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Steps to SuCCess

Career Exploration for

Freshmen and Sophomores
Program Focus
- Developing or refining a four-year plan to assist students in identifying
career interests
- Exploring careers based on students’ strengths and interests
- Developing 21st Century employability skills (critical thinking, creativity,
collaboration, communication, citizenship and empathy)
- Learning about local career options through visits and guest speakers
- Identifying ways to give back to the community through a variety of local
- Exposure to career and education options at Southeast Community College
- Visits to businesses and general interest sites around town
- Local guest speakers
- Service opportunities
Course Work Expectations
- Two to three paragraph reflection after each experience
- Attendance
- Celebration of learning in May (Share artifact of learning)
How to Enroll
Navigate to SCC’s website to complete the application

Click on:
High School Students
Application for Concurrent Enrollment
Complete the application
Your child’s Social Security Number is needed to register

“Arts & Sciences Concurrent” and “Not pursuing a degree”

Who to contact
Freshman contact
Mr. David Ruehs
(319) 753-2211 Ext. 1016

Sophomore contact
Mr. Reggie Shipp
(319)753-2211 Ext. 1012

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