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Leader: David Ruehs

Strengths-Based Leadership Insight Report



Father of Strengths Psychology and

Inventor of CliftonStrengths

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Copyright © 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
Gallup found that it serves a team well to have a representation of strengths in each of the four domains of
leadership strength: Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking. Instead of one
dominant leader who tries to do everything or individuals who all have similar strengths, contributions from
all four domains lead to a strong and cohesive team. This doesn't mean that each person on a team must
have strengths exclusively in a single category. In most cases, each team member will possess some
strength in multiple domains.

According to our latest research, the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder themes naturally cluster into these four
domains of leadership strength. See below for how your top ten themes sort into the four domains. As you
think about how you can contribute to a team and who you need to surround yourself with, this may be a
good starting point.

Depending on the order of your themes and how you responded to the assessment, some of your themes
may share identical insight statements. If this occurs, the lower ranked theme will not display insight
statements to avoid duplication on your report.



Arranger Maximizer Includer

Responsibility Communication

38570818 (David Ruehs) 2

Copyright © 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your Personalized Strengths Insights
By nature, you are impelled to deliver on all of your commitments. You are determined to meet all of your
obligations. Doing so is your badge of honor. It is one reason why people describe you as trustworthy and
dependable. It’s very likely that you probably have a reputation for applying yourself to your work for many
hours at a time. Your teammates likely realize you are capable of working all day or through the night when
you must complete job-related tasks, household chores, or academic assignments. Driven by your talents,
you are apt to be the team member who intentionally looks for what is good, right, and true. You enjoy
sharing these discoveries with your colleagues. You frequently highlight an individual’s success as well as
the group’s accomplishments. You inspire many of your teammates to repeat their good performances.
Perhaps that was your intention from the very start. Because of your strengths, you routinely engage in
group activities and projects. Often these benefit youth and small children. Chances are good that you
probably are appreciated for your ability to laugh at adversity. Your flair for comedy often reduces the
stress your teammates experience. You free their minds to solve problems so they can return to their work.

It’s very likely that you may be exact about certain things you do or how you do them. Perhaps you follow
your conscience when you need to distinguish right from wrong or excellence from mediocrity. Driven by
your talents, you are comfortable being open and honest about who you are. Often you intentionally avoid
people who are less than truthful. You prefer to spend time with individuals who speak as candidly as you
do about their strengths, shortcomings, hopes, disappointments, failures, or successes. Chances are good
that you place a premium on doing everything correctly. Whatever you are involved in or associated with
must typify — that is, symbolize — accuracy and precision. Your high standards demand exactness. By
nature, you have a strong sense of commitment. It motivates you to make sure that things are carried
through to completion even when difficulties arise. Instinctively, you find it difficult to extinguish your
impulse to work hard. Your feelings of personal accountability mean you set few limits for yourself. Instead
of watching the clock, you can completely lose track of time when immersed in simple or complex projects.
Disregarding your official work schedule, you probably have stayed late or arrived early to finish your
assignments. You always know you will somehow accomplish what you said you would do.

It’s very likely that you find something likeable in just about every person you meet. You intentionally
surround yourself with a wide array of people. Usually they represent different backgrounds, interests,
cultures, or economic levels. You contend there is always room for one more person at a meeting, in a
group, on a trip, or at a meal. Your pleasant, friendly, and cordial disposition draws individuals to you.

38570818 (David Ruehs) 3

Copyright © 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.
Instinctively, you probably harbor tender feelings for individuals who are quite different from you. Your
openhearted — that is, kind and generous — nature compels you to reach out and draw into your life many
different kinds of people. Driven by your talents, you might do some of your best work late in the day,
especially when you are making upgrades or changes to enhance the quality or quantity of your outcomes.
Chances are good that you prefer the company of people to being alone. You automatically welcome a
wide array of individuals into your workplace, classroom, team, family, club, or social circle. By nature, you
usually prefer to partner with others to accomplish things rather than work alone. This explains why you
welcome a wide range of personalities into your life.

Driven by your talents, you exhibit an awareness about what you do and do not do well. You trust your
instincts in this regard. Over time, you have progressed faster and moved further by relying on your talents.
You simply refuse to risk losing confidence in yourself by tackling assignments for which you lack the
talent, even when you may possess some relevant knowledge, skills, or experience. Because of your
strengths, you occasionally spend time pondering what you have an aptitude or gift for doing well. From
time to time, you discover things you need to do a bit better. Instinctively, you may accept that no two
people are exactly the same. This partially explains why you ask so many questions. Sometimes you are
trying to figure out what makes an individual different from everyone else. Perhaps this knowledge allows
you to inspire, coax, demand, challenge, or pressure various people to do their finest work. It’s very likely
that you may surround yourself with people who notice what you do right and applaud what you do well.
Maybe you avoid critics who dwell on your shortcomings. By nature, you gravitate to groups that make
assignments based on an individual’s unique talents. You intentionally avoid teams whose members think
anyone can do anything as long as the person devotes enough effort and time to the task. You realize you
do better work and progress more quickly when you are allowed to use your natural abilities.

Chances are good that you occasionally search for the right words to make your point. Even so, few people
even notice your momentary struggle. Perhaps being able to put friends or strangers at ease quickly is one
of your special gifts. It’s very likely that you might be able to distinguish each person’s unique contribution
to a conversation. In some ways, you guide the exchange of information by drawing out the singular
perspectives of individuals. Once in a while, you help others express their varied, peculiar, eccentric,
quaint, or unusual viewpoints. Perhaps you enliven dialogues by honoring the value of each human being.
By nature, you communicate with others easily. You might even enjoy opportunities to debate with others
because of your ability to think quickly and to see different pathways. Because of your strengths, you might
appreciate straightforward, candid and concise conversations. Sometimes you engage in dialogue with
people who are willing to listen to the alternatives you present. Driven by your talents, you may feel
comfortable speaking to a variety of individuals or audiences.

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Copyright © 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

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