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Online Advanced Adult Health

AAN 203


MAJOR: Adult Health

Course Code: AAN 204 (Online)

Course Title: Nursing In Cardiovascular Conditions

Credits: 3

Course Pre- requisite: AAN 203

Course Description: Advanced Adult Nursing 204 focuses on the cardiac care of
adult patients. This course enhances the knowledge base and the skills essential in
becoming a specialized nurse in the management of adult patients with
cardiovascular disorders.

Course Objectives:

Following completion of the course, the student will be able to:

 Discuss the signs, symptoms and the pathophysiological processes

including systemic consequences of cardiovascular disorders;
 Discuss relevant diagnostic tests, medical & pharmacological
interventions, nursing management of cardiovascular problems;
 Explain the current trends in the management of cardiac disorders;
 Critique current evidenced based research studies available as
innovations/ discoveries in the management of cardiovascular
diseases; and
 Compare the actual practice and the suggested practice in the
Clinical Practice Guidelines or Standards of care.

Requirements And Criteria For Grading


Paper, PowerPoint Presentations & Learning Portfolio# 1 25%

Topics: Current Trends In The Management Of Cardiovascular Diseases

 Cardiac Catheterization
 Coronary Angioplasty
 Cardiac Bypass
 Pacemakers/ Implantable Devices
 Cardiac Ablation
 Use Of Ventricular Assisted Devices
 Heart Transplant


1. Identify the candidates for the procedure

2. Describe the required preparation of the patient for the procedure
3. Describe how the procedure is performed
4. Explain the pre/ post preparation, care and management of the patient
5. Cite references/sources.
Paper & Learning Portfolio #2 25%

Topic: Current Evidence- Based Practice: Discoveries/ Innovations In The

Management Of Cardiovascular Diseases


1. Describe the background of the research study; note that date of the study
is current.
2. Describe the study’s research process.
3. Explain the applicability of the research study in the management and care
of patients with cardiovascular disorders.
4. Cite references/sources.

Paper, PowerPoint Presentations & Learning Portfolio #3 25%

Topic: Management Of Arrythmias

 Sinus Rhythms
 Atrial Cell Problems
 AV Junction Problems
 Ventricular Cell Problems
 Asystole


1. Present the rhythm with the correct figure include description/ explanation
2. Present the right management of the arrhythmias according to the
guidelines by AHA including specific nursing implications.
3. Ensure completeness of the topic content
4. Cite references/sources.
Paper, PowerPoint Presentations & Learning Portfolio #4 25%


Clinical Guidelines In The Management Of Cardiovascular Disorders

 Congestive Heart Failure

 Angina
 Myocardial Infarction
 Hypertension


1. Present the latest statistics ( your choice of area)

2. Describe the pathophysiology of the cardiovascular disorder (in diagram)
3. Describe the actual practice on the management of care
4. Present the clinical guideline/ standard of care
5. Compare the similarities/ differences from actual practice to the standard
of care
6. Critique the applicability of the standard of care in the actual hospital
setting, make/ state your recommendations
7. Cite references/ sources

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