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English assignment 1

online vs traditional shopping

(Attention getter)E-commerce is growing 3x faster than traditional

retail.overall,51% of consumers prefer to shop online while others
prefer shopping offline. (Background) In the year 2017 more then
6700 retail stores closed and by the end of 2017 this number
reached to 6985.when it comes to online shopping amazon is leading
the market .thesis statement->despite the fact that online shopping
is fast and easy when it comes to online vs traditional shopping but
this is also a fact that online shopping is making people lazy.

Body->when it comes to way of shopping different people have

different thoughts and opinions.some people find online shopping
better and some think retail shopping is better.we will discuss
various points shopping options.

∙ (BP1) physical presence

online shopping-in online shopping physical presence for buying

good is not can buy good from anywhere.

traditional shopping-in traditional shopping physical presence is

necessary for buying good.

∙ (BP2) money and effort

online shopping-in online shopping no penny is spent in travelling

when you do shopping also it requires less effort.

traditional shopping-in traditional shopping sometimes one needs to

pay money to go to market and do shopping it also requires lot of
∙ (BP3) product

online shopping-in online shopping one can't touch the product and
can't see material of the product also one needs to wait to get the
delivery of the product.

traditional shopping-in traditional shopping one can touch and see

the material of the product also one gets delivery at that time only.

∙ (BP4) comparison

online shopping-in online shopping one can compare prices of the


traditional shopping-in traditional shopping one can't compare

prices of the product.

∙ (BP5) shipping

online shopping-in online shopping sometimes one needs to pay high

shipping charges which makes product expensive.

traditional shopping-in traditional shopping one doesn't pay shipping


Conclusion->(X)So to conclude despite rapid growth of online sales

in India most of the people prefer to go and call offline shopping as
'real' shopping but statistics shows that people who like doing
shopping online is more then the people who like doing it offline.
(Y)Because many surveys show that mostly youth or young people
like using technology and shopping online. coming of online
shopping has no doubt hit offline stores hard as online sellers come
up with sales and show they are giving many discounts which
attracts many people. (Z)In the end it finally depends on us what we
personally like shopping online or shopping offline,the way in which
most of the people used to do before.both has its pros and cons and
they both are good in their own way .
name-Sarthak wadhani

roll no-skp182k0044

course -EAP

programme-ba law and politics

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