AD
What is the maximum speed of sound?
North Eastern Railway is the largest
railway station. Answer: In steel

North - Maligaon Which is called the future metal.

Who is the Chief Minister's appointment? Answer: Titanium

Answer: Governor Which element is found in the

independent realm?
Which gas is used in the refrigerator?
Answer: Sulfur
North - Friuan
Sultan of Delhi, whose daughter was Razia
Looking for an electron Sultan?

Answer - J. J. Thomson Answer: Shams-ud-Din Iltutmish

Who was the author of the first book 'The whole world of temples' is called
printed in Assamese language? which state of India?

Answer - Atmaram Sharma Answer: Tamil Nadu


Who was the first Chief Minister of Commissioner?
Answer: President
Answer - Y B Chauhan
Who wrote 'A' patriotic song of my Vatan?
Who is called "Manchester of India"?
Answer - Pradeep
North - Ahmedabad
What is the pressure caused by air?
Which river is said to be the mourning of
Bihar? Answer: Density
1.In which Indian state is the holy
North - Koshi pilgrimage 'Amarnath' located?

The closest home to the Sun is- Answer: Jammu and Kashmir

Answer: Mercury 2.The famous tourist resort 'Gulmarg' is in

which Indian state?
Where is the headquarters of the North-
East Frontier Railway? North - Kashmir

North - Maligaon 3.The width of the narrow gauge of the

rail path is-
Home use found in sugar-
Answer - 2 '6 "
Answer - Sucrose
4.To which country does the 'Land of the
Who was the creator of the first Indian rising sun' go?
film 'Raja Harishchandra'?
North - Japan
Answer: - Dada Saheb Phalke
5.Which city is the capital of Madhya
Which President of India is President of Pradesh?
North - Bhopal
Answer: Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
6.In which state is spoken Malayalam?
The author of the book 'War and Peace'?
North - Kerala
Answer - Leo Tolstoy
7.Who made the rock garden of
Who appoints the Chief Election Chandigarh?


Answer: Neck Chandra
North - Asia
8.Jammu is situated on the banks of which
river - 16.Which country is the world's largest
Answer: Tavi
North - Russia
9.Which city is the capital of Afghanistan?
17.The world's largest continent -
Answer: Kabul
10.Which city is the capital of Japan?
18.The world's longest animal -
North - Tokyo
Answer: Giraffe

general knowledge gk questions in english 19.The world's highest mountain peak is-
North - Everest

11.In which country the pyramid has been 20.Who was the first President of the
found Indian Republic?

Answer: Mishra Answer: Dr. Rajendra Prasad

12.Which animal is called the ship of

desert? General Knowledge Questions and
Answer: Camel

13.In which year Mahatma Gandhi was 21.Mount Everest is the first person to
born? climb

Answer: 1869 Answer - Tenzing Norgay

14.The width of the meter gauge of the 22.Kargil town is in which state
rail path is
Answer: Jammu and Kashmir
Answer - 1 meter
23.The first battle of Panipat was fought
15.Which country is the world's largest


Answer - Between Babar and Imbrahim
Lodi Answer: Swami Vivekananda

24.Ajmer is related to which Sufi saint? 32.Mao-Tse Tung is related-

Answer - Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti North - China

25.Which Mughal king established the 33.In which city is the Jaliani Bagh Bagh
religious sect 'Din-i-Elahi'? situated?

Answer - Akbar North: Amritsar

26.Which monsoon winds are there? 34.Was known as 'uncle Ji'

Answer - Rainy Winds Answer - W. Jawahar Lal Nehru

27.What is Siberia famous in Russia for 35.Who chairs the Rajya Sabha meetings?
the whole world?

Answer - For its very cold climate Answer: Vice President

28.The 1857 revolt is- 36.In the cave, the statue of the Trinity
(Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh) is located
Answer: Indian soldiers revolt in the
British army Answer - Elephanta

29.The largest circle on earth is- 37.Is the capital of laxdeep

North - Equator Answer - karawati

30.Which Indian leader is known as 'Iron 38.The type of soil found in the highest
Man of India'? quantity found in Maharashtra is -

Answer: Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Answer: Black soil

39.Where is the famous Silhouakare

gk question in english- gktrickhindi (stone cut-off) Kailash Temple located?

Answer - Ellora
31.In whose memory was the Rock
Memorial (Shell Memorial) dedicated to 40.Green Revolution means -


Answer: To increase yield per acre by 48.'General' is an official post of which
using modern methods of agriculture army?

Answer: Army
gk questions for rrb

41.Land control can be controlled-

Answer: By making a stairwell hill, by

making a dam, by plantation

42.The railroad of Jammu and Kashmir

belongs to which railway John?

North - Northern Railway

43.Kannada language is spoken in which

state of India?

North - Karnataka

44.Which state is the capital of the Union

Territory of Andaman and Nicobar

Answer - Port Blair

45.Who is the author of the famous epic


Answer: Vedavas

46.The poets of 'Gitanjali' are -

Answer: Rabindranath Tagore

47.Which two places does the Himsagar

Express run?

Answer - J from Kanyakumari


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Most Important GK for Railway Exams

 Name the device, which is used to measure the amount of

Heat involved in a chemical reacton
 Calorimeter

 Who is the author of The Accidental Prime Minister: the

making and unmaking of Manmohan Singh
 Sanjaya Baru

 Manas Natonal Park is located in which state

 Assam

 Cockroaches respire through

 Trachea

 Who founded the Nanda Dynasty

 Mahapadma Nanda

 What is the chemical name of " Chloroform "

 Trichloromethane
 Who has writen the book Indika
 Megasthenes

 What is the Main Theme for World Environment Day 2018

 Beat plastc polluton

 Who was the chairman of the Drafing Commitee

 B.R.Ambedkar

 Which of the Ved contains the famous Gayatri Mantra

 Rigveda

 Aga Khan Cup is related to Which sports

 Hockey

 What is the Name of the Passage, Which connects South

Andaman and Litle Andaman
 Duncan Passage

 In which year Natonal Development Council was formed

 1952
 What is the full form of Nit Ayog
 Natonal Insttuton for Transforming India
 Mudrarakshas was writen by
 Vishakha Data

 True Colours is the autobiography of which famous

 Adam Gilchrist

 Who is also known as "The Light of Asia"

 Gautam Buddha

 In which language the Buddha Doctrines were writen

 Pali

 Where is Majuli Island located

 Assam

 What is the currency of UAE

 Dirham

 Who is the newly appointed CM of Karnataka

 HD Kumaraswamy
 Who appoints the Governor of the State
 President

 Who has been appointed as the new CEO Of TCS

 Rajesh Gopinathan

 Mycology is the study of

 Fungus

 Who discovered the Oxygen

 Priestly

 Which city is also known as Manchester of India

 Ahmedabad

 Which amendment act is also known as Consttuton of

 42nd Amendment Act

 Who has writen the book "A Train to Pakistan"

 Khuswant Singh
 Who gave the laws for the planetary moton
 Kepler

 Who became the new ambassador of Uber in India

 Virat Kohli

 The maximum strength of The Upper House of The

Parliament is
 250

 Which gland in the Human Body is also known as Master

 Pituitary Gland

 Milk is an example of
 Emulsion

 Which Canal joins the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea
 Suez Canal
 Name the Scientst who frst proved the existence of the
electromagnetc waves
 Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

 Candela is the SI unit of which physical quantty

 Luminous Intensity

 Which SI unit is used to measure the lengths

corresponding to Nuclear sizes
 Fermi(femtometre)

 Name the principle, on which The Ships and Submarines

 Archimedes Principle

 What is the velocity of Sound in the Air

 332m/sec

 Sonar is based on which principle

 Echo

 Cinnabar is the main Ore of which Metal

 Mercury
 Deuterium is an isotope of which metal
 Hydrogen

 Name the allotrope of Oxygen

 Ozone

 Which gas is synthesized using Haber’s Process

 Ammonia(NH3)

 Name the Scientst who had invented LASER

 Charles H. Townes

 What is the full form for WAN

 Wide Area Network

 Name the Metal, Which is present in the chlorophyll

 Magnesium

 Guru Shikhar Peak is located in which state

 Rajasthan

 Shakt Sthal is related to which famous personality

 Indira Gandhi

 Name the metal, which is most abundant in Earth's Crust

 Aluminium

 Who is known as 'The Father of Indian Civil Services'

 Charles Cornwallis

 When was INS Vikrant decommissioned from Indian Navy

 1997

 Who is the current Security Advisor to Prime Minister of

 India Ajit Doval

 'Gas Balloons' contain which Gas

 Helium

 Which Consttuton Amendment Act is also known as 'The

Consttuton Act, 1976'
 Forty-second Amendment
 Which actress has won the Natonal Film Award in 2018
for Best Actress
 Sridevi

 Where did Gautam Buddha give his frst sermon

 Sarnath.

 What is the Theme for Natonal Science Day (NSD) 2018

 Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future

 When is the Natonal Science Day (NSD) celebrated

 28th February

 Who is currently The Chief Justce of India

 Dipak Mishra

 Santosh trophy is related to Which sports

 Football

 Damascus is the Capital city of which country

 Syria
 Which gas is known as Laughing gas
 Nitrous Oxide

 Dipa Karmakar is related to which sports

 Gymnastc

 Which is the hotest planet of Solar System

 Venus

 Which planet is the closest to the Sun

 Mercury

 What is the name of an autonomous regional satellite

navigaton system developed by India
 Indian Regional Navigaton Satellite System (IRNSS)

 Where is Golconda Fort situated

 Hyderabad

 Where is Virupaksha Temple located

 Hampi
 Which Artcle under Indian Consttuton relates to Uniform
civil code of India
 Artcle‐44

 Where will G20 summit be held

 Buenos Aires (Argentna)

 When was Forest (Conservaton) Act passed

 1980

 Cartography is the study of

 Maps

 What is the general formula for an Alkane

 C(n)H(2n+2)

 Who is known as the father of Modern Genetcs

 Gregor Mendel

 Who has writen Amar Sonar Bangla, which is the Natonal

Anthem for Bangladesh
 Rabindranath Tagore
 Who has writen Ashtadhyayi
 Panini

 Who invented x-rays

 Roentgen

 Name the frst Indian who had received the Noble prize.
 Rabindra Nath Tagore

 Which device is used to measure current

 Ammeter

 Who has the won the Men's single ttle for Australian
Open 2018
 Roger Federer

 Who has the won the Women's single ttle for Australian
Open 2018
 Caroline Wozniacki

 Who established Mughal Dynasty

 Babur

 Who has won Nobel prize for peace along with

 Kailash Satyarthi
 Malala Yousafzai

 Name the author of 'Playing It My Way'.

 Sachin Tendulkar& Boria Majumdar

 Name the CEO of Google

 Sundar Pichai

 Who was the founder of Brahmo Samaj

 Raja Ram Mohan Rai

 Which gas is known as 'Marsh Gas'

 Methane

 Which actor has won the dada saheb Phalke award in 2018
 Vinod Khanna(Posthumous)

 When was Chandrayaan-1 launched

 October 22, 2008
 When was ISRO formed
 August 15, 1969.

 Who is the current RBI governor

 Urjit Patel

 Who is the frst speaker of Lok Sabha? Ganesh Vasudev

 Mavalankar

 Where is Kanha Natonal Park located

 Madhya Pradesh

 Who has recently become India's longest-serving chief

 Pawan Chamling

 Who won the Sir Garfeld Sobers Trophy for the ICC
Cricketer of the Year 2017
 Virat Kohli
 Name the State with Maximum boundaries with other
 Utar Pradesh

 Who is the Secretary-General of the United Natons

 António Guterres
 What is the venue for ICC T20 world cup for 2020
 Australia

 Who is known as 'the founding father ' of space

programmes in India
 Dr Vikram A Sarabhai

 The study of soil is known as

 Pedology

 Who is the author of the book "The god of small things"

 Arundhat Roy

 When was SEBI (Securites & Exchange Board of India)

 1988
 What is the name of the organisaton which is the
commercial wing of ISRO
 Antrix

 What is the full form of MRI

 Magnetc resonance Imaging
 Who invented Dynamite
 Alfred Nobel

 What is the Theme for 69th Republic Day 2018

 Sangat and Pangat

 What is the name of India's frst supercomputer

 PARAM 8000

 Who is currently the chairman of Lok Sabha

 Sumitra Mahajan

 Agha Khan Cup is related to Which sports

 Hockey

 Global Malaria Summit 2018 was hosted which city

 London
 What is the chemical formula of Chloroform
 CHCl3

 Name the person, who became the frst Indian to claim a

gold medal at the 2018 Commonwealth Games for javelin
 Neeraj Chopra

 Which is the farthest planet of Solar System from Sun

 Neptune

 Which planet is also known as Red Planet

 Mars

 Which planet is also known as Blue Planet

 Earth

 Name the capital city of United Arab Emirates(UAE)

 Abu Dhabi

 Where is Brihadeeswarar Temple located

 Thanjavur
 Who is the Chairmen of ICC(Internatonal Cricket Council)
 Shashank Manohar

 Who is the chief of electon commission

 Om Prakash Rawat

 Where was G20 summit 2017 held

 Hamburg (Germany)

 Who is the current president of Nepal

 Bidhya Devi Bhandari

 Anthropology is the study of

 Humans

 Which gas was responsible for the Bhopal Gas Tragedy

 Methyl Isocyanate

 Who is known as the Iron Man of India

 Sardar Vallabhai Patel

 Pascal is the unit of which physical quantty

 Pressure

 Who has writen Meghdootam

 Kalidas

 Who invented Barometer

 Evangelista Torricelli

 Name the venue for 2020 Summer Olympics

 Tokyo

 "Gambit' is associated to which sports

 Chess

 Who has the won the Men's single ttle for US Open 2017
 Rafael Nadal

 Who has the won the Women's single ttle for US Open
 Sloane Stephens
 Who established Slave Dynasty
 Qutb al-Din Aibak

 Who was the First President of Indian Natonal Congress

 W.C. Banerjee

 Name the author of 'Driven'.

 Vijay Lokapally

 Name the CEO of Microsof

 Satya Nadella

 Who was the founder of Arya Samaj

 Dayanand Saraswat

 Which gas is used as a coolant for air conditoners,

refrigerators, freezers
 Freon

 Name the person has won the Jnanpith award in 2017

 Krishna Sobt
 When was Mangalyaan launched
 5 November 2013

 Mycology refers to the study of

 Fungi

 Who is the deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha

 Harivansh Narayan Singh
 ( Previous- PJ Kurien )

 Who is the current chairman of Rajya Sabha

 Venkaiah Naidu

 Where is Bandhavgarh Natonal Park Natonal Park located

 Madhya Pradesh

 What is the chemical name of Baking soda

 Sodium Bicarbonate

 Who won the ICC Test Cricketer of the Year award in 2017
 Steve Smith

 internatonal Yoga Day is celebrated on which day

 21st June

 What is the molecular formula of Sugar (Table Sugar)

 C12H22O11

 What is the venue for ICC World cup for 2019

 England &Wales

 Who was the frst Tirthankara of the Jains

 Rishabhanath

 “Satyameva Jayate” in the State Emblem of India was

taken from which book
 Upanishads

 Shore Temple is located at

 Mahabalipuram

 Who invented the number 'Zero'

 Aryabhata
 What is the chief consttuent of the Liquefed Petroleum
Gas (LPG )
 Butane

 What is the chemical name of "Milk of Magnesia"

 Magnesium Hydroxide Mg(OH)2

 Who is the winner of Saraswat Samman 2017

 Sitanshu Yashaschandra

 What is the Theme for World Cancer Day 2018

 " We Can. I Can "

 What is the name of frst vice president of India

 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

 Who is the ex-ofcio chairperson of the NITI Ayog

 Prime Minister

 Beighton Cup is related to Which sports

 Hockey
 31st ASEAN Summit 2017 was hosted which city
 Manila ( Philippines )

 What is the chemical name of the Aspirin

 Acetyl Salicylic acid

 What will be the venue for Commonwealth Games 2022

 Birmingham (England)

 Which is the largest planet of Solar System

 Jupiter

 Which planet is also known as Earth's Twin

 Venus

 What is the name of the largest volcano in the solar

 Olympus Mons

 World’s longest sandstone cave was discovered in which

Indian State
 Meghalaya
 Where is Somnath Temple located
 Gujarat

 What is the venue for the FIFA World Cup 2018

 Russia

 Who is the Atorney General of India

 K. K. Venugopal

 Who was the Chairman of the Drafing Commitee

 B.R.Ambedkar

 Who is the current president of USA

 Donald Trump

 Entomology is the study of

 Insects

 Who discovered by Blood Group

 Karl Landsteiner
 Who is also known as the Fronter Gandhi
 Khan Abdul Gafar Khan

 Light Year is the unit of which physical quantty

 Distance

 Who has writen The White Tiger

 Aravind Adiga

 Who invented Aeroplane

 The Wright Brothers

 Who composed the Natonal Song of India

 Bankim Chandra Chaterjee

 "Diamond ' is associated to which sports

 Baseball

 Where is the Headquarters of ISRO situated

 Banglore
 Winner of Women's single in Badminton commonwealth
games 2018
 Saina Nehwal

 The Capital City of Arunachal Pradesh

 Itanagar

 Who was the First Governor General of free India

 Lord Mountbaten

 Name the author of 'Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-

Eight Nights'.
 Salman Rushdie

 Name the CEO of Axis Bank

 Shikha Sharma

 Who was the founder of Lodhi Dynasty

 Bahlul Khan Lodhi

 Who wrote the famous book Indica

 Megasthnese

 Human Rights Day is observed on which date

 10th December

 Water transportaton in plants is done through

 Xylem

 Sericulture is related to the study of

 Silkworms

 Jog Falls is located in which state

 Karnataka

 Penicillin is extracted from which Microorganism

 Fungus

 Where is Keoladeo Natonal Park located

 Bharatpur

 What is the chemical Formula of Epsom salt

 MgSO4·7H2O
 What is the name of the largest river island in the world
 Majuli

 Natonal Voters day is celebrated on which day

 25th January
 What is the molecular formula of Benzene
 C6H6

 Who is the CEO of Internatonal Cricket Council (ICC)

 Dave

 What is the chemical formula for the Producer Gas

 CO+N2(Mixture of Carbon Monoxide & Nitrogen Gas)

 Who is also known as Father of Botany

 Theophrastus

 Who is also known as Father of Biology

 Aristotle

 What is the monomer of "Polythene"

 Ethylene (C2H4)
 Which of the following enzyme is essental for clotng of
 Thrombin

 Galena is an ore of which element

 Lead

 Which state became the frst state in the Northeast to

have solar toilets
 Manipur

 Who has writen the book ‘Straight Talk’

 Abhishek Manu Singhvi

 Which gas is used for the artfcial ripening of the fruits

 Ethylene

 _______ are also known as suicidal bags of the cell

 Lysosomes
 Which river is also known as Dakshin Ganga
 Godavari

 What is the main consttuent of cell wall

 Cellulose

 Which gland is also known as the Master gland

 Pituitary Gland

 Which canal connects Atlantc & Pacifc Ocean

 Panama Canal

 Which Contnent is also known as Dark Contnent

 Africa

 Who developed the vaccine for Small Pox

 Edward Jenner

 Bile is produced by which organ of the Human Body

 Liver

 Solder is an alloy of _________.

 Lead & Tin
 Harsha Charitra was writen by ______.
 Bana Bhat

 Which part of the body is afected by Arthrits

 Joints

 Which instrument is used to measure Blood Pressure

 Sphygmomanometer

 Which is Asia's frst Atomic Staton

 Tarapur Atomic Power Staton

 Who Invented Bicycle

 K.Macmillan

 Which Blood Group is also known as Universal Donar

 Group

 Ravindra Nath Tagore won the Noble Prize

 Gitanjali

 who was the Founder of Prarthna Samaj

 Atma Ram Pandurung

 Din-e-illahi was founded by _______________.

 Akbar

 Which Artcle of the Indian Consttuton is related to

Uniform Civil code?
 Artcle44

 Which amendment abolished Titles and special privileges

of Rulers of Princely States
 26Amendment

 Caddie is associated with which sport

 Golf

 Ezar Cup is associated with which sport

 Polo
 Who was the frst chief justce of India
 H.J.Kania

 Which fundamental right is also known as the Heart And

Soul of the Consttuton
 Right to Consttutonal Remedies.
 Where is the Natonal Chemical Laboratory located
 Pune

 Leukemia is the Disease related to __________.

 Blood

 Who has writen the Book 'Shahnama'

 Firdausi

 Where is the Head Quarters of WHO located

 Geneva

 Who has writen the Book Ananda Math

 Bankim Chandra Chaterje

 Which branch of Science deals with the study of

 Orology

 Who invented Stethoscope

 Rene Laennec



 The flament of an electric bulb is made of which metal

 Tungsten

 The hydraulic brake used in automobiles is a direct

applicaton of_______
 Pascal's Law

 Where the value of 'g' (acceleraton due to gravity) is

 At poles

 Good conductors have many loosely bound

 Electrons
 If the body is hollow, then its centre of gravity lie
 Outside the material

 A man with a dark skin, in comparison with a man with a

white skin, experiences
 Less heat, Less cold

 What is the escape velocity for all objects from the earth
 11.16 km/sec

 If the temperature inside a room is increased, the relatve

humidity will
 Decrease

 If a bar magnet is cut length wise into 3 parts, what will

the total number of poles be
 6

 Light travels in a________

 Straight line
 What converts the alternatng current into direct current
 Rectfer

 Einstein got noble prize for_______

 Photoelectric Efect

 The nucleus of an atom consists of_______

 Neutrons and protons

 What is the measuring unit of length of light waves

 Angstrom

 How much is one barrel of oil approximately equal to

 159 litres

 The sky appears black from the moon because of___

 Lack of Atmosphere

 The specifc resistance of a wire varies with its______

 Material
 Which instrument is used to measure depth of ocean
 Fathometer

 The unidirectonal property of a one-juncton is useful for

its use as which thing
 Rectfer

 The strongest force in the nature is ___

 Nuclear Force

 Which is the only natural magnet

 Magnette

 We cannot see during a fog, because of ___.

 Scatering of light

 In which medium sound travels faster

 Solid

 A fast wind can turn the blades of a windmill because it

 Potental Energy
 Which of the following material is used for electric wire
 Nichrome
 Conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy
occurs in which thing
 Batery

 The directon of a magnetc feld within a magnet

 From South to north

 What remains constant while throwing a ball upward

 Acceleraton

 What type of lens is a magnifying glass? -Convex lens

 Why does a liquid drop tend to assume a spherical shape

 To minimize surface tension

 What happens when soda water botle falls freely

 No bubbles form

 Pure water freezes at what temperature

 32 F

 Why are Metals good conductor of heat than insulator?

 They contain free electrons

 When some detergent is added to water, the surface

 Decreases

 The value of which quantty remains same in all system of

 Specifc Gravity

 Distance of stars are measured in_______

 Light Years

 Nature of sound wave is ____

 Longitudinal

 Which is used to initate fssions

 Neutrons
 The total internal refecton can occur when light pass
 Denser to Rarer medium

 Who discovered Diode Bulb

 Sir J. S. Fleming

 Radio waves of constant amplitude can be generated

 Oscillator

 What is the SI unit of luminous intensity

 Candela

 In summer, the mirages are seen due to the phenomenon

of __
 Total Internal Refecton

 Who gave the frst experimental value of G

 Cavendish
 Astgmatsm can be corrected by______
 Cylindrical lenses

 What apparatus is used to locate a submerged object


 The image formed by convex lens in a simple microscope

is______. –
 Virtual & Erect

 What is the unit of magnetc fux

 Maxwell

 Coolis tube is used to produce_______

 X-Rays

 Sudden fall in barometer is indicaton of______

 Storm

 Force of atracton between the molecules of diferent

substances is called_______
 Adhesive Force
 What is the working principle of Washing machine
 Centrifugaton

 Insects can move on the surface of water without sinking

due to________.
 Surface tension of water

 The temperature of the sun is measured with ___.

 Pyrometer

 . Acceleraton acts always in the directon______

 Of the net force

 Which instrument is used to measure alttudes in aircrafs?


 What is the name of short duraton wave

 Pulse

 The absorpton of ink by blotng paper involves______

 Capillary Acton
 Two drops of a liquid are merged to from a single drop. In
this process ____?
 Energy is released

 Which is more elastc - Steel or Rubber?

 Steel

 An atom bomb is based on the principle of_________?

Nuclear Fission

 Which instrument is used to measure the scatering of

light by partcles suspended in a liquid?
 Nephetometer

 The speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the

medium ___?
 Remains unaltered

 Most commercial nuclear power plants worldwide are

cooled by __?
 Water

 Electric Motor converts_______?

 Electric energy to mechanical energy

 Nuclear sizes are expressed in a unit named__________?

 Fermi

 Weightlessness experienced in a spaceship is due

to_______? –Absence of Gravity

 The blue colour of the clear sky is due to ____?

 Dispersion of Light

 What does airbag, used for safety of car driver, contain?

 Sodium Azide

 Radian is used to measure________?

 Angle

 Who had showed that the electric and magnetc waves are
equal in vacuum?
 James Clerk Maxwell
 When a red glass is heated in dark room it will
seem______. Green

 The fricton force exerted by fuids is called __.

 Drag

 Which is used in designing ships and submarines?

 Archimedes Principle

 Which instrument is used to measure change in volume of

 Dilatometer

 On which principle, transformer works?

 Mutual Inducton

 Potental energy of your body is minimum when you ___.

 Lie down on ground

 The velocity of sound in air________?

 332m/sec

 Beats occur because of ___?

 Interference

 Who frstly demonstrated experimentally the existence of

electromagnetc wave?
 Hertz

 The working of the quartz crystal in the watch is based on

which efect?
 Piezoelectric Efect

 What is te the unit of Radioactvity?

 Curie

 What is the wavelength of visible spectrum?

 390-700 nanometres

 One astronomical unit is the average distance

 Earth & Sun

 Camberts Law is related to_______?

 Interference

 Which waves are used in sonography?

 Ultrasonic waves

 Which instrument is used to measure the power of electric

 Watmeter

 Splitng of Uranium nucleus releases_____ energy.

 Nuclear

 kilowat hour is the unit of_______?

 Energy

 . A simple device that is used to either break or complete

the electric circuit, is called _?
 Switch

 Number of basic S.I. units is _.

 Seven (7)
 What is the name of the scientst who stated that mater
can be converted into energy?
 Einstein

 The size of atomic nucleus is of the order of_?

 10^-14 m

 A temperature at which both the Fahrenheit and the

centgrade scales have the same value?
 40°

 . In the visible spectrum which colour has the shortest

 Violet

 What is the unit of specifc resistance?

 Ohm-metre

 What do we use as a moderator in nuclear reactor?

 Graphite

 The mirror used in motor vehicles near the driver's seat is

 Convex Mirror
 Electron microscope was invented by_______?
 Robert Koch

 Indian Physicist and Nobel Laureate in 1930 for his

research in the feld of Light Scatering?
 C.V. Raman

 What is the name of horse of Maharanapratapsingh –

 Chetak

 KarnamMalleswari related to which game –

 Weightlifing

 How many moons does mars have –

 2 (Phobos and Deimos)

 Kuchipudi belongs to which state –

 Andhra Pradesh

 Rowlat act in which year –

 1919

 World TB day –
 24 March

 Who gave the slogan “Do or die” –

 Mahatma Gandhi

 When did Indian consttuton came into frst amendment –


 Golden temple of dambulla is present in –

 Sri lanka
 Cyprus capital – Nicosia

 Odd one out (external hard disk, cd, keyboard, digital

camera) – Keyboard

 First internatonal cricket match was played between –

 USA & Canada

 Sorrow of bengal –
 Damodar River
 Establishment of the panchayat Raj System was
recommended by –
 Balwant Rai Mehta Commitee Report 1957
 When did Swami Vivekanand delivered his speech in
‘World Religion Conference’ in Chicago city –
 1893

 What is Vitculture –
 Producton of grapes

 The words ‘Satyamevajayate’ inscribed below the base

plate of the emblem of India are taken from –
 Mundak Upanishad

 By which Consttutonal Amendment the votng age was

reduced from 21 years to 18 years –
 61st Amendment

 Under Artcle 356 of the Consttuton of India, President’s

rule was imposed for the frst tme in –
 PEPSU (Patala and East Punjab States Union (PEPSU) was a
state of India between 1948 and 1956.)

 The Politcal partes got the consttutonal recogniton for

the frst tme in the year
 1985
 The Khurda Road division,Odisha of the East Coast Railway
(ECoR) has set a target to install bio-toilets in 2,000 train
coaches during 2016-17 as part of –
 Swachh Bharat Mission

 MrinaliniSarabai is related with –

 Dance

 Konark Temple made by –

 King Narasimhadeva I

 Smallest Contnent of world –

 Australia

 Marsh Gas –
 Methane

 Name of 1st satellite on space –

 Sputnik 1

 Aruna Asif Ali hoisted fag in which movement –

 Quit India Movement
 Who discovered penicillin –
 Alexander Fleming

 Which of following chemicals is called as saltpeter –

 Potassium Nitrate

 Which boxer is known as ‘Real Deal’ –

 Evander Holyfeld

 Which number of Lok Sabha was formed during 2014

electon – 16th

 Capital of Denmark –
 Copenhagen

 Yoga day celebrated on –

 June 21

 January 4th Independence day of which country –

 Burma
 2018 winter session Olympic game venue –
 PyeongChang, South Korea

 India’s Oldest dam –

 Kallanai Dam, also known as Grand Anicut. It stll serves
the people of Tamilnadu, India

 First indian lady to won gold in asian games –

 Kamaljeet Sandhu

 First indian hockey player to awarded padamshri –

 Balbir Singh Dosanjh

 Rabindnathtagore got noble prize in which year –

 1913 –

 Ethanol is obtained from

 Cerials

 No. of fundamental dutes –

 11
 2015 French open winner –
 Stan Wawrinka(Men), Serena Williams(Women)

 How many players in khokho –

 9

 2 largest country in respect of land area –

 Canada

 U.N climate change meetng held in which place –

 Paris

 Ajanta and ellora cave is located in which state –

 Maharashtra

 Smallest planet –
 Mercury

 Group of dolphin is called –

 School or Pod
 Polio vaccine is developed by –
 Jonas Edward Salk

 Name of dog who frst goes to space –

 Laika

 Father of space research –

 Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai

 DMK party is founded by whom –

 M. G. Ramachandran

 First Loksabha speaker –

 Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar

 Instrument to detect object under water –

 Sonar

 Study of birds is called –

 Ornithology

 First governor general of free india –

 Lord Mountbaten
 Buddha atained enlightenment at –
 Bodh Gaya

 Another name of computer chip –

 Microchip

 Thomas Cup Related to –

 Badminton

 First awardee of Dadasahebphalke award –

 Devika Rani

 Colour. Of octopus blood –

 Blue

 Other name of chanakya –

 Kautlya or Vishnu Gupta
 2014 miss universe –
 Colombia :Paulina Vega

 Which metal is noble –

 Gold, Silver or Platnum

 Elephanta Caves Situated in –

 Maharashtra
 Biggest Mammal –
 Blue Whale

 Who invented brahmosamaj –

 Raja Ram Mohan Roy & Debendranath Tagore

 Rial is currency of which country –

 Iran

 Which city of Australia densely populated –

 Sydney

 Which game is now eliminated from olympic –

 Wrestling

 Energy of sun by which process –

 Photosynthesis

 Father of rabindranath Tagore –

 Debendranath Tagore

 Titanic belongs to which country –

 Ireland

 Indian Insttute of science situated at –

 Bangalore

 Current Chief Justce India –

 Justce T S Thakur

 Oscar for best animated feature flm 2015 –

 Big Hero 6

 New name of Bharatpur natonal park –

 Keoladeo Natonal Park

 Last Mughal emperor –

 Bahadur Shah Zafar

 Environment day –
 5 June
 Which is landlocked country –
 Kyrgyzstan

 Thailand currency –
 Thai baht

 Quit India Revoluton –

 8 August 1942

 Smallest bone in human body –

 Stapes
 Organ that can grow and regenerate –
 Liver

 Subhashchandrabhose father name –

 Jankinath Bose

 Where paper invented –

 Chennai

 UNESCO headquarter –
 Paris

 Gases Causing greenhouse efect –

 water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
and ozone.

 Interpol headquarter –
 Lyon, France

 Tee term associated with which sports –

 Golf

 Who is known as semant Gandhi –

 Khan Abdul Gafar khan
 Natonal song writen by –
 Bankim Chandra Chatopadhyay

 Where is Kunchilal water falls –

 Karnataka

 Largest non polar desert in the world –

 Sahara

 Where is the island of Seychelles located –

 Mahe

 Land locked country –

 Liechtenstein in Central Europe, surrounded by
Switzerland and Austria.

 Father of geometry –
 Euclid

 Zika virus spread by –

 Mosquitoes

 Latest mineral which is most abundant in earth crust –

 Berlin wall demolished year-
 1989

 Which language use ideographs –

 Chinese

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