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Fill in the blanks/Objective questions:

1. Supreme court is the highest judicial tribunal in India.

2. Post-mortem examination should be conducted in day light.
3. Phooka/Doomdev is method of introducing air in to vagina of a milch animal.
4. Import of animals is regulated according to the Livestock Importation Act, 1898.
5. Frauds in the sale of livestock are punishable under section 420, IPC.
6. The animal welfare board of India is established under Prevention of cruelty to animals, 1960 act.
7. All acts on animal welfare are not applicable in Jammu & Kashmir state.
8. Cross examination in court is followed by re-examination.
9. The edges of lacerated wounds are torn and irregular.
10. Exit wound is larger than the entry wound in case of gun-shot wound.
11. Giving false evidence in any judicial process is punishable under IPC section 193.
12. Seeds of the plant Abrus precatorius are used to poison the cattle.
13. Unauthorized entry of an animal in standing crop is punishable under The cattle trespass act.
14. Maiming is rendering animal permanently useless for work.
15. Algar-mortis is the reduction in body temperature following death of animal.
16. Burns are injuries produced by the contact of the surface of the body with flame, radient heat or some
heated solid substance like metal or glass.
17. Rodenticide which acts as anticoagulant is Warfarin.
18. Issuing or signing false certificate is a punishable act under section 197 of IPC.
19. Evidence has been defined in the Indian evidence act, 1872.
20. Two types of evidences are Oral and Documentary.
21. Lacerated wounds are caused by tearing of the tissues.
22. Punctured wound is also called as penetrating wound and is caused by pointing bodies such as knives,
daggers etc.
23. An incised wound is produced by sharp cutting weapon.
24. A scar is formed as a result of the healing process of a wound.
25. Takayama method is used for blood stain examination.
26. In Takayama method of blood staining, pink, feathery crystals of Haemochromogen are formed.
27. A green or blue colour in benzidine test indicates the Positive reaction.
28. Brown or yellowish-red rhombic crystals of haemin are seen in Teichmann’s test. It is also known as
Haemin crystal test.
29. Drowning means the prevention of atmospheric air from entering the lungs caused by the submersion of
a body in water.
30. Mode of death in case of drowning is asphyxia, shock and fatal injuries.
31. CPCSEA stands for ………….. Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of
Experiments on Animals.
32. Animal birth control rules 2001.
33. RFID stands for Radio frequency identification.
34. Button tag and Loop tag are two types of RFID available.
35. IPC 192- Making false entry in any book or record.
36. IPC 415- Sale of unfit meat.
37. IPC 377- Bestiality.
38. IPC 275- Sale or issue of adulterated medical preparations.

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