Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties and Vows PDF

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(Repentance and Sacramental Confession should have been done before doing this prayer,

but if there is anything that the penitent is led to speak out and repent of, let it be so.)


To be prayed by Penitent

J esus Christ I confess that You are the Lord of my life and that You
alone hold the highest position of power and authority under our
Heavenly Fathers throne. I proclaim that You, Yahweh, are my
Heavenly Father and that Your throne holds all power, all authority
and rules over all powers and principalities.

Father I acknowledge and I am in agreement to all of Your ways and I

am in full agreement to the position You have given your only
begotten Son, Jesus Christ over my life. I sit myself at Jesus Christ's
feet under the truth of His teachings and I surrender and yoke myself
to the mantle of His rule and power.

I renounce sin, Satan, his works and all of his minions of deceptive
trickery which comes against the believer, and the unbeliever.

Through ignorance I had walked a sinners walk and had talked the
language that sinners speak before I came to accept Jesus Christ into
my life. I had indulged myself with sinful behavior because I did not
fully understand, or appreciate the love You had for me and I repent.

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In Jesus Christ's name Father I proclaim this day to be a day of
washing sin from my life and a day of severing unhealthy soul ties
from people who I know have doors open to sin and who affect me
because they do. I pray for a washing of the blood of Jesus Christ over
me and for the Holy Spirit to uproot and severe from me every cord
that Satan has attached to me from these people to cause a work of
oppression because of my association, former agreement, or what
appeared to be my agreement for another person's sin.

[IMPORTANT: *Those in bracket are to be prayed only by those who had sexual
relations before marriage, or who have entered into an illicit and immoral

*Father I repent for having had unlawful and immoral sexual

relationships and I seek Your forgiveness Father for every time I had
for I know this type of behaviour does not reflect Your character. By
the Blood of Jesus Christ, I speak to break off me every negative and
spiritually dangerous connection my soul has made to each one of
those sexual partners. Let their sins be theirs and my sins be mine
and covered under the blood of Jesus Christ.

Father if any one of these ex partners has sinful behaviour in their life,
or are living in disobedience to Your ways, I want to clarify that I am
not in agreement to any of their sinful ways, or disobedience. In the
name of Jesus Christ, I ask that Yahweh’s Warrior Angels take their
swords and completely sever each and every type of soul tie and
attachment that has been connected to me from each of those sexual
partners in that I do not take on any consequence to their sins, or any
consequence from my prior involvement with them. ]
(If the person feels led, or the Holy Spirit brings anything to remembrance that the penitent
needs to forgive, or seek forgiveness for regarding an ex- partner, or he/she feels led to
repent or renounce anything regarding them, do so now before continuing, for repentance
and forgiveness leads to freedom.)

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To be prayed by Penitent

eavenly Father, I confess and repent of the sin of ___________
(name the sin which caused the evil soul tie, such as illicit and
immoral sexual relationships), and I ask that you forgive me
of this sin.
[Now is a good time to destroy or get rid of any physical gifts or other objects that could hold
the soul tie together, such as a gift given in an adulterous or immoral relations, etc. Anything
that could hold the bond together between you and that person.]

n the name of Jesus, and by the power of His blood, I now
renounce, break and sever all unholy soul ties formed
between NN. (name the person/s) and myself, through the sin
of ____________ (name the sin which caused the evil soul tie, such as
adultery or fornication).

I now command any evil spirits which have taken advantage

of this unholy soul tie to leave me now in the name of Jesus.
(The Penitent repeats the prayer if he has more then one evil soul tie to break)


To be prayed by Penitent

I n the name of Jesus Christ I speak forth my release from every

form of spiritual attachment, cord, yoking, spiritual oppression,
curse and condemnation that had formed and connected itself to
me because of a broken friendship, negative soul tie, traumatic abuse,

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physical/emotional oppression, or an association to a spiritually
dangerous person.

In the name of Jesus Christ I recant every un-Godly vow I had ever
spoke at any time in my life, and I speak forth my release from every
un-Godly vow I had ever made, or which anyone else may have spoke
regarding me. I command that all negative spiritual influences that
are operating against me nullified and detached from me this very
moment. In the name of Jesus Christ I cancel the assignments, which
Satan has given to each demonic spirit to work against me.

I bind and rebuke each demonic spirit that was assigned to enforce
spiritual attachments against me, and I command that each and every
one of these demonic spirits be cast to the foot of the cross of the Lord
Jesus Christ.

Father I pray that Your gifts increase in my life especially the gift of
discernment. Holy Spirit help me to recognize when a person
becomes spiritually dangerous to me because of sin in their life and
help me to be wise in how I will deal with that. Help me to discern
when a fellow Christian is not taking their walk in the Lord seriously,
is living more for the world than they are for You, or are believing
things they shouldn't be such as false doctrinal beliefs, cult like ideas,
etc., and again give me the wisdom and the boldness to know what to
say to these people to distance me from their sins or behavior.

In Jesus Christ's name I Praise You God and give You much Glory for
breaking Satan's legal rights to me because of a unhealthy spiritual
tie that got formed between myself and another person, or group of
people that Satan was using against me and I thank You God for
setting me free from the oppressions themselves. Amen and Amen.


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To be prayed by Penitent

eavenly Father, I repent and renounce the vow I made to
____________ (name the demon or person, or even vainly to God,
that you made the vow to) to perform ______________ (describe
what the vow entailed). I realize this was foolish and rash on my
behalf, and I ask that you will forgive me and release me from the
bondage that this vow has brought me under.

In the name of Jesus, and by the power of His blood, I now renounce,
break and nullify the vow to NN., to perform ___________, and I confess
that I am released from this vow and it's bondage in Jesus' name.

I now command any evil spirits which have taken advantage of this
unholy vow to leave me now in the name of Jesus.
(Repeat this prayer if you have more then one unholy vow to break)


To be prayed by Penitent

H eavenly Father, I confess that I used to listen to unhealthy

demonic music. I ask that you will forgive and cleanse me
from this sin.

In the name of Jesus, and through the power of His blood, I now
renounce, break and sever all soul ties that have been formed
between myself and the unhealthy music (name specific songs and
artists/groups if possible) I used to listen to and enjoy, as well as any
soul ties formed between myself and the artists and groups (name

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them specifically if possible) and demonic influences that have
produced these unhealthy songs and music.

In Jesus' name, I also renounce, break and nullify any curses that I
may have come under because of listening to the unhealthy music I
used to listen to and enjoy.

In the name of Jesus, I now command all evil spirits to leave me that
have taken advantage of these soul ties I have just renounced. In the
name of Jesus, I also renounce and command any evil spirits that have
taken advantage of any curses that I have come under as a result of
listening to unhealthy music to leave me now in Jesus' name. I also
renounce and command any evil spirits that have entered me through
my listening to this unhealthy music to leave me now in the name of
Jesus. Amen.

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