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Intel - TMS ICT Curriculum Review

Unit 2: Technology at Work Grade 1

To get hired for a job, many working professionals need to show
employers examples of their best work. How might someone organize
and present examples of his or her best work? One way is to create a
portfolio, which is a collection of photographs, drawings, written reports,
and other papers that prove someone's ability to do a certain type of job.

Plan It
Create a portfolio that shows the best examples of the work done by you and your
partner during Unit 2: Technology at Work. Look at the following example:

Portfolio Example

Read the following questions, and discuss your ideas with your partner. Write
your ideas on a sheet of paper.
Ÿ Which activity from each of the three occupations (Artist, Hairstylist and
Veterinary Doctor) do you think is an example of your best work?
Ÿ Why did you select each of the three activities?
Ÿ What should other people know about the three activities?

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Review Intel - TME ICT Curriculum
Unit 2: Technology at Work Grade 1

Ÿ How might you organize the work samples on different slides in a Word

Remember to use the rubric as a guide as you plan, do, review, and share.

Do It
1. Start the Word Processing Software, and open a new, blank presentation.
2. Type the title of your presentation and then write name and age of you and
your partner, your school name and its location.
3. Decide which work example you want to show on the next page.
4. Type the occupation and few lines about the activity you have designed.
5. Change the font of the profession to make it prominent. You may change the
font size of the rest of the text.
6. Print Screen the activity you have designed on this page.
7. Repeat Steps 4 through 6 to make two more pages — one for each of the other
two occupations.

Challenge: Add picture to the first page of your presentation and add
colorful border to all the pages. (See the Portfolio Challenge Example at
the end of this section).

8. Resize the images on the page.

9. Change the border and color of the images you have inserted to your
10. Save your work as directed.

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Intel - TMS ICT Curriculum Review
Unit 2: Technology at Work Grade 1

Portfolio Challenge Example

Review It
Look over your completed Portfolio. Make sure it has the following elements:
Ÿ First page with your names and ages, as well as the name and location of your
Ÿ One page for each of the three occupations, with the name of the occupation,
the work example inserted as picture, and an explanation of why you think the
activity represents your best work.
Ÿ Same color scheme or design used on all pages
Ÿ Same formatting for all pages and sentences

If any elements are missing, add them now. If you want, make other changes, as
well. Remember to save your work as directed.

Share It
Be prepared to discuss your answers to the following questions:
Ÿ What new Word Processing skills did you use today to make your Portfolio?
Ÿ Which of the three sample activities in your Portfolio is your overall favorite?

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