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Carroll's model of social responsibility includes the social responsibilities categories of

_____________, ____________, and _____________ plus those at the discretion of the firm.

A.consumerism; discrimination; environment

B.ethical responsibilities; discrimination; legal responsibilities
C.ethical responsibilities; legal responsibilities; economic responsibilities
D occupational safety; legal responsibilities; economic responsibilities
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  Option: C

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Which of the following is a characteristics of

A.It presumed to the moral obligation

B.It is an old concepts
C.It is a universal philosophy
D All of the above
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  Option: D

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The environmental analysis includes

A.Political conditions
B.Social factors
C.Economic conditions
D All of the above
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  Option: D

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"We wish to be good citizens of every community in which we operate." This is 

A.Ethical Code
B.Political and Social Code
C.Legal Rule
D Legal Act
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  Option: A

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The elements of management system in quality environment of TQM is

A.Method and procedure

D All of the above
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  Option: D

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If you believe in making decisions for the good of most people, you can be described as following
which school of thought?

D egoism
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  Option: A
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Which statement is/are true?

A.Ethics is not synonymous to religious morality or moral theology

B.Ethics is the principle that guide the human behaviour
C.The terms 'ethics' and 'morality' are not synonymous terms
D All of the above
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  Option: D

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Corporate social responsibility that extends beyond legal mandates can help meet societal
expectations in the absence of

A.Statutory devices
B.Social tool
C.Cost tool and Techniques
D Science tool
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  Option: A

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Which statement is true?

A.Skills are not enduring due to fatigue

B.The final proof of sincerity and seriousness is uncompromising emphasis on integrity of
character in a job
C.The mental contents of the good person are called moral and ethical values
D All of the above
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  Option: D

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Match the following

List-I                         List-II

(A) Organisational    1. Advertising system

(B) Marketing            2. Language

(C) Organisational    3. Selection culture

(D) Personal ethics   4. Moral development

                                  5. Planning

A.(A) (B) (C) (D)

1    2    3    4
B.(A) (B) (C) (D)

3    4    2    1

C.(A) (B) (C) (D)

3   1    2    4

D (A) (B) (C) (D)
1    4    3    2
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  Option: C

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Match the following

List-I (Items of Morale Reasoning)    List-II (Features)

(A) Employee counselling                      1. Worker

(B) Suggestion schemes                        2. Boss/superiors

(C) Recognition                                     3. Rewarded

(D) Joint consultation                            4. Agreed

                                                               5. Authority

A.(A) (B) (C) (D)

1    4    3    2

B.(A) (B) (C) (D)

1    2    3    4

C.(A) (B) (C) (D)

3    1    4    2

D (A) (B) (C) (D)
1    3    2    4
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  Option: D

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According to the concept of moral intensity, a worker is most likely to behave ethically and legally

A.a manager observes his or her behavior closely

B.the worker has intense morals
C.the consequences of the act are minor
D the consequences of the act are substantial
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  Option: D

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The ethical dilemma of choosing between two rights refers to

A.choosing between the lesser of two evils

B.deciding which of two employee rights is the most important
C.deciding to offer a bribe or lose out on an important opportunity
D choosing between the two types of sexual harassment
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  Option: A

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The hand-of-government refers to the

A.ability of the government to interfere in business negotiations

B.role of corporations to be profitable within the law
C.effect of national politics on business decisions
D impact of changing government regulations
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  Option: B

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Which is the aspects of TQM efforts?

A.Problem solving tools

B.Internal service quality
C.Total involvement of all personnel
D None of the above
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  Option: D

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Which of the following does not contribute to the development of a manager's standard of

A.competitor behaviours

B. society's norms and values

C. individual life experiences

D environmental situations
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  Option: A

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Which is the approach to corporate planning?

A.Customers and workers satisfaction

B. Planning skills

C. Optimising

D All of the above

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  Option: D

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Which one of the following is not principle business ethics?

A.Principle of universality

B. Principle of humanity

C. Principle of autonomy

D Principle of dissatisfaction
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  Option: D

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Milton Friedman stated his belief that 'there is only one social responsibility' for a
company to use its resources to

A.give as much to charitable causes as possible

B. ensure employment

C. provide good facilities for workers

D increase profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game

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  Option: D

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The national Society of Professional Engineers had a code, which requires professionals

A.Dissociate themselves from organizations that are of a questionable character

B. Further the cause of public good

C. Advise clarity, the consequences, if a technical opinion is overruled by a

nontechnical person

D All of the above

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  Option: D

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The business community's aversion to binding international legal standards governing corporate
operations contrasts with its strong advocacy of international law commitments applied to the
obligation of governments towards

B.Business and Shareholder itself
D Foreign investors
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  Option: D
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Which statement is true?

A.Human values system plays a vital role in total quality management

B.Values give the real meaning to total quality management effort
C.Total quality management is a corporate management strategy
D All of the above
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  Option: D

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Match the following

List-I (Responsibilities of different sections of        List-II (Features)

        Society Towards Business) 

(A) Responsibility of owner                                                1. Controlling power

(B) Responsibility of investors                                            2. Cooperation to the business

(C) Responsibility of employees                                         3. Perform the duties

(D) Responsibility of professional institutions                   4. Provide education

                                                                                            5. Marketing 

A.(A) (B) (C) (D)

1    3    2    4

B.(A) (B) (C) (D)

4    3    2    1

C.(A) (B) (C) (D)

1    2    3    4

D (A) (B) (C) (D)
1    4    3    2
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  Option: C
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Which of the following statements about ethical standards are TRUE?

A.The upper limits of ethical standards are set by individual standards

B.The laws of economically developed countries generally define the lowest common
denominator of acceptable behaviour
C.The actual degree of enforcement of the law in an underdeveloped country would determine
the lower limit of permissible behaviour
D All of the above
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  Option: D

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Unethical behaviour is often triggered by

A.pressure from higher management to achieve goals organizational atmosphere that condones such behaviour
C.both (a) & (b)
D a system of checks and balances
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"Ethics deals with the right actions of individuals." Who said?

A.Peter F. Drucker

B. C. S. Rao

C. J. R. Betty

D D. C. Zahe
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  Option: A
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An organisation's obligation to act to protect and improve society's welfare as well

as its own interests is referred to as

A.organisational social responsibility

B. organisational social responsiveness

C. corporate obligation

D business ethics
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  Option: A

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The social demands and expectations of organisations can be assessed by all of the
following except planning

B. social forecasting

C. social scanning

D social audits
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  Option: A

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Corporate contributions for charitable and social responsibility purposes is called

A.corporate philanthropy

B. corporate charities

C. corporate donations
D corporate discretionaries
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  Option: A

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Which is the monitor results of TQM?

A.Compare with rivals

B. Evaluate results

C. Produce output required

D All of the above

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  Option: D

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Human and ethical values or qualities such as courage, vision, social awareness,
fearlessness, integrity, pure and clear mind, truth etc., are subjective subtle and

A.Intangible concepts

B. Subjective approach

C. Tangible concepts

D System
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  Option: A

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The dark place contains which type of Risk?

A.High Risk
B. Low Risk

C. Medium Risk with conditions

D All of the above

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  Option: A

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Managers today are usually quite sensitive to issues of social responsibility and
ethical behaviour because of __________.

A.interest groups

B. legal and governmental concerns

C. media coverage

D all of the above

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  Option: D

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Which statement is true?

A.Human harmony and happiness are main objectives of any enterprise to

justify its survival and progress

B. Value relate to the internal domain of business i.e., interactions with

employees, customers, suppliers, creditors, public, etc

C. Values should be an integral part of corporate mission, objectives

D All of the above

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  Option: D
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In between the corporate extremes of working solely for the interests of

stockholders and working to solve social problems is the position of being

A.socially reactive

B. environmentally sensitive

C. professionally committed

D ecologically proactive
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  Option: A

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Match the following

List-I (Different Sections of Society)    List-II (Features)

(A) Professional institutions                      1. Regular participation in the seminar

(B) Employees                                            2. Good working condition

(C) Creditors                                              3. Regular payment of advances

(D) Supplier                                                4. Payment of credit

                                                                    5. Costing

A.(A) (B) (C) (D)

1    2    3    4

B. (A) (B) (C) (D)

1    4    3    2

C. (A) (B) (C) (D)

3    1    4    2

D (A) (B) (C) (D)

3    1    2    4

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  Option: A

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Business ethics deals primarily with responsibility

B. the pricing of products and services

C. moral obligation

D being unfair to the competition

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  Option: C

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Which one of the following questions is not asked in six-question ethics test?

A.How does it smell?

B. Who gets hurt?

C. What can we possibly get away with?

D Would you tell your child (or young relative) to do it?

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  Option: C

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Which is the principle of business ethics?

A.Principle of Aspirit of Service

B. Principle of Due Process

C. Principle of Satisfaction

D All of the above

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  Option: D

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"Corporate planning is the continuous process of making present entrepreneurial

decisions systematically and with the best possible knowledge of their futurity."
Who said?


B. Peter F. Drucker

C. Hussey

D J. R. Betty
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  Option: B

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Which is the section of Corporate Social Responsibility?


B. Suppliers

C. Professional institutions

D All of the above

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  Option: D

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A teleological approach to business ethics proposes that the guiding principle

should be


B. People

C. Purpose

D Power
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  Option: C

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Value based management is essential to combine subjective and

A.Normative phenomena

B. Objective phenomena

C. Power

D Tangible items
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  Option: B

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A philanthropist is someone who

A.buys products which have a positive impact on society

B. boycotts products which have a negative impact on society

C. both (a) and (b)

D recognises the social impact of business on society

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  Option: D

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The factors causing ethical behaviour in business are

A.Government law

B. Government policies

C. Public awareness

D All of the above

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  Option: D

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Effective management of long-term cooperative relationship necessitates that

managers recognize the importance of profit

B. global impact of business competitiveness among large corporations

C. global interdependence of economies and environments

D need to maximize profits in all economic settings

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  Option: C

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Which statement is true?

A.Social responsibility could find expression in the policy documents of the

company wherein a company undertake to discharge certain goals in
addition to business goals

B. Business should be expected to take the long term view and perform
socially responsible actions that might primarily reduce profits in the short
run but are in the ultimate interest of the company in the long run

C. Business should be obliged to internalise most of its external cost

D All of the above

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  Option: D

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Match the following

List-I (Social Responsibilities)         List-II (Features)

(A) Responsibility to share holders       1. Improving quality

(B) Responsibility to employees            2. To include in social welfare activities

(C) Responsibility to consumers            3. To establish better working conditions

(D) Responsibility to community            4. To be transparent

A.(A) (B) (C) (D)

1    2    3    4

B. (A) (B) (C) (D)

4    3    1    2

C. (A) (B) (C) (D)

3    2    1    4

D (A) (B) (C) (D)

2    3    4    1

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  Option: B

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In Carroll's model, a company with a(an) _____________ philosophy will put in the
extra effort to fulfill discretionary responsibilities, whereas a company with a(an)
_____________ philosophy will not be concerned beyond its legal responsibilities.

A.activist; economic

B. proactive; economic

C. defensive; activist

D defensive; proactive
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  Option: D

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Kavita is an ethically centered production manager so she will ship a product

A.only after all its problems have been eliminated

B. only if the shipping people use packing material that does not harm the

C. only after an ethics committee has approved it

D as quickly as she can to meet the customer's schedule

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  Option: A

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A firm is said to have good corporate social performance when

A.stockholders invest in socially responsible causes

B. charitable deductions are automatically deducted from pay without the

consent of employees

C. the company has not been convicted of ethical violations for five
consecutive years

D stakeholders are satisfied with its level of social responsibility


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  Option: D

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Which principle suggests that a businessman should be guided by the 'service

motto' in all his acts and decisions?

A.Principle of Aspirit of Service

B. Principle of Expectations

C. Principle of Human Dignity

D Principle of Autonomy
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  Option: A

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Corporate planning is an ongoing or continuous process. It is a dynamic exercise

that goes on throughout the

A.Corporate life

B. Corporate responsibility

C. Budget

D Business status
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  Option: A

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Management's social responsibilities include all of the following except


B. caretaker

C. legal

D ethical
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  Option: B

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'Sugging' is the unacceptable practice of

A.Giving worthless guarantees

B. Selling under the guise of research

C. Bribing organisational buyers

D Intrusive telesales calls

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  Option: B

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93. Match the following

List-I (Important ethical principles)

(A) Do not deceive or cheat the customers by selling substandard or defective

products by under measurement or any other means.

(B) Do not report to hoarding, black marketing or profiteering.

(C) Treasure sincerity and accuracy in advertising, labelling and packaging.

(D) Do not furnish the image of competitors by unfair practices.

List-II (Example)

1. Publishing false information about competitors, bribing the retailers etc.

2. Textile merchants in general clear the defective stock under the guise of

3. Management of theatres sell the tickets for higher prices during the initial
days of release of a film started by a crazy hero and heroine.

4. Ads of automobiles in general provide false details in every aspect.

A.(A) (B) (C) (D)

2    3    4    1

B. (A) (B) (C) (D)

1    2    3    4

C. (A) (B) (C) (D)

4    3    2    1

D (A) (B) (C) (D)

2    4    3    1

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  Option: A

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Global corporate culture involves an integration of _____________ in which

firms currently operate. environments

B. ecological environments

C. profit environments

D technical environments
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  Option: A

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Benefits derived from social responsibility include

A.enhanced organizational efficiency

B. producing better products

C. attracting people who want to work for the firm

D both(a) & (c)

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  Option: D

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Corporate social responsibility has three components according to professors

Basu and Palazzo:

A.cognitive, linguistic, and cognitive

B. ethical, social, authoritative

C. reflective, analytic, corporative

D conceptual, sensing, assertive

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  Option: A

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