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Aquino, Ella Tricia M.


Learning Style Exploration for Strong Educational Foundation

Learning is ultimately an individual’s responsibility. As unique individuals we all learn

differently. Learning styles are defined as, the different ways in which children and adults learn.

Some people learn by listening, some by visual, others must have their hands wrapped around

the subject. For me, I know that I’m a visual and auditory learner. As students, we are

responsible to facilitate and develop our own learning process. To accomplish this, we need to

understand how we learn and how people around us learn. Not only do we need to know in

what way we learn best, we need to know how effective our learnings are. And knowing one's

learning style can dramatically expand one's knowledge base. Therefore, an improvement

strategy of learning style will be created and develop based upon all of the points in educational


Each and every person has a process by which they learn. In all honesty, I have never put

much thought into my particular learning style. However, this last term break I decided to

embark on a new challenge that will improve my academics by planning to spend much time in

focusing more on things I must do and limiting my leisure time, these are all because I am upset

in my first term grade result. I realized that I need to refocus my priorities amidst of the

hardship I will be encountering as I go on. My study habit is that I always study in the morning.

It was the time of the day I felt motivated, sharp, and mentally alert. When I woke up from a

good night’s rest, I felt comfortable and refreshed, which enabled me to process more

information. Basically, I tend to be more visual and auditory learner because I understand things

better when I used to see them at the same time, to listen. I learn well through reading and

writing tasks, and many times I remember what I have written after only copying it once. I read

over the notes repetitiously in order to grasp the information. I also recognize places that’s why

I seldom get seriously lost. I am a good listener and sometimes I read aloud when reviewing my
Aquino, Ella Tricia M. II-BME

past lessons. I am also an introvert learner as opposed to extrovert because I tend to work

better, studying or reading by myself as opposed to a group of people. I recall always learning in

this fashion.

All our learning styles possesses advantages to our life, well of course it does, because I

bet we’ll not continue on this style if it doesn’t have good effects. I have discovered that my

personal learning style is a continual work in progress because as I continue my studies, I know I

achieved more knowledge. I possess many strengths and weaknesses with regards to my

particular learning style. For example, on my way of recalling my past lessons and reading them

frequently I associate them to the things I encounter, just like the development of a child’s

behavior depends on his or her childhood that’s why I treat them properly. Interests are

calculated in different ways that’s why I ensure that my mother’s debt show clear organization

of interest and help her compute the real value. Despite of being an introvert learner, I used to

help other students who are not familiar to certain things or have difficulties on doing so. But

beyond all of these, I, myself experienced problems. One of this is that, I have a weak

perseverance; I used to give up even in small circumstances. I’m weak in overcoming emotional

stress and often times carried away. Now, I’m trying to find ways to improve upon my

weaknesses and find opportunities for the growth of my learning styles.

Knowing our style can not only help us learn faster, but can also help clarify our interests

and motivating values. Formulating a strategy for improvement can be difficult, but must be

done in order to achieve optimal learning results. I believed that learning will not succeed

unless the individual feels a strong sense of ownership and responsibility in the process itself.

The more we acquire, and the more we can learn from ourselves and other individuals, the

better off we will be. Therefore, I encourage everyone to take charge on their own learning style

and be the best you can be.

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