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Worksheet for Bank Reconciliation

Charlie (Pty) Ltd presents the following information:

 The bank reconciliation at the end of the previous month, being 31 July
 The cash payments and cash receipts journal for the month of August 2011.
 The bank statement for the month of August 2011.

Charlie (Pty) Ltd Bank Reconciliation as at 31 July 2011

Balance per bank statement 5 500
PLUS: Outstanding cheque #60050 825
PLUS: Outstanding cheque #60051 1 750
PLUS: Outstanding cheque #60052 1 850
LESS: Deposit not recorded in bank statement (800)
LESS: Error on cheque #60055 (270)
Correct amount R2 360
Bank entry R2 630
Balance per cash journals 8 855

Charlie (Pty) Ltd Cash Payments and Cash Receipts Journal for August 2011
Date Document Debit Credit

1 Opening Balance 8 855

2 Chq 60060 - Expenses 2 000
3 Chq 60061- Expenses 3 000
5 Receipt 5001 7 000
7 Receipt 5002 6 000
9 Receipt 5003 8 000
14 Chq 60062- Expenses 1 500
15 Chq 60063- Expenses 7 700
17 Chq 60064- Expenses 1 998
18 Chq 60065- Expenses 3 250
22 Receipt 5004 15 200
23 Chq 60066 - Expenses 5 200
23 Bank statement - Debit order for Rent 5 000
23 Chq 60067- Expenses 1 000
31 Receipt 5005 - Cash Sales 5 500
Bank statement - Bank charges 150
Closing balance c/d 2 047
41 700 41 700
Closing Balance b/d 2 047
Worksheet for Bank Reconciliation

Charlie (Pty) Ltd Bank Statement as at 31 August 2011

Date Details Debit Credit Total
1 Opening Balance (5 500)
1 Deposit cash 800 (4 700)
2 Cheque 60050 825 (5 525)
3 Chq 60060 - Expenses 2 000 (7 525)
4 Receipt inward (7 525)
5 Receipt inward 7 000 (525)
7 Receipt inward 6 000 5 475
9 Receipt inward 8 000 13 475
Cheque 60051 1 750 11 725
15 Chq 60063 - Expenses 7 700 4 025
22 Receipt inward 15 200 19 225
23 Chq 60066 - Expenses 5 200 14 025
23 Rent paid 5 000 9 025
31 Bank charges 150 8 875

You are required to draft the bank reconciliation as at 31 August 2011. Assume any
errors are made by the bank.


Charlie (Pty) Ltd Bank Reconciliation as at 31 August 2011

Balance per bank statement
Matters from prior month not resolved:

New reconciling items:

Balance per cash journals

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