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Electric Bill Date

Statement # #23

Olongapo Electric Company BILL TO Legaspi, Mark Anthony

West bajac bajac Mabayuan
Olongapo City, 2200 Olongapo City, 2200
Phone 091234567 Phone 0908522987
Fax 890-567-678 Customer ID abc12345

Date Description Balance Amount

04-02-18 Payment April 1 Php1,500.00 Php 560.00
04-15-18 Payment April 15 Php 1,150.00 Php 350.00
05-06-18 Payment May 6 Php 1,700.00 Php 350.00
05-23-18 Payment May 23 Php 1,450.00 Php 250.00
05-29-18 Payment April 29 Php 1,150.00 Php 300.00

Current 1-30 Days 31-60 Days 61-90 Days Over 90 Days Amount Due
Past Due Past Due Past Due Past Due

Statement # 23
Date September 2, 2018
Amount Due Php 1,500.00
Amount Enclosed Php 600.00

Make all checks payable to Olongapo Electric Company

Thank you for your business!

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