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ISBT Science Series (2013) 8, 1–5

STATE OF THE ART 1A-H01-01 © 2013 The Author(s).

ISBT Science Series © 2013 International Society of Blood Transfusion

Molecular DNA-based testing for blood group antigens:

recipient–donor focus
C. M. Westhoff
Immunohematology and Genomics, New York Blood Center, New York, NY, USA

DNA-based testing for blood group antigens has become commonplace in a num-
ber of clinical situations to improve transfusion therapy for blood transfusion
recipients. These include typing for antigens in patients who are multiply trans-
fused to determine which blood group antibodies may be present, typing when
the red blood cells (RBCs) are coated with immunoglobulin, and typing for
uncommon antigens, especially when no serologic reagent is available. Other
clinical applications include resolving ABO typing discrepancies for patients
awaiting transplant, or determination of the original type of a bone marrow
transplant recipient, or confirmation of an ABO subgroup in a kidney donor.
Testing for the specific mutation associated with depressed Kell system antigens
in McLeod syndrome may also have value because different mutations appear to
be associated with prognosis.
Applications in prenatal medicine include discrimination between weak D and
partial D to determine if a pregnant woman is a candidate for Rh immune pro-
phylaxis, and assessing the risk for hemolytic disease of the fetus or newborn
and neonatal thrombocytopenia. Assessing risk includes testing the paternal sam-
ple for the target antigen, and if positive testing for gene copy number (zygosity)
and testing the fetus from amniocentesis or non-invasive maternal plasma
Donor centers are now able to screen large numbers of donors to label
antigen-negative RBC products. DNA typing will change transfusion practice by
allowing patients facing chronic transfusion therapy to have a more comprehen-
sive blood group antigen profile performed, and to receive donor units antigen-
matched for more than ABO and RhD to reduce alloimmunization. A patient who
makes an alloantibody to a RBC antigen is forever at risk for his or her lifetime;
for a serious transfusion reaction if ever requiring transfusion in an emergency,
and also for a high risk pregnancy if a woman of child bearing age. Prevention
of alloimmunization is an important advance in transfusion safety and is now
possible with electronic patient medical records and testing and labeling of blood
products for additional blood group antigens.
Key words: blood groups, blood group antigens, DNA based testing, molecular
matching, molecular testing

to direct testing by serological methods using a spe-

cific antibody (phenotyping). The results of typing by
Determination of blood group antigens with DNA DNA are often reported as a ‘predicted’ type to distin-
methods (genotyping) is an indirect method for predict- guish the results from testing done by serological
ing an individual’s blood group phenotype, in contrast methods.

Correspondence: Connie M. Westhoff, Director, Immunohematology and Genomics, New York Blood Center, 310 East 67th Street, New York, NY 10065,
USA E-mail:

2 C. M. Westhoff

Most blood group antigens result from single nucleo- ing overcomes this limitation and avoids time consuming
tide gene polymorphisms (SNPs) inherited in a straight- and cumbersome cell separation methods to isolate and
forward Mendelian manner, making assay design and type the patient’s reticulocytes. DNA assays for blood
interpretation fairly straightforward [1]. However, ABO groups avoid interference from donor-derived DNA by
and Rh are more complex. There are over 100 different targeting and amplifying a region of the gene common to
alleles encoding the glycosyltransferases responsible for all alleles. This allows reliable blood group determination
ABO type, and a single point mutation in an A or B allele with DNA prepared from a blood sample collected after
can result in an inactive transferase, that is a group O transfusion. In transfusion-dependent patients who pro-
phenotype [2]. Next generation sequencing technology duce alloantibodies, an extended antigen profile is impor-
would potentially allow routine ABO typing by DNA tant to determine additional blood group antigens to
methods. For the Rh system, testing for the common anti- which the patient can become sensitized.
gens D, C/c and E/e is fairly straightforward in most indi-
viduals, but antigen expression is more complex in Type RBCs coated with immunoglobulin [positive
diverse ethnic groups. There are over 200 RHD alleles direct antiglobulin test (DAT)]
encoding weak D or partial D phenotypes (http://rhesus In patients with RBCs coated with immunoglobulin, with, and more than 100 RHCE alleles or without autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, the presence
encoding weak, altered or novel hybrid Rh proteins [3,4]. of bound immunoglobulin often makes RBC typing by
RH genotyping, particularly in minorities, requires sam- serological methods invalid. Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
pling of multiple regions of the gene(s) and algorithms removal techniques are not always effective and can
for interpretation. destroy or weaken the antigen of interest. For patients
The most commonly used methods for determination of with serum autoantibody, DNA testing allows determina-
red cell, human platelet antigen (HPA) and neutrophil tion of an extended antigen profile to select antigen-neg-
antigens use sequence-specific primer–polymerase chain ative RBCs for transfusion. This avoids the use of ‘least
reaction (SSP-PCR) or allele-specific PCR. For manual incompatible’ blood for transfusion, and allows transfu-
methods, gel electrophoresis is then used to separate the sion of units ‘antigen-matched for clinically significant
PCR products for fragment size determination, or alterna- blood group antigens’ to prevent delayed transfusion
tively, the assay may include digestion of the PCR prod- reactions and circumvent additional alloimmunization.
ucts with a restriction enzyme, restriction fragment Importantly, this approach can improve patient care and
length polymorphism, followed by electrophoresis and testing turn-around time by eliminating the need for
visualization of the fragments. For resolution of discrep- repeat absorptions to remove the autoantibody to rule out
ancies and to identify new alleles, specialty referral labo- new underlying RBC alloantibodies.
ratories use methods similar to those used for high
resolution human leucocyte antigen typing, that is gene- Determination of D status
specific amplification of coding exons followed by Altered expression of D antigen occurs in 2% of Cauca-
sequencing, or alternatively, gene-specific cDNA amplifi- sians, <1% of Asians and approximately 4% of Black
cation and sequencing. These methods are used to investi- and Hispanic groups. Routine serological D-typing
gate new alleles and resolve serological and molecular reagents cannot distinguish RBCs with weak D or partial
discrepancies. Semi-automated approaches include real- D, and distinction between these is of clinical impor-
time PCR using florescent probes with quantitative and tance because the latter are at risk for anti-D. RHD
qualitative automated read-out. Lastly, high-throughput genotyping strategies that sample multiple regions of
automated methods increase the number of target alleles RHD can discriminate weak D and partial D phenotypes.
in the PCR reaction allowing determination of numerous Females of child-bearing age with partial D would
antigens in a single assay. Most platforms are based on potentially benefit from receiving D-negative RBCs for
florescent bead technology. transfusion to avoid future pregnancy complications and
be considered for Rh immune globulin (RhIG) prophy-
laxis. Many transfusion services error on the side of
Applications of DNA-based molecular testing
caution and transfuse patients with D-negative RBCs if
the serological D-typing reaction strength is weaker than
Clinical transfusion medicine
expected (<3+ to 4+). This results in unnecessary use of
Type patients who have been recently transfused the limited D-negative blood supply. DNA testing to dis-
In patients receiving chronic or massive transfusion, the criminate weak D from partial D is important for patient
presence of donor red blood cells (RBCs) often makes RBC care and for responsible management of D-negative
typing by serological agglutination inaccurate. DNA typ- blood resources.

© 2013 The Author(s).

ISBT Science Series © 2013 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2013) 8, 1–5
Clinical application of blood group genomics 3

Alloantibody versus autoantibody C rather than C+ transfusion protocols. Anti-D in D+

For patients presenting with RBCs that type positive for patients with SCD is associated with RHD alleles encod-
an antigen with an apparent antibody of the same speci- ing partial D antigens detected by RHD genotyping.
ficity in the serum or plasma, a DNA-based investigation Anti-e in e+ patients with altered Rhce proteins are more
is helpful for transfusion management. If the sample is problematic to manage. Transfusion with e blood will
predicted to be antigen positive by SNP testing, it should expose them to the E antigen, and most are E and at
be further investigated by high resolution gene sequenc- risk for anti-E.
ing. The samples may have a novel amino acid change in In summary, RH genotyping expands and extends
the protein carrying the blood group antigen. These result matching for Rh in this patient population and is impor-
in new epitopes and altered (or partial) expression of the tant for transfusion management.
conventional antigen.
Prenatal practice
Sickle cell disease (SCD) and chronic transfusion
therapy Testing for Rh in pregnant women
Alloimmunization is a serious complication of chronic Serological typing for Rh(D) cannot distinguish women
transfusion, particularly in patients with sickle cell dis- whose RBCs lack some epitopes of D (partial D) and who
ease and b-Thalassaemia requiring long-term transfusion are at risk for anti-D. RBCs with partial D type as D+,
support. Antibody production can result in delayed hae- some in direct tests and others by indirect tests, but these
molytic transfusion reactions (DHTR). Patients with SCD women would potentially benefit from receiving RhIG
undergoing a DHTR are at risk for life-threatening anae- prophylaxis if they deliver a D+ fetus. Serological testing
mia, pain crisis, acute chest syndrome and/or acute renal cannot distinguish weak reactivity due to missing epi-
failure, and patients may experience hyper-haemolysis, in topes (partial D) from weak reactivity due to quantitative
which haemoglobin levels drop below pre-transfusion reduced antigen (weak D). RHD genotyping can distin-
levels due to bystander haemolysis of the patients’ own guish weak D from partial D to guide RhIG prophylaxis
antigen-negative red cells. Diagnosis and management of and blood transfusion recommendations.
DHTR are difficult in this patient population as symptoms
mimic a painful episode and laboratory tests used to
Haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn
diagnose DHTR, elevated lactate dehydrogenase and un-
conjugated bilirubin levels, are already abnormal. Alloim-
munization also results in significant delay in The identification of a clinically significant alloantibody
transfusion, increases costs, is associated with risk for in a pregnant woman relies on demonstration of an IgG
production of additional antibodies and often results in a antibody by serological testing, but management of the
chronic positive DAT with apparent warm autoantibody, pregnancy is aided by testing of a paternal sample, and if
that is ‘panagglutinins’, which complicate further workups indicated, the fetus to assess risk for HDFN.
and transfusion therapy.
Many programmes attempt to prevent or reduce the Paternal testing
risk and incidence of alloantibody production by trans- Antigen Typing: The RBCs of father should be tested for
fusing RBCs that are antigen matched for D, C, E and K the corresponding antigen. If the RBCs are negative, the
(and a few include Fya/b, Jka/b and S). The most fre- fetus is not at risk. If the father is positive, zygosity test-
quent antibodies encountered in patients with SCD ing can determine if the father is homozygous or hetero-
receiving units antigen matched for D, C, E and K, have zygous for the gene expressing the antigen, particularly
Rh specificities. These antibodies include anti-D, -C and when there is no allelic antigen, or no antisera to detect
e in patients whose RBC type serologically as D+, C+ the allelic product.
and e+. RH genotyping has revealed that these patients Zygosity testing: DNA testing of paternal samples is
have RHD and/or RHCE alleles with amino acid changes most often done when testing for possible HDFN due to
that encode altered or partial antigens. For example, anti-D or anti-K. For maternal anti-K, testing the paternal
approximately 23% of the SCD patients with C+ RBCs do RBCs for expression of the allelic k antigen should be
not have a conventional RhCe protein. In these patients, performed, but many centres do not have a licenced
the C antigen is expressed from a hybrid RHD gene that reagent available and genetic counsellors often request
has lost expression of D, but encodes a C epitope. More DNA testing. For maternal anti-D, RHD zygosity testing
than one-third of patients with this hybrid gene encoding by DNA methods is the only method to determine the
a C+ phenotype make anti-C or Ce. RH genotyping paternal gene copy number. A number of different
can identify these patients who are better served on genetic events cause a D-negative phenotype and multiple

© 2013 The Author(s).

ISBT Science Series © 2013 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2013) 8, 1–5
4 C. M. Westhoff

assays must be done to accurately determine RHD zygos- is encoded by the X-linked gene, XK. This X-linked syn-
ity, especially in minority ethnic groups. drome is manifested only in males and is associated with
If the father is RHD homozygous, all children will be late onset of clinical or subclinical myopathy, neurode-
D+ and monitoring of the pregnancy will be required. If generation and central nervous system manifestations.
the father is heterozygous, the fetus has a 50% chance of The syndrome may be under-diagnosed and the physical
being at risk. The D type of the fetus should be deter- characteristics, which often develop only after the fourth
mined to prevent invasive and unnecessary testing so the decade of life, include muscular and neurological prob-
mother need not be aggressively monitored or receive lems. Over 30 different XK gene mutations associated
immune modulating agents. with a McLeod phenotype have been found. Different XK
mutations appear to have different clinical effects and
Fetal testing may account for the variability in prognosis [5]. Sequenc-
Amniocentesis: To determine the fetal antigen status, fetal ing of XK to determine the specific type of mutation in
DNA can be isolated from cells obtained by amniocentesis. individuals with McLeod phenotypes has clinical prognos-
Non-invasive fetal testing from the maternal plasma: tic value.
The discovery that cell-free, fetal-derived DNA is present
in maternal plasma by approximately 5 weeks of gesta- ABO typing discrepancies in patients
tion allows maternal plasma to be used as a source of DNA testing is useful to resolve patient typing discrepan-
fetal DNA to determine the antigen status of the fetus. cies, confirm subgroup status and determine the original
This is particularly successful for D typing because the D- blood type of patients massively transfused, or the origi-
negative phenotype in the majority of samples is due to nal blood type of transplant recipients by testing a buccal
the absence of the RHD gene. Testing for the presence or sample. The ability to accurately determine an individ-
absence of a gene is less demanding than testing for a ual’s antigen status eliminates the use of group O RBCs
single gene polymorphism or SNP. This approach is being and AB plasma for transfusion in the situation of ABO
used in some European countries to test the maternal typing discrepancy. ABO genotyping can aid in the differ-
plasma for the presence of a fetal RHD gene to eliminate entiation of subgroup alleles, particularly to confirm A2
the unnecessary administration of antepartum Rh immune subgroup in kidney donors who may have been trans-
globulin to the approximately 40% of D-negative women fused, or whose RBCs give discordant reactivity in sero-
who are carrying a D-negative fetus. logical testing with anti-A1 reagents. Accurate
determination of ABO often requires gene sequencing.
Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT)
A diagnosis of NAIT is based on demonstrating HPA-spe-
Donor centre applications
cific antibody in maternal serum and identifying an
incompatibility between the parents by HPA platelet Typing for antigens for which there are no commer-
genotyping. Twenty-eight HPAs have been characterized, cial reagents
but incompatibility in HPA-1 accounts for approximately DNA-based typing has become the standard to identify
80% of all cases. Platelet genotyping is used to confirm antigen-negative units for which there are no serological
the HPA status of the mother and to type a paternal sam- reagents. One of the most often used is to type for Dom-
ple. If the father is homozygous for the target HPA, all brock (Doa/b). Antibodies to these antigens are clinically
children will be positive and monitoring of the pregnancy significant, but patient serum antibodies are often weak,
will be required. If the father is heterozygous, the fetus have poor avidity, disappear over time and are almost
has a 50% chance of being at risk. The HPA type of the always present with other blood group specificities that
fetus should be determined to prevent invasive and interfere with screening donor units. As Dombrock anti-
unnecessary testing. To determine the fetal HPA antigen bodies are difficult to detect, matching of patients with
status, fetal DNA can be isolated from cells obtained by donors for Dombrock antigens should be considered in
amniocentesis. Non-invasive fetal testing from the mater- patients when survival of transfused red cells is compro-
nal plasma has been reported and may become more mised and complex mixtures of antibodies are present,
readily available in the future. even when no specific serum antibody to Dombrock anti-
gens is demonstrable by serological testing.
Other clinical applications
Confirming D type of donors
McLeod syndrome Donor centres must perform a test for weak D to attempt
The McLeod phenotype, characterized by weak expression to avoid labelling a product as D-negative that might
of RBC Kell system antigens and absence of Kx antigen, result in anti-D in response to transfused RBCs. It is well-

© 2013 The Author(s).

ISBT Science Series © 2013 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2013) 8, 1–5
Clinical application of blood group genomics 5

known that some donor RBCs with very weak D expres- silencing mutations that cause loss of antigen expression.
sion are not typed as D+ with current serological reagents These can be specific to a particular ethnic group. For
and are labelled as D for transfusion. The prevalence of example, silencing mutations responsible for S-s-U- phe-
weak D RBCs not detected by serological reagents is notypes are common in African ethnic groups, and mark-
approximately 01% and although the clinical signifi- ers for these should be included when typing these
cance has not been established, donor RBCs with weak D populations. The Fy(a b ) phenotype found in African
expression have been associated with alloimmunization Blacks is caused by a mutation in the promoter region of
[6]. RHD genotyping can improve donor testing by con- FYB, which disrupts a binding site for the erythroid tran-
firming D phenotypes [7]. scription factor GATA-1 and results in the loss of Duffy
expression on RBCs [9]. For accuracy, the GATA mutation
High-throughput screening for donor inventory and must be included when typing for Duffy in African
rare or uncommon antigens groups. Importantly, expression of the protein on endo-
The ability to screen for multiple minor antigens in a sin- thelium is not altered and Fy(a b ) individuals with
gle assay format has been a significant aid to donor cen- GATA-1 mutations are not at risk for anti-Fyb. Silencing
tres to provide antigen-negative products and to provide mutations associated with loss of Kidd antigen expression
antigen-matched products for patients. Although DNA occur more often in Asians, whereas nucleotide changes
methods are not yet Food & Drug Administration (USA) encoding amino acid changes that weaken Kidd expres-
licensed to label donor units, some are CE marked. sion are see in Blacks.

Resolving donor ABO discrepancies to retain donors Disclosure

Donor samples with ABO typing results that are discor-
dant with results from a previous donation must be inves- The author has no conflicts of interest to declare.
tigated. Donors with depressed antigen or antibody
expression and RBC reactions that do not match the References
plasma reactions cannot be labelled for transfusion.
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ease.Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program 2009: 178–
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When differences between serological and DNA testing 5 Jung HH, Hergersberg M, Vogt M, et al. : McLeod phenotype
occur, it is important to investigate. This can indicate the associated with a XK missense mutation without hematologic,
presence of a novel allele or genetic variant, particularly neuromuscular, or cerebral involvement. Transfusion 2003;
when testing individuals from diverse ethnic groups. The
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phenotype and DNA genotype when testing donors by 7 Flegel WA, von Zabern I, Wagner FF: Six years’ experience
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ing errors. Other common causes of discrepancies include in Germany for preventing anti-D immunizations. Transfusion
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© 2013 The Author(s).

ISBT Science Series © 2013 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2013) 8, 1–5

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