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LW4643 Cyber Law


As part of the coursework in LW4643 Cyber Law, you are required to answer the question given below. The
coursework will be assessed for identification of issues, research, analysis, reasoning, citation style,
expression, and overall structure.


“Common law developments are not answers to problems associated with internet defamation.”

Do you agree with this statement? Critically evaluate it and present your arguments with supporting

Submission Guidelines:

 A hard copy of the coursework along with a signed copy of the plagiarism declaration must be submitted
to the Law School Office by 6:30 pm, Thursday, 12 March 2015. Please remember to upload an
identical soft copy of your paper online by the same deadline.
 Unless there are valid extenuating circumstances under Academic Regulations, late submission of paper
shall attract the following penalty: deduction of 5 marks for every single day (including public holidays)
of delay up to maximum 7 days. Papers received later than 7 days of the submission deadline shall not be
 The paper should not exceed 1,500 words (excluding footnotes). Students must specify the exact word
count on the top of their assignments. A penalty (deduction of up to 10 per cent of the total coursework
marks) shall apply for exceeding the word limit.
 Students should follow the following format:
 Font type and size: Times New Roman font 12 for main text, and font 10 for footnotes;
 Line spacing: one & a half for main text, and single for footnotes;
 Use footnotes and not endnotes.
 Your answer should be supported and properly referenced in footnotes, wherever considered necessary,
with relevant authorities. While citing authorities in footnotes, you should follow the Oxford Standard for
Citation of Legal Authorities (2012).
 As the objective of this assignment is to test students’ personal knowledge and skills, the students must
not consult or take help from others in preparation of their answers.
 For more details, please visit the following website:

Summer semester, 2012-13

LW4643 Cyber Law

I undertake that the coursework presented here is my own work and is, with the exception of attributed
quotations, written in my own words. All quotations have been placed within quotation marks and
referenced. I have not copied or paraphrased the words of any author, published or unpublished, without

I also declare that the total number of words used in my coursework assignment does not exceed 1,500

Student Name:………………………………………..

Student ID:……………………………………………


Date: ………………………………………………….

Word Count:…………………………………………..

Summer semester, 2012-13

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