Name: House: Study Questions: The Skeletal System

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NAME: House:


1. What are the five main functions of the skeletal system?

Protect Organs, Provide structure, store minerals, store blood cells
2. Give three examples of where the skeletal system provides protection for internal organs.
Heart, brain and lungs
3. What is the main role of the vertebral column?
Protecting the spinal cord
4. Bones are generally classified according to their shape. List and give an example of each of the types of
bone shape.
Long Bone: Humerus
Flat Bone: Sternum
Irregular Bone: Vertebrae
Short Bone: Talus
Sesamoid Bone: Patella
5. Was your skull always a fibrous joint? Explain your answer.
They are, they are connected by by the joints called sutures
6. Give three examples of cartilaginous joints in the body.
intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis

7. List the 12 different types of movement allowed by Synovial joints and give an example of each.

8. Define the following features of a synovial joint:

a. Ligaments
Connective tissue that connects joints
b. Synovial fluid

Fluid found in the cavities of the synovial joints

c. Tendon

Connective tissue that connects muscle to the bone

9. List and give an example of each of the six types of Synovial joint.
Pronation: Movement through walking
Dorsiflexion: Backward bending of hands and feet
Plantarflexion: Forward bending of hands and feet
Inversion: Where the foot moves toward mid line
Flexion: Flexing muscles
Extension: Stretching before gym

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