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International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology

46 (1998) 43 – 56

A study of auditory afferent organization in children with


D. Milic' ić a,*, M.N.M.P. Alçada b, L. Pais Clemente a, S. Vec' erina-Volić c,

J. Jurković c, M. Pais Clemente a
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Hospital S. João, Medical School, 4200 Porto, Portugal
Department of Biochemistry, Medical School, 4200 Porto, Portugal
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Audiological and Phoniatric Centre, KBC Salata, Medical School, Zagreb, Croatia

Received 15 April 1998; received in revised form 28 August 1998; accepted 30 August 1998


The auditory afferent (AA) control is an important feedback mechanism in the speech generation. A different
organization of AA pathways in children with speech alterations is suggested. In order to investigate this possibility
we recorded the auditory brainstem responses (ABR) and middle latency responses (MLR) on monoaural and
binaural click stimulation in a group of 17 normal children with no alteration of the speech (N) and in 16 children
with dyslalia (eight with systematic (S) and eight with non-systematic errors of the speech (NS)). All of children were
normal hearing, with normal ORL and neurological status, right-handed and with the age approximately 7 years old.
A lateralization effect was found in the S group. Normally, it was only found for wave I. The efficiency of both AA
pathways was the same in NS group, indicating a more effective right pathway in more rostral areas. A prolonged
latency (X( =0.25 ms) of wave III was registered on the right side in the NS group compared to normals, as well for
wave V (X( =0.175 ms) with increased sweep rate (21 vs 51 and 71). The effect of sweep rate augmentation was also
studied (21–51–71) on latency values and inter-wave differences in these groups. A successive latency prolongation
(X( =2.97 ms) of MLR wave Na was registered between the N –S –NS groups. In the S group a latency binaural
interaction (BI) of MLR left wave Na was prolonged for 3.52 ms and in the NS group for a further 1.32 ms compared
to normals. Only in the NS group was a prolongation of the BI of the right wave Pa detected (6.76 ms) compared
to normals. Results suggest a different AA organization in children with dyslalia. Possible locations of alterations in
functioning could be pons, and thalamocortical projections. ABR and MLR could evaluate the auditory – speech
capability of children. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Dyslalia; Middle latency response; Auditory brainstem response; Sweep rate; Binaural interaction

* Corresponding author. Present address: Rua da Constituição, 1497-4° Esq, 4200-Porto, Portugal.

0165-5876/98/$ - see front matter © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII S0165-5876(98)00135-9
44 D. Milic' ić et al. / Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 46 (1998) 43–56

1. Introduction 2. Subjects and methods

The exact location of a speech (articulation and All children, with paternal informed consent,
vocalization) pathway (S.P. Zhang, R. Bandler, were right-handed, with normal hearing, normal
P.J. Davis, Brain stem integration of vocalisation: ORL, neurological and psychological status. In
role of nucleus retroambigualis, 1995, pers. com- the control group (N) with no alteration of
mun.) is under investigation, indicating the impor- speech, we tested four males and 13 females (in
tance of thalamic [13,33,34] and extrathalamic total 17) with mean age 7.47 9 1.07 years (C.V.
structures [32], especially in auditory control 14.29%). In a group of children with dyslalia we
[30,31]. The alteration in development of speech tested those with systematic (S) and non-system-
can be caused by a dysfunction of cortical and atic (NS) errors of speech. In the S group we had
subcortical structures [16]. four males and four females (in total eight) with a
The auditory brainstem response (ABR) is a mean age of 6.879 0.64 years (C.V. 9.32%). In
reliable indicator of the auditory function, from the NS group we had six males and two females
the distal auditory nerve to the inferior collicule (in total eight) with a mean age of 6.259 0.46
(IC) [35]. (C.V. 13.99%). In all children median and mode
The middle latency response (MLR) gives a of age was 7 years.
representation of higher auditory afferent (AA) The recordings were performed with an Am-
structures, centrally to IC, as well as the reticular plaid MK6 Evoked Potentials Signal Processor,
activating system [2] and non-primary divisions of stimulated by an AS 501 Tone and Click Genera-
the auditory thalamocortical pathway [26], pro- tor, an As 500 Mixer and Power amplifier and
cessing multisensory stimuli. A primary temporal standard shielded TDH 49 earphones. Evoked
response of MLR is in children dominated by a responses were displayed on Tekstronix 4006-1
state-dependent labile midline response, generated display and stored. Standard Ag/AgCl cup elec-
by non-primary pathway [21,24]. An MLR could trodes were located on the vertex (+ ), and re-
give information about the auditory function and ferred to the earlobe of the stimulated ear (− ).
discrimination, and also the auditory – speech inte- The contralateral earlobe electrode served as a
gration and feedback control in children [26]. ground. Electrodes were fixed with collodium and
There are some evidences of a different audi- filled with Ultragel (Interprogres, Zagreb). Skin
tory afferent organization in children: those with resistance did not exceed 3 kV.
a bad phonemic hearing [25], Down’s syndrome ABR and MLR recordings were performed in
[9,40], neurodegenerative disorders [3], autism and an acoustically and electrically shielded room on a
minimal brain dysfunction [39], reading, writing lying subject with no sedation. ABR analysis time
and spelling difficulties [31], hyperactive children was 10 ms; sweep rate (PPS, pulses per second),
[36], developmentally retarded [28] children with 21, 51 and 71; sweep count, 2048; LF cut-off, 100
early mild hearing loss associated with otitis me- Hz (roll-off 12 dB/octave); HF cut-off, 2000 Hz
dia [12], and in adult males who stutter [5]. (roll-off 6 dB/octave). MLR analysis time was 100
Dyslalia is an alteration of articulation, mani- ms; sweep rate, 9; sweep count, 1024; LF cut-off,
fested in a slower capability of a realization of 20 Hz (roll-off 12 dB/octave); HF cut-off, 100 Hz
phonemes [38]. It can be distinguished in system- (roll-off 6 dB/octave). Stimulation was done with
atic fixed errors (S) and in non-systematic errors an alternating click with 100 dB SPL (sound
(NS) (with omission, substitution, addition and pressure level) intensity, monaurally and binau-
metatesis of phonemes), indicating a more pro- rally. The recording was performed by an MK 6/6
found dysfunction [15]. Audio Automatic Protocol Programme, and an
The aim of this study was to investigate the MK 6/7 Cognitive Evoked Potential Programme.
possibility of an altered AA organization in chil- It was stopped and repeated in any case of obvi-
dren with non-developmental dyslalia (older than ous muscular activity, or other artifact interfer-
6 years). ence. The testing lasted on average 2 h.
D. Milic' ić et al. / Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 46 (1998) 43–56 45

Table 1
Significant ABR and MLR latency right and left difference (Mann–Whitney U-test) in normal children, with systematic and
non-systematic errors of speech

Normals Systematics Non-systematics

Wave Side Diff. (ms) P Wave Side Diff. (ms) P Wave Side Diff. (ms) P

I Left 0.08 0.02
II Left 0.18 0.043
V Left 0.24 0.024
Na Right 3.35 0.046

ABR, auditory brainstem response; MLR, middle latency response; Diff., prolongation of wave latency; PPS, pulses per second.

The latency binaural interaction (BI) was calcu- 3.2. ABR latency differences between the N, S
lated [27]. Data of a stable parameter (latency) and NS groups
were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Mann –
Whitney U-test. There was no significant difference in ABR
latency between the N and S groups (Table 3).
Only on highest stimulus presentation rate (PPS
3. Results 71), was a latency prolongation of right wave III
(0.38 ms) recorded in the NS group compared to
Representative wave forms from each group the S group (Table 3).
tested are presented in Figs. 1 – 3. The difference between the N and NS groups in
ABR recordings was a latency prolongation of the
3.1. Right–left differences right wave III at all PPS applied (0.20 ms at PPS
21, 0.19 at PPS 51 and 0.32 ms at PPS 71) (Table
The only latency prolonged in the N group was 3).
the ABR left wave I (0.08 ms) (Table 1). In the NS group the V wave latency was pro-
In the S group, latencies of waves II and V were longed 0.15 ms at PPS 51 and 0.20 ms at PPS 71
longer (0.18 and 0.24 ms, respectively) on the left compared to normals (Table 3). On higher PPS
side, with increased significance on higher levels (51 vs 71) the difference was bigger and more
of wave generation (Table 1). significant (Table 3). A prolongation (0.29 ms) of
For the NS group there was no significant the right wave III on binaural stimulation at PPS
difference between the right – left recording side 21 (Table 3) was also recorded. The identification
for ABR latencies (Table 1). of waves III and V was similar (Table 2).
Wave II was less identifiable in all groups
(Table 2). The identification was reduced from the 3.3. ABR latency differences in the N, S and NS
N to the S group, with smallest values for the NS groups at different sweep rates
group (Table 2). For the NS group, wave II was
less identifiable on the left than on the right side In the N group, after increasing PPS from 21 to
(Table 2). 51, latencies prolonged for the right waves III
The unique latency prolongation (3.35 ms) reg- (0.10 ms) and V (0.21 ms) (Table 4). Also, on left
istered in the NS group was from the MLR right side the latency of wave V was longer (0.38 ms)
wave Na (Table 1). (Table 4). Changing PPS from 21 to 71, the
D. Milic' ić et al. / Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 46 (1998) 43–56

Fig. 1. Representative wave-forms of auditory brainstem responses (ABR) of sweep rate (PPS) 21, 51 and 71 and middle latency response (MLR) in a group of normal
children. Case: S.B., female, 7 years old.
D. Milic' ić et al. / Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 46 (1998) 43–56

Fig. 2. Representative wave-forms of auditory brainstem responses (ABR) of sweep rate (PPS) 21, 51 and 71 and middle latency response (MLR) in a group of children
with systematic errors of speech. Case: M.B., female, 7 years old.
D. Milic' ić et al. / Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 46 (1998) 43–56

Fig. 3. Representative wave-forms of auditory brainstem responses (ABR) of sweep rate (PPS) 21, 51 and 71 and middle latency response (MLR) in a group children
with non-systematic errors of speech. Case: M.M., male, 7 years old.
D. Milic' ić et al. / Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 46 (1998) 43–56 49

Table 2
Identifiable auditory brainstem response (ABR) waves in normal children, with systematic and non-systematic errors of speech

Wave Normal (total n= 17) Systematic (total n = 8) Non-systematic (total n =8)

Right (n) Left (n) Right (n) Left (n) Right (n) Left (n)

ABR Sweep Rate 21

I 15 7
II 12 13 7 7 4
ABR Sweep Rate 51
I 7 6 7
II 10 9 5 5 4 3
III 16 16 7 7
V 16
ABR Sweep Rate 71
I 16 16 6 6 5 7
II 12 13 4 3 3 1
III 7 7 6

Waves with total number were excluded.

increase of wave III latency was higher on the 3.4. ABR inter-wa6e differences in the N, S and
right than on the left side (0.17 vs 0.15 ms), as NS groups
well for wave V (0.31 vs 0.23 ms) (Table 4). The
latency of the wave I was prolonged (0.1 ms) only The left III–V inter-wave latency difference
on the right side (Table 4). The identification of (IW) was significantly higher (0.15 ms) in the S
the wave was similar (Table 2). group compared to the N group at PPS 71 (Table
In the S group, changing PPS from 21 to 51, 5). In the NS group, the left III–V IW was
prolonged latencies of right waves II (0.17 ms) significantly higher (0.16 ms) at PPS 21 than in
and V (0.32 ms) (Table 4). On the contrary to the S group (Table 5). Compared to the N group,
wave V, wave II was less identified at higher PPS at the same PPS 21, the right I–III IW was
(Table 2). significantly higher (0.16 ms) on binaural stimula-
In the NS group a latency prolongation of right tion in the NS group (Table 5). On ipsilateral
wave V was progressively higher and more signifi- stimulation the same I–III right IW difference
cant with increase in PPS (0.31 ms at PPS 21 vs 51 (0.14 ms) was on the limit of significance (P=
and 0.46 ms at PPS 21 vs 71) (Table 4). This 0.05).
relation could be similar for left wave V, if a
prolongation of 0.33 ms at PPS 21 vs 51 was not 3.5. MLR latency differences between the N, S
on the limit of significance (p = 0.05). Wave III and NS groups
(0.17 ms) was registered only on the left side in
the NS group, and only on alteration of PPS from For MLR a difference between the N and S
21 to 51 (Table 4). There was no prolongation groups was a 3.02 ms latency prolongation of the
of the wave III latency on either side at PPS 71 right wave Na (Table 6). The latency of the right
compared to PPS 21 (Table 4). The identifica- wave Na was 2.91 ms longer in the NS group than
tion of wave III was similar in the NS group in the S group (Table 6). The registered prolonga-
(Table 2). tion of the wave Na latency, between the N and
50 D. Milic' ić et al. / Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 46 (1998) 43–56

Table 3
Significant ABR latency differences (Mann–Whitney U-test) at sweep rates 21, 51, 71 in normal children, with systematic and
non-systematic errors of speech

Normals/systematics Systematics/non-systematics Normals/non-systematics

Wave Side Diff. (ms) P Wave Side Diff. (ms) P Wave Side Diff. (ms) P

III Right 0.20 0.004
III B. Right 0.29 0.001
III Right 0.19 0.005
V Right 0.15 0.032
III Right 0.38 0.015 III Right 0.32 0.001
V Right 0.20 0.010

ABR, auditory brainstem response; PPS, pulses per second; Diff., prolongation of wave latency.

NS groups, was the the sum (5.93 ms) of the N There were no significant gender differences in
versus S, and S versus NS difference on the right either group.
side (Table 6). In the NS group, on binaural
stimulation, the latency of left wave Na was pro-
longed (2.21 ms) compared to normals (Table 6). 4. Discussion

3.6. Binaural interaction (BI) latency A lateralization effect on ABR was found in the
S group, as suggested in normal children [31,37]
There were no significant BI values for ABR. (Table 1). In our normal group, it was only
BI values were significant only for the MLR Na confirmed for wave I, but with a very small
and Pa wave latency (Table 6). The BI of wave difference (Table 1). The efficiency of both AA
Na was prolonged in the S group on the left side pathways was the same in our NS group up to IC,
(3.52 ms) (Table 6). In the same group, the pro- as described in reading, writing and spelling
longation of BI of the right Na wave (4.07 ms) difficulties [31] (Table 4). Our results indicate also
was on the limit of significance (P = 0.05) (Fig. 1). a more effective right pathway in more rostral
There was no difference in BI between the S and thalamocortical divisions (Table 1).
NS groups (Table 6). In the NS group, a prolon- All of our latency values were within the limits
gation of the BI of the left Na wave latency (4.84 of normative values for ABR [14,43] and MLR
ms) was registered when compared to the N group [22,41] for the 7-year-old age group. Differences
(Table 6). In the same group, for the right side, a between our groups could not be related only to
prolongation of the BI of the Na wave (6.36 ms) immaturity, even as a complex process [7]. Our
was on the limit of significance (P =0.05) (Fig. 1). results cannot be limited exclusively to myeliniza-
The BI for Pa wave latency was prolonged in tion as one of maturational process [25]. It could
the NS group compared to the N group, for the be also a difference in functioning [9,39,40], possi-
right side (6.76 ms) (Table 6). The prolongation of bly genetically determined [11].
the BI of the left wave Pa (4.18 ms) was on the These differences could be prolonged ABR la-
limit of significance (P =0.05) in the same group tencies (X( = 0.25 ms) of the waves representing
comparison (Fig. 1). the middle pons on the right side in the NS group,
In the S group compared to normals, the BI for when compared to normal children (Table 3).
the wave Pa was similarly prolonged for the both With an augmented neural overload (PPS 51 and
sides, but not statistically significant (Fig. 1). 71) in the NS group compared to normal, we
D. Milic' ić et al. / Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 46 (1998) 43–56 51

Table 4
Significant ABR latency difference (Mann–Whitney U-test) between sweep rates 21, 51 and 71 in normal children, with systematic
and non-systematic errors of speech

Normals Systematics Non-systematics

Wave Side Diff. (ms) P Wave Side Diff. (ms) P Wave Side Diff. (ms) P

Sweep rate 21 vs 51
II Right 0.17 0.034
III Right 0.10 0.007
V Right 0.21 0.006 V Right 0.32 0.031 V Right 0.31 0.007
III Left 0.17 0.049
V Left 0.38 0.011
Sweep rate 51 vs 71
V Right 0.15 0.049
Sweep rate 21 vs 71
I Right 0.10 0.007
III Right 0.17 0.001
V Right 0.31 0.0001 V Right 0.46 0.001
III Left 0.15 0.030
V Left 0.23 0.014 V Left 0.41 0.011

ABR, auditory brainstem response; Diff., prolongation of wave latency.

observed a progressive prolongation (X( = 0.175 the N group on higher informational overload
ms) of latency, even though lately contested [10], (PPS 21 vs 71) the prolongation was bilateral, even
at more rostral parts (wave V) on the same side though it was greater and more significant on the
(Table 3). Also, the right wave III and its latency right side, corresponding to adult values [4].
prolongation could be involved in a subtle differ- No significant prolongation of the latency was
entiation between systematic and non-systematic registered on the left side in children with system-
errors of the speech (identified only on highest atic errors of the speech with alteration of PPS
PPS) (Table 3). (Table 4). In the S group, as in the N group, a
These differences could be a result of gender prolongation of wave V was registered on the right
disproportion in our NS group. The prolongation side, but only on alteration of PPS 21 to 51 (Table
of latencies of ABR in adult males is known [16]. 4). A latency prolongation of right wave II (Table
But, our calibration results, as well as results in 4) was also registered. This could be attributed to
this study did not show any significant latency low identification of this wave (Table 2).
change between males and females. A gender dis- In the NS group the equity of two AA pathways
proportion in the NS group is a characteristic of was suggested, especially on higher neural over-
this type of speech pathology with a predomina- load with a more significant prolongation of the
tion in the male population, usually accompanied latency at more cranial levels. The left wave III
with lateralization difficulties [15,38]. Our result latency prolongation (on PPS 51 vs 21) could
could also present a difference in functioning in mean a detection of more subtle differences on the
this specific NS speech alteration. contralateral side (Table 4).
In the group of normal children the expected The expected prolongation of latency with aug-
prolongation of wave latencies at higher sweep mentation of sweep rate was found in the normal
rate (PPS 51) was confirmed, representing the group (Table 4). The change of PPS from 51 to 71
middle and upper pons [42,47], on the right side was not significant in the N and S groups. This
(Table 4). The only latency prolongation regis- could indicate that an increase of PPS does not
tered on left side in this group, at PPS change necessarily evoke a linear prolongation of latency.
from 21 to 51, was of wave V latency (Table 4). In This indicated more an existence of the threshold
52 D. Milic' ić et al. / Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 46 (1998) 43–56

Table 5
Significant ABR inter-wave latency differences (Mann–Whitney U-test) in normal children, with systematic and non-systematic
errors of speech at sweep rates 21 and 71

Normals/systematics Systematics/non-systematics Normals/non-systematics

IW Side Diff. (ms) P IW Side Diff. (ms) P IW Side Diff. (ms) P

I–III B. Right 0.16 0.027
III–V Left 0.16 0.027
III–V Left 0.15 0.024

ABR, auditory brainstem response; IW, inter-wave latency differences; Diff., prolongation of wave latency; PPS, pulses per second.

for a neural reaction, which is not only progres- children with an alteration of the speech [18].
sive adaptation [16]. It depends on types of electri- From our results, in right-handed persons, it is
cal activity at certain neural levels, and dependent on caudal more ipsilateral levels in
inhibitory–excitatory interactions [16]. In the NS more profound alterations, as well on more ros-
group this change, PPS 51 vs 71, was significant, tral contralateral levels (Table 5). The results in
which could be also a difference in functioning children with bad phonemic hearing show only a
(Table 4). significant prolongation of I–III IW on the right
A certain immaturity of higher AA pathways side [25]. So, the location of the alteration in
could be indicated for all groups. This could non-systematic errors of speech and bad phone-
correspond to a still not established lateralization mic hearing is the same. Bad phonemic hearing
effect in AA pathways, which is adequate to the could be a constitutional part of a dysfunction
age of the children studied and to the level of the causing a non-systematic alteration of the speech.
developmental process (Table 4) [6,7] and its ros- On higher levels of AA pathways, the latency of
tro-caudal orientation [47]. the subcortical Na wave [19] on the right side, was
On a habitual information presentation (PPS progressively augmented (X( = 3.96 ms) with a
21) there was no IW difference between the N and progression in the alteration of the speech (Table
S groups. The III–V IW difference between the N 5).
and S groups was detected only on PPS 71, on the It is known that a Pa wave [8] and higher ABR
left side (Table 5). This suggests that the location waves [45] show a binaural occlusion effect with a
of a probable alteration in systematic errors of the convergent projection [27,29]. We did not find any
speech is at the upper contralateral pons. This significant ABR BI difference in our groups, with
could be evidence that systematic errors of the our values shorter than in adults [27].
speech are more subtle alterations. Compared to normal children we detected a
A prolonged left III – V IW difference (0.16 ms) prolongation of MLR BI of the left wave Na, in
was detected at PPS 21 (Table 5) between the S the S group for 3.52 ms and in the NS group for
and NS groups. a further 1.32 ms (Table 6). The successive latency
The difference between normal and NS groups prolongation (6.36 ms, not referred in Table 6) of
is a prolongation of I – III IW on PPS 21, detected the right wave Na for these two groups is only
on the right side (0.16 ms) (Table 5). So, non-sys- suggested.
tematic errors of speech could have an alteration The expected BI prolongation of the wave Pa
at the level of the more ipsilateral lower pons, as (6.76 ms) was registered only in NS group, on the
well as at the upper more contralateral pons. right side in relation to normal (Table 6). The
Our inter-wave relations of ABR waves could same was only suggested for the left wave Pa in
indicate an altered functioning of the pons in this group (not referred in Table 6).
D. Milic' ić et al. / Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 46 (1998) 43–56 53

Table 6
Significant MLR and latency binaural interaction differences (Mann–Whitney U-test) in normal children, with systematic and
non-systematic errors of speech

Normals/systematics Systematics/non-systematics Normals/non-systematics

Wave Side Diff. (ms) P Wave Side Diff. (ms) P Wave Side Diff. (ms) P

Na Right 3.02 0.020 Na Right 2.91 0.031 Na Right 5.93 0.0003
Na B. Left 2.21 0.027
Binaural Interaction MLR
Na Left 3.52 0.037 Na Left 4.84 0.011
Pa Right 6.76 0.016

MLR, middle latency response; Diff., prolongation of wave latency; B. Right, binaural right; B. Left, binaural left.

For a S group the same prolongation of BI Pa served in cerebral lesion with aphasia [20]. In the
wave latency was registered, but not statistically work with RDLD all the subjects were older than
significant, excluding its clinical utility (Fig. 4). in our work, and the matching control group in
This could be an indication of a continuing the same work was significantly older than the
process of maturation [23] of MLR with its final- examined group [1]. Still, shorter latencies for
ization in 12–14 years old [7]. It could also be just wave III and V were registered in the RDLD
another indication of altered function of AA path- group.
ways in children with the speech problems, already Smith and co-workers did not find any differ-
suggested by inter-wave relations. ences in detection of Na and Pa waves between
Our results indicate more an alteration of a normal children, those with communicative disor-
functioning of higher AA pathways as suggested ders, mentally retarded and children with miscella-
by Wada and Starr [45]. McPherson et al. [27] neous disorders [22]. The age groups were well
registered significant differences in BI MLR be- matched. But, we suppose that the results in our
tween adults and term infants (conceptional age study cannot be compared to those of children
between 38–41 weeks). The Na and Pa wave with communicative disorders. The group determi-
latency values were significantly shorter in term nation as ‘communicative disorder’ is, in our opin-
children than in adults [27]. The prolongation of ion, too wide, and the attribute analyzed is
BI Na and Pa, progressively augmenting with the different (latency versus detection).
alteration of the speech in our results, cannot Possible errors in our study could result from a
indicate only immaturity. small number of subjects and differences in sex
A difference in the functioning, without a sub- and age distribution. A more exact and limited
stantial structural alteration, was found in insulin- classification of speech disorders should be applied
dependent diabetics [44], hypoxia [17] and as well as the use of a more physiological stimulus.
lidocaine injections in the cerebrospinal fluid [46],
suggesting a neural dysfunction. The speculations
could be elicited about a difference in excitatory – 5. Conclusions
inhibitory orientation in binaurally influenced
neurons [29]. (1) There was some evidence of a different
This latency prolongation was not found in auditory afferent organization in children with
communicative disorders [22], cerebral lesion with dyslalia. (2) In right-handed children with system-
aphasia [20] or in receptive developmental lan- atic errors of speech, the efficiency of the con-
guage disorder (RDLD) [1]. The conditions ap- tralateral upper pons and primarily contralaeral
plied in all of these studies were different. Any- thalamocortical projections could be altered. (3) In
way, a Pa wave latency prolongation was ob- right-handed children with non-systematic er-
54 D. Milic' ić et al. / Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 46 (1998) 43–56

Fig. 4. Middle latency response (MLR) latency binaural interaction (BI) differences (Mann – Whitney U-test) in normal children,
with systematic and non-systematic errors of speech.

rors of the speech, there was no lateralization Acknowledgements

effect on the auditory afferent pathway up to IC.
In this group, we registered alterations in auditory The first author thanks Professor Dr Ksenija
afferent pathways at the level of lower ipsilateral Ribaric for her orientation and help provided on
and upper contralateral pons and primarily con- the initial phase of this work.
vergent thalamocortical projections with an al-
tered efficacy. (4) The ABR and MLR could serve
as diagnostic methods in the auditory – speech References
evaluation in children. (5) It was suggested that
non-systematic errors of speech are more pro- [1] N. Akshoomoff, E. Courchesne, R. Yeung-Courchesne,
found alteration of the speech. Costello, Brainstem auditory evoked potentials in recep-
D. Milic' ić et al. / Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 46 (1998) 43–56 55

tive developmental language disorder, Brain Lang. 37 [17] Z.D. Jiang, T.S. Tierney, Long-term effect of perinatal
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