What's The Global Average Penis GIRTH?: 1. Barnacle

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What’s the global average
penis GIRTH?
Depending on which part of the world
you’re from, size differs. Admittedly, the
Thickness measurement. Or in this case, the measure of thickness data available is on length and not girth.
of a penis: you can be deodorant bottle-thick, canned corned But that’s good enough to determine
beef-thick, water bottle-thick, or Sharpie-thick. Genetics plays one’s level of play. The National Library
a huge role in determining a man’s girth and there really isn’t a of Medicine (MedlinePlus) pegs the
nonsurgical way to increase it other than an erection. average lenggth at 6 - 7 inches, the rough
equivalent in girth being 4 to 5 inches.


1. Barnacle
Compared with their whole body, this
arthropod is very well-endowed. They
can grow their penis to more than 10
times the size of its body. For a grown
man to have the same proportion, his
penis would have to be a few meters long.

2. The Blue Whale

As the biggest creature in the ocean, it’s
no surprise that the blue whale has a big
package as well. The average blue whale
penis can range between eight to ten feet.

3. African Elephant
We have no objection to the largest
land–dwelling mammal having the
largest penis. Your average African
elephant roaming the dusty fields can
have a penis length of a little over six
feet, we’ll leave the girth equivalent to
your imagination.

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