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Business Plan

Prepared by

Solomon Gebreselassie

Tariku melkamu

Hermella Taddese


June 13, 2019

Key Elements of a Business Plan
Title Page and Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Mission/vision Statements
Business and Industry Profile
Business Strategy
Description of Products/Services
Marketing Strategy
Opportunity Analysis
Description of Management Team
Plan of Operation
A Budget Plan
Legal Issues
Table of Contents
Summary ..............................................................................
..................... 2
Statement ..............................................................................................................................
What is
FIRST? ....................................................................................................................................
Location and Current Team
Sponsors ................................................................................................. 3
Impact/Outreach ......................................................................................................................
Relationships & Information Regarding Current
Sponsors ................................................................... 4
Summary of Team
Growth .................................................................................................................. 4
Summary of Future Team
Plans .......................................................................................................... 5
Executive Summary
Mission vision Statements Culture
Our mission is to make simple the life of our society by engaging in
robotics and developing useful and life changing intelligent devices.
As a startup in this proposal we prepared the latest technology of ingera
baking, Lakech V12 a device that will be launched together the opening of
this company.
A wise guy once said ‘Yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery and
Today is a gift….that’s why we call it present” thus in the virtue of solving
current problems of our country we unveil the mystery of tomorrow.

Our ancestors were great and they made their history, now it’s our time
to make history. We firmly believe that our organization will revolutionize
and change our country of course our selves too, by becoming one of the
top and first robotic devices producers in our country.
We believe in skilled manpower and discipline is the key to our

Business and Industry Profile

The industry of robotics is merely inexistent currently in Ethiopia.
Moreover this sector being a sub sector of electronics world is just a
blank space which no one tried to fill. Rather it’s noticeable that many
importers import electronic stuff and retail it all over the country.
Mostly when there is shortage of currency the business halts .
Thus infiltrating in this business is not only a choice but a huge
opportunity to dominate easly by making made in ethiopia electronic
Specific products business profile
Ingera baking device
As per Ingera baking device the business is not showing technological
progress thus the products that are being produces and inserted in to the
market are similar to each other and have been the same for since its
started. Ther
Business Strategy
Description of Products/Services
Marketing Strategy

Opportunity Analysis
Description of Management Team
Plan of Operation
A Budget Plan
Legal Issues

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