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D e v i a ti o n fr o m b a s e D - 8 6 5 % T e m p .

Heavy naphtha siD86-5%_LNT D86-5%_HD86-5%_KED86-5%_DO

1000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2000 0.04 1.82 -0.05 0.03
3000 0.04 2.76 -0.10 0.03
4000 0.04 3.37 -0.14 0.03
5000 0.03 3.80 -0.18 0.02
6000 0.03 4.13 -0.21 0.02
Change in distillation curve
7000 0.02 4.45 -0.23 0.02 naphtha stripping steam rat
Base case 37.66 166.659 198.7758 247.03 3
Simulation data 37.66 166.659 198.7758 247.03 1

37.71 168.4824 198.727 247.0566 0

1000 2000 3000 4000
37.71 169.4198 198.6789 247.0599 D
-2 5%
37.70 170.0318 198.6355 247.0563 -3
37.70 170.4602 198.6 247.0536 -4 D
37.69 170.7873 198.5695 247.0512 -5

37.69 171.1064 198.5427 247.049 Heavy naphtha side stripp

ge in distillation curves as a function of heavy
ha stripping steam rate

000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000


Heavy naphtha side stripping steam rate (kg/h)

Temperature (C)
Simulation data Measured data
% volume T(C) % volume T ( C ) D86 comparison curve f
0 51.17 0 0 319 1600
0.05 365.71 0.0005 0.05 368
0.1 378.68 0.001 0.1 381 1400
0.3 431.97 0.003 0.3 454
0.5 500.67 0.005 0.5 533 1200
0.7 686.51 0.007 0.7 684
0.9 1314.05 0.009 0.9 874
0.95 1351.22 0.0095 0.95 800
1 1365.92 0.01 1
971.7 400


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
D86 volume perc
6 comparison curve for ATM residue

Measured data
Column B

% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

D86 volume percentage (%)
Temperature (C)
Simulation data Measured data
% volume T(C) % volume T ( C ) D86 comparison curve f
0 102.12 0 0 218 400
0.05 248.11 0.0005 0.05 246
0.1 253.78 0.001 0.1 254 380
0.3 269.11 0.003 0.3 268 360
0.5 284.67 0.005 0.5 283
0.7 304.45 0.007 0.7 301
0.9 334.89 0.009 0.9 328 320
0.95 348.87 0.0095 0.95 337 300
1 381.98 0.01 1 378
S.G. 260
847.6 240
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
D86 volume perc
6 comparison curve for diesel

Measured data
Column B

% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

D86 volume percentage (%)
Temperature (C)
Simulation data Measured data
% volume T(C) % volume T ( C ) D86 comparison curve f
0 124.83 0 168 280
0.05 198.39 0.05 198
0.1 200.98 0.1 203 260
0.3 208.55 0.3 210
0.5 214.52 0.5 215 240
0.7 221.29 0.7 221
0.9 231.85 0.9 229 220
0.95 241.52 0.95 235
1 269.19 1 251 200

S.G. 180

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
D86 volume perc
6 comparison curve for kerosene

Measured data
Column B

% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

D86 volume percentage (%)
Temperature (C)
Simulation data Measured data
% volume T(C) % volume T ( C ) D86 comparison curve f
0 55.92 0 0 137 240
0.05 169.13 0.0005 0.05 165
0.1 171.94 0.001 0.1 172
0.3 178.14 0.003 0.3 179 220
0.5 181.66 0.005 0.5 183
0.7 186.07 0.007 0.7 187 200
0.9 193.45 0.009 0.9 193
0.95 201.86 0.0095 0.95 196 180
1 225.41 0.01 1 204


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
D86 volume perc
6 comparison curve for heavy naphtha

Measured data
Column B

% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

D86 volume percentage (%)
Temperature (C)
Simulation data Measured data
% volume T(C) % volume T ( C ) D86 comparison curve f
0 -78.74 0 69 200
0.05 37.65 0.05 71
0.1 51.88 0.1 74 180
0.3 93.34 0.3 88
0.5 112.82 0.5 104 160
0.7 130.54 0.7 122
0.9 148.54 0.9 146
0.95 157.99 0.95 153 120
1 177.68 1 162
726.3 80


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
D86 volume perc
6 comparison curve for light naphtha

Measured data
Column B

% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

D86 volume percentage (%)
Tray Pressure (kPa) Temp (oC) Measured data
Comparison m

Temperature (C)
0 145.00 59.97 Tray (TheorTemperature (o C)
1 228.00 140.51 0 60 400
2 229.65 158.63 2 163
3 231.31 170.68 9 193 350
4 232.96 177.10 15 228.5
5 234.62 181.54 21 282.3
6 236.27 185.16 25 357.4
7 237.92 188.50 27 348.3
8 239.58 192.58 200
9 241.23 196.38
10 242.88 200.14 150 Mea
11 244.54 204.00 Sim
100 data
12 246.19 208.10
13 247.85 212.55 50
14 249.50 220.24
15 251.15 228.06 0
16 252.81 234.27 0 5 10
17 254.46 239.91 Tray (T
18 256.12 245.65
19 257.77 252.69
20 259.42 264.07
21 261.08 282.45
22 262.73 284.87
23 264.38 287.42
24 266.04 325.62
25 267.69 341.22
26 269.35 358.92
27 271.00 352.11
Comparison measured and predict column temperature

Measured data

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Tray (Theoretical tray equivalent)
Simulation data Measured data
Fraction yield compariso

Yield (ton/day)
% volume T(C) Yield (ton/day)
LN 3549.00 LN 3549
HN 920.99 HN 921 Measured data
Kerosene 1333.00 Kerosene 1333 10000
Simulation data
LGO 3822.02 LGO 3822
Residue 11265.09 Residue 11375 8000




LN HN Kerose
Product fr
ction yield comparison

easured data
mulation data

HN Kerosene LGO Residue

Product fraction
Specific gravity
Simulation data Measured data
% volume T(C) Specific gravity
Specific gravity c
LN 726.30 LN 703.7 1200
HN 785.00 HN 782.6
Kerosene 804.00 Kerosene 803.4
LGO 847.60 LGO 845.6
Residue 971.70 Residue 971.3




LN HN Kerosen
Product fr
Specific gravity comparison

Measured data
Simulation data

HN Kerosene LGO Residue

Product fraction
Building the Model in Aspen HYSYS Petroleum Refining
Entering the Crude Information:
Crude oil 1: Arabian Heavy (2006) - FBP (1150 C)
Standard liquid density: 882 kg/m3.
Crude oil 1: Arabian Light (1983) - FBP (800 C)
Standard liquid density: 867 kg/m3.
Selection of a Thermodynamic Model
Equation-of-state (EOS) based.
1)      Peng–Robinson (PR),
2)      Soave–Redlich–Kwong (SRK)
Fugacity correlation based.
1)      Grayson–Streed,
2)      Chao–Seader
Correlation based.
1)      BK-10,
2)      API,
3)      Twu
4)      Lee-Kesler
CDU Initial
Feeder ratio: 50/50
Crude feed flow rate: 7.6 Mton/ year or 21,000 ton/ day.
Table 6. Specifications of side strippers for the CDU model.
Stripper SS1 SS2
Draw stage 10 17
Return stage 9 16
Product name SS heavy naphtha SS kerosene
Draw spec (kg/h) 3.84E+04 5.55E+04
Stripping steam name and flow H r eavy naphtha steam at 1313 kg/h Kerosene steam at 1243 kg/h
Note: All stripping steam streams with a vapor fraction of 1, a temperature of 250 C,
and a composition of mass fraction of 1 for water
Table 7. Specifications of pumparounds for the CDU model.
Pumparound PA1 PA2
Side stripper SS heavy naphtha SS kerosene
Draw stage 10 17
Return stage 9 16
PA rate (kg/h) 3.76E+05 2.35E+05
Temperature change, dT (∘C) 90 60
Table 1. Measured plant flow rates and specifications.
Feed/products Stage
Crude feed 49
Bottoms steam 56
Off gas Condenser
Light naphtha Condenser
Residue Bottoms

Table 2. Measured pumparound flow rates and specifications.

Pumparounds Flow rate (ton/h)
Heavy naphtha 376.1
Kerosene 234.9
LGO 298.1

Table 3. Measured side stripper flow rates and specifications.

Side strippers Draw rate (ton/day)
Heavy naphtha 921
Kerosene 1333
LGO 3822

Table 4. Measured product distribution and qualities

SS3 ASTM D86 (∘C) Light Naphtha
22 IBP 69
21 5% 71
SS LGO 10% 74
1.62E+05 30% 88
LGO steam at 3418 kg/h 50% 104
70% 122
90% 146
95% 153
PA3 FBP 162
SS LGO Specific gravity 0.7037
22 Yield (wt%) 16.9
21 Yield (ton/day) 3549
60 Table 5. Measured column temperature profile
Tray (Theoretical tray equivalent)
Temperature (o C)
Condenser 60
2 163
9 193
15 228.5
21 282.3
25 357.4
27 348.3
Condenser pressure drop
s and specifications.
Flow rate (ton/day) Conditions
21 000 3.0% Overflash
278.4 Sat’d steam @ 250 C
N/A 60 C
3549 60 C
11,375 349 C

ow rates and specifications.

Temperature change (oC) Duty (Gcal/h) Draw/return
−90 −13.9 15/10
−60 −9.1 31/28
−60 −12.2 43/38

ow rates and specifications.

Steam (kg/h) Draw/return
1313 15/10
1243 31/28
3418 43/38

ution and qualities

Heavy Naphtha Kerosene Gasoline Residue
137 168 218 319
165 198 246 368
172 203 254 381
179 210 268 454
183 215 283 533
187 221 301 684
193 229 328 874
196 235 337 –
204 251 378 –
0.7826 0.8034 0.8456 0.9713
4.39 6.35 18.2 54.16
921 1333 3822 11,375

rature profile
Pressure (kPa)
83 228

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