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Manifesting My Way

From The
Factory Floor

The Story of...

Secrets In my Socks

And The Birth of....
Susan James
What's Inside ?

Introduction 1

The Story: Manifesting From The Factory Floor 2-5

and The Birth of Secrets In My Socks and Susan James Socks

Resources and SJ Links 6

Manifesting My Way From The Factory Floor

Originally written years ago, as with all higher truths, it still applies. I wrote this before
designing socks for Readers, Writers and Dreamers, which all began with “Secrets In My
Socks’ and this story. I wrote this then and re-producing it now, to tell the story of how
using higher tools can and will move us easily from where we are, to where we prefer to
As you will see, you may have to do things in secret, while buffering yourself from the
opinions of others, whom simply do not know, yet.
The thing that remains the same, is that the theme running through this essay, which is
how I’ve continued to build my livelihood is, ‘Effortless Visualization’.
It’s been my intent along the way to encourage the easiest ways and means for us have
what we want. I’ve done this for myself and others with games; games which would help
me do the practice without all the feeling of doing.

Planting seeds of manifestation and understanding the gradual momentum that they
provide for whatever it is that we desire for our lives, is the backbone, the back story of
the success in using higher tools. Higher tools may be found in Metaphysics and the
Esoteric, which are my preferred ways, as well as the Spiritual and various Religious
beliefs. Always expanding us along the way.
It is with my hope and intent as you move your eyes across these words, that you find it
entertaining, helpful, inspirational and even more importantly a believability in that you
can have whatever you want, without goofing it up first, no matter where you are or from
where you start!
Simply Change Your Socks!
Best and Splendid Success in All Things!
Susan James
Susan James Socks Secrets In My Socks

Secrets In My Socks / Copyright Susan James / Vast Five / 426 Writer, LLC

Page 1
Manifesting My Way From The Factory Floor

Manifesting My Way From The Factory Floor

(The Birth of Secrets In My Socks and Susan James Socks)
By Susan James
When you have followed a professional career path and then make a deliberate choice to
work on the bottom rung of a factory floor, the resistance from others is staggering. But
that’s exactly what I did. However, I used my manifesting skills among The Staggers.
During that period of time I was teaching myself a new level of manifesting skills, but had
not yet reached a place that allowed my business to carry me without supplementing my
income from another source. No big deal, many people do that to get by, so what? So
what? I’m not the least bit interested in just getting by!
For me it was a big deal, based on the subject matter I write about. I was in that place
between a major rock and a hard place. It was beginning to look like maybe all the things I
write about weren’t working. Even if they did work, I couldn’t make them work for me. I
was more than mad at anything and anyone that made up the cosmos or supported them
in any way.

Push had come to shove. I needed more money to live. I couldn’t explain the situation to
anyone. I couldn’t tell those who read my stuff, and I couldn’t explain how important this
was to those who had no idea about manifesting skills: The Stagger People.
I knew what I didn’t want. I didn’t want to work for someone else. Yes I could get a good
job but it would consume all my time including time that I should spend writing. I knew
that what I was doing, teaching others to manifest, was what I should do with my life. At
the same time, I was not interested in living in limited conditions.
There I was, writing about the merits of teaching ourselves to apply manifesting skills, and
needing more money now, because I didn’t have—not just enough—I didn’t have any.
This is how and why I chose factory work.

I wanted a job that would allow me to run my business during the time of day I was at my
best. I did not want to train for some “big deal” job, which would take away from my
business expansion. I wanted a job that would let me be anonymous, where I didn’t have
to be on all the time. I just wanted to collect the money long enough to move on and out
of the job.
The strategy began, 2nd shift, 3:30 to midnight. I would run my business during the day
and after getting off at midnight, I’d spend another two hours working on my stuff. Then I
would just collapse to get up and do it again. I was also cleaning toilets in a friend’s
business to help him out. That was at six a.m. each morning. Then it was back to my
business at 8 a.m., and god please fit a nap in before heading to the factory around three.
My plan was to continue to practice my manifesting skills while I was working at the
factory. And those same skills would move me out of it. It was a solid intention. I knew this
stuff did work!
Then things got worse.

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Manifesting My Way From The Factory Floor

I had nearly made the decision to get the factory job, but had not set up the interview. So,
as I’m sitting in an intersection to come out of the mall, my car died. Not just broke down.

I knew…due to all that I knew…exactly what this was about. I sat there and laughed. I knew
push had come to shove. And I was being shoved.
There I sat in my car. Not even 60 seconds had passed and as I start to get out of the car
that is now holding up traffic, this older fellow gets out of his truck, which was behind me.
He had a cigarette hanging from his mouth, unshaven, and he was as we say; three sheets
to the wind, in the middle of the afternoon. I just chuckled. He was offering to help, and
the cosmos were taking their best shot. They sent me help, but they were gonna have a
laugh over it!
I took one look at him and knew he wasn’t going to be much help in pushing the car to the
curb. I thanked him and asked if he could get behind the wheel while I pushed the car,
then maybe he could guide it as it drifted to the side. He fell into the seat, and we got it to
the curb and parked.
The car story gets more interesting from a manifesting level, but I must leave that for
another article. After burying my car, I finally went to the factory for the interview. Lucky
for me, they wanted to put me to work right that minute. Seems there’s lots of turnover
for under paid, over worked, factory workers.

Paperwork done, rules given like don’t chew gum, as I’m sitting there with a big wad in my
mouth. (I seemed to break that rule a lot, and underhandedly helped others do the same.)
The supervisor handed me my equipment, hair net and earplugs. I was thrilled. I don’t
even wear hats. Hairnets…I had my choice: small, medium, large. One color: Brown.
Matched my hair at the time. I’ve gone blonde since.
My new friends-to-be and I made aluminum pans of all shapes and sizes. Big presses like
cookie presses, with huge sheets of aluminum rolls, made their way through these huge
very loud press machines. On the other end of that was me, the new factory worker,
catching the pans and stacking them while checking for mistakes and then packing them
in boxes before the next stack of pans rolled off. If we didn’t make it in time, we had pans
all over the floor. Did that many times!
On top of the job itself, and the fact that there was no air conditioning in this huge
sweatbox, there was the cafeteria.

This cafeteria was like no cafeteria that I had ever seen. It was a small room with long
tables. No ventilation and one refrigerator where we all kept our lunch bags. Lunch was at
7:30 p.m. for those of us on 2nd shift.

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Manifesting My Way From The Factory Floor

The Cosmos and the Big Kuhuna were not done with me yet. No rest for those who had to
be shoved into their next step.
I don’t smoke. However 99% of these factory workers did. During two-ten minute breaks
and lunch, they would stick 10 cigarettes each in their mouth. The cafeteria was filled with
thick smoke and about eighteen people wearing hairnets and earplugs. Not pretty, but
aside from the smoking, I was proud to be one of them.
I surveyed the situation and surveyed me. I thought about what I knew I needed to do,
based on what I know of light energy and using it on purpose to manifest. I decided I was
going to make some new friends and have a great time, and break as many rules as I
could without getting fired until I was ready to go.

And that’s what I did. I made some great friends. I fell in love with these people, even the
ones that wanted to beat my ass. I blended in well with the factory dialect. Their wages
were super low, and the work was super hard. Most knew if they lost those jobs, they
would not get another. They were at the mercy of the supervisors no matter how
unreasonable or unhappy these supervisors were.
One thing that many of them had in common was that they had no hope of ever moving
beyond factory work. They had no dreams of better lives, and they seemed to know it in
their hearts and minds. They had given up, if they ever did have dreams. These were
young people for the most part. Well except Mary. Mary had narcolepsy. She would
balance the pans with her finger so that when she fell asleep they would wake her up. It
was everyone’s understanding that Mary needed that job and we needed to keep her
awake when the Supervisors did their walking around.
I knew I would be leaving. I just didn’t know when. That was my only advantage.
How did I know I would leave?

One of the many rules I broke was that you are never to take anything to your press.
Every single day I broke that rule because I brought something to my station. I brought
new intention statements. Things to read between pans flying off the belt onto the floor. I
hid them in my socks; I hid them under the table; I wrote things on the table. I was
manifesting myself outta that place and I knew it!
After playing a bit with my new friends in the smoking room where we also must eat, I
would go and hide in a loft. I would read the intention statements to keep myself lifted. I
understood clearly the purpose of expanding my vibrations and light energy. Eventually I
would leave the factory and I knew it.
Now things really got funny…and still the cosmic joke on me. I decided I was going to
enjoy these people and I always know I can change the room. So each day, I chose to
change that room, that cafeteria room as well as the factory floor. I was doing it for me
and for my skill-development, but also knew others would benefit.

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Manifesting My Way From The Factory Floor

The day came when I gently mentioned that I wrote some books. Eighteen hair netted
people all choked and laughed at the same time. Looky here, we have a writer! Then the
natural question came: Well, Susan…what do you write about?

I held back the answer, knowing what would come as soon as I opened my mouth. Finally
I summed it up as simply as I could, to hopefully keep my pain and crucifixion at a
How to Make Your Dreams Come True. Yep…
These new friends of mine knew nothing about me, but they knew I was working in a
factory so that can only mean so much.
Well the peeing in their pants, and the choking over their cigs lasted well into the buzzer
for us to get back to the floor.
There are many wonderful stories about this experience, but the point I want to make is, if
we want to change our lives there is a shortcut. That shortcut involves teaching ourselves
manifesting skills. There is a skill development involved.
Manifesting skills and learning about vibrations and light energy is not the same as goal
setting and success 101. Those elements will take us only so far, and then there is a wall.
We can take the shortcut to all that we want, by developing a higher level of skill. It takes
practice. I was willing to practice. I still practice, but my skills are at higher levels now.

The moment came when I knew it was time for me to go. Then came my very last night of
standing in that line at midnight waiting to punch out. (I’d never had a job before where I
had to punch a clock.) There were many tears of love that night. One of my boyfriends
sobbed; it was a very sad moment. I still miss those people. Several of them keep in touch.
And when I run into them these days, it’s a wonderful moment for both of us.
My point in telling this story is: If I can do what I have done with the simple shortcuts that
the Joking Cosmic God’s give us to use, then anyone can. No matter your level or lack of
So the next time you see one of those disposable lasagna pans or turkey roasting pans or
assorted aluminum pie pans, think of me and know with a little practice, using a new level
of tool, you too can make your dreams come true.
Oh, and don’t be surprised if you find one of my slips of paper embedded in your pans!
Susan James

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Manifesting My Way From The Factory Floor

All Things Susan James And Where to Find Secrets In My Socks!

SJ Socks may be found on Susan’s sites as well as Amazon and Etsy!
Thanks for Visiting!
Susan James Casual
Reflecting Products of Effortless Visualization & Immaculate Momentum
Susan James Socks
(Socks for Readers, Writers and Dreamers)
Susan James Socks
Susan James Casual (Amazon)
Secrets In My Socks & MORE on Amazon

Susan James Casual

Reflecting Products of Effortless Visualization &
Immaculate Momentum

Susan James Casual & MORE (Etsy)

Everything Susan James

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Susan James Books on Amazon
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Page 6
And Remember...........
The Truth Does Not Bend,
But Our Use Of It
Allows Us To Bend Everything.
Susan James

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