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1) For fixed-bias configuration of fig. 6.

a) Sketch the transfer characteristic of the device.
b) Superimpose the network equation n the same graph.
c) Determine IDq ang VDSq
d) Using Shockley’s equation, solve forIDq and VDSq. Compare with the solution of part (c)
2) For fixed-bias configuration of fig. 6.67, Determine:
a) IDq and VGSq.
b) VDS, VD, VG, and Vs.
3) Given the measured value of VD in Fig.6.68, Determine:
a) ID.
b) VDS
c) VGG.
4) Determine VD for the fixed-bias configuration of Fig.6.69.
5) Determine VD for the fixed-bias configuration of Fig.6.70.
6) Fort the self-bias configuration of Fig.6.71:
a) Sketch the transfer curve for the device.
b) Superimpose the network equation on the same graph.
c) Determine IDq and VGSq.
d) Calculate VDS, VD, VG, and Vs.
7) Determine IDq for the network f fig.6.71 using a purely mathematical apprach. That is establish a
quadratic equation for ID and choose that solution compatible with the network characteristic.
Compare to the solution obtained in Problem 6.
8) For the network of Fig.6.72, Determine:
a) VGSq. and IDq.
b) VDS, VD, VG, and Vs.
9) Given the measurement Vs = 1.7 V for the network of fig 6.73, Determine:
a) IDq.
b) VGSq.
d) VD.
e) VDS.
10) For the network of Fig.6.74, Determine:
a) ID.
b) VDS.
c) VD.
d) VS.
11) Find VS for the network of Fig. 6.75.
12) For the network of Fig.6.75, Determine:
a) VG.
b) IDq and VGSq.
c) VDSq.
d) VD and VS.
13) (a) Repeat Problem 12 with RS = 0.4kΩ (about 50% of the value of 12). What is the effect of a smaller
RS on IDq and VGSq?
(b) What is the minimum possible value of RS for the network of Fig 6.67?
14) For the network of Fig. 6.77, VD = 9 V. Determine:
a) ID.
b) Vs, VDS.
c) VG.
d) VF
15) For the network of Fig. 6.78, Determine:
a) IDq and VGSq.
b) VDS and Vs.
16) Given VDS = 8 v for the network of Fig. 6.79, Determine:
a) ID.
b) VD and Vs.
c) VGS.
17) For the self-bias configuration of Fig.6.80, Determine:
a) IDq and VGSq.
b) VDS and VD.
18) For the network of Fig. 6.81,Determine:
a) IDq and VGSq.
b) IDq and VGSq.
c) .
19) For the network of Fig.6.82, Determine:
a) IDq.
b) VGSq and VDSq
c) VD and Vs.
d) VDS
20) For the voltage-divider configuration of Fig. 6.83, Determine:
a) IDq and VGSq.
b) VD and Vs.
21) For the network of Fig. 6.84, Determine:
a) VG.
b) VGS.
c) IE.
d) IB.
e) VD.
f) VC.
22) For the combination network of Fig. 6.85, Determine:
a) VB, VG.
b) VE.
c) IE, Ic, ID.
d) IB.
e) VC, Vs VD.
f) VCE.
g) VDS.
23) Design a self-bias network using a JFET transistor with I DSS = 8mA and VP =-6V to have a Q-point at IDq
= 4mA using a supply of 14V. Assume that R D= 3Rs and use standard values.
24) Design a voltage-divider bias network using a depletion-type MOSFET with I DSS= 10mA and Vp=-4V to
have a Q-point at IDq = 2.5mA using a supply of 24V. In addition, set V G=4V and us RD = 2.5RS with R1
=22MΩ. Use standard values.
25) Design a network such as appearing in Fig. 6.39 using an enhancement-type MOSFET with V GS(TH) =
4V, k = 0.5 x10-3 A/V2 to have a Q-point of IDq = 6mA. Use a supply of 16V and standard values.
26) What do the readings for each configuration of Fig. 6.86 suggest about the operation of the
27) Although the readings of Fig 6.87 initially suggest that the network is behaving properly, determine a
possible cause for the undesirable state of the network.
28) The network of Fig. 6.88 is not operating properly. What is the specific cause for its failure?
29) For the network of Fig. 6.89, Determine:
a) IDq and VGSq.
b) VDs.
c) VD.
30) For the network of Fig.6.90, Determine:
a) IDq and VGSq.
b) VDs.
c) VD.
31) Repeat problem 1 using the universal JFET bias curve.
32) Repeat problem 6 using the universal JFET bias curve.
33) Repeat problem 12using the universal JFET bias curve.
34) Repeat problem 51 using the universal JFET bias curve.
6.13 Computer Analysis
35) Perform a PSpice analysis of the network of the Problem1. Determine I Dq and VGSq.
36) Perform a PSpice analysis of the network of the Problem6. Determine I Dq and VGSq.
37) Perform a PSpice analysis of the network of the Problem115. Determine I Dq, VGSq and VDSq.
38) Using BASIC, determine IDq and VGSq for the network of the Problem 1.
39) Using BASIC, determine IDq and VGSq for the network of the Problem 6.
40) Using BASIC, determine IDq, VGSq and VDSq for the network of the Problem 12.

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