Meng422 Vehicle Emissions

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VEHICLE EMISSION TESTING What are the major pollutants from What are the emission limits?

petrol and diesel engines? Petrol Vehicles

Carbon Monoxide (CO) All new petrol vehicles have to meet limits for HC,
This leaflet gives advice to drivers about emission NOx and CO.
testing, information about pollution from vehicles, This is generated from the incomplete burning of
and ways in which motorists can reduce it. fuel in the engine. In the U.K. road traffic produces Vehicles used first before 1 August 1975 are tested
91% of all CO emissions. When it is inhaled it visually. Vehicles used first between 1 August 1975
Elmbridge Borough Council has teamed up with reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and 1 August 1986 must have CO not exceeding
the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) and can cause headaches, fatigue, stress, 4.5% and HC 0.12% of total exhaust emissions by
and the Police in order to carry out roadside checks respiratory problems and at high levels - death. volume. For vehicles first used after 1 August 1986
of vehicles so as to: the CO value drops to 3.5%.
• reduce pollution from vehicle exhausts, Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
• take the worst polluting vehicles off the road, Diesel Vehicles
These are produced from the burning of fuel in
• make motorists more aware of the importance the engine. In the U.K. road traffic is responsible Those used first before 1 August 1979 are tested
of regularly maintaining vehicles so as to keep for 49% of all NOx emissions. NOx emissions visually, those first used after that date have a
their emissions within the legal limits all the year contribute to the formation of acid rain, combine metered smoke test.
round. with hydrocarbons to form low level ozone
pollution, and may contribute to lung disease Taxis
What do the roadside checks particularly during pollution peaks.
Licensed taxis are subject to annual smoke and
involve? emission tests.
Any car, taxi, coach, bus or lorry may be stopped,
Hydrocarbons (HC)
regardless of whether it is a petrol or diesel engined These are compounds of hydrogen and carbon and Vehicles with advanced emission
vehicle. Their exhaust emissions are checked on are present in petrol and diesel. Benzene is an control systems.
the spot by a vehicle examiner. The limits for example. Petrol in the U.K. contains about 2%
different pollutants are detailed in the Road benzene. In the U.K. road traffic is responsible for Since 1 January 1996 some vehicles with
Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986. about 35% of all HC emissions. HCs react with advanced emission control systems have been
nitrogen oxides to produce a number of pollutants, required to meet tougher standards.
What happens if my vehicle fails including ozone, which can affect human health
its test? and also causes plant damage. Benzene itself What should motorists and vehicle
can cause some forms of cancer.
operators do?
The vehicle inspector will serve a legal notice on
you giving you 14 days in which to have the vehicle Smoke (particulate matter or PM) • Make sure vehicles are regularly maintained,
repaired or adjusted and the emissions retested checking the tuning, emission controls, and tyre
as part of an MOT test. If you don’t carry out the Smoke consists of fine particles of carbon coated pressures.
work and get the vehicle retested you can be with organic chemicals as a result of fuel being
• Don’t make unnecessary journeys. Short trips
prosecuted and fined. partially burnt in the engine. Increases in PM levels
use a lot of fuel, especially if the engine is cold.
are associated with increases in death from heart
Walk, cycle or use public transport more.
If you have also neglected to maintain you vehicle and lung disease and may cause lung cancer.
in other ways e.g. a blown exhaust or defective • Drive more slowly. Driving no faster than 60
suspension you can be prosecuted and fined. m.p.h. will reduce emissions and save fuel.
• Drive more gently. Hard acceleration and
sudden stops increase fuel consumption.
• If you are stuck in traffic for more than a minute, VEHICLE EMISSION
switch off the engine.

Smoky Diesels
We would welcome your comments on
If you see a diesel vehicle that is smoking badly this, or any of our other leaflets, to ensure
you can report it to the Vehicle Inspectorate for they meet the needs of the users of our
further action. Take a note of the registration services. Advice for motorists on
number of the vehicle, any identifying features what the test involves,
such as a company name, where and when you pollution from vehicles and
spotted it and then telephone the Vehicle and
Operator Services Agency (VOSA) listed below.
We can make this leaflet how to reduce emissions
A leaflet on this is available from the available as a large print version from vehicles.
Environmental Health Division. or as an audio cassette.
For further information on vehicle emission testing Please contact us to request
or to report a smoky diesel contact:
either of these versions.
Vehicle and Operator Services Agency
RTE Division
Mitcham GVTS,
Redhouse Road Strategic Director - Services
Croydon, Surrey D.R. Wiltshire, BSc, DipTP, DMS, MRTPI,
Tel: 0208 665 5715
Head of Environmental Health
A.M. Deag, BSc, MCIEH, DMS.
Don’t rely on your
Environmental Health Division,
annual MOT test! Elmbridge Borough Council,
Civic Centre, Tel: 01372 474750
High Street, Fax: 01372 474915
Your vehicle should Esher, Surrey DX 36302 ESHER Environmental Health Division
be roadworthy and KT10 9SD Minicom 01372 474219
Services Directorate
comply with
exhaust emission
standards 365 days
of the year. JUNE 2005


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