The Effects of Social Media On Communication Skills

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The effects of social media on communication skills

The advancements of technology over the last few decades have changed the way we communicate.
Since the majority of the people have accessibility to the latest technology, the communication has
shifted from simple face to face conversations to social media. It is not a surprise that reduced real-
life human contact has made an impact on how people communicate. A screen does not express
feelings or emotions therefore there is less compassion between people, and basic human
conversation skills have gotten worse since there is less practice.

The quality of communication has gotten poorer because there is no way to express feelings and
emotions via social media. The conversations that take place online are usually rushed and often
meaningless. There needs to be human contact so that the people that are having a conversation
would understand the feelings and emotions that are being shown by someone. It is quite simple
actually: social media eradicates real human contact, subsequently fewer feelings and emotions are
being expressed.

Furthermore, since people are communicating online their people skills get poorer. Talking and
expressing ourselves is a skill that needs practice. It is just as simple as knowing what words to use
and how to react to one's emotions – we need human contact so the quality of the way we express
emotions would become better. Social media saves time, however, it takes a toll on our
communication skills.

All things considered, it is fair to say that social media is very convenient for the world we live in
today. Nonetheless, this phenomenon decreases the quality of communication and because social
media is used for the majority of the time to talk to people, our people skills get worse

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