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FLIGHT 714 FLIGHT 714 EE deur at Hapjorte auraor, Gorn sifade, Lal gop Ror Mens aati, This 15 Djakarta, ten thousand T keep tolling you. Waren Jeval ea thundering typhoons! listering barnacies! Ojakarta! Djakarta! ai Djakarta!! DJAKARTA'!! Can How very strange you listen te what | say 7 Ta have sworn i was Djakarta. Rangoon? Yow sist Booking | Botany Bay?...1hen why didn't you say weld arrived ? No, Profeseor. we're vot in Australia yet. It's Djakarta. \ Yes, lknow, But | thought at first it = | Has Djakarta. This is wore like it. 1m no skye terrier... { prefer my Feet on the ground ! Transit passengers... that weane ue [[ Rey"... Stop!... Are to’make a Fool oF w |) (ouaKarra) | INTERNATIONAL ALRPORT V7. There! Lock! Kemajoran | Tell me, is this or is this vot Djakarta 7” < 7 KEMAJORAN $ | > & ) f | eee round the bend... Oh, Forget it Let's have a whisky... Whishy ? Drinking whisky when some poor devils can't even afford a cup oF tea... Like that old chap | || Always the same, ien’t it oor old Cutnpert, doesn & listen to a werd you say...head | inthe clouds again... ainays gets the wrong end of the stick) 41 | nd on anc on and ow and on || {| and ont | Took at him, wot a penny... where |] doce ne came from ! How iong Since he tad a square mical™ i I one saw Five-dolla his hat. Aha, my good deed for theday | No ‘Alone in the world....No one to care... Human Flotsam, one of life's Failures... even catches cold in te. ~ \Ltrapics, AAAAABAAH. What's this? .. ‘Am dreaming? AE lace [ we slip a can bay food ! 6 bill ato ieee such a noble coul my unknown sige eed benefactor il ? [te quite Q definitely = said Rangoon ! [7 Wes perfects saturn, ofcourse Anyone in my. position would have done the 1 SKUT'... Our old Friend Skut, the Estonian plot. What a wonder Captain Haddock! .. « Talad bo see And this is Professor Calculus. I'm J cure you've heard about him. Yes, yes..| proud to meet you Professor. ‘Sku, you Baltic bandit We haven't | seen you since that Red Sea scrimmage. What are you do I plot private aeroplane. You how famous tycaan Laszlo Carreidas 7... 0.K., him Laszlo Carreidas ? The aircraft manu rer ?The millionaire who never laughs him. Carreidas aireraPt, Car }| reidas cloth, Carreidas oil... starve ‘wspapers, Sami-Cola eyo International Astronaut all hina. We Well Vm ..! Thats where ‘we're going. Weve been BE. invited to the Congress.. BD guests oF honour, you the First: mem on the moon «++ kaow, No, by thunder! right oub, Forgaod | Puss, no upsets, no | contmotion @ Bravo! J thought you 90 on new adventure y p Blasted |] Almost shipper, here's mongrel, skulking down there! my neck !...Telex for you, the Blight pian ’ Thank you. | introduce: Pasto Colambani, co-pilot wit me My friends : Captain Haddock. Professor Calculus, Tintin. constant, light win: the south-east, low cloud base .,.everything 0.K.... Teheran Heis new navigator. Regular nnavigaten Pall Mion way, 8 Suddenly c9 hospital «. Colombani fill place "The willion never laughs". Him 2 ‘Ak, here come vty boss. Wir. Carreidas happy to meet. First men to land ‘on moon 8 whe, Adventures are out... This is a pleasure trip, | an ordinary Flight. No Mr, Carreidas, | please introduce my friends to you: Captain Haddock, Professor Cal- cutlus, Tintin. They went in rocket and were || |[First men on moon. You remember ?... iow d'you do, Mr. Carreidas, a I mever shake hands: it is ex- Spalding, secretary of M:Carreidas| || tremely unhygiemlc. | do vaguely remember some expedition, but 4 | the details escape me...As [reall it didn't affect the stock market. “4 CR: ot on) | Yes Mr. Carreidas. So you are en route for || Hong Kong ? the Congress in Sydvcy.|| No, we're Theard you'd be || attending the coming along. Congressin Syne j Order the usual, eh, Spald- ] |A remarkable day, gentlemen! ing? We muser't be | || haven't laughed for years! We must extravagant, muct wet} || havea proper celebration... Allow me to offer you some. Sani -Cola. Healthy, invigorating, overFiowing with chlorophy!... You like ib ? Noy Me. Carreidas, Ha! ha! hat] He's price | less. A | Tell me, Captain, as a seafaring man I'm sure you're fond oP } ba... baa... baa. J er...f mean, {was inthe merchant service. T don't know much about naval warfare. One of my ancestors Went: in For that sort of thing .. natural suttleships Battle: Pe No, wo, the gam ing! ]| |[ These gentlemen are travelling with us. Have their || game ‘Battleships’... airline Eickets cancelled and transfer their baggage to my aircraft right away, know it ? Well, I have. layed... yes Carreidas . It's very kind of you, Mr.Carreidas, but we really cannel a Your health ! Aa Ye NG: Qantas ai 16 announce the de parture of their Fight “ (Wo, Mr. Carreidas, Twas thinking .. I.don't pay you to think, | ‘Spalding. Patience, Spalding, 419: ae || h b0 Sydney. Allpaccangers to gate No.3, pleas Ne, Mr, Carreidas. our recervations... Dorit give it a fought. tell But there's Snowy .. V he's sucha fidgety @ traveller, and... , willarrange every: a a) Nee ‘ He's gone! He's escaped from his lead! Look, he's chewed it through and slipped off comewner EXCUSE My I must go after him' Snowy .. Ragety Great Sane! Now where’s thal rapscallion ? [is that you, Walter ?...Spalding | hhere..duick .Listen,. You muse contineL the chiet' old Sneeze= Teo late, Spalding every - thing's Fined. Anynay, you don't realy imagine the chio?'s going Fe change jis plans fortaree stray hangers-on... Youhave ourcrders; do as you're * told. thing could be wrecked, and f. travel with ue Friends of the | accidental Soit's all off... So there you are, rascal Come here! fates, ome] Tknow you hate this scene but you have to wear it... You'll land yne in all sorts of trouble. J... J didn't see youthere .. I was en. telephoning... Adistant cousin who. .er... lives in Ojakarta «Now | must sce about your luggage and cancel your reservations. Vim sorry tobe a | nuisance... Not at all. Delighted bo be of service. See you later. ‘And you, Professor. You enjoy Battleships 7 | \P] Battledore? Lused tobe very \ good... And not only battledore. ‘ve been an all-round sportsman in my time, though you may not think Tennis, giviming, rugaer, soccer, fencing, exating | Lid them all in my young days. Not Forgetting the boring, and even savate,,. No, no,no! J said baied eo Dias abel thoy dae altaa nowadays with their & et tatir hans, too: wrestling, Savate! That was i anna] | ee as ae aren | Perhaps Tima litsle cut of practice. It'd || coon come back iF T went into training. Isn't it time you I stopped acting the Ho! hat hal He's |X [gost [eaeree = fellow > Are you coming Captain Spalding was right Sneezewort has collected taree. passengers... that's Eheir bad fuck! .But..but Everythin go now, YI And about time too, Soaldinai_ | vourssifout, 2} | Ne | J must be seeing things! ... It's Tintin !! The most advanced aircraft, with a crew oF four, and cix passengers. At 40,000 Feet the cruising |) || Feature lies in the aerodynamics of the Speed is Mach 2, orabout 1,250 mp. The Kolls-Royce-Turbomeca turbajets deliver iv total’ 18,500 Ibs of Earast... This is my newest brain child ; the Carreidas 160, A triple jet executive Ay. & the I Telefono From New York for il sig- nor Commendatore, That'll be Goldberg. a P Please, Please board the airs gentlemen, Gino, look after my gueste, Ah, there's Gino, wy steward ... A Neapolitan. I’ wonder... Si, Sigmar Commendatore Hello... Yes... OP course: the What's that ?... Parke Bennet sale Wel ?,Tiee|| || Owasets after thew? Picaséoe, two Beaques andaRewoir || || .. Them buy! “Junk! ... ‘Anyway,Thavert|| || Get them all! .. inch fey MQM, Co hang them. ||| What 2...1 done af care how much, | buy! You wot navigator Colammbani...Thisie vew | radio operator, Hane Bochin More. new crew 7 But presto presto il signer Spalding Find new radio operator... il Signer Spalding is molto intelligente... 1) Sionor Spalding .-- i... wo fortuna we have on this viaggio, .. Other radio operator in accidente with petrol tanker... That's what If caugit ry Foot in this | You are ridiculous, Spaiding |} |/ A buffoon, Spal Ibiasl: coin tite telephone Ridiculous you are, a buffoon’! Hal ha! ha! . ———_ se Hol ho! ho! Has.. i But |... Yes, Mr. Carreidas. Grotesque, Spalding. Pe: ie ‘ ¢ = eee [ Baan 7 Tamils | tom, | usual place, Hi Sane, Great stocks and shares! That's the third time. I've laughed today What's the mateer? IF I go on like this I'l have to see my doctor. how, please make yourselves ] comfortable and fasten your seat-beits for take-off. Fishy going on .-- ty C iN [ow then, Copeain, what atone a Ht Uae he sone game of Battleships? "Tnece's something wid T [Catling xB42...The bird has Flown towards the cage... Bean. C4-D4-E4? Not a bad start, Captain k a submarine, but the other no shots went inte the water. e This is going to be good '... Now for my pipe. dh, { hope. [] the siwoke won't bothier yeu ? Smoking is strictly prohibited, Captain’. Even the sul oP tooncco upsets me My tur vow. Let me see...A4— and C2 [Ged shot Mr. Carrcdas! A destroyer suc with two sells, and a Wit on another iL destroyer, Captain! All three shots sea... J think I'll try AB~ C8, Blue. blisterin | bamnscles! A cruiser sue: three direct hits!..You're aychig! .. Stil what do you say to C6-D6-£6, ch? All wissed , I'm afraid What bad luck!....haven’t ‘got second-sight, you know... just natural talent, that's dil Now Tyaust concentrate ... Anyone'd think he - could see wy Board And what's more, he won't let me ‘smoke! ev be dreaming 'sedd... | wear... [muse SE The wing? What about the win, I What about the wing? Nothing, {| Really ?.-: except its come loose! || Where ? | be9 your pardon , but I don't see what's {| s0 amusing about being iv an aeroplane that Starts shedding it's wings in mid-air! What a pity: didn't see the qouse.... but modern aeroplanes move so Fast. Je's come loose”! Ha! ha! ha! Oh! ho! ket AHAHAAL A goose aineraFt, Captain. It's just the as though someone was talking on the eelephone, ringing me up inside my head |... You cas laugh, | but that's what happened, just like [ said... Wew-who? We who's speaiiing? | Wuat did you say “im not Co make "You understand 2 1b was jt like loudspeaker, inside my head! can't believeit . cs a Oh?... Wel, it's perfectly simple: you can ask that gentleman there. You still don't believe me? Professor |... Where Have you come You're still sceptical? From ?,..And where are the others? You see! Twas quite right, wasn't 12 No, no, Professor, Ea Good eveninks, gentlemen. Happy meatini you hese. ' Thought transmitter:..Telepachy is | Phenomenon attractink very litle study in world of science...human world of science, zab's, In otaer world of H science, thought tranemission has been commen For many years, Other world? What other world ? I am initiate, soto say... Zab is, like umber of other men, actin as link q between earth and... another lance. My job to extra errestriais informed on all aspects of human activity... Understand- ink 7... Meetink with zem on zis island, twice @ year... No, sit. | won't speak again ..1 beg your pardon? f ce No, won't interrupe 1...%e6,i I Name is Mik KanrokitoF®, Have } |[ Certainly, You see tiny insteument with mial- genial? The Famous KanrokicoFt of fhe magazine Space-Neck’? Me? ... Niet! Ordinary human eink like you You aren't crying to , I've had anough oF you and your cock-and-bull story! [ don't believe word of it, You com'e Fool me with yourastre- nomical asininities! -..ih aig ancient temple Forgotten bby men, Dut not obhers, who have been comink here for thousands of years... You saw statue? Astronaut, yes? ip bring. nk me here last night. Zis morn- ink observed great activity on zis island, which is usually deserted. Ayn watchink extra- ordinary preparations, 2en aeroplane is landink. Have realised zat operation is trap... I can't control him,..He's gone | | | cee what you mean. J crazy. and he kicked me on Maybe we could (at hint go ree. Dyou think hes J will have Stillunder theinfluencel morn off of You'll pay for this Naver have | been <0 ingulted!...And { want my hab... Immediate yl... Where is my hab?... Give me my hat! [asian omy nat Someone goand look for my hat!l | save him From wn Now, at once!.-1t3.a pre- | ff Wimsoif ave simply had | war Bross and Clackwell, {'A fl to tie Wim up, anduse have you kaow!._..[t's iereplace- able!... My hat, { tell you! Why is beink angry? My beautiful Bross and Glackwell!...Ib's all dirty... Ab, it's only a coating of lust. Zere is yourhat. Put on | and be quiet. By what ?...You dare to use that voice tome? You don't #4 know who | am, V'suppose ? Thank you! Tank youvery much ! I'm sopleazed tohave fis quite simple.ts hyp- |] haven’e gotit | | Well keep on ie'baae Lelways catch || [novieed Nowbeiiesea'e | back toresne® ooking! Biavolo, (4 cold when my head's f wearink his hat =. No, quite they cane have uncovered, straight es f ean Eo, can continwe explainink. Aero”) plane comink down vicar here terrible landin Ay seeink you taken prisoner and led away toold block ouces Ts 20. But when you are free am leeeinis you beink Followed by other Imen. TAecidink is time For we to inter Wvene. So, arn gettink into telepathic communication with you and guidink you to zis temple. 25, Due We Managed bo escape... Bu gaved our tives | Without your help, Who knows... (Some. people need every single thing spelled ont in words of one syllable, Have you lost something? Can't you see my hat has Fallen of? ? See there, on wall. 1 certainly machine used by people From. other planet. ‘So mow we've come bo Flying-saucere! You're going too far: we aren't as guilible as that! You still doupt ? So, 4,| look over there, to your right decidink what toda with you. Aw expectink astroship very 500m ..You in your world say Plyink-saucer. Thousands of years ago, men were build- J] [ It looks lthe an astronaut 1 IT j ink zis temple to worship gods who are with a helmet, microphone, earphones... ar TS ct comink From sky in Firo-chariots, In i] y Fact, fite-chariots are astroships, like ‘And there, on the zat one. And gods... but you ha left, down by the statue; what What's J statue is You're sure it's , thing, it won'e ie has Wis initial Jo's jammed {Vie IF it slipped under the ctatue 3 ! 1 you must be able to get it Out, K t { were ee Pool!... {t hasn't been glued IMBECILE to the Floor! Pull, you milksop, = Pallhard! Pull! Sorry, bose! x 4 So sary! Goon! Goon! The statue must was standing ov it...In whicyy |) be hinged... I] case...0P course, it's obvious: there mut be a Secret passage...50 start looking! All of yout Alia, my clover Friends, you don't know Rasta- popoulos...['ll get you, if | have to demolish this temple stone by stone! Quiek, go back to our ink aiid bring all Ee plastic explosive intended For those silly Sondon— f(t won't shift, boss...1F only we had soine dynainite. ly We had soine dynamite Y Dynamite %...We can do better than that | Wewere talkink abouts extra-Eerrestriais: whab 2ey will do with you, Probably besinninix by hypnotisink you. What? Hypno- tiging us? About Flight? How [ Knowink ?... Nothink tele- Pathicin zat .Your comrades Skutand Gino are tellink te. men! ‘Oh yes, | encérea temple by another secret epen- ink atsame time as professor. Guards zat you tie et 26 Spread No, 10, a chousand times nat Yow don't really believe we'd tet our- | Selves be hypnotised by your | prehistoric saucor-aiin am Free. 2ay are mannink back and [[isaltriane, (= att right, you are comin tomo harm. You will be hyPatised and | |Jare Foreettink all zat you haye seen space-) land heard here, eomemberinn only A] flight as faras Sumbawa im Car Feidas airceate. Not om your hie am Summonink zom, boo... 26y Young saan, yivid your man | ners I tock off my hat to you... You could at least naise yours in return! ‘A up, | hypnotise zem too and ink panic amonk zelr comrades. T wouldn't dream of it! [Twendwe dreamaF con- tradicting you, net for one moment, but L myself consider tinat thé temperature. here isa little too high. B [Fie should have been The barnp on my back ages age. I'll's gone... blow tieir statues That's a geod omen it means my luck’: f || sky-high...Then we'll i .- Hello? Yes, is over... Earthquakes very Frequent in zis area, but never severe...¥ee zis time . am wonderink ., Ba Cuthbert, Htbeg your J Your hat ? please!’ |] parton: he I You have started it! it on your f head ga ib aa feonne Pes, am sensink somethink f | strange tn ain. Must not stay j | here... Come, will rejoin J A your ] Mot know why, but zis time I feelink very comrades. is good to see you again, ‘Mamma yi Skut, you old ff Come,come, Tanto gioia ko pirate! must not See again i igor You Fee, bot, vere wat an amy Carty uaiKe... I hnow that, wmitwit!.. tn the About tive tool... But what's happened ? . Z rame oF tne devil [stop that baby-taik! ImpofFible, boff : | JoFt my beef. Confound ed Fondonefiant vey did vif tome, batF! Ye. yer, bof: [ did all | could to teop’ vem efcaping. [twat hopelert... like trying €o Feop |} a Feampeie, Ae wat, [wat | very nearly maPfacred, ‘ Ven J got vere, vey vere in a panic. Laft hight vove Prange lightf inve Fuy, To- Inight an earFauake, You felt it here... vey all cuPFed back to veir jumkP and make OFF into ve dark netF Ike. Frightened rabbitf. And | suppose you didn't Tift a finger, to” stae Chem! Thal'P it... We've got Five minuteP I We'll have fome Flpendid é | te’ger to farety. Firework? bof: vere’? enough to FaratP ve Empiel, Fate Building to Pmivvercent, Few more minutes and we are comink out of underground... j rr : Wait For me. I wou be f I It's on your tnead'] || Yes, yes! Your hats fl No, this one isw't i Come back on your head, Mr. a minute. 1 must Find mine! JE leaks! my hat! ‘And what's, ti ‘smell... [t's sulp) némyhat!.., | Twant it! Fine!..that's splendid'...You're ff going faster than e naw! 548 ae = <4 go. oe CAPTAIN |... THE LAVAL, THE LAVA! dys Let your- | seieside down Phew! I thought Frying -pan tat time! Come on quickly! We haven't ‘4 moment to lose! I'm coming, l'mcoming . That ectsplass Gareeidas, ester watch Out! Purple profiteering jellyfish! He'll be, steak and kidney padding if Tcatch birt $5 like a Parnace down Ah, is good, 13 good! You safe and sound! Cor i me zis was The voleane's comets ite. FF The heat is becoming intolerable an IP thie goes oem. Alas 20. Earthquake probably caused small crack inold Feed pipe of volcano. Is not 0 ddugeraus. But 2en | explosion is set off sand is enlargink crack and dillowink gas and lava co es cape....n zat case, eruption of Volcano is followink...Let us be hopink astroship is comink at rendezvo [ And what about all this smoke? You're doing Te-on purpose. Me with my sensitive throat | Are you trying to kill me ? Zis way, quick t Cor come on. And | hold that over your nose! AX Look over there! The sky's blood red! Yes, yes, IF wow is comink poisonous gas! Hold handkerchiefs over your mouths! y =~ Ff — Well, well, well? Let's see, whats this down What's happening | |_ here? now ? ra i —— 4 Phew! Atiastt A | lovely breatin oF 00d f I fresh air BOM stroohip should WB be comink Mere, ea ra Verabberadinghy! melt Penvange meant ... of eFcape! Wait! Wait for me! Allan! Allan! Help! [Not sofast! Wait for me} must be lava Flowinie down side Cuthbert! 4. Where is Cuthbert 727 Tintin §.. The professor! He must sake! Come back, For heaven'e have been left benind | ‘Come back, Tintin! Come back, my a young comeade. know... ring him up ise Is useless risk- ae) Fe " ink your life. elpme!...Here... help me ing varnacles! Good old a] te Yippee! who's comin [fora midnight. What happened? Did he answer? Yes, is answerink {3 tellink me to I 30 to...! Avd such How's that, Cuthbert... Bskter? Another Few seconds and the lake will have vanished|.,..Whatever.. [ whew! That's that for the time being! Lucky |] ie was only azh and |] water vapout, wot lava || and chunks of rock! Astroship' Astroship! -J8 Zere... right above us... Caw hear it! What, that buzzing like a bee? [B2Z 82zz Bzz Bzzz | zere could be another ||| astrosnip, But First, as Yes, please be hurryink | You are goink aboard Not a yf I bake my hat alloon? | | eruption... Yes, be am explain, [ hypnotise Nee Jf cff'to econ A balloon?) i fowerink ladder, they laud'ta thie FS inapoceibicit] [| Pleaze murky gloom! Now, gentlemen, you are at air- port’ ac Djakarta. You are board: tink, Carreidas aircraft, Flyink to Sydney. Zere is ladder. Please go up First, Mr, Carreidac. UWE but of the quzstion estdos | | woutane dieses: | that sortof mummery wouldn't | |Lwoudae affectus wou affect us! EE ve? Naton your tat 1 woulder apfoct ua Excellent... You are ail in airerare . You follawink hi, eateszo, and'zon you, Captain Sut You raisink iad ladder quickly, Chie? Pilot! I fp] hearin’ danger- Kf ous cumblinke... Gino, plaase Now you ‘goup doctor. You takink Showy, Tintin... And last Is goink Captain Haddock [FZ Is just intime!...Thankink | f You, Me. Carreidas . You Captain Skut, you are at controls of you, Chie? Pilot. Youexcus- | |} playink Battleships with Correidas 160. Flight is uneventful, ink we now while Flookink | |} Captain Haddock. You cheatink, yf Novhink to report. after terrestrial comrades, ee No, wothsinic ae ali ! Is dinghy From Carreidae 160... Zatis suggesting how adventure. can be Finishink For Tintin and comrades, PE book ere! Ruboer dinghy ! ) [[ tts... is a flying-saucer'! lee | | tesa: Biavetst tee conan ee Por us! Fire, Allan! ... FIRE! i Fee fomefing in ve Phy! Whae iPit 2 <==] All listenink carefully. Zi5 machine }] FNow | spoakink to you, Captain ly Relicopter comink to Shut, And fo your comrades pou up...You climbink aboard! {| B You are forgetting everythin a zat is Mappenink since yester | You puttink guns down, | |Jeriminals!... Game is wp ..You Rietnni lyewotleponce, A ia day. Youauly rememberink i : zis: after departure from Djakarta P 4 for Sydney, unknown caxses are. forcink youto be ditchink aircraft {All in boat?,..Skub, Calculus, | Gino, Carreidas, Haddock, | Tintin, Snowy. ‘Good ... } takinic charge of others... | Now sleep, commdes. Zat i's | my commana! Continue pottol tae area During the night a volcano though to beextince has eruped onthe island of Pulau-pulau Bompa in the Celebes Sea. A Column of simcke wore than hiey ‘thousand Peck high is rising Prova Rehecrator, Observers ave kecring } Setdsine ene crapclon Hom the air ‘Ove wore pun, Dick. Soe iF we can film the crater, pears hasbeen resumed for the passengers and crew of Ug Caraidas aircraft which ‘disappeared yesterday ona flight F N todydncy. Hopes are Fading of | ing survivors, but aircraFe ———s Look Dick! Tao wind's carrying them Eowatds the island, and there's iava Flowing Into the sea. They'll be. boiled alive like lobsters! We've got to do something, We must save them! Hey, Dick! Look down here, at ten o'clock. Look! Good Lord! A fubber dingay! [a { Victor Hotei Bravo calling Macassar toner. We've spotted a rubber dinghy about a mile south of the valeano. Fivo onsix men aboard. We've vnade several low-level runs over them but there's mo sign of life...except for a little white dog. Feature, ‘recovered consciousness in a Javanose (aso [RREESoRENe Eun nS The Brilliant air-sea rescue of six of the men aboard { lizepital. Our on-che-spoc reporter has se | Bey | | millionaire Correidas’s plane made worid headline news. 4 cued the Fest incervien withthe msizry- ae Laszlo Carréidas and five companions were Found drifting ¥ Farachsurvivors..CelinChattaware in Boar, /ausay, | Vina dinghy snorethan 200 yes off their chedwlod a foute. They were snatched to safety only minutes from f | A put-p job, or I'm not ae death ina lava-heated cauldron, the sea around the Jolyon Wagg! Bet Carreidas oar ‘sland of Fulau-pulau Bompa. All the survivors were 4 | Admped his rotten old crate | | zufforing fiom severe shack. It was several hours before they... | for tie insurance. Let's bi HH with the owner of the air- All very sad, butwhat can About the ncedle-marks Found craft... This has been a terrible business you expect ? That's life, yow on your arm, Mr. Carroidas, fe for you, Mr. Carreidas, You mut be greatly know. What really annoys Seems hat your companions pat bythe ose of your probt}pe, ye, Piowgh in tice ose, | Aldi have THe and che tragic disappearance of your | hat’: a pre-war Bross and - oe eee me, | [ame ia Waals Tn vcr _ cai ie absolutely irreplaceable an ey ae [oye octet pecue f Fe rewiember:is tke gap I) in my mind... Inet under }) stand ... [5 like strange Captain Shut, you had to make a Forced landing. Can you Cell uz come- Ching about it, and wha happened afterwards? Your last radio mos~ sage sald you were Flying over Suimbawa and had nothing bo report, it @ horeible nightmare. Blow wie! Look who's here again, My old chum! The ancient. mariner From Maclinspike!... The old humbug, he deosnt half come Up with some comic curns! rH Ohy uaa : ee —_ T vaguely remember some grinning {) N1...well, L had a similar "a+ Ene most inexplicable part oF masks, and suffocating heat in dream.’ [t's certainly odd, this whole bucinese is...No, I Chink an underground passage... Professor Calculus will tell you ‘Thundering typhoons, IE wakes i oF tcl And theres his pal, ae young Sherlock Holmes! fA (Za Professor, will youshow them what Ht jf F Exactly !...Jt'sa metal rod with a you have found ? r ~ | f hemispherical head, | Nuts! [t's a common- |] or-garden valve! Pinched From a car engine! No, mo. 1 Found it in my pocket. To the untrained eye this ob ject presents nothing Unusual. But the first sus picioue Pace ie that | Found fein my packet How it got there I really have no idea ab ail... Extraordinary...But the matter really assumes a Pincastic charackor when T kell you this object is made of a metal hot found en our earth, Same old Calculoopy! TR Bit touched in the upper storey. Dale as well as deaf, See how violently my pendulum [iio my dear oir ive not a delusion. may reacts when Vholditovér the object | tell you, young man, chat I have had chis metal aralyzed in the laborateries at Didaréa I Uinwersicy: And, sin, the paysical chemicts J are quite unanimous : it is composed af J cobalt in the natural state, alloyed with f iron and nickel, Yos, indeed. Bue what does it mean? hhoot! Hat ha‘ ka Ii Hoo ht } Since cobalt in the natur. al state does not occur {on earch, this object is of { extraterrestrial origin. Profescor, you used the words "extra - terrestrial” fn this conuection, may [ show you a photograph, taken by an amateur in Cairo Jast Monday... the day you were found? «Please study it carefully. Bate in the belfry! ...Come on, Prof, give us some nore! Go the whole hog! Say it dropped off a Flying saucer, Made bya Mai with bis litele space: kik... Tell that to Lora Netson,he' fall his column iaugaing! J) A bottle of gin’... Frankly, f can s¢e-no connection ... fo me, the photograph would appear te show ah unidentified Flying object, popularly known a5 a Flying ~saucer. Do you think this ‘machine's con- nneched with te object yeu found? Would you agree with the photographer, who claims that it is indeed a Plying- saucer ?... And would you say that this machine is of extra-terrastrial origin? Round? That goes wich out saying. A saucer is always round, is (t not ? En. oPcouree,..Ovo Finalqueetion, Professor. [understand that you} and your companions are auf Fering From amnesia T be your pardon point I want tomake istaat accasional ¥ f the dectors accaunt For the Cases oP amnesia are not uncommon... face that you are ALL There's one reparted in che paper today. | f Suffering from amnesia The head Pa paychiabrio clinic in Cairo, 7 — Dr. Krollepell, nas just been Found wander. Y rey don't seem able ing near the outsaires of tne city, He'd Eo give an explanation tpeen missing for ynore hana month,

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