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ARTIFACTS Description of the artifact What does the artifact prove
about the early Filipino
society and culture?

1. MAITUM JARS The Maitum Jars of The Maitum Jars depict the
Saranggani are artifacts early appearances of native
designed and molded Filipinos. It shows the features
similarly that of a human of the natives such as bone
head and body. These feature and facial structure of
vessels were created for the the natives. This jar is also
remains of the deceased. It symbolic because it showed
was discovered by rebels in the cultural connection of life
a cave in Saranggani in and death of the Filipinos. It
1991. These burials jars were shows that we had a rich
believed to have been culture even before the birth of
created during 5 BC. The Jesus. These jars kept the
current condition of the jars remains and are kept sacred
are incomplete chards because it was belived that the
because some were sold in soul of the deceased is still
black market. The Maitum alive. The body may be dead
Jars are currently displayed but the spirit is kept alive.
in National Museum in the
Philippines. Some are kept in
different households in

2. AGUSAN GOLD IMAGE The Agusan Gold image is This Golden Tara is a loved by
also known as the Golden many Filipinos and foreigners
Tara. The 13th century because It shows the early life
golden statue is known to be of Filipinos during the 13th
a Hindu- Malayan goddess in century. This artifact shows
the Philippines. It has a that the early Filipinos are
measurement of 7 inches in believers of anitos, gods, and
height, 4 pounds, made of 21 goddesses that provides them
karat gold. It was discovered bounty and life. We had our
by Bilay Campos in Surigao own faith to a higher being
Del Sur in 1917. The artifact even before the arrival of the
is properly kept and secured Spaniards.
in the Field Museum- Natural
History in Chicago
3. GOLD ARTIFACTS The gold artifacts are These gold artifacts shows that
precious accessories such as our country was rich in
earrings,headpieces, precious metals which are
necklaces, belts, mythological properly mined by that of the
figurines such as the Golden early Filipinos. This tedious
Tara. and etc. These items process of mining became a
were worn by natives who huge part in their lives because
belonged in the upper class. the amount of Gold you wear
It shows the social strata that symbolizes your rank in the
would separate a royalty from society. Even before, the
a commoner.It was also used royalties would wear gold to
to beautify the body. The separate them from the
video showed that some commoners. It also shows the
items were found in a the early natives are intricate
mountain in Sitio Magroyong, and detailed when it comes to
Surigao Del Sur in 1981. It their craftmanship.
was made during the 10th
century. Currently, these gold
artifacts are displayed and
kept in the Ayala Museum

4. BAYBAYAIN STONE/ The Baybayin Stone is a big The Baybayin Stone is a proof
MONREAL STONE stone found in Monreal that the early Filipinos had a
Masbate. It was accidentally system of writing even before
discovered by students in the Spanish colonization. It
Masbate. It was believed that shows that we value education
this artifacts is a proof of the and literacy even before they
early writings of the Filipinos arrived. Thus, communication
called as Alibata. The stone existed during those times. The
manifest the early rituals of baybayin are beautiful symbols
Filipinos in summoning the which are syllabicated to
spirits. It was assumed that express meaning.
the stone was created around

5. LAGUNA COPPERPLATE The Laguna Copperplate is The Laguna Copperplate is a

plate that contains a legal proof that the early Filipinos
transaction/ documents of the had the culture of commerce
early Filipinos. It was found and trade. This early legal
in a river in Lumbang on document is a proof that we
1989. The copperplate value monetary transactions
depicts an account of debt of which are expressed in a
Namwaran to a datu in written agreement and not just
Tondo. It was believed to through oral agreements.
have been created in 900 AD.
The Laguna Copperplate is
currently used in academic
studies in decoding the
meaning of the writings. It is
now within the hands of

6. OTHER ARTIFACTS 1. Hikaw ni Lapu-lapu/ -These earrings show that the

SHOWN IN THE Humabon. This gold early Filipinos exercised
DOCUMENTARY accessory is believed political power. It shows
to have been owned bravery and honor. Even
by Lapu Lapu or during wars, a datu must show
Humabon. It was its strength through the
discovered in a accessories he/she wears.
archaeological site. - The Calatagan Pot is a proof
This accessory that we believe in spiritual
symbolizes honor and healing. We depend on higher
bravery because it beings for our health and
belonged to a datu. safety.
2. Calatagan Pot - This -The Tabon bone is a proof of
clay pot was found in the existence of the early
Talisay, Batangas. It migrants and inhabitants of the
was believed that the Filipinos.
artifact contains a
prayer that summons
the spirit in healing
the people with
3. Tabon Bone- National
GMA7's Philippine Treasure Documentary

The series of documentaries made about the artifacts found in the Philippines was
indeed very helpful in uncovering the mysteries of our country’s rich treasures. Although the
videos were short, I felt that the the researchers did a great investigation in depicting the
different artifacts which showed that are heritage is culturally rich. I can recall that the Golden
Tara was being fought by different historians and institutions on who really owns the artifact.
This just shows that our artifacts are wanted for its beauty and cultural value. I cannot help but
to be proud in being a Filipino.

The last documentary presented the ways in which museums played an essential role in
preserving the artifacts for safe keeping. The National Museum is the premiere institution that
have helped preserve the historical artifacts. It also made the artifacts accessible to every
Filipinos because these precious artifacts are when not being taken cared of can go into the
wrong hands and be sold in black markets. As a frequent visitor of the National Museum, I
experienced that the artifacts are well being taken care of. They are under a strict supervision
and tight security measure

Philippine history is constantly under attack. Aside from the constant revision of facts,
material objects like that of houses and artifacts are constantly being destroyed. Despite all of
this, museums have been constantly renovated to serve as the last defense of Philippine
history. Relating it to the documentary, museums allow the preservation of artifacts of great
value such as that of the Golden Tara. It is in these places where they are protected. It is in
these places where they are placed on a pedestal to be looked upon and to allow introspection
by those who view these. These museums allow a cultivation of Philippine identity in the minds
of those who are made to see this.

While efforts have been made to improve museums, the personal regard being given to
these museums by Philippine society is quite problematic. Notably, most museums have been
viewed of as a tourist spot. While there is nothing is wrong with this, museums have somehow
been used as a way of keeping up with pop culture. Instead of focusing on the richness of
artifacts and the insights one could possibly gain, most use these artifacts as a means of
coming up with Instagram posts to boost their social credit online. The reason for one to view
these artifacts does not have to be extremely noble. In fact, this form of response does not in
any way belittle those who post on Instagram as well as take the time to appreciate what they
see. Perhaps, an insight that can be taken from this is the need for a societal consciousness of
treasuring and treating with high regard Philippine museums and the artifacts showcased inside
them. With the proper art education in educational institutions, Filipinos, including myself, would
better understand the value and the richness of Philippine artifacts and be in a position to
appreciate them better. In a time where hybrid identities are constantly being created in this
globalized world, it is of the utmost important for the Filipino to carve a space of identity for
himself which he can truly define as significantly his.

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