Resume Selvi-1296

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Resume Jurnal “Isolation of Alkaloid from a Medical Plant (A Case Study of

Morinda Lucida)” oleh Akpagu Francis C., Nnamani Emmanuel V. And Eze
Chukwuebuka G. I

Test For Alkaloid The goo from each bottle was boiled with 2ml of 5% sulphuric acid in 50%
ethanol about 10 minutes on a boiling water bath, it was cooled and filtered. Each filtrate was
divided into two portions and was properly labeled, one portion from each was used directly for
the following tests.

Uji Alkaloid
Goo dari masing-masing botol direbus dengan 2ml asam sulfat 5% dalam etanol 50% sekitar 10
menit bak air mendidih, itu didinginkan dan disaring. Setiap filtrat dibagi menjadi dua bagian
dan benar berlabel, satu bagian dari masing-masing digunakan langsung untuk tes berikut

Mayer’s Test 3ml of each filtrate of the sample was poured into a test tube and a few drops of
Mayer’s reagent added. The results were observed.

Uji reaksi Mayer : 3ml dari setiap filtrat sampel dituangkan ke dalam tabung reaksi dan beberapa
tetes reagen Mayer ditambahkan. Hasilnya diamati

Wagner And Lugol’s Test 3ml of each filtrate of the sample was poured into a test tube and a
few drops of Wagner and Lugol’s reagent added, the result were observed. The second part of
each filtrate was transferred into a separating funnel and was made alkaline with dilute ammonia
solution. The alkaline solution of each was then extracted with equal volume of chloroform.
Then the lower chloroform layer was separated from the aqueous ammonia layer by running off
through the tap. The aqueous layer of each sample was treated with the above diodal reagent that
is Mayer and Wagner and Lugol. The result were observed.

Uji reaksi Wagner dan Lugol : 3ml dari setiap filtrat sampel dituangkan ke dalam tabung reaksi
dan beberapa tetes reagen Wagner dan Lugol ditambahkan, hasilnya diamati. Bagian kedua dari
setiap filtrat dipindahkan ke corong pisah dan dibuat basa dengan larutan amonia encer. Larutan
alkali masing-masing kemudian diekstraksi dengan kloroform dengan volume yang sama.
Kemudian lapisan kloroform bagian bawah dipisahkan dari lapisan amonia berair dengan melalui
keran. Lapisan berair dari setiap sampel diperlakukan dengan pereaksi diodal di atas yaitu Mayer
dan Wagner dan Lugol. Hasilnya diamati.

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