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1. How can we say that India was a colonial economy under the British?
2. How were the Indian industries lopsided in 1947?
3. How did ' Term of Trade 'change under the British rule?
4. What do you understand by commercialization of agriculture?
5. What do you mean by population census?
6. Railway during the British rule in India promoted colonial exploitation of the Indian economy.True or false
with reason.
7. The year 1921 was the year of great divide with regard to the growth of population in India. True or false
with reason.
8. How did discriminatory trade policy contribute to the success of industrial revolution in Great Britain?
9. Comment on the economic conditions of the tillers of the soil at the time of independence.
10. How was the Indian economy changed during the British rule to suit the British interests?

Objective Type Questions

1) What type of economy did India had before independence?
Ans. Independent
2) What did Britishers wanted to export from India to great Britain?
Ans. Raw Material
3) Individuals Income is also called as?
Ans. Per Capita Income
4) Name the economist whose estimates of per capita income was very significant ?
Ans. V.K.R.V. Rao
5) What do you name the systematic decline of industries?
Ans. Deindustrialisation
6) Britishers wanted to reduce India to mere ------------------ of important --------------- for british industries.
Ans. Exporters, Raw Material
7) Decline of Indigenious --------------- industries created massive unemployment.
Ans. Handicraft
8) What was Indian consumer market deprived of?
Ans. Locally made goods
9) The restricitive policies of ----------------production adversely affected the foreign trade.
Ans. Commodity
10) Britain had a ------------ control over India’s foreign trade.
Ans. Monopoly
11) What percent of trade was restricted to Britain?
Ans. More than half
12) The opening of ---------------- intensified British control over India’s foreign trade.
Ans. Suez Canal
13) What was the name of famous cotton textile that had gained popularity?
Ans. Deccai Muslin
14) Due to commercialisation of agriculture farmers were growing more of -------- crops than food crops.
Ans. Cash Crops
15) A large section of tenants, small farmers and ----------- did not have resources to invest in agriculture.
Ans. Sharecroppers
16) What was the punishment for zamindars if they were not able to keep the terms of revenue settlement ?
Ans. Lose their rights, jobs were taken away, Titles were taken along with land
17) The dates for depositing specified sum of revenue by zamindars were ----------.
Ans. Fixed
18) What was the main interest of the zamindars?
Ans. To collect rent and revenue
19) -------------------- and -------------------- did nothing to improve the conditions of agricultural farmers.
Ans. Britishers and Zamindars
20) During ------------- half of the 19th century ------------industry began in india.
Ans. Second, Modern
21) Name the 1st capital good industry of our country and the year it was incorporated?
Ans. TISCO, 1907

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