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7 Heavenly Witnesses at the Great Pyramid on Rosh Hashanah, 2017

Val Brinkerhoff & Daniel Matson

Three important heavenly signs occur in 2017. They include:

(1) A total solar eclipse, covering all of North America in the
daylight hours on August 21, which moves from Oregon to
South Carolina. It is followed 6.6 years later in 2024, by
another similar eclipse, this one moving from the southwest
area of Mexico to the northeast United States. Together they
create a Tau-like X mark or cross (sign of judgment) over the
Adam-ondi-Ahman and Independence Missouri areas of North

The central, darkest area of both moving eclipses creates a 70

mile-wide swath of darkness. This is the actual distance
between Adam-ondi-Ahman and Independence Missouri. An
animation on NASA’s website reveals that the 70-mile central
  swath of the 2017 eclipse touches both areas. It should be
noted that the number 70 is tied to the Gentiles in scripture (representing the 70 nations and languages at the Tower of
Babel). Rabbi’s say that the darkness of an eclipse is an ominous sign of coming judgment upon the Gentiles and this land
because of idolatry1; (2) A second major heavenly sign occurs 30 days later on September 23, 2017, when John’s
Revelation 12 sign reveals itself over North America in the night sky. This is one day after Rosh Hashanah on the Bible
calendar (days 21 and 22 of the New Moon). This important sign marked the birth of Christ on Rosh Hashanah of 3 BC (see
Ernest L. Martin, The Star that Astonished the World, ASK Publications, and Val Brinkerhoff, 7 Heavenly Witnesses of the Coming of Jesus Christ, ), and reappears with a slight variation on Rosh Hashanah again in 2017. In both appearances, this
special sign marks; (A) the “birth” of “the man child,” (Christ in the meridian of time, and his special sent servant in our
day), and (B) “the kingdom of God” they help establish; And (3) The third heavenly sign of 2017 is a mostly unknown one,
involving seven alignments, also occurring on and near Rosh Hashanah of 2017. It features 7 heavenly witnesses that
interface directly with the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

Significantly, all three of these latter-day heavenly signs are tied to: (1) The rising up of the Lord’s sent servant; (2) The
establishment of the kingdom of God on the earth in the last-days, which he helps to bring forth; And (3) The eventual
return of the Lord Jesus Christ as the King of kings and the Lord of Lords. He is the Bridegroom coming to marry His
Bride - the wise virgins who have heeded the call to “awake and arise,” that they might go out to meet Him. This paper
concentrates on the 7 heavenly signs tied to the Great Pyramid on or near Rosh Hashanah of 2017.

The Great Pyramid in Isaiah Isaiah 19 addresses the destruction and invasion of modern-day “Egypt”(America) by
foreign invaders, and the “cruel lord and a fierce king” who leads them. He is Isaiah’s “king of Assyria.” Isaiah 19 also
addresses the events that precede this foreign invasion. There is civil war here first in verse 2. It is brought on by drought in
verse 5, the failure of various kinds of leaders in verses 11-14, and economic collapse in verse 15. We then read about the
Great Pyramid in verses 19 and 20. It is a type for the New Jerusalem Temple that will be set up in the midst of this land
later, after the land is cleansed. Some portion of this temple is thought to be pyramidal. Verses 19 and 20 state:

“In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to
the LORD. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto
the LORD because of the oppressors, and he [the Lord] shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver
them” (Isa. 19:19-20).

Note the double or triple witnesses for various things. First, this structure is a temple-like structure (an “altar” and “pillar”),
built to serve as a “sign” or “witness” to and for “the Lord.” It resides today in what we call “Egypt” and more specifically
“in the midst of the land of Egypt” and “at the border thereof.” Note too that in later verses of chapter 19 that modern-day
Egypt (America) is smitten by the Lord, and then healed by Him. It also states that when God’s people are oppressed in
Egypt or America in our day (like anciently, when the Israelites were held captive there), God will send them “a savior”
and “a great one” to assist them. This was Moses anciently, whereas in our near future, God will send another, special last-
days sent servant like Moses to help us. He too will posses a portion of God’s power and will be “mighty and strong.”

The Great Pyramid was not built by the Egyptians, but by Seth, son of Adam, to stand as a “sign” and “witness” to the Lord
- as the great Creator, Judge, and King.2 This enduring structure points to specific dates in time that lead to the coming of
the Lord, His sent servant, and the Kingdom of God they establish in our day. The kick off date for the seven signs at the

Great Pyramid is Rosh Hashanah of 2017, believed to represent the start of the 7 years of tribulation for the Lord’s people,
or “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jer. 30:6-7). Following it at some point is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of
kings (perhaps 2024 or beyond). There are set dates for these signs, but no set dates for the actual events they point to. The
Lord is totally in charge of them and when they will occur! It may be that we recognize the date of the event and what it
means only after they occur. Thus the understanding of the “signs shall follow them that believe” (Mark 16:17; Ether 4:18,
12:6; D&C 58:64, 63:9, 68:10-11, 84:65). Faithful, patient, and righteous believers are rewarded with understanding and

Note in Isaiah chapter 19 that at the height of the future oppression in Egypt (America), caused by foreign invaders, there is
hope provided in “a savior, and a great one.” The lower case letters suggest that this is not the Lord, but His sent servant.
Again we see Hebrew parallelism in the use of two words as witnesses for the same concept, here the coming of the Lord’s
sent Davidic servant in the last-days to help deliver the Lord’s people from oppression of all kinds. The people, “cry unto to
the Lord” for relief. The Lord responds by sending His right “arm,” the last-days servant3 to deliver the righteous from “the
oppressors” (“he shall deliver them”). The oppression comes from economic collapse, drought, and Egyptian against
Egyptian, brother against brother, and neighbor against neighbor (verse 2), followed by invasion of this land, most likely by
New World Order enforces, and then by Russia and China. The three 2017 heavenly signs point to coming judgment upon
the Gentile nation of America, a land once devoted to Christian ideals, but now rejecting, denying, and forsaking the Lord
in many ways. After the great cleansing by the wicked upon the wicked, Zion and the New Jerusalem Temple will be built
in the center of the land, the area marked by the Tau-cross judgment mark in the two total solar eclipses of 2017 and 2024.

The 7 Heavenly Signs at the Great Pyramid on Rosh Hashanah, 2017

The “altar” and “pillar” is built to the Lord in the land of Egypt. The structure has dual symbolism. Like prophetic
scripture generally (see the Lord’s words “has been” and “shall be” in 3 Ne. 23:1-5), the two words here are both historic
(the past) and prophetic (future), pointing to ancient and modern-day Egypt (America). The pyramid temple built to the
Lord is reared up at the center of both lands. The one in Egypt is the only remaining wonder of the Seven Wonders of the
World left on earth. It was built at the center of Egypt, at the border of Upper and Lower Egypt, before the flood to last
through it. Seven different signs, all tied to the heavens, reveal themselves on or very near Rosh Hashanah of 2017, the
same time as John’s Revelation 12 sign. What are these seven signs? What is their meaning? On why do they appear in
connection with this Biblical Holy Day? For answers, we turn to the seven signs themselves. They are:

1. Apex Alignment To Al Nitak in Orion at Meridian There is a apex alignment of the missing 5th cornerstone
with the star Al Nitak (“the wounded one”) in the Constellation Orion, at dawn on the morning before Rosh Hashanah of
2017. Al Nitak’s position among the three belt stars of Orion is the same position as Great Pyramid in association with the
other two pyramids, when the layout of Orion is transposed upon the Earth below. Al Nitak is thus the Great Pyramid. At
the Lord’s birth, Al Nitak was at an angle of 51.51 degrees above the horizon from Bethlehem. This is the exact angle
forming the second of two rainbows on the horizon, when light enters a water droplet prism (see 7 below). This is one more
witness that Jesus was born on Rosh Hashanah rather than in the spring.

2. Leo the Lion (Sphinx) Looks East – to Leo At this moment in time, the Sphinx or Lion (Leo) near the Great
Pyramid looks directly east (equinox alignment), where the constellation Leo actually is. Leo is the King constellation. It is
seen above the horizon at dawn the day before Rosh Hashanah.

3. Alignment to the King Star Regulus (vertical) Within Leo is the King star Regulus (the right shoulder star, the
brightest star in this constellation). Regulus is at a 26.3-degree angle from the horizon below (or 26 minutes, 18 minutes, 9
seconds) on this date. This is one of four total alignments at 26.3 degrees found at the Great Pyramid. This angle is
hereafter called the Christ angle.

4. Alignment of the Pyramid to the Birthplace of the King (horizontal) The same exact Christ angle of 26.3
degrees (east of due north) points to our Lord’s birthplace at the city of Bethlehem.

5. Alignment of the Ascending King’s Chamber Passageway to a Conjunction of Regulus & Venus in Leo
Prior to dawn on the morning before Rosh Hashanah, the King Star Regulus is in conjunction with the Bright and Morning
Star - Venus against the backdrop of the constellation Leo the lion (Revelation 2:28, 22:16 & 1 Peter 1:19). Regulus and
Venus thus rise together “as a morning star” in the east above the horizon at the 26.3-degree Christ angle. The ascending
passageway to the King’s chamber was built at the 26.3 degree Christ angle, so too the descending passageway to the pit.
The King Star Regulus may represent Christ as the ascended King Messiah ben David, crowned King with His Queen wife
(Mary) and potentially in connection with His mother Mary (women provide important support for Kingship rites anciently

[mother, wife, sister, and daughter). The Queen’s chamber may also be tied to the Bride of the Lamb who is waiting for His
return. Note that the star “Sirius” (meaning “the prince”) is visible in the Queen’s chamber. The coming “Davidic” servant
is in the sacred bloodline of “David” or Israel’s kings. He may be a “prince” crowned as a king in the Kingdom of God. The
Lord Jesus will reign as King of kings over all.

6. Alignment of the Descending Passageway to the King Planet Jupiter in Virgo The Descending Passageway
to the Pit (below ground level) aligns with the King Planet Jupiter against the constellation Virgo behind it, doing so at the
time the sun has just risen above the horizon the morning of Rosh Hashanah. This passageway was built at the 26.3 degree
Christ angle. The King planet Jupiter, below the horizon, may be be a symbol of the suffering, wounded Christ (in the
meridian of time) and his sent servant in our day who will also be “marred” or wounded. “Messiah ben Joseph” may be a
type for them both. We know Christ descended below all things in coming to Earth to redeem us in the meridian of time.
He then ascended above all things. Joseph of Egypt suffered for his family in imprisonment, then later rose to great power
in Egypt, second in command under Pharaoh. Joseph the Native American prophet will soon rise up to help save his people
(see 2 Nephi chapter 3). His mission may include suffering as well.

7. Alignment of the Pyramid’s Four Star Shafts to Significant Stars Just Before the Flood The four star shafts
of the Great Pyramid (two in the King’s chamber and two in the Queen’s chamber, one south and one north) align with four
significant stars in 2450 BC, about 100 years prior to God’s warning of the coming flood, given to Noah and his family in
2349 BC. The north shafts (1 each in the King and Queen’s chambers) point to the “undying stars” in the north that never
set below the horizon, including the pole star around which all others revolve. The south shafts point to stars tied to the
King (Al Nitak in Orion), and the Queen (Sirius, the Prime Meridian marker for time in ancient Egypt, now Greenwhich
England). The four shafts point to the following four stars:

The Two King’s Chamber Shafts - appear to be tied to Christ defeating the serpent in the end-times
Al Nitak (“wounded one”), 45 degrees - He will tread on the subtle one – the father of lies – the deceiver
Thuban or Alpha Draconis (“the subtle one” or “deceiver,” also the Polar Star at this point in time), 39.5 degrees

The Two Queen’s Chamber Shafts - appear to be tied to the Bride of the Lamb who is waiting for the Prince, Jesus Christ
Kochab (“waiting on Him who comes,” both “the prince” the Davidic servant” and “the King of kings” Jesus Christ)
Sirius (the prince “of peace”) – the Prime Meridian marker

Seth is believed to have built the Great

Pyramid to withstand the flood, bearing
witness of the Lord Jesus Christ as Creator,
Judge, and King to the world over time
through pure geometry rather than art,
symbols, or words (see endnote 1). The
rainbow covenant God made with Enoch in
Moses 7 is reflected in the rainbow
geometry of the Great Pyramid. Its four
sloped sides are at 51.51 degrees, whereas
its four corners, where the sides meet are
41.51 degrees. These are the exact two
angles of the double rainbow on the horizon
– or “rainbow geometry.” The two
rainbows are seen within us as sunlight
intersects with water droplet prisms,
forming the dispersion of 7 colors. The
order of colors is reversed in the second,
higher rainbow (at 51.51 degrees). Al Nitak
in Orion was seen over Bethlehem at 51.51
degrees, and on the day of Christ’s birth -
Rosh Hashanah (our 9/11) of 3BC. The
apex of the pyramid aligns with Al Nitak at
meridian or zenith on Rosh Hashanah of
Four of the 7 alignments are present in this illustration. Missing are: (1) the 4 star
shaft alignments, (2) the alignment of the Sphinx (or Lion) to the king constellation In addition to Isaiah 19:19-20, Jeremiah
Leo in the east, and (3) specifically to the king star Regulus
32:20 also addresses the Great Pyramid, stating, “…the Great, the Mighty God, the LORD of hosts, is his name, Great in
counsel, and mighty in work…Which hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day, and in Israel, and
among other men; and hast made thee a name, as at this day; And hast brought forth thy people Israel out of the land of
Egypt with signs, and with wonders, and with a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with great terror” (Jer.
32:18-21). Isaiah’s description of the Great Pyramid includes its location and that its purpose is to serve as a witness for
Christ, doing so on His birthday.4 It is a solar, male construction and one of only two buildings on earth featuring both
squared-circle geometry (the archetype of the Atonement, or reconciliation of earth ([the square] to heaven [the circle]) and
rainbow geometry. The other is Stonehenge (below); a lunar female construction with two inner circles of stones in a U-
shape, thought to mark the conception date of the Lord at the winter solstice sunset.

Stonehenge is a female, lunar construction its innermost circle of stones in the shape of a womb or Omega symbol. It is aligned to the
Winter Solstice Sunset, which is nine months prior to the fall equinox marker of the Great Pyramid; a male, solar construction tied to the
Alpha symbol. Note the position of the moon (blue) and the sun (yellow) in the split windows of the central, tallest Trilithons (right), seen
from the viewing marker stones (left) to the southeast on winter solstice sunset. Illustrations courtesy of Wikipedia Commons

In the two windows, just above the main altar area of the innermost U-shaped arrangement of stones (female womb), the
moon sets above the sun in the higher of the two windows at the winter solstice sunset. Both U-shaped circles of stone at
Stonehenge are positioned to receive light (a male symbol) from the rising moon and sun in the east. From the winter
solstice sunset to the fall equinox is 9 months (human gestation cycle), the fall equinox being the heavenly marker for the
Biblical Holy Day Rosh Hashanah, believed to be Christ’s birthdate, or September 9 (9/11) of 3 BC. In ancient Israel this
was the day of the coming of the King, with trumpets. It is tied to the night, at midnight when a call or trumpeting goes
forth for all to “awake and arise” to go out to meet
the Bridegroom, who comes to get His bride (the
church of believers, the five wise virgins). It is day in
ancient Israel when the king was washed and
anointed to become king over his kingdom.

The 7 heavenly witnesses addressed in the pyramid’s

7 alignments (a number tied to light in the 7 colors of
the rainbow, and the number 144,000 [endnote 3D]),
all mark Rosh Hashanah (Christ’s birthdate) in 2017
in some way, perhaps signaling the start of the
tribulation period (judgment of the King on
wickedness). It may last 7 prophetic years prior to
His potential return in 2024 or thereafter, when
another total solar eclipse crosses North America,
forming an X over the Adam-ondi-Ahman area.   A
total of 7 prophetic years of 360 days each equals
2520 days, the number of judgment followed by  
creation (a difficult “tribulation” occurs prior to the Right: The Duat or Court scene in the Hall of the Two Maats, from the
birth of the kingdom of God, see endnote 4). The Joseph Smith Papyri IIIA-B. The heart of the candidate desiring to
number 2520 is Sir Isaac Newton’s “creation key,” enter the presence of Osiris (Christ) has their heart weighed against a
the number tied to the both the judgment message to feather. Note that the shape of the scales of justice is that of the last,
king Belshazzar in “God’s handwriting on the wall” 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Tav or Tau, meaning “judgment at
the end” of time.

in Daniel 5, and that of the sacred cubit of linear measure (a type of judgment or measure of the king Belshazzar in 25.20
inches). This is the measure of God’s arm from elbow to middle-finger tip, plus a hands breadth (Ezek. 40:5; 43:13).   This
number is tied to our Lord’s opposing roles as Creator (mercy) and Judge (justice),5 symbolized in the shape of the scales of
justice –and the ancient Tau mark (Ezek. 9). The Tau mark is in the shape of the cross of our Lord - the instrument of His
death in the atonement (see p. 4). It is a mark of sealing and protection for those who love the Lord.

Purpose of the Great Pyramid There are seven known purposes of the Great Pyramid. They do not come to us from
academics, but from God’s own mouth and its sacred geometry (endnote 1). It first serves as; (1) An enduring monument to
the Lord Jesus Christ through time – witnessing His various roles as the Lamb of God in the atonement (by way of its
reconciling squared-circle geometry), as the Creator (in its space-time-light relationships), the Judge and King over His
kingdom (via marked days soon to be fulfilled, specifically that of Rosh Hashanah of 2017, the day of the coming of the
King – in judgment first). The structures rare geometry has the following six practical applications; (2) It is a tool to help
believers ascend into God’s presence6; (3) It is a useful tool aiding translation of people, cities, and land, like that those of
Enoch and Melchizedek (Salem); (4) It serves to continually heal mother Earth from man’s destructive actions7 (see Moses
7); (5) It marks the coming of “the man child,” a strong one and a seer or stone that is rejected by the builders (His own
people). The term “man child” applies to Christ in the meridian of time, and His sent servant in our day, the last-days (a
primary message of Isaiah); (6) The missing capstone points to a completed temple structure, the bringing in of the
Kingdom of God in the Millennial day of peace and order. It is done by God, His servant, and other servants - the 144,000
mentioned in D&C 77:11A, those who are “sealed in their foreheads.” Christ completes the Kingdom as the Chief
Cornerstone, the 5th, central, highest cornerstone of the pyramid. He is “the all-seeing eye” descending upon the pyramid on
the back of our one-dollar bills (the dark side sees him as Satan-Lucifer-Baal-the Beast, overseeing the New World Order
and its One World Church).

The two illustrations above reveal the sacred geometry of the world’s two greatest creations, both witnesses for Christ in
the author’s opinion. They are Stonehenge (left) and the Great Pyramid (right), the only two known structures on Earth
featuring both; (1) perfect squared-circle geometry – THE archetype of the atonement of Christ in their reconciliation of
the square (representing earth, man, and the temporal), to the perfection of the circle (representing heaven, God, and the
spiritual, see p. 9). This same perfect geometry gives birth to rainbow geometry, seen in the two circles in both structures
above, The proportion (numbers, measure, relationship) mirror those of the double rainbow on the horizon. The author
came to understand these Christ-centered geometry concepts in studying sacred geometry and architecture the world over in
standing stone circles, pyramids, Gothic Cathedrals, and LDS temples. How both of these structures interface with light

harmonically8 (the sun, moon, and stars), and on very specific dates (winter solstice and the fall equinox respectively),
appears to point to the conception of Christ at the winter solstice, and His birth 9 months later on Rosh Hashanah, the day
of the coming of the King.

The Great Pyramid has many Christ-centered features written about in the 19th and 20th
centuries. The illustration on p. 3 reveals the structures two primary interior passageways.
They appear to be tied to the Doctrine of the Two Ways, one going up to the King’s chamber,
and one down to the pit. It also features a missing 5th, central capstone, tied to Christ as the
Chief Cornerstone, “the stone that the builder’s rejected” (Psalm 118:21-23). He is the
headstone of the corner. The Christ-centered features are revealed in its special numbers
(geometry), many of which feature the spatial measure of one of its particular features on the
earth below, reflecting those of time in the heavens above. One example is the perimeter of the
  base of the Great Pyramid (space) at 25,960 inches. This measure of space below on Earth is
the same as a time-oriented number above in the precession of the equinoxes, also called the
Great Year. It is 25,960 years - the time is takes all 12 signs of the zodiac to make one complete revolution around the
earth. This number is found in the perimeter of the structure at the 50th course of its masonry – the height of the King’s
chamber. A third witness of this number is found in the sum of the length of two diagonal lines at the base of the pyramid.
All these witnesses are revealed in the pure number or geometry of the structure. It is the lone remaining wonder of the
Seven Wonders of the World. See additional number symbolism and much more in the endnotes.9 See also Lost Wisdom:
Archetypes of the Atonement, Ascension & At-one-ment, by the author, Researcher Daniel Matson
discovered most of 7 witnesses presented earlier in this paper. See his excellent research at:

End Notes (11 pages)

Bad Omen for Gentiles & their Idolatry In Talmud, Succah 29a we read, “Our Rabbis taught, When the sun is in eclipse [black
sun] it is a bad omen for idolaters [the Gentiles]; when Lavanah (Moon [bloodmoon]) is in eclipse, it is a bad omen for Israel, since Israel
reckons by Lavanah (Moon) and idolaters by the sun. If it is in eclipse in the east, it is a bad omen for those who dwell in the east; if in
the west, it is a bad omen for those who dwell in the west; if in the midst of heaven it is bad omen for the whole world. If its face is red as
blood, [it is a sign that] the sword is coming to the world; if it is like sack-cloth, the arrows of famine are coming to the world; if it
resembles both, the sword and the arrows of famine are coming to the world. If the eclipse is at sunset calamity will tarry in its coming; if
at dawn, it hastens on its way: but some say the order is to be reversed. And there is no nation which is smitten that its gods are not
smitten together with it, as it is said, And against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments. But when Israel fulfill the will of the
Omnipresent, they need have no fear of all these [omens] as it is said, Thus saith the L-RD[2],' Learn not the way of the nations, and be
not dismayed at the signs of heaven, for the nations are dismayed at them, the idolaters will be dismayed, but Israel will not be dismayed”
(Rabbi Meir quote by Hillel ben David, or Greg Killian,
Purpose & Builder of the Great Pyramid The Great Pyramid was not built by the Egyptians but most likely by Seth, son of
Adam. So says Josephus, other ancient historians, and two have ascended into the Lord’s presence in our day, both of which asked God
about this enduring structure.
Adam, Seth, Enoch, and Noah all knew of the coming flood. The Great Pyramid was made to last through it to our present day,
preserving its important knowledge and it witnesses for Christ. It also appears to supply continual healing for mother earth, preserving
life at the frequency of 6.8 hz (see Moses 7:33-64, D&C 88:6-19, and Anita Meyer, In Search of the Holy Language, In Search of the
Universal Truth, publisher, pps. 66-102). It is located at “Giza,” meaning at the “border” - of northern (lower) and southern (upper)
Egypt. Thus it is also in “the midst” of the land of Egypt as Isaiah 19:19 states.
Josephus described “the pillar of the sons of Seth” as being in “the land of Siriad” (another name for Egypt, like Rehab). He stated,
“They [the Sethites] also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom, which is concerned with the heavenly bodies and their order.
And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam’s prediction that the world was to be
destroyed at one time by the force of fire and at another time by the violence and quantity of water they made two pillars; the one of
brick – the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood
[the great lion Sphinx in Egypt], the pillar of stone might remain [“the Pillar of Enoch”], and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; Now
this [the pillar of stone] remains in the land of Siriad [Egypt] to this day” (see Josephus, Antiquities I, ii, 3; p. 435. Siriad i. E. the
Siriadic, or Dog Star, is the Land of Egypt). Many now call the Great Pyramid “the Pillar of Enoch.” The bright star Sirius is at the
celestial Prime Meridian above. Stonehenge is located within the time zone of this Prime Meridian on earth today. The Great Pyramid,
symbolized by Al Nitak in Orion is 31 degrees east of the Prime Meridian. It and the Prime Meridian (Sirius) appear to be the “two
pillars” marking space and time for navigation, calendaring, etc., on the earth.
According to Cedrenus it was pseudo-Hermes “who anciently recorded a similar testimony. Hermes tells us that Enoch built this
Pyramid. The Enoch construction theory also places the date previous to the Flood, between 3378 and 3013 BC. The Sabeans even state
that antediluvians, the children of Seth, built it.” (See Francis M. Darter, Our Bible in Stone, Deseret News Publishing Co., pps. 35-49.)
Most suggest it was built about 2450 BC, as marked by its star shafts. Though later, it is still 100 to 200 years prior to the Great Flood.

According to Brown, “Seth came to reveal secrets about the heavens and the future which he had learned both from his father [Adam]
and from revelations…In fact, he authored a book which was hidden in order to come forth in the latter days, a work reportedly
containing the secrets of the universe which Seth and the covenant people had known and revered from the beginning.” (S. Kent Brown,
Nag Hammadi, pps. 262-63. Brown quotes Cf. G. W. MacRae, et al., Adam 1990, 85, 19-31, p. 286, italics added.)
Others believe it was the knowledge of “the Fathers,” the great “Patriarchs,” and specifically Enoch, that was passed down to the
Pharaohs and preserved in the Great Pyramid. Some of this “hidden” wisdom appears to be the revealing measures placed in this pillar, a
memorial and witness of the Eternal Covenant Enoch and his very advanced people made with God. Knowing the flood was to come in a
future day, the Great Pyramid may have been built to withstand it, that its healing qualities would continue to bless mother Earth, that its
knowledge and its witness for Christ be preserved. Scripture has shown that measuring the temple, and the people building and using it,
is associated with judgment – that preceding destruction, as seen in water (prior to the Flood) and in fire (for our day). See Amos 7:7;
Isaiah 34:11; Habakkuk 3:6; 2 Kings 21:13).
Enduring the Flood Salt ½ inch thick has been found encrusted to the walls of the Queen’s Chamber, as well as on the lower
portion of the Grand Gallery. Some associate it with saltwater potentially deposited during the Great Flood of Noah – judgment by water
in the earth’s early history. Judgment by fire is to follow in the last days. It should be noted that the descending passage has no salt
deposits, however, perhaps because this area was plugged by a stone. Other theories suggest the salt exuded naturally from the limestone
walls. Its composition includes ordinary salt, calcium carbonate, and gypsum, found in limestone. (See William R. Corliss, Ancient
Structures, A Catalog of Archeological Anomalies, The Sourcebook Project, p. 194.
Dating the Great Pyramid Carbon dating dates of the Great Pyramid correspond to the time both Seth and Enoch were alive,
from 3809 to 2869 BC, making the pyramid’s possible creation date much earlier than originally thought. Researcher Mark Lehner tested
organic material (15 samples) used as mortar to cement the great blocks together to come up with carbon-dating data. According to the
LDS Church Old Testament Student Manual, Seth lived 912 years, from about 3860 BC to about 2990 BC. Enoch lived 430 years, from
about 3370 BC to about 2980 BC. Enoch’s city may have been translated around 2950 BC.
Some base the Great Pyramid’s construction or dedication date on heavenly alignments. Sir William Petrie, an English Egyptologist,
placed its construction at about 3950 BC. Another suggested date is 3434 BC, one of two known dates for alignment of the north shaft in
the King’s Chamber with Polaris, north being the potential direction of God’s throne (Isaiah 14:13). The other date is 2144 BC, the date
closer to modern estimates for its construction. The descending entrance passage in the north side of the pyramid to “the pit” is also in
direct alignment with Polaris on these two dates. (For carbon dating dates, see Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, The Message of the
Sphinx, Three Rivers Press, pps. 300-03.)
Knowledge Given of the Lord The anonymous author of Temporal Dispensations stated, “The Lord unveiled to me much more
than I had expected relating to these ancient structures [the pyramids, specifically the Great Pyramid]. He said that these were ancient
temples of the Melchizedek order. The Temple in Jerusalem was of the Aaronic order. The pyramid temples’ purpose was [1] to lead men
to the Lord personally, and [2] it also would heal the land and [3] in some cases, as they were placed in the center of a holy city, create
the means by which the city and land could be translated and taken to Heaven. Both the city of Enoch and city of Salem had a pyramid
that provided this purpose. These pyramids were very simple and not ornately decorated. They contained sacred geometry and rooms that
helped the initiate learn the ascension of the Fathers.
I was told that one of the temples built in the days of Adam was the Giza Pyramid of Egypt. It was constructed by Seth and existed in
the days of Enoch. Its location was chosen by revelation to be a monument that would be a light to the world until the last days. These
structures have been built around the world and have been a sign to the heavenly host that a people are seeking God. Some cultures have
tried to mimic these for the same purpose of ascension. Throughout our solar system and galaxy are many worlds with these structures
built for this purpose.
I asked the Lord how it is possible to build these structures. The stones are enormous and nothing in the current technology of our
time comes close to accomplishing such a task. I find it interesting that modern man with all his supposed knowledge, doesn’t even know
how these ancient stone structures were created. There are huge monolithic stones, precisely cut and fitted so perfectly that not even a
thin paper can be pressed between the stones. How was it done? The Lord said that they understood how to alter the physical properties
of objects. The stones would become as light as a feather as their properties changed and had an antigravity effect upon them. This
knowledge was known to the ancients, but has not been revealed since ancient times. They also were able to cut stone and metal with
ease using light, or the bending of light, like a laser. I didn’t see the specifics of this, but there seemed to be something like mirrors that
increased the intensity of the light which cut the stone easily without melting it.
The Lord said that these laser-like cutting tools were also used to pull ore from the earth. Many mountains have ore deep within them
that were mined with such cutting tools. There is much gold and treasure hidden within the earth today. Much has been covered or
concealed. The treasures are enormous” (Anonymous, Temporal Dispensations, pps. 64-65).
In another question asked of the Lord, this one about Abraham and the Great Pyramid, Anonymous stated, “In the vision I saw time
skip ahead when Abram was with Pharaoh. He taught Pharaoh much about the stars, their rotations, the signs in the heavens. He even
showed Pharaoh the mysteries behind much of the Pyramid of Giza and its astronomical alignments. Pharaoh gave Abram the title of
Master of the Temple Mysteries and he was highly revered by the Egyptians” (Temporal Dispensations, 96-97).
Anonymous also asked the Lord about New Jerusalem and its connections, if any, to the Great Pyramid. “I asked Joseph about the
[New Jerusalem] temple. I think this part came while talking with him, but perhaps it was the Lord. I saw the Temple in First Zion. There
was a pyramid on the top, with multiple levels. It had a similar structure to the Israelite Temple, but it ascended upward. I was shown
how the different temple structures in the world progress upward and was told it would be like that. All would be made clear by
revelation in the future. I saw the city, at least the beginning of it. It looked very impressive with the temple and the structures around it.
The temple had a pyramid on the top and the other dwellings were domed” (Temporal Dispensations, p. 197).
Iohani Wulfgramm’s Question About the Great Pyramid Iohani Wulfgramm was a very gentile, gifted, and spiritual man of
Tongan descent who held great healing power. It was given him after ascending into the Lord’s presence. He received information there
about both the rainbow and the Great Pyramid. Iohani’s life was filled with miracles, healing, even raising the dead. He had the power of

God (the sealing power), given him in Iohani’s personal visit to God’s dwelling place in the heavens, a power Iohani described in
connection with fiery light, heat, and electricity. Pres. Spencer W. Kimball told Iohani Wulfgramm that two days after arriving in Tonga
with his wife as a missionary, he would by visited by Christ and that the Savior would inform him of his mission to the Tongan people.
This promise was fulfilled. Two personages took Iohani in vision to the dwelling place of God. Brother Wulfgramm stated, that it was a,
“very speedy trip. I was frightened…As we traveled we passed many planets and other celestial bodies…In a short time I heard the
thunder and saw lightning and rain…The light never disappeared. Then I saw the rainbow and the rainbow encircled the light and there
was no end of the brightness - brighter than noon-day sun. Then the voice spoke to me and asked if I understood about the rainbow. I
said, ‘Yes, that was the covenant that was made between Noah and Father in heaven that he would never gain destroy the earth by water.’
Then the voice said, ‘Iohani, have you repented enough?’ Then the voice spoke of this world, ‘Have all mankind repented enough?
Indeed it is true, I will not destroy this earth again by water, but I will destroy it with fire if they will not come unto me.’ Then I saw the
light circle around the rainbow.” Iohani also asked the Lord the significance of the pyramid on the back of the one-dollar bill. The Lord
told him that the Great Pyramid was a great symbol of and for Him!
God’s City at the End of the Millennium In the book Visions of Glory, “Spencer” described bringing many cities to a
Celestialized, glowing Earth (nearly as bright as the sun) after the Millennium and after the Earth had been moved to a new location near
the dwelling place of the Father (p. 237). God designed the beautiful, glorious city that was being brought to Earth by Spencer and others.
The single building was “the size of a city, glowing white with sparkling accents of color. We brought it from the presence of the Father,
to be the first and greatest structure on the earth. It was well over a square mile, a mile high, and with its many spires, arches, and
architectural wonders, it was approximately pyramidal in shape. This would be the residence of our Savior, who was now to dwell with
us forever” (Spencer, interviewed by John M. Pontius, Visions of Glory, pps. 237-238).
Sent Servant There are a number of leading last-day servants of the Lord with special missions. They will be working with the
144,000 who are “sealed” in their foreheads (D&C 77:11A). One of the primary messages of Isaiah is to alert us to one of them,
sometimes called the Davidic Servant (of the kingship bloodline of the Lord). The author has written about two last-days servants in two
books. Both of them are named in scripture by the Lord; (1) John the Beloved (D&C 77:9&14) in the book, Awake and Arise; And (2)
Joseph the Indian Prophet (2 Ne. 3:24) in the book, The Remnant Awakens. Both are translated beings with great power and authority,
needed in the last days to battle the beast, false prophet, and others who rise to power to oppress the Lord’s people. One could argue that
some of the signs tied to the Great Pyramid on Rosh Hashanah of 2017 may also be tied to him, he who prepares the way before the Lord,
with others. D&C 77 addresses one of these servants and his 3-part mission. (1) He is an “Elias for Christ,”(2) he “gathers Israel” and
(3) he “restores all things” (D&C 77:9 & 14). Scripture tells us that he or one like him will “set the house of God in order” (D&C 85:7-
8). He appears to be a last-days stabilizing nail – like Eliakim in Isaiah who replaces Shebna (Isaiah 22:15-25). He is also “mighty and
strong one” (see also D&C 85:7-8). D&C 77:14 identifies him as John the Beloved (also known as John the Revelator). He is one of a
number of powerful last-days servants of the Lord. His power comes from God, his translated status, and the keys he holds as a member
of the First Presidency from the meridian of time. He is the oldest living Apostle on the Earth. He also has keys to the bottomless pit (JST
Rev. 2:11-13; 9:1-11 [see v. 9]; 20:1; D&C 77:9&14). Addressing this last-days servant, who is comparable to Moses in the miracles he
performs (103:15-16), Isaiah states, “And I will clothe him with thy robe, and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy
government into his hand: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem [Zion in America, the capital city], and to the house of
Judah [converts, many of which are brought here]. And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and
none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open [sealing power]. And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place [a leader that will
not be removed, one grounded in the strength of real priesthood power, one centered in Christ]” (Isa. 22:21–23). Some believe he is
Christ’s son, come to win the victory for his father (see Psalm 98:1, 110:1-5, and Acts 2:32-35). For more on this topic see Awake and
Arise: Coming Tribulation and Judgment with a Mighty and Strong One to Deliver, the Last Days According to Isaiah,
Servant Scriptures Many scriptures address the last-days Davidic king, God’s servant on earth. He is part of God’s promise that
Davidic kingship will endure eternally (2nd Samuel 7). This “servant” has at least 70 name-titles in scripture, 50 in Isaiah alone. He has
been “hid” until his mission unfolds in the last days, until he “awakens” into it as the new rising son (Isaiah 49:1-2). He is addressed in
the following scriptures:
Doctrine & Covenants: 1:14; 7:3 & 7; 27:5-7, 10-13; 61:14-16, 19, 27; 77:8, 9, 11 & 14 (JST Mat. 17:14); 85:7-8; 88:92; 103:15-16;
113:3-4; 128:20; 133:3-6, 17 & 53
Book of Mormon: 2 Nephi 3:24; 2 Nephi 21:1-5, 10-13; 3 Nephi 3 Nephi 16:20; 21:9-11
2 Samuel 7: 12-16, 25-26, 29
Bible - Old Testament: Psalm 98:1, 110:1-2 / Isaiah 9:7; 11:1-5, 10-13, 16; 19:20; 28:2; 37:36; 40:3, 10; 41:25-27; 42:1-6, 19-20;
JST Isaiah 42:19-20; 46:11; 48:13-16; 49:1, 5-9; 51:9-11; JST Isaiah 51:19-20; 52:10; 63:9; 66:7-13; Direct personal statements by the
Davidic servant to us include: Isaiah 48:16 & 17 and in 49:1-9, 22-23; 50:4-9; 61:1-3 / Jeremiah 23:1-5; 30:3, 7-11, 24; 33:15-17 /
Ezekiel 21:25-27; 34:12-14, 22-24; 37:16-27 / Hosea 1:11; 2:14-15; 3:4-5 / Micah 5:2-6 (see 3 Nephi 21:12-13 and Isaiah 10:16-19 /
Zechariah 1:8; 2: 1, 8-9, 11-21; 3:1-10; 6:12 / Malachi 3:1; 4:2 / New Testament: JST John 1:20-26; JST Matt. 11:11-16; JST Matt.
17:8-14; JST Revelation 7:2; 8:13; 10:9-11; 12:1-7
Another Special Servant 2 Nephi 3 addresses another important last-days servant named by the Lord. This chapter is the
patriarchal blessing of Lehi on his youngest son “Joseph.” The covenant given Joseph of Egypt is renewed and given to this son and his
posterity, some of which will never be destroyed. He is “Joseph the Indian Prophet.” The footnote to verse 24 once read, “future Indian
prophet” until 1921 when it was changed to “Joseph Smith.” Leaders such as Oliver Cowdery, Parley and Orson Pratt, David Whitmer,
and Spencer W. Kimball all understood this future servant to be a Native American (see especially verse 24). He is located “The city of
the Heavenly God” or “The Star God City” in southwestern Mexico near Guatemala. The current leader there is “Joseph” #33. All who
have led this body of tall, white Indians have had this special name-title. They have remained separate from worldly ways. It may be his
role to reveal the darkness and secret combinations among our “brethren” today, via the use of a seer stone and a more complete version

of the book of Ether, to come forth in our day, along with other books, including the plates of Laban, John’s Revelation, etc. (aee Alma
37:23; Ether 1:4). For more on this unique servant and the promises made to the Native American Remnant generally in the Book of
Mormon on this land, see The Remnant Awakens, by the author,

The Great Pyramid as a Testimony of Christ The following list addresses the Christ-centered qualities of the Great Pyramid. In
Isaiah 19:19 we read that it is an “altar” and “pillar” built “to the Lord” in the “midst” of Egypt, while also being at the “border” thereof
(of northern and southern Egypt). Jeremiah stated that “the Mighty God...hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this
day” (Jer. 32:19-20). Note the pyramid’s witnesses for Christ hereafter:

A. The Centrality of Christ’s Atonement

The structure has reconciling squared-circle geometry, highlighting its Atonement focus. This geometry gives birth to the
pyramid’s special measures, including its “rainbow geometry,” the token of the Father’s covenant with man (JST Gen. 9),
fulfilled in our Lord’s Atonement. Christ is the Great Deliverer, the Lamb of God, our Savior, Judge, and King. His Atonement
helps continually heal repentant mankind, and mother Earth, providing her rest (see Moses 7:48-58).

There are 4 Relationships of the Square to the Circle: Far left: Circle inside a Square; Left: Circle with equal area to Square; Right:
Circumference of Circle nearly equal to the perimeter of the Square – this creates the true reconciliation of square to circle, called
“the squared-circle”; Far right: Circle around a Square. All four relationships can be found in important architecture the world over,
but only the third relationship (from the left) reconciles both forms, leading to the geometry of the rainbow, the light-based token of the
covenant God established with Enoch, Noah and us.

The pyramid features two paths, one up to the all red King’s Chamber, and the other down to the unfinished “pit.” These two paths
are tied to “the Doctrine of the Two Ways” of scripture. The Atonement of Christ makes the return to God (the King’s
Chamber) possible. With repentance and the Atonement, man can come to Christ. “He [God] keepeth back his [man’s] soul
from the pit…to be enlightened with the light of the living” (Job 33:14, 30). The ascent to the King’s Chamber passes through
the straight and narrow Grand Gallery (few go there), whereas the descent to the pit is broad, leading to the pyramid’s biggest
room (see Matthew 7:13-14).
The king and the Queen’s Chambers suggest the concept of Sacred Marriage. The ascent path to the King’s Chamber starts at the
Grand Gallery with its higher ceiling and greater beauty. This portion of the path, upward begins at the Queen’s Chamber,
suggesting Christ’s birth of a virgin. He is “the only Begotten of the Father, “the seed,” “the man child” born of the mortal
“woman.” Christ invites us to marry Him (relationship).
The all red king’s chamber features an empty red Coffer tied to the resurrected Christ. Its interior measures mirror those of the Ark
of the Covenant. Christ’s Atonement featured the necessary shedding of his red blood. He was covered in it at Gethsemane.
The pyramid is missing its capstone, the top, central, 5th cornerstone. This symbolizes that Christ is “the rock,” the sure
foundation, “the stone [Seer or Prophet, which] the builders rejected [He] is become the head of the corner” (Psalm 118:22).
He was not accepted by His own people as the Savior of the world. His sent servant will also be rejected by many of his own.

B. Focus on the Covenant Number 5 - tied to the concept of His “Grace” and “covenant-making”
The pyramid has extensive connections to the number 5, a covenant-oriented number throughout scripture, tied to life, eternal life, and
the most importantly – the grace of Christ (see Mor. 10:32-33, 5 uses of “grace” there). He is the
Messenger & Mediator of the Covenant, fulfilled in His atonement for us. Connections to the number 5 include:
The pyramid has features 5 sides, 5 primary passages, and 5 different slope angles.
The pyramid has 5 cornerstones. The top center one is missing (see Psalm 118:22).
The pyramid is aligned to 5 stars (see “Light Centeredness” below)
The King’s Chamber is at the 50th course of the masonry (the Queen’s at the 25th). His Atonement and Resurrection grant us liberty
from sin, death, and hell. Liberty is the theme of the Jubilee Year of Restoration, celebrated every 50th year in the Bible.
The King’s Chamber has 5 support chambers above it.
There are 5 courses of blocks (100 total) in the King’s Chamber.
The entrance passageway is located 55” feet up the east side of the pyramid.
The standard measure of the structure appears to be 5, seen in the Granite Leaf or Portcullis in the Ante-chamber.
It features a horseshoe-shaped projection 5” long, 5” wide & 1” thick. On this standard of its measure is found the Pyramid Inch
and the Sacred Cubit (25 pyramid inches). The pyramid is based on the 25.20” sacred cubit.

C. Creation Connections / Christ is the Great Creator
The pyramid has spatial measures equated to time in the heavens. He created the cycles of the heavenly bodies, including
The Solar Year, the Great Year (precession of the equinoxes), to Pi, and star alignments in its four star shafts.
Addressing His great creative power, God asked Job, “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou
hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the
foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God
shouted for joy?... Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth
[zodiac] in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the
dominion thereof in the earth?” (Job 38:4-7, 31-33)

D. Light-Centeredness
Our Lord is the Light and Life of the World. Connections to light at the Great Pyramid include:
The pyramid is aligned to the sun at the equinoxes, its 8 sides revealed primarily on these two special days (see p. 6).
It features 5 star alignments, 2 each in the 4 star shafts in the King and Queen’s Chambers and a 5th – the capstone aligned to Al
Nitak in Orion at meridian, occurring on Rosh Hashanah of 2017. Christ, born on Rosh Hashanah of 3 BC is “the star” arising
“out of Jacob” (Num. 24:17). For His birthdate, see The LDS April 6 Tradition,
The pyramid’s unique squared-circle geometry gives birth to the geometry of the light-based rainbow.
The pyramid is may have once been covered with 144,000 white limestone cover stones, a number expressing the speed of light
in a different measuring system. Researcher Bruce Cathie has shown that the number 144,00 is “the speed of light harmonic.”
He states, “I theorize that space and time manifest from the geometric harmonies of the wave motions of light. The fundamental
harmonic of light in free space, in geometric terms being an angular velocity of 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second, there
being 97,200 gird seconds to one revolution of the earth.” A total of 144,000 Arc-minutes converts to 162,000 nautical miles in
real-time per second, or 186,000 standard miles per second. The pyramid has other connections to the special number 144,000,
the number of those of light in the last-days who gather Israel worldwide (see D&C 77:11A).

E. Lamb & Savior / King and Judge

The Great Pyramid is aligned due east to the equinox. The New Moon nearest the fall equinox in 3 BC, marking the Bible Holy Day
Rosh Hashanah (day of the coming of the king, with trumpeting). It is most likely the birthday of Christ, the great reconciler (squared-
circle geometry), born in the meridian of time to redeem us, and fulfill the Father’s covenant with man (the token of this covenant
being the rainbow, JST Gen. 9). Rosh Hashanah (meaning “head of the year,” is the civil New Year’s Day of the king. It is the day
Israel’s kings were washed and anointed to become king, and it is the day of the coming of the King to earth, his mortal birthday.
Jewish Rabbi’s believe it to be the first day of Creation. Our Lord will return to the earth in the last-days as the Great King, coming in
judgment first upon His kingdom and its subjects, doing so as thief in the night to those unprepared. Rosh Hashanah is the “hidden
day” tied to repentance and the coming of the Bridegroom in judgment – and later to get His bride. This special day is marked by John
the Revelator’s sign of the woman giving birth to the man child and the kingdom of God in the heavens on Sept. 23 of 2017, the same
day the Great Pyramid features 7 heavenly witnesses, all aligned with this important structure; the altar and pillar to the Lord in the
center of Egypt (see the author’s two papers on these subjects, 7 Heavenly Witnesses, Great Pyramid, Rosh Hashanah 2017” and “The
LDS April 6th Tradition” at
Newton’s Creation Key Number 2520: Judgment & Creation The number 2520 has unique ties to both judgment and creation,
as does the number 9 – the addition of 2, 5, 2 and 0. It all begins with Daniel 5. There we read about God’s “writing on the wall.” It was
His “judgment” or measure of King Belshazzar of Babylon. Since the time of his grandfather Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonians had held
the Jews captive. This soon changed as God eventually delivered the captive Israelites with the help of Cyrus. There was destruction and
death for king Belshazzar, followed by new life for the Israelites as they eventually returned home to Jerusalem.
God’s law for all Israel, relative to measure (a form of judgment), is found in Deuteronomy 25:14. It reads, “Thou shalt not have in
thine house divers measures, a great and a small. [But] Thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou
have; that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. For all that do such things, [and] all that do
unrighteously, [are] an abomination unto the LORD thy God.”
The measures connected to 2520 below appear to be based on God’s perfected body in the “Sacred Cubit.” It is 25.20 inches (see
Ezek. 40:5; 43:13). Perfect and just measure insures order and stability in God’s creation, providing “lengthened” days upon the land.”
The key number 2520 is surprisingly widespread, found throughout many numbers tied to creation. They unite the measure of space,
time and light. Two other numbers often join it in this context; Pi - 3.14159265 (a ratio or proportion based on the circle) and 360 - the
number of degrees in a circle, and days in ancient Enoch calendar. We see them associated first with space (the circular shape) in
reconciliation with time (cycles or circles of time typically in connection with the number 7). Note how the number 2520 is used in the
following situations, often in connection with other creation numbers like 7 (a full or complete period of time: week, dispensation, etc.),
360 (degrees in a circle, days in the original year), and Pi (3.14):

2520 - The Measure of Creation – “The Writing on the Wall” (a judgment)

2520 - Belshazzar Judged “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting” (Dan. 5:25)
2520 feet above sea level The height of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 cubits Measurements of the Ark of the Covenant is (Exodus 25:10 - 25:20)
2520 / 7 = 360 Degrees in a perfect circle (one full cycle) / Days in the Enoch Year
2520 - 360 = 2160 Diameter of the Moon

2520 - 360 = 2160 Average time for duration of each of the 12 signs in the Great Year (26,920 years) – the
precession of the equinoxes
2520 / 2 = 1260 days Or 3.5 years, half of a full 7-year cycle or circle of time (the 7 years of “tribulation” in both
Daniel and Revelation; this is called “time, times, and a half” and refers to 1260 days or 3.5 years
(Dan. 12:7). As this period ends the re-establishment of the temple and its sacrifices will occur,
along with the rule of God on the earth in a new Kingdom of Israel. Daniel uses seven here in a
“days” for “years” pattern as part of prophecy (time), given in this measured space associated
with creation, the temple and its Ark.
2520 x 2 = 5040 Plato’s ideal city with 5040 land owners in Magnesia; its outer circle radius was to be 5040 feet,
its inner city radius 1080 feet, its circumference 31,680 feet. 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 = 5040
2520 / 2 x Pi = 6785.8401 statue miles: Circumference of the Moon
2520 x Pi = 7916 Diameter of the Earth (x Pi again = the circumference of the earth)
2520 x 7x7x7 = 864,360 + 1260 = 865,620 statue miles: Mean diameter of the Sun
2520 x 100 = 252,000 statue miles: Apogee: Greatest distance from Earth to Moon
2520 x 25.142857142857 = 5280 feet or a mile (the “statue mile” is based on a cubit of 25.14
Note that 3.14159265 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 = 52800
2520 / 7 = / 49 (7 x 7) = 51.428571. This is near the exact angle of the four sides of the Great Pyramid. Light is
refracted as it enters the sphere of a raindrop, is reflected from the drop’s opposite side, and is
again refracted as it leaves the drop, passing to the observer’s eye. A raindrop will reflect
back towards the viewer only at an angle less than this number (such as 42 degrees, the angle of
the second bow in the double rainbow, and the angle of the pyramid’s four edges).
360 / 7 = 51.428571 The perfect circle measure (360 degrees) divided by the number of periods in creation of the
earth (7) gives us the angle of light or the four sloping sides of the Great Pyramid (51.4).

Note that most all of the numbers above, when added together, reduce down to the single digit 9. Like 2520, the number 9 (the sum of
2, 5, 2 & 0) appears tied to the union of male and female in creation. The ritual apron with 9 leaves is a good example. There are many
others. Note also how Newton’s creation number 2520 is used to reconcile space (mass and length) with time below:

2,520 gerahs 25.20 inches (1 sacred cubit) 2,520 days (1 Year)

Weight / mass Length in Sacred Cubits and its divisions Time - 7 years of 360 days (Enoch year)
Writing on the Wall in Daniel 5:5 Dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant Primary time period of Daniel, Revelation & Isaiah
“You have been weighed and Exodus 25:20 Half of this is 1260 days, 3.5 years or 42 months,
measured and are found wanting” also “time, times, and a half of time”

The Number 2520 & Coming Judgment Darkness covers all of North American on August 21st of 2017 (see illustration next
page). It is thought to indicate coming judgment upon the Gentiles of this land as a result of denying, forsaking, and rejecting God
(abortions, homosexuality, materialism, pride, etc.). After the cleansing or judgment, the Millennium will result, a creation period
ensuing where New Jerusalem will be built and its great temple, thought to pyramidal in some ways (see illustrations next page).
Another total solar eclipse covers this land some 6.5 years later in 2024, perhaps ending the 7-year tribulation period. It creates an X
over the Adam-ondi-Ahman and Independence areas (the area where New Jerusalem will be built). The timing between the two total
solar eclipses (or Aug. 21 - one month prior to Rosh Hashanah of 2017, to April 8, 2024), is not 7 years of either 365-day years or 360-
day years, but is little over 6 months shorter than 7 regular 365-day years (or precisely 2422 days or 6.635 years).
From the first black sun on August 21 of 2017 to Nov. 19 of 2024 is the judgment/creation number of 2520. Addressing it, Daniel
Matson states, “If we accept the theory that 2017 is the year that begins the Tribulation, then its beginning with The Covenant would be
on November 19, 2017 so that 2,520 days are allowed until the time of the Day of Atonement 2024. December 28, 2017 would coincide
with the sun at the “Christ Angle” and it also coincides with Tevet 10 that year. Tevet 10 is known as the day Nebuchadnezzar began his
siege upon Jerusalem and it was just recently that it was also the day in 2010 that began the whole crisis in the Middle East. However, it
is also interesting in that Tevet 10, 2017 would also be day 40 from the start of the Tribulation. What else this date in future history might
represent will have to be seen at the time. However, there seems to be a number of factors that might indicate some true significance
here” (see Daniel Matson, ).
70 & Judgment on Modern Babylon or Egypt Note that ten days after Nov. 19 is Nov. 29, the 333rd day of the 365-day
calendar year in 2017. Note also that Nov. 29th in 1947 was the day the U.N. set aside Israel for the return of the Jews worldwide.
Significantly, a 2520-day relationship is revealed between modern Israel's 70th year of statehood (when the U.N. established a homeland
for returning Jews on Nov. 29, 1947), and the Black Sun of 2017, signaling the end of modern Babylon the Great – the U.S. (see
illustration next page). The two total solar eclipses over this land (2017 & 2024) create an X, Tav, or Tau judgment mark (a seal from the
Great King), centered on the area between both Adam-ondi-Ahman and Independence Missouri (70 miles apart). This is also the general
area of the New Madrid fault zone, and the future setting for the New Jerusalem Temple. It is believed that there was a great earthquake
in this same area before our Lord came to visit those invited to see Him at Bountiful in 3 Nephi 11.
Another great earthquake there may split the country in two. Judgment will come upon this land (modern “Egypt”) in multiple ways
(see all of Isa. 19 for example, and Jer. 25:8-14 below); economic collapse, civil war, nuclear attack, wormwood, planet X, and the Lion
coming out of the wood upon the Eagle (2 Esdras 13). The number 70 is symbolic of the Gentiles throughout scripture.

Judgment in the Middle East Nov. 29 of 2016 is also the chiastic center of 4 Black Suns, whose 4 pathways form a 4-square
wall surrounding Israel, perhaps a symbol of God’s ultimate protection of Israel and judgment on the surrounding lands dominated by
Islam. Jeremiah 25 supports the coming judgment in connection with the number 70 (tied to the Gentiles in scripture).
Jeremiah 25:8-14 “Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; Because ye have not heard my words, behold, I will send and take all
the families of the north, saith the LORD, and Nebuchadezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will bring them against this land, and
against the inhabitants thereof, and against all these nations round about, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment,
and an hissing, and perpetual desolations. Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the
bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the sound of the millstones, and the light of the candle. And this whole land shall be a
desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. And it shall come to pass, when
seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the LORD, for their iniquity, and the land of
the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations. And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against
it, even all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations. For many nations and great kings shall
serve themselves of them also: and I will recompense them according to their deeds, and according to the works of their own hands.
Note also Hosea’s related words, “Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he
will bind us up. After two days [Joseph Smith inserted the number 2520 here when addressing the future coming of the Lord below] will
he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD:
his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth. O Ephraim,
what shall I do unto thee? O Judah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth
away. Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are as the light that
goeth forth. For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. But they like men have
transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me” (Hosea 6:1-7).

Top Left: The chiastic center of the 4 black sun pathways surrounding Jerusalem is Nov. 29 of 2016; Top Right: The two black suns 6.5
years apart are centered over the Adam-ondi-Ahmen area of North America, the land of the Gentiles. The darkest, central part of the
eclipse is 70 miles in diameter. This is the number in scripture for Gentiles; Bottom: There are 4 Tau-Cross judgment marks on the earth
from 1999 to 2034 created be two black sun pathways, each 2422 days apart (6.63 years). The one centered in North America is the
center of the 4 black suns in time. The areas judged may include: 1. The Seat of Satan in Pergamon Turkey, there the Christian martyr
Antipas was burned alive there because he would not worship a false God (Rev. 2:11-13). Turkey may be part of the Land of Gog &
Magog (ancient Nephilim giants); 2. The North Pole - Earth Axis. Some believe this area may be the home of the Lost Ten Tribes inside
the Earth (2 Esdras 13). We know there are a number of HAARP antenna stations in the north (U.S., Europe, Russia). Five in Norway
were completed in 2017; 3. The U.S. is modern-day Egypt (Isaiah) and Babylon, a major player in the New World Order. Headquarters
for it may be established in the area judged (see Dan. 11:45). Later this 70 mile area becomes the cleansed area of Adam-ondi-Ahman
(north) & New Jerusalem Temple (south); And 4. The area is home of Islam - part of the Latter-day Beast that is totally destroyed in the
last-days (Obadiah 8-14, 17-18).

Joseph Smith & 2520 The number 7 is the most common number in scripture. It is tied symbolically to spiritual progression
and perfection. God often pronounces judgment on His creation in the increment of 7 (a “fullness”), a number closely tied to “time” (a
week of 7 days, 7 dispensations of time on the earth, the 7th Sabbath day, etc.). We know that 7 x 360 (a prophetic year) equals 2520.
There are 2520 years from the time ancient Israel lost its power in 580 BC (according to Josephus) to 1940 AD. Seven years later in
1947, the Jews were given their land back in 1947, as judgment upon ancient Israel apparently ended after 2520 years (7 x 360 / a week
or 7 - 360-day “prophetic years). In 1947 the U.N. gave Israel (through Britain) a homeland to gather to after some 2000 years of
dispersion. A blood-moon tetrad followed in 1949. In the Six-Days War of 1967, the capital city Jerusalem was reclaimed. It was a
Jubilee Year of Restoration (covenant land returned to heirs).
The Jews also spent 70 years in Babylon for not honoring the Sabbatical Year of Release (see Jer. 25:8-12; 2 Chron. 36:15-21; Lev.
26:27-35). This gave the Earth needed rest or “release.” The three Sabbaths are all tied to the number 7. There is the 7th Sabbath day of
“rest”, the 7th Sabbatical year of “release”, and the 7 x 7 Jubilee year of “restoration.” The year 2016 was a Jubilee Year of Restoration,
potentially signaling the return of all lands taken or given away in “land swaps for peace” - in the Holy Land - to Abraham’s seed as their
eternal inheritance. This is also true of Manasseh here, as this land will eventually return to Native Americans as their rightful inheritance
- in events that begin at the end of this 2016 Jubilee Year of Restoration (the time a new President is elected over the U.S.). Many Jewish
Rabbi’s believe the next year, 2017 is the year 5777, perhaps the beginning of the 7th Millennium.
Joseph’s Prophecy of the Return of Christ & 2520 “I was once praying earnestly upon this subject, and a voice said unto me,
“My son, if thou livest until thou art eighty-five years of age, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man.” I was left to draw my own
conclusions concerning this; and I took the liberty to conclude that if I did live to that time, He would make His appearance. But I do not
say whether He will make His appearance or I shall go where He is. I prophesy in the name of the Lord God, and let it be written--the
Son of Man will not come in the clouds of heaven till I am eighty-five years old. Then read the 14th chapter of Revelation, 6th and 7th
verses—“And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,
and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory to Him, for the our of His
judgment is come.” And Hosea, 6th chapter, After two days, etc.,--2,520 years; which brings it to 1890. The coming of the Son of Man
never will be--never can be till the judgments spoken of for this hour are poured out: which judgments are commenced. Paul says, "Ye
are the children of the light, and not of the darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief in the night.” It is not the design of the
Almighty to come upon the earth and crush it and grind it to powder, but he will reveal it to His servants the prophets” (Joseph Smith
remarks about the Second Coming at a conference, held April 6, 1843, DHC 5:336-37).
As we see above, the Prophet Joseph Smith referenced 2520 years in a discussion of his prophecy of Christ coming in the year he
turned 85 years old (1890, D&C 130; HC 5:336-37). He was born in 1805. Adding 85 years to this is 1890, the year Christ did visit a
gathering of invited Native Americans at Walker Lake Nevada. It was reported widely in newspapers and magazines that year and lead to
the Messiah Craize in the western United States among Native Americans. The Smithsonian Museum sent an ethnologist to record and
write about “The Messiah Craize,” resulting in a 1152 page report on the topic. For complete coverage of this mostly forgotten, important
event, see the book, The Remnant Awakens, by the author,
Native American Leader Chosen There is also 2520 years from the time ancient Israel lost its power in 580 BC (according to
Josephus) to 1940 AD, the date Joseph the Indian Prophet was chosen by all representatives (some 125,000) at the great “Good Will”
conference at Lake Patscuaro in the Mexican state of Michoacan. It was in 1940 that “Joseph” of The Star God City was chosen to lead
all Native American people in the western Hemisphere (see magazine section of the Salt Lake Tribune, March 30, 1940). The highlight
of the conference on day 6 was Joseph’s speech on the future building of a great temple in the land northward. The Manasseh Remnant
will build the Joseph portion of it with help from others (3 Ne. 21:24-25).
2+5+2+0 = 9 - Another Judgment & Creation Number The Lord made coverings for Adam and Eve in Eden, the earth’s first
temple. Their first coverings were fig leaves, covering the organs of creation. This reveals a potential link between the fig tree, the Tree
of Knowledge, and creation. There are nine fig leaves on the ritual apron today. This number has ties to male and female in creation (see
chart hereafter). Figs are one of the most alkaline of foods known, a life giving force counteracting acidic foods. Folk medicine ascribes
figs to increasing the number of sperm in men and treatment of male sterility. The fig shape also resembles the uterus, with an opening at
the bottom for a wasp to enter and pollinate it. Figs are full of seeds (eggs or sperm) and hang in twos (male testes) when they grow. The
tail of the sperm is made of nine twisted threads, and after uniting with the egg, forms a centriole, which features a circle of nine parallel
tubes. The fertilized egg develops into a child after nine months of gestation. Abraham was 99 years old when Isaac was finally
conceived with Sarah (she was aged [thought to be 90 years of age] and barren, though see miraculously conceived, see Genesis 21).
Ancient sources say conception of Isaac occurred in the 9th month on Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets), the civil New Year’s Day
in later Israel. This was the day Abraham and Sarah’s kingdom was established through their everlasting covenant with God.
In sacred architecture, we find many Mayan pyramids with 9 levels, such as those at Chichen Itza, Palenque and Tikal. They are
believed to represent 9 levels of human consciousness (see Carl Johan Calleman, Solving the Greatest Mystery of our Time: the Mayan
Calendar. Garev Publishing International, pps. 1–260). Note the following “creation” numbers tied to measure hereafter, the sum of each
set of numbers at left equaling the creation number 9 at right, or a number divisible by 9:

The sacred cubit of 25.2 inches = 9

The harmonic frequency of the cosmos at 432 hz = 9
The average length of each of the 12 signs in the Great Year is 2160 years = 9
The number of degrees in a perfect 360 degree circle = 9
The number of days in an Enoch calendar year (360 days) = 9
The measure of the New Jerusalem wall – 144 cubits (Rev. 21:17) = 9
The energy level associated with the color Indigo is 144 Hz = 9
The speed of light harmonic is 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second = 9
A total of 144,000 arc-minutes converts to 162,000 nautical miles in

real-time per second, or 186,000 standard miles per second
The diameter of the moon is 1080 miles = 9
There are 9 fig leaves on the temple’s ritual covering of procreation organs = 9
The male sperm has 9 twisted threads or tails = 9
The female fertilized egg features a centriole with 9 parallel tubes = 9
Human gestation of the new child is 9 months = 9
Abraham was 99 years old when Isaac was conceived = 9
Length of time of the Precession of the Equinoxes – 25,920 years = 18 9
Diameter of the earth – 7920 miles = 18 9
The lunar (female) number 1080 / see endnote 70 = 18 9
The solar (male) number 666 (Revelation 13:18) / see endnote 70 = 18 9
The sum of 666 (male) and 1080 (female) in connection with creation = 1746 9
Age of the patriarch Abraham when he and Sarah had Isaac = 99
The last total solar eclipse covering all of North America was in 2018 = 99

9 as a Judgment Number- Tisha B’Av Blood-moons as signs reveal God’s continual desire to redeem all His covenant
children. He sends warning after warning to us. In addition to events tied to blood-moon Tetrads, another judgment sign is that tied to
both judgment (next page) and creation (endnote 7) in the number 9. This connection began when the 9th day of the 5th month of Av,
which was cursed of God following a lack of faith in Him (see Num. 13:1-14). It is now an official Jewish “day of mourning,” tied to
judgment and its curses, those that have continually occurred on this day in the past, a result of the Lord’s people straying from Him. It is
called Tisha B’Av. The first of the cursed days began on the 9th of Av thousands of years ago when a bad report came back from 10 of 12
spies sent to view the Promised Land, then report back to Moses. Only Joshua of the tribe of Ephraim and Caleb of the tribe of Judah
(the two leading tribes of Israel) came back with a good report (for more on this story, see p. 72). Will another judgment on this date
involve the timing of the destruction of the new temple built in Jerusalem, like that of the pattern in #’s 2 and 4 on the chart below?

1. Bad report brought back by 10 of 12 spies the 9th of Av 1313 BC

2. Solomon’s Temple destroyed the 9th of Av 587 BC
3. Defeat at the Kochba Rebellion the 9th of Av 133 BC
4. Herod’s Temple destroyed the 9th of Av 70 AD
5. The Jews expelled from England the 9th of Av 1290 AD
6. The Jews expelled from Spain the 9th of Av 1492 AD
7. World War I began the 9th of Av 1914 AD
8. Hitler’s proclamation against the Jews the 9th of Av 1933 AD
9. The Jews expelled from the Gaza Strip the 9th of Av 2005 AD

Christ died at the 9th hour (Mark 15:34). He had been judged by the Sanhedrin to be worthy of death. God’s judgment on us comes on
the “day of the lord” or “the great and terrible day of the Lord” (Joel 2:31), doing so swiftly “in a day.” It is a result of being “rebellious
children” (Isa. 1:2, 30:1), of embracing “Babylon,” of becoming a “backsliding heifer” and turning our backs on the Lord and forgetting
Him (Isa. 17:10).5 Surprisingly, the number 9 also has ties to creation too (see endnote 7). This is because God’s mercy always follows
judgment for the covenant people, as in rebuilding following destruction. It represents joy replacing mourning as promised in Isaiah 61:3.
Judgment on our corrupt government results in the creation of a new one thereafter, where real and consistent justice, via good judgment,
becomes commonplace under righteous, inspired leadership. Note the words of Zephaniah relative to judgment at the great day of the
Lord. “The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord: the mighty man shall cry
there bitterly. That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and
gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers”
(Zeph. 1:14-16).
Ascension Home to God Lehi and Nephi’s visions in the Book of Mormon were ascent visions, giving to us as an example. We
are to follow them and the Lord’s invitation to “repent and come unto me” literally. “Life-giving light” has connection with the gift of
“eternal life” in association with ascension home to God, a core purpose of the education that takes place in temples. They provide
“keys” of symbolic knowledge pointing to the real thing, returning home to God in an ascent-vision. This return is partly aided by the
teachings of Facsimile 2 of the Book of Abraham. It is a map of sorts illustrating “the way” of the return, the pathway home through the
stars in the north – the dwelling place of God. In Facsimile 2 we see the Eternal Father (Ahman at center [figure 1]), the Eternal Mother
(Hathor [a cow] in the lower half [figure 5]), and the sacrificed, resurrected Son, Christ (Osiris-Horus – atop the hypocephalus [figure
2]). We see the righteous brought before the eye of the Eternal Father in the solar barque, [figure 3]). Joseph Smith stated, “A Key: Every
principle proceeding from God is eternal, and any principle which is not eternal is of the devil. The sun has no beginning or end, the rays
which proceed from himself have no bounds, consequently are eternal” (Joseph Smith, WJS, p. 60). Facsimile 2 is also a description of
Abraham receiving light from the Eternal Father. Ascension experiences throughout scripture (those of Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Isaiah,
Lehi, Nephi, etc.) provide a pattern for this visionary ascent and return. It is known as the “ascent vision,” “throne vision,” “throne
theophany” or “sod6 experience,” among other terms. The ascension process utilizes a “rainbow bridge” between heaven and earth,
where one is taken “in the Spirit” to God. King Benjamin in Mosiah 5:15 states that we are “taken to heaven” and “sealed His” (to Christ,
the Father of our Salvation via His atonement). Many of those who love God and have sought Him have come into the presence of our
Savior as Redeemer in this life, and then our Father and Mother in heaven thereafter. All three beings in this heavenly family are
illustrated in ancient Egypt by the gods Ahman, Hathor and son Horus (a divine triad). Christ's Atonement (Facsimile 1) makes ascension

and at-one-ment with them (Facsimile 3) possible. “The way” or portal home has a number of different names. Scientists refer to it as the
“Einstein-Rosen Bridge.” Scripture often refers to it as a “pillar of fire” or “a pillar of light.” Others call it “Jacob’s ladder” or “the Tree
of Life.” Note the collection of these names for the pathway home:

The Pillar of Fire The Way The Tree of life

Pillar of light A More Excellent Way The Egyptian Djed pillar (human spine)
Jacob’s Ladder The Rainbow Bridge Axis Mundi
Stairway to Heaven The Einstein-Rosen Bridge The May Pole
A Stargate A Portal A Tunnel of Light
Eye of Horus Eye of the Needle True or Sure Nail
Healing Earth The unique geometry of the Great Pyramid and the King's chamber within it are both harmonically tuned to the
resonance of mother Earth (6.8 Hz), according to Anita Meyer. This is thought to continually enhance the earth's “healing” (renewal) by
sending this frequency through the granite, quartz, and limestone built into the structure. The same natural stones are located below it
upon the Giza Plateau. Like a great antennae, the structure is also centered upon the earth's landmass, sending these healing frequencies
throughout the Earth's crust, as much of it is made of granite. In Moses 6-7 we read of Enoch’s great concern for the Earth and her
inhabitants. We read that she desired to be cleansed from the filth and pollution upon her (prior to the Flood), and looked forward to the
time of her healing by way of the Creator’s Atonement (see Moses 7:48, 54). See Anita Meyer, In Search of the Holy Language,
The Speed of Light Harmonic & Other Light-Based Numbers Normally 186,000 standard miles per second is our definition of
the speed of light. Researcher Bruce Cathie has discovered the light centeredness of another important number in the Bible tied to light,
144,000. The Great Pyramid has a number of connections to this number, including the belief that it once had 144,000 white limestone
cover-stones gracing its exterior, now used in various building in Cairo Egypt. Cathie states, “I theorize that space and time manifest
from the geometric harmonies of the wave motions of light. The fundamental harmonic of light is free space, in geometric terms being an
angular velocity of 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second, there being 97,200 gird seconds to one revolution of the earth.” A total of
144,000 Arc-minutes converts to 162,000 nautical miles in real-time per second, or 186,000 standard miles per second. Note the
numbers tied to light below. For a complete discussion of the number 144 - the light harmonic, see Bruce L. Cathie, The Bridge to
Infinity, Adventures Unlimited Press, p. 8. See also Lost Wisdom, by the Author, Digital Legend Press. Note the following numbers:

432 x 2000 = 864000 The Diameter of the Sun in miles (our physical source of light)
432 x 432 = 186624 The Speed of Light (approx. 186,000 miles per second which equals 144,000 Arc minutes)
432 / 3 = 144 At-one-ment 144 Hz as a frequency (or 144,000 cycles per second) allows for all wavelengths of
frequency to harmonize easily with each other. It is the number of unity or reconciliation – “at-one-
ment.” The higher frequency of the color indigo is 144 Hz.
144,000 Arc-minutes Speed According to Bruce Cathie, “the fundamental harmonic of light in free space and geometric
terms - being an angular velocity of 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second, is 97,200 gird seconds to
one revolution of the earth” (Cathie, Bridge to Infinity, p. 8). A total of 144,000 Arc-minutes converts
to 162,000 nautical miles in real-time per second, or 186,000 standard miles per second.
432 Arc-minutes Angular Velocity The distance from the center of the earth to the average height of the atmosphere.
This value is given as 4320 arc-minutes, which harmonically can be reduced down to 432, the
fundamental vibration for the sixth node in the octave.
43200 seconds The number of seconds in 12 hours (1/2 of the day)
432 x 5 = 2160 The Diameter of the Moon in miles (also the time in years average for each of the 12 zodiac signs)
4320 / 360 = 12 Governance or Order This is symbolized in the number 12 in scripture
432 x 60 = 25920 Time - The Precession of the equinoxes (one complete rotation of the 12 zodiac signs)
432 Borobudur in Indonesia features 432 Buddha statues in its 5 lower balustrade levels

Great Pyramid Distance David Flynn has pointed out that the actual distance from the Temple Mount area in Jerusalem to the
northeast corner of the Great Pyramid is 480,000 yards, or 1,440,000 feet (1.44 million feet). He believes the Exodus from Egypt may
have taken place in 1,441 BC, some 480 years prior to start of construction on Solomon’s Temple in 961 BC (1 Kings 6:1). Note that 480
yards x 3 feet x 100 = 144,000 feet. Note also the correlation between both sets of similar numbers.
Light & the Harmonics of 144 and 432 Correct musical harmony was an essential part of temple worship anciently, in conjunction
with praise of God. Thousands of musicians and singers were utilized in the Temple built by Solomon. His father David was an
accomplished musician and maker of musical instruments. Rhythm, melody, and harmony represent the three primary elements of
beautiful music. According to Pythagoras, harmony is one of the four number-centered “Quadrivium” (Arithmetic, Geometry, Harmony
& Astronomy), studied as part of the seven liberal arts, with the “Trivium” (Grammar, Logic & Rhetoric). It is believed that if we are to
ascend to God here, we must be in harmony with Him through raising our own frequency – our level of light and become one with Him –
“at – one – ment.”
Using essential oils of high frequency, utilizing a purer diet, being joyful and grateful, consistent repentance, increasing knowledge,
and increasing charity, are the ways we raise our light or frequency level. These demonstrate real desire and love for God – the first and
great commandment. Yet it is only in Jesus Christ, our mediator and reconciler that we may be perfected, only in, by and through Him
are we saved, after all we can do (2 Nephi 25:23).

The number 432 appears to be a “key” number in raising “harmonic frequency,” just as the number 2520 (the “Sacred Cubit” at 25.20
inches) is a “key” number for creating sacred space within sacred time via sacred measure. Both are part of important ratios tied to divine
Great harmony is found in the ordered movements of the sun, moon and planets, moving within the same frequency ratio as the notes
on our most harmonic scale. This is why this order is often called “the music of the spheres.” For music to sound consonant (or in-tune)
different notes need to be related in a way which is pleasing to the ear. Tuning based on a series of twelve notes in perfect fifths has
played an important role in world music tradition. The difference in frequency between two pitches is an octave. A note and another note
with twice its frequency form an octave. Octaves are perceived as a consonance in every musical culture.
Evidence suggests modern non-consonant musical frequencies have been purposely introduced into western culture as a control device
by evil and designing men, specifically widespread usage of the 440 hz frequency (see Leonard G. Horowitz, Musical Cult Control: The
Rockefeller Foundation’s War on Consciousness Through the Imposition of a 440 hz Standard Tuning @ A re-introduction of consonance (order via harmony) in the
432 hz frequency is believed to provide positive frequencies in music that combat chaos and disorder, bringing instead stability via order
for the transformation of the human soul. A software conversion program for changing existing music at 440 hz to 432 hz can be
obtained at (see also for more information on this subject).
Harmony or At-one-ment “Entrainment” is a music term associated with natural tendencies in the universe to share rhythm, or to
vibrate in harmony, being “one.” Patterns in the ascension experiences of many in scripture suggest a primary feature of the liturgy of the
temple in heaven is praising God through song and music in harmonious fashion (all are one). Solomon’s Temple featured hundreds of
musicians (singers and those that played instruments) for this purpose. In the sciences such harmony or frequency is the principle where
two oscillating bodies lock into phase with one another. It is very satisfying in music and appears to assist the ascension process. Through
“entrainment” music has potential to: (1) resonate with the listener’s feelings, (2) transform negativity into positivity, and (3) promote a
state of liveliness or serenity. Certain sounds or frequencies, in specific sequence can transform listeners. When other frequencies, such
as the current 440 frequency is corrected to 432, other notes in the entire octave display a multitude of ancient sacred numbers that are
found in astronomy, sacred geometry, the Bible and religious works such as the Bhagavad-gita, along with numbers corresponding to
exact longitude and latitudes of many sacred sites. Note how 432 relates to other numbers:

432 / 3 = 144 At-one-ment 144 hz as a frequency (or 144,000 cycles per second) allows for all wavelengths of
frequency to harmonize easily with each other. It is the number of unity or reconciliation “at-one-ment.”
The higher frequency of vibration in the color indigo is at a frequency of 144 Hz.
432 Arc-minutes Angular Velocity The distance from the center of the earth to the average height of the atmosphere. This
value is given as 4320 arc-minutes, which harmonically can be reduced down to 432, the fundamental
vibration for the sixth node in the octave. Researcher Bruce Cathie has studied anti-gravity and light
harmonics for 30 years, finding that the fundamental harmonic of light in geometric terms has an angular
velocity of 144,000 minutes of arc per grid second.
43200 seconds The number of seconds in 12 hours (1/2 of the day)
432 x 5 = 2160 The Diameter of the Moon in miles
432 x 2000 = 864000 The Diameter of the Sun in miles
432 x 432 = 186624 The Speed of Light (approx. 186,000 miles per second)
4320 / 360 = 12 Governance or Order This is symbolized in the number 12 in scripture.
432 / Pi (3.14) = 138 Response to Light This is the angle at which plant limbs and leaves grow around a stalk or trunk in
response to light (138 + 42 [41.5] degrees = 180 degrees, ½ a full circle). The secondary rainbow is
formed at 42 degrees (41.5).
432 hz Tuning The Harmonic for Tuning Unearthed archaic Egyptian musical instruments are largely tuned at
at 432 hz. This is also true of ancient Greece, their instruments predominantly tuned to 432 hz.
Orpheus, the god of music, death and rebirth (in archaic Greek Eleusenian Mysteries) was the keeper
of the Ambrosia and the music of transformation. His instruments were also tuned at 432 hz.
The original Stradivarius violin was designed to be tuned to 432. It is the most precise musical
instrument ever constructed.
432 / 2520 = 1.71 Divine Proportion This number is close to golden or divine proportion (1.618). It is created when
4320 is divided by the Sacred Cubit (God’s arm length - 2520 or 25.20 inches).
432 x 60 = 25920 Time - The Precession of the equinoxes (one complete rotation of the 12 zodiac signs)
432 Borobudur in Indonesia features 432 Buddha statues in its 5 lower balustrade levels

The author is grateful to Yvonne Bent & Leticia Folau for their insights on the 432 frequency in music. See how the massive stone
blocks of the Great Pyramid were used using sound and light frequency in endnote 6 hereafter.
9 12,000 + Pyramids Worldwide Pyramids are found on six continents, not just Egypt and Central and South America. According
to anthropologist Sam Osmanagich of Bosnia, they include those in Java, Indonesia, Tahiti, Mauritius, Japan (near the coast, underwater),
Cambodia and those listed below. Creating the greatest interest as of late are five grouped pyramids discovered by Osmanagich in
Bosnia. The three largest pyramids are perfectly positioned relative to the four cardinal directions (like the Great Pyramid). The Pyramid
of the Sun (largest in the world [3x the size of the Great Pyramid]) casts its shadow on the Pyramid of the Moon (smaller) on the Summer
Solstice. Both are positioned relative to the Pyramid of the Dragon (or serpent [Christ?], smallest of the three) in a perfect triangular

relationship. Numerous T-shaped channels of the water are found beneath them. Measurements taken atop the Pyramid of the Sun reveal
high-level electromagnetic (EM) energy.

10,000 pyramids in Mexico and South America 1000 in Belieze 34 in Peru 9 in Bosnia
130 in Egypt 224 in Sudan 43 in Italy
250 in Han Yangling, Xian, China 3 in Korea 7 in Greece

How was the Great Pyramid Built - Levitation The Great Pyramid is one of two known structures that effectively “square the
circle” using light-based harmonics of frequency (the other being Stonehenge). How did ancient man quarry, finish, and move the
pyramid’s 2.5 million stones quickly, each weighing many tons into correct position to create “squared-circle” and “rainbow geometry”
with further ties to the physics of light itself? Such places may have been inspired by God and built by people much more advanced than
we are. Some believe the 2.5 million stones of the Great Pyramid (and other megalithic monuments) may have been lifted into place by
knowledgeable ones using sound in harmony with light harmonics.

Illustration of Tibetan Monks levitating a stone to a cliff-face location. There were 19 monks. They used 13 drums (1 small drum at
center and 12 larger ones, six on each side). There were also 6 trumpets. The monks also sang and chanted (prayer), slowing increasing
tempo, lifting the large stone into place with focused harmonious sounds (frequency, pitch & rhythm). All was directed towards the stone.
Five to six stones were lifted into place each hour.

The stones of the Great Pyramid weighed 2.5 tons on average, some as heavy as 16 tons. The key for the deviance of gravity, was
tuning into the natural harmonics of the cosmos, those represented by a divine geometry of frequency, reduced in simplest form to
numbers, those that have connection to creation and light. The 200 fallen angels who came to the Earth in the Book of Enoch (the
Watchers) are believed to have also built many structures around the world that also feature massive stones moved in this manner (Peru,
Lebanon, etc.). The giants in the Bible are thought to be their offspring (with mortal women on Earth). There are 22 giant scriptures in
the Bible: (pre-flood) Gen. 6:1-9, 11:1-9; Moses 7:15, 8:18; (post-flood) Num. 13:28-29, 13:32-33; Lev. 20:15-16, 27; Deut. 2:10-13,
3:8-13; 1 Sam. 17:4-11, 21:19-22, 2 Sam. 23:20; 1 Chron. 20:6; 2 Chron. 2:10; Josh. 15:8, 18:16; Isa. 26:13-14; Dan. 4:13-14; Amos 2:9;
Matt. 24:37-38; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6-8; 1 Enoch 6:1-8, 7:1-6, 8:1-4, 10:9, 12:1-6, 16:1-2; Book of Jubilees, Jasher, & the Testimony of
Light is vibrational frequency in visible and non-visible form. Music is an audible form of frequency utilizing notes within space - or a
spatial relationship - over time to create rhythm and harmony. The best music is uplifting, figuratively and literally. We listen to music to
change our attitude, to lift our spirits. Tibetan monks have used sound frequencies to lift heavy stones into place. Did those who built
Stonehenge and other massive stone monuments around the world use this science of frequency too, including perhaps Solomon? We do
not have the wisdom to build the Great Pyramid today with our so-called advanced technology. Scripture reveals that God has always
provided light to those who will humbly seek and receive it. He is there, ready when we are. Mortality is short, and thus we must work
and seek light while it is available.
Accessing Pyramid Light & Energy for Healing Some alternative health practitioners or “energy workers” report seeing and
accessing a pyramid in their healing work. The pyramid form apparently has ties to energy centered in light (perhaps both symbolically
and physically) and appears to be useful in healing, a primary purpose for the efforts of Christ-centered “energy workers” and of our
Savior. He is the great healer. Some of these gifted people are committed Latter-day Saints with little or no ties to new age philosophy.
The Great Pyramid has physical and symbolic ties to light, including the rainbow, the token of the Everlasting Covenant centered in
Christ. A primary reason for accessing light energy, beyond healing and wellness is the ascent vision experience where we become one
with God.
The Word Pyramid In Chaldee, the word pyramid means urim-middin, “the lights – the measures.” The Greek word pyramid,
however, is composed of the words pyra, meaning fire, light, or visible, and the word midos, meaning measures or middle. Some believe
the word comes from the Greek words pyramis and pyramidos. The meaning of the word pryamis may relate to the shape of a pyramid, a
ray of fiery sunlight, but most definitely to fire. The word pyramidos is often translated “fire in the middle,” but in the middle of what?
Egyptologist Mark Lehner has stated that the ancient Khemitian term for pyramid was something he calls MR.Pyramid, with MR
referring to a “place of ascension.” This follows his belief that pyramids were places where the soul of the righteous king “ascended.”
MR is typically written as Mer, and more commonly translated as “beloved,” as in Meriamen (Beloved of Amon, The Hidden One) or
Meritaten (Beloved of Aten, The Wiser), or Miriam of the Old Testament (Prophetess and sister of Moses and Aaron). The early

righteous Davidic kings like David and Solomon were known as beloved “sons of God.” They had ascended to God's presence, gaining
knowledge and power to lead their people.
The Book of Mormon was written in “reformed Egyptian.” One of its characters is the simple triangle, which means “the Lord.” Three
times in Isaiah 19-20 we read that the Great Pyramid was built to “the Lord.” Is is a stone memorial for and of Him.
Sacred geometry expert John Michell has shown that John the Revelator’s number 666 is clearly a fiery, solar number. He believes it
has ties to not only the Beast in Revelation 13, but to Christ and measures for the New Jerusalem Temple in a separate context (like the
serpent, which has similar dual meaning). Many prophetic scriptures have dual fulfillment, one in antiquity and another in the last-days.
All of Isaiah can be read this way. Thus, the “altar” and “pillar” in Egypt (Isaiah 19:19-20) may also reference modern-day Egypt in the
last-days – America - and the New Jerusalem Temple built in the center of this land, once this area is cleansed. Prophecy states that it
will have a pillar of fire above it. A “savior and a great one” will be associated with it.


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