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Business Reporting Writing


A. Construct a letter approving an application for loan in a financial institution.

Research about electronic business communication and business proposal and
reports. Answer the following questions:

1. What is electronic office?

2. What are the different technologies in business communication?
3. What is business proposal?
4. What are classifications of proposals and reports?
5. What are the different parts of proposal?

B. Draft a product proposal that aims to modify, remodel or innovate your old design
of product to make it more saleable and delightful to customers.

Answer for the questions given:

1. Electronic Office - is also known as e-office was an office or work that is utilizing
electronic methods of storing and using documents over using paper. It was a
term coined to cover the increasing use of computer- based information
technology for office work. However, it is a tool which can be used by an
organization to automate an unlimited variety of business process, without having
to write a single line of code. It is essentially to identify the process participants,
categorized into originators and resource persons. It is ideally suited for small
and medium businesses, large corporations and organizations, which requires
automation of business process. Electronic Office is one part of Pristine
Workflow, a comprehensive suite of process automation solutions in the Google
cloud and aim to automate the workflow part of business processes without
having to go through the time-costing and costly step of developing software.
Thus, it improved accuracy and efficiency of organizations and thereby improved
their level of service, while theoretically lowering cost and drastically reducing the
consumption of paper and also useful in an office.
2. Different Technologies in Business Communication are the following:
 Computer – is used for communication in business when it comes to establishing
contact with clients. It is important to use in business to automate the
manufacturing, marketing and, distribution process .
 Video Conferencing - is a type of distance conferencing where two or more
number of people can visually connect and interact with each other. This method
has enabled businesses and organizations to hold meetings face to face with
people without having the need to move to one particular location. Building and
maintaining quality relationship with customer and boost productivity in business.
Helps in speed up the decision making and provides business ability to meet.
 Mobile Optimization - when it comes to communication with your business is your
use of mobile technology. It can be a great way to reach more customers or
achieve more results.
 Chat Features - chatting is now a useful tool for many businesses. For users, an
online chat experience is much more satisfying and less frustrating.
 Video Calling - businesses have more flexibility and better opportunities to save
on travel costs by using video calling services instead.
 Telephone - an efficient business telephone system streamlines good
communication between organisation and customers. The telephone offers a
faster interaction than email, is more personal, and easy and quick to use.
 Internet - the use of the internet also makes it easier for businesses to deliver
messages to people working within the organisation and access the products
wants of customer through having an internet.
 Fax Machine – is used for business communication that make sending and
receiving documents a quick alternative to sending and receiving them via postal
mail or other delivery services. It also work well to send menus, emergency
communications, and status of an account and delivery information.
 E-mail or electronic mail - is an important method of business communication
that is fast, cheap, accessible and easily replicated. Using email can greatly
benefit businesses as it provides efficient and effective ways to transmit all kinds
of electronic data.
 Voice mail - can greatly enhance a business' performance and increase
efficiency in communication with customers and clients, which is why every
business should make an effort to search for a system that will offer functionality
that will help streamline communication and improve instant access to
 Microsoft office - can use word to create and store just about any kind of
business document, including company reports, presentations, budgets,
proposals and plans. It can help you build a library of key forms, such as
invoices, statements, receipts, memos and agendas .
 Cloud Technology - is another big part of any business’ future communications
plan. The need for data storage space continues to be a driving force for many
 Home and Business Automation - is another key idea that shows much promise
in the world of communication technology for businesses. This can help improve
the way consumers get products and elevate their experience with any business.
 Multimedia - are presentation, training, marketing, advertising, product demos,
catalogues, networked communication. This means that multimedia platforms
offer an array of communication and education applications to business
 Cloud Computing - is key for business operations that improved due to cloud
computing include communication, customer and supplier relationship
management, human resource, accounting, and more.
 Intranet - the goal of an intranet is to ease communication, collaboration and
document sharing for people within an organization. Intranets provide a virtual
space for employees to work together, which is great for when people are spread
out geographically.
 Mobile Phones - makes it possible for your business's employees to access and
use the same business communication facilities that they have in the office.
 Complete Integration - The key to making your business work better for your
goals is effective communication. Today, it’s possible to find a technology
solution that could streamline and improve your connected communication,
making your business excel beyond expectations.
3. Business Proposal – is a document designed to persuade an organization to buy
product or service. It is a written offer from a seller to a buyer and often a key
step in the complex sales process. However, it is a document used by a B2B or
business facing company where seller aims to persuade a prospective buyer into
buying their goods and services. Moreover, a business proposal is a focused
sales document intended to describe how a company will approach a project,
state the value of the project to the client and solicit the client's business. It must
be distinguished from estimates. In many fields where small business is active,
estimates serve the same purpose as a proposal. They are the document that
clinches the sale of a roofing or a paying job or a monthly house-cleaning
service. But it is vital to remember that proposals are always first and foremost
sales documents. Thus, the purpose of this is to persuade the reader to make
change that will make your proposed idea a reality, can help you secure
funding, it will provide your business with direction and structure and of
course proposal is a way of planning for the better.
4. Classifications of Proposals and Reports are the following:
For Classifications of Proposals:
 Solicited proposals – it is a proposal prepared in response to an invitation from a
firm or some government or non-government organization.
 Unsolicited proposals – it is a proposal prepared by an individual on his own
initiative, without any external encouragement or request to solve the problem as
perceived by him/her.
 Formal proposals - it is a kind of offer to provide a product or services and a
recommendation to conduct some kind of research. It is strategic sales-based
business document that you use to present your company and the solution you
want to offer to a potential client to persuade them to buy.
 Informal proposals – are usually much shorter than formal ones, and they are
typically used to win smaller projects. It also a written when people need to ask
permission to make a purchase, undertake a project, or write a paper; this type of
proposal is a way of persuasively putting forth an idea and asking for action to be
taken on that idea.
 Internal proposals – prepares an internal proposal with a motive to convince the
person or a group in authority to allow him to implement his ideas. It is submitted
within a company.
 External proposals – a proposal written by a firm in order to win contracts for
 Continuation proposals - requests the already approved funds for the next phase
(or next year) of the project. Typically, sponsors require a progress report and
budget before releasing additional funds.
 Renewal proposals- is a request for additional funding for a support period
subsequent to that provided by a standard or continuing grant.
 Supplemental proposals - asks for an increase in support for a proposal that has
already been funded.

For Classifications of Reports:

 Proposal Reports - Business proposal reports are documents that propose an

idea or an approach to solving a problem or issue. This could be anything from
an idea to solve excessive spending within the company or a strategy to launch a
new marketing campaign.
 Analytical or Informational Reports - is a type of a business report that uses
qualitative and quantitative company data to analyse as well as evaluate a
business strategy or process, while empowering employees to make data-driven
decisions based on evidence and analytics. However, provide data, facts,
feedback, and other types of information without analysis or recommendations.
 Narrative Reports - meaning, a narrative report presents things or events that
has happened in the past through a logical progression of the relevant
information. The main purpose of a narrative report is to present a factual
depiction of what has occurred.
 Statistical Reports - is a way of presenting large amounts of data in a convenient
 Periodic reports - is a written document that summarizes the events that have
occurred since the last periodic report was written.
 Progress Reports - is exactly what it sounds like – a document that explains in
detail how you far you've gone towards the completion of a project.
 Special Reports – are collections of research notes that address a particular
business or IT topic or issue our clients are facing.
 Interpretative Reports – means a kind of reporting in which reporter finds out the
details of the event. It is done normally after the breaking news has gone on air
and people are waiting for other details of the same news item.
 Vertical or Lateral Reports- is used to show the relative sizes of the different
accounts on a financial statement. It also refers to the direction a report travels.
 Technical Reports - is a document that describes the process, progress, or
results of technical or scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific
research problem.
 Formal Reports - is an official report that contains detailed information, research,
and data necessary to make business decisions.
 Informal Reports - are the shortest as well as simplest of all kinds of reports and
follows natural language and style.
 Financial Reports - is the financial results of an organization that are released its
stakeholders and the public.
 Performance Reports - is a report on the performance of something and detailed
statement that measures the results of some activity in terms of its success over
a specific time frame.
 Internal Reports - involves the compilation of financial and operational
information on a frequent basis, which is distributed to those within an
organization who can use it to improve performance.
 External Reports - is the issuance of financial statements to parties outside of the
reporting entity.
 Functional Reports - these kinds of reports include marketing reports, financial
reports, accounting reports, and a spectrum of other reports that provide a
function specifically. There are four types such as pre-printed form, letter, memo,
and manuscript.
 Long or Short Reports - is the culmination of many weeks of hard work. A one
page memorandum is obviously short and twenty page report is clearly long.
 Written Reports - a written document describing the findings of some individual or
 Oral Reports - are to be systematic, organized, prepared, to present a good
structure about a subject, and to have an effective communication with the

5. Parts of the Proposals:

 Title Page -
 Abstract
 Table of Contents
 Introduction
 Background
 Needs Statement
 Project Activity, Methodology, and Outcomes
 Goals/ Objectives
 Project Plan
 Evaluation
 Dissemination
 Description of Proposed Research
 Key Personnel
 Equipment and Facilities
 Budget
 Appendices

Additionally, for parts of the business proposals:

 Title Page
 Cover Letter
 Table of Contents
 Executive Summary
 Assessment
 Implementation
 Goals and Outlook
 Proposal
 Services/Methodology
 Pricing
 Terms and Agreement
 Acceptance



33, Pantaleon Del Rosario Street
Cebu City, 6000

April 18, 2020

Financial Officer
DYNZTER Business Center Company
404- A B Rodriguez Maharlika Street
Davao City, 8000

Dear Mr. Tan:

In regard to your salary loan application in our company dated April 16, 2020 with
requested amount of P250, 000.00 in order to meet miserly financial problems. We are
pleased to inform you that your loan application is hereby approved by our company
based on the guidelines.

We have completely read and assay your business proposition. We concluded that your
plan is absolute to run a business successfully. If you follow the terms and conditions
your business can be very profitable and develop. It can be beneficient for us in return.
As early discussed, the interest rate for your monthly payment is 1.33% and diminishing
in nature. We fervently hope that this rate will be good for you. The term of your loan
payment is 3 years and you will have to make the subsequent payment on the 1 st of
every month.

Please come to the office to review the terms and condition of the loan agreement. The
term thoroughly contour in the promissory note. You are requested to come and sign in
so that you can get your loan.

Thank you and more power.

Respectfully yours,


Loan Officer
A business proposal is a focused sales document intended to describe how a
company will approach a project, state the value of the project to the client and solicit
the client's business.A written offer from a seller to a prospective buyer. Open a key
step in the complex sales process. A business proposal is a written
document sent to a prospective client in order to obtain a specific
job. Proposals may be solicited or unsolicited. A client may simply
request a proposal on a project in the course of a sales call by
saying: "You know, that sounds interesting. Why don't you send me
a proposal on that." In other cases the proposal may be a formal
solicitation, usually called an RFP (request for proposal). RFPs are
almost always documents, too. They specify the product or service
to be provided, the qualifications sought, and the deadline for
submission. Solicited proposals, obviously, mean that the client has
already decided to make a purchase. Only the selection of a vendor
remains to be done. An unsolicited proposal, by contrast, is often a
sales presentation dressed in another cloak—but the proposal is
specifically aimed at a well-defined and limited activity. An example
of an unsolicited proposal is the submission of the outline of a book
to a publisher arguing the popularity of the subject, the novelty of
the approach, and the merits of the author.

Business proposals must be distinguished from estimates. In many

fields where small business is active, estimates serve the same
purpose as a proposal. They are the document that clinches the sale
of a roofing or a paving job or a monthly house-cleaning service. But
it is vital to remember that proposals are always first and foremost
sales documents.

 Importance .It will help you make realistic plans and projections. It can
help you secure funding. It will provide your business with direction and
structure. 4. It will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. One
of the major reasons why business proposals are written is in order to propose
a product or service to a prospective customer or buyer.
 Business proposals are written in order to offer solutions to the problems
faced by prospective customers.
 Business proposals enable businesses to sell their products or services. A
business proposal is one of the most effective tools that can be used by a
person or business to sell a product or services.
 Business proposals help businesses to compete without even needing to send
marketers or representatives to physically go to the prospective customers to
pitch or to try and sell their products or services. The business proposal, if
written very well would on its own be able to do all the promotion and selling.
 Business proposals help buyers to get the exact products or services that they
1. What is electronic office?

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