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Annexure-V- Cover Page for Academic Tasks

Course Code: ENG 148 Course Title: English for law- II

Course Instructor: Dr. Digvijay Pandya Section – L1902

Academic Task No.- 2 Academic Task Title: Assignment

Date of Allotment: 8 Feb , 2020 Date of submission: 20 April , 2020

Student’s Name: Aman Kathuria Student’s Reg. no: 11915048

Evaluation Parameters: (Parameters on which student is to be evaluated- To be mentioned by students as

specified at the time of assigning the task by the instructor)

Learning Outcomes: (Student to write briefly about learnings obtained from the academic tasks)

Evaluator’s comments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Suggestions Best part

Observation for improvement of assignment


I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other
student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made
explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by any other person.

Student’s Signature:

Marks Obtained: Maximum Marks: 30

A Critical Analysis of Maxim Gorky’s: The mother of a traitor


In the text of Maxim Gorky’s “the mother of a traitor” the ambition is reflected by a son who
characterized as a traitor, he is also brave but a heartless son; and life is represented by son’s
mother who is “Mother of a traitor”. In this text, Son appears with power and dominance, is
easily victimized by his own mother.

Introduction towards the story:


In this story Maxim Gorky’s reflects the character of a kind hearted and loving mother, to
whom nature has assigned a duty to either to choose his son or save the mankind.
Moreover, in this story the writer presents that how a mother assassinates her son for the
sake of securing many life’s. In this story the mother ignores her feelings of love towards
son and it is a fact that no one will love you like a mother. A mother will sacrifice
anything for his child even her life too. But in this you’ll got to know about how a mother
rigorously neglects her feeling of love and emotions.


Maxim Gorky, also spelled Maksim Gorky, pseudonym of Aleksey Maksimovich

Peshkov, (born March 16 [March 28, New Style], 1868, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia—died
June 14, 1936), Russian short-story writer and novelist who first attracted attention with
his naturalistic and sympathetic stories of tramps and social outcasts and later wrote other
stories, novels, and plays, including his famous The Lower Depths,


The mother of a traitor by Maxim Gorky ”The mother of a traitor" by Axim Gorky is a
short story which deals with dual love: love for the country and love for the son. Monna
Marinna's son has become inimical towards his own country. He doesn't have any real
grudge (Complaint) against the country. However, he wants to destroy the whole city and
thus become popular amount the citizens. He wants that each citizen and each and every
object of the country should know his name and get afraid of him. He is now the head of
the troops who have surrounded the city from all sides and are ready to set fire into it.
There is restlessness everywhere in the city. No one is happy. All the people are crying
bitterly out of pain. The enemies are giving utmost tortures to the citizens. They have
been deprived of all kinds of facilities. The enemies have brown dead bodies into all the
streams that supply water to the city. The citizens have lost all kind of hope of life.
Everything spoke to them of death, and not a star was there in the sky to give them
consolation. They were also afraid to light the Lampson the houses at night. Monna
Marinna herself is not happy with what her son has become. She thinks of her son and her
country as a mother and citizen respectively. She had thought previously that her son
would become a great leader of the country and would do something for the nation. But,
other great dismay, she has found her son as different and heartless citizen to all the
people. He has betrayed his own country and also his own mother.

Marinna has equal love for her son and for her native city. But as a mother her heart is
weeping as her son has given suffering to all the citizens. Every citizen calls her "The
mother of the traitor" which gives unbearable pain to her heart. So, she decides
to leave the city and goes to her son. She finds her son crazed with the thirst for more
glory. She tries to convince her son by telling him that a hero is he who creates life by
conquering death. But he answers very arrogantly that the destroyer is as glorious as
the builder of the city. He has become so blind for the glory that he remains totally
unaffected by her persuasion. Finally, Marinna makes her stake rest in her lap and
immediately covers him with her black cloak and then kills him by pushing a knife
into his heart. Thus by killing her son, she fulfils her duty as a citizen. But she is also
a mother and a mother cannot live her life comfortably by killing her own son. So, she
also kills herself with the same knife and fulfils the duty of the mother.


I. The mother of traitor by Maxim Gorky is a short story which deals with dual love:
love for the country and love for the son. Monna Marinna's son has become
inimical towards his own country. He doesn't have any real grudge (Complaint)
against the country. However, he wants to destroy the whole city and thus become
popular amount the citizens.
II. He wants that each citizen and each and every object of the country should know
his name and get afraid of him. He is now the head of the troops who have
surrounded the city from all sides and are ready to set fire into it. There is
restlessness everywhere in the city. No one is happy. All the people are crying
bitterly out of pain. The enemies are giving utmost tortures to the citizens. They
have been deprived of all kinds of facilities. The enemies have brown dead bodies
into all the streams that supply water to the city. The citizens have lost all kind of
hope of life. Everything spoke to them of death, and not a star was there in the sky
to give them consolation.

III. Monna Marinna herself is not happy with what her son has become. She thinks of
her son and her country as a mother and citizen respectively. She had thought
previously that her son would become a great leader of the country and would do
something for the nation. But, to her great dismay, she has found her son as
different and heartless citizen to all the people. He has betrayed his own country
and also his own mother. Marinna has equal love for her son and for her native
city. But, as a mother her heart is weeping as her son has given suffering to all the

IV. The incident of the central character Mona Mariana’s encounter with the mother
of slain man, breaks and balance and intensifies the story forcing her to take bold
decision for the sake of her city where she was born, and where her forefathers
spent their lives for its construction and even their bones are buried there, and
which is going to be cruelly destroyed by her lovely son.

V. This story starts from the conflict within the mind of a mother ends at the solution
of the problem at the cost of the life of a traitor and his mother. On the other hand
the wounded and hopeless city gets life and lives new life after the end of the


This kind of story written by Maxim Gorky, is an account of a discord between ‘ambition’
characterized by a ‘traitor’ a brave nevertheless heartless child; and ‘life ‘represented and
characterized by the ‘Mother of the Traitor’, where heartless kid appears with power and
prowess, is easily victimized inside the hand and lap of a mother who may be appeared inside
the story extremely ordinary designed because of the urgency of time. In addition, it signifies
through the history, this kind of ambitions came out in the name of war; however, ultimately,
the life received the success over the loss of life and human civilized ongoing, through this
sort of difficult difficulties. The story is actually a study for the underlying importance of the
mothers, who are usually more than kind-hearted and caring, a terrible destroyer in the
interest of preservation of life, for which she has distinct duty imparted by the character.
Moreover, this kind of story is another quest within human mindset, which shows there is one
other truth inside human mind, and guy is a thing, more than a self-centred creature, which
makes one committed for the sake of world in the expense of the complete destruction of the
selfish interests. Generally, the kid is the most beautiful and important one for a mother, for
which she is constantly ready to sacrifice anything possibly her lifestyle. However, the
mother surrender the life of her child for the preservation from the society and herself in the
interest of her wish to her kid, in this story. To get to this sort of truth the writer qualified
prospects us (the readers) throughout the imagined circumstance for the story plot to develop,
where the enemy has surrounded a city for several times and each and every part of the
expect life of the citizen has-been lost. There is certainly nothing else than the shadow of
death to get the resident. Gradually, the cause after this sort of situation is definitely revealed,
one of the most loving kid of one more is leading the foe to assault upon the location to fulfil
the hunger of his aspirations, without nurturing the old guys, children, ladies and anything.

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