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Universidad de la Salle. López Karen. Joya Yeison. Duarte David.



López Ortegon Karen Dayana, Joya Canizares Yeison Fabián, David Leonardo Duarte Cano

I. INTRODUCTION passes is different. This can be seen in one of its most basic
form in Figure 2.
The resistive circuits are those circuits which as its name say,
resist the passage of electric current and is measured in ohms
(Ω), these circuits can be connected in series or in parallel.
With this in mind, the practice is to analyze the behavior of the
electric current to flow through a resistive circuit; and the
effect produced by the voltage drop by varying the resistance


For the analysis of any type of electrical circuit it is then Fig 2. Representation of a parallel circuit.
necessary to take into consideration some concepts as:
Ohm's law
Laboratory of week number four has decided to design a
It is a specific property of certain materials. The relationship is circuit with several combinations in order to perform
a statement of Ohm's law. A driver meets Ohm's law only if its measurements of voltage, current and resistance to be a circuit
current versus voltage curve is linear; that is if R is including multiple resistors with multiple values with a fixed
independent of V and I. The relationship remains the general DC voltage to 12 v supply current. As you can be seen in
definition of the resistance of a conductor, irrespective of Figure 1.
whether or not it complies with Ohm's law. The intensity of
electric current flowing through a device is proportional to the
difference in applied and inversely proportional to the strength
of the potential.

Series Circuits

They are those in which the connection of your devices are

placed sequentially (they have one point in common) the
Fig 3. Elected to the practice circuit.
voltage is different but the current is the same. This can be
observed in one of its most basic forms in Figure 1.
in order to have a good development practice it is necessary to
make the relevant calculations, based on the calculation
formulas of voltage, current and resistance mentioned
previously also use Ohm's law to support the calculations. To
which they are attached the theoretical results of each of the
circuit elements in Table 1.

Fig 1. Representation of a series circuit.

Parallel circuits

They are those in which their input terminals and output match
in this circuit, the voltage is the same, but the current that
Universidad de la Salle. López Karen. Joya Yeison. Duarte David. DIGITAL MULTIMETER (DC MODE) 2

CIRCUIT ELEMENT THEORETICAL In the laboratory could perform the practice to compare
CALCULATIONS the theoretical results with those obtained.
I=V/R (1) At the circuit we supply 12v DC, and proceeded to
It is first necessary to determine the loop current so it is necessary to find an equivalent
measure with Multimeter resistance value, the current and
resistance which involves making a sum between parallel and series resistance; resulting voltage that I had each one.
in 23.722 KΩ so you can determine that the current source output is 0.5058 mA.
Being a series circuit between the voltage
source and the voltage R1 resistance lies
not vary. therefore the tension in R1 has a
value of 12 volts with which current can
be found by:

I =0. 505 8 mA

It can be identified that R3 is in parallel
with the mains voltage by which the
voltage at R3 is equal to 12 volts, which
may determine the value of current
flowing through R3. Fig 4. Voltage source

Vr 3
I= =
V r3
A=0.4964 m A

V =IR (2)
I= ; for this part of the circuit it is necessary to consider the concepts of series
and parallel circuit, finding R2; R4 and R5 can be added in series to form a new
resistance and generate a parallel in this resistance to a value of 12 volts you have, so
this new one has a resistance voltage 0,00934 mA. However, the current in a series
circuit is the same for everyone so the resistance R2, R4 and R5 is the same.
once defined the value of current passing
through R2 is possible to calculate the Fig 5. Physical representation of the planned circuit
voltage on it with the equation (2)
V =IR = (0,00934)(100)= V =0.934
As R2, the same characteristics as the IV. RESULTS AND COMPARISON.
same equation hold.

V=IR= (0,00934)(750K)= V = 7.006 V

Defined as the previous steps, this step is

performed in the same way.

V=IR= (0,00934)(47K)= V = 0.439 V

Based on the theory of nodes; the current entering a node is equal to the leaves, so the
current entering the node 1 and is divided between the two possible paths and re-enter
through the node 2 and leave for R6. It is so; the current R6 and R7 have both equals
0.5058 mA.
Knowing the value of the current is only
necessary to use equation (2).
Table 2. The current of each resistance measurement
V=IR= (15.05)(3.3K)= V = 0.05 V

Like the previous step is only necessary to

use equation (2).
Universidad de la Salle. López Karen. Joya Yeison. Duarte David. DIGITAL MULTIMETER (DC MODE) 3

 Additional research:

In the laboratory we could also experience some of the

effects of the continuous and direct current on the body.
As a conclusion we can say that both the DC and AC
follow principles of Ohm's law.
Being the current alternates approx. 3-4 times less
dangerous than the continuous.
This occurs because the effects of alternating current are
not perceived immediately, if that does not depend on the
exposure time and amount of current hurting in a way that
Table 3. The Voltage of each resistance measurement.
is not noticeable; The DC effects are notorious way more
quickly, making the same amount of power that we use in
alternating current magnified causing damage in way
more notable. We can also say that women have lower
tolerance to current.

Fig 6. Effect of Electric Current on Human Body at 50 Hz.


 Conclusion in general we can say that we will never

get the exact value to make a measurement with any
instrument used, the element to be measured and the
appliance to use have some tolerance which will
prevent the real value.
 The multimeter of choice is the accuracy and
precision. And if don't have both, It is preferable one
that has accuracy.
 Precise and accurate don’t share the same
significance. Precise concerning the results obtained
at very close range between themselves and not
necessarily close to the expected value, while
Table 5. The value of each resistance measurement accurate, is a value close to the expected value.
 The DC has more effect on human beings than
In practice we could notice that the meter does not give alternating current.
the exact value, but giving approaches to it. In the case of
the measurement of resistance 5 (R 5) where the absolute
error gave 0, is because we use a scale to measure it's
great this was MΩ. And we could get more numbers to
compare correctly the result. The Multimeter does not
give the exact value, since this has also has a tolerance.
Analog multimeter mistakes are about 2% or 3% of the
staircase chosen by the operator. And resistance also has a
tolerance, so it is difficult to know the exact value in each
Universidad de la Salle. López Karen. Joya Yeison. Duarte David. DIGITAL MULTIMETER (DC MODE) 4


[1] A. Orozco Naranjo. (2012, Sept). Circuits Mix

Resistive. [Online]. Available:
[2] Riedel, N., (2005), CIRCUITOS ELECTRICOS. Ley
de Ohm, Madrid, España.

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