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PHYSICS - 2nd Year – TEST# 4 – CH. 14(2nd Half) (1st July 08)

Name: _____________________ Time: 40 Min

Roll No. ____________________ Marks: 25
Session/Section: ______________ Date: 01-09-2008

Q: No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total



Q.1 Four possible options have been given. Tick () mark the correct option. (7)

(1) A current carrying wire is placed in a magnetic field. How must it be

oriented so that force on it is zero :
(a) parallel to B (b) perpendicular to B
(c) at an angle of 60o (d) at an angle of 30o
(2) Minimum current required to produce a deflection of one mm on a scale at a
distance of 1 meter is :
(a) 1 C (b) 1 A
(c) current sensitivity (d) 1 Ω
(3) When a charged particle enters a magnetic field it will move on a circular
path of radius :
qB m v qmv qmB
(a)r =(b )r= (c ) (d)
m v qB B r
(4) The relation for e/m of an electron is :
2V 2 2V 2V 2V
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 2
B R R B BRR B2 2
(5) Which of the following is not an electromechanical instrument :
(a) galvanometer (b) voltmeter
(c) ammeter (d) none of these
(6) Two pole piece of the magnet in galvanometer are made concave to make the field :
(a) strong (b) weak
(c) radial (d) radial and stronger
(7) The working of galvanometer depends upon :
(a) magnetic force acts on the coil (b) torque exerted on the coil
(c) momentum of coil (d) all of these


Q.2 Give short answers to the following questions (5x2=10)

(1) Describe the change in the magnetic field inside a solenoid carrying current if
number of turns is doubled but the length remains the same.
(2) Is it possible to orient a current loop in a uniform magnetic field in such a way
that the loop will not tend to rotate, explain?
(3) How can you use a magnetic field to separate isotopes of chemical element?
(4) Why the resistance of an ammeter should be very low?
(5) How can a current loop be used to determine the presence of magnetic field in
a given region of space?
Q. 3
(a) Explain the principle, construction and working of moving coil galvanometer. (5)

(b) The resistance of galvanometer is 50.0 Ω and reads full scale deflection with a
current of 20 mA. Show by diagram how to convert this galvanometer into
voltmeter reading 200V full scale. (3)

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