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1. Give three reasons why we are doing comprehensive (not strategic) land
use planning? Why do you think physical plans have long-term timelines?

2. Discuss the following concepts. Explain their relevance to land use

planning by giving examples: a) RA6657 Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of
1988 b) PD705 Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines c) RA8371 Indigenous
Peoples Rights Act of 1997 d) RA7586 National Integrated Protected Areas

3. Discuss the following in terms of their relevance to land use planning:

a) Land Use Capacity b) Highest and Best Use c) Carrying Capacity

4. What is Transect Mapping? Discuss its applications in characterizing

the existing conditions in a planning area. What are the limitations of
Transect Mapping?

5. Discuss the salient features of the Laws of the Indies. In your opinion,
considering the present situation in both rural and urban towns in the Philippines,
were the Laws of the Indies beneficial to planning? Explain your answer and
illustrate/cite examples.

6. What are the SDGs. What are the goals and provisions. Discuss the
relevance of SDGs, and how these can be implemented in a land use plan.

7. What is your idea of a sustainable tourism masterplan? Give three policy

examples each for protection, production, settlements and infrastructure
development areas under an eco-tourism/tourism site (Look at policies and
principles of ridge-to-reef planning, environmental/ watershed/ integrated area
development approaches in planning).

8. What are the four (4) general land use categories in Philippine land use
planning as discussed by Serote? Select one (1) and discuss major issues
and concerns as well as policy options and guidelines in terms of its relevance to
sustainable development. Give examples (you can use any municipality’s or
city’s CLUP as a reference).
9. A vertically integrated planning system ensures that plans and projects
conceived at higher levels are consistent with plans at the local level while horizontally
coordinated plans ensure that long term physical framework
plans guide the preparation of short- and middle-term development plans. Give an
example showing how policies at the national, regional, and provincial level are
translated in the city or municipal level (vertical integration). Using the same
example, explain how the same policies are translated in terms of development
plans (horizontal coordination).

10. The advantages of a functioning land registration vis-à-vis a Zoning

Ordinance has been researched and presented in the modules. Discuss the
drawbacks of such a system. What disadvantages do you see if land use and
zoning regulations are administered using a land parcel system in the

------------------- To avoid plagiarism, properly cite your references. For your guide,
Send your completed answers with subject: UPOU_PLAN203_your Surname (in .doc
or .docx format) to: before 9 May 2020 at 11:59pm. (Not in
this thread)

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