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© The Money Tub Game

(by Susan James)

Tony Robbins once told someone to simply imagine a water faucet that when you wanted
Money for stuff you wanted or needed to pay or fulfill your dreams, to simply envision Money
flowing freely from a water faucet.
I then took his statement further to make it fun and colorful for me and per usual I made a
game out of it. Hence: The MoneyTub Game
Below described are the 3 pieces to this game as they correspond to the visuals supplied.

The MoneyTub: (Large Visual)

Print out at least one of these. Place it in a place where you tend to glance to see it
somewhere in your space. I paperclipped mine on the front of my
primary intention folder. The one that holds some of the agenda of my projects.
It stays around my workspace.

The Money Tub: (4 Smaller Versions)

Print this sheet of 4 out, then cut them apart. I placed one on my Magic Wall, one sits
taped to the left of my computer monitor as I write this; one is paper clipped, on one of
my intention statement sheets that I read outloud every day, and the 4th one I lay on the
car passenger car seat of my car and then moved
it to the front dash where I could see it.

Your Daily Tub Tally:

(You just do this on your own paper, I use notebook paper)
Simply write the date to the left of the paper, and then at the end of the day make any
notations of money or experiences that came your way, that equate to money/resources
showing up. Its imporant that you do this every day, it has momentum and attraction
attached to it, plus it lets the U know you
are paying attention and noticing, and then more is added unto that.

The Money Tub Statement:

(Read this every morning before you start your Sword of Three's statement.)
"I know Pictures have Power. I see in my minds eye that I am bathing in my
Money Tub. Some days all I have to do is look at it,
and money and resources simply flow over me in ease"

Then write your Sword Statement.

"I Absolutely Possess MORE Money (or a $ Amount)"
And then write a very general agenda of what you want to do that day.
That’s It!

©MoneyTub Game/Susan James/Vast Five/ARR
Susan James Courses

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