Load Moment Indicator (Lmi) System: PART NO. 1638186 1900 SRM 1256

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RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH,
RS46-40CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41L CH,
RS46-41LS CH, RS45-24IH, RS45-28IH,
RS46-33IH, RS46-37IH, RS46-38S IH,
RS46-38L IH, RS46-38LS IH (HR45-27,
HR45-31, HR45-36, HR45-40, HR45-41S,
HR45-41L, HR45-41LS) [B222]

PART NO. 1638186 1900 SRM 1256

• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly
fastened, and that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and
chains have the capacity to support the weight of the load.

• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.

• Wear safety glasses.

• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair

on electric lift trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift

• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.

• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.

• Use the correct tools for the job.

• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.

• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.

• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.

• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.

• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.

• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.

• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!

Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!

On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Load Moment Indicator (LMI) System Table of Contents


General ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
System Components........................................................................................................................................... 5
Main/LMI Controller ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Slave Unit ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Display Panels ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Cable Reel (Boom Length and Angle Transducer)....................................................................................... 10
Pressure Transducers .................................................................................................................................... 11
Pressure Transducers Derricking Cylinders............................................................................................ 11
Pressure Transducers Stabilizer .............................................................................................................. 11
Pressure Transducer Steering System ..................................................................................................... 11
Replace and Adjust ............................................................................................................................................ 11
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Main/LMI Controller ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Temporary Fix for Alarm Code 1 .................................................................................................................. 12
Slave Unit ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Cable Reel (Length and Angle Transducer) ................................................................................................. 13
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Pressure Transducers Derricking Cylinders ................................................................................................ 13
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Pressure Transducers Stabilizer Cylinders.................................................................................................. 14
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Pressure Transducer Steering Function....................................................................................................... 14
Remove....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Install ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Calibration Procedure........................................................................................................................................ 15
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Calibration With Laptop ............................................................................................................................... 15
Calibration With Display .............................................................................................................................. 20
Button Key Reference ............................................................................................................................... 20
Setting Password....................................................................................................................................... 21
Language Selection and Unit of Measurement ....................................................................................... 21
Angle and Extension Transducer Calibration ......................................................................................... 22
Alarm Code List ................................................................................................................................................. 23

This section is for the following models:

RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH, RS46-40CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41L

CH, RS46-41LS CH, RS45-24IH, RS45-28IH, RS46-33IH, RS46-37IH,
RS46-38S IH,RS46-38L IH, RS46-38LS IH (HR45-27, HR45-31, HR45-36,
HR45-40, HR45-41S, HR45-41L, HR45-41LS) [B222]



1900 SRM 1256 Description

This section has the description and repair procedures for the Load Moment Indicator (LMI) system.

The MIDMAC-RS13 is a complete ReachStacker The system also monitors the rear position of the cab.
load moment indicator system. It has an intelligent
software for self-learning calibration, automatic tare The stabilizer system additional continually moni-
weight selection, and self diagnostics for ease of tors the output from the three pressure transducers
troubleshooting. The modular design is the heart of for the stabilizer cylinders, the position of the stabi-
the LMI to allow economical expansion of the sys- lizer cylinders, and the steering pressure. See Fig-
tem. All lift trucks are equipped with this basic LMI ure 2.
system which consist of Main/LMI controller, Cable
If an overload condition is recognized, the operator
Reel, and four pressure transducers. As option a
is warned with an audible and visual alarm and the
SLIM display or VIEW display can be installed in-
hydraulic functions that would add to the overload
side the operator cab. When a lift truck is equipped
condition is disabled. The hydraulic functions that
with a stabilizer function, additional components
correct the overload condition will remain enabled.
are added to the basic LMI system. These additional
components are a slave unit, four pressure transduc- The lifted load is continuously compared with the
ers, and two proximity switches. Also, an additional maximum allowable load obtained from the truck ca-
stabilizer manifold and 2 stabilizer cylinders are pacity charts, and consequently three possible situa-
included to the hydraulic system. Standard also a tions can occur as follows:
VIEW display is installed inside the operator cab to • Green light is ON, no acoustic signal is produced.
activate the stabilizer system. The system compo- The lifted load is lower than 90% of the maximum
nents are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. load.
• Green and amber light is ON, no acoustic signal is
Each LMI system is factory programmed to match
produced. This is the warning situation. The lifted
the specific truck to which it is attached.
load is more than 90% and less than 100% of the
The system continually monitors output from the maximum load.
four pressure transducers on the derricking cylinders • Green, amber, and red light is ON and buzzer
and the position of the load that will be performed by sounds. The lifted load exceeds the allowable load
the cable reel functions. It compares this informa- so the maneuvers shut down function is activated.
tion with the truck capacity charts, which are stored In alarm situation, only boom retract is allowed.
in the controller of the LMI System.

Description 1900 SRM 1256


Figure 1. System Components Without Stabilizer

1900 SRM 1256 Description

Figure 2. System Components With Stabilizer

Description 1900 SRM 1256

Legend for Figure 2


There are also other situations when the indicator There is a hydraulic Shut-OFF override system avail-
lights are active. The Operating Manual contains able on the lift truck. By using this override system
the indicator light situations that can be corrected the Shut OFF function will be bypassed, and all hy-
by the operator. Table 1 contains the indicator light draulic functions are operational again.
situations caused by a sensor failure. Replace the
sensor to solve the problem. Use override push button on the container handler
control box for "boom up" and "boom extended" to
override the system. Use emergency lowering button
WARNING on the instrument panel for "boom down" and "boom
Use caution when using the override function. retracted" to override the system.
Using the incorrect function can cause damage
to the lift truck and can cause personal injury.

Table 1. Indicator Light Functions

Indicator Lights
Problem Buzzer
Green Amber Red
Sensor failure, angle sensor FLASH
(7 times)
Sensor failure, extension sensor FLASH
(6 times)
Sensor failure P1 FLASH
(LH derricking cylinder, Rod side). (5 times)
Sensor failure P6 FLASH
(RH derricking cylinder, Piston side). (4 times)
Sensor failure P2 FLASH
(LH derricking cylinder, Piston side). (3 times)
Sensor failure P5 FLASH
(RH derricking cylinder, Rod side). (2 times)

1900 SRM 1256 System Components

System Components
MAIN/LMI CONTROLLER NOTE: The Main/LMI controller for lift trucks with
stabilizer function and lift trucks without stabilizer
The Main/LMI controller (see Figure 3) is the heart functions are different and therefore not inter-
of the system. This Main/LMI controller is con- changeable.
nected with the engine, transmission, slave unit (if
equipped), and the following sensors of the lift truck, The Main/LMI controller is connected with a single
to prevent overload: connector. See Figure 4 and Table 2 for the Input/
• Presssure transducers for the derricking cylinders. Output configuration.
(on the load holding valves).
• Cable Reel (on the boom).

Figure 4. Main/LMI Controller


Figure 3. Main/LMI Controller

Table 2. Single Connector Input/Output Configuration

Connection Number I/O Description

1A I Power supply from vehicle battery to Main/LMI controller
2A I Pressure transducer P1 (LH derricking cylinder, Rod side)

3A I Pressure transducer P6 (RH derricking cylinder, Piston side)

4A O Analog ground for external analog sensors
5A I/O Not used
6A I/O CAN J1939 High Line
7A I/O CAN J1939 Low Line
8A I GND supply from vehicle battery to Main/LMI controller
1B - Not used

System Components 1900 SRM 1256

Table 2. Single Connector Input/Output Configuration (Continued)

Connection Number I/O Description

2B I Pressure transducer P2 (LH derricking cylinder, Piston side).
3B I Pressure transducer P5 (RH derricking cylinder, Rod side).
4B I Cabin retract
5B I/O Not used
6B I/O CAN OPEN High Line
7B I/O CAN OPEN Low Line
8B I Power Supply for OUTPUTS of Main/LMI controller
1C O Lifting in cut off
2C O Lifting out cut off
3C O Telescoping in cut off
4C O Powered sliding cab forward cut off
5C O Green
6C O Yellow
7C O Red and Buzzer
8C O Telescoping out cut off

The slave unit (see Figure 5) is the heart of the sta-
bilizer system. This slave unit is connected with the
Main/LMI controller and the following sensors of the
lift truck:
• Pressure transducers for the stabilizer cylinders
(on the stabilizer manifold)
• Pressure transducer for the steering system (on the
main manifold)
• Proximity switches (retracted position of the stabi-
lizer cylinders)

The slave unit is connected with a dual connector.

See Figure 6 and Table 3 for the Input/Output con-
figuration. Figure 5. Slave Unit
The slave unit activates the valves of the stabilizer
manifold and activates the speed limitation of the lift
truck by sending a signal to the transmission when
the load radius is within 1.3 m (51 in.). The trans-
mission will activate the speed limitation.

Figure 6. Slave Unit Connection

1900 SRM 1256 System Components

Table 3. Dual Connector Input/Output Configuration

Connection Number I/O Description

1 I Sensor Stabilizer "NOT APPLIED" Left
2 I Sensor Stabilizer "NOT APPLIED" Right
3 - Not used
4 I Pressure Sensor Cylinder Stabilizer RH
5 I Pressure Sensor Cylinder Stabilizer LH
6 - Not used
7 O Analog Ground for External Sensor
8 O Analog Ground for External Sensor
9 - Not used
10 I Ground
11 - Not used
12 I/O CAN OPEN Low Line
13 - Not used
14 O Release Flow from Manifold (Aux B)
15 O Active Stabilizer System (Valve 1+7)
16 - Not used
17 O Set Pressure (Valve 11)
18 O Stabilizer DOWN (Valve 6)
19 O Stabilizer UP (Valve 5)
20 - Not used
21 O Watchdog Output
22 - Not used
23 - Not used
24 - Not used
25 - Not used
26 - Not used
27 I Power Supply for Slave Unit
28 I Power Supply for Slave Unit Outputs
29 I Read-Out if Parkbrake is ON
30 - Not used
31 I Read-Out Operator Presence Signal
32 I Read-Out if Steering is Applied
33 I Bottom Stabilizer Cylinder
34 - Not used

System Components 1900 SRM 1256

Table 3. Dual Connector Input/Output Configuration (Continued)

Connection Number I/O Description

35 - Not used
36 - Not used
37 - Not used
38 - Not used
39 - Not used
40 I/O CAN Open High Line
41 - Not used
42 O Fix Stabilizer Position (Valve 8)
43 O Operator Presence Signal to APC200
44 O Speedlimitation Signal L3
45 O Speedlimitation Signal P3
46 - Not used
47 - Not used
48 - Not used
49 - Not used
50 - Not used
51 - Not used
52 - Not used
53 - Not used
54 - Not used
55 - Not used
56 I Power Supply for Slave Unit Outputs

1900 SRM 1256 System Components

DISPLAY PANELS NOTE: See the Operating Manual for further ex-
planation and functions of the SLIM and VIEW dis-
There are three display units available: play units.
• SLIM Display Unit (See Figure 7)
• VIEW Display Unit for trucks without stabilizer
(See Figure 8)
• VIEW Display Unit for trucks with stabilizer (See
Figure 9)

The SLIM Display Unit and VIEW Display Unit are

optional display units for the lift truck without sta-
bilizer function.

The VIEW Display Unit is the standard display unit Figure 7. SLIM Display Unit
for a lift truck with stabilizer function.


Figure 8. VIEW Display Unit for Trucks Without Stabilizer

System Components 1900 SRM 1256


Figure 9. VIEW Display Unit for Trucks With Stabilizer

CABLE REEL (BOOM LENGTH AND transducer consists of a spring loaded cable reel on
ANGLE TRANSDUCER) which the length detection cable is wound. The other
side of the cable is connected to the inner boom. Dur-
ing extending the boom a potentiometer length sens-
WARNING ing device is measuring the boom length. The inter-
The replacement of the length transducer and nal angle transducer is measuring the absolute angle
angle transducer must be done by qualified of the boom through an accelerometer angle sensing
personnel only. device. These signals are essential in computing the
boom geometry.
The cable reel (see Figure 10) is assembled at the
back side of the outer boom. The internal length

1900 SRM 1256 Replace and Adjust

Pressure Transducers Derricking

The pressure transducers measure the pressure on
the derricking cylinders. Two sensors are required
for each derricking cylinder for measuring the pres-
sure and they must be installed on the two derricking
cylinder chambers. From these values the weight is

These sensing devices measure the pressure by an el-

ement, which transforms the measured pressure into
a direct voltage proportional to the pressure.

Any possible replacement of the pressure transducer

is very easy because of their compatibility.
Figure 10. Cable Reel
Pressure Transducers Stabilizer
The pressure transducers measure the pressure on
NOTE: The pressure transducers (see Figure 11) are the stabilizer cylinders. The three transducers are
exchangeable. When a fault code occurs, it is pos- required for both stabilizer cylinders to measure the
sible to swap the pressure transducers and check if differential pressure and end pressure of each stabi-
the fault code changes. If the fault code changes, lizer.
the pressure transducer must be replaced. When the
fault code remains, the problem must be found some- Pressure Transducer Steering System
where else.
The pressure transducer measures the pressure of
the steering function and warns when the steering is
activated and when the stabilizer cylinders are still
extended. On the VIEW display unit the steering
wheel symbol will be RED and a buzzer will sound
and alarm code 60 will be shown. The steering func-
tion will still be available.

Figure 11. Pressure Transducer

Replace and Adjust

GENERAL This section provides step-by-step procedures to re-
place the components of the system and to perform
NOTE: These instructions must be followed com- the necessary adjustments on these components.
pletely or the system may have to be calibrated by a
NOTE: Replace and adjust procedures must be fol- Remove
lowed before attempting to replace a component or
make an adjustment. If a component replacement is NOTE: The lift truck manufacturer does have copies
necessary, order the component from your HYSTER of the installed software for each unit. If no calibra-
COMPANY authorized dealer before removing the tion has been done in the past by the dealer/customer,
component. Include truck model and serial number no new calibration is needed.
when ordering to ensure proper operation over the
range of the original system installation.

Replace and Adjust 1900 SRM 1256

NOTE: The Main/LMI controller is mounted in the 2. Connect the electrical cable to the Main/LMI con-
electric control box in the compartment of the fuel troller.
1. Disconnect the electrical cable from the Main/
LMI controller. NOTE: The temporary fix must only be done by a spe-
cial trained technician.
2. Remove the two screws that hold the Main/LMI
controller inside the electric control box. This is a temporary solution for alarm code 1 to be
able to continue working with the lift truck until the
Install serial number specific Main/LMI controller is deliv-
ered. SeeTable 4.
1. Place the Main/LMI controller inside the electric
control box and install the two screws that hold NOTE: DO NOT use the lift truck with the tempo-
the Main/LMI controller inside the electric con- rary fix for a long period of time and exchange the
trol box. Main/LMI controller as soon as possible.

Table 4. Alarm Code 1

Switch the lift truck ON and wait a few seconds RSMCD-3 17/11/05
until the display shows the software name. HYSTER
Press the ENTER button *
The "set pasword" should appear as shown. If a Code: 4477
different page is shown, it means that the "ENTER"
button was pressed too early or too late. Switch the
lift truck OFF and start again.
Press the "ESC" button several times to move the *
asterisk on the display further to the right. Code: 4485
With the "+" button, increase the number until the
proper value is displayed. If necessary, use "-" to
decrease it. Contact your local HYSTER service
technican for correct code.
Press "ENTER" to confirm.
The system will show the name of the lift SPREADER
truck/configuration and the configuration TIRE
Press the "+" button to enter in the calibration menu.
Always use the "+" button to move inside the
calibration menu.
In order to correct alarm code 1, it is necessary to WEIGHT
go to the page "WEIGHT 01 SAVE", using the "+" 01 save
Press the "ENTER" button.
The saving of the correction will be completed in a
few seconds.
Switch the truck OFF and alarm code 1 should be

1900 SRM 1256 Replace and Adjust

SLAVE UNIT 4. Calibrate the cable reel. See Calibration Proce-

NOTE: The slave unit is mounted in the electric con-
trol box in the compartment of the fuel tank.

1. Disconnect the connector of the electrical cable Remove

from the slave unit.
2. Remove the two nuts and washers from the studs Lower the boom completely before replacing
that hold the slave unit inside the electric control a pressure transducer. The boom can lower
box. suddenly and cause serious personal injury or
death if the boom is not lowered. This pro-
3. Remove the slave unit.
cedure will make sure that the boom cannot
Install lower suddenly and cause serious personal in-
jury or death.
1. Place the slave unit inside the electric control box
over the two studs. NOTE: The pressure transducers are mounted on the
derricking load holding valves of the left and right
2. Install the two nuts and washers from the studs derricking cylinder.
that hold the slave unit inside the electric control
box. 1. Place the truck on a solid, level surface.

3. Connect the connector of the electrical cable to 2. Completely lower the boom.
the slave unit. 3. Apply the parking brake.
CABLE REEL (LENGTH AND ANGLE 4. Shut down the engine.
Make sure to replace one pressure transducer
at a time or lift truck damage and personal in-
WARNING jury may occur.
The replacement of the length transducer and
angle transducer must be done by qualified
personnel only. WARNING
Make sure the accumulator pressure is zero or
1. Disconnect the electrical cable from the cable personal injury may occur. There is a display
reel. sensor attached to the main manifold which
displays the pressure value.
2. Disconnect the cable attached at the front side of
the inner boom. 5. Release the accumulator pressure by pressing
the brake pedal several times until accumulator
3. Remove the four capscrews that hold the cable pressure is zero. Make sure the accumulator
reel to the rear side of the outer boom. pressure is zero by checking the display sensor
value, located at the main manifold.
6. Place a drip pan underneath the pressure trans-
1. Place the cable reel to the rear side of the outer ducers to catch any fluid spilled when the pres-
boom and install the four capscrews. sure transducer is removed.
2. Connect the cable to the front side of the inner 7. Remove the electrical connector from the pres-
boom. sure transducer.
3. Connect the electrical cable to the cable reel.

Replace and Adjust 1900 SRM 1256

8. Remove the pressure transducer from the load

holding valve. WARNING
Make sure to place wooden blocks under the
Install stabilizer plate. The stabilizer plate can lower
suddenly and can cause serious personal in-
1. Install the pressure transducer to the load hold- jury or death. This procedure will make sure
ing valve. that the stabilizer plate cannot lower suddenly
during replacing the pressure transducer.
2. Install the electrical connector to the pressure
transducer. 7. Place hard wooden blocks under the stabilizer
CYLINDERS 8. Place a drip pan underneath the pressure trans-
ducer to catch any fluid when the pressure trans-
Remove ducer is removed.

9. Remove the electrical connector from the pres-

WARNING sure transducer.
Lower the boom completely and retract the
stabilizer cylinders completely before replac- 10. Remove the pressure transducer from the stabi-
ing a pressure transducer. The boom and lizer manifold.
stabilizer cylinders can lower suddenly and
can cause serious personal injury or death. Install
This procedure will make sure that the boom
1. Install the pressure transducer to the stabilizer
and stabilizer cylinders cannot lower suddenly
and cause serious personal injury or death.
2. Install the electrical connector to the pressure
NOTE: The pressure transducers are mounted on the
stabilizer manifold.
3. Remove the hard wooden blocks.
1. Place the truck on a solid, level surface.

2. Completely lower the boom. PRESSURE TRANSDUCER STEERING

3. Completely retract the stabilizer cylinders.
4. Apply the parking brake.

5. Shut down the engine. WARNING

Lower the boom completely before replacing
WARNING the pressure transducer. The boom can lower
suddenly and cause serious personal injury or
Make sure to replace one pressure transducer
death if the boom is not lowered. This pro-
at a time or lift truck damage and personal in-
cedure will make sure that the boom cannot
jury may occur.
lower suddenly and cause serious personal in-
jury or death.
Make sure the accumulator pressure is zero or NOTE: The pressure transducer is mounted on the
personal injury may occur. There is a display main manifold.
sensor attached to the main manifold which 1. Place the truck on a solid, level surface.
displays the pressure value.
2. Completely lower the boom.
6. Release the accumulator pressure by pressing
the brake pedal several times until accumulator 3. Shut down the engine.
pressure is zero. Make sure the accumulator
pressure is zero by checking the display sensor
value, located at the main manifold.

1900 SRM 1256 Calibration Procedure

6. Remove the electrical connector from the pres-

WARNING sure transducer.
Make sure the accumulator pressure is zero or
personal injury may occur. There is a display 7. Remove the pressure transducer from the main
sensor attached to the main manifold which manifold.
displays the pressure value.
4. Release the accumulator pressure by pressing
the brake pedal several times until accumulator 1. Install the pressure transducer to the main man-
pressure is zero. Make sure the accumulator ifold.
pressure is zero by checking the display sensor
value, located at the main manifold. 2. Install the electrical connector to the pressure
5. Place a drip pan underneath the pressure trans-
ducer to catch any fluid when the pressure trans-
ducer is removed.

Calibration Procedure
GENERAL 5. In order to enter the calibration function, select
menu “calibration” and then select submenu
The LMI system can be calibrated as follows: “Calibration”. See Figure 13.
• With a Laptop (when no optional display is located
in the cab) by use of Hysterscope. 6. The screen to fill in the User name and Password
• With the (optional) display, located in the cab. will appear. Click on the button “OK” without
filling in the username and password. The screen
Before starting the calibration of the lift truck, the in Figure 14 will be shown.
following steps must be taken to achieve correct cal-
ibration. NOTE: Only the selection “Transducer (100)” can be
1. Place the lift truck on a solid and even surface. performed. In this transducer (100), only the length
2. Completely retract and lower the boom. and angle transducers can be calibrated.

CALIBRATION WITH LAPTOP 7. To start the calibration, it is necessary to click

on the button “Start Calibration”. The screen in
NOTE: The Main/LMI controller is mounted in the Figure 15 will be shown.
electric control box in the compartment of the fuel
tank. 8. Click on the “Start” button.

NOTE: The Can Bus connection (3 pin DEUTCH con- 9. The system will show the pop up menu “Start
nector) is provided with the label "LMI". Transducer Calibration Function?”. The screen
in Figure 16 will be shown. Click on the “OK”
1. Connect an IFAK cable between the Main/LMI button. The system will automatically return to
controller (Can Bus connection) and the laptop. the screen in Figure 15.

NOTE: Never disconnect the IFAK cable when the 10. Completely retract and derrick down the boom.
key is switched in the ON position.
11. Click on the button “Boom Down & Retracted
2. Switch on the laptop. (Transd. Min)”.

3. Select icon “Hysterscope” on the desktop of the 12. The system will show the pop up menu “Confirm
laptop. The screen in Figure 12 will be shown. Transd. Min?”. The screen in Figure 17 will be
shown. Click on the button “OK”. The system
4. Click on the button “Continue”. The screen in will automatically return to the screen in Fig-
Figure 13 will be shown. ure 15.

Calibration Procedure 1900 SRM 1256

Figure 12. Hysterscope Screen

1900 SRM 1256 Calibration Procedure

Figure 13. Start Calibration Screen

Calibration Procedure 1900 SRM 1256

Figure 14. Start Screen

1900 SRM 1256 Calibration Procedure

Figure 15. Calibration Screen

Figure 16. Start Transducer Calibration


Figure 17. Min Transducer Calibration Screen

Calibration Procedure 1900 SRM 1256

NOTE: To reach full extension of the boom and max-

imum angle (derrick), use the lift/extend interrupt
override, located at the twist module.

13. Completely extend and derrick up the boom.

14. Click on the button “Boom Up & Extended

(Transd. Max)”.

15. The system will show the pop up menu “Confirm

Transd. Max?”. The screen in Figure 18 will be
shown. Click on the button “OK”. The system
will automatically return to the screen in Fig-
ure 15.

16. Click on the “Save” button.

17. The system will show the pop up menu “Save Cal- Figure 19. Save Parameter Screen
ibration Parameter?”. The screen in Figure 19
will be shown. Click on the “OK” button.

18. The system will show a pop up menu “Finish”. Button Key Reference
Click on the button “OK”. The system will auto-
Figure 20 shows the display buttons used during the
matically return to the screen in Figure 15.
calibration procedure.
19. The calibration of the cable reel is completed.

20. Click on the “Stop Calibration” button.

21. Close the program “Hysterscope”.

22. Shut down the laptop.

Figure 20. Display Buttons

Figure 18. Max Transducer Calibration Screen

1900 SRM 1256 Calibration Procedure

Setting Password Refer to Table 5 for instructions on setting the pass-

NOTE: The password will be supplied through Con-
tact Managemment.

Table 5. Setting Password

Procedure Display
Switch the lift truck ON and wait a few seconds until the display shows the software name. RSMCD_3 17/11/05
Press the "ENTER" button.
The "set password" should appear as shown. If a different page is shown, it means that the Code: 4477
"ENTER" button was pressed too early or too late. Switch the lift truck OFF and start again.
Press the "ESC" button several times to move the asterisk on the display further to the right.
With the "+" button, increase the number until the proper value is displayed. If necessary, Code: 4485
use " " button to decrease it.
Press "ENTER" to confirm.
The system will show the name of the lift truck/configuration and the configuration SPREADER
(tires/stabilizers). TIRE
Press the "+" button to enter in the calibration menu.
Always use "+" button to move inside the calibration menu.
Proceed to Table 6.

Language Selection and Unit of

Refer to Table 6 for instructions on setting the lan-
guage and unit of measurement.

Table 6. Language Selection and Unit of Measurement

Procedure Display
Now it is necessary to set the language. CONFIGURATION
Go to menu 32 CONFIGURATION, using the "+" button. Language 0
Press the "ESC" button several times to move the asterisk on the display further to the right.
With the "+" button, increase the number until the proper value is displayed. If necessary, Language 1
use " " button to decrease it. 0 = Italian
Press "ENTER" button to change the value. 1 = English
3 = German
Now select the unit of measurement. CONFIGURATION
Eng. Unit 0
Press the "ESC" button several times to move the asterisk on the display further to the right.
With the "+" button, increase the number until the proper value is displayed. If necessary, Eng. Unit 1
use " " button to decrease it. 0 = Metric
Press "ENTER" button to change the value. 1 = Imperial
Proceed to Table 7.

Calibration Procedure 1900 SRM 1256

Angle and Extension Transducer

Refer to Table 7 for instructions on calibrating the
angle and extension transducer.

Table 7. Angle and Extension Transducer Calibration

Procedure Display
Now it is necessary to calibrate angle and boom transducers. TRANSDUCER
In the calibration menu, go to the TRANSDUCERS page, using the 12 Transd. Min
"+" button.
First operation is to calibrate the transducers with the lift truck boom
fully retracted.
Fully retract the boom and go to minimum boom angle.
From this page (transd. min.), press the "ENTER" button.
Now press the "ESC" button to confirm. TRANSDUCER
Esc to confirm
The next step is to have the boom fully extended. TRANSDUCER
Fully extend the boom and go to the maximum boom angle. 13 Transd. Max

NOTE: To reach full extension of the boom and maximum angle (derrick),
use the lift/extend interrupt override.

From this page (transd. max.), press the "ENTER" button.

Now press the "ESC" button to confirm. TRANSDUCER
Esc to confirm
Now the calibration is complete. It is suggested to check that the value
of the angle and boom length comply with the actual position of the
boom after the new calibration.
In order to save this calibration, it is necessary to go to the page as TRANSDUCER
shown by using the "+" button. 01 Save
Press the "ENTER" button.
The saving of the calibration will be completed in a few seconds.

1900 SRM 1256 Alarm Code List

Alarm Code List

Table 8 lists the codes, fault descriptions, and sug-
gested corrective actions for the alarm codes.

Table 8. Alarm Code List

Code Fault Description Suggested Corrective Action

1 Alarm EEPROM Replace the Main/LMI controller.
Data error inside the Main/LMI controller.
4 Angle Sensor (Min) Make sure the angle sensor is function-
Signal from angle sensor lower than ing correctly.
the minimum value. If the alarm persists, replace the
Main/LMI controller.
5 Angle Sensor (Max) Make sure the angle sensor is function-
Signal from angle sensor higher than ing correctly.
the maximum value. If the alarm persists, replace the
Main/LMI controller.
8 sensor (1-OC) Low CH. Make sure the wiring does not have
Signal from sensor pressure sensor lower an open circuit.
than minimum value. Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the derricking sensor.
9 sensor (1-SC) Low CH. Make sure the wiring does not have a short circuit.
Signal from sensor pressure sensor higher Make sure the pressure sensor is
than maximum value. functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the derricking sensor.
10 sensor (1-OC) High CH. Make sure the wiring does not have
Signal from sensor pressure sensor higher an open circuit.
than maximum value. Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the derricking sensor.
11 sensor (1-SC) High CH. Make sure the wiring does not have a short circuit.
Signal from sensor pressure sensor higher Make sure the pressure sensor is
than maximum value. functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the derricking sensor.
18 sensor (2-OC) Low CH. Make sure the wiring does not have
Signal from sensor pressure sensor lower an open circuit.
than minimum value. Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the derricking sensor.
19 sensor (2-SC) Low CH. Make sure the wiring does not have a short circuit.
Signal from sensor pressure sensor higher Make sure the pressure sensor is
than maximum value. functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the derricking sensor.

Alarm Code List 1900 SRM 1256

Table 8. Alarm Code List (Continued)

Code Fault Description Suggested Corrective Action

20 sensor (2-OC) High CH. Make sure the wiring does not have
Signal from sensor pressure sensor lower an open circuit.
than minimum value. Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the derricking sensor.
21 sensor (2-SC) High CH. Make sure the wiring does not have a short circuit.
Signal from sensor pressure sensor higher Make sure the pressure sensor is
than maximum value. functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the derricking sensor.
24 Too high of pressure difference between the Continue using the derricking functions. The
derricking cylinders at the Piston sides. alarm will normally go away within a few seconds
after applying the derricking up function.
Make sure the wiring does not have
an open circuit.
Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the derricking sensor.
25 Too high of pressure difference between the Continue using the derricking functions. The
derricking cylinders at the Rod sides. alarm will normally go away within a few seconds
after applying the derricking up function.
Make sure the wiring does not have
an open circuit.
Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the derricking sensor.
26 General angle error: Alarm or time-out or Make sure the angle sensor is function-
angle too low or angle too high. ing correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the
Main/LMI controller.
27 General length error: Alarm or time-out or Make sure the length sensor is func-
length too low or length too high. tioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the
Main/LMI controller.
30 More than 1 machine selected. Select the required machine.
31 No machine selected. Select the required machine.
33 Actual load moment exceeds the maximum Decrease the load moment by retracting the boom.
allowable load moment.
36 Length Sensor (Min) Make sure the length sensor is func-
Signal from length sensor lower than tioning correctly.
minimum value. If the alarm persists, replace the
Main/LMI controller.
37 Length Sensor (Max) Make sure the length sensor is func-
Signal from length sensor higher than tioning correctly.
maximum value. If the alarm persists, replace the
Main/LMI controller.

1900 SRM 1256 Alarm Code List

Table 8. Alarm Code List (Continued)

Code Fault Description Suggested Corrective Action

50 Open-Circuit Pressure sensor Right Low Make sure that the wiring does not have
Signal from sensor pressure sensor lower an open circuit.
than the minimum value. Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the Main/LMI
controller or the slave unit.
51 Short-Circuit Pressure sensor Right Low Make sure that the wiring does not have
Signal from sensor pressure sensor higher a short circuit.
than the maximum value. Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the Main/LMI
controller or the slave unit..
52 Open-Circuit Pressure sensor Left Low Make sure that the wiring does not have
Signal from sensor pressure sensor lower an open circuit.
than the minimum value. Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the Main/LMI
controller or the slave unit.
53 Short-Circuit Pressure sensor Left Low Make sure that the wiring does not have
Signal from sensor pressure sensor higher a short circuit.
than the maximum value. Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the Main/LMI
controller or the slave unit.
54 Open-Circuit Pressure sensor High Make sure that the wiring does not have
Signal from sensor pressure sensor lower an open circuit.
than the minimum value. Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the Main/LMI
controller or the slave unit.
55 Short-Circuit Pressure sensor High Make sure that the wiring does not have
Signal from sensor pressure sensor higher a short circuit.
than the maximum value. Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the Main/LMI
controller or the slave unit.
56 Open-Circuit Pressure sensor Steering Make sure that the wiring does not have
Signal from sensor pressure sensor lower an open circuit.
than the minimum value. Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the Main/LMI
controller or the slave unit.

Alarm Code List 1900 SRM 1256

Table 8. Alarm Code List (Continued)

Code Fault Description Suggested Corrective Action

57 Short-Circuit Pressure sensor Steering Make sure that the wiring does not have
Signal from sensor pressure sensor higher a short circuit.
than the maximum value. Make sure the pressure sensor is
functioning correctly.
If the alarm persists, replace the Main/LMI
controller or the slave unit.
58 Stabilizer is not fully retracted and Retract the stabilizer completely before driving
transmission is NOT in Neutral the ReachStacker. Apply the park brake before
extending the stabilizer. Applying the park brake
will put the transmission in NEUTRAL.
Make sure the gear selector is func-
tioning correctly.
Make sure that the wiring connection is correct.
If the alarm persists, contact your Hyster
service technician.
59 Stabilizer is not fully Retracted and Retract the stabilizer completely before driving
Parkbrake is NOT Applied the ReachStacker. Apply the park brake
before extending the stabilizer.
Make sure the parkbrake input is correct.
Make sure that the wiring connection is correct.
If the alarm persists, contact your Hyster
service technician.
60 Stabilizer Stabilizer is not fully Retracted Retract the stabilizer completely before driving
the ReachStacker. DO NOT turn the steering
wheel when the stabilizer is (partially) extended.
Make sure the pressure value from the pressure
sensor on steering is correct.
Make sure that the wiring connection is correct.
If the alarm persists, contact your Hyster
service technician.
120 Cable Reel CanBus Timeout Make sure the wiring connection is correct.
CanBus timeout. Make sure the cable reel is functioning correctly.
121 Cable Reel Fault Error Make sure the wiring connection is correct.
CanBus error from ACT cable error. Make sure the cable reel is functioning correctly.
130 Timeout Canbus Connection Slave Make sure the wiring connection is correct.
Unit (1/6) Make sure the Slave Unit is functioning correctly.
Canbus timeout (1/6).
131 Timeout Canbus Connection Slave Make sure the wiring connection is correct.
Unit (2/6) Make sure the Slave Unit is functioning correctly.
Canbus timeout (2/6).
132 Timeout Canbus Connection Slave Make sure the wiring connection is correct.
Unit (3/6) Make sure the Slave Unit is functioning correctly.
Canbus timeout (3/6).

1900 SRM 1256 Alarm Code List

Table 8. Alarm Code List (Continued)

Code Fault Description Suggested Corrective Action

133 Timeout Canbus Connection Slave Make sure the wiring connection is correct.
Unit (4/6) Make sure the Slave Unit is functioning correctly.
Canbus timeout (4/6).
134 Timeout Canbus Connection Slave Make sure the wiring connection is correct.
Unit (5/6) Make sure the Slave Unit is functioning correctly.
Canbus timeout (5/6).
135 Timeout Canbus Connection Slave Make sure the wiring connection is correct.
Unit (6/6) Make sure the Slave Unit is functioning correctly.
Canbus timeout (6/6).























1900 SRM 1256 9/07 (6/06) Printed in United Kingdom

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