02-Prog CataractAdvanced 3 Prova

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Ophthalmologic Surgery
Cataract Advanced Course

March 30, 2019

Salas de Formação do Hospital da Luz Learning Heath

Conference 12h40 Lunch
08h00 My tips and tricks for complex 13h40 Fluidics
cataract surgery Daniele Oliveira | Claúdia Bacalhau
Guadalupe Cervantes
• Principles
• Balance, collapse and power test
Practical course
08h20 Simulator 15h40 Ophthalmoscopy
Bernardo Feijóo | Tiago Ferreira Rita Gama | Filipe Silva
This course offers training of complex cataract surgery cases • Principles
under demanding conditions, such as increasing capsule tensions
and weak zonules and complications. In the courses trainees will • Clinical cases
be challenged by randomized tasks and complications, requiring
them to quickly adapt to the surgical scenario.
17h40 Closing remarks
• Capsulorhexis errant tear
• Capsulorhexis capsular plaques
• Horizontal and vertical chopping
• Malyugin ring insertion and removal
• Intumescent cataract
• White cataracts
• Anterior vitrectomy
• Correct insertion of a toric IOL

10h20 Coffee break

10h40 Wet-lab
Leyre Zabala | Isabel Prieto
• Dye-Enhanced anterior capsulorhexis
• Iris retractors
• Zonular instability
• Anterior vitrectomy
• Implant and explant IOLs

An application has been made to the UEMS EACCME® for CME accreditation of this event
Director: Coordinator:
Filomena Ribeiro Rita Dinis da Gama

REGISTRATION LINK | https://learninghealth.up.events/e/curso-avancado-catarata

Hospital da Luz Learning Health • hospitaldaluz.pt/learninghealth
Rua Carlos Alberto da Mota Pinto, Edif. Amoreiras Square 17 - 9º • 1070-313 Lisboa • Portugal • T. +351 213 138 260 • E. learninghealth@up.events

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