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b. What and how you diagnose the problem?

Based on movie The Devil Wears Prada, there are several problem that we have found.
Firstly, the problem in term of communication problems between superior and subordinates.
Miranda Priestly is a fierce woman, fast person and a workaholic person, and once she speaks
everyone should listen to her and bound to her words. Andrea at different side, who is new
employee, was someone who knows nothing about fashion and she had some communication
problem in understanding the fashion world. In this movie, Miranda is very fast in giving
command to her staff she never repeats her words over again. It makes the workers misinterpret
or misunderstand the command that she gives. When in an organization communication problem
will be a major problem since the subordinates cannot communicate wisely with their superior
and it will make the subordinates misinterpret and cannot perform the job well.

Secondly, the problem in this movie is the image a workaholic person. The image of
workaholic person is well-portrayed by Miranda Priestly. She put her business in the first place
and neglecting her own husband and her twin daughters. She is too concern on her job and has
no time to be with her family. Her time is fully on the job whenever and wherever she is. Until
one time, her husband decided to divorce and parted their ways. Although Miranda looked like
someone who is very passion in her work and someone who people afraid of, but actually she has
internal problem which comes from her family and she is lonely inside but she never showed that
in front of her staffs. Besides that, Andrea Sachs also displayed the image of a workaholic
person. After she has been a part of Runway team, most of her times are with Runway and
Miranda. She cannot mainly focus on her boyfriend whenever she was with him. This makes
Nate her boyfriend upsets with her and makes a decision to break up with her.
Next, the other problem that can be diagnose from this movie is the adaptability of one
self in a new working environment. In New York, the simple and naive just-graduated in
journalism Andrea Sachs is hired to work as the second assistant of the powerful and
sophisticated Miranda Priestly. At first, Andrea is someone who does not like fashion at all and
never know about those stuffs. It becomes an issue since she is working on Runway magazine
which is the most popular magazine at the time. Everyone knows Runway and people know who
Miranda Priestly, her superior is. However, she does not know who Miranda is in the beginning.
Andrea works really hard to deal with Miranda’s endless demands and difficult to adapt to the
new working environment since she was not graduated base in fashion. After some particular
time, she managed to adapt herself in new working environments, adapting herself in fashion
things and Miranda finally recognized her.

Last but not least, the problem that we have found in this movie is the character of
overbearing employer. In “The Devil Wears Prada”, which has made Miranda Priestly as one of
the most ruthless and cynical magazine editor. Miranda Priestly is a cold, harsh and at times,
cruel treatment of Andrea. The leadership traits in this movie are portrayed quite negatively, as
reflected by the entry of Miranda to the office. In addition, during team meetings, everyone tries
to portray himself or herself as best to please the boss is not a positive sign of teamwork. Those
environment creates negativity and will affects the productivity. A good manager or leader
should be approachable, appreciative and newcomers should not feel rejected. The employers
should be able to create close relationship with all subordinates. Even though it is important to
ensure that employees give respect to their leaders but respect based on fear is counter-
productive and will lead to a stressful and unhealthy working environment.

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