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Structural Design

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To the memory of Dragoljub & Rada Popovic

and Brian Tyas

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Structural Design
Bridging the gap between architects and engineers

Olga Popovic Larsen and Andy Tyas

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Published by Thomas Telford Publishing, Thomas Telford Ltd, 1 Heron Quay, London E14 4JD.

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First published 2003

Cover photo: Dutch Expo Pavilion 2000, credit Hans Werlemann. Sketch by Robert Nijsse

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-07277-3235-4

© Thomas Telford Limited 2003

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Preface vii
About the Authors viii
Acknowledgements ix

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 Lessons From Nature: Design Through Evolution 5

Chapter 3 Primitive Structures: Design Through Intuition 17

Chapter 4 Master Builders and Beyond: Design From Precedent 29

Chapter 5 Scientific Principles and New Materials: Design

Through New Possibilities 43

Chapter 6 Learning From Physical Models: Design Through Experimentation 61

The Link 75

Case Study 1 Clearwater Garden Pavilion at Chelsea

by Sarah Wigglesworth Architects and Jane Wernick Associates 77

Case Study 2 Building With Nothing At All: Glass Structures

by Dirk Jan Postel and Robert Nijsse 85

Case Study 3 A Stacked Landscape: Dutch Expo Pavilion 2000

by MVRDV Architects and ABT Consulting Engineers 93

Case Study 4 Capsules of Plant Life from Planet Earth: The Eden Project
by Nicholas Grimshaw Architects and Anthony Hunt Associates 107

Postscript 125
Bibliography 127
Index 129

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This book is an essential for both students Starting with efficiency of form in nature, this
and young practitioners of architecture and book goes on to provide an historical survey of
engineering and I wish that it had been architecture and structure from the earliest times
around when I was a young engineer. It would to the present, including some very interesting
have given me the historic background to examples.
structural design and architecture over the The latter section of the book consists of four
centuries, which I had to learn from a variety of fascinating case studies which are very varied,
sources. from small to large, in differing materials, and
The book puts forward a very clear case that illustrating different thinking. One of the most
collaboration between architect and engineer interesting aspects of these case studies is that
can only result in better buildings, both archi- they are based on conversations with the archi-
tecturally and structurally, and illustrates the tect and engineer for each project and these
huge variety of possible solutions. conversations reveal a true bridging of the gap
The authors put forward two main tenets between architects and engineers.
concerning creativity, firstly: “conceptual struc- As a reference, the bibliography gives all the
tural design and sources of inspiration”, and sec- leads that an interested reader would require.
ondly: “art before science”. In terms of design
they stress the importance of precedents and Professor Tony Hunt
intuition. October 2003


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About the Authors

Olga Popovic Larsen is a lecturer at the Univer- Andy Tyas is a lecturer in the Department of Civil
sity of Sheffield School of Architecture. Her and Structural Engineering at the University of
degree in Architecture, Master’s Degree in Earth- Sheffield, where he teaches in the areas of
quake Engineering and PhD in Reciprocal structural analysis and structural design. He has
Frame Structures enables her to apply an close links with the School of Architecture at
interdisciplinary approach to her teaching. Her Sheffield, and has tutored students on a number
teaching in conceptual structural design and of interdisciplinary design projects. In addition, he
architecture seeks to bridge the gap between is Course Tutor for the MEng course in Structur-
the two professions. In addition, she is a Course al Engineering and Architecture which at present
Tutor for the University of Sheffield MEng is unique in the UK in being accredited by the ICE,
course in Structural Engineering and Architec- IStructE and RIBA. He has published a number of
ture. Her research interests are in the field of papers at international conferences and in inter-
advanced structural systems and include national journals on the teaching of conceptual
reciprocal frame structures, tensegrity structures structural design to both engineering and archi-
and membranes. Her research has been tecture students. His research interests include the
widely published in international journal and development of computer-aided conceptual
conference publications. structural design programs.


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The authors would like to express their deep the Department of Structural Engineering,
gratitude to a number of people who have Budapest University of Technology and Eco-
helped in different ways to bring this book to nomics, was particularly helpful in pointing out
completion. The participation and enthusiasm of some of the features of the Szabadszag Bridge,
the designers, Sarah Wigglesworth, Jane Wer- and initiating a thought process on the role of
nick, Dirk Jan Postel, Robert Nijsse, Jacob van structural correctness versus aesthetic appear-
Rijs, David Kirkland and Alan Jones, whose proj- ance. Without the help of Elisa Gutierrez-Guz-
ects are discussed in the case studies, was both man and Konstantinos Sakantamis we would
a vital factor and an inspiration for us. Their help have not been able to collate the text and all the
in checking and where necessary amending the images. We are grateful for your help.
text will hopefully produce more accurate and We have dealt with a number of people at
insightful case studies than we would have man- Thomas Telford, including Steven Cross, Jeremy
aged alone. Thank you to Alan Berneau of The Brinton, Alasdair Deas and Mary O’Hara, all of
Sheffield Anthony Hunt Associates office for pro- whom have been supportive in helping us pro-
viding the information and images about the duce the final text. Perhaps the biggest thank-you
Don Valley Stadium. Unless otherwise credited, (now that the book is completed!) should go to
the marvellous hand-drawn sketches are the James Murphy, who originally approached us
work of Eleanor Batley, a student in the Univer- with the idea of producing a text on the collab-
sity of Sheffield School of Architecture. Eleanor oration between architects and engineers.
spent a great deal of her own time trying to con- Without naming them all, we would like to
vert our vague suggestions into meaningful say a big thank-you to friends, colleagues and
images, without which the text would be far less family for their support and help throughout the
alive. The assistance of Peter Lathey of the Uni- writing. Finally, a thank-you to Laura and Jens
versity of Sheffield School of Architecture in for their continued encouragement and advice
scanning and preparing images for the book at on the text of the book. Last, but not least: a
a particularly busy time of year is gratefully huge thanks to baby Sofia for not waking up
acknowledged. Professor Miklos Ivanyi of crying in the night too often!


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