Identifikasi Jurnal: General Objectives

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Name : Dita Dwi Lestani

Class : PBI 4C
NPM : 1618500041
1. Identifikasi Jurnal
Judul : Learners’ Perceptions on the Effectiveness of VideoScribe on
Improving Listening and Speaking in Rural School of Sarawak.
Pengarang : Terry Samuel SiRicord, Melor Md. Yunus
Nama Jurnal : The Asian EFL Journal Second Language Acquisition Academic
Research TESOL Indonesia International Conference Edition
December 2016 Volume 6.
a. Object of the reseach
General Objectives :
To investigate the learners’ perceptions on the effectiveness of Videoscribe
on improving the listening and speaking skills.
Specific Objectives :
To find out whether teaching using Videoscribe is an effective way to teach
and motivate students in listening and speaking English in Sarawak rural
b. Reseach Method
- As the aim of this study was to determine if using Videoscribe in
learning can improve listening and speaking skills, this study employed a
methodology that is qualitative in nature; exploring learners’ perceptions
on the use of Videoscribe.
- The participants were seven secondary school students from a school in
Dalat, Sarawak in the East Malaysia. Majority of the participants are
Melanau and their mother tongue is their local dialect, meanwhile their
second language is the Malay language.
- The study was conducted in two stages; the first stage was planning and
second stage was implementation. The duration of the study took two
weeks. During the planning, the selected participants were instructed to
explore Videoscribe, as an exposure to the ICT interactive platform.
c. Findings
- One particular finding is the willingness to actively participate among the
learners. It is common that learners who actively participate in any
language activity do better and will progress faster than others.
- Another finding from the observation was the learners’ ability to peer
check or do error correction. The learners were able to identify their
friends’ mistakes especially in pronunciations.
2. Types of research (Jenis penelitian)
Menurut jenis data dan analisinya penelitian menggunakan metode
qualitative karena pada penelitian ini menyelidiki suatu fenomena sosial dan
masalah manusia yaitu apakah menggunakan Videoscribe dalam pembelajaran
bisa meningkatkan keterampilan menyimak dan berbicara. Penelitian ini juga
menggunakan data kualitatif (data yang berbentuk data, kalimat, skema, dan
gambar) seperti pengumpulan kelengkapan data dengan wawancara semi-
struktur karena merupakan strategi yang paling tepat untuk memperoleh
wawasan tentang memahami suatu fenomena (Creswell, 2007; Raman &
Yamat, 2014). Wawancara itu ditranskripsi dan dianalisis. Serta melakukan
studi pada situasi yang alam seperti Pengamatan peserta dilakukan untuk
mengamati sikap peserta didik saat mereka melaksanakan proyek pembelajaran
bahasa atau juga dikenal sebagai Project-based Learning (PBL).

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