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Nelly Abdelsalam, BDS, MSc,

Impact of Apical Patency on PhD, and Nasr Hashem, BDS,
MSc, PhD
Accuracy of Electronic Apex
Locators: In Vitro Study

Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the importance of apical patency and its
influence on the accuracy of 2 apex locators (Root ZX and Raypex 6). Methods: We Patency file could enhance the
determined the actual working length under dental operating microscope at !25 accuracy of the investigated
magnification in 43 extracted human mandibular molars with completely formed roots and EALs. Dentaport Root ZX was
patent apical foramen. Readings of the 2 apex locators were then compared with the actual more sensitive to apical
microscopic working length. Thereafter, we established apical blockage at the apical foramen; foramen blockage than
files were introduced to the same previous length determined by each apex locator before Raypex 6.
blockage. Variation in the readings of apex locators after blockage was compared with original
readings before blockage to determine the measurement error. Results: Friedman’s test
showed no statistically significant difference between the 2 apex locators before blockage
(P . .05; effect size 5 0.013). Within the margin of accuracy 61, both Root ZX and Raypex 6
revealed the same percentage of accuracy, 96.7%. After blockage, both apex locators
revealed a statistically significant difference in median measurement error compared with the
measurements before blockage (P , .05; effect size 5 0.305). Root ZX showed a higher
median measurement error (.–1 mm and 0.01–0.5 mm) than Raypex 6.
Conclusions: Apical foramen blockage has a negative influence on the accuracy of apex
locators that was more pronounced in Root ZX than Raypex 6. (J Endod 2020;-:1–6.)

Apex locator’s accuracy; apical foramen blockage; apical patency; Raypex 6, Root ZX

Successful root canal treatment depends on shaping of the whole length of the root canal space for
meticulous cleaning and disinfection, followed by 3-dimensional obturation. This necessitates accurate
determination of the apical constriction. The apical constriction, which is described as the minor apical
diameter, is the point beyond which the periodontal tissues exist1. Thus, maximizing the outcome of root
canal treatment is closely related to limiting all the instruments, antimicrobial agents, and filling materials to
the confines of the root canal system at the apical constriction2.
Electronic apex locator (EAL) has become an essential tool for working length determination
because it overcomes the drawbacks of the 2-dimensional technique sensitive periapical radiography3.
There has been a series of generations since the first launching of apex locator, which relied on
direct electrical current and resistance. All the recent generations rely on alternating current of more than
one frequency and on impedance rather than resistance4.
The main concept of all of these generations is electrical conductivity between the attached file clip
From the Department of Endodontics,
and the lip clip where the root dentin acts as an insulator and the periodontal ligament is the conductor.
Faculty of Dentistry, Suez Canal
The electrical circuit is closed when the current passes through periodontal ligament to the oral mucosa University, Ismailia, Egypt
and then to the lip clip5.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Nelly
Blockage of the apical foramen occurs during cleaning and shaping if irrigation and recapitulation Abdelsalam, Department of Endodontics,
were not applied. Blockage could be detected in a file that stops short of the working length with a tactile Faculty of Dentistry, Suez Canal
tacky feeling6, or it might go undetected if limited to the apical foramen with denial of the patency file7. University, 4.5 Km Ring Road, Ismailia,
Apical patency is defined as a technique where the apical portion of the canal is maintained free of debris Egypt 41522.
E-mail address: nellyendo@gmail.com
by recapitulation with a small file through the apical foramen8. Apical blockage may act as a major 0099-2399/$ - see front matter
contributing factor linked to failure of root canal treatment due to contamination of this apical plug with
Copyright © 2020 American Association
microorganisms from infected root canal. of Endodontists.
The aim of the present study was to shed light on the importance of apical patency and its influence https://doi.org/10.1016/
on the accuracy of 2 apex locators (Root ZX and Raypex 6). j.joen.2020.01.010

JOE  Volume -, Number -, - 2020 Impact of Apical Patency on Accuracy of EALs 1

METHODS the electronic measurements were performed had higher median error than Raypex 6 (P
within a period of 2 hours. value , .001) (Fig. 1). In regard to the effect of
Teeth Selection and Preparation
Dentaport Root ZX (Morita Co, Tokyo, blockage within each group, each group
Forty-three extracted human mandibular
Japan) and Raypex 6 (VDW, Munich, Germany) showed a statistically significant increase in
molars with completely formed roots, 2
were used in accordance with manufacturers’ median measurement error after blockage for
separate mesial canals and foramina (Vertucci
recommendations. For Dentaport Root ZX, we Root ZX (P value , .05; effect size 5 0.612)
type IV), and a single distal canal were included
inserted #10 K-file with silicone stopper inside and Raypex 6 (P value , .05; effect
in the study. Teeth were collected and
the canal until the apex reading was reached. size 5 0.382).
subjected to 5.25% sodium hypochlorite
The file was then withdrawn to the green
(NaOCl) for disinfection and then stored in
flashing bar (05) on display. For Raypex 6, the Control Group
normal saline (0.9% NaCl) until used.
file was progressed inside the root canal until the Negative control samples failed to record any
Examination of root surfaces and apical regions
first red bar was seen on the screen, and it was readings with both apex locators. Therefore,
was done under a dental operating microscope
then withdrawn until all flashing green bars had these samples were excluded from statistical
(Labomed; Labo America, Fremont, CA) at !
been reached. The extent of penetration inside analysis.
25 magnification to detect possible fractures
the root canal of each sample was measured
and to determine the apex maturity. Teeth with
with each EAL and compared with the AWL. Distribution of Working Length
open apices, fractures, and resorption were
excluded from the study. Three samples were
before or after Blockage
Measurements of Working Length Before blockage, Friedman’s test showed no
discarded from this study during specimen
after Canal Blockage statistically significant difference between the 2
preparation and evaluation; one was because
Canal blockage was intentionally induced in the apex locators (P value . .05; effect
of fractured K-file #10 inside the canal, and the
experimental samples (n 5 30) by filing the size 5 0.013) (Table 1). Within the margin of
other two teeth were calcified.
cervical dentin with Hedstrom stainless steel files accuracy 61, both Root ZX and Raypex 6
(MicroMega) to create dentinal mud or plug. This revealed the same percentage of accuracy,
Actual Working Length dentinal plug was then forced to the apical 96.7%; however, considering the margin of
Determination (Microscopic foramen of the root canal until the loss of canal accuracy 60.5, Root ZX recorded 60%,
Working Length Measurement) patency was verified10, where #10-K file could whereas Raypex 6 registered 53.3%. This
All the samples (30 experimental and 10 reach the previously recorded length but could difference was not statistically significant.
negative control) were decoronated at the level not go beyond this length. During electronic There was a statistically significant
of cementoenamel junction with diamond measurement #10 K-file was inserted to the difference in median error measured by the 2
disks (Kerr Dental, Orange, CA). Patency was same previously recorded length for both apex apex locators before and after blockage (P
confirmed by using #10 K-file (MicroMega, locators, and then new readings were recorded. value , .05; effect size 5 0.305). Root ZX
Besancon, France), and then the canals were Values were admitted as creditable if the reading showed higher median measurement error
irrigated by 5 mL 2.5% NaOCl. Thirty remained stable for at least 5 seconds. within the range of .–1 mm and 0.01–0.5 mm
experimental samples were sequentially Discrepancies in reading before and after than Raypex 6. However, Raypex 6 showed
numbered from 1 up to 30, and the remaining blockage of each individual EAL were higher median measurement error in the range
10 samples were considered as negative calculated. Positive difference meant that the of –1 to –0.51 mm and –0.5 to –0.01 mm than
control. K-file #10 was advanced inside the measured length after blockage was longer than Root ZX. There was no statistically significant
root canal until it became visible at the apical that before blockage, whereas negative difference between the working lengths
foramen (Flushed) under a dental operating measurements indicated shorter length, and 0.0 measured before and after blockage by both
microscope at !25 magnification. The file was meant coincident measurements. In negative apex locators at distances 0 and 0.5 to 1 mm,
withdrawn, then the length was measured by control samples (n 5 10), a tiny increment of recording the same percentage of error (6.7%).
using a triangular architect’s scale ruler, and packable composite (Herculite XRV Ultra; Kerr,
the readings were recorded to the nearest Bolzano, Italy) was forced with small hand
0.01 mm. Each measurement was repeated 3 DISCUSSION
plugger to block the apical 2 mm of the root
times, and the mean of the obtained length canal and then cured for 1 minute. A #10 K-file Apex locators are considered the most reliable
was considered as the representative was inserted to the level of the blockage to tool for working length determination; thus the
measurement of that sample. We subtracted check the display of each apex locator. ideal parameters for their accuracy must be
0.5 mm from this measurement and then Numerical data were nonparametric addressed. In the present study the actual
recorded it as actual working length (AWL). when explored for normality by checking the length was determined with the dental
distribution of data and Kolmogorov-Smirnov operating microscope (!25) because
Electronic Working Length test. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to periapical radiograph is not an accurate tool for
Determination compare between the 2 apex locators. locating the working length, especially if the
We used a plastic mold of 15 ! 10 ! 5 mm, Qualitative data were presented as frequencies apical foramen opens laterally11.
and then we packed adequate amount of and percentages. Friedman’s test was used to Teeth were mounted in alginate to act
alginate (Cavex Holland, Haarlem, compare between the 2 apex locators. as a conducting medium for the electric circuit
Netherlands) within the molds in which the between the file clip inside the root canals and
roots were embedded, leaving nearly 5 mm of the lip clip attached to the alginate, because it
the root surface exposed9.
RESULTS is considered the ideal medium for in vitro
Both apex locators were calibrated to Measurement Error of the 2 Apex testing of EALs12,13.
ensure proper function before measurements. Locators: Regarding the accuracy of Root ZX and
During electronic measurement, the lip clip Either before or after blockage, statistical Raypex 6 before blockage, both had an
was inserted into the alginate during setting. All analysis showed that Root ZX (P value , .05) accuracy of 96.7%, considering the deviation

2 Abdelsalam and Hashem JOE  Volume -, Number -, - 2020

FIGURE 1 – Box plot representing median and range values for measurement errors of the 2 apex locators. Asterisks represent outliers.

of 61 from the actual length (minor apical respectively. The percentage of accuracy Apical canal blockage arises from
diameter) as acceptable. This is comparable within the range of 60.5 mm was in agreement packing of the dentin chips in the apical part of
with Sto€ber et al14 reporting 100% accuracy with da Silva and Alves Flavio17 (62.5% the canal during root canal preparation,
for Root ZX and Raypex 5 with the margin 61 accuracy for Root ZX), Aguiar et al (68.8% accompanied with inadequate irrigation and
and Aguiar et al15 recording 100% accuracy accuracy for Root ZX), and Gurel et al18, who failure to establish apical patency. Persistent
for Root ZX, whereas Teslnik et al16 showed reported 53.58% accuracy for Raypex 6. The apical periodontitis arises from residual or
that Root ZX had an accuracy of 89.9% with current results were inconsistent with Guise secondary infection during primary root canal
the margin of 61. However, the accuracy et al19 reporting the accuracy of Root ZX to be treatment. Microorganisms responsible for this
decreased significantly when considering the 97.5% within 60.5 mm; discrepancies could infection most often reside in the most apical
deviation of 60.5 from the actual length as the be due to the different methodology because part of the root canal, with unrestrained access
acceptable margin of accuracy, where Root ZX the apical foramen (apex) was the measuring to the periapical tissue20. Thus, management
and Raypex 6 recorded 60% and 53.3%, point rather than the apical constriction (0.5). of failed cases is always directed toward

TABLE 1 - Descriptive Statistics and Results of Friedman’s Test for the Comparison between Distributions of Distances from Real Working Length

Root ZX (N 5 30) Raypex 6 (N 5 30)

Blockage Distance (mm) n (%) n (%) P value Effect size (w)
Before blockage .–1 1 (3.3) 1 (3.3) .532 .013
–1 to –0.51 9 (30) 10 (33.3)
–0.5 to –0.01 8 (26.7) 9 (30)
0.00 7 (23.3) 0 (0)
0.01–0.5 3 (10) 7 (23.3)
0.51–1 2 (6.7) 3 (10)
After blockage .–1 20 (66.7) 0 (0) .002* .305
–1 to –0.51 1 (3.3) 16 (53.3)
–0.5 to –0.01 3 (10) 9 (30)
0.00 3 (10) 3 (10)
0.01–0.5 1 (3.3) 0 (0)
0.51–1 2 (6.7) 2 (6.7)

*Significant at P , .05.

JOE  Volume -, Number -, - 2020 Impact of Apical Patency on Accuracy of EALs 3

eradication of these bacteria to the frontline of postoperative pain30,31 or has no influence on The inaccurate readings in the presence
infection21; this could be ensured by the incidence of postoperative pain32–34. of blockage in this study could be attributed to
establishing apical patency, which in turn In this study, blockage was created by the operating principle of apex locators. Both
improves the outcome and success rate of filing the middle and coronal thirds, followed by apex locators measure the impedance in the
root canal treatment22. The role of apical pushing and packing the cut debris apically to electrical circuit, with the difference of
patency is more appreciated in symptomatic simulate the clinical condition of apical measuring the impedance at 2 different
apical periodontitis, where maintaining apical blockage. After blockage, both apex locators frequencies 0.5 and 4 kHz for Root ZX and at
patency allows for the escape of inflammatory showed a statistically significant increase in multiple frequencies for Raypex 65. The
exudates from the periapex, subsequently median measurement error within both groups electrical circuit of EAL is complete when the
relieves the pain resulting from the apical Root ZX (P value 5 .001) and Raypex 6 (P electric current passes through the file
pressure, and provides a favorable condition value 5 .036). This was reflected in deviation attached to the clip, inside the root canal, then
for the host defense mechanism to start repair from the original working length of each out of the apical constriction to the
at the confined area of periapex23. This respective reading before blockage. Root ZX periodontium, and finally through the mucosa
resembles apical drainage in acute apical showed significantly higher median error of into the clip on the patient’s lip3.
abscess, with the difference that the apical .–1 mm (66.7%) than Raypex 6 (0%), Hypothetically, if the apical foramen becomes
foramen is slightly enlarged to facilitate the whereas the median error of Raypex 6 was in blocked with the cut dentin chips, the flow of
drainage of pus through the root canal24. the range of –0.51 to –1 (53.3%) and –0.1 to the current through the insulated file within the
From the biological point of view, it –0.5 (30%). This reflects the higher percentage encased dentin and cementum inside the root
seems that apical patency has no rule in cases of the unacceptable error (.–1) of the Root ZX canal would be interrupted. This hypothesis
of vital pulp; however, from the technical point in the presence of blockage. These results was assured by the control group, which failed
of view, maintaining apical patency is important were congruent with the results of another to record any reading with both apex locators
to avoid the consequences of loss of working study10 that compared the accuracy of Root because of complete blockage of the apical
length and apical transportation of curved ZX II with Apex ID and Propex II in the presence 2 mm with the composite resin.
canals25, thereby affecting the outcome of root of foraminal obstruction, where the accuracy of It should be emphasized that
canal treatment. Root ZX was significantly decreased, with the maintaining the apical foramen patent does not
On the other hand, the claim that apical highest prevalence of divergence from the imply overinstrumentation or overfilling
patency results in extrusion of debris into the actual length of .–1 mm (59.6%) in because cleaning, shaping, and obturation
periapical tissue, with the ensuing flare-up or comparison with Apex ID and Propex II, which should be limited to the apical constriction,
infection in case of necrotic pulp with were not significantly affected by foraminal albeit accurate determination of the apical
contaminated debris26,27, might be accepted if obstruction. Moreover, ElAyouti et al35 constriction is done by the apex locator in a
a large file closely fitted to the apical size was reported the effect of different clinical patent foramen as demonstrated in the
used. However, a small patency file #10 would parameters including tooth vitality, presence of present study.
not push the debris but rather pierces the obliteration, and metallic restoration on the
accumulated debris to loosen it and facilitates consistency of Root ZX and Raypex 5. The CONCLUSION
its removal with the aid of irrigants28. main factor that adversely affected their
Furthermore, apical patency prevents the consistency was the presence of obliteration in On the basis of the results of this study, it can
formation of vapor lock and enhances the the root canal; all obliterated root canals with be concluded that root canal blockage has a
penetration of irrigant into the apical 2 mm of no exception resulted in inconsistent function negative influence on the accuracy of apex
the canal29. of both apex locators. This inference could be locators that was more pronounced in Root ZX
The diameter of the tip of patency file further supported by another study that than Raypex 6. Foraminal patency could be
#10 is 100 mm less than the needles used in observed the ideal protocol yielding the most considered as a prerequisite for a reliable
acupuncture (300–400 mm), so irritation or accurate EALs reading, where the accuracy of working length determination with apex
inflammation to the normal periapical tissue apex locator’s measurement was enhanced locators.
expressed by postoperative pain should not be when the file was either inserted to the apical
expected. This was confirmed in previous foramen or beyond the foramen and then ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
studies demonstrating that apical patency retracted to the foramen36, wherein both
The authors deny any conflicts of interest
either decreases the incidence of situations demand a patent apical foramen.
related to this study.

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6 Abdelsalam and Hashem JOE  Volume -, Number -, - 2020

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